9 wL. , ""v. ..... o . THE ARGUS. FRANK. PARLEY, Edito. TnUn3DAX'::;::u:r::SEITEMBEIl IS, 1806 1 gzr subscriptions recbi ved at ant tims : the Titles or subscription to BE TAID INTARIABL T T2i AD VANCE. i i i 1 i tQ-EJectioa for Governor, EUU Sena tor, and Combers of lTowe of Common takei placi on the Ttlrd Thursday of Oc toiler. fciT" Contrary to til public expectation no can tlldales declared tbemsllve thi week during CflurC-LrkieriitiSenatt erllocj of Coo toon. Saveral gentlemen ar spoken of, Bui co cam, art as jet autnorixed to be published.' f Th mail eteamsbip Java nailed from Lit rootloa tha Sib, for Nw York, with 200,000 . Burling in gold co beard. Wbai does it mean f Heretofore tbe'shipmonta of specie have all bees 4& other way from thi country to Eciope. - atvTba Tableaax and Concert, a a whole, - trivea list bight it Anson Institute, U scknowl edged by all wbo law it m a decided 'success. keaidoricg tbt abort time ia wbich the partioi pant nad to prepare tbemaelroa tbej did t try well, iodecd. W anticipate announcing another to cota off bortfj. trja.Thf news from Europe is generally unin ieresting, the dispatcbe received being mainly filled with detaili of carrying put the poioti of the treaties cf peace . agreed opoo. by thai late belligerent. The cotton market, at Liverpool, was reported on tbe 8th ta.be steady and quiet. Mid dliog Upland quoted at 13d. . " tgt. Tbers waa something ot 'a habbub among .the ward of the Bureau ia this community on Tuesday. There was speech making and a pro cession for a short distance all about selecting defecates to attend a convention to be held in Raleigh ihortly. We were not present and can' give any particulars. W are rratifled fce ,bl to state that - Measr. Wright & Whelygs, of Anson vilie, bare procured a ewtract, tbroueb Mr. Brvan Tvsoo of Washington, to carry ths mails twice a week iwtween Lheraw and Salisbnrf. This is aa tm portant route, and by this contract the mail is re stored to a large and important section of conn try that bu been deprived of it for over a year, FVBUC MEETING. - Ooe-of the largest aseetiogt we ki assembled in this town, met at the Court House, on Tuesday, at noon, and organised by calling flu), v.. - vl OV.l. - J . 1 - . ' Col. Jos. White, Secreury. After a statement from the Cbair of tbe object of tbe meeting, on motioo, lion. T. 8. Aibe, one of delegates from tbe Third District to the l National Union Convention held in Philadelphia, who was present, was requested to give to tb meeting an'aocount uf bis trip to Philadelphia history of the Convention, and his views on vat tjra in general. Mr. Ashe took' the stand, and for about an hour fixed the attention uf the audience with an interesting speech. We have not room' or the cp portanitxlallo w JiiniJOjfJioarkiJbjnt wm give ouiy toe principal points loucaea upon by nim. . ., V - After adverting to bis appointment by the I'is trict Convection as a delegate, ho stated that be accepted the office-, with some roIucUuoe, antici paling that if be attended ta Convention hia in tercoi;rtnwith Northern cither s might be any thing but pieasaut. . Hut be was happy to say. ihas aj soon ai he came in contact with cititena from all parts of the country the North and Northwest especially he bad been most agreea bly disappointed. Not one unpleasant word or expression did bo bear the whole time he was in 1 was COURT WEEK. ' Tie crowd ia town on Monday and Tuesday, 7 minj la' aUeadanee oa the Court, and others " wha came to ate and be seen,? was the largest wejhava aeen here fcr yea.fr. The iJambtr of ne--v ,W preeest ws.l unusual! v law. BarriD? ; , ane or two. alni pntorwtr ndt. Cspt. W,W- ije-inEoonce, tie behavior of all parlies was eoeraiij rsry gooij. : . . . . ' 'AXSQS SUPERIOR COURT. The J1 term of this Court began its session Lere on Moodsj, Judge Gilliam presiding. We cannot this week give any of its proceedings, but snau oo so next. The Lk)urt will probably bold an til Fridaj afternoon. The State docket is na . -ajoallj teavy. Wa aaderstand the Judge is jo quite feeble health. lie was more last week than this, and in ccnaeqaenee many eases before SUnly Superior Catrt, where th J ndge presided, had to be cdn tinued, among tbcm the case of a negro charged with rape or an attempt at rape, anon a refpwt able jonog uamarried white lady if that county, CBERAW&XD COALFIELDS RAILROAD. Maj. B. D. Townsend, President of the above named road, paid our town a7 visit, oa Tadar, uttuietiewor meeting thesitizens of tEacoan ty and presenting to them the claims of the road BbU m iuq voors-touee aanc the noon re oww iae uourtottiiat daj, but finding the rdom alraady engaged to the citizens for the Rat- iacauoameeting,tie concluded to postpone bis , -aiij.iueBuajpr.yc'Der.gourt, when lV10 meet onr citizens, especially those reai3in al?iBf ihs ist,7i;- ;.;;: -.m- jrcjeciea ran, and cousu't unh them. A NATURAL CURIOSITY, An adiridual named John Pattereoo, of half L tnd whlte "-"gtiog, from Harnett county, .tro without arms, Has been givlnFexhibi: onslcre ta-ih-public ibis week, which are escribed by those who bare seenr iheai as verv nlf-rldl nii.tr ' .VV. .u.. i... . " ., . tbwr.laad,aleaii .,trcp a razor and fyh, U as much skill & the most ex prt barber, and da aoatber of other things re . ? y AKMZ &jri tige'j, and deliaajy in htndllny. J . . .. f - thy ( the consaderaUoa and patronage tf the i ' eublia. Eeinz debarred bT hi rrtnnmlnXm, manual labor, s - be seeks to support Umself Ij.suclWernmelnf - ;j .; " SWQULAR REPORT." t i About eight o'clock, oa Moods mornin , thl eoar citiaens were startled by a very uvna.mrp report, Miffroai a riled oannoo i . of heavieet calibre. firl at . r r aix milee.froa, this point, followed-by a rapid ,U1?, jastea neaiir minute, passing off toward the southwest, a&d aeemindt causing the earth 4o tremble as if from a passf g traia of oar. At this nnint h w vuid livtu uirecuy soata of us. Citizens from the neper and western portion of the count v describe the ound as sppeariig the sarn to them as to as: oat oiRzens from ( of the county, and er the South Carolina line, t"T t'F S directly over' Xi? tf r03'1.0 bario8 the atmos. Phere, fallowed by rushiog sounds as if from two Mdia-Ma goiog directly wert, and tbe other to warda the southwest. At the time the phenomena cffamd ih. atmosphere wa alighUy hary. We art aatisfied from all wa eaa learn, that Ihe re TV?," ,0Ba described, proceeded from - .i.p6 aenme, om nntwipau hearing further Philadelphia, from delegate or cidseos, and a though the Convention llalL inaide and out, wi literally crowded, he never esw a mote orderly crowd in his life. . lie had met at the Conven tion men from the North and Northwest who were mare denunciatory of the Radicals and their policy than tbe most extreme Southerner. ' Uli these preliminary re mark-be took up the Declaration of Principles and reviewed them urxatim. before doing so be stated that the resolutions had been adopted altogether by the Convention by acclaaiation.aad were cot voted op on separately as many seemed to (appose.' During bu review and clear exposition d them the audi ence evinced their appreciation of them by applaud ing. In commenting upon the expression "loyal" in the fourth resolution of the Declaration, he claimed every man as loyal, notwithstanding what his antecedents may bavo been, wbo had taken tbe oath of allegiance and wbo supported tbe Constita tion of the United States in good faith. As to tbe ninth resolution, to which some'exception has been taken in the Sooth, be laid, he could not see bow, under the circumstances, the Convention could hare done otherwise than have adopted something of the kind. It was simply a declaration of the duty of thp goverament to its soldiery tbe duty wbich tvery government owes to it soldiery. After reviewing the resolutions be toak up the proposed Howard amendment (so-cal'od) to tbe Federal Constitution, acd 'commented-severely upon it. lie warned his fellow-cituens against eiTiBZ it anv countenance or eur-Dort. anJ jealous! by tne the Assembly whose views are well known on that subject. ...-., Mr. Ashe was listened to with almost breath- les attention by the large audience present, and ww oitea interrupted by applause. At the conclusion of his remarks. Mr. J.. R. Hargrave offered the follo wing resolutions, wbich. upon being seconded, wero unanimously adopted : . Raohtd, That We arrro ot ths proceedinrj of me late nauonii tmoaaLa Lonstit&t odI Coarcatun. at Fbiladelpkia, becance w oi therein a, fall and clear re0nitioB of the Constitutional right of tb soothers States in tLair rtlation to the Federal i. moo. , Jiuotred, Ttat we aptrave aad talon the 'nol'ev now beicz r.ursaeJ br Andrew Jahnnn Trirlt,r.t f the L'aited states, sal will lUiUio't'ie nni. Euohed, That we will diicsnotenance idticUihu that may be deeiraeJ or rany teed to thwtrt the prea eot piaaa of tbe Federal administration in it eforta to rcttora tie 'Union as it was before the late attempt to secede. "Before adiottrcins the orcceedinM weTi . thrizod to be published. We have taken the official wpypd-eHaitrated-as above; As a ratification racetios;, we look oson this to V guard igaiadUvery atteoirt totlizi if i Legislature, by seodior; only soch men to I as one of tbe larpest and meet tucoessful that has .a ttti.a ... ever been ne;a in tnis county. Jiut little tune v BAt'lCAl MAXaSUVERLYO. We give below uvcral articlo as (bowing tbe dosperat effart c.tlicg by the Radicals ia this State to rcvclulioftli tb goverament of th State, and to place tbi'.peVpl at tb eomplete mercy of tbe Radical faet.on ia Congresa. The Raleich Smtinei ventilate as follows the Uatu of the individual at Ntwbcru who are th prime mover for a Convention 'uf Radical to be bald, the MtnJard sits, cu the ZULU tost., instead of th ku, at itateignt tu tuwuiti oaoAjiiaiia. - Ths Utt 5awbra fdMMxIrtsaa adoouotof a et- log held u wbi a, iMt week, to conalder the pro priety of scieelinf dk(rt te a State Convention to convene la t) la ciy. Tbe Tutt due not fit ths ef fioijil proeardioca of t'it aaaetlnf . It aava the meet Kg fan a "lru asukUiuiatio" eaa, btonly men. tiot the names ox a t white paraon presant, and oa It two of those art Kurtb Carolla'.ans. Mr, C. K. Thoil, Uta Searetary of SUU,.nd, Uter.' rridot of the ACantlo Eal'MdwbaM-ibo- lai a mow or ai ldur ana friend, w. w. lloldeo, wa u cnairaita oribs meettag. Uw radical pro eliiiliaa kara. bowercV, bean we'd known. .Mr. . R HUnlr was th f am airr a verv lit appointe of a . ill 5 .a. r i t rwuw nnuai. THt-xi. 11. menniDjer, it, r, Lahnita,' and I'. W. W aHror Were tb eowuiitc an iraolatioo.- T kr Vaokee dtd la tha wool, and repreMnUii n t'm ?omnr aa Thad Bfcvena. add reived Me met! J. .' ( . W kaa bad ? je Terr toillos; dicurt front Washington In r;sra to aonta of Via aoter ia thi tnactiDg, at J, if wa mistake not, air. K. W. Carpen ter la tha repute 1 aaUor af ttione woodarful Ulesmtr ad lettr bailing from Nattb Carolina, Dearly a year aro, which tare rooli wofal aeooont of tha treatweut af tha blaoksin tb 8h, furnished to lha Northern Radical rreasj W ihould not ba anrpriwd If mora of tbe Same tart were iH3 conjured up to effect an object. Most ot ttoa diapatcbe bailed from Ri!i b , bnt ar tald to havf bQ manufactured In Newbern. and vntilata4.thjagh a tbn wiU;Bt; me-iium here. Tb Virginia raM calif J tbam Rtleigh-gratae, and hecoa eTerrUiior raeivd from Raleish In tb thure of a UUrai, Torsrnia time, waa looked opoa with' uipicloa and trvatad with a large degree of allowance. The reolutiotrppraa of Hie a!if a Convention to be held in tUa U? aa tha 17tii init,, to orgncli in tha f tate tb aiaaistakabl loral taeo. W are a !d toeeetbU. Ws are anxious to know wholnNortlr Canada aralLe Radicala and enemies of tb Union and OoMlituttoa of tbe L'nitad States. We are anticoj to know wb r tka unmioUkab! Joln.'oa men and who ar not. W bar a.lwvrsc!tsed Mesira. Thom as and tfta!r. mtir Nortn Carolinians, fand there are a raw mora a'wut ewbaro,) in political aeoord, (and oppotad Jo,Oov. Worth, j with the 7Vn ani Messr. Mfniui,r, Itubxan, Wardrop, Carpenter. Ae. The tim s-u earn when they I'jonld bang their naaaers oot. The Stantfarrf prefaces the resolutions adopted" at the above a entioned meeting with the follow ing "sUxriog ppeal." No doubt, like Glen- dower, tbe cdi'.cr thinks he can call spirits from tbe "vasty dp; and we hope the 4,unmitak. ie will not refuse to obey his call the people want to aeo wao they are: - "We call, tWefWe, on tha unmuUkabl J loyal nioa men af the Slate to com i mow ta lUIeisb, to take eoacxl together on tl cut of & country. Let th East, lb Centra, the Xortb, tk fouth, and West be here ia fu!l f jrv aa practicable. Let av er Vtucn r:r ho nay btM af Ua proia4 (wnrcn- tion. spread tie Information anion: hi uaiebbora: and let oa btq a r t ttriag of tb trira frieoda of the got. erTcnfBi;-Wlv Wn'.f !sJ InTTia r;re. wurk .lffUK.U5j.l?; every man whaaa'cbara ta u a ana u. mttat, eoroe to tnt UonTPtilion. IJo not wall for mcc itg to rcqaeet you to com, friend, one contecr wr own accord. The country is in great peril-. lis t'aioa mast be restored, bat it eaa ta restored o by "unmiaUkably loyal men." , Et4 fry material aui mural Interest la suffering from the condition hi wlica w ar now place J. Tb only remedy is the I:. Ion I the Union I and the sooner it la ra'ored lis batter it will b for oa all,"- In the artiJe of the Standard from which we take th a bow, we find the following extract from a letter, which the editor says, is "from distinguished Western friend ;" Coo&tles eaa be reprttentad, and a eaadldate bobIb atad. . One more let tbia appeal be not diaregarJad, and It may be that tb aeit eiaeUon will plao tb Stat la tb band f loyal Union, man. UNION. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 26th, 180d. Ia addition to the above we loam that ther is a secret oath-bound association ia tbia Stale, called th "Black String Band," which already number several lodge or circle or "knot" in Stanly, Montgomery, Randolph and adjoining counties, working te csrry oat, bj, underhand means, the aim and ebject of the Radical. These aims and object have already been enun ciated by tbe Radicals tboniselvci the' first of which is to have tb " Iloward amendment," so called, ratified by the State Legislature, and next to completely revolutionise the Stat government and place it ia the hands of tbe "onaiistaka bly loyal." I The Radical organ at Raleigh bu already enunciated mat its party wui attain its enus- ati all tuzABDS." Our reader will bear this threat in mind. " DIABOLIC A I O UT&A Q Es , The President Teat I CSiicaf). . Ia onr last w mentioned thai tha Prti&al left WaaLington oa the 23th alt,, to go to Chi cago to partioipat in tb eeremooj of lajlog tha oornor ton of lb Poagla Jlonameot la ta tatter city, and could only, for th want of ipae, . . av.a ' '. advert to bis reoepuoo Dj tat pcopia ana aataor ities along th rout. . In Nw York city a grand banquet wa given oa lhera!ght of tha 29th, at which were pressut. Orant, Farrsgut, Seward, Welles, Rossesu, the Mexican and Bnxillaq ministers, A. T. Stewart, Aitor, and apwardi cf two thousand cilixeo. '.I I 1 The President spoke at great Unsth. We give below a synopsis of bl speech.' , 111 defioU tion or ioterpretatioo of what A considers "loy alty," we wish particular attention to bo takta of, aa much baa beta said lately by a eertalo rad ical paper in tbia State as to what constitute "toy ally." and which raper'a ioterpreUUon. if aV Lwedl.woul4.fednc to a atst of Tassalija t- waras ot iwo tuiras w ail me wuito ciuscn b lecal voters of the State, embracing tha rraatr portion of tbe intelligent and talented peopl af tb State, and thoe oolj la whoso band her. saying "That Uexpr.i par- ' csoSatca."" An J " coveraaicot tad- rrtaUwhed tbrirrwat fact . Wilmington acd Wcldoo road a few week ego. that lha HUla bate pot tbejower or rlkht, either r a . . . k . I 1 . r II. --11- a a Un the mgbt meotiooed, tbo itor being in clarg "J ;"ioi or peaoeauie means, w seperate iroaa of Wm. Cox, a aon of Wm. J. Cox, ged about "cU . Ba F prUaall . . . . . assumed, and cp to th present Urn carried oat. Jw" geoncniao at tun tim y.. iaeLr :M .... .v, po,.,,,-..-. ... rf..l.l being in New York, making bis fall purchases,) and thee State wtr out of tbe Union.' Wo between the hours of efcbt and nine o'clock, a denied the right to secede, even peaoeaUv. Aad Dcraon knocked at tha il.r an.! n.m Pr .n. dw w find, then these Sutea irgk acraio to r- , , y O ---J -r i .- I i . r.T. .. . . poeing it was a eentlemaa friend whom he wa. r p-cuca. reiauoa. witu ta uaioa, j , " ...... ... enaing repreaenuttve t uongre, tbtre are .W.UJ5 .u ...y wuu uioi ounng tne nignu in .... k. wb in , d atln f oponed tbe door, when he found a negro there in-1 charter of liberty, refuse to admit them. Mead of hi friend. Tbe nezro stated Li dcairo The questioa is, will we submit f ' Will the to trade, wanting he aid, a hat and pair of shoe. American people tubmit to thi practical user- Young Cox replied that it was attaint th. rule lV" paaut.a and ever. . j .i : . torew oy me wan laai issue I oeiur tow. . . . : w u rul I It. wa aubicit ta thia mm Ih. U AWt be eouid get what be wanted. Tb aejrro theo :1 . ' T.7 . V . . .ab.,1 f . r ,r Tkt. n... 7i u pv""u "J ce toe war com. wwwvw .w m L.wv w. IVW.VW. A u im vvA mwv nna I . I II. . L.I ! .1 . . . . . . :i...i 1. 1 . l: 1 . . . 1 , 1 wouceu. no aaacu, in iuc SDiru bl consuanilv itatod to let bim have, bat on tbe negro s rrom-1 , . j -i i v.u.y a...m. .v. k and sound philor-by, tf w are prepared agaia h w suiai ii vuicmg iui uuur. ua WCUI v.C( I . - - - ... - . . - , . bead from a very large stick in th band, of the "e !?? T ' 'coaotrjin aarmoaj negro, which knocked bim down, rendering hi -! 3L..il. 'nl. J for awhile insensible, and put th lisht out. After , VC ' , V . J,"'"T." v-i be fell the it beins verv gvva, A bold attempt wu made at tbe slorcbeose of J goyeromeat ihould ftet. Wni'. J. Cox. at Lilcwill. on Fridav niht laaf. . 1 'maX l rW. J. . j ' I a ' 7...S ' tba Oovcrnmcnt went to ait lor w uuo e i poN p restoring tb anion of th juuu vuivuiu, at uu.iacr ciation, oa toe I tb our great nsen4ible, and put th light out. After Mtf 1?' ?? V0'' U, negro continued to strike at Lira, bat !3,J ,'hU ,ht ,JcDC lkat ca f (ry?d.rk bo conld not sec very w.i " f0?. AXD LoTAL AO ; tu mm wksu .v. L TI038- And wb gcaiteaco net in Coo- . a a a wnere to put a is blow. Wbile tbe negro was tbus raining bis blows right and left, Uox rallied, and becoming conscious of the intention of tbe ne gro to perhapa kill bim, crawled to the door, and started for lr. Jackson's houw, about four bun dred yards distant, calling as ho ran for help, bat which ho did not ret nntil he reached tb bouse. Whan Cox snd the help he bad -cot at tbe Doo- -a. tor s returned to the store, they fonhd tbe aecrii gooebut that b bad left bis hat -.Ly- It wa no doubt tb Dcgro'a tateatioa t kill jxmn Cox 4 ihm rob lbaia, if f 4 of redfc Ventiop, from the North ani South, cam for ward and professed dototioa to tha Union aads Constitution, and when their actions tod prcfea. siooi correfponJ, who ili.Il dare to doubt lhara f llave we reached that point, that all coafijenee- i loat in men 7 If we bare, I tell jou that joar goverament ia not 'as strong aa a rope of aaaaV has ao weight and wlU tomb! to piece.. Tbo adhesive power of this government u ia tio coo ' CJane which tb pocpla feel In ach other.: " ' ' '' ua rjia iuu sue oonta caa accepted tac anua of tnon.yj-.ind but.for th. Bgtt Veiig provide J. !"Ti- 'I??., '" tially pnt out ha would ao doubt baft saccecdod ia his lad tlo other blowa received wbb tbo light was rut oot. The name of the oegro is not known to Cox ibisu attempt. As it was.-Cox reeeired aeveral " m aecwew. am, ku ws in different part of Li. tod v. besides I 7T v? . 7 taken - ontbe bead in addition to tb oa. be P.D ? ,u lentorceo. n bat, wen, wax tne caaae 01 trust Tat it aa cause rhU is another warnin, l-, .i.v.- : Io Pea. Urant and bimcclfi inst opening their store Tbousc. after nigbtf c foUK?i U lla a. " ltui f U,.Um tally if the stores are situated ia somewhat .VV"7 .g- n". against "Tbe new tiiJtkotion has bsea rejacted. There fore ta fur aa tr part cf the Stat is eoqeernad, tbe qnestion wlil ! th white basis in botli branches of tbe General Amiably, and tb l'uiot all baxurd. I wa racett' In Jienderaoa eoiinfy, and foand a late mjitrr the people ootasd oot ft tbe How ard amendment I Bnderstaad'tta aainefeelinf to x L)t west ef tneR'dg. Tbe Ucjoniats of ths Wen are 8rm, and ar raiting with rroat anxiety for tbe cam- paign to begisjf Our people ar ready for a CooTentiod to nominate a Modidat for Governor. W are waiting to bear fnoai tit Centra and tbe Eaat upon the isabject. Onrcandi iur th Legislature ar waiting for tbia.' I tbink peCt isolated places. was allowed to give notice, the thinj; being sprung A .r n ' . . ... after theJJourt bean its morning 8esBiLf anf ' TWS 81 jt aa soon as procIamiTioraadobr the ft 'I Hduig filled "OTjrcrflawiijff; The Raleigh Seniina and W ilmingtoa-pspers are requested to copy. J TU E PJT ILAVEL PIT A RAVICAL UOXVEX- This bod has adjun.ed-a4 diifLhut Jjeforo doing so tbey split upon the n?gro saffrage fj3;-s-tiofl, the delsgates from thv bd'rder States witb drawing after the aioptkia cdJ thajoriy report, wnica inoreamat aamion. It , snan ih&t to-itBitteo on the aiMres waraatBOBt'aaaa imous s'iinst nero saffrace. which the teo on resolutions gtood tea in opposition tofiv m javur oi it. .it!i tietiatfl an ttrrrrrmrTrf-rm ported to have beefl very bitter and snta?0Distift. bowing that the' rcconstructedand nnmistaka-Ml;:lojalU.r-. taWdeftBooiatory; than thoBO.wlio lor it at tb other: andt if Grant waa not in tbe tld, ba waa doing good, sefvio. ( Lausthter and artlause.1 ; . lie said that our V:,'JO0,UO0.0O0 of dctt eoulJi ' be paid only by tbo consolidation of our nation ality and the perpetuity and union of lha State, in conclusion, h said that tbe demon stration in New Vork cos firmed bim -in hi opinion that . -th people will take car of the Goverament, aad ' those'whu would attempt to frustrate then bad . Utter stand aside.,. lie, himself. Lad reached , the summit of his ambition, with one CXceptioo. But on thing waa waating. Would yon hear " it? fX'riea of " vea. ." A tJ.; i,i!t. wi .'. . a 1 J - 1 J "wl M -aw WtIMU - ncss. mo 1 resident baa time and sgaio altered enai and period of our hislorv when the Rut,. t ' i u . -... . .1 j. . i t .mm . Z . ms troitst Ftw rtT"rrffTTorrffr-ti'r'i'rrf. aM-rTf-w aeru.u lean tn ll.n mnfrnmnf ia t h agaitiet its plan, between which and bis policy, tbe band of the people, of restoring the Union aad Standard says, there is no material difference. HJ1US compute, causing me Uorernmont to Vnd now a body of its own friend,, the Radical 27::7 7"' " .rrP' " ' n -Lf-f . : oi.:t.j-i-i.:. I""" " . m ube . camain. aa ; WUI1UMKH IIUIIHHWUIM IU ,U U Ud JU, IUI ia, J AA J 1, I. .1- ... bec?.rd th9tbr4a:diffcrenoe3niil?cidea1 7 " "1" WT tLem toTos??LlTnipporT6riTc Th. MmBt aT d ltaP go back t thl Union, "Union end foremoat.' SettLror Psctery abouH be tisi'tnan." Aa a prevxm nujibtr of the Standard e God give en- lh gentle- pnarnd ara the rery. ones tnat sJTooTd cause fctf-The Standard of tie 4th ssys: Ther is no material difftreno betweca tha plan cf tu rresiueDi ana tna plan er Corgreea. Tb rresi- dent i bi'naalf tb author of ery separate and par ticular principle In tbe CongrtMionaf plan. VT ar anxious to pet back to tb Union that if w cannot ret on plan wc will take another The main thing i to a;r tiaca. it mtkn bj difference what rood w trarel, it ail tbe roada leads to tb same piac. The Standard is maundering ia it old age, and Las been struck with otiosity and mental blind- man who hv$ not yet lost I1 respect for himself T0TB7 CIOS'KIS Or K0R7H CABOtlXi:' 1. .ft., i.: . I j. . " .' . . ' uiv (tkii.uiiun asr o"sen aeieatea ana it now remaii-a ta tsen, if the Union men of this State are going to allot Worth aad tboae who snnnort bim! to run urr tba wilboa t kuj aho w ot oppoitioor" w hat do not mate an gteat f rctectIorssTbeyd6T . : , TIIE CANVASS. Bnt a few. weks now retaaia befara tha non pie wil te called upon tvoterfor QoTernor.-We4 want the friends of Jonathan .Worth to bear in lind the importance and necessity of geing to the Dolls and Pint i no t.Y,nir vn fn, f - w .V.VO iUi M 1 ill , We Uiua early call attention to this, because at present; bar eotjla pm ha n nnok . a " mv aa . aa. a cast down by tbe failure of their cron that tho-J .-L: i-..t . . . .. F . 1 are laiung but utile lowrest.io political matters. Every vote that shall betetaintd from Worth will ba a vote that counts in favor of Locan. or whet. ever bis opponent may be, and a rot strengthening tue radical raeuon m iJtonzres and atrainst tha President's policy. , Nothing i iaipossillc, aai if tha Ua the Sfca fill ris up in their acight rb tmt-s nicn una all am- ftn j croaent a bold $rCVv J.ivtAiijt dPiLpnt party. Worth aao h beaten. t mvt eetnifnro true- Vmwn waBariH.aiMLsjjt!semeBJbi. and call attention In ft,a thti -;..vr mlt . .1 x . , ' "l-,-.-t .r-- ---it -.ScS:SV.ILJUa.Vi m itvw.,., ijeia hi oegin Maef and bring 1 -u. O Farali worts, - 15 itwome t-etn to begin u ae and brine out i-ii,r ii".nio iwr uuik oi una ma lyegmiature air amMtwj is tne oo. ueo.: W. Igan, of Bntbarford, bu: i am wilLng ta gire way for a ymi poe -Hib.1 thm Hwiitil amrrlTnpiifdooii nnt ff1nd from oace, proficea it is saoptea, auct i think it. will be Tho only min that I k,n?w that is eminently tjual r . - ... I v-t . : . . . i . oi KKiamona county, tr tne Jioward Atnendmofit m l0fkerr tf alejsted can take b a seat. becann h. f. 1 v,..i. ,v ....i Jl " "w ,uu tnanegio. J-..-. . - --7r- - ..-v v.i uci WIUHD2 IDff M Hi rin. no i nuuer t sn, L . . jtung: : ... -The negro who oommitted a rape on a married ady of high etanditig and respectable faaiily ber Ilarrisburg, in CaUrrns couttr, was hurts on Fri day last, in Concord. Tire was no witness but tne i-amea woman berseif. FoT such crimes, there is no punishment tooievere.' LetinitH be meted out with a iiiek and heaw: hind, in - fSIVU ViMT-.n.. -r .... .: fcnch peiag. tas.ease.H. Dockerr i thtnan n II- . - ' J . M ' pasacsaas n eoendence of the ncoola ofthis filnte. brxan be ettftted. It tboold be the aim U tbTJaion men or tnw tut to throw no oboUol ih the way of rooiura.iaa. wiey ron uen. Xogan, it'will be said that be WM'jnrfh rebel Conerrcss: if thfev ran f n TbM.' SettUt. it Will be suid. be aened in thn r.h.i army; and aUboet every man. eent f.n iwi...' baa had aoastthtog to do with the rebellion. . , Gea Dockery ia for 4b white basia. He is fnr tl.i. governmbt bng controlled by whit men and bar loir v A word t tba Union men of tbia Bute: Do the " cim wuuraw tram plea rurtber in tbednst tMao-. Jtbey have i dared to lore the old flag?-are tl.y eonUat to allow Worth snd b.ii friend. vi ruie Mem any longerx-Are they willing to have all the since of bonor, trust, and profit tilled with tnea, who gpeaUtt merits ar haririr imre,l 'nnr i .i...l Confederacy?1 Shall it b, that tb very men who did all tier Could to destroy th FuTp.rmmint ... 1 .11 eonnecUi with, it, after their cause has been defeated bail now b.flftoedin power, and . that, too, because 3 d d d ti?y crjilt da to destroy tb government? A0:tb90f ttd tiiues.no. Lettarv I'ninn.. go to work aVot; let keetings ba beldand a candi emu mr uovf roi nominated, and tkat at once Le net tbia s."pl b in vain, bat let yry man be a ...' ' Hr ia th etrife." . . It hy mi have a O stion bcr on tbe 17th of cat riontl .t l U tin-t ie?te;b,- a rofficient n rt.s-r c-f the President's "as top leniuot." Tbe Standard ' seems to ba disposed to est an y (juaotity of " humble pie," and no doubt tbo ed itor j.ast about now would fed highly flattered if Thad. Stevens would put bis club fjrjt uodcr tbo regioooLlik ooatlail3. - J r. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We tavo barely room to indicate whiob are'new ad' sler & Co.:1 Commission Ua mington, N. C. " - . KendulLi Dockcry Cjinmission frcbant. rh.i-i. ton, 8. C. : .... ' . . V, A. Parker. rWrnnn nr,t:.i i !iVl - .-J DuaoloUon of Brni of Cos. Kandalllk tinnation of bnsinesg bv J. J Co '' ?. . a m . . - . v c tax-assessor. a notice, fwr Anson County A re-opeoing' of aa old roif t, .... . "5.-1 i nat beior kna m.v ambition is complete. I would satlier lira In thai actions and hearts of ay countrymeu, as haw ing confum mated tbia great end, than ba 1'reeb dent of the. United States forever 1" , , Ifer the-audienca broke jat? aa irrfpreseill burst of applause, ar.d oa the cull of Gen. SandV ford, gave tnjree cheer "for Andrew. Johnaoo, the Restoror of tbe Xnioa." . ;., ' , In bis pig&aga through Nenbcro Ohio and Michigan, the Frekidoot was moat outrageously in BftlUd. At ClevelaDt.' Ohio, ho was interrupted geveral bimea w'iU fp.fljr,',nt having th tens) con"traiter'iipplid to hia7.TAViw7nTfcr w . a i a. n i . -"-' W parties wanting nritrir. j ' L. Tillman. m.l. "v" waJ' Mr Ransom'Wilminirtoti trivial nnfTat .! 1 for board and toitionXitTber ins Z' " lioa Wades- Tnrnar' JJmano-fir lfefiri. r.. j-," Fowlk s Co., wid on and after tb 15th pnt a of back on th route to arff m ft.n rr:n " . . bv it a bore', for accommodation nf tr.i... W. M. Jonea & Co., hate" received UtticZir eeries,&e. ' Arnold, Coolev k Co.. r u ... i . .. . . "uw m oner to act as mdium for P3?f a-,,nB t0 Proeur mil ""tea. : H C. Maoers house building and carpenUring, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. , f ' . r?t0C F".'' '"-' atiMfoB,: and a hrnthn nf 1. I..- . . ' , w v kUO posiuiaster at that tlace who committed suicide some days since, attempted seifdestruction. bv enh nrr hla-tkm.f ri; out a- omc. the 30th ult., but wm prevented bV hi friends The Newborn CWiciarsavs thai in bis frantio endeavors to frpfl bimatf .L.! reltraint, Bo pearlj;. fucfieeded ia .Irangling Jobn n Steveneen, Esq tbo proprietor of the hotel, mjtinng lum senouslv.- Mr. Wa-f ? ' ' time, supposed to be affected, caused by a frae tere of the akul from th. .i.u..J . riunnjr the late war.; ' f k'" " tg wss hun.rrtnf rM fnieio-plaji to play a aottont air. At-Dirt. a5r.L?w.r insultingly alluded to the nhry pid thVpsi' dent to whi.h b. rK.j v - j . ra wa- a one of th.radical houndewho had been bafkini " lusioa to lux salary his text, b pourjd a broad aide of invective and ridioule intothe radical ' gross, which he called tbe Congress wi?ffi Wed it own pav. and Tr''M . - At Chicago h w ' 8fowe(3 io rmj0v u t fonIas Monument. ?fv.... . BM.T.t... .t- . reowymBtna in. - him with T:rB rtdiM, PpotHWtenedl . - SALEM. .,. L A National Bank baa been esUblUb.0 i l ia this Stat. ..TM.-t. !7!n,e8.7wj;Bd". Slent - esUblisbed in Nnrth n. VJ,U0W . .i & . J. W. Ilunter, R Israel na, . Tha ri .u T.A (-Wilson, I. Q.Ush, a-falldwr- Director iRJy, Eirj , Cashier.-. . " -r ; - ,w- "" wi . I

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