-J- i i y i JJ . :i J - I r 1 TAi'i -.n, pVr thej'o je'i I;ijtt doth un r,u,l Kf'nt .Vj' ,1 . I -.4 :. )i 1 -K1 l I '!'J ? .'7 V.:!iittyT ,, . i. '! I I . ).v. i . . the Jut, ! : ' i uij yjroujii. ins Jurfita.ti ,,,, 4l.e ,f .. illey' " Ml)' J'V-sJfnM'slsboircisM. allW ' iatalIthidgsaregatJre4 ' And f ; uv4 in twilight peace,,',;''1 t t' undor.wcrrr.roicc.::( ,. I '"rlio the fillaita itracL - 'eased t! jrraud dame watches ; manjr, flit9!.Jf"' ea" ('Y "cinlurea couio; it t. J2 OiTi 0 r 'S1 lT,d f W ' ' ' e j Itic f au J W i.f j)n heir tli'. s iMtnina a r 1 LOtlu . i. II . i - -itiii'Vl li'if M il !'. fl wfr of rarest Uantj ' . - r Jo lliat trecii' vaH rnjw ' t' " ' ,' n i; v.t 3aTd(Tual toy lrow trouWed, in And Lm la tlij holpraaia'a ejf y '' ku$ grarea are green in tj.e.TaJIet,'1. i.i', i ' vr thy Hi I .. ' I'.' . in i . ; ,. ( 'tljrojsai (I :.! Il" ! .1 J Oka-Alt. "'!' 8 aoj peraonoa.jeartb who Jear rca joke, it 'a V. Uom, eiprwagcH J t yiuisvUle, Kentucky: . , , r 1 ,ot long alow Mr.iliose felt it Irm dotr ai present VW an awtl if the com f, not far from Louisyille a preent ramie the recipient t; remembet it Toice,'6rrurm!' a 1 fwim over tlta VprM i : i .. r, it if:".."! . .i wiita ii uvur H' C Knin, no nl ill lut halit of ingui li-ua irnfa t'.o cperaa at Martba. Jhe Jickiii hoklj hliij, and full of cory thought bo wjuhi try a fen favorita bara.'" Xli tcno-'i!r)jjeri'iopj)a'oIl)Qrric to a tack m-iodow In ir tbart that fearful ooie came from." ;" lie loon lwatcl 3fv4h jack-a,ii wailo Coe trim, and .tb raltJiojr ofthe windwi' Iboa'iborcd (ba(!i ttff cloioj hta level bait.,. Sadly, tbt. ieuor liut gerabot rfcw-t b' wiB(!oW ttd tnalle ' !emn to that If orvf ef ould kill that jack, that onaihauhi ht obuiAed bei fure another luuact,,' od bt 'i9va4a ibould die. - urn M V " 't '('Vj'fii,7, fTbe BgeoiVal lo' deipair.' 1 Adjotttpg iheffBce waiooa of the largest aod'fijnt faihiobablebhuTcheiiothe cltT, tho pur sooage.of which vaa next -to tba. tUble. A. little buy( who'mlded there," eitne to tie atable oct'day and; id ? be ,io tLe day boatler: "Mteter, I tAf, make thatani nal holloa. Mr Patau ''ir'tulear hiui.'! and the iitu "fleud actually danced with joy when the jick-'ai ilruct up one of hlfl melodlea.ul - -n , .Kext darJtha 1 SunduVJ The ' church vraa crowded tltj "foir ui all theirpUces, and tho organist fia'djuet played a, beauti; fttl prefudo ou the orgiiD, when the , choir commenced a beam! ltd atheity The jack wm loot 'It Into fill head thai it waefaundav did ,fgt to'help. ' He did 'help with i wnmairfA' Xo't much of the auibetm a . i waa heura, Dut gooa deal ot tue jack J waa. This audlancit waa abokid,,'tT' choir iadjgnaut, the orgs out eragd. lti nitnhsuf f tjii!iel hiaaermon aud wm ttauk- fu) that the jack itt had quietai iiowowrJ he commenced the chmiiiff, prayer-heu ()hfbarr)tt J tup jack at arted ,-luudet thai-. ever. Tu prat er could ararccly be lterd. latidkercliitfa wint up, hastily l'p devout foc aid aaulea .were.hiiliko' by dvout r, '(' rrtirlt C o V.'iht " Dou'l ijiit in my face don't ycil cT . r do it or I'll make dead man of you F 1 aruet. , , , 'M'' f ' J M I, daren't ajit in ycur frffkleJ.'ll isflj"fl yet, but 1 may If you rrovoka rie farther r- . . . , . iiBoi pot, . irrcucu ja'f, tou oia ..." , . .,, . . . , : Vl 4 , ,i tiirkf.ltiiTM,l v "TUt wai aVuIa too much', 'ife roa)a motion at ifhe would itrikt, and the M-iited hltn'l-y'the Iirck tie.T)cD'brtarhed'fut grablxid her rifrhi ear aud' tried to iiit r ou ii rr uci. oyt ana imiiw up cp ine cktia until hi to-ieoe ran "out " 1 ' ' ' v aUJ-qg juti uvj , i'ui . Oil nOl do wo on y6uraVcti,'aDdl tea my paVDy old wild rat lie replied. -4 n ij .'!. v, ..iJ- aoilrjhe peaceful cat, yoa atruck, by, the overK,oiug table aod hal her back bmkn, whife clock fell down, and 'the picture uanceta yuunu. ine woman, nuaiiy atiui her,bu Vid'a supply of air off and UoppcJ bin), iuir the bumped bia ha up au l down on,Ailior aud acaltered hut' gray haira aha aVuted: ,' I . .111' t 4 I J K 'l IU1'. i. U.? !" ".lou wUtU to get up another, apelling achl Witl.lljL duu't yo-, K ' 1 f "( '" lie waa ewu'NjuipIng a'rvun'd. the yarj y'eslelrday, a' a'tocUog piu'bed anu'ud i i threat, and she had a cou rt phiater on 'her no aud one finger tied up. He f ore tlietook of a oiartjrr, while she bad the' beariogpf a victor, aud froo. this (i rue out ",fZ7 .r w i ' UJ to Uul::,!i'Mg'''aud-4L '14'lhe lower d.-r.i- and Uhl! 'i:tocJ tojoiu lia 4n wotla''-f.f 'i?.n'riy out.rh, he eit u a htiitn'l id it loth rf,;ti!ir toA'i mAk'vt l!.a' crLl.' Ileuce thereion why womiu caofiwl It cuius at liM2de'n.il.1.a ce I l I " )' I -.. .it r Mia, I motion, ' , oil., ldrJntnn i1 ciui.lsrfI a nrth. cl i ryu "evoWedlruin the Irani vf Mr. uuuiaiicr, uut ucr i-ouuienria are iiiji f. if . W.iA-...i 'r -h iuuiiu in reai Me. um ol tl.i lOiei wa I VerbV.Vd.V..iiyVr.Vl,,V 7fK .r1100' ' --4 f'-' ti,.'. ifi rsiVui, a iA'wYrl jit JV- loilcta fcW ruu'K'iuJ T y vwuV ladvl" r' -h - lethal II hartetj ouof tfie boo. I bl ve ------ - - - - - - . t 4i iir i 4 wttAsringaai hi tot about fir L rt.. !y. u. i... ii.' ! . ..i ' H tlLt 'm':&tilXr&?k lMMtirUUh fvarofi4 't.ij .i tv .... v r .w .P;4.Jn...j fDll Dot? AUtriAatLatl lK arairutkh imiilUn.an addr'et' 1 ' ' ' 1 11 f"d a li.nntoik'.'uhicb as t!.LLu' tfifctl lbs IcJrtod.W he itock tfie'tkcletut with tba te'au t f a'ir. iutu 'the lion' ' fxine KrlmiU., however,1 tho: plaut'grew 'out of tiietwie--bote JikcMj. X TLtri he 'fouoJ , idf ifrallBlirara Mr. ti-. cTiiiniecl he Jatty, , wi'tn, coniin'aiIoq'o uigUity aud ludi naliuu IraiKMnible to 0r jJ 4.' nil, v tuj J.. tk i rf ie ... W.I ' ' ... ' . I- wm be iieiiid w;in two g s in that uoute. Wa,Caot a .'WxnaaAeoooc 4 Vmva. The leUewiug ia the answer ' which' aai ai . t i a a a ufWed oy i otatoi ti voe oay at a late auanrersary ceUbrnion of tU' Maaous ' at Ausii Nevada.-. !" 1 1 , . y .I. f- I .t7maii sometimes complaiiii that jthe is nioCpereiilted to 'enter out 'lodges- koW work with the croAao .' Uif'i -la-t-i, and Uard all then ia tv be leuroed bAthe''ie titiitioM.i We Will vexDuiiiiib tLpJicNitAii We U am that beA.re the lAliiiigrv ad finwhed. his work,; tbal I he '''Kl'r') st doubt of trentiiiKKva. Thecrea. "v J liviug and crecpihj; thing had bccali noioni' -iua the heart of . . Mi..a .. . h TaurqiTri C once. wore iwevaued ' (j'afoiia uue-Vf the principal streets 4a tr". Kone he!i;d " auctioneer just -Set; f;fUiti-!f dilulnVtive 7 nxk 70 tail-thel ft.letnnooki v fucia vl urn ent iii, that ackaas exHi Id - tears," and such a voice I That voice Jfsi?iilliim to the tabj but on hear l sly the voice of his tiei lie at onc resolviHl r Tuou:9 insertwdr.iui tne pcr nublieh hands' ' Ihe minister grew red in the' fc'oe, ' -. i I V i i . ' i i . i na juiriy suouirii iouo,uearu ana araveiy k-ptn i fhe"end.u He 'whild wilfiuuly -r . '.i.k ft. ... .i a, :e oljorea up Unit Jtick ass us peace of f linj; and applie(' the sacrificial knife Kiiti it':wltnnlk8ure;;f ; i '''-1'" - -vt -n.VJft. jX33rftt1k, -?,i,e? JirarauKie q. . ie ineo cuus- ed all the Ih.iu?i of the LtlJ aud the Jowli nxiim, v,n' r i , j I j Mini ol for him ute finest hKlge iu the world ' I of the uir to ja'a before Adam for. linn Mr. Coffln'a flpelling M.to-.Tl. -Ol.d 'UilW V of work wajritf aunuown wiuona olHer i i -. .. .- Tui was Bpella-Su-TtrnVsiffeoU. ' " ... he da alone, ao toat mo , ufeslyTi .. . v. . ... . , tt'idit ther"ftc linitstf when Eva, wfuoj fie , The otherweveiuug old Mr. aod Mr " K , 1 V . I-- . , - V' V' n i. Coffin, who live on Brush street, s..t iu ' "'"T T.:' their eimV back naflor. he reading the naoer cd t0 V1? ' . 'f hecreAtod her U tr..;..:., .nd,hif..m5L 4.be.'ore ,httii(J. ,AUaia ;lwiug, very much La ... ' j.. .ii &T?Zru fatiijued with the labors of hie first task -tT,vT, j". I tU usteen. ' When I ho iwoke Iia ' foun,H sCCWnt ?tr ' ltwasa ;. i . -.4. i. -4 ive m ine ioige wun nnu. auuiq uciuii .. i . ' - jii .. l tu cbjr, Ie fce prftprsed Via Witd j t-.Vf:'l . tBS. next jn'vtrpiug 4he pa oiejot v:4ijwtipgi 'j,jfa' l)ad t 'jtained . Rose,: Esq.eaaod was ,lcu or ,rr; a . " i t.j ni was m a lever oi exciiemem, ana . v f-Benjraf timers',' White 'Mepan) TL J ,."4 his wered brain.ii -um- ivt n.'y ... iw i !,..,- er, tn grpP ;9r. irienflrg:.ano: u vuTVf i v r m uniu SV av-ww sasc H 1 aniihkl. AtfS jack-asi'wks ub tara orpaa gfin seiuea ou 1 T I t ! w.1 spectatoVs," tie the' agent with'-'ai-JS-Vdn ish ment. ' ' "fhe: ll it iK I1--.I.. I'i L.l. .iiM JTllJ. ' -s k. sent to the stable and njaDy t if f K f i, fine's Bade-ahd 5isibj' paid to Jul animal that "day;'tJr- I) A ;-i.Ul.4 e'i L.!.4'J-.T .1,7 ,"j pen 4415m , jiiuugm ue coma CTBUiy i: ; khaTy;ooajoa, JS: .4fiJ4 ikai'rt J wished to buy him. ak any ' ' le thefi? tried ? td",gW''bim''way, . aiia woti-W iakto- hintr- H-ere was a r two Ihe jlcK-asa DeSafe, to serenade ' Ihe jack-ass be2afe,to serenade - lifted; hphp t6if;kbd dkyo (!njiie,ardJ;for years. j, night, Jjiat jack4ss'VoQ1ddi6l- .ble - yaroHwas "filled" etery 11: t sr.- n 1 j ti ! :S ? . Ti!lBU """'"" uw Tans; siTtU' " v "Ming- wood. 'Mysterious id ' iMM Varirldgei lovejDni 'srAlrl .pa'ldown f.Vardeii, placed JEveesi;!. pjllur, l.l.n.MiyiiriutfMMrltl.. , i t i iMSBiy laws wuw, aiRi . MK-yi reowve . ing excited about spelling schools," . ...u-. ; r, VT.. 7? , " T. 1 1 - Wellit's good trf know how to spell;" re-, .ulfV ,--. f "!--- VTU ,uVr, plied the will. .ildJJnhaye: the dhance" itf' somcjgi-rs bid, butlpride myselfthatl flIe, f 3fVwh'-,I? .can spell almost anj word that comes "w ""' cr "u " 7. .iJlulif.-U.it't 1 uV'.Vs let In au expelled Miiiou, who bud nd bosi " I'll 6ee.bouttbolielaoghedyrcon?e, f''t speii'huggV J1: i Humph I "that's nothing-b-u-g-g-y," X TV , "T "reu jl "" 'if .i i-i . j 1 ' r ?- i Grand'! Loilgej' with ' several others, some I .ttMh firstitime-h. 1 Lai" he Mfl But htortegtetpy roared, slapping his kg. he wddeuly look hw I .' - iJot much-that.was tiaUt" -, ' ' ' ' ' ' f o go to mskinajasi .n ILL iv'u i.t' all- ' . . Ht ine aud Aaam wen-fiot tu prdmjf reiraua; t f,.., jvh vaa. cu 1 il iituu 1.11 iii.13 lm huh hh v.-i r . . , w . dy get two' g's in a buggy, I wou.d.V eut aud told Adahd wh ' tl, j, L ,it ... . . . Grand Mastec returny to tno lodie !t v',a DkOiVUi Jr autwereii 1 ... . . , , -, - . an tiitrich : djL reallv.. maiiin. T H.'hi'i 1 1- i 1 1 1 V , . . j EiCif.u! aiabj,'l.',3.,iiru.7fj !t!,( ,. ' ', II- i',.n ljKi'.avit.!, mI1 1 tj v,,T lu.-l.eftwilre,!, i kt tit.v. As -Lfr-fSf 'th.-fd' wl'!r'li!i Vt.T.4 uj.-.':i th. KHiUiii heVdtr a litt!d jUiitf .j rin la-,twe.-u'k:a'f.et sul w;us. '.!um , nuh k th4f he JettrmlurJ tfr takc'li vith 'htm aod p1.nl 'It fir IC.X?a."iro' fil it up pnJ imrHod U with hiin', but ai tho i3rf waJ ttry ht, li fVsfMxi'U' tuiijht ''niificr I tWt l o r. j. . V,T. r ur 4f 'If'"' I iaoufred VW'i'aJ Yrfenf i hom-'So he put th. lion's bond eoa- mine wu'o, wm buitdg!"iie ws a eweai l! ji'v4.! f0 "J' 'plaut, ttto rultur.uaiVM Va iV5fdfJU? 'i rt-c--'.i.t ' 1-1 i ' - Kkr..-WEetf about fc a. t 1 iA rJ, ' 11 uv uruji itKia cauie 01 hile -the- first win' mdrj guv il to' Wit 'ii Jrinlr.',I But Ubfd a mrVufcfvt Vilieii tlradk'of itthsjr fr?stani'jlLa 'h,W he'll t 1 i 7 Kl.-i-lwlP.-isl.,!...,. - - 1- t hv ivubu 1 11 ta k l 1 1 11 rimri b n r rri ,1 a a 1 - -- vww na iuiniUflii ihemselvrs troflL! iha'-bli'J'i klrW.A .. lhe1b-f bdh-aof tbe'bs's Nue'and 'as' fce'pOald'l ta'ke it out without 'daila .1 . 1 . ... " 9 ;X: iS&S HIT. "i"? .?? Lrick' I 7 ' , . ' . lf"n,Y"4-TOT''7 uu oora 10 Lis great j..y, : Tn alsiVt! Vt atiW&i Mfr&M 'Jwhlca . he iwbo mil In him tilinni'r" 1 f P Ifliinf esrr n l vn wetif hm nn a mm 'r 'n-' kfter tftmlrini 4' little floW'- . . 1, . . . u. . ir. ..inu. ..H7'.n inet'tirkiii-mfitti'w f",f.w i.4i.i.iff r:,M,!M.l8 ,:t.,dJ mXIj 53? VI? Y1rA"jWWJ,InTMi.,i,lifiw,2J .UiV ' '-' ' ' AVatngtoD lor the prst lime Kqt word lol UJltyiuM.m4raMa.--No rAiar i8.u.,:boP.0i ii:. J?ifM!l J PWH V.fw V .Vv4lJ.asnsib1ftBaaai ".-f". .-Mi1 -rjP..f,T. J,ef ? 'J-TTPTtiHl Jhre tire,, wjtjj Jm itula, . . . a.. 1... I I. ilai v ri. t . 1 w,Tr!!,,V: W...i.W5-..7jrJrl f W J1? liWn ffUW-gfesJip pbsteeied M,MV,'!nfc,i,,5at,;.W r ,-aK"Fl-a Md-.fiied lH0,-rtiiQiJ o P.'PJ ,w,litTi.t.?!'enh.J Mijme ritfgiDa; to e uhance her FaJgc, If a voun lit i rif lpffnr . 1 Kmnln niniil,! I - . . , Ai ratherl;ilsfwwjo.tli8j beep ryup- le sjijud, iraipiu'g her jemiftj aod h-'-fW r H'HOTi' Intel's?' l445wH!iwkiHJiii,4Dvitcj-4 -md piie, that .she, wajfv -o , Wwry, t Jieje , Jaid M..Sr1e.f J-W..ijf.tLBBj pjy, ,xtca -i!1. "n '"wrr wnoyirij,! Fjep.yJ mtnmw iRfW their pen Siiuwea siaus. csuccuiupinak DuL.huaJI v J lOjifll CUrBi jb he. would at. h. rJSft?.j?W.' lA'rm m'mt WMV character. cy was hiscli ef c iarm. we.snnnpse che "W.Pa J L"" railroad bieant Ciopsus. Bnwftracr Scrlbner ;M- ,VaDaj)orf fhem: lhese cars were for May. . , . .. Pd$ w oWer and are doubfe theaize, J,i-, o-j;d, V...,.m1- .y-iVimlar-Mu ;. i ir Put Veotssuf.Miiie, ptde.ydi fld- ,t? ISM for'thfiiriiV'i!.'::' ; miu,!b;Jsik t'filfl) MLU: BiftunJ oV Wes'cvih'in he Varies LL''r'..t-'il4 MtWt't'Ci. ill i' ui'iu v Take'a' men.i says'.-Mttrt'iKyte' 'ikUti, audi piff three 6r 'foi'Iarge'ytaWetlotlli; about hlmfastebed Baok'With elastic ntl 08ed Up With ribbo-is; rrig-aH4 hht' Owti hntv tA llin miilila'nr hta'ihA.I i alituwla Hi iv ciueusea. uua eizj w ainu tor iiwd i ii tightLnd'hatTia'-onuftboth feve 'uodsl! '"1"1 " " ftlf s"'"i-'- pf other hair and a bi fW'of .-HbtMttH i Kel the front tafcr. pins I all - night;' HtUlHmtlihuih ari'veli and let tbeaa tfckle;b'is yes aliday' jilttdb) er,"I haa ykictrt with th'eMt4'wno,' on jits wairt inKi ecrtetj awd tNe hi nt'felo vtfcr stopping tliei W6st?-6l!cef sal a" fed "iif fti L l!'.J . L. Ill 4 . ' , il . I ,.,,..... . 1. .1 - T I., Schoolbovw tel voa so " she nera aterf. - r." "r "WW"" j eIr;rBowiharn"afg lhati he exclaimedf.striking the Able witfi firlS I'.f"1 lb?r' ;,,iU, W-nsfc-i-'lVMl.. Y.UAiitivillri.i'lU'i fouhd thsbsent.11 After seYrclnrigf si.mfi I " I don'jt care, , what yoir jlnow 1" she 1lfffi fequcaked -a' know-that there are two g tf Tlff Iu nuJir!'' Ni '' ""jV ft '.:' " th(ri?ad of occupying bis 'official etkv Lri.Jl -yu . . . fcive torcfcll thee Wall 7Ir6to f eti-b touiit 4 -to Il-aWW B, UC UfittCU. T-'iw r. t size too srtAll,ql;shdeslttdknd'W 4lir Ukfnfgfelldwbn tljePir-Altli grnfoTnv iat wiU''iiot stay tin iwiihb afciortttriog' i.f; J ocrgfe Ha'ntiuT;'' I hoj5S':'yo'u5ev'? aMidd frilT to tiekle' hir chi 'dud feirf 1 AfWt-leaWhgH o'ffl Ws&e5ut' ft laootai to Wtwd tils' e-yfis whDev6 driver ft' HW'roW'bdW'l'Wry' us our to 'W-lk, iftW t be' Will-, ktvw' ktt.'-s'CcriiiriilV ilVMt wotuka'a1 ifrese k.'l Taiscn IhB'-wp'W' j Wetitfd "BeK'"ilgtalatf' t.i t g ; IXC i 1,1, AIi I) i' . r :'u- A! ja fJl il-cf 1 r" J i ! i, ' , p.i-i.Vr. Alwsy oa ha :l and at ret-si'. Apents for.V,'. r, IIUIIL & C O., 1 and Y tyaicrs. , , jt" ', iii- VAh'CUABUKWJJLL. Mix: senior; wixt nnnnAm:: httcDd-lhV!cb(Jrta' 'of Ac.soa Q.:.. Jsnuary Jat IS, 5-4().tf 4- i J,i . . "ATE OF ANSONV1LL11. I.m . . Li opened au oLlce in WadeilKiroV' ' . for the sale and rennirli'ia' tf Tatch' 1 " ts arid Clocks, i w. ; r . . .. ,'VS I i., Ha returns his thanks to lis ft Sou j'bo'i7 X former. favors and en-j-es to do all ,r In bis liim promptly and oa rcr r l.,,' OOt J.'-A,'.GliCb:T -J .-, I (., l . ..rrriiNatl.to.,. inf-ntt x. VJ-n - --J .tiie pwbiu sRra!lr thsM. i a at h.i tune sDrepared to furoi.h Crt'r; A ,v , . ard and lodgings , 'at feasonablsa. i ; Ieriilaile f bu8it)fia between- 2.1 mr.l. pdMorkjotiD.i Wiralpgto-.iN.C.- ' V ' UllS Slttld I.i! HK'tl 4!IX- ti -5 11'.. .. L H jd;o r,r..L.u. '; ...... . s OUR STOCK is now full in all V.Slr' of Merchandise., , . ! Kvtery Veek brinK frcs!) arrival of V a- 'h souable.Oopdaaud ear. uj j .vt u i'TTT V' '7? T?" (tJ' '.!' . CM)!..-'0" . --' , t -..' -Ji .S i.li U J'i'.' ..' . - , r.9.?T.Ue,. 'ery.rulIAseortr--' one house witb'xhrue pr fourfi libildreu'-shd l WfU'mide jue' 6n thaf "oMsfdlJ AOtlii two niren.gii-M r-rottK aawn tj'Ju6s:.-',Aiet t ! -i jjulllj: ' ' n fi m i i bisdeithlinate i oceutwiionS ua vdraaw4iieJ'-f I t!s?M iT'i' ( .std-1 si S.i uii i needle.tlMuah itoBcJbtb.'.i-tidsikihJ ,i WWPfll-lsIWrO, , - - -- o 1T) niiA he 'tllli nifmfanl mi!ik.Jir itUm htmti ' iii'.'i.!i. H In jm A ill Jia i!i ti.l i I.jv cmaas-i, r1.4..T.S. 4AH-...-4l.M..I t. J. .I 1, 1.. I 4-slbt A I ta...n'. U...L . 1. nun hhii! 4vior-vurTryBUi"iv- iihti, l wvuuji,' w wu w dut piraem SIOCK Bomewhtts in i$ mf "yjiwaitltfd"t 1 ' Another somebodyl whoievf fti wiltusViV-i 'I' U hi'mj-thus shttU-yooi o,'hut''fer eli.ll fi?-JrowlP for Qr Sc.Ctooda now aily Ii., GENERAL" irnmiAt i -.iii (i .i'..; .. 4, : , , frTlJ.'lii'vi'J tfte- Mientldh cf s : .V y.. , try e r .it Avilj be used to r ! Si' ,l-..l.r tafUm i.'t'' .ti Iklt U.Ut' it .'i.'4 J Ji i . i iouui i)iiiii, auu- ium uia uuk nu uut 1 " Iteh!" ' Well.'! 5iant von nA PW, 'cldthedach' the were 'ttttkitrtf icnmore aboui filing than the whole hef Jbtt-ibe W Hf . -ii i :. ,,i.t .m.v.:..j .1 uuomLiai - ea 'unmaaania"ii4jiiiut-it.' hi i".- , ii mi i ma' a nr i-fiii m t a ii nn a pot a ihi m m. r . i ' rAJ,yJ)ere-l,he, jack-ass . V ,' T( i ... tis, .".'-'Oft-.Msiaapari N.-,',1 , ; .,vi?ced('fo t'ut ' iYnthe H ' nwr at er' T. rec- . Don't ijall m a liar; you ,old btfiTW' Kl IttHUlul 'J1. w 8uiM" lhtJ 0wt mo mi. iiruv wuin ma t tuitu ana. a good Mason, ' in ! .order to get reriifltsted again ftot so with ,Eve; she cot angry about it audcomnieuced raisin? Ckin.'Adan yearJiastbutidonr't, call ; me 'a, liar,, and don't lay a hand on me IV . ; " Do vou want a divorce T he ilmnlAi rpiingfag wp", you can- go now, this roin- uuofljuial 4 ''untxiaonio'iicM extravagance," whWbn 'he i is ' aware j S "l ''' iu.i. i s(rs,(toM,sic4hiDgoftirr a bis wmges wellj",iltwltoewuJ pre BliilVIxO u Ji M d; -jAu ,11 11 oiUiijftfi liehbtfklsd ysbe-lisfi'ttvr'i H1' .!JiU BlMMPOGlNO' ' '' 1 TL -u:. .!....! ( 1 . .1 11 1 1 1 ... it.. . . . . . t Diivuw 4jouigaur(niwiMi-neiewg"i ,',"wiiAtxv'tJTiiiTNlj JxC. who. has pTsmiiieiJi Mbelts 'p-ptecter; 61 1 ma belfoiibtt at ail hours 4hnihjr'Vcd ... . . '. 7 ' " spebii jrvedlE8 4hersivwWle.theiUwg 1! !'lIAUW3UTl'IJf(J;s&Ji ri'-!'?i "V,. , - . . , had taken kawtt-Piudfrithrftfefri fwuonaspTemijiMf'itSTtectet; e'ayt 1 m oeifeUnttataU imuj-s 4hwih jr Wcd " And don't shake your fist, atma l'';sbe "rll T, f 1, , .? .1 Sov1.erselj-.anvh4iw aivea JaLiUaf' tSK' uraa.vS ltt,iy.h, up Lnlt l ' A . 'V. ;; r .I'" ft1stwor by.' auii 1ihai,8hiJ,"i1ud f' . f 'MJoWr-gi 'jwooont-of- -coruetor ck 'store u.io6ite tbe i :-.Whk 'Miia.Vn. h a- fl I, hawsed Adam t6 nlcct his duiy,; ud! BU'd ?Vara regards :hori jtfaty. Unite .who Court Houhssi W lUMrUAP f: Yrri.rV I letinmifl whnmhokaTiU ri,arl,n e .the' bUJ IB4 lift 4fiH-.lBwt WhBI --.f.!iWle'J .n iv 4.-4.11 ! '-Vhat's it iie infernal lieW " ' ' closed tbeXodge. and turn them! "" is toery TOa,yWom.a,..a j 'b - t-H out. aet a fatthfill ttlef tA'crtutM. Hut Hiw1 A "CVi Vr. i ..VY".? f"'.r" - -v ' -' o wuu uu. ju, rauuicr wu . 10 aer i 1 . . . . -, . ... tf daughter the' Vther' ni'ghVas the girl was ! X -pf 6ltE 'at i,Yk4viOe7pposite .depoX." leaving 'hGme'Tor 7Uudth to loC . ".i'yk" ' ' ,1V ' '"i .U.1 ''' myjap'e.JWl iv .I.-" 1.; lug,.., friends: If a tali finger ever lifts ye out H-ff. ... II. It. LII.A IrHf. Hint. Villi iMrrttrs him .Tana M A I M LflK toiiiei,' aud articles not lu our lino 1 rurt!tiitt'ono4 fieri the .irht ou-Hcs m orUieru cities, ;e u,.t '-HONESTY, WC5Tu. OITSftllV-lW'uPo'of v'rry d iVirf JlPn tiOten ia ejtchar-- for.cOU. Ifshest!fcrt!;,,J!:'(:. i fii6&T-fafcUbtjoiirli: ' si' Ivinffiis n ei). ; i - ' . j , WE'i-gny be- found at i- .t " , utniid, opposite I. J, Coi i'ert 'e & ' an hea! i tb . . ct T': - v-ave th Vh am ..ty-t , an 1 t t ' 4- u !-BpccialiNoticat rpno. is deuted to urt; tA. ( X Jnrrtoii and tit Lli r , r - . . Goviton ar? hereby notit'.ni f- .-'. . . out'tlciayaa 'further iiuhiU-nc , i , iSj4.'T THE FIRjf OF1, All Judctted twus v. by liote or thers!i olHcc.df tbbitfl!on; at the fctuiiA ; 'ThW March Z 'u ...i l. .,. "--va!i pefit J. . - I 1 I v- ...... -:? "j . tVeft! i aBm- --..... .. A..r&iie At the .Vr "-'v T " X" t r

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