V TTTiT , v" J I "fie vcncrsl.le awtitle looking gnj, . ' -J'Xj-- ' ff (uoliou nmlo tne think of Hill Ia'- --.fc-i-XVV-C ' i?is' mmi iii r. Wi u all l)ip J-i. .'. . tlimi) nlin nnj r.iinqil of tVv- f sT? .Vj-' ry rum Irnriu lv jest like they li. iu:ti:.Mr.i:u in. .. HVIOIirfc MM, rr..;-r. l.(H X. KXK.Iir, lUlllor t. . .... . . ,. . ' - Purine A in MB AORICCLTUREL rAHB HELD UNDER TUB OSPJ8B ES or THD CAPE TEER AO Hi CULT URAL A B O i I A- S ""M-.- flTfn Kxiti If ( a t ct to fare, ami L.l t f.4ir amonir I rT. i t f.iir among l)f' (air, like aum f.llo Ji l, 1 "hotill y it m very unfair an l JM ri-l farewell V) th J wliolii nll.uf. J Jul thatnin tf hat I iiiL'iielmikaiii.t. j'ye rt on a bijoil ijin-t and fe l (ike 1 aha!l if 1 uWt ull punrouy aijoui iu ou see I went to aevtho Agric ul tural nnrt of the thin?, and iu tin rapid ctriihn whieh the iirngroM of the oild i nmkintr I find I'm away behind. Why a liulu A I Why a liulo A Ilvr in talk- jn about how little the world had groweJ in thiwe f;t times, mm that you could ti'llegraf to Jinujuleia and back before you could po to Joe l CJuI lepri. . Wall I tlioniit frum what I re- jncinVnil of the Ainu hi county f.ire pf the old time and the flamiu big ahow I'.ills of thin cue, that I )ould IM Lot', cattle and h.n p an fit n gutter and hornet that cvibhl pull it all. tdowK. aziiii. b"C"ica, rtnkin. iicrtAtcn, Ac, Ac ,. i forth, but I fliilu let or.-I thoUL'ht I world how how grecu I wu m 1 rxcfitcd the r itiin.-liiin. lsut I tell you made nte feci rite quare when ( lic guu to roli.-c hT ur V in the rear, but i cviii ciini ull nuiit, ami fell into th? currrm quietly ai a Jarrcnii, l ot n !. 1 went rouml audi Jvw a few tilings pitch a. the old fog vii of other tlnvs ued to ihow a piojierly bidongiii to a Agricultural f'air, mch a a few linled of cotton, tim entile anil np and cliiekem, if'tid' found about 4, 4 hoM wagon oada of uiee tricks' botllql up tut the lube's red they wa. imported uni plows wv"4l,c ooi flit' I in that I wu oti y g'1 ty beio alone in this purSrtut, I eawt the center ot nttraeshuu and giec Jii.liirtite( yenl M nl" extfyy and nd BiiraJiun of tho now and grand feo iiirca of the occiu-hun. I grent crowd packe.1 a.i tue wt sarden-s in a box, around a flvler who wus baw fiil at the topnlTils voice "Thar goes a dine th,at duw 8 dojlawwr 'the widdcr" and then he -ir.uhd tlie wheel of fortune, bui trange to say the iUing happened to utop at the wrong place, and the feller with a look of ajrpriue ee "lwt." ' !ora a close cnlkilltishun I ehould FUipc,; ther was some less than 1 thouh'and' of them wheels, and I thought they wus a little upeiflew pus, and. for the ife,of me I wuhlii't see how they permoted the Agricnl nral part of if, but I conk hided iher wus suinotliiu'ii. it, as 1 seed a grate mnny ftf'ur sniartrt qiid rep'eetti-1 ilest n-en tuu a grate Miun-t m em, and thrived in the money a heap ffeeer than even some churchmen throw iutQ'tlic charity box. Then t!er wus tlie flvin Jenny in full blu.-t, and bar., wjipfe and pee "nut stands 'and p.ll 'oits of moucy traps and VM'e.1 vn-i puiilin my brains to see hoY tlie farmers could utilli$e rich ihingn, the bugle sounded' .and the crowd rushed," like a skeered, army, owards Hie race trad? .' I witched lie hges watched the men and Lhe womeui nnd saw 'that if 1 didh'i tooraw I would be counted as a hee 4hen. I caught tin fire, an 1 enthu pcsSiiiof the minUand J-elled as loud as I ceuld. X thought it was a Agricultural admiraahun' dni apjjreslafh'.m (ft what I. now begun to find 'out wus the big thing of the occa'shim. When tlie bosses cum round. the men yelled and the. woman would clap ihei little i i. ii. ii. . :.i. i :r..i i;!.rt ti.Mir iaiii3 rf an ile riunujei. not 1.111 panted, to sr-ra1 retnyert After-a- - scrougi if tiiii'j wc got -back- to -1 j wri- and went to ;eet!:e Channiiin sisters,' didn't see' but' 2 gali . apd they didn t favor a hit; and it tue bou tons nnd mure ri lined Imdii t -seemed- tp . enjoy it so touch I should ii tliotilil ft was ru'ther a coarse thing.' True they showed a heap of highly intcr- eslin things, and -some thiiigsrwTiTclHaiid hunt fur 4lie lady of bis choice, I did-i'.. think aoboilvs s-isters otighiJ to a showed. . Well the slunv Bills and eveiybody: else sod that the licit uav to be the day of all the days tV,e grand. culmiiiashmi-the.assex;Uie climax, the crowning dawlix '.sunith ot the. pccashiin-aceordi.dy i'J the bewilo eriii stay of txpectansy 1 rolled out of bed long before suu up and before t wa Cinptfv ci-ddy-to appew before "the noblic. I bejruu to peep out of . ,, ... :J -'u .. :.'.,t.. J tn'tPAviinithin. I wate.l ! Kt ' " ..,t,l hut it cum aiiasi. ..a . . . "r. 1 :.; .baud of w joiia 'n,"""". 1 e ... 11 1 .1 ... i-iiizf1!.... uei .11. t:o, tl.i.iiM in it reminded me of the Dieecueii -Aiiein-o- rr-i - (,t IlaTi'-wfhe L"wl.,oJd confedracy. i j . . k area bit m-ai;t "Mi Kn'i)' IUiiiiii iili ritl,-r lio they l u cheef uiNrli, ah I rcelou I" u fur lit IihJ the ,il iimr-lnl like oiiiiiirnMiu-o of any u i-ui, imI he fllenI hy a Ion? tin of UUr lio & drift miifhly purty tinl tin r hi-s m iIk inoi liil ami iui I U-nMs you rtrr taw to I out i a pair Juv. 1 her ai i.t 1'i't Iimjmj f.iifii au rnrari'iuent iiinl I'lMil-y Z fellers who! In u nut roual tu tho eir.rrgrjiiijr ruii mi in a slow walk, tlirv lnlle.1 anl rniM,l anil Ikiul'ciI and Uluboreil ther pore oM skeletons m.i' ther hn! but tlirr rns psry Iroi there. I t: ii I .. I I i . . i. ""f . ,t ' ' - poniion em ill iie rou.i, le. liver on I till pin, rrit Inn legs ami s-j ".low fr. our kviU i uVlI VOtl in the irerytqeni anti4tor )ou art nut ciiiiil like thru thr fillrm I i u take the thing rJ. ThaU richL - 1 1 know y mi I ilu aumrthin." Of cpnrM! they ruwtl hm lint lp rko the thiiiff an a Imlo it l-lil A - vat ui-rnicuiy lair ami num of (lie rrl'cni wai vrrr traful rhlvra diio in (h i tickler, aroriliii tv my ikh liuii, ro.li' inorv like HuIiim iiart thaa any nmii of iiKnli rn tiiuin. , Js'uw the how JtilU mi thi) w all an wor; lotlie"KuigUpf rtlriw." Uc nil got to the lure crown I a quick. tu c roul.l. The LTounJ wa liurally toytn-J with the purtimt worutu you ever nuw ull wiu bUHtle aul ciiufu!,Luq .Sum of the young UopU tliinkiu it thcr only clmnce to ,fhv liter liimaunbip. rnnUJ aruunl tj ilia d-vicr of uuinjr auJ to thtf ni.Mit of luanv imiro. 1 lie JiTft crand move, wua tho I cjHit h of Mixlcr Walker our tier er little ucichlH-r 1'lntt Walker. I went to hear that speech that w us my checf couccru-DO a fiioud U2- gwtf.1 that wc take our pu-hun c l(rc to hiia. I uw a mau acr roach- in w'th a badge on my friend aays "I got aij iJce" and before I could cpvuik he unt the man by tl,o arm ami day : ".Mr. M allow me to intcrdusc my Irieml, Capt.' Corres pgndunl of ll;c Vadenhoro Altiitrt who would gratefully apprwinU) iinv fac ilities you might allord him," Ac", iV so forlii, and lie kuj m glml to . e me ns if I had l-een a brother, and told mo to set down, and he cav, that 1 hould Have 'a badire to take me anyw h. rc without money j nio lebta.ihun. He weiit up iuto the f land I sorter thoutrht to fix a seat for rue but a little fJIlej who sremed to en joy the lun of doin all the faolferinj yellea out tlin tjJVlt prqaoeoini )"', ioJ5"Tsiidiniii p lclluli uruUiiii IhdC stand didn't get euto'de the ring, whereupon the correopondont of the Alturs walked. I hated Ioh'iu that speech and couldn't help thinkin w ho, all the land,, iUlc, the ring belong ed to, and what it was u.u'd for. 1 aiot seen that badge yet, I aint, I heerd nothiu jcoTinected with the speech only ' that l'lntt wus from Richmond, and I exclaimed "Bully fqr Kichmondi-slte got the gun in the pigon rlawter voterday and the sjieech to-cluy." (Wusent you glad Tom ' Leak got the gun fj Well I couldn't hear the riicccli though know it was a good one. is able to make a goqd pue. Net cum the tournament and rite here let me say that J have thought that too many bosses didn't il1 well in any thing, and ull them who bnd to stiiud a hour and wait for them fellers to fix tho posts and the heads and the rings, aud then unfix em, and then straiten em, uud tl eu crook cut, and then measure, nnd then .sight, and then sight, aud then measure, knows wli;it mean by an oyer Biipej Huity of bosses. Ther wus, however, one feller who wus bent on availin hisself f the fine opportunity, for dipplayiu bis splendid hossniauship before the ladies in the gral'd stand, for he wus biggier rippin up .and down he line than a courier 'wus in battle, but I thought lie was like the feller who was-swndin in the dark makin tnoutbs at the gal he know ed what lie 'A' us doiu but nobody else cli'Ju't. Well the bugal sound ed a. sch rill oot and the Knight.' ral lied at the lower eud of the line, jind and then cimrtHe- runniu mid ciittiu and shodiin and ptiuchin to see who would git the hpuur of tellin the crowd who he thought, wus the pur tiest lady. -That 'part p,f it would a been the biggest, undertakin for a man of my adnnriu. turn of mind. lhcy called out eversomany Knights ancM - kp4 exj)ecn evryjuiuitiJiut.. they wciuld calLipr. th e JLl u igh L.ol the juill"'biit they -didn't. 'Iain not disposed to critisise.'and'juj 1 um not Ifesiionsible lor other toukses Pfopiu ions, 1 licerd oficv fell cjfiT feller say that he I IWii i -h t it wus mil lit v nc i rerrtiehrf ad that the way that feller who got - ' a o j l the reath had to raniale., and search wus a' shame uud that he never saw ii:h a reVHjulious endin to) such grand preicnslMAJs-inr ither words that wus a awful tumble from thsublimeTtai;,,, Ilia mwlioSlnna ttlltts- IV hilt he. mil. I Next come the i indiscriminate show in olf a regular'eavort'ii among the anxious. Out cum the l:rge Chest nut sorrel then the little trigger tail boy-Vtheu the sheep neck jjiy but the thing Hashed no race. ll'ut after mt'ch worry 'they g.t up u scrub 'race nd the 3 ponie:suirfed4av; yt. think the ieople in 'the 1 1 j 1 .1 ' 1 1 . .1...;. I... 1 ntif.iv nun 1 i.iifttiirni. ui-mrtt liil-v ii.iu -, . . ..... o sne ur. u,ai. v,cr.e -totem te eseoneiii. Out they uitiu 1 . Now Mr. Knite, do you wi'iit to hear tho konklushun of the . ole ; matter? A ftr eeoi.u tlie,tu.n I ' - ag 1 n t 'III " ' I " iii litlirl IimIh ha Inki n, I think with all the iinpitVinriit in the as rifullural ah of it, it U adly ch li ient yrt. Tl.ry hiul H, I Ml tin, Hum racin, and wlnrlj ( fortune wiihuut huiuIh r, i nut Maud, the flyio Jrunv bats at ery mnii-r and m-ire Ihi, auJ a lxs ojj igrn to sliml tt nml do Hunk Ihry niu-lit ahad a t taw H for tU-rhii- dn n, ami a U of mie and ium g iu.1 rat tarrirra to add lo Ike yaiieiy ,( 1UU. 1 lui now thurrily roUMJ on the lujiirct of a jrienltaml improyrmi-nt, ami larrihly Innpiml wth that pro- frrMHVo i.iH-rit whn h U lo develop iucii woo.h riui n-uit in trie lujun; a mbhty rcvolunhuu U im tho turnin point oo we will show ihet woi-lila graie progrvea io other ll.jng a in ag ricuiiure, Trogro change ehoppin ihiwn old laud mark uiiwarl ! onwanl!! tow are the Words that will rnnke lha w hde world tandand trinihlea) they gam in wciidT arid ewertt jhe thuudi-riu lipeed which U to ..p us ou into ineviiable il.-tiii) - ir ! We will build a j-uMic pigpen right rloee up to the Mate llmie and put 1 hundred and 73 hcdihv JI.m- iu the rot under of the ('ant. (I, with rod ribhiim'oii iher heiln, build a llall ro'. m to one end of the Fenale t'lan;lcr all for the uc of tho Iieiru-hiture wtl! put blue kmith hoe in the eaniitiNM-s of our feinato collego -viaiilmb a doparttnent fr lha fine art sic l as tmiiiiin, needle workin, ami en,bnmiery in all our male schools perhibit the manufaoJ. luroi sixKiiit and let the Indies put shugar in our eolTi-e with ther tiny little hai.iN, and ftirit with ther f wee t little fnigr, and we'll well ! thrrvs no tine lulkiu Mr. Knite, all thene (hings an I a wonderful sire more m-l a;id w ill be did. The tenden cy of the times a, indicated iu our agricultural sar.s all yiut unerring- ijr ium muy. . Well iiexllv"; went to tl0 UH but ( tidutgo with that Teller who was gwine t o eat 2 dollar an a half worth and wiim kep out bv the ui r I.Hr kee per tell u was all eat up and then w u thankful too git.a very d':n,iiiuliye dish of oysters uot Hut ray pen fatter. I f'nit you iin: nu'ine u gohien vase- a 1 (K) f't acroiii If e l)' all tilled with roen, and tulip-, mid duviv4,aiid IIiuisreuth., and und buds nf eucry hew and oder, Ijopiiiikled with H'rlly di.p iioiii a cloud of r.:se water, ind ra diated with nmclhrtingc of vilyer light ? If so you hove got the pictur leiiKtwUe that wus tne way one of the 13 . w id jowen w ho went down r ' , . : . iroin our coiiiiij .iiai 111:0111 u.rj S;iv whivt roil inr '-ii'JVjL:'iG M ion eud ilutipL'WeVahinTfr VcKi potcin to work in ther liguimntcj line ot traile they caul ne iie.il. nicy an lake the reath every time in get tin up a decent, attractive ball. One of the most notisablo and promiurnt f'-etures wu that the men wus so def erential and prespeikful to the hid r ami stranueis. 1 would tell sum of our young men, if 1 could sec em, that 'I know now that a- man can go to it ball and mule i,'ujcf iii ruiu to the liulirsfl and nctilly dance very graceful with bavin a pint or 2 of pppskull a hoard. lut they woulil yty 1 was -n fool, un'es they had been to that bull. That Hall and in nil itsnppointnients sicciully the ladvi filled mv eve exactly. And lastly On the train nnd off for home! Cars ciamed full old gent.luses pipe in Iinfj emch, gits down on his knees to lok fur it is told by a hiiperdcnt chau tliat that wus no time or l'luee for devotional exercises. IJiuintng fcl eyt j won der w hy V Jia'per ujdin-love glanc iu between sum foukf, shunt say vvlio lynch rettlksiicss among the fellers cha,ngin from one'eoach to anothet' alwttys lake thin) little yuleeses with jeni wonder why the oder.ifor.ous aremer of delitefiil llavanuerssv ect ly. bli nded with the more exquisit smell of Kxtrnct of I'ii," yM the cheef ieejings of the ride. "Ah home! uiu't I so glad U llVK 'LT. Surrendering the Virgijiius. -Havas, Dec. 12. Thesteam shir'irginiusSks towed' out of the harbor pf Ilavuna 'at .Jinlf-.past''4 o'clock this morning by u tug boat. 8he was -escorted ' by the-Spanish maji-of-war Isabella la (JtitpHcit. The tug-IToiit returned, to the ' city at 7 o'clock. .'The destination of the Vir ginius is giippo8cd"lo, be Key West. Wasu iNtiTOS. Dec. 1 2. Althouub there is Ui-ttiuliLiiojofficiul coufinna- -tion of the report tu ut. the. slfojuslij n I .irgiiuus wus loweu wi oj ic um- v- r . x. . ... ..e.i: I...L. bor ot .Havana this morning, it is considered to be 'reliable 'in view of the fact that tho recent agreement between Secretary Fish aocl Admiral Polo. 'contemplated Ver surrender ' to a vessel of tlie Uuited States within a little more than a1 week from the time it was made, ad-- thi.i move ment is regarded, as a preinr.niary io a jucmeut 0f the stipulation. . The pioa is tmt tho surviving pa 1 " ' ' ' ' i- .1' --. engers' and crew of' the Yirginius will be delivered, on the same day. Neil McKavr-Esq., the Solicitor of theF i: tin )is! ric't, having resighu ed, (jovxiJaldwell appointed A. R. Mcl'oinild, i'.sq, ot .Mooreeoanty, to Hill the the unexpired term of Mc- varioucounties-ot-thi! qui. intnct (i -.eluding Uiiicin) will teatrf tliat Mr. McKav d-ischarged his duties as Solicitor faithfully, ably, : nnd vas always as knid and-forebwing us circuhiVtajiccs peiiui.tcl .vr.iTT. A7. r. fMli'l-iTMAn. r IS CO.VIAVp ll Is Hut ( amlii, I'r'iits, Dole, l 'lg,t'" ang.. A d.f ;bihi, Ac, H W.ll.rATItK K A M)V. We are ju t nniv'n g a fine ll uT Cauiicd (! mmI, iVachm, I'li.e Af ()).lem. Sardine, nl4 Almoiid. Walnuts. IVm I il- btiru, Tuvs of all IVcripiioii. Vint Woiki ol all kind, and rvrM thing fof to i hae the ehtldrt n, ud make lite "old folks 'happy " I "all and re cur lock. W.H. rATIUt'K 4MI.V, Tao doors Ulow ttiel'otrt Uoumj Wade?tioio, N. l Am.hoi i ti: iu ont i: oh lui ned from Court if dilT n ut Hate for desertion, Ac. Ko public- ity required. No char;e until dir Voire eranlnl. Ad Irew, M. IIOI M". Atuirmy. 194 liroad.ir, Jf. Y. E. A. Covington. w.Di;rouQ,( .v. c, 1-M LUIU til!7 jut ar. - . Having removed 0 my new Flore, ONK KK.lt eat ot ihe fou.t Hjusc, I am flpw opcuing eomjuete Ploek oX new and lrcsh Goodsy. ' rX).SISTIXG OF .FINK TOILET ISOAI, A.N'M toot h i ui uftiiK.- AND &mcij gciltt grlicler,, Crass and Garden Seeds. . . I IT It Ii "YVilH'M 1111(1 Li(IIOI'N, Lr Mcdiciuul Purposes. A good assortment of STATIOXEItW tLASSt lajTl, L.i.llI'M nml all articles u.-uidly kept iu a ITlTrC.ASS ' ,i which will be sold at modeuatk prices, THANKFUL fori!it patronuge, I hope by a strict application to bos iu.ss, and selliiiL' at fiiir prices, to tYi.ri.ish all iu want of floods, in my Itue. J6fefrhysiciiins. rrcseriptioiis ac: euratcly conipouiidcd. . , ' KirAll persons owing me ac counts, or notes, arc respectfully sc licited to call and settle t lie same. dee! 4 A. ( OVINGTON. 37 tf.'. FURNIT URE ! FURNITURE.. W. T. Johnson (Formerly of Wadtsboro,) . u mr . 'ivv F. A2 SCIIUTTE&MEYER, Wholesale and Iltteil DEALERS' in'all kindsof ' . TUKXITLUK, BEDDING. . SASH. DOORS, JiLCSl)fi WIN DOW -SHADED : . W A L h : IE I and in fact, everything usiially kept, iu a FICST-CLASS " - ruin 1 1 u re a b 1 1 .s h in en t ' 26 a.id 28 South Front St., - . Wilniingtun, N; ('. J lVe.4 37 tf. i CYIUJS Jr KNIGHT, U a u it t g at V n w 1 wuclcslo n. c. : .' r V - j lie eopleiniiieeoiin T ry, lionmv vl-ll Hie Wll i.i.fft,,n tiif( anyiiiliifcHn our line "o.uiin f tihtcrint, tJ.uor, l WIliM. al lha v.rv I. n w kbT I 4111 l 111 a. in- sura to go to the corner of .V.iitii WafMi a., C'HMn-at'T Hi's., iiniwigu.n, jf( Vt 37.lfi .. (irttM, J.inJky A JltHtlry'l iJHKAT FAMILY MEDICJAKS, U w y . .ii,,m , y y - 1 1 , i r IrrfMtrnt trjirr-Jy Jur and ii.f U tKe tvulkrrn climate. futponnd i:tiMrl or ry dull. I the nit p iw trfil and rftlclput Altemtlv and IIIihkI Turlltrr kliowp, l'ii-iwn-,1 exprrwly lo'r hrrofula. Hee ondnry H)plitlln,Kriiptlotia on Hie skin, ami all llm ae w blcli air ry Uucvd liy on. I or unlienllliy Lloovl. Ir. ;rern' I II ure ,eurrall kind pf ('Ilu, HMuiian Convulsion wlili h iliM inl tiixm Ii ritnllon of the nerve e -litre: often lo lb Fll from the fl ml tluy' u even w Here iiiey eiii-U lor year. .Mrdlruletl llonrw. th rreat reuHnly fbr t'ouifli, Cold, roup, A(Jnnn, IlmiK bill, Nre Ikrmttand all din u( the Air- imMMitie anU I.uiik'j. II uh-m nut ii ken the patient, I plewuut to take, pnnnpt in us action, titx not injure tlie appetite or liolxilr ulget-Uou a moot J-.Xni toraat do. Our rurulalii pcrlflr, hia iierfret ieelrtc for Neurslula, M at lea, libfuiuatii.nl, ami all piuscular ornemaia iu w herever altuutecl. 1 liem- McillcUie are prerel wlIU emit care from m-rfectly rellahle ilnip, and for the esMrittl cIuwh- of iii-HHe iinineii iion encli Iniltle. o one or Iliein Iselnluieil a a ' cure ull." They are Identically the name w h U h we have lined in our oraetlee for year, aud in thus revoiiiuicudiug tlieui t'i tlu. imlilie we know he here of we lTlriii. Tliey are aafe, rNiahle ami i Ill lent, acting quickly ami llioronlily. 'I'rj- tli. , f itl you will Wkiit no other. Ak your ln-uggb-ta fortheni. For ale by WadvMb,prft prvigglst. rreMirtioiily l.y DlUf.UUEt.N, l.l.VDLCT k DE.NTLEY. flnirlotte, X.'O. N. B. (iinei rw, Ttiuior and I'l ccrw trenti-il ' a lieri-ttifore hy !i01'J-1". at CliMrloite , loh'li.-iro IT. I . . I X i ii- . nil AMiviiie, c -lv l ODSTA VLIX Happy Relief for Tonng Men from tlie iliKlHof Krrcow ami A bum- in Crly li e. MhiiIhnmI llcftorcl. )m iieiiineiitN lo Murrii;e removeil. Sew inetlioil of tri'iitliie'ut. Few ami reiiiarkalile leineclien. Jt'M'k- nml I lleuliiri M hl Hi".', iu sealpl eiivei opV. Aijiies, 1K Altl A(); I ATJO.V No. .Soutb Ninth Min-I, riiihulelpliiii, 'n, an lut!.utioii -hnf fttK it i r;la 'eputiili',111 for Ih'Imu'. Ml eomlucl uU 'irofes4iiiii.-il i .1. . nov 0 '.' if. I GaEu'tciftyaHTiW.ii: TIIL CAllS IIAVK COJIL NKW 'STOCK OF (iOODS! Jot of Tltfin. Cliinjir than i.Vcr. Lurgc-ht Stock yet, coiii-fi-tiog :f Dry ;emU And tirutvr cm uoOts, WIOFS, 1IATS, CA1 eolectiouei lea and .Toys, And the largest stock of Cloc ks, Wati uks. and Jkwki.ky All of 'w hich w ill be sold AS t'HKAP AS Tin: CIlEArKST. The AViUington Star. ESTABLISHED QXLY .' YEA 113; SIX I AI2.V ST 4 It, Has the largest circulation of any Daily. Newspaper in the State, unda circulation in Wilmingtou 'earfy fTw'icexu) Largr as that of any other papjer. .- A li the news of the clay w ill , be round ivL it, condensed .when unirn prtnnt, nt length when of moment, and always presented , in a clear, in telligent uud interesting manner. SUMCHU'TIOXdti Advance) : One Yeiit, Six Months, ;.. ThreeIontlis, . ,,.S7.00 .... 3,.l r PRICE REDUCED, The M'e'elhj JStar is now combined u ith the Cttruiina Farmer, ancj is one pf tho-cheujust pujiers in tie coun try, at the lbl .owing " Itcduced HatcNi One Copy, Oue Year: ..........$1.5U One Copy, Six.Moiilhs.r... ... l.tJO AC'lubs-vf 5 to 10, Cue Year $1.25, per copy. . B5,CluIi8 of l(TnYhiore7)iie Year only 1.00 per Copy-; . . , ffluSpcciuicn Copies sept ou ap plicai'mn. f . " - ' Addrt's'a',' Wll. II. BERNARD, Edit,oi A J'roprieAor, WILMINOTON. C. TUE JIA(iIC comji Sent hv mai'I to nuv one for il. Will ehanee any oolored fcair to a jierma-. neOt lil.ick or brown and contains no po',on. Trade. Hiijtplied at low rates Atldrc - ss, Mci'in: i.'MB Co.. Si in- tlelil, 'Muss. -'"" : 1 XOTXGE. I I.L iterwons owing tpirn Isxet wiH call on the Mrhsll apj settle the same by the 1 3th December, 1873, and save cast. J NO. A. OA I.E. 2G-2L Town Marshall, 187.1. i87:i; VAT A j A U- "Winter Goods r VVj nro now rm iving and ojxniiig our Late Pnrcluise or BKAS0NA1ILE GOODS which com 1st of a wtllnlcjl) stock or DftY GOODS, MOTIONS, CIKKKinY, - - auJ U LASS W ARK. i .i LiTIT KT1I.I: V IliTaJ BoolsandShoes, with a large supply of I It OX of all ai zcs A general aaaprtnifyl Groceries VITK fet-l satisfieil that we can. suit V rur frK'iid and t-ustuinera, Nltll On to I'ltlCpapd qi'4I.TY of aiiyibJnic in our Hue of trade, H 'pipit we tiiina in eoinpiet any fll lllf lllll"l. We are tdankftil forpnst favors s ml solicit a call from ull onrold friends I .1 . .1 I! . II. - nun ine pin ii ij- Keiieriinj . ii:pAM., ill ri.i;v . ., udcaboro', . i'. 2h 2m. Board Wanted 7AXTKI) HOAHI), in a I'rl ate T Family, for a I 'eutleuuin uud Iii Wife. For jMirtiulini npj'ly at Iii in ollli e. laf l;est reference- jriveii. ADMIN'I STK ATI ) US XOriCiO. IIA 'IN ! this day taken out Ix I ti rs of Ailiniiii-triilion, with the Will nniicxrd of James Dunn, deeenscd, -I m:fv rll p iou Having elniuo finillt. said dec'deut, lo plt'selil Tiun to me by the 22nd day , of Oc tober, 174. All persons in h bled to paid Estate, must make favir.t'nt utoi.ee- WILEY Il()WEil-i, Administrator, with Will nnin x. d of .31 -ft. Ja Di vn, Deeia.-ed. SIMITJiS mint by iniiil f..!' 'i l.-. that retail quick for 10. ii. I. Wnl, IWT, lMO Chatliani Siu:ije, N Y. . I!riiiKs J'u free by. mail the tj)t) very best Vr.luwtlc TrIll."., Write at once to 1'omkkoy & Co.", 744 Jirondwiiy, K. Y. . . THE OKE AT REMEDY FOIl CONSUMPTION which ca,n bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard prcvMiration, 0.8 has been proved by ho hnndred8.-pf testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for- the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public. sanctioned by the experience ofover forty years. When resorted to in", season it sel dom fails to effects. speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whopping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Coldsf Sore Throat, Pams or Sore ness in the b Chest and Side,' Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does nof dry- up a. Cough, and leave the cause behind,1 as is the case with most preparations, but. it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the. cause of the complaint. j PREPAKRO BT BETH W. rOWLE & 80NH, Boitos, Km,, And Mid bj Unif gisU and Delen fenrrailf- 11. M. Johnson, Wadeoro, N. C., IIOUSK, f ION, PMir and CAIt PAIXTKItt Would respectfully o!icit throogtf thi medium, the pablio atronage, flattering hioisclf lo give entire aK isfatcion 32 If. I MAK8IIAIJ4 CO., ATTHK BIUOK STORE, I lora Moutfi fC. II, WaJwboro', N.C ma tin M . KrrAIIIJl DRY coons, NOTIONS, UoofsandShocs, if l!fry llearrlpflon. CROCKERY. TINWARE ' WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, t.OTIIIN(, II ATS and Q A full Line of GnocmiBS. EOCKINOIIAM SIIECT, I Mi on hand nt all time, by tlip Imlo at Factory Prices, COTTOX loiight and AdvnneemeDU mndo . iijniu same, 111 lftH)lr at, I AMI prill's - oil lonsignments orJS.i:w VnitK or Wilmington.. .1111. a. v. m:iot, is with u and will If pleased to see lis old friend ami patrons. J. V. .M MlHIIll.l , O.. lio v ti 3i tf. Iron in tho Blood, MAKES THE WEAK STROKE. The Peruvian Sump, a TrotecU ed SohiHon of the Protoxide of Iron, in to combined at to hav -the character of an ailment, am eanUy dlgetted ttml attimtlated with the blood at the timplett food. Jtinereatet the quantity of Xature't Own rUalUlngi Agent, Iron in the biooi, and cures "athousand illt," timply bhTonino up,Invlgoratina and Vitalizing the Suttem. The rin riched and vitalized blood per meatet every part of the body, repairing damaget and watte, tearching out morbid tecre tlont, and leaving nothing fon aittase to feed upon, Thit it the tecret of the won -aerfut tnccett of thit remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Live Corn plaint, Propsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, BolKlfcrvftus Affection, Chills axA Fevers, Ilu mora, Loss of Constitutional. Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diaeatet originating in a bad state of the blood, or aC; - tompanied by debility or a lout state of the s jtOs. Being frea, from AUoholTSt any format energizing effcCti are not fol lowed by corretponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu elng strength, vigor, ami neut life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con-, stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea-. tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women j and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU" VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glass. Pamphlets Free. - SETH W. FOWLE k SONS, Proprietors, H. SO Hrrlon At., Ronton. fek--t: Isvoit ecmiiLr.' WADESBORO Marble Works,. THE Undersign ed .takes this moth- . oil of iiiforuiiiifr th i eilizcn.4 of Wude.--, hoio' nnd surround-. inir country, that they will "open a. , nun hie iini, ne Wiiclefboro oh yr -id outf ihe Ut r 'iv.," nt - w ii I Cli place they will in) prepared 'to till all Orders for (Jriivot KtoncK nod Mtiiiii-. ll! I W Itlf'lltu Tit ih-t.r- - Batisfneti'.n frrnnmteml.. : Kelid far price iitand eireulaii, Add'css F A. IliJ -Xineh, at t'l ar lotte until aflei tlie 1st of Noveml er, , J.fterv.-""'''. ,'Nnieh & Jolin-toii. "v ::.-boTorN.c.r --. - 'F.'A.Mi-NJXCir. - sff.'7 m aj -v-j 5 . ust ci m tqat uieomj 1 fi

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