r . -A, i i ItVOL. YJII-M 3GJ WADEsnonoiJGi, x c; thu, i September, 13; m. WHOLE NO. m, ' ; - 1 ... . . ' i ' - , . - : . ' ; '.' .-..- . . . mini U i 11 1 1 11 1 - - 1 I, , 1 , , 1 r 1 j "' IT"r" - 1 T'iT1 z . t. THE NOPJH CAROLINA i ARGUS. V ciuasu xrtar xnvtsbir, v. . BT FRANK. DAHLEtt ,H.O0 44 f tk iw,v.-:...... ; l oo 1 RATES Cf .lCTERTHirXO. v ,'; raiitur xTirrwo. . - - ttV TtllM !, fcwvWr, Mfc7wkJ -'- - li.tj:rat 'tvrtltwnt, ea Inacrtioa, . . r'tr r 'i.r. .... $1K) , T 2 , . . . a, ei iiJri!s, .j .oui-cuneuU of enJi ' , .'. vf Mrr!if8 n4 dtbi ' " , ' . k!f tfttuuM, for tbret nantb, ft , qTXr.. ..,... ,., , 6 00 ' Fof tis. moBlh, Mr'finrt;...wM, Ift.00 9Tof 4mlTC-t,.A,' 18.00 - m ' on jr,..- 100.00 ,0a o!ima, t'!gLUtB quri,) ttr . . . . 176.00 ' s,-Tt4 OatUa of Xpotttjlrtuifa. . ' Tk f J!oig rtile, vrittca Ij lpt J. ft. ".Ocr.atnlftf ibi UU 21 N; C. T., Ratoteor't Bi lj.wi inhifcr W oor 'cK!amn, At firing " liuthfut ccouot if ti:j;t'ntUriog, dtfi!g war, of oatof Uio moi gil!tttni brare Lriiet iLio? nttitr pf wV.ch VngiJ tirtlcip'-fit lii vMcb fight tr lifleg is thu end iain' ooantiet-; . T 4Ja0j, Iron tbe Slitl, wl! b reognii4 s frota tba pa of Ctrl. Sea tea Otlct, AJjutaal of ht bt briiJc. TTit fletel wii b prtiJttJ, U loUndsTla b.iajr vLen towr Iclosgt : -R1JIISI3CE.VCZ Qt TUI BATTUf IHn- Mr. EairooIa tl 1m (if jb Cumtturtial of jtf ierdij, 1 m toptJ rvo tbe Ntbri ft oeraf, S :UVA -rub tbe abort tekilln.vUica, 13 tu i", fi48ri?; ana et itouitla to hicaua tba pari Uita b Uaatcur'a bria Ja of Ncrrtb Cirolio'uaa, wboOi Oaa. Lar, m the iJ, dclue4 hid mad lb a arj, will jov kt an Lao. V! pirticipaal eorrvot tba error kich ba ba liaa aa unictootioaaMj mtt)e ia tba ariiola al ia iai tO? : : -- : ; Tba tuvtuo of tbe I2ib of Mjr, 1861, will b tret rcaiamberai bj na, aaJ tba tnigbtj tnjla of tba da baa Ba(!a aucb ao Iajpresion OB oar iiiad tbat iu otarj ebb and flow will ba iodcUbtjr fiiad ia aamory aa toiig aa lifa iiU. It vu jat iaeb t mornittg at tbla larb, mark j, aad tbraataaie grain whila a beaTjfog eaoopied tbe ataeoflpbere. Tba er uing before bad wit- i Baaaod a abarp aud Wxir aooouoir at tba angla of ouf work tbat ditiJcd the dirUioni of John on and Kbodoi, wblcb vu tba wrakcrt pcint t oar Kaa, aod vbcre IIacc-cb' corps bid uo-! oeeiod in affecting aa aotraoea, but were apeed ily repolied by Oordoo'iand Johostoo'a brigade, wbtiU ware in rcacrro, ia rear of tba werki. ftirk , neaa act io at tbe moment tbe atrujri;U waa coded irprumg 1 thai bnutwork. aaJ tin Anemr mr lfi in mmmLie r th uunA rm ,,1- t. f. ik. .Umiim 10 th f.tii Sit I Convent on in aentsaj ciern or rnvaie secrrary 10 s.ue n-cnoct- .u. ..... . 1 i t .1 . 1. . h e -iaye rccvawj uvn itiea wiin w-tt irbora brbik muskatry fire during tbe entire Philadelphia, addreaaed a larg maa mcetiog in able boot black in your. Bei-fiborkod. .1 caro ' n tJ eudr nm' be deducted from ' 'XJiailieaclD5 oul -V ia- the morning, and hiticg f - rjigbi gave eriJeuoe cf their dnamnlim to that oity on Wednead.y venin3. - In tbe course j nothing for Iry.xMor:ey 1 no thrt with incou.eif.ihe farm.. jo;ne two bou. tte wclaimeJ., to a German yr': I' ; hold that important poik It was immediately of . bia speech be remarked : . - ; J3r I am fiat broke. Co! no obUon, if tho - deJivlio3 caa.be msd, t the vr 5? "ll?rwil4- p " . la rtar of that poiotwhere Hancock mad-hia - " By way of illuatratins.ti.e fr.tcfVida! rharao: wr 1 fna, ', l.jjt -rr daring thrhourioight U light wand,' tbey taovax) forward, aad -with twd'brotheraia tbe warj-one, nnfortaoBtety'iB joung !aat.rtryot6ra Wit...- j nces or net. If bis adult children work for t:i:u we- x X " ' y -' ' nnbrokoB front, with hardly a show of reaUtabce, tb rebel annv io Texas, and - tbo other in the . ; at Corns, v ; ;.' .t 0d rcecivo ' cojupenaat?;! for l:.tir -Jibr, "tbey : " H-dt, t w,i.li til y., . I iae a tram aifd oued the angle of tbe Confederate works, where Union army "Tluy were sons of one who, at the JLjV UAR1V" ! are to. hi ri-deJn 0:fcer hired laborers 'ia go'oafaDd te pig. ant if ts fogtont crfoff ... . - f tb fight of tba evening before occurred, and 0f seventeen, fought at tho battle of Kutaw - - iForatbeaiib Sttii.- tenninic?. bia iocoa;o': '! P"J "ft thncr tram, and dengoc; . , ... .maroLing rapidly In rear of tbo lie occupied by Spring. Qne of my brother. It the head of 4" Yhc Late Col. Juo. U. C fencron. 4.-.Money piid for Lbor,..excerf aacb - ai jsj W andfoddera to catUei aBdLg aut goa . ,,; i-Johoitoaf difiaioovodcr MW Jtt tb fag, wo- regtmedrof Teiaos-feU'ln Lbawtaoar atiU'tbe ' At a meetin" of the mtfmbis of tba bar and fifed r omployediB'dw'itf "wrvice, or In thcjT' ttrtttne, I talcs haouer tram, aad den I gc-qs .. . rear, while they were cigerly watching for a damOnatration in their front. Aa. soon as Han eock'a corps had affectod thia aorprisa and had attained complete poateeeion of this part of the , line, ihev ot op a loud buzxa, that first informed . - the startled Confederates, to the .'right and loft, 1 of tbe dbtaster which bad oeourredrad tb44sn- ger that Ihreatoned Ujcob. Gordori'i brigado of ??rB'fl,L Johnston 'a brigade of North '"'Carolinfanslrwero"th on' ' car rrt of tbe Hue3. Tbey were quickly formed in lioet nt? mpvod against; the exultant foe, bat ?ffUhtmt poceeiB, And fiuil'y retired with Bcarce fclf tbe mea they attacked with. It waa io tbia ,fidrt that the brave Cot. Garrett, of tba 5th N. '0., fell with his face to tbe foe, and so many . ,oth&r prominent offioera vainly ahed their lifa ' blood ia attempting to anatoh victory from de feat. TVhea thia renewed disaster occurred, the . . enemy had an open way la joar rear, to the Court MIoase, and there waa not a aingle regimont to . oppose them, aod it waa with grave and doubting hearts tbat brigades from the line, menaded its entire length, wereTiarohcd out to fill tbia anop J poscdvacttam. Rhodes' Division was the divi ! sioa immediately on the left of Johnatoo, who . had been eurprUed and overthrown, and already Rhode' men on the extreme right were beoora- ioz demoralized, and fleeing to, Ibo rear. At tbia critical juncture Ramseur'a brigitde of North Carolinian wen th first to dirpute the onward t ; march cf the foe. It waa then past o'clock. Tbo fo bad an.n from tbe earth, and we could j sow plaialv oe the terr!i.1 Jta'o::.' it". 1 ' 1 :T itifv0"? 10 Wwfcwbito three or four -'f were between them and as. It looked V '- Jjfbl ly for thi. bandfull of . rB roInfbrcefT,eDf "ere to-be bad. Ewfcll, p!a aod excited, Tafal eodatoreJ to rally tba fagUlree frun tba beaten ' Iriadea, aod orders were laot la errj direct ioo for further aid. . Already tba eoc oi? bad perceived oa, aud were pigging caonoo ahota ioto our own ranki from the captured gana ia tbe works. The boa tile furoea were prepiriog to adraftM.", FioalJ, tja. L wiir awj flloj.i fvj v-KtmHf ba tells bim M those worka mast be recaptarot), or tbo daj la lost." Wei) do I rumCaiber Jtaoucor'a worda and loola.HouoteJ'on bia borw, ha faced to bia brigade and io rirrging tooea told then bt Goo. Lee bad eat J, tod aaked them If thej wnld go.( 'A tioanimoua ."jea.' (torn tbe nVht aod left vas the repne. lie. Kve i tbe commaed Forward I tie ecc jJ tl o rutwl-1 ion of tltre 'nr e jf vt ire? turi, ILo i iustrt Itoa L:jteJLrwAlauiiJ cbeera, toiubctrt, oanoooading aod death. 't once did tbe brigade falter potil St reach (h! . aa imoompleto line of worka tmoiediatel io rear of tbe lioe takja fryta Joboetou; there Ibej delivered one volley, nd taalted forward agaio, dfuvo the eoeo; from tbe worka io their froat. and aeoured tbena to car Crcea. . flora tbe brigade held jta owa onaided, far over ao "hoar, fibting an tuewj in front, who atfeapted to reuka tbe worka, and who came ia oolurnna by brigade, three or four doep, aod at toe eaioe tine were fighting an enemf on their right flunk, from trarcr fo traverao, I sever wat to ia aevere a fire bofyre, aod - t keemed aa If even tbe breast worka were do pMeotiou, at hot and lb-sJl few from every direcfioo, and concentrated iu vindicate fire ob oar devoted Iteade. - . '. 1 AboaV one Loar after our aoceeas, tba finrt racoon en me to oar relief. Jt waa Hani' bri Itude of MiBsUeipptaoe, aad aioglj aad alone had we .contented until tbeo. . We aireadj bad the worki, aci tfaejr dil Oct atortn tliau), btt nmplj rciafjrocd ua, aod ide by aide, with tbe Mus MDtltDt, wa loeetber be!d tbo works ihroutrh , tbe loo bjiira of tbo lay aaj bight, aod aoocv fuliy'repeneu erery effort loadj to rcuke tbe WjIji bp iMiult aitct naaa!t B-aJe upon tbe Sine. Tbcfiro Wf tiooasaot tba liteloagdiy aoj nigbt, and ueee immediately in oor rear, two and a half aod three foei thick, were utterly hewn dwa by micaio balia a! re. Gen. liatuavur anj bia Inside tbal day re- et-irti tbe j'aaJiU r all, aod (Jew. Lie wsa beari ta e&y rbal tlerer fellow Haoawr aad b; bollo knad4 had aircl bia artoy from dia- attar by tbat dtrtcg and aaoocaafoL. ebtfga." IlatMnr'a bisiie axpeniod oaa baodred aad fifty roaode of aonantwa to the icaa dariog the day. . , ' ' I . i p ti As-Lf-JtX tb eerybv iitc;o -Ve lr tbara. I rc:acu.Ur tbo gal lant braiiogof Scrfreaot Atmorr, of Co. I and gcrgot Cberry, of Co. K, 2J X. i Regiooett, aud aw tbeaa wbco thoy fell BiorUL'y woauded. . v J.C.O. Tbe J anior Editor of ibia paper bad tbe hoo jr t)be Adjotaut General of the g!!aat bnade tbat aaved tSe day at Spotlylvaoia,-adi- it wa bia parpoae to bar vindicated i'a claim to tbat aah lavement, ao atrancely overlooked io the ar ticle Copied from the ;atchet Journal, lie felt boubd to do tbia, aa a matter of jusii;? fo that intrepid and datbioc o!iier, Stephen DoJd Ramaear, and to as brave aod heroic a brigaia aa waa ever marahallcd pa any SelJ, io 803ir.t Or mouern tiumg. . Uot tbe d i'i tte te?a ao w.ll and fully perLrtued by Uapt. Joo. C. Gorman, of this city, a reliant ofiicer of th 2J N. C-, one of the rotribientii comrHiiz the-brica-lo; that notbiog ia ncces&ry beyond hi graphic and pf 1- feetly truthful account of what was done'on (hat memorable moroinjr.. -Sefi''aef. I'rntrlcWal Chiara'ter"TTllil nr. Vnr. . cue of Tbe Hon. Lewis D Campbell, of Ohio the battle of Chancellorsville. Aud the news of the death of .both of.tbnse,i-oae ou the one aide, and ihe other, ret e hod their aMlictod mother on the. aume day ; od ao it bv everywhere, brother aciinst brother apOn fielda of battle. The Con- veulluo uieeiiug ucio mu unu iu wuuuw iu War,bar:made7i''roOTrt)vcTy-Stirte getberfrom all the Stato, in thr. common cause of American nationality." Cheers . l'IGAMY. We are informed, by a letter, from a reliable gentleman in. Robeson county, of the particulars of a recent villainous outrage. It ippears that Mr. Harvey, of Richmond, Va., a Railroad con tractor) worked on the Piedmont road some month lf0t having in hi amployraent one Jno. T. Price, of Backinghaw.Co., Va.j'as a blacksmith. Price beeame aoquajntod with Misa Fanny-White: more:, a respectable young bidy of ; Rockingham eounty,'and married her last March, while thus engaged on tbe Railroad. Soon after Mr. Harvey moved hi business and hands to the Wil., Char, and Ruth. Railroad, in Richmond county, whore Price and his newly-married wifo lived until a few days ago, when it transpired tbat Price has a wife living ia Buckingham Co. Va., or else where Upon this beiog publiejy known, lriee absconded and his whereaWuta are unknown. The. young lady thus deceived and injured ia in telligent, amiable and possessed of excellent char acter. It is greatly to be hoped that the ..villain iEy be arrested and brought to punish men U Let PAT youn women of all elaisea of society Mmqt similar occurreooea, wjtb- take warning, : in the past two years fspeoiv , " . Zli3 innnlrw,.. nothings Ratyh Sentintl J . . , , A At A HmihiAH in h Al I . L 1 I 1 4T 11.;. ... - r. 1 .... . J ..Ii . ... I l . .,1 . i , . f t .. , i 1 ITlk A Li J. L'UtI-9 WtfUU I.UU aiJU . AUU i.M IU IUUI , ' ' i ". - .4 i.. . jacqcjc O'Uivc.n.'s, j; . I ma at home n!ct'.aura. thoaaand poi'Iiqbti juij ti wtich twinkle over tbe chorua ia 41 W'juio 11 j a it I bavo roamed, rav low rLu glory of too t;.. rifthi i,tara 4 tbe ,1 3 glad of ;r.ee Iflwt wrote ywtof bow ttctrtt tick tho t i tic 7Lm$ ui me iropica-an.i tn voxtn .9 i-rrreme oortb end of uu i-Jihd wlch u V, f J We'd from i'a rowiriog in LIc Eitf and f pole. 1 b.v Lxd b'bi 1 j r aad w!iei tbat 0 t S vrrt tie North '. rciifchod d)hte. t,)pl ft rui-te 1 "p 'Vat toOod a one moro nonaneut L!,b bend i'.;. trfi:f ..f U riands at MorcnuY ' I biro seen ibtagi ii Uincbuesl si. I i3at 1 eoi vui agio, ana. iml yty oa pen- oral principle. ; " f I ait io my roota and piac out on ite bcnutiful landscape, in frout, UibinupA)n cijf vLioo lika tbe dewy diamond in l! eye of ttll-fpaukcd baby, ia " Samuel E. Moore, cbvurkcry aad gWware." fcftrvicbio In cy left, iWhasartcrs hi Jrc a$ were occo tb opm of fyn'tder acv, I ice " Garth wahe, Iis A .Sttwnh whole a?Je and rc'ail eluUiier.i," . Avia.lo. tlua ribi Ixkjh op thj irrusitib!e Slot dy, wiie Meets U Mj aame imaginary renutf of abir's op ia the Fourth DUtriTt, licneith tue rub Uti.e mule teams of the 'iifhfy S1.jw.no, who? 'tijbe:a go for money all over the city.' -t ; Tt, my btwer, I t at l.oa.e uVrto tbe lit tie Harts ued to to bapjy id tiie grooaJa of Prytania and LayfrjetjA; where fhj (" Harts ud to duplay bU furcosis eloj f:e tbe bar j 'of Sjtii'a cn H: Cbstlts strM, ai i u cent 4 iuji d'.-r;d luu.i.cr waa-dMif lu i-.rj wfo bread, j which roo bofopa ibo mind of Jadra liorphy. I bave" " bomlncd' iu taia kr'any " anuaro Theia var'ioaa streams and their tribuUrici, how local," en-i bare fsllao asleep aaoinir ol tbe ever, have alreadv beco out to cood tie : and the ... , x . . . caj. ntsor Lode Davy Twigyj-aas wool tou &red the Mattoa the great corn and cotton grow swear at Quartermaitere, and lie b'J.VUo t-srd ing plantaiie.ts of the upper Yadkins and tbe ttemt-d wt:h naval .viotoriea a;L!fre g Jjde Poovlartraio, wbercia tU aoucy Now JLiuda' wa conrUnUy wok, riddled aod jbliir. tap by Confederate uiie-iles and CuoL'iirah trtwdr. But thiugs tare changed ay bowery ruevbat. 1 1 .My untie J. I. bas not! Inp io r,y berv aof. ' Saccsfively tho Hoiltrs, the Rai.k-, th Can-j e cja aui toe cttrnua a cave sad tho ruling jtce, wfcifct xHood, Gardner, Uookncr ' fwgMreat, Wbeelerr"OJd IJ.'-nird, baadt3ih,. have c;4tos Xdowa ii vari ri torm r to drcaat ia qUt of the g!orort d?eJs of ti' fa), dor rowful rest. SUh I V , - , But It U a wntid '( $.!". T K'v-mn ''. ' ': potkt-1 tbat the cLji.gj ia nut, Sa. ty crkiy di video. We 8iO not bp di-mjfd,. :fcecj. There i sometbirr It erery mar tj do, and I bate resolved t hire a ciifuiar pttbo and a i tuockey and fulfil my d&Mi'iy. YhpU ht-j snu sie io N.' Orleaoa aod I abt'l caft-r to tbe popubr Uito. 'A--' -x j Girzard ftot aad (bosLio go f the rampage v bera eceai.toua!!y, and . rfaiocaii mfer for it j Tbe t.ardUa angtu of tbe F. IJ J out always f theui, atnl famto sometimes joto i t father m a garter where I hope you and lf ci bower, will j never .rent apartiaeota: " " . " 1 uevcr real aoartmeats Ual T tun reeGnj:K7otcd any bower thor- ? ooKWy?). -J-.vurj moraiog I awUi a,t daylight -gg- . T ' ' lpoiotortL,e law:. X " ' 'Oa, T, t'i jau ae, , . ' , ,. . . . , . ,' , . i.. ; . 1-1- I armors w;b not tw rfiirtd to make re- an 1 i eonerai y manage ta eoit. . I pnvt r is! e , i - .1 X j- . r s -v. . " . ,f . turaet pra.-econsuaedia thoirlameiiute faui- to wave.- ThufS there is no ratso nble eaa.e.to ' ' x denbt it irw; wave. " -.r.L .- .-. r 1 ' l . , ...... .-,-... 1 he toroir s proU's frooi &iie oriive t'.ock iu 1 euvj.u tan m ui pioif oaii tfia.iiriU.. j etiterpma with tho circular pao n"d wuriiey, ' ! i hfg jou will Mcure for me a pos-hlou a confi- -WaddeHtflrJ . Howxe rrd,ft- ;-Dow,rf.orted .i. f,,!w,ir..; ,i,;..i, a -'.4,. one of bcr truest and most gifted sobs: and ibo State of North Carolina a slalmsc,'' patriotic, conservative and of liberal and expal4qd. veiws. .jSestfwJ,.Tbat.tb', his bereaved, atd aiQictod family, wo tender or most earnest ayoirjathie. '.Metcived, That these resolutions be published in tbo Raleighjind Wilmington papers, a. copy sent to tho family and father of the ueueaded, and that His Honor, the- presidiog Juo'ge, ba r CjuastfijjLto have thoui jpread. up-u iht miauteaof thia Court. . ' ' - :'. ' . - 1 On motion, tba meeting edjournod. ROBT. B. GILLIAM, CbVi. . C! Dowd, Seu'y. n - , 0 1 ihe re aadembliog of the Court. HU Hon or Judge Gilliam, id compliance" ifa tbe last resolution, directed tho dark to sprer' ilo pro ceedings ef this meeting upon tbe ime dookct Bffil It is estimated that the coIIm cVeu of tho wesent year will be about S.VQbOO tJ-ea -n half what it wa. la IU0 .- . .w w-vj, - 'r" ; w . D,, 'u, t- asat be de leted ' ' .- go-py tie time, I take arisder-tramanU to oa, . ti-, thasMn!.' resola'.ions of respect to t ha meuorvof ":Pru., .may oe.tti.n.ew. ... .... , f rj 4, , ' , . o.W.CmeroofdatC6Ttb';,Mh h Kin.tv,, wit rf iWriir "TT'A , fvr the cast ofroduniveis.c,..;lf house V1 U?0J fJ J5?! a nostt moue , v-w Ou motWKVf His Honor JudcelfUhtu waa uai,.hlZfcj--vi -p. ( ri,r f - ..;,, - b'Jkr ilia tncc-i ' : tn-i ed to the vbair, nnd C. Dowd,. request-f. Pf ch . the otUr4j "-- "t.:: ' ' tf ed to act Secretary- ; : . "d cbee?e for sale, a pr,iucnateBDt.ef tbm" -.Z "rryrcTrrtzr i'wgggrimrjrttn?nnrfi v - l'trme, Atrorst to years ago : l-nnr:i . , , ,: . . . ., av aftirintpropn ' T'uuiiikttr. ' V: ' : Thn fanni WnddMl l?oai .'M.Kv-Tnf 7. Th& whola ameuut eipeWed for ie;ti!uers . 1 c Wraaii suarpsKoorcr. , it, , Raadi aadotW '? V - UfPd, daring the year tithe farmer's land "At "tba recent trial of rifles at, Wimbledon, ; ,r?S the Prof-ioa of tbew ha, lost SSS g SK ft learned counsellor and .elpqaeat advocate; his J ljre" b ... xi.j-et was fid eue tandrod lime wfive - 1$. fi-iondsandafesa generous, cohgltencd aad R TiArc- c(,n,T and7 half minutes, and this gicat 'rapidity W-rih ccnial oompantoa: bis naUvo County ol Moora ... " - .',..:..-.- J!v- U,i'.J fr it bad kefiDme foul. ; Throehau- X Vlrtjtainnoit orth Carolina. . Tbe Norfolk Day fic, in an anlcla on tbe 'Doti.Vfcf North Carolina," gi vci tbe follow ing very pretty exhibit of tho resourccr of tbeJ ctate, cooplcd with aotne excellent advioc, which our people Would do well td teed :" - ts nsTXtVui-ir&'iVZr'Xc' Jbear, leep and Haw river, and numberlcaa oiocr aireama owubino v niase pp an uotoid l. a ! . .ml iu ui water power. a.uu, 10 torn asioe lor a moment from tbe matter rpeciully in band, there fan bo t9 dmbt (1st tbe day U oot very remote wbeu tba Old North State, clready In a better f nar.trinl corid tiai U n of bfr.ij-tere,. will t'aveler In Wtetern North Carolina ia often aaton bwd to find prosperous faotorics of cotton or wool en good aituated in tbe wwt remote and inacceaii ble rcjriotu. Wbit labor is principally employ- ea in tlic.e mnlM, and cauca ero at work which must irakc the State ono of the very foremen in tho South in tbe manufacture of tbe kbrice vro have named. . Tbcac utreama and rivers are so near tbe cott?n irrowing regions of the Stiti and oath general ly, that in rrary cavs they will pcowesadvaa tageajircr bjl comp;itirs. Krcryday the facil ities nf tranroTi8tton will be greater, and the economy in charges for tbe same increased to tbe oatire manufacturer. It will probablr surprise many of out readers to bear (hat the Confederate Government, In tbe list year of tbe war, drew i'a reaio rupplies of Cotton Roods from North Caro lica, aod had contract with b:r factories for the jpply of enormous quantifies ofWoo!n fabrics TLe production of thee Liter commaditiei will now be j:re!iy stimulated. The war has liber- Jton va.Iey ; and this will ulnmafely have the ef- feet of makhjr those magnifi.vnt Tedons stock ! li.r.i-u:p;iias. XjOiiiUuriiCUU Wiii U0 IVT tl esl- trrn Nouh Carolina what fre? trJe ia doing fo Krr!ud "1 he pj.I of North Carolina are full of en- rgy an-I courage. Their soil baa been Itss de vastated than tbat of ary other State and she will eo-vi recover. Let bcr r-eonle. then, invent their fundi , ip riomcttie enterprise!. .Let them TC'mcoibcr tba, -while tb ir gret rtatcaman, 51a eon, in tbe CopTent.'sn yi 1S:5 decUred the opinuti ;H JSortb Carolina c?a'd never becoic .'..;, r : rt tJf a.3r.;f is- fjtrt5.(ts rv.i :,t aal powerful, byl tni iMrmfactures. Let ber perplc tanr unking their at.nuJ a-ploa of mooeyHtrto faroae and loT 't, cr.tvn acj-aix!on mtl.s, and loey wi.l ach!te the fruit ?yrk which H- before ibem, ia the path rbikh 'oatare bas marked '.oat for itieuj to tr-ad. , 'Notfwffcha.ci cf netrrGCJ and be, bjt tiw-vr-iioa of buy wafer wbee!., atid V'rc4, and fpit.d'ts, and trip bamiDeni will maie btr fot'ire a!I thu b"r fancy tan paint if, cr ber children jire, in opu!?nco and powoi. I;upct taut t' Farmer. . Tho ftfIJNS 1'" ""ntiy been given ly the,Ci.iiKf.Uiioncr of Internal Revenue at Wa; Kington. Ti-y 1 are minor tent to farmers j a f0 far ,s tbev tuthjc sbma of tbe knotty! are to ;i" Twnn 1, h tu-juctiua trioi tiie sfrtfs r- ct,,B .V' ol KuioJal sdJ the putkbato saottev pi au 1 le j!no. It atiiiuais have lea loft carton ditcba-duawi laud are nnrtolr expenses for permanent improve. of the land, after the removal of the.fia.ber, and I 1113 vre us uiceriiiueu vi eiuujaunij inu vniun 1, from tho, sum thai cbuimsi.; deducting iba cart- .P0 vLr?UU0? ""v wr T -V fv" ' inatedalue of the iand on the rt day of J-q- and. water, aod rolted ta fine sand, and after tba aarV, 18G2, or oa tbo day ol purchaso, if pur- bad-trcatmeut it aftiU won the pjiw a the best 0)a4sd.S!Bce that date. , v t 9, VAere 00 repaid have ben mbdo by the V tax-payer upon any building owned by him dur log the prcceoiag rive years, nothing can bo de ducted for repairs mad during the year for which bis income is estimated. . . - ; 10. A faruur nhouid male return, of. all bii produce sold within the year, but a mere &ecn-' toxy contract for a sale ia not a sala delncry, either actual or oocstructivo, is essential-. - Tbe critciion by which to judgo whether a sale L com pete or not is to determine whether tba vcudor will retains, ia that character a "right over tbe property ;' it -tbo property were lost or destroyed, upon which of the parties, in the absence of any otbor relationlictween thoaa than that, of - th? veti-der-and vtodVeweuM the fall --- . "i- . THE PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION IS PUIUCEI. ' ! ' " ' . rifiA.-' ;, . .; r:p ; ! Tbe city authorities aod tbo " corn dootora" of rbilad'Jpbia baring a; tempted to "cut" tbe Pn't ideot oa Ms "visit, tCe people of that city took. the tuattef tip. Tbo following ii what tbo Lt ljer " Aa an iujprotupta popular jnovcweot, with - . . " suarouly any previous notice, and with very few of tbe oauil mcaiia adopted , to call irge iodic of tho people out,, it was almoat, if not uite,; without a par-!lcl in I'hikdufpbia, for ovf pectlo .... ... . .! '' t r In the t,ibborb',-od of tbr A f.'i.oy ;c ucptt aud ilorg Hroad aodCSejioat atraeu, tbe crowd was ", great and, dt'oae, and tbe reception very hearty and enthusiastic; but those who only saw what, occurred on the route of tbe procession can form 00 idea of cither tbe masa of the people1, or the spirit tbat pcrvided the an tiro body ia frout of tbo Contioeutal Hotel. From tba ficioity of Uigbtb (rtnrt np Cbewnut nearly to Tcoth utrcot ' there was a compact mass of rcotla framf thn wall on one aide to tie walls on lb otheraad on the appearance of ibe I'rcdident and bia parry oa the . balcony, the cbeors and other signs of -gritificatioii were of tbat geouiuc, apontaoecas, uuirerfal-kind that iVare no room for mistake aa ' to tteir sincerity and beartiues. We speak of tbia -erect with no fcaMogbf partiaansb, butT simply as a Tcmuk&b?e((oecurrcnoie,.for it would'' bo idlo to waste wot J Jf uouur'ted laudation oa a matkr witoeued by ao many people, aodoquaQ ly idle for any one to attempt to belittle or dc ' prociate such a'dctaonstratioa." ' ; V- The Cottou Tax. ' ' Tbo regulations for the colloctbn cf tbia tax -(which went info effect on the 671 of tbia month,) senVos'y interfere f itb tbcealuvatica of the su- p!c, and will amount aljjoet loan embargo on tbe' remove; 01 ue prcactt crop. ... They aeem to re- quire every planUr, whaber be wants to a tile or twa for the" parpoie of prxuriog send oa' some . of tbe neccaiiariea of life, crcrop to market, ciib- cr to baal Lu cotton to tbe headquarters of - tbo Diat.-ict ?scsor, or to send for tne tasessor and wait until be ean come to the plantation and aa es tbo tax. It ia tbooght by practical men, tbat this sort of tbirg will rtquirc tie appoint ment of iaauaerable aaintact for to fatten 00 tba pb!ie, or bt tbat tbe rl-iukr will be compelled to sal! tbtir cotton at a aaciiSc to spec- alators not bcisg able to wait boob tbo torero meet lt:a!ati.'M Ijr z tt'ri"'JtTa-J.'rfrt, ' Fcfi (j4 Vie p jr - iiij J C tBBAC -jX r tb4ottoa witbaut givic? bood with twaaccuri -, tic, acd.tbts bond is subject to tbe approral of tbe Secretary rf tbeTreiury sj that we Eiesama- i: will bare to go to Washington ia many case from sections wbcre there are cO pcstoGee end" return, before tbe planter can avail himself of the beucilt'of Lis i&btr.' And then the bood is otily j;ood for 00 day, that the planter may ttill be compelled to harry op tbe assessor and collector, and get bis cotton cut from among bun-Jn-Oo.of bales, prbaps, to have tba tax-paving ai tended to bcfuiT tbe bond ruos out. Moreover, if a tag should te lost, we presume tbe planter woaild Lava to hurry off after tbo officer to get another to aarc bis cotton from coo5soaiion,,orat lcact to make it available. A -correspondent of a SeutLerii paper suggesta that it would bo much cbeper and uicr-o ccuvea icot to collect this tax at the port of delivery, and tbat tbo morehants and Chambers of Com osree sluiild immediately lay tbL matter before tba trecrttary of the Treasury. .t " ' WUmiiyto Di.'palrh.. FoSSY 7Toriiir. iuty dratas, but t,xcftanget tred re previoueiy nreu wv pur- ureoeu - iouao o mu, .. . .. na DJ U,!S " " u,wu iU-u U"U1"" r' of tho .Prussiau tfccdle gun. XfQ, A radical meeting we learn, was recoutly held in an adjoining county, which wan so thinly attended, that its friands let it wih. 'A tall raw boned luaoin a very juicy conditioo, waa hold ing to the doer. lie called out, boys arc ye gwin to gin it up. " Yes," was the reaponse 4 Well, bad'ot I better adjourn ye.'? Yea Whereupon beoommenoed singinj "yi .""'. And let thia f ctfja) y fail, And let it droop aie, My wrol sbail quit t4ia mouxnfni -u ' And pmiIo wor'iJ. nn hic-V to tase ai-out iwooiv urams. out it was a tit ..v. 'l v.. a 1 :i - v ;inrr.ir' i. i t- 4. . ... . t . ' ' V. iv .... fc5 .j ' . A i .NX w ? -.'- i V-t-.; ' - J-A Jh - 1 .rr' V." v. v.