r- r 4, f. VOL TIlAa 2M TUE'flORTfl CAROLINA ARGUS, yBLIsatD IVEKY TnUKSOAT,' BY FRANK. PARLEY. Of SUBSCRIPTION. IXvUtMSLT I 4DTAJIC1, ,r " aoatba, ... . . thrwa months thro oionlhi, , ..... .....MM 2.00 1.00 KATES Of ADVKRTPWO. - t7" Ttt Htet tr lest, Brevtet, aula tqui Transient advtrilttmeaU, oat ineertioo, per equert. ....... ............. .."........ $1 00 Tbto Insertions, .......... ........... 2 00 Legal BotlttefoMtuariee. annooaeemtnta faodl Ui nd tpeeitl nofieet at the abovt rate. . Notice of Marriaret aol dtatbt fro. - AotdvertleaiBeet making ten Koet or more. v forlbroe natbe, ptr sqotrt ,,.. ..$4 00 ft S MOat, 11.00 for 00 JMTiMMt .. 2000 ".' JV TV Month,-' ? .- Oatewertar oo'ama. (fit aqiaret)............ $W Orto-belf olea, (nine aqotret.) ....... 60. . On colama, (titttt aqMit, ).....'.....,. Jo. W As Month, Ont-qnartor tolumo, (80 mum,)... $ SO. H!f f jtueia, (nine tqoarr, )..... ....... ...... 80. Oat tetania, (tlghteta ?aaret,)........... 120. .' For Ont Tear One qoarfr eotoae, (f rt r)uml),.,n. $ 00. Half colonse. (tiae tqtarte.) ........... 1 40. Qot eotnma, (t!gbttO tqatrtt,) m 290. VK- Pay for tnnelat-edvertlmo wbtn Hit aoa btr fcf tnoortiont trt llmittd, dtt b baa del It for eablloiii w; tnd for qoarUrly, (ttlf yttrt or Jtrl dtrUnifit aay On tfltr lrt tarrtloa. TUB ST4T Liir. AK 'iSOJNiKCE TO CHANGE THE JPR1SDIC. "TL E l ! I TO T 11 1 R El H . Se rtoli D i orduxuJ if lit pfoplt Sonh Ca'v.mi, v i.mmiun umiW. m4 U if htttby dam, I mukonty (A km Tbt Ibt jridictioii f ih wrl LVuiU o( tht 8tU, aad of Jullrtt of . U. Po. tscpl jproii)tl io thia orJlaoe, tbtil U la tb r 18(X). Bu.2. 4 fur'kntUmtd, Tb! U rvtr) Sp rlor Cvnrtt tt lw, tt U8pHo( Trrsi tktrtofMly, - l.4 utb.f w;t brtliprTiJl, ibtll bft ttclaairt r!jio! JaHwJtotioa tt ar, try m4 dsUrnlatall tioM of obf , ftatat, aMnpt or teeoant, vbtt tbt tun duo or ovlog, traoutU (priaeipl ao4 Inter n) t4 .:-r d 'lir or aiorr. liol. bfrtk$rt4iinU, 7l aJI wriU ia atbt, coitUASl, attaaptlt or acooaat itwll 00 rttaratbla la 8priij Ttrta aa j bt omd al lout thirty (Saa 4ji ItveluJod MiTO tbi rotirs dj. Wibia Ibt - irn tbrot 4a;a of tbt tttara torta, too at J ibt d.fad 6l jit It Cbt plUtiJ. or into Coart U bit not, oot trftA ef tbt dtbt or uftd pHociptJ aiti la(orot)aaJ t tuau ft tbt litia. bt bU b aatll atst priur Trw to plttJ. At tba tmii Spiiag Terta, .aiaaiJ lb dcfoadtel pa to too tUfaUf. or ia, o Cort bit aw, ft-i.b of tk rtUao of Uo dtbt tr do d tkoi ocat, a tbU t aJ:o4 mtJ ttt adroetd t" Spring Trw la poad. At tbtoaM Spring Troi, ..,,a!i tbt dflo. pj It tb p'otanff, or iato Coait i bit ota. tbt Ifclf of tbt midut of tbt debt or do bt btl bt vlltot4 aot- tbt tacot4ieg Sprio Trrfii t plMd. At Ibt oid Spring Ttrm tbt plaietia' bil bt;t jJctat for tbt rctMut tf bit tlobt or da lUAtd. PfUtd. howw, Tbt tbt painiltr, if rtqalrtd 'abtii tit bit dtbt or dtatad la w riling; tod if tbt 4tfro jot bH kt oatb tbat tbt mt-o or an prt ibtro( i a Jutlj dvt. or that btbaa a oouoUr oiaia of oklcb tbali bt ptrtitabrljr aet forth by atBJatit - - iLa tbt df. o lat abait 00I7 )i y tbt laaulmtct rt quired, of wbai bt adoiila to bt dot, aod Ibt Co art khkt! erdtr t Jorr, at tbt taatt or wm aahtaqatat ttna.Ho try Ibt "tr la ditputt betotta tbt parlitt, tad t tbt atit Stria- Ttrti tbt dvftadtM tbali bt tlloatd Uoto to plotd uo1 r apoo panttt of oat-ftftb of iHt rmlJiit of tbt aJmuud amvaat, and vbaitTtr in tbat-caat tbt pi to Jo Igtatnt aod exooatioo- tocsrdiag 10 Iba eooret of ibt Coon to low- 8-fr'.r-rBfc aa ti.in of debt, boveoaat attBmpalt or ace cant iatntd to fall Term l. . H.aa BKaK.1 faiaaa I Riluhia.! A Aa . m Kn tta the afaBMak 1 Tk. .1. .1.-fk. .I.f.i.i f.ii 1,. 1 J'" w 7Tr BO tw, ;."W "T Tbal on taeb aoUoo to par id r mmj guttoitot thali bt fillod: tiiuin itnii tt eannit it vmttai a 01 tot superior "'"r, That mil txocutor eraJmini.tratort, who bavt by the Sbtr. nn M opnog term, iovt,mw an kiiou , t dflt. eoeenact, attrnptit or account, bow peortiog ia the Saparior Court, ahall bo ooatiaaed to Spring Term, and if Ibo defendant baa entered hit pitta, be ni;l bt atowea 10 ttunaraw tot aatat, aua uat ut ttunrlu.tf ool4B Arf-lbitrdiBaBe Sacf 6- Bt a fufthtr oriiintJ, Tbal dormant Judge- BieotH tbali only bt rtvivtd by action 1 of debt, and ary scire facia to rele 0 jadgment obt.ll be die oii J on motion :vjW, That tbott bow ietned bail bt diami?'i l tbt eoel of tbt debtor. fco 6 Bt it furtktr ordivud, That fht Clerks of tbt ?teial Conoty Courts tbali transfer 1 actiootof IM, eoTcnent, atumpit or aoooaat now ponding in tbtlr re(tctivt Court,, to tbe Spring Term, 18d7, of the Superior CoBrte, and tba aaid Spring Term aball bt detmed tht rttara tera tbtrtof and tbt aaid aotiooa ball tUod at if originally instituted la that Court.' Bsc. 7. Bt it furtktr ordaimtd, That tbt Clerka of tbt ttvtral Coonty Coor, if requetted ao to do by tba plajntifft, Uy dajs before tba Spring Terma, 1867, of tbt "Superior Courta, tbali traaaaiU to aaid Spring 1 debts, oovenant, aaaampait or account entered on tbt dockttt of their Coorta, togo'Jiar with thaartitaof 8tri faoixt or vtaditioni txponat Issued thereon, aod ahall laiul rot'ce thtrjoto tbtiel9adatehioti notice shall bt oervfl tt least thirty days befort said finptrior ConrU. At tht Spring Ttrms afortiiaid, tht Court (hall on motion order tbo eatd judgtuent to bo tntertd 00 tbt mioutt dothtte, provided tbtaawt wert not dormant wbtn transmitted from the County Courts, and on such entritt bting made, tba aaid judg ments (halt bo taken and held to bo judgtoenU of tbo 8aperior Cborte and writ of fieri faeit and voodi- s tiontexpwtaemay Insoe, sa provided in seotioa 10 of this on'inct, following the write transmitted from ' the turfty Coorte aad pmtrriBg tbe litna, a if is ined by tb am Coart.- - Safl- 8. Bt. it further ordaintd, Tbst tbe Sheriff In waob Counry tbali ret am all write of fieri faoiaa and ttaditiool tzponas issued from tht County Court on Jodgmontia actions of debt, eoveaaat, aaaampait or aecuunt to tbe next tera of aaid Court, without salt; and (hall return all writ of fl fa or venditioni expon as Issued on timiUr judgment from, the Suptrior ! Coart or dtcroe of tbt Court or Equity en money dt- - mended to Spring Term, 1867, without tale. Sac. 9. Bt it furtktr ordaintd. That ao wriU of fi fa or venditioni exponas oa jodgmeate ia actio us of dtbt, eottnanu; Mf uapsit or account abavit nereawer itaaa from tbe County ConrU, nor aball aaid wriU oa taob Judgment iat from or to tbe I'all Terma of the Saptrior Courts'; exeept la east wbtrs defendant: . failt to comply with the provisions of tbit ordioanot, aad it la directed that Dumltff may proceed aeeording o the rogaiar aonrta of tbo Court. . -Sao. 10. BtUfuftktr prdotd, That ao write of fi f or venditioni txpooat ea Judgment ia aotioae of' debt, covenant, aaaumptit or aeeoaat, or deeroee for . aaonty dtmaade lo Kqnitv aball laaue from 8u ring Tera, witboat pertnlwloa of Court, and should tba deftodaot vltbia tbtlrtt tbroo dart par oao-toaik of tbt ladgotat or doorta tad ootta, tbta tbt writ aball M erodittd oot-UDlh, latatd aad lnatodlauVr rttar- ra "iBaaicta:" trvoyUA, e plaleUlf ahall bo al lowtd U Uka tba aald oao-Uatb vltboat I rat ttUritg bit atotat to aald rttara: Andpmtdtd furtktr, That taob aattBt aad rttara tbali aot prrjudioo aa Uta tbt plaintiff may tbta bavt by rjrtat of laid I fa or rtaaitioai tipoaur rrovU4 furtktr, Tbal atBprinr Ttrrml, ibr tafradaat"po-VBttBr aot Iftt of iba rttltut or tbt ladgmtot or dooroo and ootta akall a't loaoigtoot to uit atanntr. Bao. 11. B it furtktr trdaintd. That opoa all war ranto brfort Jattioot of tbt Ptttt for a demaad (pria eipai aaa lotortttl or VIZ or Ittt. tboald tba dtftad aot par ont-fifib to tba plaintiff or to Ibo oollootlag ometr ior aia not, bt tbali bt aiiowta tlx asoBllit to pleaJ, ao l at tbt oiplratloa of tbo aaid tlx montbt ahoald bt pay aa aforoaald oao-balf of Ibt rtaldnt, bt tbali bo allowtd tlx noro to pload, aad at tbt txpira of aald tlx aiontbt plaintiff tbali bar jadgtatat aad txtoutiQB for tbt rtakiut. Upoa dtaaada (princi pal aad lattrttt)of Itti that 150 and mora that Ivta- ty-lvo dallart, tbt drftadaat thai) bt anovtd tvtlrt aiootbt iottoad of tlx, 00 taeb paymtot: Prooidtd That Iht plaintiff ahall Alt bit tlaiaa ia writing, and if MO aciaauaai, 00 oatb, aball dtny tbt aaaa, or ro ttat a otantor olai-n, tbt Jottiot tbali proeotd to try tbo Mat. Upon judgmtat tba dtftadant tbali bt ai iowta m tuy of txttut.oa for tlx or twtlvt mootbt. at tbt eat nay bt, apoa paying oao irtb, aad after- warda oaa aair, aa btfort ta lcaool: jyond4. That all Juttiota1 Ja lxstata fur W or awrt, aot domapt aball bt traaatatUtd, toctbtr with tbt warrantor othtrptpora, by, tbt Jjtatiot tt Spring Trrwi, 1(-Q7, of tbt Buptrior toort, aad notleo tbtrtof tbali bt rirta tbt antBMot at tratt twtnty day btrort Coart, tod ia tbt Suptrior Coart tbo tamo pmottdlngt aball bt bad aa oa Jadgmtatt fieoj tbt Coaoty Coart, tooord iog to 8t:ioo 7 of Ibla ordiaaaot. . 8 to 12. Bt U furtktr oriamtd, That all wriU of tetrtfuut to aaHoet bail, latatd from tbt 8antrior or Cuonty Courta tpoa jadgincott la actiootof dtbt, aortaaat, ataumptit or aoooaat, tbali bo rttarotd to Spring Tr, 1867, of Ibo Superior Coartt, tndiboald tbo ttatb, fifth aad half of tba jadgmrnta bo paid froio Spring Ttrm to Spring Ttrnitini to flf al ihaj bt allo-rd, ncooniing to attllta 3 of tblt ordiaaaeo. Sao IS. B4 u fdriktr ordauud, That thio.ordiaaoco ahall aot apply to joJgiaciitt for to it oaly. Bao. 'If. 0 U furtktr vriam. That tbit ordlnaaeo tbali aol apply to tbo rtoitditt fur tba ooKtetioa of Towa, County or ciatt lltvtaoa. Btc. 1ft. II iifurikmr ordauud. That thia ori.oaaot tbali aot apply to proeotdioga by ,attaohMut, aolrat tba dtftadant rrpltry aad girt bail, aad tbta and in tb.t at tba procttciaga aball bt tMot to tbt pro- r.ioD of tbia ordiaaaot at if ootAiataovd by wnt of timet Sac 16 B it furtktr 9rdami, That wboro tbt ac tion it by or oa brbalf of lufuti,. still minor at tbt rttara torn, aad tbo lattrott txettdt tot-tB-Ji, tbt ftrtt payarnt aball bo ioeraavod to tbo ao.oo.at of to ttrttt dot, not to t lot ad oot-fith of tbt wbolt dtbt. SfC 17. Bt it furtktr opUuud, That tbt prarMoaa of tbia ordiaaaot aball aot bt cooatrotd to tiUnd to aay dtbtt or dttaaoJa ooatraoud, or ptcal titt ia carrrd, tiaoa uo Iroi day of May, A. D., 1841, or alch any bo hrroaflor ooitlraetod or iocarrod, bat that tbo rtOMditt for tbo noottry ol tbo aaeta tbali bo la all raaptcta aiaitlar to tbo roaMlloo fir tbt r- oovtry of tttbta which wtrt la fnrto la tbt yoar 1801. . Bt U Jttrutr 0tumd, Thai aay orwditov atttmp'td ta at dtfraaJod at aat forth ia tat. 1, tbap. W. Rcritod Covlt, ajtay, withoot obtaiaieg Jidgatat al law. 8 It bit bill io Equity, and aaiJ Court la barby aathoriitd aad ttapoworod to dirtot proptr iotaaa to' bt OMdt Bp aad tried, tad tt aakt taob ordoro ltd dcortot M to Hgbl aad Jottiot may appertain; aod aaid procoodiagt ibtll aotalUct tbt art Jitor'a right tt proctod at the aa tiat at law; aod aay tartty, btfort paring tbt debt of but priocipal that ettempbeg to dtfraod bit orodtinra, may iostiute proooodtogt 1b ecja ty, ia Uka maaatr, to the tad that be may obtain rtiiofV- : " - " .... Sao. It. Bt it furtktr t retain f, That every axtootor or adeaioiatrator aball fit, oa oath, at the Urmiattioo tf too ytort frota tbe tuavo of bla qait8otioo, a full BtateMttBt of bit roetipta aad diabtretmonta, aad tba aoaditioa of Ibo aeseu, particalarly netting aat all monty eolltctod and how diebarted, atd 00 notion tht Ctort may allow further time to tettlt tht ettatt, from txerrdiog tbret yeart: fromdt, tttrwd Ibt boa, a aopplamtau. Provided, That My OrtdiUr tr atxt kin may otmm aaid motion, and If tbe aula- ateat la aot foil aad fair, fit ioUrrogatoritt wblcb tbo asaeatoraor admwletraUrt ahalf -aoewet, before bin motion for tiae ia allowtd: JVovmm, furtktr. That tbt Coort mty alar exttnd tht Hat for pleading; rrovuici, Ber,,ofort qntSv Qoa iDed, sball bo allowed until tn uwuuiy Conrt next tA-r tbe first of January, 1607, to (lit hi statement. frJl.t Shall make or enforce ant jwijrfei0h aball parttjsf ac tet tunpemJiog vbt opraiioajtJbe atatntta4--rrrj r-.r- r t.7t . . of limiutioa in tbe RteiatdCodt, art hereby repealed, ! except St btrtio provided: YeroitVrt. 'Tbat tht timt tlapaod tinct tbe first day of September, one thoasand siitht hundred and sixtv-on. barring actions or spite, or presuming tht satitftciioa cr abandonment of rights 1 . .. . . ' . . . J J A . 1 PL . V anail OOtDt OOUDMa: Ana praviaea juriurr, imiouw ing contained ia tbta ordinance, or ia tht seta hereby reptated, ahall bt to construed a to prevent judgments' from bepoming dormant. ' Sxo. 21. Bt it furtktr ordaintd, Tba. any Sheriff, Clerk, or other officer failing to execute any of the provisions of this oruioaoce, when the Sitontion thereof devolves on bim, or tsaul-g, receiving, tr ex ecuting any proeess whatever contrary to the provis ions of this ordtaanco, shall bo subject to a penalty of fire hundred dollars, to bt r 'covered by rale of Court, at, ptaaltie aod fines wert recovered id 18600 SiSTZTrTfrtrTuTtfrffi ell actions brought by any bank or other corporation having ex eroice J banking privileges, or by any asslgnet or tn doree, or officer of aaid bank or corporation, it sball tsd ouy be tatful fortnt defendant to wt off by pica ur on trial any note or certificate of deposit issued by aaid bank or its branches, or other corporations, whether tbt aaroe baa been presented for payment or not, any law or asagt to tbt contrary notwithstanding, bat said pita of set off, or set off on trial, sball not avail to carry ootta against tht plaiotiff, unless then bas been a tender of such payment btfort suit brought: Provided, That should tht defendant require tht debt to bt scaled according to tba Male of depreciation of Confederate eurrtnoy, then and Io that cast tbt said notes or oertifioates of deposit Bhall not be a att off in any manner." ' . J: r Sao. 28. Bt it further ordaintd,' That "An- Act to change tbe jurisdiction of the Coorta and tht rules of pleading,'' ratified tht lltb day. of September, 1861; an act totitltd "An aot to restore tho Courts aad for other purposes," ratified tba ,14th December, 1868; also an aet entitled (An aot to ohangt tht Jurisdiction of the Coorta aod the rnlta of pleading therein," rat ified tbt lOth of March, A. D. I860, and all laws io conflict with this ordinance, be and tht sams art here by repealed. Sao 24. Bt it furtktr ordaintd, That tht Geoeral Assembly shall bavt no power to repeal, alter or mod ify tbit ordioanot until the third Monday of Novem ber, 1868, and thia ordlnaaeo ahall Uka effect and be la force froa aod after ita ratification. Adopted by tht Convention, Jont 21, 1866. Ckofs. Tba wheat crop, which baa just been harvested, ia believed to be nearly ia average yields Qats, uncommon! 1 heavy. Corn exceed-: logly fine for. the time of year. Vegetable, .of all kid, moot abundant 5Utt6ury Banner. WADESBOBOUGH, N. a, THURSDAY,- JULY 5, 18GG. Froa uo Bait gh Statlaal. Tie CcDiiitaUaal Immilmfit . Tba goferemeot of tba Uaited 8tUtof Atntr- lea, aa adtaiolaUred by.our father, we bar al- waja regarded u tba " beat gororjmtot io the world." we bare eerer jeea tlti boar, when we did col rrrereoctaodtttecmtAoffjoTeroment, nore bigtrr rthlfJTottor tuiao gorern'mcou. Uenca, with all the abilitj and rarooatoesa we poaooaaod, we labored to prortrra It oppoied all efforu 00 tbe part of Northern or toatberb dilu tion iiu to deatroj it, ontU afTort wae unirailing. Under tbe cgia of fAaf goreromett, Federal Uoiob, liaiitiDe and defioloiroorreotlr iti tywera bj written Conititution, wbioli leoured at tbe lame time tbe real ngbu of, ill tbe Statea io that Uoion. we buoarar rertrded the blosainre of eiril libcrtj, the right of peoo and property", better, protected thao coder 1 ' Tba at tempt to diaoiember tbe Uoloo tt ti e riak. tbe eer- taio riak of a blood fratricidal war, we bare al ware felt eoofideot, pat ia iouiniDcnt jeojardj not 001 tbe propertr of tbe Souti, bat the liberties of the whole people aod the Terr eitnteoee of iti Republican character. Yet, when our native State. by the force of cireomaUoeee, elected to aopport tbe 8outbera caoie, we went with bar to tbe cod. bo rapid, bowerer.' btve beta the eooroacb- meota of tbe beol of power opoa the ebartered rigbta of tbe people, aa well aa tpoo tbe eeacotial principle of the aorernrotn., that tbe troe pa triot, paaaiog to witoeae tbe wreck aod rolo urwa which hie eje reata, U forced Io eicliim, ' AUa ! ia tbia bj coootrj " Tbe lotion of tbe dominant rirty ia tbe Na tional Legialatora for the laat frar jaara, and ea peciallj witbio the laat tix tantha more derel opea tbe Ud traiu of bamaw LincUr,the rrtoding7TialdTfi-nd peraecullogipint of tlef mioj towarda tbe few, the victorloua toward tbe vanquished, than we have believed, coaldfiod ao long a lodgdieot in the American iaan. If tbe Congrca reallr wished to eruih ot boatilitj in the Southern heart if it real object waa to care tbe t pirit of opposition to Northern rale, it would svt reeorted to 00 better methods tf increasing it. Ur if iu objeot waa to adopt wise measures to unite the two sections indiuoiablj if to ore- ate a revereooe aod a love for 1 foveroment we hive aul laved, no 00 arte eould have beta more raoght with folly. Bat when we remember. that, aeeordicg to their own declarations, the bigheet'aim of lh maj jrity baa ,rvea to strenrtb- en their bold apoo the rioaf ibe government, nothing eooKl be ao dervgatorv 13 Aneneao lie pablietaiaui aad Amort'oa ciurcter. aa tba ler- iaiailoa of CbOgresa bas been. - . . ' ; We will, not now disouaa tbt. wara ei Goo gresa over tba tptstica of tbe tuoratioa of tbe tvretberti State It I aooogb, to-", that Ue Conatitatioa, which that body hat Sworn to aop port. lia.it lis po erg over the State stmplj to tbe eeeuringthea tiepabiioaa (oot Repablican in the modern aense, bat io the eeaee of the Cooetitation) ooostitaiiotu, aod ajtctuicg their Seoaion and Reprcaeautives to iu bod y, agreeably to the terma pointed oot ia the Cooatitatioat itse!t Ail be- iocd tbia, it appeaia to aa, Is heer usurpation, he last act of tba Coogroai, to wblob it ij our design now to refer, ia the proposition cf the ma , yjr'uj, witboat even coosaltaxioo with or the'at aeot of tbe Erecative branch of tbe government, to tbe several States to amend the Constitution ia several radical and highly important partita Ur. The press of the countTj has u-ntilafod tbia amendment at large. Bat we lave aern slight allaaioa to what we regard the must artoos objection to tbe proposed amendment. . Wa there fare add a brief comment to tbf eereral sectKina of this most oSeoaira meuore. .r1tasrtuaroltr incorporated in the ConstitarioJ Teads tbaa ; ... . ., r 1 Articlt, , Sectio I.- Ail peraoria born, nataraliied in tba United Stales, and . asbject to tbe jurisdiction thereof, are oiuxena of the U. IS , andiit-lhe Statea-wberein -4k.e rotido. No aw'uji," uitiicK ur iiuwmnvt eiau. of. the United -States, nor ahall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without tbe procc?a of law, or deny to any person within iu junsd.cuon tb. equal protect, of the Um. I a the organization of the government oar fathers' feH lhat io forming a Consiitution of the Federal Union, for the common dtfenoo and gen eral welfare, it was of the almost importance to guard all the personal and municipal fraachistt of tbe people, and of tbe States, agtiout tbe en croaahments of tbe general governmebt.c While, therefore, all the powera neemikry'b tarry oat the objects of the Uoioo, aod to perpetuate it. ffeTgiran ted tb tbe general government, and no more, they'reserved all other riarht. franchisee, mnnSlMAlird tan I AfawAeat v f Is a Qmtba iVamtAlttoa They recdgatged the -veretgtrtrof the perspliSTtof tbw once eterioaa Union . . 1 .. -" . . . . I. . I. . . I V tUUIIIlUVUlO BBVvt UJ f Ct J M tUV WMiVa IUVWOV1 V UO I in icitj owies, guaranteeing to loeot tue powers neoessarv for tbe protection of thatjovereignty and the protection of the libertythe pereou and property of tba people. Hence, our people looked to tbe States, alone, and not to the geaeral gov ernment, for the protection of their Uvea, their property and aacred honors, aa well, aa all the frattchiaea -which the Statea oould eonfer within their limits. It was Suly-upon tbe infringement of .their rights by a foreign State, that reference waa had to the general government It waa apoo tbia peculiar feature of the government that our people relied, as tbe great bulwark of their per sonal rights,, liberties, and fraoebiaee. Now, it must be seen, at a glanoe, that the aoove first sec tion strikes at the foundation of tbia first prin ciple of Amerioao liberty, chaogea-esseotiariv the orgenio character of tbe gcveroosbut,' and transfora frora tbe Statea to the general govern ment, the right to d ifioe tbe jqaaiiScaUoua oi their citiiens, and obliteratea the right and pow- era of muoicipal authority io tbe Statsi. .Ju verbiage, moreowir, clearly iodioatoa a desigq to give constitutional authority to liittioua tseis nre, tba civil ribti bill, whose pnevisiona ignore and aet aside t1 juriedictiou of tba civil CourU of tbo State, Ber ber own internal maniipal rcgulationa, and tranaferii tbta to tbe liadioial aa therity of 'be general government. Wa ask, and wa put the qaeitioa arioubly. to ercrrold Dam oorat aod ererr old Whig,' if thoj have not been total. demoralized, bow eao thej give their amo tion or awpport to a proposed atnendiuent of tbe Uooeutitioo, wblcb ao asset. tialljr charge the or gania coaracter 01 tea froverooeotr I The aecond aottl(gpropcadca4a iLu f ffl" CTITTT X r a aaa ""SccJTon 2 Representatives ahall be at Dor tloned anrong the several Jftatea acoordiog te their rcpective namben, oouDtioe the wbol6 camber of persons ia each. State, excluding In diaoa not taxed; bat whenever the right to vote at any election of Preaident or Vioe Preeideot aod United State Representative in Congress executive or. judicial officers, or tbo member of the Jo,iiItures thereof, ie denied to any of ' the male inhabitants of each 8ute, lelni? IweDtv one ; afc" u tuiAcua ui ma unuea otstes, or ill any way abridging it, except for participa ting m reueuioo or other crime, tbe basts of rep reeeotation therein ahall be reduced j a tbe pro portion which the number of anch mslo oititeo aball bear to tbe whole number of male eitixeoa twentj-oae jeara of age io suob 8ute." The objeot of tba above ia evidently to force open tbe ooutbern fiutea negro aoffrige, or a meagre rrpreaenUtion. Yet the time attack upon the mooioipal rigbta of the State ia apparent at it. a WTTI ,.e aa ..aa a. . in toe orst. mi toe brat laUa to do in oblit erating tbo reserved rigbta of the States, the aeo- ovu auu imra aections eompieto. The third section read thus : '"" I 1 !. . . : . . M iyxtwn 8 No person sball be a Senator or Representative in Congress or elector of Presi dent or Vioe President, or bold an office civil or military, under tbe United Statea or under any C... L- I 1 . . oai, wuo, narmg previously uxen an oatn aa a member of Conerea or aa an offieer of the U: TTObrbrov "State Leglalatore, or as ao cxeontive or judicial officer of snv State, to support tbe ConsUtotioa of the United States, shall bav engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the aame, or given aid or comfort to tbe enemies thereof; but Congresa nay, by a vote of two-third of each House, remote such disability." . Tba above ia the most remarkable and starting propoaitioQ ever made to tbe A met icon people. Seriously pondered, Ov copxiderate, ecd Ameri can, at ail anxious to preserve the governtant as k oaoe fram the baud of tbe fathers, cao tkoc tioo it. Had tbe Coogreas confined iu propositiwi to tbe qualificatiooa of United Statea feenatora and Representative alone, while it would bare been onjust to many Southern citiaecs, it would at least have bad a shadow of reason, if there waa any intention in tbo Radical to 'proaerv 'the character cf tba government. Sot? to hik tbe Statea of tba Federal Union H oofJr upon tbe Central gorereo.ent, tba power to deeigaate tbe Corereor, LegUlatares, Judiciary; and al exec utive and jud total oBweri of the Statea tbe taelvee, i a monstrosity Wbiob we are oot prepared to be liev'e any aonnd minded Ameaioaa cidieo, North or Sooth, will aaaent to. Instead of the general government being tbe creature of tbe Statea, limited by a constitution, it would pot io that in atromeat tbe viciooa and destructive power of ueking the general government tba master and ruler of the State, disfranchising them of all tbe rigbta and powera reserved to them by the Con ftitatioo. Nothing would be lackiog to make tbia a couaotidated government, oonceoating ali power at Washington It places tbe Southern SUte not at the mercy of the government, bat under tbe entire; control of two-thirds el tbe Coogresa. . It forever debar, if two-thirds of tho Coogresa eboose, froa publio ofice, fivo-sixtha of all tbe male eitixena of tbe South, capable of conduct ing trie machinery 01 government It operate mUTog offeocea pan :i..ki .1..: . j t, uuiura mivsw uicif cviumiuai, auu f viuiaiea niai fundamental principle of American liberty, that do man ahall be deprived of his rigbta, wivhaut trial and conviotion. It ignore and aulUSaa the sulemn p rerogative tbeJExecnttva la piu duo offences against the Government, and ahuta out the Executive la 1'JudicTaI depart 03 tftt. of the government from all participation tn eler oisiog the imporuut functiona of their ofice. The partition of Poitcd by tbe powers cf Ka- Mtioa of thfee B rope bas never been forgiven by Christendom the Southern States to a worse despotism" than Poland suffers. States they are, yet, in the con dition Congress proposes to place tbcm, they are Statea witnout" sovereignty-, without power, witb oat franchises, only at the will and mercy of tbe general govcrntaent. Can it be poaaibjejthat the people of the Northern States will look on and, aanction a measure, which in a few more years rogreaa will tiehembamHrnd fwt, aa the" Southern States are proposed to be tied ? If tbe corpse cf oar fathers eold be. rehabilitated h Avajay BJSfnJ(i thtfv how would they sUml aghast atlaucb a picture, The other section we venrd as fully settled aa any amondment to tbe Cotutttutwa ear. mika st. ."The Uirio'nista who finally fklls,' fall in rise no more, eaye 2 he. tan(a.ni. e pre sume this statement ia based upon its cwn expe- rienoe. Having once been the wgun of tbe ae-' as it prooiaimec a few day ago, tbe ot!y roysJ G per published in the Atlantic States,, iSm readily inferred why it ia that a nulhfier ia in better odor than a " non secession int." . Gnsetiloro Patriot. ', A-The exoitiog and protracted trial of tn Commonwealth va. MoCan'o. Eoddy, Caiurand Ramsey, for the murder of a man named Habn, wbieb wa oonoladed before the Kn)xvt(Tenn.) Circuit Court on Inday of week before mt, re sulted ia a verdict of acquittal. Habn, it will be remembered,-waa bung-ia Knoxville, is 1861, tinder the jadmeat of a Confederate Coart Mar r. Jndpa Jones, formerly indre of te IT. Disuiot oart at Montgomery, Alabama, baa beerrind.rled for treason at that place, for accept- ine tb ofioa of juoVe of the Confederate Dis trict Oourl, and holding the ao during tht war .WHOL? NO. 391. DIRECT TAX-OPINlOX OF THK 8KCWTART . ' or iius TJtEASwr. - ,i Tbe Seoretary of tbe Treacosy, Ia a ooumuni catioo to tbe IJoae of Itepreoentativeo on tbw 20th inat, expresses aa opioioa, bietd 0701 bla olervatloo of tbe operation of th.law pf 1801. ihat arr additional t CfiJlalenrit'othorixiaxftLa aa sumptioo by tbo Southern Sutoe raspeotively of (be remaiodcr of lha direct tax da from eecb would ia view of tbe proatot impoverished ooo ditioo.of tbeir people, preveM much bardshlp Inj individual cases, and lave from cocfiscalioo tba property of persona agaiost whom tb Government -, haa 00 grounds of oompbaat, while no publio in terest would bciojurioualy aJuctedby tba change. ' He autee that, should tbia roliev be adarjtud. the collection of taxes under the praaent y item might aad ought to be disoontinuud oti! an ep' , portaoity for reeumptioa be ofJertd. WhttLor the amount realised from the resale of property bid ia for the Government ahonid not be allowed to the Stat respectively ia oomparincr tba raxea till due is a question well deserving of eondoV -eratioo, which ia aabruitted witboat comment. IMMEDIATE CAUSES Of THE WAS 15 EUEOPI. A cotemporary, apcaking of the immediate causae of tbe war which now threateha to law volve nearly all Europe, remarks : "Tbia war belie the old axiom of honor among tbieveju Three years aro AasUiarami Prtiaal. combiued to rob Denmark of the Elbe Provisoes of Scbleewig-Uolatein, tbe only juatificatioa t iog tba German tendeociea cf tbeir population; which ia no justification at all io tb drnastiu system of Earope. Prussia wanted, a good sea port, and induced Austria to join In the robber v - oLPenmark England, v-etral ally of Den-T mark, whimpered a few weak objections; but the plunderers . went 00, and bv a 1oiot eon. aae.'t acaaired a ioict inriadictioa. Thv quarreled about tho division of tba apoila; Proa ia modestly claimiog tbe whole. This is tb immediate cause of the war." ' . CROAKERS. Tbe ereateat pett to a community ia croaker teen wbo are continually harpfne on the "bard timea" and prognoaticatiog aomethiog worse to morrow. The times are certainly bad enough, with rather a poor prospect ahead; but whata tbe oae to borrow trouble ? A report la fa aotiv " tircnlatioo in some aeotions that tbe " United Stre Government" will proceed to collect a iaad tax o2 two dollars per acre on aU tba land in tbw South. How absurd such a atory. Aad bow atrange tbal many tiueilieent men listea to each ataff. Bat aaen will croak and oomnlaia tLoaa . who eroaked duriog the past fouryftas being tba -priooipal gnr&Ufci w.Greaubcro' fyfrioL IA. Tbe cWca haa eooa forth that tbe South , cu rrgtia Coogmaional represeotatioa only oa condition that she win obey the Radical msadate ordering oar people to ptaee themselves on a line with tbe BeRto-- Tba rccoaatrootioa amendmens mean ioat tliaLBotbiagHsflV XTu tbe Inlamy of a facticn aver score traapareut ? In one breath tbey charge oa with btcg too robeUioua I . .11. L . . . . . to (e irosrea wtui represeauuoa, mi yet,ia tbe very next, tbey stultify th easel vea by proposing to restore ea te faS fellowship with tbem,:.f we will allow tb negro to vote ! Thus it ia, the " nig ger" la tbeir panacea for all political and moral , evila JLxcna nfft. ItT Tbe) President'a teto'of tbv Now Tork and Montana Mining Company bill receive tbe approval of nearly fiery oe," excepting those io- - teraated. It was chaperoned through tbe Senate byrWadeaBd"gavr"frcteite gtgbT to the eorporatioo to enter noon and PM-empt alternate - aectiona of mining bind at dollar and a quarter per acre in advance of its survey or being thrown into market. Tbe object of the bill was ttaoifeet- )y te enrich tbajcjporator at gp5ilJ?: pebser---:.-- . VT" - v "' : " DtlJ. W. Jooef, of tbia place, a few dare ago, retorted to hi friead relieved, a boy seven years of age, from whose bladder he took a atone weiging 2vU grains or about i of aa ounce, lie was assisted in the operatian by Dr. R. Cobb of this place .Why,gULQarpeople go North to have these operations performed, when we have able and skillful physicians -in our midst, who can perform them aa well a Ypokeo doctors ? . - 1 1 arooro oouAerr.er. , . attT L. F. Seott, of Bethlehem, Cftnuectfaui, writea that a pott mortem examination wu made. of the body of a littlejjrlwbojiiedjn borhood, and it was found thaTijarticlea which bad deen bitten from her finger naila and swal lowed were sticking in tbe lining of her Btomach wbicb-r ulcoratedherfiTef Ibey sluek a ni undoubtedly caused the death of the child, which t was seven year "old ' ' "fA. A squad of negro "soldiers at Greeoville, La.; went into a store, and one of the party bought a dollara Worth of good, which be refused to pay for. 'An altercation ensued, io which the negro soldier shot tbe storekeeper first, and upoa .the appcsr&fcce of the man'aeick wife, who came to ' resca Ibr buabind, tbey- sbot her too. One vt ' tbe negroes baa been arrested. The otbeta have act. ' . T ' : . -.-;' : - '-. ' faS." writea to the Raleigh &ntWcor tectiog a atatemot of that vapor that a lump of gold weighing eix pounds, aeee'ntly found aad oa exhibition atStatesville, K the largesb found Inr tbl But alnce 1828. ? S-A aayr a lamp of gold weighicg eight aod three quarter pounds, waa -Jmfc$t the Swift Itlatid tiold-MiacJ,- Moct goaiery county, o 1S50. f& Prbriaional Governor HamUtoa, vi Tei -aa, disappointed io bis political' aspiration, ia about to Wa that Stat for the NorthA Tbe Houetoo i-a7wapi8oaTeJy trutta tbat bis abaeace zoaylaot bo oaiaagins to inlTsi of tbe Stats," aa the jooraal ' p! f rtw i that bis prfffe bs r,wx Vjen-'of y;5aa ' to it . . -- -.- v . ' " ' t , J -1