'Thit JrffM, Vr t&4 rcapU'i Eight doth w l.'tcrn.il I'jil AV;; i i .v t. i 1: . i r,, i If J 4. 'It. J- '-. t,tvt - mart, a ii.-v.Tft fvif.a of tha out I tLca.'lLfl currents ct t-t ; -jtu 'ronj v i t i (fCy much aSoif". , I tliuk i cu't luti ' e' ;.' in, yWreia.lvve, ATonrMi io Wanta Advlca. pRuicd the young lady hou..x- ona of thrso little jhcltl fHrtici which Jtten UP to Lrior fund learta a efrn u&ircr ta V . 4 i Illt W tll U nd kdI her oo vimt t ) auuid of her fuIIS,.! and thought I roii;ht pet wtM work bar- vctiUn till ahe got back." ' That afternoon fouoJ Lini busily at work, an J when in a day or two after Fullie came ""v. .rr"r l)ti be wclcumcil imc f euro tuny ong Wheu thry reached ike t.ir.,..ptUjr ,0l )0j i hnod titer lum if ba wonldn"t cunse la. lie 'said h would, aud Lc fullewe J Lor icta the houa "It wan a calm, itiH ight," m4 the. hour Was to lute tbat be had ce fear of aocing ' ' --.ld folk. B.u-ah look bU hst, told L. npnj she left th room to -td -Wore er aod'"t ' . ' " " worda 70U meant if, moreti'igaznjal hrr Vipl, 3 uU up'. HjariittOa':; Co(Uid Confeuti tba tiO of Ha Iron man lor Monopo.y. llf marking on tha Alabama conin mcuti tho IecJj Daily Mercury ya: Wa Katira Isanti I fn tviiioVt iiiinKiiniil 1 1 tmTnttn X ' , . " .T- it fcfcri.Vatpt jjorco of wealth of was bardly gone ' V-.r : rxuiela, aruilcj iwwjtly, tartel iown tho duittr rou 1 to th;ir ut-w h or ins and dutici. Louisville Courier Journal,' i Ute, inctU0.. r niau rII la love wiiii Sarah Ka aUouKI fcavc svongeut. Soma moth- JH aiigli'kr'a linnpi J l.i : I. r... ..... v. iiwiuin v ihi The yirig juaa lit dHa't knou'whetacr lo liliuUjj . . t .. I v - Nfc - j t wcrr para v nat;n!kaui! . ; .t ah two l&JTlJ.'on suramer'a dar. iii it alune, at luiu'lieon or at tea, ' ; v l.i k if om of tr "" ra but awaj, . .ilo or ao) bow Lo, "Vuwould bo, tu l your iU ia autu a XijTh ou if rciiy t'ak ta ber you ro (. ' t., ruitlogiyly with tla other girl Ure'n rtuooa for euppoainf you'ra id Jove I ' . . Jtrn). which no couotry ouUlTpriv us ever to think of Bulgiuiu, miuli Ut 'AiiK'riea, competing Kkihuaiu our own oiorkct. In thia, aa in so many n.nct, tha iiupov-i Lie ia becoming true, ouj ii ooa of the moat itnporUiut braiithca of untiooaf in l'i "j-t; ! I! !V'KINU WUMEM. Tim 11 .1 rici ami nigU im-ft Ts. tie una anoi, y r. i,; fiu , ojr j,,,,,,,,, u , otbef not, and he baJn i drtamad of auch a wyu tla-tlc, placing ua ou the ai marriage. f...fi.w in ! at ouce your amatory pea vi.i.,1. . i .e. ... i -1 i : I liutrS i muw Lane of coJ f -irvid loDg anfLitWi2al iocliuea ,.iu.yoii ra-t'v.ijoie of "youth" and ' ' ' our aulTfect "JarliDg," "d uck e." 4 u L2 eorne cruel lady'i ruth wyi-'omie uufaUiug you're in aw . w Iut ex uo oiler you cuu find '. . leialf o bright or beautiful aa she; jlliiS7oa re wholltud ii-iu, ImtAo, tbat Tttrtpeb Mi'n" 7u "Greciau noae," ' T-i'?r doubt the ane-el-band abora wnga you juay tup- .. lue i! iitet oustioo. fou re in X'f-ts Galaxy jar September. , r"Vwt S 1 JIottia Time. - 'Pffrn Dvte. . oat fur the ilotteutola! Iloom I lTengeao.ee of God .Ut thent wreak I ther the gutUera come, ;'reachiug the CoiiDeF of cheek. xr the brasa horna as thy blow theflJ- .". cuarrtage "8ba bat acknowledged to roe tbat the continued the niJthcr, "aud wbwVcr93ir her bitppioest is for mioe." Tbe young ifTr two starts of alarm tbla tiluc, tud be felt Lie cnttKrgrri )al j. Jbarcn't " be sUm'tncred, when "Oh, new mind. I know you Jiaren't much tnouey, but of course yeu'll live with me. We'll take in boarders, aud I'll risk' but'that we'll get along all right." It was A bud situation, file haJo't even looked love ? Sarftlr, nod he felt that he ought Jo undeceive tbe njotlict1. u r I I.. I I.. : m f iinuu i no iue r.j oi no ttain raercd, when she lei J up her bands and saiJ:' " I know you hadn't, but it t all right. With your wages and what the hourlers bring iu we shall get along as suug aa bugs in a rug. " But, ma.lnin, butbut " " All I ask is that you be gpoJf to her," iuterrupted the mother. "Isartth has a teuder heait and a IoTinJ..nature, and if you should be cross .and ugly it would break ber down within a week. The young inau's eyes stood out like co- coanutt in a show window, and he roe up and triedto-say something. Ho said : " Grl&rlieavens I njadatn, I cau t ler Uct tO iMlii- fonieia Jlr;"JfH.b.'cU wo bd hitherto cuutrolled. Our iron reaourcei, as rcanN both iroit and cdhI, are, the writer coutinues, a mere fraction as compared with thuae of the U oiled States. . ller beds of iron and coal cau bo measured by uii!t, whilo ours ran only bar naaured by acres, and they are, inoreoTfer,M a quality which we cannot surpu? .-Vtiiy xi toll tbat there is uothiug in the fuct CTre ttatad ubout which we ued bo Auzious os the trade tbuj described U not a logilimate trade, and that tbo iron coming ever as ballast in cotton ship pays a lJiS frf'ibtihftu would bo the case if U were exp:rted by itelf.M Thi mar be so, uud the quantity sent over luuy be tecessari ly limited; butiiJ il,o"t iht we have reached the maximum 01 roar owu rute, aid that if we arc to maiutniu our ?,t;0!, either E.iglieJi iron' must come down 'iu 4U kb Uvtgluu mi A .. UK IWIJ ruUst go up. The market of tho future wiH be lrovi-rucd bv.tlns new factor, for-wo ikv longer bold iu our hnudi a nioiiftjiolH-' tl,.,, .. (',.,.,,, . . 'a- II, v uuftiuiiLL vhijii'. Hi uui' uff jfioL dUjatch eays: Aroiortia in circuU, den, ot a horrible crime committed two ''jreau f-tjco.il boy utarly twice a n, at IJoycr's slaughter hous.', ruar of 103 Houih-lMXth atrwt, to 1'isfl"the blood of atecrs that tro killed there. . Word U wut to tho omcn tbut .i) aolmul will l iliiulilerJ at a cit.iiu ltiir, aud wliouiLo lime arrive thry an noble and aiaml in a tow, each lioMinj n. witie glaa iu hir haad. The throat of tha auiiuitl i cut with a large kuifj by the buu her, aud as tho life blK.l fljw from the wound it ie caught in a (ure circi-lar a.lvr jmu by Jaiuca L. JUoyr, -Mho tncu aacs alcuglhernw vf Wuuiu liil fill their wiue gluis. After tho ruud batbeou drunk i' m quite A iu,til to- so the dot;n woium maiding with blomly Uioutha and bloody gbutsea, waiting for thu sccimd round of gore- Various chemicul Jnepuratioua coutaiuiu iroit aud other cou lilueute of blood have bceo used Lr years by pentont iu delicate health, lut very fw diauk blood iisclt. However, it hua beou quite a ommou thing lor tklicule womvu iu rarif.'ew York aud eveu iu IVilaJwl phia to drink blood uudor the advice of prouiiiiaiii phyaiciuus. . .; 'o, ; AMI i, f ' S I 1 -v.. V bit .--.-'. f I 'J i ' Or Cot'tUitt iiu UiD.ll wim a finely drtsd youug mail, aud as ho huud.da boy buudle aud a bouquet Lu auid s ' "Now bub, look shurp. Take inn , at io. 17 tiua Lou- street, abd uko thcae two ahirU around to tuo laundry to be washed. Uou't make u iui lake, now." , ," You Ut," replioJ the boy, but of course he weut directly to Wo. 17 street acvi uauded llw two thiru to Aiiu aud tsiJl .i' f . r .I-.' . ci, i ul t n . i:. it. i,o(Ti,H t.i t 4 I II . -U. M h-l tViuixw P- s ! m n...t, ..r , I'M t u i (. . f M,V )i.l, H'l hl.ri Mt III i IT. f.W. l. IU all I... 1)4 -fi" In? .rf- I. I - lll ri kiivra ll.iul ftU ft t'l ll ( I .. ?' W..PI p. II. ) M..I.H UV Of A f-'.l.. I' ff ?'.1 r'A- I fis,i. i f lru i... i-itiii' i..a imi ri.n t t . i I rl luiili . Iimliili.n ! 4 li t. I (111 , rl ui ,l y l l rl la l Uil'V M!r NO jfl'XiCl'ltlAI. Of -f iltri n' 1. I1 1 r.. rturii. lh ,4 I" . ..r. y. Ir.ul !..lMl.y ii I i K .i , I i i All f ! frt..M it h h r-' r -I . I llit r-fl-.U ti. r il'i 111 In .! trutvmtr.l l.f I- U.T I I l r.'-n, irf l' lh I' i i uf I , miii' i.iijUHii. ltt imiut n ftu aUitii:u Kta t ' t! It J I. i c-7 i:;7Aurs at a ti:Ti-cE Ar n,t A IrvrUilan jtttfn'im ri.rHt t..M. i isM It rju.a tti, Wh' ri f it t- rfM ftit-f;f u jrr k) t'tf iiiva if wirivrt. 41 evn. tu t ft if-:t .i't A c-r'.h(tj "w-n n-rn (VtV4t.it) iiif'fct sr ciifu-nf, I. 4 q f.w. wti !i'!H-r!..n, In aw .rt i f th .,1 ) k'f wijt) trt-r -i ij J. v Hi is iv ( tt, OR HI M1U tHawS Ol JlAUwkV 171. i 1 1 fir. - J. a f 1 . Imv 'inrrni aun.-x. n. footi, ra.-I13 ttilagtoa Ava.. H.t. Vll'il Uo'm 'foUc cTf .. j wntM FLit.i ho f' U jU'ti-cs Siitnc in Story. )' tiri'.rrfhvtirx ca'Jres. , ., .'MirrluaRiUiSliiHSiwRpCiiry K9ulZ5;. lV voiik. ' , I IT.rt4v TMf;'M Jim iwvrr fcnr (Vineht el " Your filler milt thptil. with In fiinn I f?. firjr.ii.. j in un-nni tiyirt u nimr-nui " . ' ' V"L, tueuta. The young imu sought- to explain ni era, but ."ie young Jajr clci.clic liuuua if ' J tbat uer iuttcra must V-ou!l.L.''"" ""'tiVitU Af'i i"'-'11- " r.ix ilom Ili s Minir.L i M .i ,. i.iLl-i tijf.k f t M.fii jx.-vr. an.i A rvl i-i ?'i f.41 rirtr i,jp. Yua run .ni f.".in It a f ut I if i'f Inf '.rnmil.m y a .ii:d '1 . 1 il-nwy JvT.i ' " I yM'l" fl'1'! U1"''" I'lll 'uut. -mnnu titbit ten fV'--r, ..', In 11 '., l-i ?i A 1 Mi' M j i! a v mr.i. i cni.iiuiN'. (.oirANir, n tm Et.uti. N. T. urue eu i all b; "Mte 6ce tkera bow blatttut jaud bold' belt will now. b"rdly koowtij Jut by tbei.bacAi)"id. Iio it thel-V---; jpi him ! Jroke.' -a'told ill, nth ef reA.if to free biro a gentleman still. - .ili IU lalUi . I . I . . ) west or an me laud. - j " . -" . . uVTCf beat or broko him, v v hey could ft tier his frame rer bwVrage iorgook him, ever he I Lto ahame. fever defeat overthrow ; uor could easily sate him, . itrong was heuuder bit woe. ' if, ha is co ed, but standing Jpright beftar all ; . : 1 is hit aspec 'nraanding, ; 'roud ud WeosSiis fall. ; "' hiuj he mutters olv rer, ate iu hia heart itKVjind ; aks but to rouse from 'their languor, Learta that are bowed to the-ground. " Never mind about tbe thanks," she in terrupted. '. "I don't'believe iu long court ships myself, and let rue suggest' rfti curly day for the marriage. The lhh of Sep tember is my birth day, and it would be nice for you to be married ou tbat day." But but but " be gasped.' - ' u Tl - .!' . T ,! .... . ..... " U , i t lucre, iucic, a uou t))Lxi nujr ojicuwu the craied victors boi,u JSkXiW' she '""gned. " You aud Sarah uz it ajTsrcgnt, ana ill anvert'se 10;' twelve boarders right away. I'll try and be a model mother-in-law. I believe I am good tempered and kind hearted, though I 'Vpce follow a young man two hundred uufs and shoot the top. of his head oU for agreeing to marry Sarah aud then jumping lhe county !'' ' ... She patted him on. tha head and sailed out, and now the young nan wants advice. He wants to know whether he had bettor get in the way of a locomotive or slide off tbe wharf. 'Detroit Free Press.' V A Kentucky 'Bvidal Tour There came one day to a little inland nrl at this manj but he hears .noTrwKeutuckr, a young rural couple Lias ; but be ds not care. M.wostkeu bound by the . "ilkeu T-i41tion wns the depot, eaten and curse; but be fears Dot. tnke; but be bids you not spare. 1 at the oak of the forest, ' dastiid with J: ;htuing and hail I I, when the storm beais the forest, hat does your ajer avail f vl ; but you never can move him, ilent ar.d calm and strong ; Will his people love him, ouJer will G.xl jude his wrong. T tl A I A '5. ,J i.ory of tereaveiuent comes from Iowa, There wcra three little :, t' 3 olJebeinj f v-5 years. twi Of v. ..t to trie burn to Cud hena' uests. ,1 one, aud crawled to it, and oue i tliiusj. bis hand forward to gi t the hen ha quickly withdrew it, saying. I beu bad bitten him. The other ' isn't afraid, and thrust his baud '"a ! 1 foo,.was bitten. Both .icd, , txh qui-kly brought bonds." .'Ilk.- and the bride gioeiveyideutIy quite impatient for fear the tratu"Ud argve before he could reach the tha ticket, they stood on tbe platfornY the train had stopped. When, they enter ed the car the bride-groom found bis bride a seat, k;ssed beriuost effect iouately, bade her "good-bye," and ; g'iiig .out, seated himself ou a box and eommenced whittling most vigorously. He watched the traia out of Sight, regret depicted 6u bis lace, Wheu ieV a bystauder, thinking the whoWa, MtbetJttrlriire.TCKdjfc him. retIie.l.. "A jobber has crept. Jvllf- ADDroachinff hlmcarelesslv. and cheviusr our'house, carried away a 'goblet, . . t Jl I. i' I. . r(lfl.rr.l.liillifiiIii!lao".'' a siraw ro seep up nis courugo iio saiu ; , k"-vivu ... . , , , " Been gettiu' married lately ?" . , , , "Yes," said . he, ; "me' aud Sally got Spliofd this morning." . ? ' Was that her you -put on the train ? " Yen," with a sigh -7t ago, which only now comes to liht from tho coufegsiou of a swilor named Green wood. The scliooaer Mary E. Jmes sailed from Clyde Hi er, Nova Scotia, for Bostou, and two sisters, iiamod Sutherland, were passingers. Shortly after sailing the two women were brutally outraged by the cap tain and crew, except the man, who now tells the story. They were llieu killed and their bodies thrown overboard. Tbe crew afterwardd landed on the coast, and report ed that the vessel h id met heavy weather aud was thrown on her beam ends, and the young women drowned iu the cabju ; but the vebsel subsequently drifted iuto Barriugton Bay, wheu her deck load " was stilkon, and there was no appearance of br having bceu on ler beam endi aud there were no bodies in the cabin. The captain's name is Swain, and he is now bound to a New Brunswick port, where he will be arrested ou 'his arrival. There is much excitement the country aboujjjhe matter. Greenwood's only exvu&sGr not before te ling the truth is that .the sailors compelled him to take an oath ., that be would never divulge the crime. ' ' m m m i.i The Creation of , Womin. A prince once said to Rabbi Gamaliel : "Your God is a thief ; he surprised Aflam iij his stoep, and stole u rib from him. Tne Rabbi's daughter overheard this apejchjiind whispered a Word or two in her father's oar, asking his permission' to an- . I . i PT in -tr swer itus singular opiuioniiierscii, xiu gave his consent. " The girl stepped forward and feigning terror and dismay, threw' bei'rips aloft iu supplication, and rrisd "out,' "My lie'' ray liete. tusticel levencei" i. Mt" . a tt . if r. vt nat nas Happen r asaei tue,iice She into and 13 ' ; "What an ipright"i"'.ifc I" exclaimed the prince. "Would t'sin h robberies were of moro .frcqiienV'yeciirrcuue I1 t" - V "B.liaKI thfWsire,' tbe kiqd of thief that o r Crea'r was ; lie st ile a rib from ,.iyi that ot- ma by iucLea 1" Punt ftov . 7, I'll coir Mil' tl-- I ' J-TI w r-'l-'P''" light aud pull up all the omoua, and V-titM-n n VI uf ( fmi ... j ivertj-lii: , .uoa of Si) or uioro. . nnfllf ' 1 i...J i which ' rurtiirt Fiifl-i Uot i- I i ! 0' '';', i-j' I u : : ; ( ut Hi C.l l 1: ' otht'i a ni I i . . i ..!. ti : ' I run luiii-rrw i;in'Ut ; " iifi'urul -!! y i !ii r, a i t . i aJ .Iltiou ' . niU. In.! ... . i . .;,!!' I. ,. i ; . llHTt iu fi. , V,r noli'lii-t t,i i ' i fiTfni'n i i !''. CtlM' i i ilrf- tlisii i! i arnl klSlii : Rrulll th . : llli'hi'i ii ! l;.n t.mo Oru-A 1' - i.i ,. Of Co I ir. . t it Null "in 1 aavo 1 of 1' vi r, inasun. !i t i can i".h v ...iut tniiijr uiki r i i i IloU'llf fl , i I'Ut l.lHilfili.'i!. Hi..-. eye of tli r i k, ii living tiio oi.tT a. atone for . ; iniin.'. Jli'low v .ipi'i-iula fo tc.tini"r.!. ' , well klio-A n ciiii'iis of thU c Will count .illy If ft.iilinfr to the i :. County iin.i'imliviJuiti rights fur ; For Kii-i,.iiiiim nildiWM, C. It. H I.N .-ON A.N. KM01IT hi . Wa.lenboro', N. C. We h.tva trii'.l tlie llln'-on Ll'.W t Drex, an. I nre n itinlk'il that it U gr f t i proveinent on tho ordinary drei. C u Mill it hh Von liciii ly one ikirtl of t' e t and niitk." U'tur meal. We aro v pleaseil with tho dresa. and think that ry ono tbut own a mill alioulJ I nv lKewi. CI 1 KA HM & UUKDO.N. Lon 1'iue, Auiou co., N. f Oct. lad, 1S74. Dr. Chears informed me to-day t' ; t mill Dios Inventjqn of rnc'n, Hi aud invaluable to all millers. Oct. 25, 1874. . ' .JiF.A'JI I havtliad tliwr'atcnt Dros of Jh. IUnson Knljfbt & Hon put on myMiilj; think It qulcu an inirrovtmnt. J. P. McltAE, OctMh 1S74. Wadesboro', N. C. liyv tauvt 'USA u a ata suv viuvugf nuu at4.'b ' XQ wejli have good kiiues ell the rent of ile v' 5 sect of wi' and oM, in tlieli i " ' : statud tbut air. E l. Mercer, a capi-1 ; sjuWer." Detroit tree Jhe s. . . L is ynoinen se. iy .'(wt r wanted. f both aexwi. ' W vat o y tfnlrnt of th r(lo ! uiiiniin.ii v. p niuii'.iiinit ...t:. a ii . . I.., i....... .....I I.' . -, trr. a ici f uj u.ti siitw. miiiniwuium.., v..., ' fl. muTV" TP ImiLi- rlf-rfii mi.iv. ni, Tha tif jt l.w"iV ., i,.r-il. rilm.br mull, n-ii'K diu.aI.I. $i. V thoojim, ilmn til, lh the privilege of erecting a restuuruut the Ceute.iuial ground. Air. Mercu Wl iu Fiiiladulpiua ou Tuosuay,' with Coluuel liobert A. Alstou, of tbe Atlanta Herald. They intend lo esiablUh a headquarters f r Soutberu citizens a sort of iutellieuce bureau, iu which every Southerner couiiug to the Exhibition snail be rcginlet'l, with his addretis. Tiieir iuflueuoo iu the tueau time is being used to arouse aa interest iu the Exhibition in the South. She tried to sit down in the cars, but was pinued back so tight thatsho couldn't. Old lady peeped over her specks and asked ! i . ... .1 i . . i l m S uer; uiw mug nave you ueeo umictea : that way?" The youug ladv blushed, and i hi.nlrt "iL brpn.tc ." sitting down nidi wnva' i' . 7.. . ' ; . '"'lour aua noiuiug oer Knees loetiier sj tgnt I that she looked us if sho Lad on a o"e legged pair of breeches. Old lailyuoticod tier sitting in this sMewise, crampod posi tion, aud whimpered : "Bile, I s'pose ; I've hud 'eth myself." : nnl ftuJ lli f -j I. Khnw'uv h.'W th l-lna biKV.niin tluwiri-il. Httnl. hyj'ff."lM rurfnlnln 1 liiUiry ill thm vhtimiv Iritruinrr.u lnvuiir.1 fijr Hi trutiirali.in of the iKit, -rut fr. nu i -.-t ;,t u( 10 eon'. Aaniwiiti)il rryhi ro. A.Mn' Dr. K. II. I'OOTE, imhuraf rinln Honia Tulk. HaiUuul Cammun Sn & lu Storj, MH., 1!W Laslnirtoa, Avimuo, N. X. . . 13-tf. NEW STYLES New Prices, - i., , '' : '- y . 'i "r. ; f . . : ' ' ."1 ! " . . 1 p. j. coprEj?co;s. . .WE respectfully invite d attention of OJld Custc iors y& lively lookiu gal," said tWieslii'Adam. and him a b.-auni'm wilb iu- S ill " '.ha.rJ"' tri.-k by Taw?Tr j r'ie 1. of.' Th ii motliP'-' "T n aia ioys in Jier arms aud hast-j ?Ov I . ' L . I ouse, wnero a new norm? n ; Any body sick" that she has iV0o s ten ul." lL 1 t . i ceru ua grew . ,-r.a i am) Kiiliie hJwd that , . -'I -' . , . , i cnarrieu mok a T Vi'l'll said !' Hvowd the nrinne. . t M-r i J V.-.rk'' . , Tho Momtris Journal claims that women primers were known half a century beftre H Kcvidtuion. A women Maik'arei Jfoston a 'ducted the firr. Like Unto a pASfOK. The Cbicago- AljVuce say of Ulvsses . , . i will not seek nor accept a third nornU uion uuless there should be a pressiug necessity foe such an acceptance. Siuce lie does not declare that there is uo such ne cessity, we may oafely say that, like 11 paai tor called to a rich church, General Graut is willing to follow the leadings of n wiss Mention is ma le of a young chiriai at the wost wlw was ea-ily fjjpred, and being so on one 'occasion- Ihfeached from the text: "Aud iiuiuaudy;1' the' cook wept, aud Peter went'dut and trew bitter- iy.". - ' ' -.- . ,-, . n m 1. - - The New Ytirk Atia.oii'iuforiuatiou from both Ucpub-li'jau and Domouratic sources," thinks,, thai the D.mooi'atio ujajrUy iu Ohio will be 23,000 or 00,000. to the fact that we are 1 O W EE(JELl- INQ& large and well s.electedsto(j: STAPLE. AND FANCY " W.l.fraW. S.C. Nov. 7th. 1S71. " ' id It.U!!,,, HhiHon ufW rutPiu Drw ? airi "'.lowell; it adds to the fu - i'J'-4 aileiiHtone fourth, and nmkc .. 'iiieal, and I am well i!r:woi with it. Yours Tuly. JOJIN LAMiY. I' ll 11 Co., N. C, ) . nth, 1874. V Gk.ntlemkn : .. the IIIdsol, Dress, aiid it dot 3 all to., i nquire. We groutiZlItl.' ' ' "-"Zrainutes. Iu facr it pleases mo so Anye takea ai. agency for the adjoining"?. ' uUtc: of the"Stnte. .' A. M. Cowax & Lv.. f IIaktsvillb,S. C.Nov. 2Gth, 1871 The undersigned is miller and e- - '" tor J. L. CokerA Co., at this plac ior two weeks 1 have run r im with Iliuson's Improvement iu . M i'.: . Dress, which was put oil by their Ar;rr Mr. l'attersou, I am satisfied tlat t'.i mill makes- better speed in. griudiu -, r that the meal is better than that ma 1 j i the old dress, ' , J.II. WINDIIAy Mr. J. II. Windham is a compr-' expcii need miller, and I haveevi fiJeuce ia the above statement. . j. l. co::i We 1. 1 the patent Dress of I Ilinsin, ilnight & Son put ou the r . the River and believe, iVpiite nn i t -meat iu r 5 pn",rtlio u.ill as quautitv ,.;an;tiesH of meal. Ji U b llAIil.l v. . ,, II A ANDREWS. Koi ;:iea.sttrn nulii p Wle tree.loia from b ar mouiitam Dm Good. hotiotw, lla's, 1 ' ' " ' 'Heady Made Clothing Boot and Shoe, ' . I JIardwdre, Wood . and VJMi-ggSZ, r - -"ire, Crockery, ' " V " SrfW- t. die, &o. ' . Also a full line of '7&S6GE3IEb Always on hand aud at reasonble prices. Agents for W. P. RUS3EL & CO., Blind and Sash dealers rpiIK SENTINEL. " .. X . . .- f - . .. -i..t v' : . . TCBLISHED BY JOS I All T U Ii N E II , JE Office near the Court. IIou?e. Daily Scnti ' 1 General Tickpt Aa'rs Ort icn Charleston, S. C, May 1G, 1374., . ON ANB AFTKI1 MONDAY, t. a 1 inataut. tho Mail and l'a. ;er Trains of tl . i road will be run r i ! mi-4 1 V ' ; Leave Charleston C:15-') Arrive la .Cliarlesior M. Ou SuudayB no 1" Sept. S 'J M: and 7 0;) p. J A.M. and 3.151 WatriCs and Cj ,'f T ATJ 1V ANSOXVILL", ' Jj iv I' d an oiUeo ia Vf. ' fort' ile and rerai;L(; ti' '.'. C8 r Clocks. , . -nturns L'i t. t ! ' : r-r ..favors ar. 1 i LUliao i- ; V : 1 , IDS. W. I.. T. lit unfurleil f'r standard to th pir.

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