"J ; i :Z.L -if- ii . 4. t j. i: THE ARGUS. , , ..; Tissue. ! T!n fil" Ooe Bona nit I Eogerad, tad thea,' JVut dowa t respond la yewT 'wddering jraysr; 0, darling! my derUegl agate eed again 1 kU..d j ju 91 knew tbt my heaven was tbersl ! hot, bnugry Hps on your sweet mouth I erusbeJ. Veer rm. ollrglog round me, compelled m to it;, And! frayed, with the purest delight thrilled etd Boshed, That there I anight Uar and kiss y ewe. 'lies me!" Tt MM, aidWo eooa fed Uie night; Teo toes ewe lb moment of parting and pain, When oat feoei J our face faded ad its warm light, It Ue straggle to keen back the tear wbiek waa vale. . . . Yea wept at yea whispered: 'flood-bye Icve!'' eody I . - ' There wsre teara ia taj thrust and a pang In 9J 1. ..... . ' -lr I kissed Jww ewo wUVa aOMp'laib'H.ui?JPfr,t l9m 171 tproaa at the tiers: rate waloh tore na apart. 'Xiao Bar O, dear Jove, t lear thy fuad prayer Eaea bear, each moment, earesring my name, ITilh moriauroaa moaie whloh foods all the air, in J linn ia j heart, till It acta it afleras It clings to bm tond.'y wherever I go, i ,. It fellows ma oat ia the rude, jostling street, And makes all the world teem with soaihlns aglow, ' ' And it brinf Sack these mem 'riee so secredy sweet. .THE OFFICIAL TOTK ON TRK AMENDED CON. :? -.. fiirfTiOf. "JlgrtfcaLlf "t" .hd provisions tf tfcs Ordinance of tha Convention, tLe rote io the various Coue tiea on the amenJad Constitution wu compared, en list TharsJaj morning, io the preseuce of tie Governor, Treasurer, Comptroller ted Secretary cf State. Ilavwood ia the onlj Coontj unheard from, and iti vote ia accordingly rejected.' Tbe following ia lb result, which the Governor wi dauklces annouoco, by Proclamation, forthwith : Ratification. Rejection. Alamance...... ........... 13S- 420 Alleghany.. .....259 1 -Vl( under .. ........280 129 An.-on. ......... a .... 11 " 5t4 A 'he. ....... ........ 331 4 . Bceafort. .v... ........14!J ' S30 Lortle..... ...... 210 80 Bkdea ........ 50 862 Brunswick....... ........ ; a 21C Hooeousbe 8C0- 266 Eorke.. ..27S 201- Cabrri...i. 303 12S CaU..... 354 " 7 Camdfa............,w. .. 2 222 Cartertt..... .......... .42 . 40 Cwe!l 1$7- J45 Catawba. 45 34 Chatham Cbcrckre. .. CLuwaa.... c:e Cl i etaoij..... t (loo. boa.. 7raTea.. Cumberland Cmrritack DaiiJsoa Darie. DupUa. ; A I'nrtj land fchain irrddlna;. 1 Tua HsttiKr't BHttrlt tb followioir : " Io one cf the uppor caontica of Miaauaippi, a rich oi l maa wu invited to give the jouug po nl t rtrtf oJ -upper. U M he would not do it till aca of tbcm gut tuirrioJ, and ilea be would pre them a good out. The -ouug poo pla at on oo pot up a mock marriage, but to the rich neighbor in qofition, tha catch waa not I bt mado known till tue partj u ever. A eo nine lioeoae was obtained, and a jreouine macie trate empbved, Tbe btido wu firat addressed, and 10 the usual qaeaitons the anawered yea.' It waa Qndcntood thai the bridegroom waa to be addressed fir?t, and tLcbndo wato answer 'no.' Put tioce the uptake waa made, the bridoRroout wu toopallacl to answer, auppoainj the whole ta be a bit of fun.' J5ut when tha fun waa over it wsa discovered that tbe a.arriage wse lrjml at.d genuine, and that nothing tut a divorce cr death could eererat tham. And the chatia was creht anKTh aidktiT3ce-the-bTrJe-wa4 wgaaLi(Ln: other joanp; man, and the bridejromi was en gaged to another joong UJj. I be bridegroom aaid he would dro wo blo.aelf .before be would live with bis ife. and the wife aaid b wculd take roiKiu before the would live with ht bos- band. - At Jaet acrounta tbej were In a great troubld. tha knot could not be untitd, and tbe pullio aod the rich giver cf ruppers were merry at the expense of the Jokers." ; UlIow we give" h table tf the corrcepotiding rates of premium and discojut fro;u 25 per cent. premium to 7b percent, premium 25 2ti 27 28, 2 30 21 82 81 81 34 87 vie. 20 00 20.63 21 20 21 h: 22 13 23 &3 23.66 21.21 21.8t 25.37 25 02 26.47 27.00 ras. S8 89 40 41 12 43 11 45 4G 47 11 43 50 pis.' ran. 61 62 27.51 2H.WJ 28.67 2-J.08 20.5 S0.07 30.56 81.01 31.51 31 37 32 41 82. fP 33.S3 53 51 55 56 58 53 CO . 61 r,l 63 Mi. 88.7!) 81.21 84. C4 85.07 25.49 83.90 C6 81 Z"t 37.10 S7.C0 37.P9 8.27 33. 5 raa. 61 05 66.. 67 3 19 to 71 72 73 74 " 75 71 The rn'thnj of using this table 'by th.e a Die. 89.02 39.39 . 89 7t'. 40.12 40 4? 40.8;; 41.18 41 52 41 M 42. UO 4'i.M 42.S5 43.13 ho on eu'y BDttiiip'y aaa uusiraci nmy o iearae-i n-om a iu pfel eate: If B Winn ti bur 20 la g;lj, leu tbe prraiom is 42. be mutt idu'.iIi It 2j bv 42 and cut utf two flenrt a Idi'd It 20. makM S2S 10 in currca'y. If he h C3 ia carrciicy, anj wi.ihs to know how muc!) gold be can get for it wheo tbe premium U 45, Irt biaj look at the table aaJ be will liud oppoitte tbe 45 the discount, 31 01; mu'.tij ljiog this nomttr by 66 (lie aroouot of his currfocy,) aud cutt'e " four 6?nrt oa tLe right, he will fiod tha Ciscouut Ur be 17 33 tnl a fruition. Pabtrctie5 tbi rum from he w.U he J;i3.62 ia golJ. Tbe Mat ru'e ep- plies to ail the rates. , ,. ' .. SCALE CF DEPRECIATION. SCaU of Jrtiii.hn cf ConrJerat Currrney, tkt fiold i'ilaT bring th unit and mtature of value, nm Soe. CO.1TRACTJ.-i reaJuat ef alt of bond, oota i.I I of sale, 10 e.i!i. - CO-NVEYAN i. V'.. i tst, bruCer's wot, or memo U or sitrebandlee, stock, r ci:U D1H or memorandum . mpm a. Kdgtoombe Forsythe . FrankliB... . . UatoaM.. Gates.. G Taurine . . Gretae.. GcllforJ........ Uaiirax.U. : 4Jtr.t ,,., . jf ay wosl H tai orson. ... .. . Hertford .......7.. llTdc..- .r. Jr?4e!l Jackson..,. Job ue too . Jones. ..... .......i Lenoir ......... ...... Liaoola.. Macon. Madioa...-...... Mertin. McboweH ....... Meckiebbnrg JtitCbill Montgomery . ... . . Moore 'ew Hanover.. NartLampt-ja ... . Ooa!ow Orange ' Fa'lHnUBk f It, 18(15:. - -.lSC2....186:i.. HZU 1S(5. 1 20 rw 50 00 1.30 8.00 21.00 0 00 1.50 4.00 23.00 -f.0. 00 1.50 5.0U 20.fJ 100.00 1.60 6.6l 13.00 . - . 10 . 50 13 00 , 1 9.03 21 00 t.ltd ) H ' 2t Jft " -' 2.U) ll.W 25.00 2.0o 14 m 2C.GU ' 2.60 15.00 30.00 r- - 2 50 20.00 35.00 V , - - 42.00 . : 1 49.00 Perqaimane.; Teraoa Pitt. Randolph........... IUchmond-....... RoeLiogham ...... Rowan...f..... Kulherford. ...... . Robeson J . . . - waTj w v nw e w 1 1 ae v-fepr SUnly Stoke. ... JSorry Transylvania Tyrrell... "TutonT "-!.. Montha. - 1961. January.... Ftbruary... Mareh....... April........ May Joro - JitJ Aarut . brpumbtr. Oitflber KoTecibpr..U10 leeemher... 1.15 Dec. 1 to 10, " iac!aive, Deo. 10 to 20, ." Istta31, Klarup DatUti. IMPOSED ISY ACT OF ru.VORIISS, vTIIICU TOOK E.FlT AL'U. 1st. ' We give n slrhabetic! Hat of such' up da ties as our people are interested jo imposed by the act of 13th July last which-tok effect A a- i0"-"'" 7 ".. . j AGRcEMIKT. 0.therthan tbo e mntioned io ttie ched'ile(or amy ;r?i?emtet.)-for eveiy ih-t cr piece ur paper t biv k i wtutea a cen ts; .appraiay mnt of value or dd!ogf , 5ecotfl. BILL OF X?UAS0Kr -FOREIGN. Irawa in bat psysbla out of. the Unite. t ?utj, if drawo. jjfW&j ir ether Se tban in a set of three or more same. io-- 'r.it.t t.il'e r,f riri.iiftgs or firnmiorv ntfS. ' lnin TV eke ....... Warren Wasbington. Watga , Wayne. .... Wiikes , HMM.J.. ,..ya4sin..,,,J..;.. lancer .... in efU of taree or more, for erry till of each et. wtere tbe gum made payable tshall not exceed $100, or tbe e;aiTa'.r-ni. thsreof, ia any fureiga currency ia wti? h otb bi!; may be rpre:J, 2 cecU; for every adJ:or-al f 1'iO, tr fractiuui! part thcejf in escesa of $K, 2 cents. . - BILL OF r.Xni.WZ, IVLAXIHDraff or or. iutrfir)tb8 piynient (,-f any aum of money, not ex 1 ceding fiOo, otoarwiaa thaa at eight or oo deman !, j cr promissuTy botes', eiceptrbattk bois aid cbeckf: or any aiwortiMugij-t.'nui rnffitr -w-4ht writinao printad ' evt J ace .of aa amount cf money .to be paid on demnnd or at a ti,me designated, for a sum nat ex ce.eding $100, 6 cet,t; for erery additional $l'J0,-or fraCt;onl part in xce of f,l(K). 5 eenta. . BILL "OF 8AL. Pitts of iule, br which any sbip TmHrCf-iair tf l4f ff r sill k lullili tn nr I v?Ud iii'ary otber prt-ti or person; when tbe c-m-tiierntlxn aha!! not exact t $50,'l, sttmp loty.-O cts; do, wbn tbe eoiH Jeratiou exce tin ''M hn l d'era not imllliMJ.SLFieHioff J-Jr ft.ieeery ad .dittona! afiioiiut at. j i.U,.r friejioiiaf paJ t tiJ"" 'SO eeu Pifmofial pnTty, ptaer lan uli'f "ur te- a.!i. 4'cenM. DILL OF LADING For grod and tn(rcbtjJi export-i to foreign portg, othtr tbaa charter furt'j, LXEDOF QJtANT. M'bere Uie eoiiKIfrt(iuii M !ie doa not exceed $500,(0 cut: from f x 0 " ' 1,000, $l.end for every add! tiocal f oOO,or f. i"l ptH thereof, U ticess sf 21. VK). 60 eei . ENTRY OF i : v-H.l At eoMota htose, otss eeed.or ia vni J . ?S eerVr from 100 te IMK), tOoDt; exoie'i' .-.'JO. 1: for tha altbJraaal of aoode from bemU.i -m"'1! iue, 60 eeuts. FRICTION H.MA ;!i.3 --fljr tnelfer matches made Io url of wood i,i t .c iits of 100 or Ices, 1 cent; wbrn la parcels tr r - knei contulolng mora thaa ICO aa l not more !' . f r each parcel or pooksge. 2c'!;aaJ ft-r f-, . y a3 liiional cr fraction! part thereof, 1 pent, f r f r leper, doable tbe ralee heroin leipoeed atxia f.-ta ii n utnhe. 1 cent. LF.ASE. Whr f tst is , 0 cenfej where thereat ci-t J f 8W, for each additional M, or fraction in e tf .f J4 0f 5 cetta: a.iomeut of a lwne, ama t.'wi t oHgtniil, and S'lditiona! ttirup npe the talae or e-n.d Irirodou otlrvisrr, aceordlag to me race on nl. Am Conryiiice. JTATFEST nr.: rtf.T.CI C BAN)R. -Of- gf of vaiit'l or f'f' ';-n ffrt, Jf toonags doee ot es- cJ 30) torts, e-l;'i-j. bOOio COO 3; eyoeedidg COO, 1- ' ' . MRTClAOKXl Tf.IOSAL D1XD.Civea a aemritr ft r the arnitnt of f M n'te nt, from JWtit.W,Min oaiirj fSOO. aal aot ax- oeediug $l,tJ, (, Top tr-ry .t.l!tionJ $500 or rraetMoat pat n -f , r, in acw or g.U!, pu teati; provided, thai ov r,d every a-ulgomrnt vr ttia.fcr &f 4t 5 '".', .' ' jsm .-.r.rr. ot lis rr- brwal aroit . i .. . i'ir tgreewiit, contra t or charter, by l4ter 't'.i!s, e'nn a duty ehalt be xe iuirtd'tioal to rl Iuoe4 eh the er!g;iKl tnetra POLICY OP -Ob any life oelivee, where the awnrnt 1 ord da eat exceed f l.O" 25 cent; from t? t f-. u ,0f)0, 60 ctuD; eseteitlns; ,00SI.-. Fife x ad Mirine RUka-rretala-n a t exceeding $10, 10 rnt; prm1nea not exoee-liog 50, cent: excei.c. ,4 50 cents. Accidental iinur- ance pol.ne are mpt. . , l ow EH OF jVTf 4 INKY Te trariferetoek, bonds or eoHp, tjool!ivrv' lenda, tntert or rent,25eiie; t vte by pn, 1 ;-pt la cbariUblf, relition, lit erary end oemra ry -ciotii i, 10 o?ut; ta sell or leaee real . e.Ute, nm-f pe. .A rm M other acta sot speeiAet, $1; far any otUr p jpiit, 60 eetit.. l'P.OPATJ! Of ? U.I.. OR LUTTFR OF ADMIN- ISntATloN Wb re the eMxt) doee not exitd the ralne of $2,000, il,' t rrv additional J1,0;, f'acti imil nart M of f2.(K0, 53 cm:s. PRQTfTOr-KjTX:, DRAFT, to Or Marine protest. Ae , 25 e J '.'" PIWPRIKTARY .ULP.CJNE9, COf METICS, tr. Not otot 2i k?f'1 evt, net eJr 50 cent-, 2 cent; not over 75 cent. tvAtr; att ortr SI, 4 reals. Fvr every additional O . et. or frarf.pa iccrecf 2 centa. RECEIPT. Rn- .r-t rr the paywtat tf auy iun of mone.r, or tn & y. paymeat if any debt, due, ex- eeeiiicg J.2iJ.mot t Tjt iat:.-rctiai r any iort gsget.r judgment, H- Jefne of a coerl, or e4orje mrnt on ery itatn.i 'ul ligation iu ecknorlcdjment if its fulfilment, for 10b reocipt. 2 en!.: Provided, That when more ti nt, one aigoatore Is affixed to the rarae pap'r, one : mor. etao-pe may be a;oied thereti rcprcsecUnj- the whole asouot of stanpe re qoirwl forsteh i!sf(tttr. SALES. Or e-.''t. f r tbe sale of stock, Ud, foreign ex-'! in je, ;d anl aitrer buHl.o and eoin, proii?ry notes of other securities, wbea pale by broker, ba.ik or I :rkers who pay a sptcial Ur. re qoira staiup e eqca! to I on too etery $100. If there a fractiun oter.TftO. tha same to be sUulped the fuH rata of lf V.i,cn made 1 a poreea, flrsi er corporation trt .ying stcil tui, fur eve'y $100 of vio" 5 rents. i aera rau lim of eve contract munt be made : P. rcilcre U fa beyer apo" th r.:e jr Ctutact L'j; mada, and the jn;f a aflU-l WRlT.-dWfH SK.--. ' iWi ;1.vI ia was. Ittet i'f;s t,Ht'i;e-l d" rece.Hl ia $10u or rer, 'i'i :t.. i- tfrry oiifc-ioa of ja-lgment, or eoiorit, fat S -. tf over, (except in those ease. wher the tit Ur iv writ f a eommeeeemcnt of eait haa been paidr) wOftmta. Writs or other p rocees on appeala from- j-tOi.eorla-r othxr tuntta ef iofer rior jarisdietiotto c?nj of mord, 60 cents. Wr ruut of diktreaa. w'-ru tlia aiaowat of tout claimed doee cot exceed J!cI2j eent; whea exceeding Jl'JO, CO cnt. " ; '- tXEMPTlONI. No sUajp dutt tl te roqoirrd on x swers cf at torney tit an oth'Jtyer reUUag to application for ( bouuties, arrears- "t ay, or pt!,ns, or ta tbe re- j ceij t tbtretr fre fc; t e to tirar; or upon 'tckcta of Ciotrcf iif iniO'.'jc wheo limited to injury to pcr while tre'i te, -u cert.6cnt3 of tbe iue'ure meotcr rigUt d; Sif.anli, wood, cal, or other article, r,or on deposit of fl4esto mut-i! io.-M ,'ice e""jpnif far the insure i..e tfon -which policie t eat jer.t ta etanp diiliea bare bn'ti ei Ij' to ft ietiaeJ; nor on any warrant ( attoruy eioeiwtyrng"' 5on l or note, wfcen tmh tocJ or no'e el!.!! hate afuxel thereto the Hemp or atatops d. nofir tH duty require.!; and whenever any b-ni l or noto !!' Sa "rn red by a Mortgage, bnt one eta tup itury ebajl 'a required t be placed on ucb pa . W.,.0.'RCpCTJ.fir(0., ' Factor3,( Fcr;'ardiii5 Agents, COMmSSIONMFMCUANTS, , ACCOMMODATION AVIIAIII', Charted, . V.f w. o. ssissrt. . a. a. toiss. '.BErERU.CS.Sl Ex. Oov. VJCk,-Chsr. lotta, N.Ca IToa, Tnos. 8, Asnt, Wadimboro', N. C. K. r.EATTtt; Eeq , State Treaa., lUieigb, ri. C. M.J. (39(1 tf) . a mamsaui. . . . I B. V. TowsiuD, DenaetfSTllle, 8. C. P. MAI LOT, U4., Cheraw, 8. C. W. B. Psmoasw, Kq., llorcpqea. C. SEW FOQDlirAM lIlCIIHE SDOPr J AT CJURLOTTjV, K. C. ft. JI t UTI.t.eV COT" TTAV'jS'Q REMOVED THEIR WORC8 FftOM LL rtoweeeuie, Uaeton ooanty, to iuakluuc, roprtfully iuforiu their aU patrons and the pullio f uerally tW they late cpaned a , . - " FtfUBilry and M.srhlne'ihop. at the Old Kary Varl tote, (io the c'ty ef Charlotte,) wbers they art prepare J la make all ort of ; castings;- - j for KTEAM CKQlXRit fItW, FACTtlRIES, WA TFR -1Hf.EI.eANfl MlLUIj FARMING IMPLE- HWI5, to., 40. . i , RUPAIMS'ti PartloulBr attention wiR. bs paid to RhPAIRlNO OF ALL KINDS. ' All work eball be dins io the very tiloeal at vie, and the best metrh! need. M. MARTIN. JOHN HTILKES, CbarlotU, X. C, Jons 25. laoC-oOO-Sm ; - DINSMOItE & KYLE, WHOLESALE GROCERS ANT) C0MHIS-- SIOW HERCHANTS, , uironTca A sv jobbers or BrJ'fiDiES, VVi.NES, A0 0L0 RYE WHISlfEV, VIRGINIA TOBACCO AND HAVANA WARS, 156 rratl Street. 383-6tnp4 , ; BALTIMORE, -'. TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, ) Wn.viiTo.t, Cuts. 4: RrT. R. R. Co., ' Wilu-iogtoo, N C.,My 29, 18(15. J I' ROM AN l AFTER JONP. 1st, 18tt, TUE M 1L 1 Train on this road will leave Wilmington at 6 o clook, A. M ,-oa Toeaderr. Thursdays aad, Fator dnys, and arrtre at hand Hill at 8 o'clock, P. M. Retaroiug will Ira re feed Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M , oa II or day , Wedaexdayt and Fridita , and arms ia Wll mlcgtun at 4 o'eltck, P. M. - W. II. ALLEN, r. a87 tf Mseter of TraoporuUoa. .ZlllSia MMOND, Jr, 71 JOHN DAWSON, r r t General Ccnisl::!::? and Feruan!-, ' , las UzxttiVA, , I J il .Vortl T'ter Htrtt, ' J t . , ... yntmitQToX; iv t. KglV CONSTANTLY 0.1 UiXU . ; . .,. rjcnvrjji.r crro, And FARMINt IMPLEMENTS f ImprovtJ sfjUs ' , Also, BACON, FLOUR, C0B5, OATS, - ' f COFrEB, BAOOISO and IF.O.N t&IU ? ' They follott eoaafgnmeau of COTTO.V, .V.t rJL ? -fOilW, and COUXTRt PRODVCC ceaarari, fds sale io vTlimingtoa, or by their fileodi la the Northern cities, upon which LIBERAL ADVANCES '. . WILL BB MADE. 1 ' ' - IO-AGENTS OF jijLlTUlQRV'Ash.. wiL.vixaro.Y ; weekly. lv:i: oir, BALTIMORE iNIiWILMirGi ( , . . . 1 .a ITEEIlf UM'-.Cj; !JE11I5 13 JUJIICSl. i " CONNECTING WITH STEALERS TO LirtnrooL, ' v ; , r- . DOSTOX, . y '. 501tFOLrt, RICIIM05I. Ac. The A I Steamships .' ' . . ELLIE KNIGHT! ' ; AND . JAMES JL GARY! THESE BTKAMERfl WILL'LEJtTB W1LIN0. TON and BALTIMORE, alteraafely. EVERT" lV.EDAr' Um formju reiser WEEKLY Oooda forwarded charge. F.r FREIGHT er FA85AQ8. havinr stateroom Mcommodatioaa, apply ta 1 & EUEPriRfiON, 1 1 North Water street, Wilalagtoa. from ' Baltimore without extra 898-tf . a::. hall. ; iTorwardiiig and Coaolssica ilerchat,' .rk. 29 nrfi Ualrr Strttt, . fTlLMl.lCTO.f. If. C. Refers to M. E. J. tlui, reyeitevllle, W. C.', AairoAD, CouLsi H Co., Wadaobort', N. C. t9reraooal attention glraa te ConelgcmeaU of ail klode cf Prodoce, oitber ht sale or shipment, . 154-tf TAROn; J Tie tubman. fo!lm!c ef htrfd 8ile. . " tj R. 31. McINTt 811, ef ttrglnia, , . , WUOLKSALE AS0 ESTAIL fCAtSS IX Hardware, Pry Goods, Asricalltral lm: . . ' ; plcraents, &c," ' " Vo. 10 31 JSarM Strett, UTIL.'rll.lCiTO.t, 5. C. - nay 15-39 1-C a :' ... ; per; nor on any rt.8cat of too retwl cf a deed or other instrument uj writiog, or ef the acknowledge- LEE & SPENCER, Cot Ion Factors COMMISSION MKIICHAXTS, . . AXU . " FOHWAREIIiG AOEWTS, Xorth Atlantic Wharf, " cn.tnLi:sTO.v s. vl hi tSLOHG-E-MrVLKK, or scurea, a. c. eiLAEXta'SPENCER or aiiuurviut, a. c. may 2-382 tf l?o r Salfc . 'VHE f-LBSCP.IBER JS DESjT.OL'3 OF 8ELLINO i meat or proof tb-wof by aite-tinz witoeee; nor to Sfly endnrsemetit a tieg'oriakle tnxtrumeot. . , . .. p,.;,i,,i .(J, -?.,.. u.i..k THE.tl'BSCP.IBER IS DESjROL t.. tb kiTWa-r.r'Mi,i tn.tr.rn.nr nr' ' all bU LANDS io Auitoo Ouunwkbout O0Oacra, either bf tiieta. ' ' j They, are eitiintcd oo lii'g Uroau ud Lne's tretks .Beeetpts by' exr.eosnpniea for tLs'd.iivery cf i T !ELt, frWdroro', and fe ary property f3rrs.eportHoa are rxwnpt from rUmp from An-any the and (.(.rofma Female College, in oa both c.f-ai'J etre;iWf , m l ntea JutEr-f)B for vm.jtiai.ct SOUTHERN IS ITS ilAW FF.A. ,1 J tia. TAHOR ee.-nh2ee wtoto a choice s ktUooofiiSlntftortte.iioipyightlUaiSe.- Itaaa. ' ther, for fnar years an e3aer of. tbe Coa.Vrate hne: 1 , . eomooeoa maav etirtin n mm i. . i : ... duriog lis tnaretitagv and cooaler-marehlcp U Vi. ? gioia. The dirge aeed at the faaer.l ,f Geaertl T. 3. Jaekaca, (F-toaewall,) Mar 17th, 13, was iroai h'.S , pee, aoa ia inoiuded la tbie eeilecttoa. (i 11. l.tn.,..t. - r.t i - . . - - - " , J - " IIVUHVUU fl (.IX, i weH known tbrewgfcoee tbe South as an author hod r " teacher of Bniebcl eseedleaeo, with a ma.ical repat. - fc tiju rarely atuined by any maa of his again this country. Ia tha South ha eUod at tbe very bead ef ' ' eboreh raoeie, Meaedleputiogtbepoeidfo with htm.'V The book embraces erery thing of ralaa of Sooth em or-8 jnthweeteru origlo, much of which (a now for ' ; tbe oral time reduced to a written form. Ita tsriely ' is great embracing all metres In ae, iweverydtsy " and every variety of mee.ure irith a full elementary department and fine collection of new anthems, eel piecee and aeoteneee. It contains aeerly 800 eloeely printed pages, neatly sad tastefully gotrea ep, wsU Parca, asvAii, $1,S3,- $H0O rsa asaa J wV- Cn be obtained throogh a.1 booksellers, or trill be ' , mailed by tbe PahlUbere ta.aay part of the United ,8taree, poet free, on reoeipt of retail prioo. SixrSe cot ie. for tztaktn.rUs .ml (r Mtr,tin rTijv.rta-suy-adJreM. p'titra-maldi-ow-roeol p t of ooo oonar. r. J. itl-STISU TO? A CO., , , Pahliibers aad Bookeallere, -sug 8-896 2t 469 Broome street. Now lork. duty. ,5"U AUTHOR OF THE PHILADELPHIA PLATFORM. ; A correspondent in the Angasta, OaT Chroni cle, in so interesting; letter about the PhilstJc'pia Con? cnlion, speaks positive-! v ai to the niithnrsKln )ierfltofire imputed to Wr. llaymood, of the plat lorn, and address. . lit save : -'The eomtnittee, after a eession of ever four hours, reported to the general comarittee the draft f a plstibrm and addresa at 9 o'clock p. a., on he 15th. The platfona reported by the aub 50tBnikteer4i Adopted wjthout a einple slfra tton orameodrBent, and waasotntian the one thought to be rom the pen of the Senator from Jlaryland, except theTesoiutiou to relation Ut the oldieni, which waa taka fom the draft submit ted by Senator Cowan." JSjT The BaJttcBore Sun has B 'P.S.Uf indemnity where the tnnriy nliiniate- ly rrcoerabie theieun n j 4l.K;5 or let,a. ten cent wherathe penalty excattla $1,000, for every aflditlonal II0OO"6Fff6cTCr:atp Fcr tbe doe execatioa of the datie of aov ofltce. 1. Of any description otber-tban aocb as may be re qnired in legal proceeding, or. uasl in eounection with mortgage deeds, and not otherrij charged in this schedule, 25 eenta: " CiiUTIFIfE-Other- thftn those . .taentloaed, 5 eecta. , .- CERTIFICATE OF DAMAGE An 1 all other doc omenta isttted by any port-warden or taariae-xurvej-or, 25-cents. . - . . -"CERTIFICATE QP I)FPOIT. For a mm notex eeediae $100. Seeott; exceeding $100, 6eeets. L'ERTlflCATR OF. PR0FJT3. In sy corporated eompany, hr an amoattt nonea than $10 nor ex4ed ing $50, 1.0 ethte; froin '$50 a I,WO, 25 cents; ex coediag $1,000, far every addiuonal $1,000 or frac tional part thereof, 2-5 cent. CERTIFICATE OFJTOCH.-rn incorporated com- panyj 'lb cent. - :. O ' ..-CHARTER PARTT.-0Anr le tier ir mftftirirAfi. letter frcui j u"m reia..og.to tbe chart of any vese:, if the reg)ir rtii, tJ'euneI5tol.:fl of any kind vtgnuncvor, or eball tee pt, acof ar pay; arcme to bs accepted, negotiated or paid.'tcy bill tf exchange, draft or or der, or promi"i-rj wot- for the payment cf money, witfrcottbe ematw etft4oly--Uaipedir deprting the duty hereby impod thereon, 50; and the irntroment h,i!l be deemed usralil ami of ftoe.Trct: or for couiiter- fe .tiogstmpa pr dive, 1 OuOf-eni ;mr riaoned tu hard t n.,t rfffe:Hog five -rear. Fur making, oSgning iH-u:iigTACjLt.f u ; r viyi g any BTIVfax'c'WgrtrTrrr onr, or nrA ' "w.v p, f 200 Frflelling pro-prit-ry coanetb,.' ; .'ctia, fait, fruits! ouucej, jellies, A., wtil.jt prefer sUmpe, $.50..- . . ot-JTO provisions." ; yT:"?-: luatrn-necta acsect to be recorded unless proper' Sit itt'tru-weot .'la-l'id for the want of the'bart TIIC lTILMrTO.V jrotRIVAL. ENOELHABD i PR.'CE, Paorataroas " ruirnafsrrmtng-fiurDwe: Tbere-Mt'n-irwwf 4iir;i u .11 i. I '. . . ! ... 1 ...... .. . - trenn.'j ivr urn a, w,u or i-"niu(r,iiy meiru- gmt an4-saw .milt- now. oa. the premises, and a eutton run by water' i he laad ia well adapted to the production of Cotton aod all kinda of rndn raieed le Uiiii latitudn 50O'ta-7O0 acres open ami in good eon- dieion fur eiitTlration; the remAirnler I ru wood iJQOQ srTeeof.lt well eoerel with tbe originel growth; of pine, oak, hickory, 'dogwood ."ie.; to 000 aerea fioo bottom Jeod and all lies well for cultivation , ,t Jmpfbrementa One large and two smaller dwelling nou-w", wo or iiikd caitineiiir laoorerf ait Jn Ll- yToeWiireda'kws,1ea Wusyiwrii7rttrlrWet wagoo jtaetteraoiaieaamita' antf wood siiopa. The principal -dwelling. fiO fcy 20 feet, briek J-mti Unn tbree ba?ment rofftna with two ftro plac', t' ' '-- rooms eacn wuu nre piacee, targe Toomj par V entry paaeago. -. ' T-J r- -... 1 il n T.-. ..1... !..!.. ' I" ii'.'w r .HI. i fir., inm lira; UtU: Tsaws or Soaacsmiox' ' - TJaiirPapir, one yearTtnvaniaiy U fdvincf.rflO CO aix monina, ... 6 m " three monibe, - . . 8 00 " one month, ... 1 00 Weolily Paper, one year, ... Z CO " six months, ... 2 00 $ie3All4tterei boalncvs oonnectel with the of fice mast be addressed to the Proprietors. f83'J-tf TUE TriLMI(-TO. DISr ATCII. dote Ktt n tj 150 toia, i; from lO froia 3U J to 600 tout. 5: ortr COO Greensboro' N. Q.t which says : A nesTfictorv ! )lr2Ts emploving over one hundred btods, is cow it 1 tool Vo ' - wora acre. ine tBaetunert ia the.Tery best that Enpfiod, Uolland, and Belsiuna cauli proiaee. haying beea aelccted with care by the manager f the firm in those countries. V Fi- Col. Tbos. S, Keenan ia a eaodidate for ra electioq to the Uouae of Commons for Duplin eouo- " . VOiBtOOM for Halifax count. fracUofeal part of that 'c nailer, .1 ecut 1 .'-" . - of eqtiid amoiiteaoejt proprtetarjatampe) ts diiiy affixcJ. -j , ... .'v.. . , T .. .- All offictafdiulriuneets, do'cumeBtg, and papwrsls eued or cmd by odiecra of the" United Statea gurern me fit, cr bjr vVi''tus of iny 8t,te, county or ma nicip! eorporttitn, aA-exernpt. ' '". k e whirn adbetiive stuu.p ubd.ll be used fcr denotipg any dnly impesed by this act, the .p-r.on vmng or afbxing the (tme shall write thereon the ini tiule of lie nanse, al date npon which tbe same shall be attacbed or sed, o that tbe aama may not bguin bv tised, under a parity of $50. , Imtniiperits beroro iseued without alampe, cot to be void wbue errfpa are irubsequfiptty affixed. Postage etarupi caboat Ue oaed as rcrrnawf tru s. ,f oy person ajfty-freeent to the eommireioa'er of in ter.iai revemie, Snyioatrament aod re ti)re,wbi opin ion whether tha tane li chargeable with any duty; and t it the said eoww' iioner shall be of opinion that it hi nut cuargeabio wnb toy stamp duty, ha Iff reqmred to iiOpreea on ita psttioulnr stamp j with words to slgr.ify t!iat it la n)t chargMtte with stamp doty: and every introrai-e.t-eo which Said etamp la impre-eed' abail b received ia evidence n all court, notwithetanding ob- p.ropertr, and fire lasting wells of good 47J H tfta mute w.fiation-wUi p4rtco froml&LXt ""lltJBTN80!r"o. trOrr PwoMtmte.- Taaiis or Svascairrlox. ; . Plsbatch. on ar. . .. - a . rt ftrt 5 ' . i months.... 00 ta. t,Ui.Clth, lRAt T3 0B0RDR.'J.-F.oraey nmouet : loctionscn too groaui of such in.troweat being wltb- i inv rani 1 n.L.- ,..., ... . . . ..... i. . . ' ..1 . , - - - - w .. . waijrauj , m r f.li VI VU 09 aeman-i, m centa; .lor tmcuat exceeding $10 on apy p-rrou othr tbaa a bank, lauker or trttbt compuny, t eiht or oo d.-mand: 2 acnts. CIGIAR LrGHTS-MuJe4n jfar't of wood, wax, gla paper or otiier matriala. !n parcel-t or rac.s2ts. 1 cent ; ia package Sf aibre thus 25 and not '.more tha oat tbe proper et&tnn. . Tho party to whaai a docament Is iesaed from a for eign country, or by whom It U to be laoned, shall, be fore oiog tba'uaaja, , .T.tbereoD the stamp or stamps indicating tLs diity rtu1rd. :.,' " Proprlot V'ir,!t'-o'eiicirraedi,)ines, or proprietary articles, uarnuu private dies, and are allowed 6 per cenL oU atJciWKSf 4500; orer $50, 10 per eoiit. . ' .'.'- '" -': '- . '. v - three months .. ... ...... voe mootli. .......... , mm mis or eoewn, anu eunicient grain to aopport the force employed. The land can be divided into emaller tracts great adranUge. Preferring to sell the wjio't .once, M in cflertd to a aingle purchaser or oorowifly at very low fiunres, Fo(sei;n wilj Jb givep-ffmnjediately after the present crop shall be gather' Partia wiihing to purchase are jsjrvited te eorrea pond with tha subftcriber, or call oa him on tbs prem ises, lie will take pleasure in' showing the land. . , J03EPH MEDLET. May 15, l&03-384-tf. ,- Wadaboro' P. 0-, N. C. Valuable- Plantation lor Sale; rpH E SUBSCRIBER OFFERs'fOR 8ALE HI I ' PLANTATION, oonsiatintr of 1.200 to 1.400 Liieres oi nneeirvAi. snaeoiIU. I.AXV, situate in me soumweston earner or Anson ooanty. At the but S'isessmentthis lund waa valued higher than any tin'i Ur Quantity of land lo tbe county. The plantation g bifrhly'Improvadr-twenty acres of it in the FINEST FRUIT. A good-FLOUR and GRIST MILL Is on tho place, with sufficient water power for a SAW MILL. The timber on tho land consuls, in great part, of the best Long Leaf Pino, White Oak, Uiekory, and Pop. Iar, all valuable for mechanical DarDoaea. The 1an,1 can bo divided into Several tracts very WnTeaienttrr J .uicaugiti, ouerin, Jiooers x. rtattr Clerk of Supertw Chort, and PJ. Coppsdge,' Clerk of County Court, of Aotoa . . For further particulajnb, ( myself on tb place, near White's Store P. 0. - , -apl 4-37S-V ILBERT JIYErt?. WekTy Dispatch, on year.. " . i-i - aix montba e)axx e hsi. t& AH subscriptions cavablo strloi' t. ..... and oo subsorip lions for Weekly rocs' . fcr lees than 00 oo. six months. 889 tf OP ' VI LL KIJSmDS; Executed nt tho Argus Orrzoc ' ; . .' ; SUCH AS 'v ' J ;. entertains. Mtisr.LBt ww-V" ' 1 1 , TiCKEtTS, k , :cnbs? cotrnr OLijrtis. , . - - r., ifc.t 8c. - feiTOuhand a few packages' of IVORY PEARL FACED CARD8, suitable for AS'r XA'If and

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