." el. J' &VV-- J'4.-. . .y'-- f rrojl'$ Fight, do( a Fifrnal AV; SooMny '".ru in tf if aid' t i: tr trfeatfbutarf L -via of f .re.tVetuus . - i li.hentati:.' , Novem .a's end, iirtet wl - trtt Wit- ('atelo. t nan werTPnn? Kwfl fnt ms krucj now i-.uaeooBy-?:2ffi their thought! bent of two mated ' the iSoaOdfrrtila prairUa T4t ivil i. the live ' O- ob tha.Il that aior. . MORALl, 'f dlacorda are loat -ft-Wli that rlnj. , ri u.JioTe rote Uh twaatoo, M faiafaoeand fono , 1 4 t loomed jio longer , iaterfet tL Mne of in atorm : V . ,m forjreU aooo 1 bo careA ceoftheoof J ' ,ea ehort hooejoioon : 1 S ''e Jiree of the marrlod, fiTTC' 3or D11 n. W Mo lovebtlla are atill ' the lifesliacorda ring.' Winlrilge, Ma; 1875. tihe Whitehall, (N. Y.) Times. ittER '' TO THE EDITOR. tilt Bovrtt " rhv.no If AS, oo . aotrral i V Wmitkhill, June 28, 1875. iTaTiMis Ia requesting a comma- kased upon my personal observa of, mattara jntouthern States, aurt WJ that t tlie Attention of the nafito rpn people of tbe North in iTgaruT, i uti-yd the tital intereavTof that f ol coinmoji country.. f that the South has fully Vecoter 1 f f tie fearful oooseVjuences .of the !LJSTli- ' " i-itrtVaga.nl misrepreseiita dTttr gsa;. Ih4t those 8tafcs haye -ogreaa? io building up their uUUMt -muM UtlCOIAIIlUK UUU1UUT ff Uifar State government, is not. Mion.'. The! fell f a great pa ef Vwatrction plan of the fee t. , . r .... . Wpeined to have control ol thV M the tlm bas been Sieoa-2T.with animate tbe most irenial and cons awtjAii an1 ti Vna'Mn. liL nf 1U1UI u. uv. TV , &ad 4utedjt those , .4 reh'abillSn, those uld7at thi lime ("fcll precedent essioa of commerciil interests, be Nr'5-TL,,' 'fa necessities :?S vfiPy ? MiXts e resource" great measure, ne .m&jntaia an ap la .itsj commerce with the comment upon, the iilchwork-caIled raeonatruAtinn 1 'AaUveVofkrWW$ to sua2uacant class of mlse ins, whose business it ha ever randixe themMves at the cost, r whom." Thesa miscreant ed the conudence ef the pa ths people, and would t to bo at tha hazard of national rity, and the r jsoa weal ol t fortunate rthe'people of v'csj! these, subtle j; r 'day, and are ( . J-.ustheare compelled v rU r1! of publwipfamy. Nrof')y at the i f Tevelope VJnher 4ssons aterial , - . ..iicultural jesourc il. genial c'"" i row. vi ,7 XV i JL' . , -,t- i nr tir.auu" - ' - , - - .... rait. jperWoee, , ,-((,ca 'j t. U hat er, i.-on,- -ceal, plnl. ; , North. ? "Vx 'Tuxn4se, weatk of iwplrt. . t ' t t frri of tbfttMctlo nbounj.whh Cc (mtoo iooouollneot. ftod La niCldtctoaiti Sy; tlty iai qoalitj to tapply tk need oUit n..L V Merl2M in tbt future. Tb 7lL.li,- commtaaoff on tbo outara cout of VlrglaU, iprrtd out tbroagb tn 'roIinM, coTering tb Gull Bute, and iv. "Vtjotfl Txm, nd foi nil mm oi buuu J w rtgried iupertor to ail other tlmVora. Beaidce the aeyeral tarie tireot'oaH therfarath hickory, poptar, blaok-aralnut, aha t, eypreaa, aab, beach Ith a great ' varUtj of other rerj tuaul wooda, abound all ofef the kfonotaiot, hilla, aod dalee is TUtproximitj.beckoniDg the woodmaa with hia axa,'aod the naou(ao turor with .hi, eogloea Aod Tarhinee and buiJoj aaachioery. ' . t i . pusg aaea of the Eaatero States hare toward prairUe 4hj Weat and Vorth Vn vwtaa ldorad f urn Jab- log the gwa a'ivT fortune. The log the gT rhi6ij?4a fortune. Th XMona waa prtuicca ane inalitu Uon of aUrcry, and tor thieiahe young men of this section were ratraiiLlOFaiJLl:At materia), feat of by ft rally, influences . fr5ra-& ' op real- aeoces in loose oiaiys, dui nappnr, 3 t . r. a TT nation, there exists no longer any bind ance to free intercourse of the people of the two sections, or to prerent the emigra tion to the South of energetic and enter priaiog farmers and uiechauics of the iorih. There nature bas lavishly spread out her bouuties, and bids the American auu rhe blusamgs oi goou government, to go forward and realize the magnificence of undfivelped empire "and the glory of a climate unequalel in all the world. Greeley said, " Go. West, young man but we any, young man, go South, go, and, if you pofsess one half tbe energy characterise tic of the people of your section, your sii cess will be assured the moment you set forth in any well directed Undertaking. Don't liateiKto the politicians who talk to you about the hoh-gobiins of the South, hare no reality, and the morally anaYN&t wretches who, hare pronatrated these myths, hare never had the good of their country at heart, and are unworthy of the confidence of a noble people. The South is at peace in all her borders and at peace with all mankind, and welcpifj with eenulna- fraternity, all who jtfmKti from the North -to help in thewdmraa tion of the grandest deetiflji'ver achieved by any people in a age. . OiHDeu w oecome me rvron maunnr. g centre oft the world. Her aflvantt-s in this direction aresim- plr" ! Bn h" "ore available wa- ?P thtn. "7 countr3r .knon 'iftlcm, and all manner of material - .Ui endless abundance, togeth. niivi Kaialfri mnA Innnrsavifrv - In politics the Southern people are Con r"w .. : - a-"v serrative ; that is to say, aroidmg tbe Soil I 1 m LI" P TJ! I! ! - - J ' ia ana vuaryoai oi XMiaicaiiam in any ui rection, but have wisely struck the course of political truth midway between the two great parties; and her wisdom in this has Qeen'amply exemplified by the recent State election in the North,1 in which the inde pendent voter developed a power by which th nation is about to be redeemed' from radical misrule, ' with all its attendant evils of corruption ' in tbe places of the government, and in continued alienation ef tbe sections of our great country A RKMKwS-aL'wag ws requejaittroid lady to read toe . news- Spef for her, rHe took it up and read as ftdlows: "' " .' , : "Last night,' yesterda morning, about one o'clock in the aftefhoon before break' fast, a hunjy boy,-about forty year old, bought a bis custard for a .dollar,. and threw it through a plank wall made out of stone eighty-six f$- thick, and jumping over it, broke bis righ ankle off above his left knee and fell into a dry mill pond and was . drowned. About forty years after that on the same day, an old torn cat had nine turkey, goblers; a high wind blew Yankee Doodle on a frvinir Dan. and killed a sow and two dead pigs at Halifax itthe middle of the Red Sea, where be saw eigh teen old spiders hugging a deaf and dumb man without legs who was waltzing with his grandmother Peter. ; ' ! WhereupotL the astonished old lady 5! J-idTeatf), and exclaimed: "Heay "'I'll ' ' -V'At.,Bt TIf tba adeedoi bid,-'the L M a ear 1. ''Mj'-u. tui to w of l it . a ui. - i T', juie eommoom inmrxna ia dbuodb.1, It i i peculiar, to our people. i aooner dee t' e neceaaitj or dcalra bllitj ef a puUio or priaU euterpriae ta tar the American head, than it etJ the koij .brain to work hatching out lome graodpUa fur ita aoconaplLihrafot; aorae Hreweep!ag achcrae, mainly deroted U th1utHraiLra cioTa-i la auUdpatlon of a noceeafurvtoce filling It from the credulity and wooder it exciua. Expert, enoe ahowa that public cradallty ia not re liable for stead power; hence tbe num-. berlaaa wrecks and flapping sails of proo ialng plans and schemes, ia erery conceir able oocdition of decayj -that aorrooad us on erery hand. ' Would !t were tbe worth leas alone bat it is not. as the, meritorious are stranded romlcuous)y with ' those I wiutoot menu , una wouia naiaraiiy think that the bat'.! between com moo and extra senaa would ecase after a while, inas much as the f ' t tales place in fair riew of all, and iavuriAblyxeauIla id victory to theormert and the reduction ef erery thing to its own weights and in eau rex There ia no real -orperaNeut success out side the plain rules of ednon aenae, no matter how exaggerated tbdMana. This arNe was commend -with an eye to the interminable mixtv r plans, acheqT and political aaptra. nrougn ... :LlS...r.jo ...k : the people Tbe ailments and sufferings come from common sense is making to on looeebs.1. aspirations that cling to thoae interll to " Chancre " insisting that to StyjJv. ould kill both. All of us bare -I N in whr h political ana social preierences n. i 1 I'..., above present conditions, but w f Loue evuMinviis au back to tbe reality and uk tbl oome tion aside frtj?tKaryU'j PIT that hai nened. takmor thincra u. rid them, ohe capacities, resources. nofriutVwant'-' a a a s;. u nat would common aenae ana ? - l ? i a dictate? ' Stoop .low, and hi2C ear down until it catches tbV sifnple wnsciousp- rapprovah response wo n i , fceTej0pt nM,nt' am inn AfAnilmi ahw preconceived vf tlons, either ugmg .polity wf ... Mr 1 gr leadeff .?xliit as swn as it was within his means he coal, irZuZ f&ter mineral V" v4Amiinent seaport HIP1 of land sold or ex- thrift and indurtry-one well oped and established fact, showing the resourges of a country is worth more, practicall, than a thoi and arguments at the Court of St James Von the past and futuje grandeur of a State, or the entire union of States. 4jf& " Exchangers of products or lands, buyers and sellerj must meet under the simplest forms ; the undeveloped resources ' of the sou n try mugUbot understood and placed before tbe'orId by practical methods ini stead of loaded sehemes. Taking the direct forms of comnfon sense as a guide to interchange itweer demand andgyiply, we need not fear to enter theiSutS in the next centennial race ftijvery form of prosperity. JV. Y, South. - ' A Geotlemah. He is abovj aean thing. HestKlps to no. mean "ftiL He invades no secret confided Itp-' -keeping. He never struts in borrowed .Ve. He rer takes selfish advantaf A td kes. y r. uile uses' oo ignoble weapoDqlcontro Hejnever stabs in thedujrHe is asbai ofiauendoea. Ha laXA'ona thin or maoV fsce and anothfer behind his back.- f : a" tot If by accident he comes in possession of hiaYib wife married to another neighbor' counsel, t passes upon them afatated that a oonfereUbe of rabbi' is about act of instant obligation.' He bears stk?d packagerf'without tampering with the wax. !il . I - Paper not meant for bis eye, whether tbe flutter at the window or lie before bim un guarded exposure, are sacred to him. He inradel no privacy of others, however the sentry sleeps. Bolts and bars, locks, and keys, hedges and pickets, bond and eecur ties, notices to trespassers are none of them for him; He may be trusted aloue out of 'gbar the thinnest partition; anywhere. HJkuys no office he sells none, he intrig ues for ,houe. He would rather fall of right than win them through dishonor. He will eat honest bread. . He tramples on no sensitive feeling. He insults no man.. If we have rebuke for another, he is strait-forward, open, manly ; he cannot decend to scurrility In short, whatever he judges honorable, te practicTioATard every H'an. ; ;ir,JUE-Y25, 1S75. , vrsar at thai Braakraat Tabta . rpetia ;:.a Ulnd. r Wendell Holmes writes t Our 'jr's dau;-' ter ia a young lady of teoiooa gfntility, ELe wtars net well back upon her baad.wLLb - s t all to be a mark of high breed t far a r IS At Iratna -w Iaiim a a ' on Sums Lcr I Ukn the g'it ladies do ia Europe. To be sure their ' -ca are so made only to sweep tie apc rd floors of chateauaand plaoesi as t lun ariatoorat of the other aids do i t ; ZV'I tbrough the mud ia silks snJf i!.,, but, fonoolb, muat ride (a tveclea hm they are ia full dreea It U true fUt, coiui Jeriog rarioua habit of the Arne.! - a people, aUo the little aeddeota whic! beat kept sidewalks are liable to, a 1 '7 ho has swept a mile of then ia aot eiac-' in such a eonditloa that one would cars Ija her naighbor. But conound the e ke-beliere woman wa hare- turngl loona ia our streets! Where do they eome froaJyNot out of Boston parlors I trust. Wby rsre iaa'jt beast or a bird that wo1' ag its tall through the dirt ia the Wart m creature do their dresece. Be eauf ueea or a duohea wears long robea on r occaaions, a maid of all work or a acu girl think she most make herself a nui ; by trailing about with ber-rpah I that' hat I call getUng vulgarity into your tones and marrow. Making believe what you are not is the eseeoae of vulgarity. Show over dirt i the one attribute of vul gar people. If an man can walk behind one of these women, and see what she rakes up as she goes, and Dot foal aqueam iah, La has got a jtb stomach. I wouldn't let one of 'm int;Tr:,7 room without'servs ivz them as DaH.'' served Gau! at tbe cave in the wilr"(aeas-cut off bis skirts s, cut off his rrt. Don't tall me that a (rue lady eaacrifioea the duty of keeping all fjw her sweet and clean to the with of nrng a tulgar show. I won't believe ft oady. There are soiue things thatiiofu-' fhas no la-' r nas a rigut to toucn and 'XQleanlin' Lne of those things. If a , Jw that her husband or father 'raouev which he waul aud mean-1 Jtoesu't know how, let her buy i-L r -ii i . i j t it i nr awn m inn sanri mil i l. li iipp nmu s i0 ou' to walk, but let her uj iore sue goes tuio ia nouae. i . Si ' a A Btrant: Story. X cue incident is reported ia'the Amencajwrs, About tea years agt a jew luln-aiteued circumstances left Transylvania for America to improve his portion inthe New World. lie left a wife . i t - several Children behind, and promised would send them some money from Ameri ca. Thers fortune smiled on' him, and when he badamaaaed a sum of 60,000 flor ins he resolved to return home and sur prise his family with bis wealth. He start- ea wuuout naviug appriaeu ois awmiijwj'i his intdhdeil return, aud on hi way -xce he arrived at . Hamburg, wh" X was seized with so dangerous an' Abat he .made a wOl bequeathing - property .pa iTi wife. He recovered 'ever, only- to find that during huj'xds bis money had been fetaled frwm Vor man wh6 bad nursed bin).' Vs lew benevolent persons, sympathizingUb hi misfortunes, collect ed about one hundred florins, ' wherewith the unfortunate Jew resolved td return to America in order to retrieve his fortunes, In the meanwhile the nurse had decamped with, his .booty to America, where, shortly after hi arrival, he died suddenly. The American authorities sent the coffin, . with the 60,000 florins, to Transylvania, and, a the will was also found in . the coffin, the authorities at tbe same time acquainted the relatives with the death of the testator. After the usual period of mourning, the wife contracted a second marriage.. The first husband had, however, again saved a considerable sum of money, and eventual ly returned to hi native ' country . to find man. Jt is to be hold to deteroiine to which of the two husbands ' ..... i the woman belongs. Jewith World. . ralfllllng of tbe Bortptaroj. . From the Columbia Heraldj Tbe futawing extracts fit each other so well thaVwe publish them in juxtapogition: ; The grasshoppers Tbeso aj the days of which Ecclesias, the made their ap pearance in Wy andotte, Kausas, on Tburbday in such - great num . bersthat all of the store were com pelled to doss their doorste keep the little - pests out. Exchange. , preacher, spoke when heniaid, rtAnd the doors shall be shut up in the streets and the grasshoppers shall be a burden. Bible. For Kent! A FTOim at M!r orpoae A Confae4!y lha U-t busiuesa atan J la tha )Uc. It U. 11 It. LIL71 rjJUE IENTINEL. . rrausiTED bt J08IAU TUJINER, J. : OSoe near the Court lTouaa. ax'Bscairnojr. Daily rVtiUud 1 year, ia advance, t"5 TO UaWy Tlx moc'.Ls ia advance f r3 8raf-Weekly " - - 5,00' Veekly BenUnel - - 3.00 17 ' DO YOU WANT IGoo&S Cicap? Try Oaddy w Illlajjrf who always keep a aood stock rt averyl inr suited to the t'armsr, the Machanl'' Ind tha Ldlr. Special Notice ! rTWOcJk" IS DEKYiD TO DR. E. A. COV X Infton, aod1 he firm of Dra. Aab A Oovlni ton are h .. . jjt noil fled to settle with out delay a f u , r lndu)fT)c will nt be HE A COVINOTOX. 40-t TII'Bx PAPER THY IT. IwsUf Fr. BEAUTinjLLY ILLUSTRATED. The 8CIENTIFI0. A ERIC AN in ita 80th year, enjoys tha widest drr .a Uon of any weekly newipaper of the y od in the world. A sew volume comr jces January 4,1875. Its eontenta embrace the latest a 'most interesting information perUlnir-' fo the Induatral, MechanlcaL and Ecier .o ' Pro rreas of the world; DeacriptiuJ, with Beautiful Engravings, of New"-iveotions, New rmplementa; New Proce' ' and Im proved Industries of all ; Useful Notes, Recipe, Suggestion, nd Advice, bv Practical Writers, for orkroen aod Employers, In all the vari' art. . The SCIENTIFIC kf AlCAN (a the cbeapost and boat llluatr A weekly paper published. Every nurr i contaiua from 10 to 15 otiirinal enera s of new machi- nerv aqd novel iuvf' I itKGAVlNGS, j I menu. Discoveries. tiu2 iraprovr- 'mportaut Works. - ... - pertauiug to civil riianicai ingm 'nst Willing, Mlu.i.1j'"d. Metallurgy; ls,of the latest progrehVin the appli es of Steam. Steam Lneit, Vrin?, Rail- a . i !.. Ship-Building, Navigatll.Telegrm i Telegraph Engineeringlectricity otiam, Light and heat. ' FARMERS, Mechanics Engineers, In ventors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lover of Science. Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers and People of professions, . will find the Scientifo American useful to them. It should have a place in every Family lib rarv. Study, Oiliest ami Counting Room: in every Reading Room, College, Academy, or School. . , A vear's numbers contain 832 pace and LSeveraf Hundred Engrtvifigu Thousands of volume are preserved tor Dinaing and referance. . The practical receipts are well woUh ten time the subscription price. Terms $3.20 a year by mail, including post age. Discount -to Ulubs. especial circulars and Specimen!; tit free. Maybe had oi all News Deal i "JIL TA connection with tha f J T ) !0mrnfra Junn'A Co. V' solicitors of American and Foreign Til u . I and have the largest establishment in V : world. Mora than fifty thousand apprj; Lions bare been made for patent through vAeir agency. Patents are obuiirld on the best terms. Models of New inren Jons and skpWi-- aminea auu aa vice ire. yimt notice ia made, in the. Snetfiijk American of all Inrentions PatetOd through thi Agency, with the name and residence of the Paten tee. : Pstepts, are often sold in part ' er whole, to persons attracted to the inrentioa by such notice. Seqd .for Pamphlet, HQ pages, containing; laws and full direction for obtaining Pateilts. t, Address for the Paper, or concerning Patent, MUNN A CO.. 87 Park Row. N. Y. Branoh Offioe cor. F and 6th Sta., X. Jf and 61 Washington, D.U VAv 40-tf. Copaptnofc ihin R.B. GADDY , J. J8 V TAVING this day purchituU tn Inter XI est of LYL. Polk In the WaX firm ot Folk A Gaddy, we oner our pi Vent stock LOW FOR CAS to make room for our Kaw Good now daily arriving, v---- Tnia . uarcn sotti, 1874, G ADD Y 4 WILLIAMS. "Barberism !" WE HEREBY wish to Inform the public that we are prepared to do all kinds of work in our Hue. sucn as SHAVING, .SHAMPOOING, U HAIR-CUTTING, etc. At I We may ba found at all hours durinsr the day, and until Vi o'clock tiaturday nip bi iu our shop, up stairs in the building known aa the drug atora of Drs. Covlogtou & Mo Lendon near the CourUTo-- ,nLT, July 3 i r It " T 1 i c f p.j. con t i. rf ; our : T 1 to the f- 1 1 . v AV(7aUrk 1 UT I! T f i o;: Dry C ' . L ! , I I, .".a Ifaro, 1 . liar, Ooff s . a. J d s. J f A! a f. "1 I'r.3 cf Always cn 1 . 1 at it-;cil!a j v L4 C tv 4. 'AgetUfor . F. I and Cab deairi. VACEaBURWLLL. CUARLOTirL rpiIE BLNI0H WILL HEUEAITir; attend U. court ef Acson (X:z't regularly. January 1st 15749-tf Wafchea aki Cloclir R P. Gimrr.sns, LATE OF AS?.ONVILLC has opened an o.Uce in Wadesboro' for the sale and repairing of Yi atca es and Clocks. ' Her-' tn i Vt tianli to hh L:-Vf foritwr aud tLar.;sa li do a. I w . in bis line promptly and on rcasor.al terms. S3-ly. 1m FALI and WINTT NEW GOODS. Crar ? ACrowdcf, "WkDiiSBOIlO', N. C. afXTJR STOCK la now full In all kind J of Marchandlae. Every week brings fresh arrivals of Sea sonable Goods, and our AND- ! ' - I ComprisM mTf IMU AMortmnt o GENERAL. MERCIIANDIS v -i. gff rE invite the attention of all. V ery effort will be v ,rf to pleaae cc tomera, , and articles not in our i ordered -at once from the mo houses Io Northern cities. 3TY, . INDUSTi AND". POUTElir" AHfe OUR WATCHycu COUNTRY Produce of every tloa taken in exrnge for CCv pghest .Market ,T.r.!- DON'T dlsnoee of your Produca riving ucal. WE; ae found at Rose stand f poslte P. J. Coppede i ; v rniiE FIRM of ro. X this day dissolved, I All Indebted to us will r by note or the cash, w' - oClceof thelOHa f atthaoUaUnd. , Thlsi March S3, 12 'Ctsxukh TicxtT Ag'xj C. ric:,-) Charleston, U.O,i:.'.yi:,lC7I. j ON AND AFTER MOSrW.f IriHtant. the Mail an I i rer Trainsof this roaj M ill le r l Leave Charleston 6;C3 A. II. s awl : J7 Arrive In CUarleon 5:3 A. . On Suudaya ni I i-x; 4 - " . .. - . s. . - - i t Sept. 3 Job OF ALL !' x. the u . - at r .vi he co i ',r y w:a ;.nto i '.I' - - loava tVi leutj ' f X,.. V. "vr. tn i a c: 'V-t 'V 1 - sr