i 1 i J 3 Notice, II E I'liili ri 'iu-l linvins ultnit:nl tttm oi Admiiiirtrmioii tin ilio into of ilnliti I luli'ii, I & (it i llvil, II MM ft III? m lUliH"' " " " lr A Iixoii county, uu tHa bllt "y f NovnnlMr, Ibl-, hereby cjve no lice to "nil hh.iii lmiiiL' rlaime tiinl wiil .etcdeiil lo exhibit I lie tame to V", Ml t lfore ltie'.'Ttli lay of rvvtitln r. lh I. All Krn (li cit lltcd to IUti'1 rrtl.li'Krc H'Uirtnl to liiuke tun imiil nt oiiro. ' H. II.-McLEa'! ON. .1. J. MiLKNDoS. N..v -giIi.im::!. :;o-:;.t 1H!AD1)YS iMntovKi) riiouric -Cotton Seed. I WILL cxcliUtiL'O uatil tin 1ft of January, my Jiiijiruve.l Prolific Cultoll Sml. lof bcc.l Oat. One' bindiel of cut toil mHtl f. r two of u:it, delivered to run al Hioo I It'll, oil the C. C. 11. W. I will pay the on lliu oat, and tlio I't r.tnu making tho CX( 'Initial' piiy cottc.n cod. Perron ,tliiriurf any information avmuillio seed cati nti.- v tl,em.. lve l.y aj-plvin,? liCI. give my vMmt: ?M"' uiutb., CJ. LiU, Julm Little H. 1. lM)L l, iiul others, wlio'liavu trit'il the.it iu iJO-lf. Allull .Co., S. C. an AniHiti. T. U. LKADDV. KTATE OV XOKTIU'AKOLINA la Sitfvrinr VvuH, Au.wu CVtmtr. ThoniM Katliir, I'laiutlir, iiiif II c u r v U a 1 1 i tt Jnuie lUUilf. I'hri.int liatlifl KH Kallitl", Charlf IUtlitl', Klijah . Katl If. Llla KitliH, LU KntW I'raw funl Katlill. ' Susan Katlill, Kuclwl tmilli, Thm. Suiilh, JuIiiH M. Cox, aiK-v Jane (ox, Joliu l.ih'ji. Wiiisrv Lilc3. 1. M. DiiTL'si JUizuln-tli IiirJfl.!LL,l",', Clarke Francix ( 1 'rke, &ut ah itrry, ao Terry, Mary Terry, S. 1. rjfiicoV, Kacht'l Aim hiK-nwr, Jaun Liov in, Winticy S;uilli anil baiali J a he. (Inler furtcrvice of Summons hy 1 iililicatiou. r ' T aiiH'arinir to the Mt'bfaeilon of tlio i imrt. Ihat the Jv!'i iiil.-iit!i, Jlenry liatiur, Kigali Uallill. 'i horn u ini:liJ.ml Mile Kai'litl Smitli Julius !lc 'ox ami wifu Nancy J-.uie ('ox. arnou refMeiit-i ufllilt Male ; tlint a cauhe of aetii'ii mitt liKailmt' wtiil iH-feiitlalitM, the mil iit inattiT luliiir nru et!lt in xvliich Miiil Ji fi ml. mis have an in-tt-re-t; uiul that tiny tire .necefsarj jmrtien tt thU aitiun: It it therefore urtleretl, That M-rviee of the Sum hioiih Iii this t auo tm tonaiil iKHi-re-- hlent defendant, lv made by jiuhll catiim In the Xohtic Cakoi.ina Ah- (its, a newHjiaiier, iMiiyol iu tlie town of WaiUvUieo, J Vl"; cive v i"T, i'tV "ikii reaideiit defeiidanU CTrwn aS'jnar heriireJ.M.C'ovingtoii, l'mhate Jul;;e fur Aiimui iiiunty, at hinoMlee, in the town of Wuilesboio, on Monday, the lah dav of No von i her, H7., to plead, aiifui r ur demur to the 1'elition of llie l'l dntiir, lor Sale, for I'artitioii ol'IaiuU, ihi day tiled in the'idtlee of the IToliate loiilfj otherwise, Ju'lmeiit pioeoiireASoa.iloll.eiii w ill be take , WitiK?.-, .laiiies M, tVivinton Clerk of .Superior (.'ourt, for Aiimii countv, at olliee, in WiidiMlwro, the iJlld davof Septeltiher, 1W. JAS'IKS M. COVINGTON, Sej t. s, is:::. 7-ot. c. rf. c. " - Al.-YKJiTISK IN - TIIE OltEAT REMEDY FOK COFJSUMPTIOrd which can bo cured by a timely resort to this standr ard preparation, as has boon" proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received bytho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation' ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, Und is offered to the public, ; sanctioned by the experience clover forty years. 'Vhen resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's 'Balsam 'does. riot dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but; it v loosens and cleanses the lungs, aiid allays irritation', Ihus removing the cause of. . the complaint. ; BETH W. FOWLE & BONM, Boston, Uata., - -Jtnd auld If JJrufii'ista andDealertaneralJ, Ni:'u""r'!- Kndtt.s" Store, 4SO C O., X.C, . Is tho place to buy your pur (worn, GKOCMUKS, UAIWlYMli:, routs, A XI) 11 A TS, Or any other, article! usually U i in a countky .stoiiir I MKAN Iml I Hiiy w hen I tell you ) 1 I will ml iiHHlittr tlioMinuitnif uiiiliimlity,iti low, nit rim bcUitiKlit AiiMin count v. I have IukI oi iii'.l inv FALL nnl 111 a..-.-.--- - w ,..,. I ! It lITjl V. I IM IIUIIi III" I" ... ! ....i.. .i...... i.. m II rieidii, nt Low rim js, ami all I nk I ci'ine uiul we my (.ooi;s mid. ;rmc i:M. Thankful fo' past piitnuiiujc. I In tend to loiiil in t my luiidiic so as t HOMMtfUUlTLK o. i. tm.oo, .o. 2. ar oo. rpiIKUK i n ute In I'uylnir .H X or f Ll1l.iiO lor a ivm uiu .Miii nmr w Inn voil can buy iilltlMI.Mll I. Tl.i:. for oiiedialf or tho money. when it wiU.do the came w oric, ami wariiuiieil f-.r live yearn. For clieularn. and wimple or work, AJdrcM, 1-G- MAXWK1.U (leli 1 Atf't, ( llarlolte, I'., or V. C. Allen, An t for Anwii to., who will deliver a Machine Many iun', or plui c, u hcu collciA ou .".. Oct. :;. .t.iu i:. iiutciiixsox & soy uauixi:t I I. I. h 1. I. kiml oi plain Awurk done cheap ami iiun k. ap coffins kept constantly on kaudand made to order at ohort nctiee. 11 luriiil nri rtpnlit'd nt n (l-itllnn Wttiul s'ii''- "k'tlon Kliaiamveo. orilti'd fiooi a dintaucc pioni in li'lod. GROCERIES. The iindericed kccjip on liami a full line d' the best and Mclie.-.l. We itlvirour personal fittention to i on ei-s. nil'l m-e Inat llie lixmis :ue ill good order ami promptly sddppe-J Our prices are ut (lie lowe.-t murket (JIVE US A-TRLL and sich.ryourMlf. Wa have nowln Store . illf I'.oJtW Salt SlUen, 2mi l',U. Sutfar.:tll xrai.C", !20 llhch. Dei.ielara Ml; ar, . i- JJair. 'oili e, n.iMKi i;uhcfs Corn, KHJ Ul.i.-S. H. Syrup, le., etc. i'lnv v.. lUXFOJiD.'CROW tst CO. l-y . ; "Vdujimct-oii. n. c John. w. coli; Jl itorntn il t J., 11 n Itnrklnithaui, 1'. 171I.L attend the Courts of, A n- t ami county. fpeeia ultelitiuti iven to llaiikiiij'tey. " ui-tt. " '!'. RE '.imier.-ine.f baying .siiorV.ojit. V leitoin te.-tiiniaitiir-yjjii-.llre cstirte 5 of' J fen rV Y. llowzo, ii'Qa.s;'il, 1 I'roin the' l'loljate. Court of An ;i(,u cuiintv, o" tlii., t!io"21ili .lny'ot Novemli-.r, A. D., 187o., hereby gives notices- to.all turns laving claims aga'uist .sai'l deecdaut, to inhibit tliC' same. t,o her at, or-before, tho "24lu dav of Iuvenilei, A- 1874. All prisons imlelitcd to feal irp i-..fii5i sted to make pnvKienl estiile with- iAlt.k-iay. V- E. l'lOWZK, " ' Ex'f'x. .Kov. 24th, 187-- N0T1C J" AM yet with Ureal. Ilrow u ,t Co., I i iii ni'c J nipoi'lcis, wholesale and i'c;ai.l deau in Hijianhvare and Dry (ioails,) and will be pleased to nerve the people of the, J. U. Country in. an ' vyuy, possible. My- friendsi who hiivo lileiiiHv iiaU'oni.cd Hk' House w tit accept tliau lanliH. y J. M.AfJUailT. ChaNiiti-e, N. 0, at Ilaivl.vaie Giiieorci HoteK " CuNC()TiD( X. ('., ' A W S O . & I'K W fX., T'foprii tor". Tlie cfi!y Htiiisc ia tl.e Centre of r.nwi." l-v1 U.UsM U a!!U( l.cd. cv ' 1 1 J. IwNKUlT, -i 7. f i r at jv-u;. Jl fiat, Yat!e -b I MA KERS. and Ltuey fur .Vie. llial retail fiii'K mr ; 1". it gi Irk fori I". 1. 1 1. !. ciiathniii h'l r N " V. I'm r, l-' TIIK .MAUI.C COMB Kent I'V niiilLtnniiy one fur il. Wll. lniiik'D niiv colored kiilr to a H-riim in-lit black or bniwii ami cunltlim n loUou. Trade Hiiiiliei at lwraie Ail.lrt-H, Macho cimii Co., ii1iik tU-ltl, M;it. , llrhi you frvtf y ihhII i:iiitlr Trn." Write at once to TuMKitoV & t'o IlroinlMiiy, N. V. 741 L A? iiiihit, Hiircr K liiilioi V ! l In. viilimlilii I M.k we ulve l.'i nil. lull i.f fin U. llfiiren ami run Bt mum. Mi nit tun. Mailiil firt tmii. Aililri-Mid. Jll.Ai KlKiVlo "4(1 Jiroailway, N V. J'jrnU h'unUd for if 'c im i:mii. jAZi:TTi:i:n OK TIIK UNIT STATUS Kliow ln-' the clir tntle nultn of the Klr-l loo Venn of the ItcnuMle. A i..u.i ......rt Lull. 1'iintM. Ketiil for cir- cular. Aildri-". liiclcrA MeOunly, r,lH Arvli St., I'hllailelillila, l'a. , rtm COUGHS, ()L1S. IIOAKSi:- and nil Throat DU'Iuh ISK . WELL'S CAKIUH.IO TAD LET. ITT IT ONLY IS IIU I! llo.I S. Alrli itnnd mire n m ! Hold l-y lru'l"t. w Audits Wantt'il. til'.Ml VOIt I ATAI.OIitK. Domestio Bewing Machiuo Co., - New Yoik. 4w Tho llidict redicul Autliori- ' t ie.-Txf -Knropc ; nay the idronirot Touie, I'm illcr ami lit'oliniriieut known tu the uu-ilieal world I .) v it u i) i: u a Itnrrifiin deeny of vital fon-ett, cx hnuMioii of the iicrvoim HyMcin, rcH tori visor to the deU'ii.itcd, clcaii HtfVitial d IiIimhI, rcli!v M-hlelcob-ifruet'on and act.' dlr'tily on the I. iver lllld Sphfll. iTieeil'i In pie. John I). Kello,r. IS 1'l.tl St., '. V. 4t $20 Saved ! Vint the urtf'.nt ill mam! of tin tiuu the- ILoHhMU: A"H- y.V( mac jjim: co., hnr, ihiif mined tu ni:i7k ( i: vnn i:s. and will lii arnftor wll Hu ll Ma chine for $-o, mid tilher My lea in projxirtiiui, Tin: FLOKKNci; !s the only wwlnu ftlehillc that ft eil tin-work I. ckwaid and forward, or to ii'Iit ::tid left, ie- the purchaser may prefer Itli.' H l.e-n jircatly iiu ploVed and Mm) lilii d, tin 1 is far hel ler than uiiy otver machine in the liiarkc't. .. .' It U nmr the ('hrijHtt Florence, Ma.. No. 1, !7a. Agents wanted. Jw. inrciall Iloniora fm lbownrt Krrot. nla lo a common nioleh or I'iciplc, Knim two (o six b.uilpi urn .wnvrfiiiitil I'' ure Sail lihrnm orTf tier, I'lmj.li On tare, Xlol.K, i:rylpotart mA I. iver Complu nt. Mx tu t' v' 1j-t-Upk, wnrr.'inle.l lu riiro S.rrortiIm ' SivollluL-nn h! Korea nnd nil Mi I it und Clond Ilene. . J'v lit voii.ii t(u l'ectoral prf--r lei It i 111 ri'ri? tiin in-t-tevrte r't'nt or livci'ii in; t'ouglt In I :ill the time rennlrcil 1V luiv win r nicitU-ina anil in licrfei'.llv Kifn, lofi-oiilripoiu li, .nri'ii. tna- Irrirntlon, 'nii'l -el1CTl-.tr op(. N'M l.v all DrupHsls. It. V. I'lKIK K, Fl.X) Wurld'a Vlapeuaarj! iaaiulu, S. X. The Only lnuotn -Ucdiclnc THAT at Tin: sami: tj.mj: r. . . .,j. t . i.ic i , n A L M rjKNUTlith TRir SYSTEM. Dit. TlTt a 'Pills. are coniposed of many -ingredienta.. Prominent among tiieiu are Saivapariiln and Wild (!lierry,''so uuityd as to iit't to-gether44lie-one tliroiigh .-its admix tu to with, other substances, jiurilying ami ' purging ; wli-ilo ' tlo otlier is sirergtheHi'ng- tlie kjlein. "Tlius these, pills are at the - name li.ne a Ionic and a cathartic, dctsideratuin luiigoiight for by medical men, but never, betbrc discovered; Iu other wonls, they do tlie, work of two meili cines ami 1o il nruch better than any two we know ..of, tut. they rciuvve nothing rutii.tlio system but impitri ties, eo that whilJ they purge 'they also sH't'iigtheu and hence .they eausj no debility ami are lullowetl by no reaction,-- ,, ?" . Dr. Tutt's Pills have ;v wonderfitl intlueuce on the-' blood. They, 'hot only purify without ..wetriwiiiiig- it, but thcy reniovc-iiil noxious ar icles tjoin the chyle be fore it is tonverted uijo iiuiil, nuo thus nnikcii impure Idooi iiii-ul ter iiiikiossibility. As'lliere is. no i.loliTtttfrtitH, wii) 4ii'riTr" la no nausea or sickness attemliiiK. tlie operation of this most excellent medi cine, which never Ktiains or tortures tlie digestive oi'trans, but causes them t( work in 'a perfectly natural mau ner; In nee pt risoiis Inking them. .do not become pale aiid emaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are bciufr'.rcmoved, the coiiibi'ncTl nc lion of the tarsiipiirilhi' ami Wild riierry-purines and iuviy-irutes the body.'a ml a robust state of health is the fj'csult of Wieir uniicd "action. I'riee. i!"i cents a isx. tr'old by all druirjriMs. Diof t'oitlandt, St., JScw York. ' 4w oiri.i:t wnt Writo for Urgv " llhistnitoil tHITKriUDU DHiCUlCI TA. Uro.cli l.in.ln.K tlul Cum, J l'l lo $1M' Poul.I Mm.I .(.una. H i .". M-fl (Julia, ti lof'.'ll. Itillf. In ITA. It to'trri, JH lu lo ?:'Ci, I'i.i.iI., fl lo t (inn Mitlrrlal, Kiliilif Tii klr. l.l(T ! oiinl lu ,1'raltnrior t lul t. Atmr Uun, fTuUrl. Hf.. lourlil'r Hailrilluf l' nt l y rii'im ('. o. U. iu It mhwumI fi'tt i'ij fin f 4 . J. Loekhart, WAl)l-i:oi:o'. N.c. JT IT I.I) Itl sS'KClUM.Y call the attciitTt.ii of the puhlie O hi I.AIMii:. ( IIMI l.ll i'. auu IIFAP si.M ktif imy goods. Cull lnt lc of In all the Lendiiijf St vie, alo CALRt)i;s lli.Vt; (ol. lhlHClir Hut and Copt, JhhiU I nil 6uc, . Ti unhand lufiVi, HOSIERY and XOTWXS, GHOCUmES Ofnll Klnl. And,1n fact.everytliinir cle, naally kept lu a ItKTAI I, DKY t."OOlS and Gi:0('i:itV llOCsK. Sr. C. Asho, WADES HOIIO', N. C. rmerintioi. carefu.'ly ji iiimlcil at ail Imnr j. cum WiJitTii a si) ui:ai;i v. Q 'cod';; flousclndd JJliQitiine. AM THE CIItaiMO n II AVIN'il contidl of the, ntHjjnill- cent on. ciii:o.;o in m::i- i'l'll. We llie able to oiler 11 colilUlja- tion of litcrury and aitiMic work tif irt inline wortli, and at price uuprcf ccib ntii!, This fiue C'l'y of a p'ece of Nature' L'riindcht work, in 'not jireseiiied in the usual limited h'yle, it dimeu ion, 1 1x20, makina picture of very di drahlc i.e, ill its. If a , OriKinuui-to the Jluum (.'raced by its presence. Hut-fetv -co pi cm of Ihii beautiful Olironio will he iilluucd lo(.'(ito the retail Mores, and those will he Mold at their Ac liial Itrlitil Irl c, V(;.o, while iforilered in cortiieclloti vit Fl our Magaiiie. both will I e furnisl:ed for . - H As a l'icmiuiji the picture may be obtained by .sending us tna miI crlnioits Jortlic .if strizluat .S.OO.i'ilfJi, or by subsci ihimfTwo year in ndvaiiceaattl.OJp(-'r auii'-wi, Addl'CRS, Woo.'rf lioi;si:iibi.i Maoa.ixk, Ncwbtir-h, N'. Y. S. E. SIUTms, Publisher. C A 1 1 0 L I N A C E N T I L 1 1 A I L W A Y . .1: COMPANY. fjif '- :.-. !'-!! f. , 1 1 1 f 'Mtf ICixsioi'n Division NivW SCUEDUhE. 1873. 'GOLN'O'.WEM. 1873. STATIONS lASNllll t HKIOII Leave Wilmington ... 8a in f G 00 a Abbotlauurg,.. Luinbui'tou .... 11 Wll 45 a ' U Hlipij .2 05 p m l.Mpui 6 00 p di hoe Heel LauiiaWi'g .! .; 2 t'jpm; 0 W a in KookiagKua...' 4 0;ii)ni ...'. a ni Arrive at Li.caviUet i 4 4jlim lU 0Utt Ui STATIONS I PAf-BNaui raEiou t LcaVD Lileaville 7 4Uu. riookingliiiiu I ; t SUiini . : Lam iutur-g ; lO.SOum ' - 1 Shoe ileel IQ uoknf " .Luiabei loii"1. 12 2 Ui 12 00 111 ' 6 OU ft ui 6 05 a 111 'J jU p in 1 5 p ni o OLU ui Abbotlsburg I 1 zojaii Arrive at Wiliiungtou '4 85pm i)lNNEB, guillg West; DaiiAKFAiT," go- iui linst. ,-Fjt-iglit 1 nous stop ovr nigtit. f. - binge . for .tJhrJotie Uailrottu - anil Btiige liiicv Wiluiingtnu to- CLin limy only flu. . " . . ' I - No Traina on suudayv 'Expre.Prt'igln Curs accomp itiy aiiicIi P .sSeiijii'.r Tiain upcciul Tiums -for Ton '1iuio.ii niieirie Sliii'ly. t . ' . ' ; WESTERN". DIVISION'. ' " Leave Charlotte at 8 a in '- Liticoluton at Tl 43 a m Ai i'iv.e ut iiuflalo 12 07 ti m f - - KtiTl'KXIN.U eitve liuffiilo at 1 07 p m ' "Lincoln!"!! 'J ll p m. rive ut Cbailotie 5 14 pm "- l.1-'k-k.H)ST, - Uen"l 'upei'.inten leii '4- JOllNtON, Ams'i Aiipt. and c mm T II Ji ArgoS, a joi it mi. or rOLlTRV, L1TEUATUIIE, MAKKETS, UKNKKAL' Ni:VS, he I'ulilUlird Hrcklrnl - jpkry Tbuisday, by 'ii:umsi no Year, ' Mouth Three Month, One Month c - oo 1 'i, 75 Tin: a it at's. ii a Futoiitj Xt mpnpi-r, C'vmcrvativc I in lXUt'te, und emtduying rviry viraim of iU command to liKl'OllM, ELK- YATR and IMl'liOYK MAX K1XD, ntYSICA L Y, ME. TA 1 IA'and MORALLY. ' .-All-Xiir that will be of interest-, io our Rrmh rH State, Lateral, Foreiyn jA jhtittivc and I 'otiyrctoiiuna will be carefully cotedul, and j u'jI xticd in . - fl' 11 ts I lilt'v THE LOW HUGE OF THE llciiiders it available to CLASSES.': all PLAIN AND Jl Job Printing, . J .- SUCH AS . ' J!LAX(CS' " ' J'OJ, KUPJUOli 'and JVSTICES-VO UltTS. '.. HEEDS of VOXVEYAECE, EAMl'JlLhTS, CARDS, VIE ULA RS- CA TALOQ EES, TOST EES, RECEIPTS, BILL-HEADS, EE'J J'EE-JJEA DS, WEDDIXG CAI&, VJSITIXa CARDS, ' 'y,LA Bt ESi-Aa. , d-c, t-cV ALWAYS ON -1 AND Oil ,.. PEINTEI) rr r Tfv "trr t a r jut .a, s : Our Cusloiners! Wo now Jiavd in turc full "and reliaUo tot-kn of irnv, GOODS , ASI- CLOTHING, Ilt Novelllt-t iu NOTIONS, lkM.U, "Iiik- ami leather, flaU (Vpnoiid Crocker), IfiMiLii, Stationary ami Hardware, WiiLaaari, Sail "llerv aad Trunk, Tin au.1' frlvo Ware, CariiUri Tool, Irou kand Unibn lhi, imlim Sliatb'a m 4 IMrulct, mnlCiutin,Siiiuk in and Clica injj Tobacco, Gruccrici and Ero viioii, Rag ting ami Cotton Th, Candiosj and Coufoctions. Ti: AUll AOFXTrf FOK TIIK JuMly rclebriitcd "lirrlU'a I i liriulc ul I'lilnln, ami can ujf p'y purtlea with any hade, or lint (hey may Mntit, ti j iu hort notice. Iioii't tall to iVl and examine our Mm k tut We will take grcitt j'leaMire nihiiomi'K yeu our Oooiia, ut any time. II. A, CltlllinilU. 4. CO.. 30-tf. WadiMioru', N. Tims R. Vritrht ' ' rnoiftiKTft or TMg IX.IT STORE. WiiiiiiuKtom c. WquU invilt klli liliiia to Ike fact tilt Iki la llie only I lilt Kloi o lo Ike City, aiel tbat, making Lift cialijr in HATS, CATS, CAM S, I MI' RE L LA 3 42 MAI'.ULT UTKEET, Wilmington, 7S'. J p.airl lu Kiiic Erencli Millincrv (iomls, lwcsl itti.l l.sticsl Stilus of flnts, lku iifi, 1'i'itiUiT". Klottt-r'n, Itililiunr, Fiiucy Aiilcli' He., and V barge A'siirimi'iit of Furs, and errry Ta-liWJ- of Lmhoa L ii ter (in in piil ntul Uiil.y Kix-, Cure., Chignon, ISiaida and Curl, tnl tho ooor.ooooo' mooi 10:00000001 Mioooooo oor iiimt Srlff lioo Frrnrli t'o;ifit iansoo 000000000000000:000000000000000 Bnj ,11 y js uf OOOI 0i 00 op 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000000 00 00 00 000 0000000 00' 00 tci Oi'O'iOOo to be Ii.nl in tlie city. OrJers from tho country elii'ltdl. Vis itors to llie Fair will !o well fo gwe l"0 il cull before pti i'C luiHi jr elsett hei r, ns I can sliow llirm Ibf Inrjff-t niol mo-u vio'icl '-leolion-i of tbcf uhove goo. Is to hi' fmind in Wihninpton. b, r' LAX AO AX, (isij oct 31 ly 42 Market street txtt, CflAELEB A. DANA, Editor. ' - - A Kawtpapef oi the Present Time. , Intended far People Now on Berth fnelndlng Farmen. Mochanloa, Uerenanta, Pro (eiilonal Men, Wurkcra, TblDkert, and all llan. ner of Honeat Fulki, aud the Wlvoi, Bona, end paochtariof alltaoo. T ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! ONE nCNDUED COPIES FOB 850, Or leM'thao One Ctnt a Copy. Let there b a - . 830 Club at orcrjr Foat Ofllce. SEMI-WEEKLY KUNi S3 A TEAR,. ' of the lame ilze c4 general character as THE WEEKLr, bit with a trreatcr variety of mlacetlaaeooa readme, nod furnishing the newt to Iti inoaerlbera with greater fres tineas, tieoause K comes twice week instead of once oalr. " THE DAILY SCff, SO A YEAR. A preeminently rcadahlfl newspaper, with We Ic.-cest eiruulatlon in tbo world. Kre, lncle. pendent, and d-srlon" In politics. All tlie new from everywhere. Two cents a oopy ( bgr luaU, 00 oeutt niouUt, or J8 year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY STJN. . fire copies, one yonr, ssparacely andmsxl, ' Four Dallam. Ten roples, one retr, enntrately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up ot eJ )i ). ElifSt Dollar. Twenty copies, one year, sepiiratelv addressed (aud an extra copy tu.the g4tor up of cinb). -Fiftecu Dollars 'UT- .'"Pi's, one year, to one address innd tin aeral-neekly one year to getter nn of clnb), . 7 ... Thirtr-tlirco Dollars. frfly roples, one year, separately addressed (and tue Henil-Weekly one year to KBlteruni of rlnh), Thirtv.HvA Hnllnra. ODe yr. " one address (and the Dally for one year to the getter uo ol Fifty Dollars. L2? JTJi'fhP'i?!,8" r- separately ad dressed (and theOaUy loroae year to the iettei opofelub. Siw Dollars, i TITE HE.VI.WEEKLT BCX. J lye copies, one year, separately artrtrersed. Eight Dollar. Ten conies, one year, separately addressed (aiid an extra copy to getter up of rlu b), (sixteen Dollars. SEND, YOPll MONEY !r Post OftVe otdw. rh!ta, or drafts on New yoric where vci c 'Dvciiii-nt. ff not. tiicnrettuicl thaivlters co;il.ui,ii,i uuuoy. Aailreat 1. W. t.WUNP. PnMtfhei.. ,"VT. E!f"L,!If, PtiMMie, (ii:i:i:.jiACK?5 I OH lOI Il I OTTO.V Ami i( ttill Liiriff tlio hlfln-t Mar. It e i-ricr, ciilierln ( ASM or UAKTEK, Polk :&Gaddy. lot it io.ii:v. iVill alaaa xcuro lojuu Uif.ruliUnt Attention anJ tho VERY CURAT. EST of Rargmiiui, at i'OLK A OA DRY'S, I'ulkton, J,. C. YOUR OATS ALWAYS WANT ED at POLK A GADDYfi. Yuur tXIItN, MEAL ami WHEAT never rtiuscu ai I'OLK A GADDYX Your DRIED, or (5 R E E N FRUIT, aoJ EEATUE1W f,uJ ready tale, at JtJIJv & OADDYS. IJKOniEItJONAIIiAN A Lnrgn I'uuillj I'nprr, hfriltJud Unity at 11.25 a IVar It ban Ih-h cnlareed toSiloucoh uuiii, ami In now (lit chcanrvt nancr ul the kind lu (be world. 2cn IMi Uir in iireeiibacka el ven to one out of each lifty new aubnenbera. Sia-clueu copie wot free. Uur Jmmik Catalogue acut rrcv. iv nd cauli order (it ilrulbcr Joimthan i'ublbdiinff Co., bi lieckiiiaii St., IS. V- GOOD WORDS FOR T11S PL A I W.K ILL ER, We can touCJeullr recoutoiead the Pain. Kil.rr Toroulo Uupli.l 11 is lue luuat tllciluiil leinetir w knew of lor Aches, I'aius, (leak wuuuus, Au 61, Jvhn .Nrwt, P. y. We aavtre that every fatuity tLouU have ao elleclual eU'i sreoiy a 1'aiii.h.il.tr. Aiuh. rai ti. b. Oasclle. ijui ou cii; rieu.e is I list! a bottle of aujrlicA la tue heal l'hyic'iHaliatellcr" au L Ac. llaiuulva bbeclaler. For both inlvrual autlexlerualni.plicatioa huve louud it ul greul value. car. lira, A uieiiiciue noUlnlly hulu he Hilhout; (loUHettl i l ulled 11.1. Cou!u ha.Uiy keep LuUaC without it. 1M Voice. CiiuulJ be kepi in firy I.ousti. iu rcJi, iiiau loisiiilUvu uiiun.su, csiK-M. 1 hi is. l're. No article trot- uhluini J Mich uuhuun Ic4 pobululiy. .""itlcin Onse.tvi' , Uue vl ihe uiusl iri,.ii-.c rj c. i!i ul li.e age. O.U Not-.U M.ti lis power ta woini. f in 1.11. 1 uiicjihiiI in rvhciliig the u,y-i i)tic piu, libit,. b-. ten teiiiiui-1. Au luUjieiiiuiU 1 ai title in Ihe iiirtlicino che t ., i . bx initlur. It will rccoiiiiiTuJiijc 1 tu all who use it. Ucurg.a bnli'ipi ire. ' Is cxtciis.tcly uhmI snil ,oHgIit o.ter as a .nly uiiul u-iii'iuc. Jouinu',' , Julio, N. It. Ao u"'".iie h;n at'ipiirej nicli a icpi.lu lion; il hits leul Lictil --Xcui o. I i'a, y News. Uae if the t.uslus.ti l incJ'c lies; hate usvil it t u I di. icurcil ii ;or the 'ui. nuii'y j'lurs. itev. Wit,,M.n I, Anaitm. I It 0 tiioj't.v.tluitotu me itiuu now iu ust, f nin. Org.ta'. 1( is icui y a Vid ille nicdi, iuc, hail't-sco,' -by miiny puyftcint.. lioston 'Irtteler. IVe alwy k- ep it where we cuu j ui our hiimlsoii 11 in ih; ti.ik, ii nccj be. lli-r. V. llibb.ir. buiuiiih. One of the lew unifies tlutt rtl-cjiisl whnt l hey jirctoii-Uy ju. Ur. ihkicL 'I'd yi:di . lit uiy uiyudUin tutcls 110 n.c luua ia of so uiuvrrsut aj jtucativu ua J'liiu-Kiikr.-- ml' iii.'y, buiinuii. l'i rts:v wivi-i & ton, iA."is a.n a ruui'', r 13ti lliiiii sr. PitoviiitMK, R. I. 1 1 1 SlCA.WsliK hT., CiNCI.VXATI, O. Mi iff. t'.Uuii'., 'I , ir if. , Cu ius i mr 1 v i . 1 .1. .,, Sanlccf Naw Htino73r. - uiipiiul' UirI Su.jdui $22-3,O0Q Autlioiizcd Caj)i;al 1,01', OoQ D.lllE'.TQIii O R Mi'SeaisuA, al aiuutuie dl Alurclj'woq Ubo It Kk..nuii, oi Geo ti Froucli & ou.. il oi.i.ti;s, ol A il. 10 S: Vollers. J W ili.sso.N, ot ,u unl Si iliusoh. '' 0 M Strumas, ui a rig.n & dteihaat",' . ' Ja'.iu A LkAK, of aWeaboro, A C, JU Wkimieli., of I'hiUjI'u, X. 0. 1. 5- K li t5o(iDK.S, ot tiullabivo, N 0. a . 1 Li CK.iLNbtit, 1'volJoitt, CJ-oifl.sl)'oi'b' IJranch, ... IS. iiUtt&GN, ';.. r result a It. P. ilUAtLL,... ... ...C:tsshie i MllEOlOll : U U BoituBN, W T Paiuclotu, W P Ivounloav, A J Galloway, Hbrmaji W'kill, Tai lmvo' JJiakcli, VI. WfcDDKLL,. IWideu, 4. t. CUJI-ULNlj, .t'ahiej. 1UHE0T0RS: ...IamkS'M.Riiujiomb, Far.u PliiLLirji, . J bKWl-r, MATHW ffBDPr.LL. , ' V" . Iui'l r.frtifio'ntes pfPeposit benring-itf" crest ut'8 percent, per annuiu. , . li anthuriicd by Charter t'o receive oa lepjsit moneys held in trust.by Executors, v.t.iiinlsrvtors, O.uarilians, &c, &c ; Aw,' . .. . ... . i t i.: ul.; iMiecks at par.ou New oik' Iilii- it ore, iMiiaaeipuM, .iuhuir, wmiuii ,'h .nVst.in," Kicbnibod, l'eicish'-g uiul all die Yil';e anJ towns in North Ciiriilinii. -jiJii ami sells checks in sitms to suit on Or.-at iliitii.u, Irelnud, Urniany, Fianc?," SO.- ' ' l'..- s anJ sells G jld. Fiiver, it. I Dills ! mi I-, Hlofki, ij , &C. ' - oi.i itHcntiou giy.cn to th orm r.'Or jl r.ieii:ti ol OL CCUUtiy tlUuvlr tj' Ij2u8 1 . iS , I . , I i i . '

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