tcrtlt (farclinn gWtju. DIX'KMUKK 1. 1873. lltt R KIUIIT, I-tbI IMlktr TO CORRE3POWDENTH, ,Va eomrnHnieatioiu v'lt uJ itrlil in the ruumn tit th Adp, trnlrm iimimiMinint h th nittrt of the trritef 5 if some rrtnmillr mi 'y. J 1( nt it ditlinrtly kni f..., that pur Qtrmmondrtd thind in their own fhoet, and Utrtt alone art ft'jtoniiMf Ju nA.il1 f JUy Miy my. J3 Isocal matter rrowdcl out tlii uf k uy roinmunimuuiiB. Mr. King ill arcl wir lliatili lur a rue of lrvIi oyater. Freah Ki!i or Oyster, rati bo U .l-iineal at any time next door to the A lait'P ( 'Hit. Towd Taxes. The Town Maraliall y order of llie C iiiinril lis prepared a liit ol thoao wing lowu Isle, wliirli will be uDiiiiei oeii we, ami iuai sh'i taikjl tO Collucl tO AD)0. Nam Plates. , 'W'c have at thin office riifii of aflli work of Mr. vVm. arkanr in the Name Plate ami Kry (.'lut k lino, j'artira ileiiiiiujr anything of tlic kinl will do well fcy lcafig their order at our oflic. Our man Frank came to town a- ,ain yeter-lay, and lijtched hi horn to a pt nark 01 mo Argu omen urn I iunt 'luund the crner to make tome pun-liasc., lie bought whut he want"), oixl atarled lor lioiiio be live uliout'4 inilea niter arriving liiinio he di liv,red iiU purlliac, ami went to the rlalile to feid ku home, l.ut lo ! he found no lion, and after thiuLin awhde he coneluded he hud left hi borne at town, and afW re turning he fiund it waji jiift so, Rats. - Wad nboro u no doubt nmp!y up plied witK rut, tmciully the Ya Jidu .f nttlh rford M. A w;i"oiicr who camped in the rear "fa certain (in-eery Store the other iiight, irfnne. us ikef'M ninrtiin?. that be mw rut ulk out at the rear ilor, with a Mii-k of lluur under one arm, and u midling uf ba roii und.r the other. We however, are fueliuwl to doubt na lie .-ay , bu.1 it Ki f.t:ttiii.-iit be true, we ud vim; our "slisy men to rupture the 'l-iiftc,' and u.-u him n- leilmy lior", Ov Kit exertion, fit her r Ixwjy or -...i rl. liilitv r,n-l tiir.e. IIMUM uiu'iii - -r VI ren.wlV W tO..Uf iOllie ..: 1 'tl... ttttl of whu-li- U the III I' ltil'.- lhu hVSU'lll tonic liku ihp lVnviH Svrup. (a imiUixi.le of Iron.) whlrh civea " . 1 the ae ami gol onlcr of the di triil will bo rarvfully nuintaliird, Jid violator of the law pruweuted 'ithout far, fiivor. or aHV Mr. 1'riiih. rttm U a prniletiian of let-si attuinintil. an.l il tilioi of Stanly ,(Vuutv randy ak that oui.f ihem bo made a State oflutre wehom that our claim on (hi ocraiwiM may not U mlinJy overlooked. HATNLV. Mavar a Ofluf, yd(, i, V IXr. lClh, 1873. The alh'iition of parriiUi, and all coiiccnnil, U callixl lo the following ordinance for the government of the Town of Wadeaboro: Hmti..! 11th, IU U OrJainnt, That the firing of powder, orat kirn, rtekeU, xpiib, rumaii candle, and all (Ire work and the (browing of hbilr or rtone in the irti't a public miiwiuce and riti o o(T ndiuk "hall par a fine of fifty crul firciuli ami every uj fence anil wliwi coinmitted by mi- uor, the pnrenU and guar.liani lo be repon.ibio lor toe one or nnei. It will b oWrxixl that thin ordi nance apply to the Mrrctsi ouly, and Uol lo privute ar v utt IoIji. J. M. I.l lTl.i; Mayor. county, u rrf. m-l to the committ.o oil lutcrnal JinproveoiaiiU, and tho iigroM4 bill from the Srnnte U prevent fraud in coiamen ln'.i'un. nurm, wa n-ferred lo the committee on a'rieullure. hfcjtATr upon motion of Col. Mott head, the rule Wrr u.spcnded and the bill to make valid prx-crd- I'inga in divorce ca hi retolore had fawl iu acveral nadiupi. with umendmrnta niled by the Judi ciarv t'timniiiu-c " hit. llumnhrrr introduced a bill p it pare I by the romniittte on bank ami currency, to make uniform . For the A hot . A CA11D. A re; ort inln ing circolatcil lhrout;h- out lhi a-ij other cnuuti, (by r. tain maliiiou enemiin,) that I did, or wa acrcorr tolho buti lutini? of a beef that hu J died from thcelKrUof eating p a.i, and M-nt it to miket told, and received a Hrtion of the priKfctU of the tale, Ac, Ac. I do iiervhy certify that the above rrixirU are (altc in every particular, and are Imjiu-j cireiilaU-1 ny my mennc, only for ihcpurtNwe of trying toil jure my tharacivr. THOS. M. I HINDU'. We the uuder.-iiiMied ucihbor and iU-iiuaiutuiiee of Kev. T. M. lKudl v, do certify tlmt we have known him lor a nuniier oi vearx, .and oelieve liim to be a mail of integrity, verac ity, and uiiiuriiUhed cbiinicter, and wuuMwUhot't hes tati. n, rive lull crv.lit toui.y .-tatmi ut ll.ut he niiht make, t.iueluu nuy matter enm;iijj within hm knowlude or ol.-i rvution. U'lij. I. DuiiIuji, F. A. flurkr. (J. IS. ldinlai.. i;ii. ijcinz, W. J I. Smith, Henry j 1 1 1. M. I j. I!. M. !!,!., d. U. Iiicrmu, J. 1 Duidiip, A. 1. Itennl It, 1". A. 1oudcr, J. .'I. Wail. IMIiW.illl' , . . . .line ii giving a tired borse tlic whip nM.-iid of out. The true way into litha pnrmaneiit Hir'iiL'lit tyhten). Foi:m t L.v.r! A r iiohIv tlmt no', only relieve-", but cures that cue my of "munkind, t'linenmption, wiilltt the nuiiiero'ini nKtclliu-s wbioh revolve around it in the shape, ol cougliH.culdii, bronihiti8,Bore throat, jufluenzu, Ac. Tin! remedy wc allude to is DWwtsr'a Ualmiiii of wil.1 Clirrry, prepared by.Seth W. Fowlc fi, Sous., Boston, FoAhe A'ltiit'H. The Ciiusc ff Tcmpcraiicf from whatove; kit-indpoint it is viewed will . ii I ways pTs.pi)t to he observer nn invulncmblc which has some -poimnuaities He3 in the fact fhat it is sustained by ininci ble prpofj, foynded o truth. And ii tho public in general would but heed the fiighirul examples oi me results ui in temperance that arc met with flaily, tlipy would confer the greatest I Jcs Jugs upon the fomiuunity. 7 ' : To reach and impress' -hc public is the duty of Temper ance iften, and in the l'rc-s pf tlie country we sec a means . e . - ii - t:.i. .-I,:.. 01 liOSIllilll pUMt'J. l lin l-inn aid the temperance "movement in Wandesboro' will succeed. .n I to thjs end wc iivtikc the Editors of both " papery here published to redouble their efforts in support of Tcni)er- puce. . J .. For-Tlie Aitvs Mb. wioh ; . . ' I tear .Sir; The tiirii is not .far ilisttyit when thcpcojile v i 1 1 lio cii'k linl .i.w.ti lii l.v lii.lli.t- ji Sl.itn Solicitor. Wo hope. t nnv suit your cofiyenieiice to allow us, through vnni- ii-mer to lull the. intention ol hd voTcrs of the h Jinliii;il Din in Kimiipl .1 H'lnlieiton. Eso.. i"if..Albcma;lct Mr. JVinbertna is ....i .... . i(ti .o rwlii r. lint hlioulil .icNo'ininifting (Vnveution whi n it i Escniblc .place hini on the tiket, ve t'eel satHicd that he woujil yieiij. to their wiches ilinl th'- C'onserva ivrs uevd haw: no fearof electing him 'by a baiulotu myity -while, he eitizi.ii. ii.viv re-t - that f) "X TV the tci?al rat of Ictrmt in North Can.lina. It ItjmI the dam in bank it.corporntiil aiuce tha adop tion of tb ciiiiniiiuliou allotting audi corKiratim to mntraitfor jjrrB',r rate of iutf rit Uiau t ight x r not; provide the x-im!tic in the old uury law for violation of the ad. Ordered to be printed and made ittl order lor Wedm-wliiy " at I .' m. Hani. Col- obtaiueil leave to in troduce a resolution .riuri.ic I -the -iiiaiico committee to voopt more etriup-nt rule to cu force the Coik-o- lion ol the pol tai,' Jtcfcrrnl, A Mce an rrccived from the IIou of KcprccrtilaUvci traimrr it. tin a iiumUr of billit, The muat importan being trulu lion pnHM-iiig a aiue die adj.iuru mcut on the '.'lib int Coiu urroH iu tiiiqniuiou-ly. IIol'nK Mr. June of Orange, irom committee ol coKlercnrel ou tijjurunieiiL tubmittcd majority and minority njMirl ou the auhject of a-ljnuriiiueuL The majority ro jrt it-coiDimti.N that the n-wiun adjourn wi die the Villi; themiuuri tp report recommend the 31t, Mr. Trivctt ofllrrvd 'a ubtitute to H'adr.boro JJJjthrl t uti tim w liku mil. ! KmiMH.. H"tMl! 'h'. X. (,'. Ib c. 18, l!T:l. . f Culli-n. nmrL.l ...... ... X.'Jt ' i i.ruq... v llvrl la tliHaau tuii(r, I'ulTi'f,, Com, ... fblrkrat. lloinnMla aWrrlikg 'tf - l .uuf ,, LarJ, "nbrn, I'liwa, il,.,., - 1 Turk, Hi . T JI E ii' 7 11 1, . IK M '(' , H.f. ai.du 1 $ loot- I I I I mf . Id.., 1.1 ,.U 50(511 mi 13 ,6of..,0 t...... M. .... ...... ,.(. imi ...... . M..H.IIIHIMHHII llJ.l p.i, per M.,.Sm,tw her3tv trim urrttit. ni:illCTItMKIM.V. JtAi xu-( Juniiy V jd .". ArstiS. 1 a joi iivth r WUo "wiid aut I a( rm-iviuf w-iil uf Krl fl. I'uno' Tilt loll. Iwi l.r., n (0 luiiui:n I III' U lillntin." . I'i r-mu i.r Ii rn.if I'la'n -a oi ullirr Mu-I-r il liia.'iiuiii iii f,(tii a Jiiuiic uijr rl iirvMiut iitfjr ttill rrcrlt aa prfct an Ina run.rnl m nnjr rr.j-l aa If r i"iwl!j Iirli fioia my aik. I aim f. r ll'o Ih.iriinirnH in alork Vr.lua, l uri'y muV llxumlnrw uf Ton, I'narr ami Varinjr uf fiproalnn, Uflirarjr, Ktatliriijr ai4 rruinpinra of AciU'L rm if. in it ibriu Miiriiur to any otber lualtu-o..-hf iiiitiiiiracl irrl llirf bats avltirtnl a nl.lnlUI fll il- Uiii.ti I v lli.'ir mcrijlui.. auJ air r'ii i mi. trctl Mflj I . J" auj aarraair-l I r lio rar.V fat ' at take a red from J ridur the 13ib uutil Tueluy l ie the loih day of January, which wa Voted down. The quratiou the recurred ou adoj.t iug tUo nijiiority adjourn tine die. on the'4t!i. KT It i an cttabliaheil fact tkut Murray eell good nhoc. ' J. Iar" Murray is nclling good puuic price, lor cah. J at W MurrayV u tt.d place to buv i.mllow Jionl.;.' Anchor..... I'uiiilif lut k ij..ii:-jiiie y n.. Malilll.i , lllTli lt-.Voiil,i ru... Country JUni.N -llama Milea. aillokiil,. 1'ry full .. Miouhli-r ., I. Alto .UoI.avo.h-X. O. Viral Culm , M oH- V l. 1'oll.TKV Tiirki-VH. eai.h. Chickrim. KoiiS V do., 11 JO . II .Vi 1-1 (.,, ( (.., f... ( t; (... ( ( 1; .0 21 a a a to a, j li II l-'l M loo ci iii 1 M farhie ihoduft IJfcrhti your good, tliesc hard timis. (jYIvvm 1eii-". Our. itecwed IV;. ud, ( apt. hctnhnrdt ol Linciln- I hi, ha tuin-tt a ile Ix.l of ji-n in on his farm within n, mile I (inciiliitio, ' c call particular atteniKui iiilvirti.'cuieut. '. lit illEKTS-WA UN VAX. At the Uitsideiici! of I lio' bride's mother on Nov. 19th, IHT'1, bv the Key. "J. S, KcndaU, Mr. W. ft. U-berUto Mi 8 A. Waynr. All v Aiib. n.. ' I.KK C()X. At" the" residence of th Iri.le lat'ier-Do-J lotli by r tVilliama Kvi. Mr. W. Ijl- to Mis ! hnthrio Cox. lioth of An ion, . - -i j S(:x4TK iMr. Todd introduced a bill to make fcduclion-a iiiisdriueu nor ptiiii.-hahle liy fin? and impri.--ou rn -nt. Mr. McOiuley in'txodiieeil a hill to incorpcrute tho People' NHtionnl bank of ' Monroe, (,'ol. UuHi.lirey introduced n bill to n in inl the Ci iiptitutinii of North Curoliiiu ; it gives the deblur a fee simple, iu tho homestead. A bilUin relation to incorporated towns provides that if from , irny, cause (ho uicorporatiou should .be forfeited on account of 'filling to hold election for municipal cornora Urs on every 1st Monday in Mav, uny three electors by advertisement may .appoint ru ilcctnm at auy other time, which in e(ect reyives the incorporation,-- The bill passed its thiict reading. Proposcd AifiMidmenta to thu School Law weye 'discussed at lengthy Mr. Davis Introduced a bill to change the terms of .Superior -Court in lstf2nd drd nnd ( .JuilieuilCir (nits. lie announced that- he iutro ,, iliicul the bill bv request. Me. Walker introduced a bill to regulate the drawing of .juries. : Harris, col, c'?,!lv'4 irp'.tluj bill to 'prohibit flogging in the penitentiary and common jails. The bill was taken from thtable"aad upon the motion of II irris.'wivrrcfcrrcd to the Judiciary Commute. . " M.f. Uarnhardt introduced' n.Jbill to aut!ioi-i?o. the cotnniissioiiyrs of Cabarrus county to sell the jail and for -.tie. purposes. , The bill tu be entitled an: net in relation to .the sale of coiion,' ' paied iU scveial reildings. This bill makes it tiulawful for any person to lny o sell any cotton iu S4p I, or. nSir un- Lus'ickcd -lint eotton broujiht iu a bas ket, ntvupir di- Jreet, or in any- way- ivni-.i- uic Yjtiniuiiy k lesij inail is usually haled or is "not baWd. between' the hours of suuset and sunrise. A - nietfsn'nc was received from the Senate with engrossed bill to author ize tho appointment of commissioners i proviihLivavs ami means to nid the Carolina Central, Itnilway Cm pai'v. or ai'y, other company, in ex tending a railroad ftoin or neHr LiiKolnton to Ilichorv in '.' T The (Iran. I ImIhc of M imips at I' nii!" iiti.n In Unttili ri-ceiilly e-iniriuoioii el vni , r -fun nil ui to tin fU;'poi t ol the Orphan Asylum at Ox!''hI. It now lRlt ioOd the. State to imitate (he good exapie Si' bv the Masnliic filliit-'i uily, it nil he shi-uld make a liber al donation. Mi-ngn: Christmas nnw T. S. ('UOWSOX has his usual variety of Christ mas. Goods, Tovs, ConliDti'-ns, ;c., AT Til K MUCK 8T0:!K. Settle, Up! . my r.ooKS aim: "posted" and iiccoiut iu same uutdu out I ue;d the money loseltlo my liubil liilith s.- Those owing uie I urgontlv Hsk to coma l'urvvuril and settle the same. T. 8. CRQW'SON, iMnftiinl of Ucalli. n edition of between 'nine an ten million of copies of u very us- ful work is now rcudxltir trratuitotii and run be had for the ukiik ut any drug store iu d WtiUeu, the Uiiiisli (..olonies. ipaiiisli America or The work referred to i Hostetter.s Almeriiav for 1874; The medical portion of it tients of the various itilineiits to wlueli the 'ui iimu wVNteiii isMiibjeet. and sets furtli the peculiar propel ties of. llustettcr.M Stomach Hitlers tlie pu'ivsfuud best tunic at present k uowii-iw a preser- vauve oi iieaiiu una xtreiigu, ami as remedy lor dciuiity ami disease. The Almanac is printu.l .in all the principal- languages of the civilized world, and reaches' a larger number of families and individuals than any other -.medical treatise that ever'issu ed from the press Iso man or wo man who b:s a ilue regard for that choicest of heaven's bles.-ings, bodily vigor, should fail to 'read, the plain, simple and convincing articles which this truly practical pub,Uot,ioncori-' tains. The hijscelhmeoJiiAJttaUer is varied, instructive and 'amusing nnH the calender department copious and comprehensive, HostetterV Ahva nic iS, in'hort, a househol 1 conveni ence, adapted to the list? of all classes and callings. The iarmer, the plau teivthc miu r. the merchant, the me cbanie. the laborer, tlie pvofeional manT M need it ; amLtu both sexej it is literally an article ol prime necessity. The medical, teeli- nicaliliCs which render so many medical treatises iuirHkd-4f6r popu-, lar gse u:intelliffibie to tho general reader, have been carefully avoided in this pamphlet. All is clear, ex plicit, torcihle, and reconeihiLle with eason and common' sense. Th 1 pr- ririetors. Messrs. Hostetter's tV; Smith, Pittshuigh, l'a., on receipt of a two cent, stamp, will forward a copy, by mail to any person whocau n pixuuo oi e : ' , . :-!ioihI. C'uKRIXTKD Wl:lAl.y. Home prutluctiuti areon.n.1 at il,., buying jiriii-, ud all oil.- r at the riiinv price. LACON-Nortb Carolin. JIain", c lb. 1 4 f t Id Side. Uo, liouljer', f, f.i jy Hug Koun-!, " Jl (, i:i llaia cauva-vcil, "f I!., g Sides, IU' i, 12 Shouldern, " ! i'i, l(j 5A(i(iI.C, jht yard, Iom m i'c. fin, jo iiutti:u 15 ( C(FFi;i- 2 :;. ( Ltj vj;k si:i:i)-per b1. wm CUKNIKAI 71, F(i(;S per do.., 1(5'" 1.3 FISH Mackcral, bbl. 81 a. JfilK) KitS 815ia2.')i) FLOUU per sack 84 20 a 4 7 j CiUAIN buying nricu. Coiu, iH-r biith. (i Oats, Vt ll. ut, live, LAHlV ' lb MuLASslCS all gniJes, M'A-V keg, f7.oo(i8(aa SLGAlN-all grades, P' 12r.tli sYKt V, t gallt.ii, SoOii.uo SALT, y sack, i .00it ; 10 TAIJ.0W, f lb mn KlLK, lh lUr 123 4t ( ' 4.-, 7.i,'vi.ui 8(),'(i "it) 12'oia rOUTfC, UTFIIATIUK, MAUKKT-S, I'ublMira Urrklyot Ywrs&oiio .V. C. To Merrlinnta ,i:irrr fi re Hi t) lio I roii I r lio n r o ttlllkiMi-tk) K lllnlrN M ud l.rei tlDK t Toti well know n In North and fM.ulli Camllmi, I ail of 'I't iiinweniid X'lrulniii. and Imi lonu , rKlahlli)id (filice Ki) the proiiiif. torn deem It Ulllleetn-lirv III nenlu rtuiilnit l fore the puhllc und .lu it- inu tin ir puiriiiii.f.- to ko into a l-iii( IhnirUh n t' iii.nieiiw i.k-U i lid eoiiiiiieliHiir.ttu.M 111 und at ilily III "I'll IIIHKK a.uti. W'v llnri fote roliteiit oupm-Iv a bv -Imply miiiuiiii. lot' tlmt our I.u-ii.- liuvluit Inert-iiM-d :oo,ooo In i. M vi nr mill (.'liuilotte lut liitf niMltii.iml I'.'hII kmhI fanillllen wurruuta ua III at 1 1 1 ini.ii' iiirreiixhiK our atoek. e xli i I ia t In More by tlo- PMh of -S'.., a M.M'k of l line hundred lliouMinl douitrs, I'.ioo.UMi ttoiMit- ln of full Imva of eirrj i-Imjm of KimmIn that l inuke a ctHuph le niuortmeut for a More, whieli we olti-r to the I Hide at r ii.ih tliir ll.-i a with any Jobbing IIoum i'ioiu New loiK tu New IKIeium All we auk. I come, an J. we will make gool toe uImiv-c HH-ertloll. MerehaiiU In North Carolina have the additional advantage, that by l(l lti lit the hlate, tliey have no purehi.M Tax to pay. Weu.Mi have a retail deparlment, wlierewe kcrp i-veryliiini ti'oiii eoni inoli to the very brat. AIm. Iiuve a nr, et ninl Milliner depart im-nt. VMTKOVKY A JUNTKI.S. Clmrlotle, N. C , Aligual Utli, l.iM. vvery Thursday, by icu.-tis: 'Q'ilmhifttcn -JJto'fhet; Corrox liow Ordinary, per lb ,13 a 00 Ordinary, " 1 a ho i toon iiriiinai)-, 7:j niil.1I Low .MiddlinjV, 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 L Haion- ' HKKKK Fl.ol'K LlKAIN - Corn,, Oat, Moi.ashks, St'OAil AMi. cfhiiNliel r Ii a 1)1 Jo a Pi !i a. is IWJ a -ix ooo a l.'?0 7i a W ) a 7-1 1'4 a so m a t.t M i.iillii. TTirfr Minium, One Month, ., Tin-: a nars i n Fumiltj Xi'ivrjHiper, QfU't nutirr ia I'Uttir; pud rmpoifinp ctry mtnn vt it rmtml t ' A't'YA'.V, ELE VATE awl IMPROVE "MAX KLXJK 1'IIYSICA L V, JItl TA L LY and MUUM.LW glitgothn $Urhctl December isth, f.. - (1 1 A It L KST( ).V- lo I (.Uot MAVOltLKAN'S-, UlMl,! HAIn.MOItK- ' V,o,iiil. SAVANNAH Hlf.lii' .MI',.Ml'JtlS-r U(,i &tjClo to Miirnv's with vour money, if you want bargiaus. j i iJts r-t j.ass nai.i-.iu. JiS.'J. A. CLIKFOUD. an noun ees thiUjdiehas 'opened a Privatf Boarding House. . ' for retful'rutriu.sjent Hoarders -on .llarkri SI reel, kitween. Koeond nn. I 'JUird StrteW iu VViluiingtoi!, I'roiinsiiuj; f-om) acixmmodations and reasonable i hares, she hopes to Irave many of tliefneudsof the late Mr. Clift'ordj viul tj icrguests, ' A tl A'' I that trill he uf iirTci-rf iii iiiir lii tnli r .Woc, i in i-nl, Fun in Lffixntiiic anil 'uHirrA,onul trill In, ean jntly culli rnl, anil iiiild uliid in TllFARUiW. tiielowliuckoKtiii: Kemlors " it -available to nil :-:LASKS.- SiiwiijE Foil Tlie Argus. R R R RADWAVS READY RELIJEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR . arttrnalin Ihla aarlkamal n& U17 on irrraa wrru raja. aUDWari rbapt nr.urr is a ccai roa SVEKIT tun. .. , 11 wuibt flmand la Tho Only I'alu Hcmedy thai InMtnlljr rop iht mo tier.wlalln pain alUrt IntlanimtiUma, mtA rum CoiiKll4nt, wbOir ol lit l.uiiia. xtomu 11. Bultala. or olUir auoda or anaaa. l ta app.lcailun. in raoa o to twbhtt Mtacna. n tnaiwr hnw Ttnltmt or airnHlallni iha nala tha II Br ATlOi PMl-rniaan, innrm. t:rlpplw. Mcrtuaa. a.nnl lULOf ufMMrataa iMMwa may .ulTtt, WILL Afninn irnif. trr . v rUfLilHIATICKI or HR KIN tin VH m km JJ tvn inn r" ' ' r, i,n rnNUIiaiT.OK ut THE LCNOat UAA lUaWaaVi. Jirrn 1 tui nnn. i it i . PA LPiTATHtM Of TUB BEAST. nTSTHRtCL CBOCP. DIPTIIKRIA CAIAMBII, IXKLCEMEA. niADACHB, TOOTnACTII! NKI'RAI.GU, IinECMATrSX. CHLT) THTLLII. AOrR MIM.H TheapMhcaiton of the Bae1r Relief tn th prtor fiariai wnrrw iuj patu or aiuicyuj cxuie wtu aouca ml 4'oinfurt. Twinty dropt In half tumliW of water will In a few mnmrnliirure CRAM Pi. (tfANMK, ROL'R hTMA II, IIK AWTBl'RW, HICK IfKAHACHB, 11 A UH Hull, -i.u;, vtihU TUB JHUWfiUl. nil ail INTERNAL tAlUH Travflrra iKuuM alwv errf bottle of Mm4- Watv'e Meadv Kller with thm. A few drou in ai)f will prvnl ak-knefii or pain from oleeiiBe ot wnir. ii h omucz Han maca sraooy ttt miutn aa a Huuuiaiiv. , . . " FEVER AKD AGUE. TEVE AND Aom cnml for tfiy eania. Than la ant a rpmauial aAm In ihla world thai will ear Fvr and Aua, and all oilier Malarloua, Bllnaa. Hcarlrt, Tvpliold. Tllw, ami olktr fevr n fald.d by RAD. WAV d PII.LHI an uukk aa BADWAI KaUtlY HE LIKr. tUlf caul per bollla. - . i)r. J. lValkcr'n OHfonila Vln ft:r IHUm ro umly Ve.-i table jHvmnttioii, mailo chieitv fimu tho nn tiro hero found on tho fi.m r niue of tl o Kiei ra NVenil.ttiioiUitalnaof Califiir nka, tho troeit i t.f j nrc cxiraeiod theienoin w Ithout I'io iimi uf .leohol. Thn ijucilinii It al'iiM: daily uak.-il. " i. i ranae of thu iini.iralleled itcee. uf VlM.O-lii -111 i" i Kiutf" Our ainow r l, that tbey reinnio the ciiiims of diwnM and llm ('.ilieiit ic rover his healtli. '1 1. 1 lire Lloil hii ilier and aliic .niii.' i.i.i ii'lf, a Hikct Jteiioviitor mid l:n !,:"!. itur Af tha oiatcui. Never bolini' m ilia l.ut.irr of Hit rlJ baa a iiiiiluina loa uui.uinlc-d i.itf Hm rni.tfdlila ualilira uf VlxoAl UliTaaa hi til au k uf every th-an lean la lirir tu. Tln'V ra a (i-iiila l'ut(aliv aa wall m a Y.him-, ri-lu-i mar Cimiina r liifl,iiiiinail.ii ut th burr auj ViMctul Croatia Iu UiUu U.Maa The properties nf D. Witkra'a. ViHkiua tun aa ara AinTinit. 1)iailnrtiir, Canuinulira, Nultilioua, liianva, IlinraUo, in the Mouth. Hiiious At "tL-Smi of thyiti t, Ju.'lat l.iiiejs, I'ainTii thoji'de HEALTHS BEAUTY!! BTB0V0 A NO PCRB Rtrn BLOOD INCREARR Of ri,K.HI AND WKItlHT-CI.KAK HKIN ANU . UlSAlTll'tl. UUMPLKXIOM aKCUKEO TO ALL. -TOIM STOP! ! AT- li. D. Kendall's, ;.' v -'v audexamine his well-selccteiV v STOCK uF ' ' DRY GOODS, ' Fa i cy Goai! v ' - . Xolion,'tfitfib llm'fi ' ' ' and Wiot", i - (joining -ir, 11 QO.dr H- W'-Ii'C , ; , ' Wdl;" Mi inr, ' . ' Ctlff ffuyut, ! - MnliiMi', t :'- . (Wl; F'ovr, . 1 , tC't-., ttr. rpHAXKl-T-.L for past pa'tronajro I JL rcHpectfullv tk a Cwniiiai.inee uf the siinie. ' 1 iLAJx aj'b rjxer r- . SUCH AS blaxks j i v rcms va ni JAAffJfZi.l'S, CARDS; OU! ITrA RS; TALfHiUFK J'OST F.RS, RECl.WVS, KH Z-ltli.-tiw, LHrrfiR-JIKjxs Wt-.l),l)fXO VA D'-SVISI riXU OA -. . - X-l 11 i LS, &c. , .(v., ,,. ALWAYS- ON II A AD' OK DR. RAD WAY'S ; Sarsaparillian Eesolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, HA.8 MADE THR MOST ARTOtHaiUNfl CCREII. Sf 8 HICK: SO RAPID ARE THE CIIANOKH, THR ODY CN0P.HOOKS, UNDER TUB INM.DEN'CK OC THIS TBL'LK WONLHSKKl'L MGDIClilii, THAT . . Every Dayln Increase in Flesh and WeiiMisteaii Felt Bv.rr drop of tha PAMAPARTLLIAN RRSOt,. fKNTcmnmunlcatca through the Blood, Swaat. I'rlna, ind other ri and juices or the ayaicin tha vaiar or Ala. for It repalre tlie waslea of the b'xlj with new aua lound malerlal. Hcrolula, fivphllit, Coimumptlnn, Blantlular tltieaaa, Ulcera In the throat. Mouth. -Tu. Mora, Nudenin iheGlandioriil other parttof lw 'flein. Dora Eyea.Btrunioroua dlKharKet from the Eurs. and aha wont rorntf of Haiti dlieate, Eruitionm Kever aorea, Scald Head, Blnx Worm, Halt lllicum, Krytlpelaa... 4cne, Black KH.ta, Worma In the Fle.h. Tumor. Can. ura lit the Wumb. and all weakenlua and UMinCul dla- frhanrea. Night sareaM. Iami of Hpernr andiAll waalei ef the life principle, ra within the curutlve ranse ol thit wonder of Modern Chamliiry, and a few daya' u will proTe to any person ualaa tttur either of lucaa forma of llaeaae Its potent Dower to cura Ibem. - If the patient, tfailr becoming reduced y tha waatca and decomposition, that la contlnaally arocreesUuj. au. eeda In arrasUna; Iheeo watua, akd repatn the w with new material mailafrnm healthy.bluod-rand thla the 8AR8APARILLIAM will and dors accure a cure la eeruln; for when once this remedy cormnencas Its work of purlflcatlon, and .ljiiiina.oinit U.o lose of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himsalfirrowlnii belter andstroneir, Iba food dli(onit batter, appetite liwroylrm, aud llesli anifcwolxht Increashnr. ' . Not only doea the RisoLTiKt.etnil all known remedial ageniala Hi cure of Chronic, Hero. luloua, Consiltntlonal, anil tflUu diseases; but It Is th" only positive cure for Kidney C Bladder Complaints', Urinary and Womb diseases, OraVel, Dlabetea. Drowv, Btoppaite or Water, Incontinence of Urine, HriKht's uls. oase. Albuminuria, and In all cases where there aro brlckIustdepoBila. or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with sabetancea II ke tha white of an eeg, or threads Ilka white silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits, anil when there is a pricking, burning eensatlou when passing wsler. snd pain Iu the Small of the Back and along lua Loin. Tumor of I'i Years' Growth . Cured by Itadivaff's , ltesolven. bvtlalive, I'l.tintar Irritaut bmlonflc, Attar. lire, au.l Auii ('ratoful llinnsanili rroclalm Vn. ro a it Inn KIM th tiint nomlrrful In Tijr..ratit thut tftr lu.ltiufj Iii; mLiiig av.tnn. , No IVrsfln can lato (hoso Hitler nernriliiijj to ilinxtion, anil remain loii4 tiirvcil. jTovftleiltheir bones are not lo firi'vcJ If mineral io!.in or ntlirr i!ie.-.;:', :iul rit.J oraiii maiei Lcruui irjvilr. . jlilir..!?, ronilllctit anil Inter mittent tcvers, vliieh nro ioiirora lent in tlio vullej of wur great rit fliroiilioat tlie L'niteJ St.itefi,c.iicclall IliiL-oof tlio MisisMl. Ohio, aliuatni, 1 1 1 i i 'I'enne.ssee, ('uiuIk-iIiiikI, Ark.iu s.i.1, l.'eil, t'oloi-ulu, Hr.izon, KliiGianile, I, .l.ibu'i)ia, Molillo, Snmntuli, K i-n ntio1;e, .T.iniea, niul many otliern, villi tlieir ;it its, tliMUul.out our entire ro-ii.tiy iliiiln tlie Kiitiiincr nnd Autumn. u.ul return kulilv bo uunngBna ..cuiH m tnusual licat Hint ilryne-ta, art uivaiiaMy iu-eniiip.uiieil tiy extensive do- nui.ruicut of tl o -stomach ami liver, iinl other iilnlj-iiinal vincera. lu their tien'im uua liuiL'ativo, rxurtins a pow. oi l il Jiillueuee iiioii tlicAt) vaiioua or- - i t.-.ntlally Iiece8s;irf. 'Inert) i cirarliaitli! forllio iiurptnocqtu'.l t )k. .1. Walkci:' IltnEns, they wiil Btieedilv reinovo tho ilrirk . . . . . . ... . t,. coiorci visei'i utaucr vun vmcu in l.uni I.i aro loaded, at Ilia sanio tlimi r.tiiuiilatinjj tho tci-etloiui of tlio liver, .ii..l keiwraltyi-jiisj Ii hculdtf '""r"-;- aBjT or-ana, 1 fTfirjr lIr--vJ--.iirnirtlHoasA ny iu70'iii,vr uii Jmruidi lt: vixnAft nriTti.'i. So cpideinU cr.u tako liotj ofiis8tem thus foro-nrmed. Dj IM'lisi.l or IlliliSPslioil, Ue'ail nl:e, pain It) tho Sliouldein, Conchs, Ti.tlitucKH of the ('lirwt, Uiziiness, Sour Kri:cL.ition.i of tho ,etoinaeh, J!ail Tristu a the .Mouth. ISilioud Attuckn, i'alt l!a. iriitnntii.ii ol' llm tlioji-cioii nf tlio Jii4 ncy and u hundred other j-tinf"iil symp ,t ::n., mo the olltiirlii- of J)yjieisi;i. One hot tie will M'ovi) a hetteiffiiaraiitos of its uiciits than a Jcnjjtliy aUvci'.iso nient. . .Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, Whito ? l-llilluv, I Irl l K, fcrv stpclllS, SlVl'lled 'lH.'k-. .Jxitiv, Seii'l'iiloiu luiliiiiiiiiuui.iis, Indulrut; liillii.iikiiiitioiis, ilLTeuriul Allt't'tiiiiij, V'.d Snrt , Ki iijilioii.i-ril' thu Skin, Kytjx. etc. !n V.m f, si in nil other cuuMtitutiniiul l)i-,-as.js, Walk hi m UiTrmtM lmva .linwii their preitt curative powem iu tlia iiu-t .ilivliiiutu ana intrattalilo ruses.' I;!!i Iii'Iiuiinii-.tory ajid Chronic Ilhi'ii Mia! isiii, (jour, IMIious, Kctnit- 'cnt aiiiUnterinitttUit Fevers, DiRensruu; ho llloiiil, late, ifcitliii'i .. mill lilmlclor, lioao l'itlura huvti 1m ewil.-t). Sui'll llisgilic are caused by Vitiated itluuil.-. .ilmiui'.icat Disoaso-?. rersons en ured Tii- I'nims imd Mineniln. such aa .i 'lumber,!, ..Type-aettorr), (iold-lieater, Bii4 uinitrs, an l.n-j- mlvume in 1 1 to. uro gutiiiiet ruriilvsi-of the Ituwula. To Riiitrd iiniiiisl this, toko a thiso of WALKBfi'i Vl.V- . KHAR ItlTTKHa net .fiollttlly. ForSkhi 'iisciwes, Eruptions, Tct- ti'i', .--alt lihiMiin, tilntfliL's, Siiutx, rnnplt-v, H'tistdlea. IlwiK Curtmiitle-i, Uiiiir-wonna. alii -lioittl, iSi.iro liync, ICrysipuliM. I tert, nil's, Disculuriitioiis. of thu Skin, IJuiikh- in. I til mo oi iiu-iuvr uuina . uatiirn. nm liiernjlv ilue nn nnd carried mt of tin. nvstciu in u bhjtl tuno by tho tii - uf ihfnB" liitlei'a. , , I'iii.v'J'iiiic, and otucr nornis. iiikinir in tlie Mstem ot'o many thuusunil. re elfeetU4jly destroyed uud reinoved. Ntt i -ti:in of uiediuine, "uo veniiil'ugoa, no an ii'liniiiitli's wiil lieu Ihuifyalt'iu hum -Aonna ikn'llMMa'DiUura. For Female Complaints, injonnir or ..hi. nmnicil or niuglw, at the ilawh uf we- MiiuitiutHl. or Uie tnrn ol me, tuese Jonia Sitluia display ho deeided an influoucu than ' iinpniveineut ia sooii perceptibleT r ( leanse the .Mated J'lood when- i-ver ynu find its iuipurrties bursting thron(fi the kiu iu- ljmploN, Eruptions, or Sores; vleait.e it when vou find il obstructed and. alu-rp-h in the veint ; ck'ansejit when it' is : foul; your UMilincrai will tetr.roajtL - Keep the blood pure, and tha health ol' the ysUtu , 'ttill follow. M, H. McD)VI.D V CO., nruitir1"! lln(l tlen.'AsTts.. Sun Fntiicisan, Culir.ala atul iwr. of Wiishnifton and Charlton Sta., N. T. , ' buid li;- all uruggisia aaia uaaiara. ,0 DR. RAD WAY'S , PerfectPflrptifeMeplatinjPffi lrfectl tastctasa,-ftlenntlr eoate.1 with sweet cum. puree, reiulata purity, cleanse ami, Ksd way a rills, for tbecureofalldiwuxlersui the .stnmacti. IS1"- Pu'e'e, IsMdueya, BlaJOer, 5'rrr.H.a OIes, Headache. Constipation, Coetjvenesa, lmliirrMlion. Dvs- Rapaia, Blllonsneae, Bilious l'Ver. lullai.iiuaooii f tlie lowels, riles, and all Deranavments uf the Julernsl Vuoera. Warranted to elfect a positive eiire. I'urelr V eite table, contaiuiuj uo ucrcurv, uiinerulsordeitftsri ua druns. A few doses nf RaDWAY'S PtLtS wll free the st lam from all tlie al.ovc iiatneil .u.oruen. 1'ricCi aa ci;'tj Mr Hoi. MOLD Bi-l.KUuiiisfi T BBAU "FAfjSK A NO THt'E.'' Rem! one letter' atamp to RAOlVAT CO.. No, 33 Warren M.. T.,rk0'i.loria,iiuu wortU tOtturasMai kaaesst aa. ' U, I. PluUN -I'S. l',15TKl tlTto the late Kirni f . , 7 lioiiKe &Jlcf- si m r Medieal Service, are "1.v no- tied, to eonie I'i nviii'4-oi: ';' '. ' . "nie, ut an eailvtitty, es. ' ' 8 -'W.F f, MII.K AN-I N i:.s, do libls. nndsiall VM. u"tt'. ii