. "-' C ' -r h i -. f v" ' . I ! i . . . . , ' 11 . . m . A IV.-. 1" " 6 CO- i ) -5-- r ata - It f ' ' - 'V'VOL tin. r vSr- . . - y w. mioHT a otf , rropf. TEsormiSo.T.. ,On Copy ope yr ZZ 12 Lfn xfj ix.montim. t"tn iUiN month MM. W mm W.M OF iDTIWTBCIO: rOn lack ManltulM tanar.1 v. Ont gntr. int Uwrtlon, . f 1 00 X 4 T krf jMdt for Marring and Dm A . ''A idrertUttMnU mdit b paid V ' .'i Lo"' 'leM wltliaui tietptloi, will bt '. '"' Tri r tr libtral for rl ajrt B5 J.IVE'J Mf 9TEBY. brief Memni d Mrtk; . ; oi lifbt, brb; 0etr bmk W Hit twl of Birth, fin amt Pth I took wt fdrwaH ttiwtH Want Uopalo pluck tba tom'f of Ma? AUa I tka Kpchaof ma' I1m PotbdaUtl "But iweot Failk aayt : "flood not 111, Cometk aoon; opl brlieTl j Jbe fHiUa Ikawck kapt a still. " Lorlng am) li,ad, arc klrat ; ' W tollaad whan toil ii o'er, Ou poor krta itarv'd, and uaraat, Kelt Implora I B, LlVa bat moiatnt a breath, Wt'reatranded oq aah torreat'a flow If i myilary la Dirlk, Dea, Daatk I Thiia wa f o I elected hrg. Itl.nui unit. V: laabol went to the piano, and after singing several solos, all joined in quartette, as both gsntlemen bad good voices. When they arose to fay l&WI-evening," tliey aaked per piiM&n,towcprt the young ladies to the rpera the following evening, which, of course, was granted. Mr, Gordon never qoo' i .fptctel that the fair girl ho had just left had ever convened with him before. lie did octree that her voice waa one of rare sweetness and clearmss, but did tot iduptify it with the one thatiad no thrilled his heart, . e thought ber a beautiful, bigblyaccoTiplisbed, sod entertaining woman, farsuperior to tho generality of fashionable but terfliet; oonsequently mauy summer sveoiiigl found bins at Mir. Merri mau's.' Often he spoke of hid Mardi Pras adventure, aud a often as hv (expressed hit faith in the nnkn.owil, Mabel laughed a low, scornful Istigh, so expressive of . l.er 'scepticism kjK gard to the Indian girl's verad y, that he could not help fecliue miV comfortable, yet he did not cease to believe, so continual was the war owordswaged between them, that Isabel declared, that each Whero oonsidered H a positive duty to Quar rel on every imaginable subject, but patnres aeeraiugly antagonistic are aimosi sure to join at last, ana now harmonioirtly in one channel, and thus it va destined to prove in this case.;..'' y ' ' Th summer dayl were drawing to a close, and autumn's footsteps were visible o the tsVSleaves and ri pened fruits. , Mabei was going home on the morrow, and her cousin was ' to accompany ber. Mr.' Gordon come in to say(Gooi-by.M Mabel came 'down to him royally magnifi cent in her statuesque beauty, robed in faultless white, with only a few ' scarlet flowers for ornaments. . Her ; cheeks were tinged with a faint roso- - hue, and her eyes sparkled with an unusual light, which was but the io fiection of the fire raging in her heart. vha.knew this was the last time she would see him, and she felt the sep iWtMSt$lirSW she would net that fiCTr&wjred ? that her heart throbbed onatecond faster. She fancied that his faco was graver , t inao aisuai wnen no gave her bia . band, saying, "Good evening, Miss '. Mabel 1" . : . Never before had he addressed her onlyaa "Mis Starling." The truant blood flew to heir face, but the hand ho extended was eool and aojft, dot ' oven tremulous,' and her issaner was . oven haughtier tha oyer. "I owe yoa: many ibahks for tho ': pleasant evenings spent b these par. -Jers, His. Starlinf'ha did not re ' pett her ChiiitiVi name "and yon wijl be missed by your bostoffrjends, .; t by 9n njoro sadly than my 'self . . ' - 1- ' v -vi wv. M 1H.JV DIV- T visit until I fear thaUy heart better t Vll'"kl bllJUsdyMbel,I rrlKll'T 221 5: Trfn;ai.ave. we bah.,?,,-., deceived f -. rv -'rr pa tiawtflWI. t Zt -aa,.:i,:--ba did r ; ,r - ' '.rVaiAW T"lwr'' I ZlT'l-m "yv1 "XIIU AR0,U8 P'gfi THE PjeOfLy's III0HT8 DOTH AN ETERNAL VIGIL KEEP, NO BOOTH IKA they were embalmed in lavender." "Whioh ir almost equivalent to L t . I a - ourjiog uiem in ODiivloo, for, when towed awajr to carefiillr, you will consider u a pit w disturb them. "lhenrou thiokue a traitor to the absent 7" &0 "Have you nof endeavored with poweaiied patiru to teach me the hard Jeason that pvery woman U a traitor f Now do tu complain when I am at last conviaed V " You acknowledge, then, that you are convinced? flier voice wu touched with aadneaa. No, I am not vet a Droselvte U your doctrines, though I believe that woman is often, very often, .traitor to her own heart." Did he know thai she was false la her own heart now. trying to crush every hallowed eraotinn within-it? Porbaps ao, or he would not speak sc cruelly; sun. she eave no sirn of suffering. Then yovHrili not believe that Minnehaha was far,; a shadow, now vanished forever, tfcWh six months of careful search have failed to find her or any of her kindred ?" "bix .ionlhs more wul end my waiting;, bhe will come then. he answered, quietly. flow inoorriL'ible you are! let it may be so. I sincerely hoDCthat you may not bueoctveU,your futVT - ... . . w peace ol mind aeems so dcpendei upon her re-appearance. hat if she should prove to bo a woman en - lowed with woman s faults. Instead of the angel you have clothed in celestial beauty of mind and per- son?" "If she is all that I have dreamed of that is pure and lovely, I will have no reason to complain. But what lo you care for my happiness 7" and lie looked full Into .tho dark eves, "Why should I not care for the "'fare of any friends, Mr. Gordon! i uu tare for your happiness, and hope that your future may' be as bright as yon mcon.just ruing o'er .x... : . 4 the river.1 They were sitting within the rooox of the bay window, and the shado-r of the curtain concealed the sadness upon her now palo face, "That wish mav color mv future, M-iss Starling. May I come to see 1 the Iudutn w irrior who had appear you sometimes in vour own home ?" I ed in the juom dms, at th aama "OrtaiulyJ Father aud mother will hrtve a welcome for you for the Mtke of their friendship r G- neral Gordon, of whom I have o'U heard Uhonj si:eak." - "rtaugh you bays not said that you, too, would welcome me, I will avail myself of your kind permission to come, so you may expect me veiy soon, ana without beedmg her em- barrameot he asked, lighny, Where n Miss Merriman thu eve ning? Is she to return with you to morrow 7 Yes. She and Mr. Thorne have Eneto a social gathering at Mrs. Imonds' this evening." Why did you not go, too 7 . You seem so fond of gayety that I am rprised tlitf you prefer . spending r last evening' at borne alone. "I only remained at home because I was tired, and bad soma little pre parations to make for my jou.rn.ey," 1 inaiuorentiy. A auddeufVleam talia'd flash ed into hiseW bffTit ahA out at ber cold reSA He had dared to hope that shetfjad stayed at home exttecting his tuing but, alas for Luman. vanity! she bad not thought cyoim. "Am I interfer with your ar rangements ? If so, I will go." "Oh, no 1 I have- finished my .pre parationsrsnd will weary of waiting for Isabel, if you leave so soon. Gome to the piano, and let me sing for you. What accords beet with your pre sent state of mind ?" 'Brightest Eyes. Love,' " be an-1 swered. balfdreamilv. and looking up, she saw light in his blue eyes she had never seen there before. - Again tho crimson tide flushed her cheek, but ber voice rang out cle,andfull: Vfbt eraa tWa'at ebumed ma. Af&aha'aV Ml tarturaa1 bafbra 1 Dowd, down to daapalr thou halt brotlflit ma, My otaiwi t, what woolott tboa bar mora J" As she repeated the refrain, and lifted . ber hand for a moment to reach a -sheet of music, be suddenly , . . t . I C1I I A' l caugni it in uis snatched it away, ) own. She hastily r. The spirit of per- netimes rules every versity that, sometimes rules every I i . i j ' . i. i 'a I BUman nean wouiu-nut to uer wan, i . th. .a1. whiftli aha knew wen trembling on his lips. Her fingers his daughter Mabel had largely in- happy. Few o7 us poor mortals eb dashed off a brilliant polka ere be herited, tho old genUemaiigave him joy such an enviable lot ss you en could speak. Sho had never seemed a hearty welcome. . After some con joy. No wonder your life is so pure, so brilliant, o fascinating as slow, vewation, Mabel went forjier moth- so stainless, surreunded as you areJby tfiA dospito box coldness, Cliff Gor er, a gentle little woman,, who won all that is calculated to nuft, one do could not tell if berimageor year heart at first sight In the eve- feel that earth has some "pitisant MwbaJbA'l WAJ nppormoet in bis ning, whoa tbeold people bad left pathji. Toll ma truly, can a regret heart, . them alone, Gordon drew bis chair or. fear eater such an olysium? When I will waU antil I meet tba dark- nearer Mabel, and said quietly) . I retorn to tba dusty city,, redolent eyed maiden again are I .reveal my "Shall I tell yoa why I came ? I with its guilt and crime, J shjtll keer; lov to Mabel. I may know my own I then. Ah, my proud I saw me oiusa upon 1 1 1 1 - : ! WADESBOIIO, N. walked horoawitrd. Lin wood wu Drinoelr mUU. and Ju!gw Burling took priJ in having it sepi in perteet Artier. Isabel pro nouoeed it a Paradiae fit for the hab- itatiOD of Feria, to whioh declaration bor oousin Will had gallantly re- pliedi "One has strayed within its' flow- ers.faircouain.wondorfullylikeyour elf ; but we lire la constant fear lest a certain knight of earthly clay woo " j sue uwa was moota as velvet, "Do vou give ber up as lost Ibrev aod sweet with perfume from rare er? May not seme lady friend have flowers, Qods and goddesses, Niobes, devised this plan of deceiving you 7 - v""'" atwvu i iu T B.UWW liu iMra wuuii tin uu- i ... j i .... i . .1. . . aooui in graoemi altitudes, and cool fouLUins sparkled and bubbled at their feet, Feariug that ber eav ner gay if such a cousin woum do loueiy (is ir such a it. . . i i thins; were possible). Mabel devised tableax, parties, and games of cro quet, thus bringing together the young people of the neighborhood. a u uaj uunj new oy in iq a wnin wind of merriment. Mr. Thome c roe out from the city, anA also sev oral other gentlemen, butir sbel wait ed Mr. Gordon's coming jAvain. At last she gave up all hoprf I treated him so CO ,y.that he will never come to me a, m. Why should I den ire a boon J it once was at my n fusal 7 Tis tfte to grin' e rerognWWe-iW JTT'ttmzel of hu 1 dream, or as the; CH;, iiomaq of I tho world 7 WO-JJ that I had not promised to meet him. I tried so hard to undertime his faith in Min nehaha. I fear I succeeded but too well. If hA dees not already denise. me, he will when he discover my do - t "It I .1 - ju. go i win, iei me con- sequences' be what they mav. But shdid not go, for Providence had otherwise decreed. Mrs. Starl ing was ill, and Mabel could net leave ber. When the festival again came around, Gordon at an early I hour repaired to the spot where I u.,i -, f: L.L- i he had first met Minnehaha, aud wait ed impatiently the musical veice that seemed truly an echo of laughing waters. Hour alter heur passed, but still the', maiden, caiuo not. . JlanV were, the inquiring glances bontunon snot, a year before ; but ho heeded ihem not ' '. Dnvliffht darkened iuto twilight. llaJf-uouiug, halnfiipairinif. he has-1 toned to B Hall to await her I coming there, "She will come," whispered golden-haired Hope, and his heart listened all too willingly to ber soothing words. The gay throng dapced and talked until the -clock chimed twelve ; then, with slow step and contracted brow, be returned home. ''Mabel said she would not come; she told me not to trusi"he dusky maiden. . She was wiser than. 8he ia a woman, and can' read woman's heart but I am unjust. Who knows what may have detained her ? Sick ness, perhaps, or death. No, 1 will not doubt you, though lost to me (br aver. Now will I go to. Mabel, proud Mabel, and. tell her. Itwm Opain fuf laugh when l! . L 1.... 1 liaten to her scorn I tell ber of my still living faith, but she shall know it," Accordingly the . next weo, the train bore him to Linwood,VMabel was in Mrs, Starling's roonrwhen a card was handoq, ber, bearing upon its white surface "A Friend," Not thinking of him, she arose and went into tho parlor. At sight of the un- expected visitor, forgetful of her for- mer haughtiness, she extended both handij, while warm words of heartfelt welcome fell from her lips.1 . "Come into the library ; it ia &r more comfortable than this cold room, and she led the way across the wide a a a a an a hall into a smaller apartment,- filled with every luxury, pertaining to wealth. , A. I Long shelves of hooks showed from whence Miss Starling had gathered her knowledge of our best, authors, QiJ paintings upon tho wall, statu- sites mantled with ivy, bouquets of living flowers upon bracketssoft vel-1 vet cushioned chairs, bright carpet-1 ing, and a blazing fire, were sufficient I a - 1 l. . 1. n ..li l wj reuuer any ro)in doib cvmioriaDie I and beautifuL Judge Starling, tho only occuparit, was sitting before the fire, reading hisoaner, "Fathsr, this is Mr. Gordon, the ma .T'fi'.,. iU I "Fathsr, this is Mr. Gordon, the n...i n i I am ju umuu uvrauu. i With that dienitv of manner which Know tnat-wnat i nave to say wui I only awaken your contempt and de-1 vhhi vf mw wmu. uumt 1 u... i. a. .-.r.: i viiaa ii,,i,w awia uw i r5. 1... ..j ir:... 1 1 be eoi Ot OO RM the C, TIIUKSDAY laugh; but there waa no mirth or rid - icufe In tba faoe turned toward kirn. "Then you bar lost faith in ber last Did I tot prophesy it would be ear W "Mr faith la still unshaken, gom-e Uhinrihas detained bar tltewhera.- There waa truth la her eyes aud role t when she said, "I will om" Though our paths through life lie widely apart. I know aha is a true and to- ble woman " and there was a touch of i irjToreuvv lu ilia iuin known resembles 7 "No one to much as yourself. Tour ev, sh eves are sostrauirelv like hers, and i t . ' . she was about your rue. bba gave 1 me this star in exchange formv nntr I Here ha held up her own diaraand. and continued, "My . friend Thorue tlilnka I hava nultii a, mania far nmt. ty white hands, for I note eyery low ele.1 finger, with a hopj of finding my own ring, and thus recognise the lost unknown. But why do you not laugh at my disappointment f ' "I will laugh if vou wish It. I was trying to sympathise with yoa for ouce la my lite, iieeides, l will tor- for a roos)ent,and then be read their bear quarreling with you while here, story. The little hand was not with lest you find Lin wood tiresome and drawn, disagreeable." "Oh, my darling, this Is a fullness "Far from it. It is almost as charm- of joy I never dared to dream of be ing as its fair mistress." ing poured Into my cup. This eve- "Why did you not save your com- pliment until it could have been re- ceived by mother in person f , "For the aimplo reason that I had reference to yourself." she laughed, and replied, evaatv 1 ly t "I will show you the beauties of I 1 . . m . . unwooa to-morrow, ii you aamtro If you admire the pioturosaue. wo will ndo over to the Fairy Lake. ' Its limpid, pore waters, are a fit home for an Undine. Brother Willie will go for Ella Mt- land, and I will send fer MrrCliftou and Floy Durand; so wo will have a I secial picnic." . That n'it, Qiff Gordon, when alone thus communed with bis heart: "What am I to do? bball I tell Mabel Starling that I love her, and give up my lust Minnehaha? Oh, thou fairest, sweeteat of all 'dreams I why did you fade so qiitoklr t r nan-. mat, nnol drive you from my heart. Like a meteor vacillating .between two spheres, my heart declares alio- giancc first to you, then to Mabel. Why does she treat mo so coldly ? Slie is a glorious typo of womanhood though she veils her heart in an im- penetrable reserve. She did not laugh when I told h, f my disappointment --tkir werl''evr;JKhe shadow of a smile in heryos, but a touoh of sad- rus new to me. To-morrow, if she will give me one ray of hope, I will entrust my future happiness "to ber keeping. If she still repels mo, I will turn agalu to my search for the loved and lost, and perhaps kind nea-1 a a. a ja a a yen will interfere and restore ber again to my heart." I 1 rue to bis word, ho watched her closely as they rede together to the lake, but seemingly acquainted with his intent, woman like, she skilfully baffled every look and word by keep ing up a brilliant conversation. Hav ing arrived at their destination, she to k car to keep with the comparer. Tho day was a lovely one fox a winter day in a Southern latitude. Nature WVawaking from her slum bers. Tbirgreen holly, with its scar let berries, was not alone ia its beau ty : the maple buds were swelling, and bright spots of green violet leaves grasses, and ferns were scattered about tnsdU nooks. The sun was setting inEivesof crimson glory as they turned their horses within the broad avenue leading to Linwood. Cliff Gordon was blind to all na- Wree charms now.. He saw nothing ' m a a . a a. but the fair ryi at bis side; heard nothing but tih clear voice which spoke to him saacarelessly. ITiat she cared nothing for him he was thoi oughly eonvydd. He would go back to the CAj the next morning without telling hefeof bis love, fur his pride forbade Un to sue for that which was b-WivA ttviliinglr. After tea bo waitfcVane for ber in tho library. Pros r&y her light, J QUICK step aounaea iu'e aau. ana i i . itep sounded iui't;e bail, and I she entered. Wheeling Vsofa before tho fire for her, he seated himself near her. For a little whila aeitlter of them spoke. He abruptly broke the .L. L. ..1 Umlfau. I them spoke, -i utHtoq. I ' f iStrW ronniKrhehaTavrr I tho menorT this visit as a (vesn, cool tori5WB.4.?B.nr heart. U dwi vai vj tv. tia t m , - -' 1 . t- ana aiiDne 1 nnroensQvj.-OR rr.. . ,v Jt ail 'd a. . , 1 wesj iv ii , n rr 1 r . --rm -w. - -aa STRAIN OF MAIAJ CC CAN LULL FEBUUAh 10t 1874. 1 lag no sisters, so brothers, aay life I was a lonaly one. The lollies and at gayetiea af ra.lonable life art weaii. sen and IdWuid. What It it fills your home with thai air efpeaoe and cheerfulness I have never found else where?"' Wfjen ah replied ber relet was low an) serious, while the eyes were downcast. "Evil spirits are not even denied admittance here, for they fol- I low my footsteps. Perfect peaoa can- I uv ib'm n yuv wwjwvu u ri wu I have deceived you I Look I Do ou know thlsf" and she held out er left band, upon the third finger. of which a diamond sparkled and flashed. Miss St arlbg Mabel where did hrou get this rintrf" cried ha catchln i . . the extended hand, and looking ea- gerlyinto her eyes; but the lids droop- twnpraiure of the saucer, be was ed and hid their language. "Ah, I obl.'.? let go of it with some pro know." ha whkMrafsoiLlv. "I hare oipiutioo. It may be necoasary to I found m v Minnnhaha mi Taii a-hinir Water, my Mabel No wonder those eyes were so strangely alike, Minna- haha, ahall Hiawatha claim bis dar- ling T" X The crimson Ude swept over cheek and brow, but the curved lips were silent; the shy, beautiful eyes met bis ning I rodo bores with you, resolved to tell you nothing of my love, for you gave mo no hope, I would have gone away fronTyou forever; I could not look upon your faoe again, know- I Ing that you cared nothiug tor me, 1 1ng, -long hss my heart wavered be- I . . . I T ' I tween my tween my oiaoei ana tne tnaian roai I doo. Who has conquered ? Both. both are mine now and forever- You knew die all the time; why did ! you deceive me ? Why treat mo so coldly through the whole summer, whe'd you were conscious that I would oh, so gladlyl recognize you as my lost love? Tell me, why was this, Mabel r The answer was lew and painfully embarrassed. "Mr. Uordon, j . did know that yoa were Hiawatha, but I wished to test your faithJaMinne- kU.. X t;l U e-raey ul.V van- viuna yau f.hnt-ye mavhSfptm jes her again, but you would 4aMwten, j Then, too, I dreaded your cpiwVn of a woman who would dare to Id" I a stranger in public' ..,ii I "The circumsUnces permitted that. I never onco thought of her only as a vision of purity and loveliiijss. You told me that I would seek for the arrow-maker's lodge, but would find no Minnehaha. Ah, little one, how can lever forgive you for keep- ing me in suspense so many weary days?" That bis forgiveness was granted, however, may be judged from the met that be asked Judge otarltng for la a la aaa a . a a . ber band, which be gave with bis blessing; and that Miss Starling was also willing, may be inferred from the following note to Mrs, Isabel 1 borne: . Dbas Istaat : Minnehaha has deoUed to tears her father's wigwam ta share the fortunes and mUfortanes of Hiawatha. Come on the first of June to say farewell to your friwMl - Mass Btabiibw, They have deadhead suicides out West At La Crosse, Wis., recent ly, a man entered a store and inquir ed the price of a pistol. - While ex amining the weapon he slipped in cartridge and blew his brains out 'While going back from his own stooped train to signal another of danger, on the Boston and Albany Railroad,' William Burdick fell into a culvert and broke his leg. He crawled out, however, aud stopped the train in time. Old Phin. Jeeple of Preston, Wayne county, Pa., seventy years old, though rerosrkably - vigorous, and looks hardlv fiftv. Since eleven year of age he has killed 2,985 deer , inn i IT m ! 1 1 . ana too Dears, nu raverue limit ing ground is in Potter county. Tho other day a sermonizing Aberdeen pastor said to one of his eoBgregatlon wbd happened to slip down in the street while bo was pass- intr ing, "Brother brother, sinners stand in slinnerv olaoes.1 The fallen one, sensitive and smarting, responded, I see they da bat I couVdat" , ' . V-.nv v.. Ma 'a ifi J A wealthy farmer has this notjlos ated up in his fields : "If any man .a , j -1,;. j. , PM P ln bt t,eJd ' or womans cows or oxen gks in these hero vats, bis or her bead will bo cut off, as tho ease saay be. A man eye am and pay mi taxes, but oonfoosifa tioa to a man who lets his critters iiuiivmwij vn At a recent funeral in Danbary where several organizations were in attendance, ao crape badges were provided fiar a female society. 1 The presUoftk. sJter fidgeting fjoosi la ik ftw peculiar ta ber UAlortuaate . 1 . li.j appy sex. suddenly Diartea w a . a 0 3I eciare r oon t eniey vw rjyiiounitMUt MM HUNDRED ETJE8 tOtSLEEPJ A Daasiry Mtm Carets kla BJ A Town Hill boy was awakened by a severe tooth-ache Thursday night, and signified U his ItW by sundry howls and the frequent re petition of tba aaaae of Uoses, that soma sort of attention should be paid to him. Tba parent aroused at nooe and set to wtrk to rel eve tba pain. ue put a saucer or alcohol pa the stove and touched a match to the liquid. While it waa biasing be took hold of the saucer to carry It to the bed for , the . purpose of advancing soma operation calculated to oblite rate tba tooth -aoke, whan, mot Mak ing tho proper caloalatioa of the I tate nere that . the parent, la hie 7 relieve bU efliprbg, bad omit aa eJaboraU toUet, and was mov ng about in a primitive attire coosirtiog wholly of a yery short . oment the saucer drop- P,V sorted front cawniog noia oi we capillary substanosoa the legs of oar mend, mounted np his body like a flash of lightning, and reaching his l very luxuriant whiskers almost in stantaneously, burst into a cloud of flame, aud instantly disappeared. Tho movement was so rapid that ths man was stupefied for a second. In the next he fell to slapping his scar red limbs, rubbing bis burnt taoaaod howling like a disappointed lunatic But it cured ths boy, and as that was what the parent gut up for, be is probably satisfied. Danbury Adttw. Attempt te Get aUsua1. aaaaaea-ai Bottlebury, of Camden, will never drive into the creek to save another woman from drowning. He saw girl named Sparks tumble in the river the other day off a boat and he instantly plunged la after her, caught her by the dress and swam to the shore with ber. A aoon as they were on dry land Alias sparks gave a hysterical screarflung ber arm around Bottlebu uryTT neck and Jaint- ed. JUflt then tho rather came np W " t of the family, and per f ce,"D. w.MBai dMaod on w juuvvieuuri grwjju iue uauu iuiu sasi: "lake ber my boy, take nor I It is hard to give her np I It wrenches her old father's heart but she is years. Bless voa, mr children, blots yoa 1" Then Mrs. Sparks cried, and she said she hoped Harriet would be hap py. The Sparks manifested their emotions by cl imbing up Bottlebnrys intra aoa puiiing uis oui wis. - w Harriet come to, and Uvwg hi on ttottieoury a inouider and Whis pered : "Kiss me, darliog."VCSottlo- . . a a a a T"'a Dury amasea ana uajgnant. tors himself away and sod. its was ar rested that afternoon on a broach of promise ; and "son trial the iury gave Miss Sparks two haodred. dollars damages. .Bottlebury baa intimated to his confidential friends that if any other woman Intends to fall over board near bias, sho will find it to her advantage to learn to swim first ola Aider. ' f paalsta Maxims. Sxie is a nca man r his friend. who bjitb God He is the best scholar learned to live well. who bath Change of weather finds discourses 'for fools,, A pound of care will not pay an ounce of debtl : . , The-sorrow men have for each oth er hangs opea one hair. a - ; A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. i That's wise delay makes the road safe. - ' , When all men say you are an ass it Is time to bray. - Let us tbaak God for what we have.'".''' ',':- .sr' "-, ' The foot oftbe owner ia the best measure for his land. Enjoy that litUa yoa have while he fool is hunting for more-. A life ill spent makes a sad old age. Tis money that makes men lords. Wo talk, bat God doss what he pleases.- . ;.v Go not to your doctor for every ill. - - nor to your piicner tor every tnirsu 9 a. s ' i,L 5 a A wall bweei(iw preserves tneudsbip.. i -, The sum of all is,lo" serve God It I J- til tVInia iinl f Oil wwi auu w ini -A ... , !.f !. A Ia..AI Setting down iir wriung memory. . - As ycwi ooe yoor father your chil dren will aso yoa. . Tre to iiiporposela U b"P the lost bMjrd fVoia UgU"f was that be was about to "depart into the interior. He was always departing into the inUrior, He has got tnto the interiof fot food aow, we uaa- b- . ;-..:;'... . IS TEAR S OLD) i. m.auL. it navies. A funny Joke, ad all the palatable as its truth caa be woack- ed for. aays a JNew.Jersey paper, oo eurred atapromiooot church la that. 8ute. It seems that a worthy dsa- ooq bad been very Indostrioos ia selling a new Church book, costing evobty-fivo eeata. At tho service la question, tho minister. last before dismissing tho congregation, arose and said All yoa who Juivo children fat , baptise will please present then, next Sabbath." The deacon, who by (bo way was a little deaf, baying an era to soiling ths booki, and supposing ths pastor was referring to them, imniediatel jumped np and shouted t ' "All yon who haven sw as) get as many as yoa want by calling oa me at seventy-five cents each." TlKAI. Us. 80XEB0DT.W XToora. of tho Montgomery Ansa will have la assume all the responsibility at this joke oa Smith r "lie says that a man whom bo calls Smith, by way of variety, we suppose, bad a petoaif which bo wu traioiag no ia the war of aa ox. Ths calf walked around Tory fteaeeeb!y under ooe tad f she rtkt while Mr. Smith bold an tho other end t but ia an unfortunato moment the man eoncoived tho idea of putting his own nook ia the yoke m let too can see bow it would seem to work with a partner. This fright. ooed mister calf, and eleyajing bia toil and voice, he struck a "dead ran" for the village, and Mr. Smith , went along, with bis bead down and plug bat ia bit band, straining every nerve to keep op, and crying eut at ' tho top of his voice, "Hero we come, d n our fool souls : bead as, some body!" Thi HkBiTor 8jTEKXa. Whesels wo pver-yaluo ourselves, we onderow. value our neighbors. Self-ooneeit ie: J' therefore, the source of that phari-a- ' -yJ leal weakness called contempt, 1 ' . man who relies upon himself and cares not who was bis grt-grand-father. The salf-sufSoient purut says .. ' to the scapegraoe. "Go to. wretch I am holier than thou f" and tba sail- - lionaire, who regards money not as means but as aa !. looks a Jt'seora npoa the plodder who is eonlent witV a moderate competence. There Are ' few things in this world so utterly . contempuhls as contempt.' It is the. vice of vanity, and is a sensation un known to true greatness. Aa Illinois vouth is ia trouble. and writes as follows to an editor fox advise : "Lately becoming acquaint ed," be says, "with a young girl at-Vf ... is a A i -aT-T. i.il. ' eauuig Bjcuow, wss'swiMea wiuz - 5 or, and she appeared to regard roe v favorably. She k very much of a lady; although but sixteen rears of ago,' I sent ber a present of a hand aomely bound book of poems, oostinf , $8, wbich she returned with a note, stating her lather would not lot her keep it, for whioh she wss very sorry. Don't yoa think it was an insult to return the book without more of aa apology. Hadn't I better whip tba old man if be don't apologise T - Chicago ia a nice, pleasant place to die in. .The following appears ia a late issue of The Tim: "btoiea Will the parties that took the cross of flowers from off my husband's eas ket . yesterday, daring the funeral services, at 140 Seventeenth street, please return them at once, as I know who took them? To questions will be asked if returned at once. Please . return without further trouble. Mm. Bxavcrr Pmros. PtesEVKEAjrcisIf you wiah to do good, do good ; if yoa wish to as , iat people, assist people. The only way to learn to do a tVmg is to do it; and that implies, before you learn to do right yea will learn to do wrong you will make blunders, you will Jiave failures; but perse we, and In the end yoa will lean your lessons, and many ether tsssons cy the way. . ,. f X rhan wivan to statistics. CStf- mates that over 2,000 toes were fro sen during the past wwter, by young ladies keeping their beaux kngenng at the gate, Instead of asking theA into the parlor. "J There is a ye perceptible break in the gloom and depression whicH ushered ia ths new year. Our pee ptahrre gone to ebswiag saia. IftotJiflr watch belonsic to Dr Benjamin Franklin has been dcor- tired. If this sort u nxg 99m mm history will have to be recu-ad and the hajtorio printer become the ao oommodaticg uncle. i, .1. 1 11 TKaPrineAaarierreJjona parte kss .- opened a dressmaker's estaU'. -taeil .n a V-- Ja-. 17 V ev fassaa in Bona sirow, hhuu. v) : 1 - "a - , . " vv . 4.' rs . "v- "'. m '." r V ft

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