Va-"'. -. -- , , . -4 JV I I, . 'J vAi)i:;ji:or:o, : a, tiiuhoday, ja:;ua:: 1 O w O u. cn - 'r.rfu. j a V7orn-out farm. A c rrc; ut !ci,t la Buinerset count Pa., ho fjr three ynrs has boa endeavoring to r&'jsa Lct,and who with some barn" yard manure cmn only gH tea bunLoU crtrre, ruakes thefjl!owing iuinlrle : J 7. 1 V - J w 1 w w V J ll'oVJ f . IO O O O w o Jroiunn si xionine -a4 w jbo a. i. a g g s s ; ,0 55 0 6 C4 64 ) The Ftopaaad Dog Law, A bill to be entitled an act for the tetter protection ef sheep and to encourage wool-grotting. WatEus, Many portions of North Caroliaa art well adapted to the raiaing of lUkrm Being 800 worn-out aero of hizh P, nd whereas th branch of ha .-A-A- ci arj land, oa wbich hcan now onlj Undry bUad of bdoj a auurc ofiaoomt raise bay ad itraw enough for manure Lr &rmer. n(1 tbue adding r i t rr- f? to the reTouue of the State, U rendered ODccrUin, and of little ralue, owing to the deaU action of the iberp by thf many dogi that prowl through tit country t There fore, Ths General Auembly o horiX Caro lina da traeL Sec 1. That It thall be the duty of the ""I I. I haTeiaacrea ol pretty gooJ kx! I ux&Ux of theaeteral townLip, of the atx ct aerca acrca. U4' 3 VretiVT em C4 o I 2. Ia lime useful to ooro, and If to, how H W; ...S"? ,bo,,1J U rPlied ' The aorrel growa .'S ! A rt X ft A I mint rbir th manura la annlieil. 1 Week 1 t1 5 I 00 3 3 8 S 8 S 8 land, plowed for eoro and oata ncit ipring. j ooaatiea of the Sutf, to cauee all doga of j- I Will lima ImproTe it, abonld it M broad- three montha old aud upwarJi to' been- q-STaS caated, and would bO buabela per acre be tered ojwa the aement liot of 5 5 5 g 3 g J enough f A lime can bo had only far J owobg auch dog,and auchdosa ..,fc the ti 1 077U .tU1. .PwH?1'- fi. Khll I nlow inif M4 Illffal 1, va awn V3il!! tia lima haa ax "'' iliUrt aorut. HHIIWH penona ahaU be 'jrJ cE'cl 5 3 3 I Terj klrd WOfk ' C11' 1 toulJ TW7 1 presumed to be owned b the keeper or wnnj iw uiivw ti , occvpient 01 u premiaca wnere aucn uogi 4. I bare a 70 acre aoar a warn p, whre are kept, and that eyery owner of a dog muck can be had bj the hundred tone, thall procure a license for each dog, three Will it par to dig and haul it? Some aay I months old and upwards, yearly, for which 50, others 100 and 200 loads should be he ahall paj a liooneo tax of two dollars acre, and I am at a loss. I for males and three dollars for f em ales. Sec, 2. That titrj dog properly listed, . .a at I t a aod land for wheat? jjceneed, according to trna act, anaii soils of peculiar characteris. ear a ooliar, to which ahaU be appended ternated aorraL but thia re- & Pa Dloa 09 suit may bo regarded aa an exception and 7er or hlch iJ "cenae hM teen paid, not 'tha general rule. Sorrel, lika other Sec . The township trustee shall re- . .. w I t. k. .ni;..tUvn I tarn tne dozi so luted, aa oiner uxaoiea, JlZJSlf tt"M7 thiawaj on your land, where iU growth I. baU cusvo be made the tags properly uebavrla Kerauan: her wrK i "Alrr rewara." iry hur Jl ba aoaaaaoa-l la Janaarr. , rl t1f rsiifs: mr thm Cabins thatiUeffecUareTerTobTioaeoTatrikine.tx. Xti 'ti'Jl.? .Uhough longooutinu-. On .Oakland Sec L That the aaid Ucense Us shall ' V LaVDra-Jtlt wiUbeo bBwr it haa no viaible eflect. Wa adfiae you to be collected and accoan ted for by the Cher- J titfflL-Al-V -a' -Firit with it oa a anoderat. axalc iff. of tbo aereral countic, - county 11- prywriiar, has la fcapaaetiasia iaaiMiBt You will thus learn more about it than oenaes are by law directed to be collected ttT&2? youcantre-.anywnountofriccltolten andcounted for-and tha fherifl. .hall aiolonwawcaoo are tk aiia nteawr iaeidiais aod happens that 60 bushels per acre are near- be all owed for their aerTicca la this benalt a, lLT'0; r a-'j-arfaj. Mr m good as twice or three times that a reasonable comp8naUon, to be fixed by -1air.aC4:3vvt itMirrellia Us BoaM sf ths Learca Vr f i4. una way on your una, wnere iu growia u v-" - - - r--r-v r "f increased by manure, lima is, howarer, tampand shaU gira lha aaae to owners 7 generally useful to land, but it is not often of dc ,Joa the receipt of said license - j-immm mmw Vav ff rrffivica wwiwm vs oa- v I a. a un c nK,,ti anioks ua Hooiriaod haw u amount As it usually effects a moderate the County ttommi-aMouers of tne several r rtf attiou, U Air, fi and long continied improTement of the! counties to be iaid out of the license tax fata AinfYAttisvn tsvitri tntnn rinrw f Tf MJtrJ C IITura ' A uraj srpsu a-avua imiu siaa wuuwmvh waaa Miia( vj I f a tB-.:r:,"r,krM" ed, provided evenly spread in a retired of them under tbia act, shall for- WrA,.r4salVaf'PaUaihslDfaltaUsda. finely palveriwd state, and intermixed with feit and pay a aum aat exceeding fifty dol; the soil by harrowing. lara. The aaid aherifii shall be liable upon " Vi!.weat .PaUerBtBff-r tu r imM,at .K'u.1. St their official bonds for the amount of taxes ..A 7Z3t-p . t usuauy enecia leu j wr m w w M toJ: l3 srUd.. lra oar bk Other Crsps. VHfVS- tw,.H-.nt .in 3- The previous answers metthUqac l9r(J"n,J 54 oractlflal, aodeonUia many eoatriba- rrupi received by them under this act, In like manner aa for other taxes received by them as provided by law. ' Sec 5. Itball be the dnty of the treasurers of the several counties, to keep )!,' aai "Thsrw , 1 ,. ' V. separata accoanu oi an monies nrriamg r, t Urgs and expcua a very isxga sum wr .. from the aid ceaB0 Ux on doga, hereby It ion. . Lime ahoald always be applied .. NttlP hotkeer. - I broadcast We would not advwa you to Bk4 'W ..niiTt IM Wft!iT.,aS,"iibV experimentinga year or two you learn to be jd, .D(1 after paying tbV 1 tl M a ar is the of Arthur's Illiiitra- lU reauiw. as a matter w cvwuu7 m neMM COmm,Mioq attendine Its exf Ma nome aiagao. -, , penairure, you may appiy iu" Cdiion and all damacfl a ustained by .a4oM extra to fstiar-pafalublU. 10 s jf w i M hushela ner acre, and 00100 T. I A A. . - ""- . , i owner oi sneen, wueu wwvwuwom 1 ! 1 TI l.lll a th . .1 as an expenmem nV 0f doga committing the damageyun half that amount, observing we compare- knowB of nn to psy the wmATwhich bve resuita. I dama. expenses, and commisstbn shal 4. Muck, appliei directly to land, pro- ha anessed and affixed by the board of duces a good effect under two conditions; q. Commisaionera, he ahall pay over (fSniU X T nnrlm ' " " w the balance to bo paid, and it is nereny ap- T-relVrUnUlllarK, matter in the eoil; and secondly, ' where propriated Ma fund tor the support of free 3 i " i mere are necuuar or acciaenuu lenuuuuK i ut. lt. ;n ii,. Mi.nt u A I UUU11U BUUWH Wu i4t. matters in the muck. UrdinarUy neitner g That th ownw 0f anr ,j02 or of these condUions exist, and for thia reuon ho fr-uo DrocUre license for rannnt imnArallv recommend its direct -i , j. ; ' " u. i3k nr...)..' :. " o I nis uog or ui....,.uo i u application with a promise of any striking June ia r.A v'A thereafter shaU be Tf ..-I, I Sn vaii mu T Man airaifi rnila I .. . V V advise experiment on a moderate scale. As an absorbent, muck ia always useful in manure yards, provided it is not wet when lifted. t A Btianja Ct 'J. ilirtccu yean ago a youisg man wooJ aud won a youn U.l in a vi.!. - is. t fr from DTnjrt, Ths parcnti of t!.s gl.l oljccte l, ari l there wti a deal of trouble; but a&!Iy they were mrriJ at the hou of the bride Thre months after, ths briJrjrcMXTi Jiired to move to California, but lha family of lit aifeopponeJ her emU ration, and the result wts that ths bua baud started for the TaciSo Coait without her. After the first six months no tidiu.Tt from the hutiband were received and in t .1 .... iej uaa a year news camt tbat ne wna dead. In 1853 the widow man led a young man who had recestly arrived front Ger many j and her second hutband was en U rely ignorant of the fact, that his brUle wsia aidow. Cut where "iguoraoce ia bl'ua, tis folly to be wise." 6hortly after the aaarriage the hutband purchased a farm io Scot County, and oa that farm the couple lived aver since, and several chil dren have bleated their union. Four weeks ago the first husband of th's woman arrived ia Davenport, and on mak ing inquiries learned the history of his wife's marriage. Then he rode out to tee her. It wu fortunate for her that her liega lord waj awsy from home, for aha was very much afldcled. She told him that she sup posed him dead, and ao married another, and chided him for neglecting her aa he did. lis had a long story to tell, the real gist of it being that ne had determined never to return until he became rich. And here he was rioKl But his wife wu miser able in his presence and he was miserable too. The end of the conference was, that the first husband returned to Davenport to con sult a lawer and the end of the consulta tion was, the husband went to the wife and had another long talk with her, and then the two separated, never to meet agala for the man determined to cross the ocean and spend the balanca of hi days in Germany. The day he left,- the ' wifa entered her auit for divorce on the ground of deserted ; the notice was forthwith served on the defendant, and he accented service. At the bcxviera of the Circuit Court a ocleQ- dant'sname will be called and there will be bo response. There will be default, and decree of divorce granted.' And maybe the wife will be mairied a second time to the father of her children, and ao remain contented in the delightful home io which she oow'lives In elegance and comfort ri.:.stitnn s tr I It 1 '.! 1.. ... 1 cf a i tr at 1 r, -t U fa I. re."' : 1 b riT . . - ; 1 Lttwf a i..'.. Hitrj won;n hf.s air.a roaiTiuJ; it tasy bi 1 i!.a:ics ta Air.. sc; t a rtt -t ia a i tj ...u;iy ! r it, or it may bs 13 t 1 tUt '.. ulll marry. But whatever thct i r-j r,. , t hj her autira chaace at ICO, l er f articu lar chance at ceru:n dtSaed roiats of Ler progress in time is fouad tote ia t'..s f I lowioj ratloaj When bctweci 15 a-1 20 years she has 14 1-2 per cent, of her ho' probability; when between 20 aud 23 sh has 12 per cent; between 23 and S3, 1) per cent After S3 years she haa 61 1-2 per eent,of her chaace, but until Zi she has 3 1 2 per cent Between S5 and Oh ia 8 8-4 per cent, and for each succeeding 5 years is respectively 2, 1, 1-2, 3-4 and 1-4 percent Any time after CO it is one teeth of 1 per cant, or oaa thouaanth af her chance. If thia demonstrates anything it ia that while there ia life there is hope, and there Is ao telling the minute that even Miss Anthony may don a wreath of orang blossoms. j mota it be. r e f t Yv ... r a ' your '. u 1' U f ;e it U 5 t:. A I:!.:, m. nta tf ti -t t' 7 t 1 west utiiatercli. , , lortuaa to :;cou wltchirg crtxturrsl a an titra SZU. f X JTl5 maU auat pa ad44 to aaeh aobacrip. tlon (or prepajraent ofpotUfa for tha yaar. , i otcinsa numbers 1 Mota, ia earreocj or pos 1- 1 6lr?8riEIHUE BO, PhiladelphuC Pa, s 'eu:to. i. -t - -' 86otf. : or iL M 1 1 ' ' ..' ; full t . PUBUBHEDA.T ' Kttcsrilie, Iredell CountyyN. a ' Leading v.Newspi Ji in Western jfIt0noniyDem. t i'4 T, -r 1 at a . in, ireneu county wankafotintie in ' 1 . aT 1 rur ocaMC M m NT v. A ovf lVihelarW and ih Bute and haa irculation than any ubliflhed in the coun- ii j tirrii ?J? Davie and Ire- Jomaft wo 'papers in the 'Mk. ' &rn North - v J liable to the l VAe whcKZifti aa )T. That IV ffis, Gnstab a laljfAiff seoiJt constantly before ; 4"T- e VwwXiystem a rapidly i' '-1iftion is the result, making Medium in atLmJDlIAIlKf,' A.J T-x -vt r p .:,( tHi a w - , a Tr A'hV : 7 ,to inform the pnblio ? prepare 1 to do all kinds I Tnvpueh bs of KAdollars, one half nd tber-Mher half to the in prov-Jfd. , persdMmay and al Coronevand polics 6. It ia not advisable to plow com- officers, shall kill Spy dog louuigrunnmg at ,nn .nA imnA fnr wPAt: tha p-ftnerallv an-1 lar?enot licensal. tad with outtL.ollar ve- auva bvia a Ma v- . w - ! .r ar I D i 1 - t A - proved practice is to plant corn on sod, to quired by thia actHfter tha expiation of be followed bv barley or peas, ano inenitneume nerein pn wmou, aumu jwwa wheat A clover sod not more thaji two I so killing the doy, rfhall be allowed fifty or three vears old, however, often does cents to be paid out of said license tax. Well for wheat Sec 8. Thia act shall be in force from ' It aw nt Mnra1 ajluM ttt onr COtTCS I and after its ratification. .n,w )m ai at nreaent obtain but The foregoing bill was intioduced by little manure, we would recommend him to Senator Waring, of Mecklenburg Co. some introduce eradually, and aa fast ascircum- days ago and will doubtless become a law. stances will admit, the practice of plowing . - '' . a i 1.tll At.. I under greencropsoi ciover .prooBu,y tae x,M Ti Allen of Hartford, cheapest mode of enriching, his worn jut a orered t0 ir9 that city $100, land. If he can procure gypsum, a bushel es&biuhment of afreeindus- per acre in thr spnng on the young clover . .natruction of y, and would doabUes. prove a mattef of econo. bu(ineM tvocation my. and a moaeraw ppiwauoa 01 n 4 ..Uni .rf. TTa sncr; w . t in. t.i. would nrobablT be cf much use a: ar - r ! V- l clover. AS crops ana an.nii. luwwaw, - , ft. ... ,pfa ap?flnua .nd mod. !. ,;! 1 0 . . anure maao . era' language-, should become a practical greatly assiann ju. pru,,, airricnltur Is t and masterrof cime uselul gestsiiat every boy, while he is acquiring manure made from feeding Tn 1.a imnMVAmArtr T "... . . ?-J . - - .. I K"lWlHiUlB will always do requrea w t-u, rd ihonl(J in3truct. farma, and it must be gradual and. the ' dutics of house- work of year. , . . j , bom understand and become familiar with v " ,. , -w the chemistry of the kitchen, and maae 10 af ' A . V xlKJovftri. Partington ia of the opinion tit J(jii-4he art of making every.arUcle of a 1 jt . i - -. A . .. . Tj otfea'rsaparilla, to cure itself or eruptions 1 etkrka U la1. thinks It had been vomiting OaCiynng; urthing else would sUy on its lady's wardrobe, snd also that they learn book-keeping, banking, telegraphy, photog raphy, or any other occupation that is with in the measure of t'r 'rangth aud adapt- Aa SxoallaBt rortlliaer. e JwtiujI 0 CKemidnf says that one very best fertilizers usnd upon the for all the cereal grains and root irbpsnay be made in the following man ner; ; :V " " ... .: ; i i Take one barrel of pure finely ground bone, and mix it with a barrel of good wash ashes j during the mixture add, grad ually, about three pailsful of water. The heap may be made upon the floor of an out-building or upon the barn floor; and by the use. of a hoe the bone and ashes must ' be - thoroughly blended together. The water added is just sufficient to libers ate the caustic alkalies, potash and' soda, and these act upon the gelatine of the bone, dissolving the little atoms, forming, a kind of soap, and fitting it for a kind of plant aliment ; In thia way the' most valuable constiluenta of the bone can be made im. mediately available, and the addition of potash and soda aids in the formation of a fertilizer of inestimable value. A gill of this mixture, placed in a hill of corn, will work wonders. It is excellent for garden vegetables and for all kinds of roots. It will be ready for use in a week made. Srcxsxsa rnoat Lazisxsj. Oar ex psrieace ia thai a large number of girls ailments are due to idleness, ana' the cons sequent ennui, and that the nerve forces an aa aelf-deatrucUve as aa unrestrained lo comotive engine .would be; which, if not properly directed, would Injure everything with which it comes in contact, or axon cripple itself. We have scan lamanUble instances of girls la well-to-de famlliea. whose bodily and moral health has been ruined by ignorant parents. The strong right minded girls are those who have been well educated at schools or college, and who are constantly engagtd in work for themselves or ethers, who are employed at drawing, sculpture, languages or even aaa . a tB ,! science; while the sicaiy, complaining creatqrea, who are ever in the doctors' hands, are these who are doing nothing One of the worst chronlo cases of hysteria 1 ' , 1 ' , it 1 t f f. I-tl' , r 1 i"j C'. ''J:.n,',i 11 ji t! i'.y I f I a lar- t rk" ins of ae cpss. ducaJ from tLs Il-taJ III and in cocseuecce it thinks that n'us will toon bocoms ere cf t'.e clkf rrcdauU of Eouthern C!iT tl's. 11b, IIcelit, cumber cf tie Le;:.!v ture from llonfgomcry county, sr 1 oiler gentlemen, have recently btrs bunting gold la that couuty, and L t week five spec i mena were found. Oaa c ;-'t we'jhel 43 penaywaighta, 11 grains. TuAsheville CiUcn mji: Ila-nelio Iron are H Aund ia gftat abondasce, con taining, It ia said, from C3 to 3 per ccc iron on the landa of Yi'illlam rickeus, thia county, Immediately adjacent te the new town, "Lookout" We hope It will not belong beforejhuge Iron mills will be at work at the new village. XLiDa'T corUax to it. A curlon Incident recently occurred on Wee tern railroad train. As the cars were moving away from the Terra Haute depot, a pret ty young woman came from the ladies car, 1 and rushing into the smoking ear, frantical ly appealed to everybody to stop ths train Catching sight of the conductor, she f claimed, piteously, j . I "Mr. Conductor, do please stop the trr' I've left my baby I" n- t . The train waa stopped, and baby r we have ever known was cured immediate J end, amid the hearty cheers of the r y upon the vounz ladr being .required to Ion the platform and tbe paaacc; take charge of her father a hoiiC UcroU l while Ueyoucg tiutla Jaask,l j it t of Jlen'X and hugged her little one, stie trie ! a a .a.aa 1 1 plain how the oahy wu suci a 1 , that she hadn't got used to it yet , . " - - - ' 1 . An OtJO IaiDT Astosisued, Ml tV - IiTBULTa. It is always beta. Ito pa a doaea intended iusults without 1 jognitioa, th4 to take offence at a single uiitntention 1 t . . a..f ir:.,..Jt.nJ. at neglect or rcnecuon. iiuuiiiouu- 1 - , , - tui . , A...1.A.1 t r.untlu rn. on one occasion an old woman from - lU'jrU HID I1U1UIM W WWII l.Mm..MV.. i . v a- ,- in-eociety than ever result from deliberate r ill-nature. Hundreds of friendship, have well-known Metropolitan printer, mcl? f . been sundered by that egotistical sensitives nees which b ever looking for oflbnee.' We can all point to ; certain persons who are thus morbidly seositive te a painful degree. They are disagreeable companions. We need not spend our precious time In point- an old Bible in her hand. "I want," said she, "that you should print I I it ova. again. It's gettin' a little blurred, sort of, and my eyes k not what they was, L How much do you axf f Fifty cents." . "Can you have it done in half aa hour f 1 I TkXTiaaW aa.AB WA. l,l.WaTJ T ts Kati lAfi!n YlAmA AT irg to them however. We have each f-T y something to guard in our own character. I good way out of town. We are each Inclined to take offence too When the old lady went out he sent . . a a. lLa rfi lha A mavlnen V:ilTaa . " 1 aVIVUUU 1VJ tUv WUW VS sue aatuvi vuu easily. If we could remove this eve jealous watchiuloess, society would gain a new charm, or rathor it wouia do reiievea oa very disagreeable feature. Pass neg Ject, then, and personal reflections, as noua na you. printers ia." OTMcefull as . Doskible. instead of taking I "'' .. . - . 1 I f . Y" T O .mA'm ,n- i the risk of beipg onendeawhea noonencoi uir;Ta.-yi.iiuu-otilui imv..- , , y iAaA led of treating- dyspepsia, which he naa society and purchased a copy for fifty cents. fLor lakes a massal" exclamed the old lady, w hen she came to it "how good you've fixed it! I never see nothing so cu- " . a The Fatal Duel h A labama. found successful in the majority of cases I during ten years' practice is en the prinJ fitnla of eatinir little but often. TakelVora Mobile, Aveo. ZU. ine uuei netweca mcioia, 1 one loUr moutniuis at once, nut e&ir -.a MoTardywavfeoght at Grand Bay StaUon in ,ten, twenty, or thuty minutes i- ar:.;::f. Wi.ali;., niaila were used. nonriah)ng food and drink, aa roaateJ r T7iVr r V a " boUed meats, and especially beef, mulv notdoubeVledguns,asfiistrepoii4. welUbaked bread, ind milk,' TKw fi'1 nt fiiieen naces. Jkioiaray 1 1..... .a mnA rmm'-. . m, a)'1 u, fi'vmivh lha rlirht side, on a line I nuantitr of vegetables and fruit' e:f t 1 rf taw r...-. . -- -"aw T j - - aW . . ' ' h-art. and died almost instantly, or '.milk ia recommended instead of w j& 1. There cjuVbe n Early Influences. l here cjarbe no greater blessing than to be born in tbe lhht and air yf a cheerful, loving home. It not only insures a happy childhood Acre is health and a good constitution but it almost makes buce a virtuous aud happy manhood, knot a fresh young heart in old age. .We thiak it every parent s duty to try to make their children s child Hood full of love and of childhood's proper . . . 1 ? 1 1 wivougjesa : and we Ubver see ciuiureu i -j ; ' .. . . . -. destitute of them , through the poverty, faulty tenders, or wrong notions of their parents, Wthout heartache, JDlot that all the appliances which wealth can buy are uecessary to the free and happy un folding of childhood in body, miue, or heart qniw otherwise, God be thanked; but children must at least have love inside the house, end.fcesbairaud good play, and some good compauionship, outside others wise young life runs the greatest danger in the world of withering or growlug stunted, or sour, and wrong, or at least prematurely rrMtmt ftrW on Thursdav morning. Dr. f dinarv rule of!thrce meals a day. I'; Lay is somewhat noted for hisduelling pro- method the atomach U gently and .: -.1 1 !! .w WTrdv occupied but not overloaded. UCUBiUCS U W vvav-a.-v rf I i. j iSf, I sH I was ouite nearsighted. The verdict of the J.- Thi; Habit o Sweaeino. The r rrnAr'a iurr waa. "Daceased came to his I est. most useless and meat coutcr death from a pistol shot fired by Benjamin that overgrew rank in the hot -bo D. Lav." Thev recommended tha. Lay and devil profitn. .sweaxin; " af P , . . T 1 W I nlU. 11 II J 11. X 1 1 rCMl !iif '? BIlii ii i the two seconds be held for examination, j bn ol)ject to gu ourroft; . Wll 1 kU annual. Kjlflir 1 1) A It... 1. M . t ,,.,;., I xr lit'. i:... s.. I ( in hnat.). in ears, in rucet ci vitjr.yvi"- . I . . . i ..... T( SaWJ V'VU Bai4 VV - - - Eabachul Perhnps some mother may . . . . - Your-rr thank the ioosehold for my remedy'for j to curse apMr to think t: a u earache. I take a piece of salt pork, say an manly ansi brave abou t ;.; v A ),olfan iunli aouare rs iwterlari Lin cow. WtiU VI nav.w & I ... cut down one end to fit the car, and msort it, taking care not slip in. I use it la my womaa 0f BUj nliistn cLt t r C family, and alwavs find it gives almost in Can be otfcerw.u Uccn'. ' - !.. I II.. . I . I , 1 . r. I -!'. atant relief. Tie a hauaxercuiei w r " , u. ... . itin place, if the child will j S also use pork for sore throat croupe, auu -, - . , L; ..,-t!l tLa c n. rnldai Cut slices lull nan au mva -"a " thick, dip in warm water, r a. little pepper, pp' i r ' V V t r. make with coi.i-u;0'Ki i-... 4 ! I 1 . . I a variety oi aiaiH'i.rai cu; sprinkle on a on faoncl.-' .Tr'l men aud woruca wi:h every bear bin utter. IN: Ilia be an indictaLlj c';'. o :. t da in jail Lt tvjry t: V

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