' ... ... f.r ' .J I. ' n .i i mi, ! Ir r'"r At 1 i 4 it I I ' ' , 'I - ' " i ' 1 r " m 111 ' I I In ft liJrfV lioinfc t!ie- '!f 1 fWr.,;'. I uo pevihm! fretful nj.1 JIi,Uiv!ueM wilt ' " If) tV'M .r .'-'' J .A.,k 1 . . , . 1 1 V-" tn oi , ?'! mJa Pn? f Wo. d, n'lfrr.g:K!iD. 1 'Th "are Ihe mcncf l. rr. uUy ttftr to"tr vf 4l tbr.t u wort t bediifl id Hf'h f ..h" to.nlla 'hw h), -1' .. ' .. , I ' 1 v j - turn' !o Ihe wofM ffunol U'.l, rtU them. tro town. .The ofHce tu jwf.V.i FbU tad ftUi!', !!- pi mi poor.-r thaa - lis L I If ... S . , Vr! r hr? tcry l.-vlrn tlal UtU very htrj-'isp,- m l h 3'm Jn town X) CU tie JUUo yum ' d.ie lUg.:Umt fx'-'t'i.'t'y.. "A fri.!i)i,'t'hu;l;," i ' ii i . ycomin;;Li t. pmi irrnc J, came dja u t,i4 4 .,a 1j lu0 him tjie ntu nef"', Iy r.i ."l V" .i " '".ta .r wu l "lu,i, fiki i ne am not nrisj pay lytn. . . .. - - J.,..tnr 'inJ ttilf lla.llen.we Tmve Joeri i, r J'.ti' f l' i:::JlV ;r 1 .Lr It. ' Vi. .i'i' I ' w.. -" ..,.! ,lrvr'' r7l;;w.rq;c.r!.U - U.T- til th, wbil. the rB: LSucllncut Ui'k' tnl took ,cu .a v 1 Ti"'riT4 ft,, 4 ! 1 ... , ' 1 ! m v uw iivui niuuuw. urr ctui i via Mocfctoan i yirni coin en 1 ihA ,,,'1. I)ri!fc-ta' ni.i.M 1 apt twk fll tO'S atP tfitnieeltrMJ bnt I't A'-- .t " .I.'.'.,.,.ri- .t ,.v '.t.J' 1 l.i'.'rh.' t - - if. 1 " the tlaloty'tamlia' cur'ttitu qcI tliVJl -C UeMJr. for) the iogwdlent la t hrr7 Urn, f tJuH with 'JU ' qua corae'n'tnJ aouU produced it t Ttt ; Uj4 lamlncJ(?Jla!ZllUii'ail"4lnd f the Old DorTeil." Alprloter "'iVf ,m ff1 i -'.Siit Mfc7;d, lid leTn WHy.?,61 J TJ! (f "wftjehto bf Ine" wf to coropSmeot "'nohatip Uprne'oq tWoauptcMpoeArf '',2tu3fion'"jrnTceo ectt!B;. wife'snd mother I 1. How do pAeal And cfiepaoel rldifolou blundcrtl cIHf,-.lli brother tad kUter;''tae"ttf?irABp 1-1M PorUoBpftmoubf:?';"1. ,eTf w i.u, :.rlfdtStrBtfl0f LW'UdeaAi'riAr lUitV !"liUJJL '! l' 7." 1 ' i."'f,d H-nhy .tlrtca to vt;:e with. j-tar produced it fc (oT : l4la,Ol''cJ!tSi1ICJati4Ind u;d to dream of all the brUt world 1 in 1 Lr!i?llt Arami.liinn kmira rlmi.Ttitaa ilfli I i'ts tiri T n Ibrri.-.'' V ' i U ?r 1 J. I IWfiteidcBt of the iTnlted 6taW.-7?, X IokU.iI 'and to the ftrmVf I)r Aal A IdwOtlcal'moiT Itwlt that Llocoln: lad I Trvn,h!viimia,.',n.A ..'...;.. ' Ud to dream cf all tb bruit warlJ Kiuf in I !n 1n1J tV.I'r ',nnA .' Lt. la irood atM of t-vrM i ltheOld Dot". Tail.- A:Prr WtV borie with lu .!xkuc otd ;"D,.fefT . 5Jl l5f rJfW bright 4.,.UBny bura.'bloudl'.l, Were tbeW -I nevci un'tUner that! t"' r - 1- nplSmeDtpu,lilM bon,a,oq tha oouptcMpoeT BOaenUof lli and'gfonouVbar'pine; fong. o in rbole 1', 'X. -i4 11 ivViWI J 'm lu'l I ' - . Jill V dMilPIVHir r fS ' ,T . ' 17 7. 7 A Vrllotali editor tayT 'ifiip wtr7r6'thB yulh to f?!t ttfuptAUon. t,;d, drawn U i, ' x VijWMJft, It W ."f toffl wbtch! tbey d,d: not 7 aiyAVWULLY ILLUSTRA ;D frictorr- . . chord, ot affeciion. bew it induce, taem I .J.H A aoU, k. Ar HWu' P'i fot relief, , u:.;,", ' - in tbfci' or jfou'rt quarts of. - .xV '' . . ... .. I..it tj-.t. .i.-.J 1 1 1 I m !rnr im . i.j I iiread booama' 1 hurniDtr oi,l. ,MMt. in.l I . l. . 1 , ... . J .'T .-;-..rtwi rni:tui'-makal.ith " "'t 0CD w nome napnr.. ,. -,""".Jrv"."1 r ' V r """ .'Tbe devil aani tree,". Am editor wrota Lpf. Mua'AcU Marble.', the vaunt- Jadr ,wh ';l tUlrtndl-iA y.uW lu'.-ri; 'I))K.Miart.,w'n,, ,.7,cl D fW'M 'nfc Uj place ,Wfr!ei.fiato. riveted 0 the .rt f but il 1 1 , Tgj "V h'4 efl ' r?.; , J. 'J. . thftctjmjf ftfuJ nlay.ibavp preved ai 'V 1 - wftvTi 00, ritfetexf In 0h purt. 'ai ln;a. brought to light.' UMiH Mn'fhU H Hpi. of .Li, :stiu irour- m irMair:!3 jor run w wroH..".v.ufa. rnim ai 1 . . ..1 . 1 -1 .:.' ti ;. auu wu uwpir.m iuto wiiu aeri 4 f. ..I '.' - ...... MBBUM , . f ! ' b.Mkit" rtad "A7ded ajtisiw. Jaruea Farrar- owner bf-ttiemill. 'n:at W'' AVilliaia Jay.of Bath, 0ece t Alaiustrcara. t littla village nt -Htrv UjJw& . gUi cn'their food. "AHd all thj. the rflCMWWalltlkt, "All or. ; A week . caiue in. Tbeiu(n,'du(( lew thaa f J00, belle. IlVaiWuntfd oyt' f'tn'd,jnc t?l n,t rOUIW AT M ekadly. - Wf n U rtfghi, for b.p a(J0n(l n ) hpnl Ouloulylha fiart amounue, but 'the . VtllH-- OlIL-tljl, I t.t .i - i I..!'. '.'". . . ' -'.: " .' ii : r K10iu:'at l.V..'vi;:- . ... , .,,1. 2V. t'onft-Miedlv thv t.ct l,i ...,.i 1,1 - t. j , . 1 UK, m , 1 1 nl 1 11 U i:. 1M.VA J n h r a h vT t' 1? v 1 , ,,t '1 1 ,1 i erTTrr.trTtaT: Tja'.fy fctfi.liotl'l )eriu p.ivViicV $ VCO iUiiy Kit month, iu advaure"'. .1 C." j'. ( IotitdJny,Munhfr lijtluljrKPt will iw.t u Aovt Eo-rA wiitM In tht)' ,tu;T,v;!,A, ,; 1' : ' ... - i l Ve jitve Aeeadyiptitfwho c.:i 1 o.tazo' trc1 1,,?- v ,J toldiTOen,wjth.:tlot 4rtrji-iad! ijLr? at t' w-Ui' -! .. J roachetTniJeri. ehinia I tnrf ail h 4' :T" lii'iL.-- .UV, . iniutfuiB year, enioya me vidMt circula. l ml, r. houKi.- WW-, y"PS oxeat pw tifro Ad welv Bawnna f d.a lnrt llsaolre it nikwere,oli.l;i4Jiquid tVea.,.,.We'hAve in tlte wbild, i-A new: volume commwicc. t. ethcaeaarj Jfapffrera.tryiDf !loi avoid .Jnury;4,l870, !, -. ,i .t f... - i foodaud drii,i:jktd reooin to the e'net vx eontc?,J enljrace the lateet aod roost iDnarrlnrhiff JliafnaViVW -' 'amlA. vi Interesting uifwrmatlon pcrtainiDj.'to ho a!?i?iW ioduatrtl,MechaBkil,.DdSclelCnolyo. low their vrjnnj-piw wAjrW fheir freaaiof the' world;" Description., SUi hunger relt rT1. 1 by livini? tipon' the whitaa IfeautlfulEdrravinra. 6f NiV Ii vou'r rlonptu bwlHtcnilM V ruintrv I pEN the like.' iJruVh 'the tire vlcea TCZ" wLJitve boon boiled in bubbliDtr lNew dJMpJcrpeoU.-iJew frooemeai nd Im- In thel33rJ,gor i Bop board., f farfJyinlnot ' At the end lol IfJM. of: . "I '. n uu . , .vt NulC i loirirn 'flrah and. .iron nth .aiidi elieapest.'titd Jwtilluatrated wec-klf paper iecD awrls ht a ( In rum. UT. f ..T. . . . I..i.t t.. t.- will' flee the paint which be. boeii . . II 1 ( :f C.1 to t! 7. ' ir , 1 . r' f : . f; ) a f,!I 1: Alflvj ( - j ... 1 r. i Agmtafur V.r.Kl'. And ?ali d-i!cri, , &t,rua'iiiiaf TV" Utihl miO nam Will ne " w inirujuiij, uvo iiiici uo Aa for hii'wite."t'iutVad,;of correcting '''Mem Blie --I . i ?r-jni ine yo nian fhei9va, rv-.g.u, xiLtw Breuunnu' aweck ue wajpielftncnoixana pejected . $-t Pii .i'?;''" ! ah'd ofiiaigWlierfntndahat that would ij! JrS ' fi'fiHiMl tlaitLwjth them.' They nfM .vm.Mook Jike jkjol?e1tfaVQHjM:' aeijret, j BavJ' wmTld; Oueto.itaud .tudvhia fflwouldTal?r,5. On Sunday 7n;i y-1'.T .!J.1'..:'.J Sta-roauhatk wilH.aeAtr hU-.M h?P the proof al,eet JUl.Mt fnm l,erhome.to iond the nurbLn7:u.. .4,1 Half-boiled 'onei, tud ten Waa W taleertng, -Wil ing. MininJiMettllari WmVtv. r,; f,.,r,A.t..n. 1.. .k, a 7 I'w !-.. "I v -r--- ut 1 j joi -'-v . . Ji - 1 r-xrord. ot tne itteat ' protrrc " t . w . .wwwm i ?r mhwb OMsau.-lk x.ir A :.lck n -jr ,11 u-w ' . 1: jii IF.1 I .1 .it I u J k . IJ , 1. JC L . . -., -'r- - M . tiii depaiioiaii tt'irrni'Awdered atw.suvea there I a esnecLabf aud traveiew Aud 1 ' foiy.tna vwhiiig .leap. Alter week. of th trca-J "'""."v:."'- ' "" tomaiu. num Jit they hive beeJab'le, withcar. to .U iHffiir"; 3 vritof;AVl'(j9;ciliualraliUiaMmprpti!- , W j mcnts, Discoveries aqd ImportAn't Works. ttdarMti. .rx. 1 . .j.r.,.i ....... ...I ... v , . , '4 .1 lit tlirtTiienaA if ( hrpA frpnUptnii wl r it : th Xi went out last 1 1 W':8! W:iai'AVlasf firelan. - Ar-thai he didn't care two cenu wAethn , "V w 1 v Ir6 eattred the Jadita . sittrue ypnianwbosat.hu.baBdi bad k$;lhe rWm icq aimuiea- prcviou&rynu calmly d': . . " 1 ' r er'over-Bnrt-wider clr jJ"7 ,? vU "-iv f6eii IWcUfeClergynieti; IAwyert 7F'n.'k.if;-.,Alf y - r'ilar'.'wpai? of .purs, thd 4 Uatket, an(T on fatJifo mcrtcan -useful:, to j them, r It bej,,. Mked wbf ih'ey te dfag ihe' .hould"have aplace in evy FamUy, . Lib, 4o-v inn'rr.. Wilaon thaLl....t :tiuiuzrLxULn-St.'.y.A A.!J ewer IUdiBff-RooMl.UUeBeV. Academy, xijj! "7, : page and iZ)i ivui out iof.t Kalli'he waa 11Y1I; (-rti"aff until-hr bo.l!ilJ taV-n ffh'Bndih.iUrJ8the wit el. pfLX- .. ' ,ne .nnst ,ba, dou In ininrov. i.iZlJ .l'lJlJ. Li t-:.S MPr-?cWVld V" JaKlilfc . ' - 1 - t I -r't 1 ' 1 v .1'.. I . II vvtsir. Hw K ia b iitiat 1 h a ImIiii i.' iii v iren f i wttB. J , v a.: fi'i.1,.11 (iLiis mlJ'i.tr C t 1 14 raiHlTfliriHi'' a DO TJriitJLlkliil TPl HI IIU RfA WHII Maj.Mniniflia' iMirn'T innniA.naji ai i - -- a - v as u the lubstfrintioa' prloe.' eir I t toon. j.si ; i:. J. v'Pdle Siteraumm I J w ------- j . " -.- - r I QL VTh I UViiUU H HVWAiaAO. allVVilM LUbUIUIB I. lour brother.' -J Severil Idly yesottble ge4 weAf tlbthesraTidid 6ft iri'"doublet And Bpeolmens eebt W May bo .bad. k . ... i. re me orient tassli flowera. t worn, me Ai ken wave. - SI vsseilayit.jently j , Jf&t, Jaiuring Jpur tabor tlirtW'gifStie1 -vKQownoiqiewgi:aytK . -vyrip makmgthe retnm.WUflly made bypeoilln'abd All bur y lived maiaVr fplB of that Btampr'i'he Southern JeppleQur AptMAb epijnti-y gw'Bfrilly have bp We for 8trohg.niinded woiuap, aoq. give iiiue countenance to ie- i m nnnr. I. Nil Jwr" '( . ..i.ar ia Alie treif ' estia . rti6rhere' ia my 1? w?WiWlTA .77 row.. vr .en wajnj.ccruea r ,'iKJ.iai i.i K r ' t hu8han,d-were is the ' 3 . 1 . i. i'uu'!)vi)!Btl trn i ja.u .COS' jtaadafovWDid you '4 BiJH Tbomaa f bj iga,boottI?;S5 je f aSmb him J" sU Sw.' a jfijcid loa Iliw If .BtBo A i ' ,,trnriV,;. dr'o liJ-Ux;. Lllil!l'f'i J,tf ( " """"' ".Jiuiiuuuj, wild UO'IlOt KOI ea.ji .ii.eiO, ' is," tuat "your husoau( tftf lt';cf if ithak, ear4uV"taad Vu ' v by, j c8, thaiVbiro i thatV ' Jww -ud I she exclaimed" t I.1 ed iA'flsy'dutytol arabotihe ni(ile;ieetUterAi A But wben -MiDickiusoa 1 her vlrftedJRichjnon SayaTOia Southern cities she was received with the utmost! kindness. CH6rrjfi$.$eQ sung in the newspapers, acevenujexertion made tor, secure her propiapM liAHses.' While here aheSvas all smiles aud Tair words. ' Now, I MPI -IK IL L.K f ll.t. Argyment sa,W JUinita apeq.to.griilitleDgtBdr'aiij b ,ip i,dpu j, beiievd Jt jnyscii mt i tUi weapon? -thc!rf baf XintlS. "'lie fenVsveriaf oHoiik 6daaf : t.vtL ia:LW l .si -.LiJ-i- 'wl'JJ.. Ttitonj VbeaAhk otnle'to tJil sectio'uiAfricftn.aea't .our i.ter: and Our! Wife,1 iJ AVwe. J pAv s!SS& A - ii1a iiiJl .' T I I . . r J , " ! ,..,,'1.1 t ... idiiwi8CpUfpb8o;'!ike"liillll injcL ', Nbw!EagJa'8d!rdmi fcuT itW iwd! o- - after returniug Ntrtbjwith pockots fulJLffiotsdftwb j5jjfgoon -ine usiracizauon piortnern .,, , .?ju,' White. roitfUgdUiefnTtmilyarcle.HS? T. - .1 a m .mil tlie lOllOWIITtr J-,l -aaftY ;. "f P1, . " ' , , . . . . fc .. UKmSIJvIvJi.'S I. AAailUMTiurViiSu4;iniad4l ..vu.u ?r: .. j stLJi bisi?onsonof tl: jcul!' at io lid vaU a ad sk4 stood there itrt. " -it these at that ' land stared after ;ne-ea wheels;" -rnval "'iotfp ( faaVe hjoDaekeepera Bbduld'kWwAyyld'e lun for V revoUingTrbelfy to norsesby th a. rduielvltf 'mmhi sfinf eViie'cgrrectiy ItbV, great 'andjiJoble driver 5'tclubUi.g"i a- pooa Urate 'fat -Auy I 1.1. kjjicnor. .or American Id eail.Forelgnr.Pateats and have th6 jargeit r4 'th c vanci;ajjuiiy,'j:lu fpnE SEXlbii t.'ILL if L.;i:. 1 n; . attond tie cour'-j cf Ansun' f. regularly. ,. ., January 1st tf , r fi i 1 ail' j Watclie: ant) Clcid'i: AJ opened an oiHce in Xi & if,! .oru ( tor UieRftle aadrcpuaring cf Watch. (,s and Clocks. , r.-i... , ' . ".lie retnni. hi. thanks to bis fri- ' farmer favor, and engages ta do all v iri -bia-ltua promptly and ron rcr ;m, ttrma.' , i-'-. - -- " S'J-1' ,?KEW li i: ii .GOODS, ... .i- O' UJt BTOCK. U, Dow, full In pll !n Ja' 1 of Merchandise. ' . -1 lery i week brings rcfch arrival of ca-v aonalile (iooua, ana om - . ,, i I, ! J..fl S ;1i''". "10 T :mi.1 "a ! rl J Compriiea a ery roll Aaiortet GENERAL J METOHAHtr ta :sk . . u-.-.n.i TEJ ' ....hitctitton ery fi.vjrt wlltbe nuri 1 i the niu... ;ii'urmi'1a Northern cities. (ARE OUll ;mliX,0 i I.. i 'j .-.' '. , -: -. CS0USTI1Y V- of ev f . , tion tii ken '''cxclianfjo f -c ferotiseto thia was One by Mr.vJrealhead. I Inventions Patented ihrnnoh nhia Ahc 8lwf.g i9 4a,AbPmit?; fH!Whd-'BJ first tep't trn ethdBre'idt f with 'the hai&e and esuloiice o,thoPIens aijlriw'nvlHMiii -awiia aiv "t?m v v aiier-aros communicated m ireeiy 10 ine: , ,7 - r" rr'" lw . ci-iJjLi VTi yfi i-ii'. : J Wcatnoticel) Scadvfof'Pamphkt llO fcidj- of wUcbfr dropi re Jilluted in: f?ges. , cpntainrn;n lamWod Jfull fiirectio'ufl tureeioorina oj aiumuierui wwer o ho wr ouiaiuiug raiencs. K).', atfiilisfered-'ltofigrowSpe k AddresaJ'oraha-raperrer-oncerniDg .peci.vThBr4dltW'.aMt6W .1 f t Ra jH e i' ( aW)ri''tl;. , so -of your Pre' glvlne ua a call. '".!'' Wi-linHYl.e foiiHiI at Uo,' taiul. ortnUA 1. J. Col l ed,. - . i-i.i wwbUduwT7 wy; XwiJ -b.::' rekdy ateval.bebbgWflS.'irtaadertoaiir, . rnat; wnaes inafiasa ia tnua irearea ana naa.F u- ft- W .-,.i eecU6V.WM.Volttiili;. . . ..w . . . t. .? . ) I da ninirM. A tAW (iflvi lpfnr hia flTpMiw uu. u wure w, u ijou niun in ia. oi, uis ii nuu jM? W1ft flve.(Pf J.aIir?,g WP WoS nOn tiia ii rat. Bten, ha wt otel "Disobedience great and t0Baii5iiU.,.rI Qn theVwbfldsteDSabbaihl AlY tfails and dVanteira:-1 -bif A'Sth ales Arescnsitiye,.he5vajidfor,all,M S'tfh'tf 'rlW.'lian waa the nlfltform acapablebf physical pleasure aud paini bf the Mllawa '' 1 L'U: i Phfhly, bAfailutByaiewm hibiAMrtellbw doubtlws the'bT4fr8weide porati6iK '-'Bu't if. torv.oi aUrta UaaLl J.'wk K 7jytopiPtrtljr bustle, arodnd,-pull servicea urendered him by tberse. ,It is du'bl thkt iHtiuUds ahd tens dftbousands' P JP "ock over cBtir-W two, shocking to see ed infuriated aad cowardly fbrfe ruiaed Avery year 'in A similar wb.-t -Aod;piich ia tlie siove Woodyou "will pro- ,4,1., at4'i4 .WU J. M. lliLi aiaaci uDaaaaajaiBi iruivrrm air uiuiuoi ar vci a a li t t . - - . t, i , tu t.i iirfi-i fita f J TTAVING: tbladnv Hjurehafed ta Infer. siance. , ,A:f. orJi: 'rjjolr m.the, late Arm. ot ! AhU thUi mt - t'Li.iiiii ill it .r fiod mdl :j0t .0-mAlyi"Wt,'0jrer 'our prealiit atock J: CotmksiS-T'imidity yUer'acVombnsi MsVA"fi'UW J eaaaylhing ifioflib wbrld.'w letting dp id N i" f n P"" - --""-t " j r ; J . i '...;.. . : j. .. .t l 1 1 arrivlim.,..-.,. .i.t'.ns'i Lhsi vjio.-.m-i.: ; lv'' a areinjoid room-. "ityoO'crawi umif-tWg Mawdi'Mtli!. f ' .IXofbed.f'gb! on aptoaWthft'; stove .xh'.o UADDY V WlLtIAIv. ! Ujjd AUOWithe ahivers to get eontrol of yoi f'i) el 1 i tMt'ii- ' . I before f the: Jtiudlinil Atarta." Tder firw will Wwlti li!lVn4Hri2hl,I . " .") 9." : v aBB 'BapaBi Xai TUK ffiRMior rcr ' this day diswolvf ' All ludehted ti v bv not or fhe e", ' r.ftlee of the. . , jit the oU !.u..l. ; . VhWi'-livlin ,'!: I. . ' c.it r i':i ' :t Ti k hC A,i'i . 1 Stiong driak. causes more ruin .than. toyV a4d.CVery.iitUal.ensei ?VftiB'lwyi thing e!svand it ia'sarprUing that men of ueen opinion inai-;a person wnp.fiierci; good serto-Il ppni monry f. r tlio un less'y iJl-ti-eafa tlcreaturK thiag,wheti"th'oy couliTg-Vf tlbn V" "'1 1 eor vjce, rf i.iar.g5eater brut than just .tii itcll, aod .'evea better, 'withon? t; bVJy.be. wAtm. by the tiniff ' the fire gcta to burning, and bavalto opea'a wiaJow.'1 So is life., .Attack timidly and you vlll fail. Grapple ;wiih ; it, hurry up-'-thfj', I'ir fe'17IIEftmT,w!ih, to i ui;,nn 'tl. e .u hlie , V. that ive ar? projuirn-d ta-du aUlvlus or work In our lijie, s"ieu ...i , c , t , : . - a -niiu v ia i n-cirraxo, tc, ."-We nmv In l'..ui.l at all Iiour Uuncr tUe dajt ittul uiilU J 1 kf'iiturii.iy I. i.l our bIjo", up nt-iiM I 'i tf'e n-iiM.f-r ! M tLdn.,;i..!-r-.' of . 1;.-. ' vi" " i " - ON AM) AIT"": t Instant, v l..- . per Trains of tlsK r- . Leave Chai'v .f.i a C,'"! . Arrive la Ch:1"!''- ! .M. " ' . ' '. t)i Sund.U' no I' y " Pert. ,e co if ' if - datj. y a: rbci ' - ot 1" lent; 11 ( on .y t- tluv 1 '0 ( "' 1-'- .;" ' nt t)r.,'Simj:lr'a ihaiandal thn ' .'""""TV ' - I f t around, ctn(ji?rfjrtunc,'ar.J Voit rill tea Lcndon ij.ar J V . 6.' 4 ' . w;fl , ....; .' . . i. . it B