1 ' .ui-- I e fSQX 4 CHARLESTON4 CORRESPONDENT. V CaiJiLHT07ih 8pUa.ter. -, I'M Akqvs t The It(j it dull. Only t few Xt qx larre Looses hsre rcceircj their fall Full . slocks, and u jet buyer art scarce. ' II ot weather, tem of cholera, feref, &e., and scarcity of money la the rural distilc J, will delar the "lesson' Viogn thaa is dsys gone by. Yet all are confi dtat of tert lar?e trade aod are making pre paratlooi accordingly. The lanitary condition of . the city waa nerei better at this season than now although one undeobted cue of yellow ferer kas occurred so pronounced by one of our moat ; e&hient phralciaos. Tbia wai eome eight dayi ago, and no ether ea appearing all alarm hai ', sub&i Jed. 'There are -Mine eater of "broken . boDeLw always more' annoying thaa dangerous. Jfa cholera, nor indication of it. . . , . Among the Improvements rapidly approaching eempletioa may oe mentioned the rebuilding of .the sasgoiCceut block of stores oa Hayne street, opposite the Charleston Hotel, deatroyed by fire ' duri?? tho war. By contract they were lobe - re If for ecBpeUo by- lH inTf.pbot txasrtHdirT lie delays occurred, aod seme two or three weeks must yet tats ere the holdors can "more In." ,Tbey will be ocenptdd by tome ef our oldest and J bust firms. "' ' The .llott 1 itself ia being refitted aod decorated la manner tygulf ' creditable to the liberality tad enterprise of IK proprietors, Mevrs. JVhlie 4 ilixer. The lare dialog Lell, on which painters and upholsterers are now bastly engaged, wULia be,pne ot the mo- besut'ful jocss ia be country rieing ia splendor with the tianted ' saloons of New York and Philadelphia. Other, great changes are in progress, and the time-honored Rouse will soou resume its pristine position of faror with the publio The Mills House is likewise undergoing ex t entire repairs tad fmprof emente. . y. , Starting out yesterdar to see your friends W. 0. Bennett & Co., on business connected with any profession, I found their office surrounded by ecaffulding and full of workacn, while one of the inn stood by the tide of that sturdy Scotchman, Capt John Ferguson, proprietor of the property, looking with t pleased eye at the work of remod elling and rearranging the office. It will be ocamodioui and comfortable when completed, and of course will be the farorite resort for all the Pee Dee people on their visits to the city. 1 noticed near one hundred bales of cotton on the wharf comigoed to W. O. U. A Co., which for these doll tituef is a good beat noes. Andbv-tbe way, the abeeat members of the bouse would do' well to hurry op matters at home and come Along to Accommodation Wharf, for that "gay aod festive youth," who now alone represents the eon tern, has t leetU more on his hands than ho can ttend to, aod says he'll be - if he ain't poing away soon himself. Fact ia he rJ watching. I was much imprtesed with the force of "war's desolation" yesterday, when a leading' jeweler exhibited to me set cf diamonda which had been left with him for salt. They belong to an old and once very wealthy family, and hare been handed dawn through successive generation! for mere than a century. Intrittioally most gorgeous, .Tillable at! magnificent gems, worth tboaeande ' of cellars, they were chiefly valued fjr the asso- $u!ycs eOBoetfied "wlrti thfQi-aadco c5ct U furtk them St any price would haT been re tcnUl as a deep affront. , But alas 1 now the own era rt despoiled cf their vaat possessions aod re- ' doted He wxhI -Kilpeuiok and hie- fraternity of thievee visited them end these lored relics are offered for sale ! Sad reflections aroso si I gated upon them oremorics cf the past thronged around, and my thought on tearing m-' W ish I wee rich I'd bay them, for I know a snowy brow to which if aught eoulJ they fomAj, migit add t charm though their briliiaul light would be eclipsed by the 'bright bine eves' whieh would shine so dear.'" And then I meandered across the street to No. 800 sod invested my last quarter. It is tleasio to see tho National Express and Transportation Company Cen. Jo. E. Johnson, e'reaideni gaiaing ground sua aureauy aotng a larire basinets. lieTclormeoU are beios made . rawer damaging to its wealthy and ungenerous ' - 3C pUir, (eontrolled by Northern capital; anl the National will soon be an established institu tion if the people, mho ought to, will patronise it. I can personally touch for the uniform attention j' to busiaeas cf its officers here including such anen as OeoWalker, Mrr WtKKlward Yo fatar tblr known etery where.) and others like them erer courteous, polito and accouimodatiog. A serious acci'ieui ocsarreu at iae .uiu uousc laat nicht. Mr. Liadsar. a merchant from York a, ? . - j.a . ai... - district, fell from a third story window and died in t few hours from injuries receirei. He is "epolen of by elTaa si "worthy and exeuiptify gerT UetaiB, md raneh regret Is Mpressed it ibrMd recurrence. Kespect fully, Ae., Q. E. D.f Died, Kar Lilaifla, lal tosLTWairANSIE LOW, wT36w cf Thoata Low. deceased. ezl 72 yeara. Ph m for a number of ytara pra? ions to bar death a Arm and eensutest saaabar r tbe uapuat Uburcb. " IyayaUanieVN. C, Aug 18th, Mat. MALINDA B. COIT, relict o? the litte Kr. John C. Coit, of Cbe- raw, 8. C?' . " 7.''5 -,-. ,V; KENDALL-iOOCKERY,- Commission Merchants, , Accommodation TF harf. CUMm. MAKE LIB- 0. G. PA11SLEY & CO., Commission Merchants, tareftBTifM fitr rsmxl SCCiE ASD KOLASSES, 'ILL GIVE PROMPT TERSONAL ATTEN- VV .11 L..i..u nfmtMl to their ear : and snake liberal Cash Advanoes oe onslgnmenta lof COTTON, NAVAL 8TORESr and tber-COCNTBr PRODUCE for aale or ablpieent. ; - f. All oonaignmenta eoveeed by insurance frora -Artr E. F. COE'STHOS IATE OF LIME, or BONE MANUBE.-tbe best KerUaer ever used for Cotton or Grain Crop..;? Acewtefbr Di'.?"JU" ?""rTr: Just Received, '. M. JOXC8 A. CO., ;, The foUowlsg FEES II OEOCIRIE8: rwB cuewinq tobacco, 200Ibe. CPERIOB SatJFF, COFFEE, 600 IU SALT, 8UOAK, M0LA88ES, CEEESC, PICKLES, to. Bermd BUt. EzoeUent flail, MACKEKeI, fi'lIAU and IIERRINO. Bept. 12, '66-401-tf Dissolution. rpOI FIRM OF COX, KEXDALL A CO IS THIS I dr diaaoWtd by motaal eooatnt. - AU prtla iudabted are reaatd to nake Iramedlata pammt. Eitbar partnir will attend to attllnc; the butlcm of the firm. 4. i. IUA. W. P KENDALL, 8r., Xi. P.' KENDALL, Jr. 1,;806. St Wilmlogtof.'N. t., apt J. J, COX, (LAi' O?0X;'lSDAtL1"cO.t General Commission and Forward' ; inglilerchant, I r jnh IVfftrr tirttf WULSIIACTOXrif. C I W tioa to ail bualntM eotriita4 te hla. Cain ordara aolidua. Aatanctt mad on eotMifra mnU, if dcaired. aep 12-401-tf I JUST RECEIVED AT ARXOLDt. C00LK1 & COS The Largest and Most General OF Ever offered in this Market. Come and sec. eoutf New Stage Liner 7 s-5- - - rpmi trrEas:xED A!?.vorxr s .that- cs I and rur the 1 51b lost., thor will raa IiACS3 fwra Saod UU1 U Wadeaboro , and br V, for tha ac eoraraodaUua of trat alers leaving Sand II ill oa Tue dart. Tharadara and Saturlaji, lanne-liattly on ar- Wade'boro' oa SanJay, Tuesiay an Tbnrtday ovrn- ingaand connect with tra.ua which !ere Sad Oil! next morning for -Wiloinf ton, - TUWLKS S CU. R.xkiaghanuStpL 10,"lSo6-lmpd D. A, Parker SUU G K ON D K N T I ST , - H AHXQ LOCATED AT ANSONVILLE, RE- apeetfa'.lf vfftrra hu profoaaional rice to tho cititn of Aeana aad ad- toialoe eonntiaa. Ail oommunicatipr.t adareaaod to Anaonvuia wi!i io prompuj, utanaeq to. Sept. Ilth, g9n 0I-tf THE JiEW ASD LIGHT DRAUGHT Steamer Marion, CAPT. GEORGE MANSFIELD, LL RECEIVE FEEIOHT IN CHARLESTON, forCharaw aad intermedtate land' . rr ticgi on ttr Pf Dca rjTtr, eneStntiMi n fTTT Saptember ana leave tnaro on the Z'jtn t$eptenibr. , PeravoK wubing to cbip pt ner return trip will rw ol- ect that Taa receirta or Collector'a permit mot ac company Cottou to bo Shipped. . FERGUSON t HOLMES, ' Agents in Cbarktton. GEO. W. McIVER, -gewinrCrrraw: 1 Soft, u, isca-dOi-Rt U. S. Internal Revenue Tax." rOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVKN TO THE CITI 1 tana of Aoeon county that 1 will' attend at the I following times and places to receive the Unit'tdSiatea Internal Revenue Tax Lift. All peruana aubjectto taxation, or owning, possessing or having the care or management of any property liable to tax witbin or out of the assessment .division where thexJBIiier.ae&. all manuracturera, aisiuiWi ana peraoa ea titled to lioeoM, and all other persona required by law, must make out their lists and return them to mo at one of the oltowing places, via: . - Wnilesboro" September 10th to IStb, 1 806. . .Smith's, '. nthjM.: A LiUsviH..' ;;.,- '.M r -vv , ... 18th. , . ; ' Morveu, u t ; ll 19tb,' 20th , 21 at, -2d 24tb, 26tn,-, 26tb . 27th, 28th, - 29th, i ti . i , 'it ii ii. it Oalledge's, White's Store, -Peplar HiU, Lanciboro', Diamond II ill, Barnevil!er Ccc!r HiU,. AnsonvlUo', Beverly s, Points will be established as soon aa possible to which Cotton can be carried to be weighed ar;d marked, in accordance witji regulations of Intern al Revenue Ofiice, July 81 , 1.866. Tho matter la nor in tho bands of the Commissioner of Revenue. Th.e attention of Produ acrs and Sbippera is called in the meantime to the heavy penalty oue is liable to who shipe or transports any cotton out of the district in wbivh it is produced without its beiflg weighed and properly marked. .TH08. H. TOMLIN80N? Aea't Aas'r 7th Dir. 3d Dia't, N. C, TIiellailsT TbERSON'S DESIROUS OF SECURING A MAIL r - BouU. at remunerative rates, abonld lose fio Umo la addressing the enderstgned. The test oath t. n6 lonirar ia the war. Blanke and all necoBsary .Information furnished free of charge. Addresa, (with atamp.i . 7 s Box 1000, Washingtori, D. C. I Editors desirona of aiding la this matter will piesoe give the forage! ng three insertion?. (4fI-8t GOODS Surveying PARTIES WIsniNO 8URVf.tla I'fJSM ARE requaated la drop me wrj l r.na tL round the Peat Offiea, la order that wLl 1 r. oo a tottr of Sorrtrlof with tbe Haariff to r t J i!ovtri,'4c, I mar he abta te aeooomla tima aud i u-- . W. .L. II. I 'lAK, "' Sept. ll-'eft-Ol-tf V.vvtXf iimyor. ; School Notice; w '; : THE CHARGES FOR EOARD AS 3 TUITION,' aa entered ta cay Circatan IT I'tm '. Scminwjr. are for the wbo! echolaatio year t( binu lAODtbi, ana not for half that time, aa has bm mlnir-. lemtood hj aama. MRS. KOLI.T.T 1M530M. . Brpt. II, leaOlt ---- ' ; , ' . ' House Carpentetingi'&c, ' TH E UNDERSIGNED 13 TREri -I ZV J-0 DO ALL kinds of ;ieiaaof,rpcitfiriitb llnlld Ing, Ac Ordera aol!cUJ, tad mill t promptly ttaaded te. . l'trtfet daairlog work.doae'wlll add ran taa t Lllaafllitcr Wadeahoro', j, ' i' raa If rtooir t. h Bcpt.12, lSC(M0i-Ct X "' Tarnefs Aimitna ILL BE BEADT AEOTT Tit I-t OP SEP. temfcer. Thta atij' '! fiAj'-r') tatir I at od la f I ooiio, Iu 4!k4.vt',rll ba an targtd ant improfad, - Sad la, ia,ur m Jrs atone If joo want lham ftilad early, ar I iVl! I'l prlars by turn. . Sb4 ordars to the ear of bweivi Jt Fvrar al ah NrOi Bahati. Ba.'rirh. . .- ..,.. .., fi.D.iTlRNErt. TL'l T 401-t ' CHEAP! .CHEAPER ! . ClIAl'ST ! GREAT REDDOTIOIMN CJIAIiaaS! ' JX CONSEQUENCE OF THE HARDTIME3, AND 1 to meet the wacta of al) clawea, & Bi)H Mill oparata oo TEETU at the filoin(low ralea, payabla In "greenbaeka:" . V - Extracting Teeth.......r..'...VlM. SI W JI 60 ringing with Pataat Material., 1 to ZOO ' with Ooli, malI......V.tf -.-i U 2 60 . ' .. lrga .i,; 3. to 4 00 ' . InWting Teeth . .,' ( to 10 00 ". Cleaaiog Toeth The Senior partner having hal'aa eijrisnce of tareuly-ait years, and hiog inatrna'i tirf Junior La the Jiflrrrot braachej of tho profoba, wa rra8t alt our operationa. The Joaitf, P. B. UORTO.V, will airit tor iart of Aasaa or t'lj iia.'ng eoaatiea when reqieated, and operate at the atna ntea. Either of aa will alwara ba found at mr ofloa In WadcaboroV " J B. if. IIORTOS, - . Il'B.HORTOS. , . REDUCTION, ALSCr IS T BICE. OF, ' 9 ' TAKEN M nORTON tLztS. " SaH Pictmree, from ..., $t to f 1 50 i to -too to, 4 oo Lrfr oaeea... Ptaa Caaaa - aV3T Pay a'ole !n 'greobao:.&.",-t ; Cc3 Wa ha ttf t uvrlt ' Watches, HAVIXO-XOXCU-'llEQ .i'OT.TO. LAY. I3L A atock of Osoda for th praacal, will, ueTertha !cm, rftri'i ordera". and fill then at ubnrt notice, for WATCHES, JEWELRY,"." N V. ft. DAVIS, : 1, . 1 WaichBMiar aad Jawtler. WadVro.rpf. 6-400-tf i- . Cotton Gins foi,Sale. ' IIVK SEW FORTY -SAwVotlON CIN3, SAN . dm'a make, will b offered atpnVl'C aaction, to tbe hi;bet hid ler, on Saturday, Keptcmber 15th, 1S6, in front of the Aarca Offiea. . Terms made known at tima of tie. ' Perttns by .calling wiliin.to examine amis Gins can do so t tbe Aaara 0-. YT. Q. SMTH. Execute Styt, 5. lM(U400-2t E. Murray feCo,, WILMINGTON, A" C, 0 FFER FOR SALE :td Bales best StaaJarl LAGGING,' lOO Ci!. Prime EO?E, 15 Hhda. WESTERN SiJES. 50 Tons No, MKRUVUN GUANO. sent 4-400-lm MS. Mim -SHBAHY,, -irxnTnxrNTvrT I WILL OPEN A FIRST OLVS3 'SEMINARY for GIRLS and YOUNG LADIES, on tha corner of Orange end Third street, in tout city, on tbe 3d of 0t36er next, r 9 Teachers of the first ability an largest experience, will be employed iu every branch of ttudyLanithe niocTpal wiTI give bar personal eare and attefltioa to every part of the Institution. ' Every thing will be taught whVh ean be desired ia the thorough 4ocaton of jYi'"' " " For fuitaer jparttc'ola'ra, eppr to the Principal for Circulbrs Containing a list of et .'!'., aod the termf of tbe InsUtution. . Mas. R6iiEHT RANSOM. .t Sept. l-400-3t - ' . . : ',f:;.. ..' . DAI.Br r U. HALE. LATB XDIT0K8 Ot rAVITTXTJU.S : 0.) OBSCBVKB Pnblisliers, UooKselleri Md btationew, 4fi6 ilroadway, IHew York, Xtarly oppoiiit Sl.SkkcUu Hottl, TTTILL BE GLAD TO SDPPLT BOOKSELLERS V and MERCHANTS wW-all articles In their line at aa favorable Cash Prices ai oan be bad in the city., ' An the OKLr Sopthibji de? rf in tbe city they soli clt personal calls di ordet e. their fiionds and the cublio. - - aw-arpa - -.- - --' -" oko. HAanisi. A. i. BOWKLLi 1I.U1RISS & 0;VfiLL, - G cneral Commission Merchants, .rortV If -afer Street, iviLisiHcncosr, if. c, 196"TFatcr street, 3fw York. " T- IBERAL ADVANCES MADS ON CONSIGN Jj meets to our New York poa on Produoe, which will be roawABDi through FBEE of oommlMions. Consignments are oovered by Icsarasce from port. ana piaoes in iiofw o,ui viijwim, ujr miuv., SteamboaU and Flats on tbe river to a ahippiog point aal thence to ew o.. . . v ptc-aw-ompa Stolen,; IJ1EOM THE LOT AT MT PLANTATION, 0.1 ' Pee Doe River, oa Sunday bight laat, 2d inat,, a rad aorret MARE MULE, of fully medium site Md ia good order. Aay peraoa givlog me any lnfornmtlon of sal J mnle, ao that I gat bar again, or any Informa tion itbont tbe thiof that may load to his conviction, ehaU be reasonably rewarJod. AdJraaa ma at Anaon viJIa, Anaon eounty, N. C. . W. G. SMITH. Aognaa, 18tS8-i00-3t , . Notice. A LL, PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE LATE A r of WADDKLL 4 RICHARDSON aod toTBUN A BICIIABDSUN are hereby notified to eome forward and eetile thair aeeonnu by the 80th Init. I have all tbe aeoounta. and thoat failing to comply with tho above will, after tha expiration of the time, be dealt with according to law. Bitoatei aa I am I aan wait oa tbora no longer. I can be found St Anaouville at any time. . - - A. II, RICHARDSON. BepUmbar 8, 1806-400-8t bwawawaashWalswaaw Baggy h Coach Factory. THE rNDERSiaED, TIAVINO FORMED A Co-pertnenihlav aro prepared to manufacture nCGiMKH asd ROOKAVAIS.at abort aotloe, etl to do ail REPAIRING with eeaiaoee, darabi'ity anddia patth, and at a low ratoa aa the timoa will admit. Ordera for any kind of work In eor Una reepact fully olielted. ' Call at Threadgill'a old etand. Bear E. Hdtchinaon'a almr. . JAS-TnEKADQILL, ....... . 1. L. BAYLOR. Aog 29, I8C6-ayj.ftm To Southern Editors. HAVINO -DETISED a)I0RE ' EXPEDITIOUS plan for reaching tha vaeaat Mail Ron tee ia the 8ouih, I hereby reqnast that thoee Editors who have not yet inserted my Plan relative to tha maila will not do so. Thoee who have ioeerted and bare not ret for warded their bills will please forward them. I caleo late aooa to be instrumental In placing a mail upon every route 8onth sow destitute. . . BRYAN TYSON.. Warin;ton,' Aog. 16, lBCe-Sgr Lumber. the scbscriner is prepared to furnish flym: lumber, of tha different klnda for CASH, or in EXCHANGE FOR PRODUCE. - . . . 12-1 will GRIND CORN ON 8ATURDAYS",' and at other times when there may be a sufficient quantity at tbe Mill. A share cf patronage ia eolicitefl. fpartieolarly dur ing tbe "drj eeaeon.") W. H. MONSO.V. Anaon Tannery, Jane tO lgC6-397-tf J. A. aUACKEIVBlTSII, Wholesale and Planters' Grocer, ' . t20 East Day, L CHARLESTON, 8. C. t. W. EU ANUtL, fmaarly of Cherew, S. C, will So pleaaed to aee his old frieada at Mr. Quackenbush'a eaUblubment. ' . S9ft-tf . Valuable.T6vn Property it- T TOFFR POR SALE Till LARGE SEW BUILD ing ia Wadeaboro', baiit by ma la 1861 in LIT VhY STABLE, the OSce adjoining, aad the LOT apjo. which thtr and the gtablf aind. . . . :. . Abo, tha TENEMENT and LOT next te tbe Stable Lot! and ntc&lng op to and aoluic j the premuee oc capted Vy'ihe Bv. C. T. llTand. " Alto, the TENEMENT and LOT occupied by Mr. j-John BdthB, kn-swn ar the "I'arsouage," on te op- prjmte ride of tbe street from tbe rront or tne filaoie. The Stab'e U In complete order, ready for any one who would J-iro to go into tha Livery businraa; or, with alight alteration, will make a must excellent store and warehouse. The Parsonage building -baa quite recent! been reahlnf;'iedv i wi'l aell any p:-t of the above property, or all tvt.4l!ier, a bargain and oo eay terma. For further information apply to tha Editor of the North Carolina Argue, r. to the tiaderaitraei: J. C. CARAWAY, Aujat 8. It-35-tf Music and Dancing. ' l GENTLEMAN OF CHARLESTON, WHO HAS 7 taught MUSIC and DANCING in the beat fami lies of Sooth yid fan rr"'1 " h of f ereoc. desires to gt a elau in Wadeaboro', N. C Ho will teach either or both as rcay be desired, for f irther information apply to Cul. E. R. Liits. . , 896 tf REMINGTONS FIRE AlUfe Solrt by Gnu Dealers AND. THE TRADE OEKESAIXT.V VEST POCKET PISTOL, No. 22, 30, 82 and 3STJarr .ridjie. REPEATING PISTOL, (Eiiiut rt j No. 22 Cartridge. REPEATING PISTOL, (Z'.UH pt.) o"-' Cartridge. NEW rOCKET 'RKVOLVEP., with Loading Lever rOLICK REVOLTES. Navy SiaoiVibre, BELT REVOLVER, Navy gjse Calibre. . BELT REVOLVFRf (Self eokigj SitVT-librr: NAVY REVOLVER," C5-1 00 ia. Calibre. ARMY REVOLVER, 44-1CO Iu. Cilibre. CUX CA N P, .BMPgjto.-fi'J- OartridgH REVOLVING RIFLU, 8t and 41-100 in. Calibre B R E EC II -LO.t D ING RIFLE, So." 32 Cartridge. BREECH-LOADING f'ARRTN R, No. 4rt frtridpa: UT SRIFLET (Steel JWreiJ with Sabre Bayonet. U. 8. RIFLED MUSKET, Springfield Pattern. - SINGLE BARREL SHOT GtfN a? K UEMIA'iTO.Y& so.s, Itioa, Niw Yobs. ' ' AGLyjs - ". .. moore & nichols; New York. -. PALMERS & BACHELDERS, Boston. JOHN P. LOVELLi Boston. JOS.U GRUBB & CO.; , Philadelphia. PODLTNEY & TRIMBLE, Baltimore. HENRY FOLS0M A CO., New Orleauaand MetnphiS MAYNARJJUROS., Chicago. L. M. RUMSEYyt CO., Pt. Louis. ALBERT E. CRANE, San Francisco Aug 23-j'0-3m -r" ' Aw F. ill. STATED COMMUNICATIOXS OF KILWINNING LODGE, No. 64, SECOND MONDAY IN E VER Y XONTIT, at S o'clock, P. M, Ateo, at the Fostivals of St . John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. - ' Ri A. .M.;--'-- TATED CONVOCATIONS OF WADESBORtV CHAPTER, No. 81 . EiRST VRIDA Y AFTER COND MONDAY IN EACIT MONTH, at 6 o tlock, T. M. - - - amfc-aBMB DR. H. L. COLEMAN, HAVING 'LOCATED IN ANSiONVILLE," RE apeotfvny offer a his PR0FES8I0X- ' ERVICES to the eiliieu ef AasonA , , V aad the adjoining oo unties. He will aUUll,! tend calls profeeaioaally at aay time aad foe aay A: Unco. " aog 9 800-ly JAMES JTCORMICK, '(LATE OF WILMINGTON, V. C.) ? ' Merchant Tailor, V JVo. 83 Dromd Street. , CHAR LEA TO .?f I C.? Where be will bo happy to wait aa bis oltl Vortk Carolina friends, or' te fill anr orders they mar be pleat ad to lend. aug 2-80&-oa millIlU,!JIMAlSLWM-J GENERAL COmiSSIOH HERCHAliTSr F02 TH! SUB OF FIODCCE 159 rrtcEiss OP r-rrr fiZMULLT, : . , ar. 79 Eroot Street, ifctr vonix. "" MARTIN A TANKAHILL, f Petersburg, Va. ' MelLWAlNB tCO.; ef Petersburg, Va. : oao. WI1J.UXI. ik. u I. 0. WILLllHS. tatiub. K wai. ataxia. bdwii rtarr. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & COTTON FACTORS AUD HEECHAIT3.;. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAMS, TAYLOR & CO,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, D. M ALLOY, CI1ERAW, u artscrf make advances on Cvttvn consigned to either House: jy 1 2-392-5 m CAROLINA FEMALE COLLEGE, FALL SESS10X V ffHIS INSTITUTION WILL OPEN FOR THE I rocepUon of Pupils oa the FIRST MONDAY 15 SEPTEMBER NEXT, and continue till tbe 18th of January, 1667 a-period of twenty weeks, with aa interval of oao week at Christmas. ' - . The SPRING SESSION wilt bogia immediately ' epoa tha expiration of tbe former, asd eontlaue till . tha fret Wednoeday in Jane, 1867. ' , Maohare and expenee have ba boatowed npos the Domcwtio Department, and also ou thw 8leepifig ApartmeaU, with tho view of rendering the College in every respect pleasant, comfortable) and healthful. A fall corps of Instructors will b in readiness U roeeiva their Claaaea at the opeeing of tbe next Term,, and every branch of Female EJucaiion will be tho roughly Uoght. '' . la eonaeqaeace of tbe tanpraeadcntcel high prices of provuuona tbe rates c! eoare nave neea aomcwoai . . raiaed. w For the Fall JSoaaka of biarUca weeks the ciargM ' - ai m hZtxii, : pajaUle UepecU or Ha ai)rvaJtai . :&. Board, waabJag aad faelpae-oeasloa'...-' . v - : " - for )a pSVtod, per wex..... . a. vi TaiCottlaBegnW English Course, from J12.W to ........- oo Mwaie aad aao of PUaa. .......:. 26 00 : OU Painting. 20 00 aay th -Special Brah-rTO- 10- 00 Contingent fee 2 00 Thw terms as to the time of payment will b ac commodating; bat aa far as practicable it is deairod that about one-half cf tbe Board and Tuition, will be paid ia advance. E&ch Pupil ia required to furnish lights, towtU aheeta aad piilow cases. . ... . .. . , . i . .I . For Catalogues or lurtber inrormauxui appiy w iea undersigned. X K. BLAXKENSU LP, . President C. F. College. " Anaonville, N.C., July 4, 1806-321-tf , ' . rpO PRACTICALLY DEVELOPE AND PERFECT l "Vitc H'wing Maohine Art, is to carry oj .and riadnees- to no smill portion of the eivdHxed world. To w-rrbmrwtart-H-t-to-TT'T'r boworaVlo pperT' to the indigent and the dependent, ana to muit:piy u. means of social advaoeeroect to all. But to render the Sewing XTacbihe Art in (be fciga- est degree, useful, it is neceisary 1st. To dtreat tha Sewing Machine of everv roose ana ciuossy aiiaoa- inei.t oreveryaencAt ajureompltcated ewBtrivanua. 2d. It rnaft be simple ia its construction throushout, that it &ay be eaaily wnderstood and rwaauy aajaai. 3d. It must be certain ia its reeults, that the operator . vMrnoVISe aruufrgeT wmhTtfnaoT&ToTfeTfBet- work, aou tae ires ci fyoit. rusaea cy "' 4tb. It wast bo adopted to great range of workman- ship, a rait can have but ont Mscblne ror every ama of se 6h. It ahould be itrcng and durable la all a. . - a a, t V at - - itt parts. Tms may a.em irsa lopmuoi w e ' femily use, whetOithe nust de catc Mactine aaay " "S 1 mm. --- ii 7 . soon render it leea certain in ua operatioja, reqwinoj mora and more frequent and expensive repairtSg. Hacii art our.iiieaa.si-- isasix muia oiuotuar such" is the Machine we c.tfer to the pnbbe. W do not say that it runs faster, and, easier, aad etillej ttanv every other Mabiiie innse; but wo wi'l say, (and with emphasis,) that it ran aa fast, and as ea?y , and with m little noise, as aay ftrst olaaa Maahiao In mar ket. Neither do we aav that U will do finer and nicer - ork than any tither Machine in use bat we will eajr. (and with equal empbaai that it wm oo aa Boa ana as nice work as any Sewing Machlne icacttactnrexl, and the aama Machine will cow aa heavy Beaver Cloth Overcoats as ejr were worn. Nay, more, this, same machine will sew from on. to twenty thicknesses f Marseille, or from the most delicate bank bill to tbo stontest harness leather, without any change whate. over, and make every stitcb perfect. V r The Sewing Machine thus improved, ia operated perfectly without icstrnction, except., tbe Printed 2k "fictions saves os' BtsPBjiD tea craT."ot rHaAr ? and bilk makes the, bfkt itch uiti ov aortf iidi requires no cJhknge ir alteration in sewing from one kind of work to another, aad no taking apart to clear or oil. It Hems,' Fells, Binda, SmbrsjiAere or Braid, . Tucks without measuring, Gathers, &c. As an evidence of tha faots above atated, wo gttaa antea all our Machine as follcwa, risi y .-V-chwier, after a fair trial, dooa t igrd th frv w ft LYON SEWINQ IJACHlNti euperv- china la market, he caa-jitora i ' ; ney.M . e4 .ave w , For aale by f - - -r - ',-t ., -'.-: 1 i . ' -arY sV CO. if WWfWP wai-'HV?.'ea,,,"i iTP-Jpi S"- 1 5 ' . t 4 -, " . i ..t :. f . r v f C ' ' f J- :' ii. : . . r . :'V. w- ' f a f j "X V7 aad. r'--f' r (t-wevn'