v . t.i V, "TWi Aryu; o'er lh4 Vy.V KiyhU do ilk art LUrml ITjU AVyj; 4Y. . .V' r n Lull hu Itu-i lrc t ! r, t VADE5B0RO, N. c, tiiiihsdav, - w w ' 4 4 - . Jl Hi li. I i across ber feet, v. f )-re ' : I o.!rs iwttt o'1 1-f opeuej Uoar. t -mi t!. c-rat Lis ripened head I !i.-re fur raiment swept ; U.af.r bell mid. of dread, . t :- 1 all 'La IsiiJivamj wenC nisi 1 ' i:!,, pa wept. ths woodland bar '! iinjf rose .. -.-.' .'.-l -LMU LJ. HLi- I.I ; ,.. - kernels, th 111 j in.-.a-rpowr thsn that of the one won au heijv. M powr g"verod by intelligence, wa n x 'ing it elf. Tli i7 :'i were willinff. but'as the piano l-gs rttio.1 fp- -JJing casters, the est wet abandortd, 1 i ed I a permitted to hold to eg in lu4 uW- against the under aids of the piano. an. have Mr. Yuuogs la her band beneath d there, Ur.ro list bloasom raa!l,' i Py its young ce b wiled, I k Oil against his so thai ha might baVS a perfect demount ration of th fact that Uo muscular furca wbaterer was exerted hj . . li.u tea: wai alao gnl to and iro ji.v 'r" "' r 'I. The iinn nM the I aje B4 iiiiifeaUti Mia of th. ".wrta incu oMjK'ta cie wan "vaLrumn. withuut lb Be-Iiuu t haixu iuuiMiuJfl U omu uiv"r :tuB fall. ' ikwu tuna euiiu. kne nn mnrltia avaiatit - .... - more the wulht of j J vmiH the airnnla will ne u ire. V ... .i Aim oriog tcr ijeurt reiur., The hint batlltt nf wliit li we hut.- hrr , waa a liitfjj bu". fi. r e on; ami it m nil abuut w HiMH. Twoittf Wijr-Mtn euutefor Dillai, Tviaa. la t'. train wai a jfaunj il w to whom ouo of ihe be I iiiUrim paid hit K''ilv7v fche rather rrwl biiQ until he became too anlunl woor, w'ien the dtfiiounce I htm to amitli er admirer. Tnecar.au wxt liriltl in extimeiit. OuKp.rtjr aidad with tliewi.low one wiin ma p-xr ma": aoi one wai neural. The juttooful brigade left deter' mlued to hTe no hand in the aflair ; but ibejr had iotpue tar when the beard the ojiid nf piit'd ah-ita. the haUl baring Ik bxuu. whila lha ecr'anu of the fair V?'lth MkRUMSQ.-Thrt'Q''t'5..hi, Abwl 1J men engaad In ath-ixl'"'uch marrjrinjf, br form f law, I n m-'HtmtTf r k lle-l; eeeeral half married u Cr waya. And then- la janfcjether too rou.,lJVein and coaxing i.alluFing "n?l-Jy into the hmwI ia a-ilieJ not where Jjfr )oa wia goo, Nor' here her frrielK. , -oil, at at the rrcarwiS;i umiiulful of thin! dead. Jjrone. I Ca Caieful What Too Say. Iapcakioif of a peraona JaulU, 1'raj dou'l forget rour own ; Hecueher those with home of glaai, "ho. J seldom throw a atne. If we Lave nothing elae to d iiit Ulkof thoae who in, Tia better we tnrnecte aviv.l And from that phiCr Te hare no r-".ludjre a nao, NT'Mtiifce'ied. -' "'j uot like hia corrlpaDj, the. wowW ! wide. ' have fiulta, and who baa not? 1 - v' 1 "iwel! a young; . i erhaj-a vvJTfor aught we know, Have fiftj. to their one. . ; I'll tell rou of a better clan. - i nlf ni U worka full well ; i . j VoJefi-eta to tfZ 9 of otbera' tell ; . tuough I aoinetimea hope to be r Vprae than aorae I kuow. . ll'j(,ominjrabid me let. tWlfZfof other go. tiona beioii -'T-r."i. Nwl or it uaall, wtten we pommence, .landar friend tr fy, . JpDhe.harm one -word may do H?W we little know. 1 Vifflea, ooietimca,.ike " "Dk; 1 Jtem. "tooat at borne;' 'ji'ttiflmK of othera' fault until . 'v'e have none of our own. - :'. A.atoaiabln Tati-A Piano iftcd on. an lag , wttfioo VOa a Shall.' ' -;.rjC ifteeu peraoDs, nererirror them report met in J.uga' parlors inTwe -rventH' Utt evening,, and found good apiriU. 'Acroa the v,vjf.VMrw. deep WTen.- ft' WurcouMnk'li'fliuK end of ll. s evt a tllA BlMifjlP WHTtl fVtl. 's. burning laf full head the -x.Vaud the wiulowa and door i dpa, . tt.lml Jla 5 to report wnut they . w nt 'a irsburg Uuivereitj J Mr. Paul Juignet, Duvid iMot!sion of Waehingtoii," and pvell-kiioraooe. Jtie perform a began wnV lifting of the piano le invisible p 'threetimes for "jea once foj "no," lirvSer to question i)y.Mrs.', Yodngs, h "tiug hrr handa I yoti top of the rauWh. She then own and playevJ varioue a in, and the iimeut rose and fell and beat tlSime. 'hen went to one end of the nianoiw 1 up Col. Cisco, and a ninny others Je tonyike the experiment, and, each to place hi left hand under i the case, 'iid one of , her hand Iv under it: hereuDon. at horde" 1, t!i9 end pi the tivy instrument w8 I oiT the floor without the slightest : on her part. Th Colonel here ask be permitted to make a single test i &!iouU not injure the medium at all. Young euscuag, hepnxlnced a hen'a iron) a box, and requu.d her to hoid iier hand against the under tide of the i, and thea ask the spirits to raise it. medium sai jhat iu the course of her amph! uch le.t l.s4 never been rtcl, and she could not say that It 1 3 fucccrfj, but she would try. ock the -f 3 and held it as desired, hen rapping upon the case with , ber hand, jked the spirits to see what could do. Instantly the piauo rose ' " d ,... held for a moment sm- i ir.' The novel and striking V. Cjompleje success. . - Tour'-'' Ahen tlesireil as many it j. i. iutTJ room ar,.uld Vtiie in. ..u'meni ty mount Kar-1. i!-n b it2 nccertd by seven r?nUs- moved U assume ita burJtuii' who ought tor now better a.iid.i.r'S morj coopiJeralioii. We make toj nttiK or marrying an I being maml, uutil it u Ibougbt by manr people iioewhal of a die race for a wnmau to pans ihniugh life invwben to fc. fie lite or uianv a siu- gle wiMtoi ,JP'Melrh rumani, taptuiv, even, in iom!l'rj, iih that of many a ife. bu ti ere ia a vkrriiMryiiiic with very liulakof real niarmuirr'at vaxt deal of riiscniiU-nL- hnurt-ai'lie. nurr' hv irpy'rie) and Uii'iurrjingel thelant Wh tt we want ia uot nioru tnng;i'l divorce law, but ft rtU-r uuderstan liug of tli - mo riflaw, wliii h forbidaihtf marniuiriil lima not already ouu ; not lnu uiurryinx b it 14 marrying wli.-r ti.rre U no real nurrviiix. Ai d aj .ve al , let theie be no n cti'y or bribing tn ae to nuirrv who an not drawn to each other, aud held iu jmratily toetu er by (uli'ien of mtnd and shiiI. ' " A Buuur La1. V t.ave ui.iiwl for s v7ra. days a la I ! o it town wlu $-. d ren.aikablj eharp." We thought tho oihr Tfay wo would find out om iliing bout bia learuiii)r, we ak.d him : Bub, how do you sUi.d at acbool f " Oo my feet, sir." Ob I we dou't mono tlt ' Tf..- - -in. your class T "First-data! But I'm next to bead, jes tha aam," Verjr large class. "Twol" . Twdtl Whit is your most difficult study? " Qjo4a4lhftvior. You are very inqusi- Well, what is your most pleasant 1 Kissing the girls. I there auything else you want to know." Yes, what is your chief study ? ' . -Mischief." . . We thought he was correckaud left fcim, finding we could get no definite answer to our question. wnuude I , it Wis a draw vvv'it a fur all: butwhit became of the wiJ w is not r oordl. Says the New York II raid : " U. S. Oraut. President of the Unit I Stati an niwiic protector ol onicial tbU-ve. Thi J (oil tiUe.M The Herald is the tepre- nf the United SlkU-s.- "Pnitector Xiyfay',m llieu may.li taken as the tern, rhil wTZ-iuprteta lh popular estimation oi Ulyuct Grant. Y hat a shame to the party and the people who elected such 'nun to nuch a place I Mr. J tTers" u L)vi l,a rctviel i. rita tiona from 12 or 14 a;rn ulnjrl atcieil- iu WiMtiu, jllinoH. lud.aoa, !, M s s-.urKlT-lvamu, taiyl.m , and L mii ims Jm'in 'I llieu, m(. j (lis co.ioe mav he iu a cm in q wito the ii. lat a of tn e i l on ikI .riHi-i '.-, I oi we attou d I k to sc. Mr Divis lxar.il ig i ha lion mint d' ll stm-e llie lio'i linn i .vitfd iiim. Dr. Geoii, utid .sa ooin, -Calif ruia owns a rin h conmiu.ii,; nearly 45,00U a rec, t.aviug a Iruiitage of ehtet-n mil. s ou l!ie SuriiiiidH river, anil extvuding hack five nidus. Upon the prop riy arc 140 miles of leuciug. Two tt iianta cuhi . 1 A AAA . . I. ii .- " jrXHX'ta U raise Ida.UOv) bushels of win at il .i ..I.:... ... . UU Udlirj I II II WW II. . , X.'' ,,1'l k uirl i!rsn-l up,,? aninnd Iih.V"''". t ""-..3' rn at or. a tnenl the olln i l.iv, an I, p'rkinj ih- frag nients from Iwtwcn h- r teih with a hsir I In, olMorvel : "If ever I ir-t well eimiiifh a.'in to eat much, I think f cm Id live n cm." Hi ia ho it haj. uH tloan l.i South wet M'ssouri j . II found a rojie, and pi. ke I it up. And with It walked away, It liMmitmfrl thitt U t'othkr end A horse was hilche I, llioy ny. Thv Piiind a trw, and tied the rope Unto a iurfinu limS. It happene'l that the oilier end Was somehow hitched iu him. Whila a hoy in Jay street was trying to fix an invalH watch on the front itep, uedureday, hi mother ralleil Mm to get some water, a d an old hen cr.me along, and, mistaking the inaiu spring for a woim, she managed lo make way wi h it, and then aliowa-l seversl wha Is. Thurlay the otiinieiiced to lay scramh'e I ega, and h has produced one a day ever since. The pi I la of mankitid Ugreut A night or two ago a family In New York was awakened by unuxual iiotsee io (he house, and uu turning out, saw the eldest hopeful iW.ing about iu bia suspenders, brandish ing a new Wcawn. and shouting, "There' a oiiiu in the honsl" A long tsarch fail nl io rhuw spy foundation lit the young 'iian arlike. deinoiiHiraiions, when be mildly informed the breathless aud ex i aoKtiil tribe to t it w.ia his birth dav. ilc us 21. " ii MAKi-a a DirrxKEXCK. When aj J 'r-ii iHib.iiiil went home the other night uu I hande-l his wtf a gold locket aha f n-acoi d her arms around him ami excUiiu O.I I you dear o'd pippin I there uev'er Mooih r nian like yiu 1 1 'NiXlihiHie wi-ut homo and font S Ji im ef an laws hi af 11 i-w sa V tM a M MM ' k. ii. roon; r.iM ni-irmrm la t, Imi ltnyMi Aran ('., M Si'wll, T . ti.ri fW T:t . IL IfW ! Ml I1M l L0 I.Ar1 I H ticl rwHn Mxra tnm U ri, at LU CllJ tniit tW to mn i.i. filif trml 'r nnT.iu. (wovf. In I arf, li WM imlnlaa ( laaAa W m itl mm VaM sm no MrcncTTiUAr. Or il tlnii 4rnpa I. IT MM, ttnrlnf Ih, r-H twni vmi fr ' lull? I'T J m qm. i.ih4 ail rtMH atiii awn ' asrwfMllt r ia... a. bajHar iKt h M.itiR.i.iwi ' 1 imim m la a4w4, ar i.l m if la, Imh. I- avmlM .hfliS,in. Ik laoai an all aimiut abal aaM. 1 row imurt at a tnixxcx Ar trilr4 411 li 4. al a Slwa ar irilrr4 aaMfrim.il H'tqa! am a V-ti. ,..r-y aiiak4 an-av '.left w rarail l McrTa 4aw .mii.iia ral ir.wa)awai. AM-r4. rrHa vi r-af.-tmi.' irt atia., r anfa.ifia. Li f y.iai" r.it fra, wa ftin-lMW4v at arr ari 4 Ok a.jl a t'f r ami'hMt 4 trmix-ai oa i rpmo.rika m ir A I ifcoa Mrnuaa am li Vtw. ar aaa irM , mail ,wl ,i m. -! nrrrca. o at uo, taai otjauaa. IMIw'uaJdraM C. B. TOOTE. " Ta. Hi tsilnffs Av...T. I &;U l'.X 1:71. Am- I ,tt a n jrjm av k mx M trrlWfaUuiiinlCampaTf Klaiai. getting lie n an on. an ex'urs!o m saw i 1.000 lMnaTir TWiaaa a nr kn Ihmalit af arf.aa. av.nlla ia hann)t tnirir anS nil rt anrwaa aniHi rail Plai Hum TtM 4D Mnucta Cciav a . a .Miw a. I amibi vMMit. d a u1 ti f.w r na V"a ran lmrn ltni a a IT at r It, of In! rmOtti f m -.u4 iW rWltear la ria r t al ahmi-i.n imut. omaw ri 'n. br i"l'. l.i n .pil.aat". Ailliaw Ua ar mill ruHLumsa coxrA.Nr, its in SMi Srarr. M. I. A nitt'i who ac- wav to depression I on the road to - ruin. When trouble coiut uion him, iuatea I of rousing his en ergies to combat it,' he weaken', aud bia JLficuJtiea grow dull, and his judgment Imj- .uuies obscurl, and he siuks iu the slouch of despair. And if anybody pulls him out by maiu force and places him ou solid ground, he stands dejected and diucou. a tt, aud ia pretty sure to waste the nieuus oi help which have beea given him. Uow diifcrent it h with the inun who take a cheery view of life even at its worst, and lace every ill with unyielding pluck 1 lie may be swept away by au overwhelming tide of misfortune, but he oavely struggles The E.ikduh uow nia-n aimiiWn. fT sau-t tons ol Boaaviuert el jh t wielf the Americans aliout oue-ilnnj ttial in. Ia Llm loriner onoiiti v out) C.oul. ,.v. ... t . . i. r. . ... ; . y toils pvr weea lias o en inane in w.icuii u cuiivcrters: and this sp i d, once so w m dcrful, ha been exceeded iuAnuii a. !( flit u Ite f V "-'rh. Ftltllfr jt.Muv. phvw iaH'.-l r V I ,1 .ivi that oi ' Iu St. Petersburg ore I ia t ne: tiiuos as dear s iu Par.s, a id every oi i i caa bie from buulur's uuat uownwar l, ia u arly double as costly as it whs some years eg , Vice Prcs.d ut Wi.s hi wit. peoli.ib y preside at the il.wa huseiU S.ale Cmveu lion, and the talk of making Iiim the lie publican raudidate, for tue Presiduin y is (piibe aii ubhv .lI'.-. A'V ahore, and is ready t make the ui.'t.o,-Mj that may be given him. 4 -" . . i A cheerful, loijooragcous disposition is : an invaluubleiruKHCI'irauier, and should be aseiduously uluVaja. - - m a- ' SlUSCABLE HlS:8. Tile 5jWc American say: If luotquiioi o? in.U r bloodsui kcrs infest our sleeping rooms it uighr, we uncork a bottle oi ponniyro.yal, and thee animals leave iu great haste, no will they r-turo so . long av the ir in the room is loaded ' with tha fun' of that aromatic herb4 If ruts enter the cellar, a little powdered potajl. 'lwowijJI r bo'es or inixilw;&-iHUrvtl i.i their r.uvriiSHteVer fails to drive-thjni a'vayT Cayenne jiejux-r will keep the but tery and jitore-ronn freo from ants ami cockroaches. If a mouse makes au en trance into. any purl of yi ur dwelling satu rate a rag with.' cayenne in solution and stuff it into the hole, which theu can bn te- rVed with either wokI or roortar. s , 'J lie firs i. thing in a li oi is tue taut. A westi ru man who bit bis neighbor's in. so nil' Wd bnuud over to keep live pie.e, : " I' ter," sai I a niotlur ti h.'r aon, "me yiu into thiwe sw et meats iig iiuT" "'No, iiia'ru ; loeiii sweetmeat, is irto iu Shoe d aler-Ql fiud we have " 12 ihtH-s, but hen ii a pair of lar.e nines." Custo er "NiU's! Do you take me for Ciuderiller ?" - ; j Mrs. Beecher say it's all right ; but ulie pays ue heed to Henry AVrd agon sing woriln, " Well, then, why not gimme luck my night key V ; - ; m A wife in' Wyoming walke-l eleven miles to buy her husband a crockery spitto u paiutcd hlu , and whrtti shu got bone he li-ked I cr ff uot hiving a clean sl.iit remv. ... A .Mtlwiiiikec i miii iimoKi tlme rna'Kiee lul H'.te:iiiti to blow hi ItriMiM out, tiinl 'hen hit! wik ,t.ld Jiitn : ,k I) m'l irvS'A . r i. .. : . i. . . .. .. .jl r gu'-',, u vvo v ii'i. nuv, .e ifo -lUmx, sijioj tikii he iiweUte BEAUiIFlj' Iliey ii iu Ji-. ... .' tvertj-lli; ...ubsof'JiO or uioro, c ddreKaTitK Trimukk, N,. i T 1nt4 tnS tnl' a ai'lt k ahira Hmnrura . ri-i' Bof null la 'IIWP !..n rft;'r' In ' ' ' i .i.'v f jriu .(.- I r--ee ',.t,x fro ii I ; t ' e n ' " 1 : : 'y, is, i a i i . . . . : r ' ; cut at SiirU an ' ' I. the.' a r t nn i ; : e-! .-, Vi'ecUur ' run LuvrwiUiout: V e tiatural aw-.-tn- t y (! ' it, t!.e r ! ii t :- drawir i i i, 'i i.iU it v, ..1 runt I i J ow r, ii.ArtuHir!) c r .out tei; ,r tUesi 1 i i I eut lintneiiiti-!y r k, leaving the out r i - i J nVi'rX"r ihiii ol any weekly newspaper ol theV. .tax of WC VL.'iwl-nlr ' tbeli OOfi'r9 ,rwi, - wanted. r both aexw. in the world. A new volume coinnieiioeK noiueu i a in7d . . 1ie. ItM eon i Co is embrace the latest and niooj. iiitcitixting iofnruiHtioii p riMiiun to the lodiisiral, Mechanical, mid 6ciciiliti? . Pro- tie--s ot the world; Diacriptious, wth Btiuuiiful Engravings of New Invenjioi-e 4ew liiiplemeutA; ow t'roi:es-es, ami 1m proveii ludustrua of ail kiwi..; Useful Nj's, Reclpen, Bugesiions and Advice, by Praeticu Writer, to workmen aud Lmployeo, in all the various arts. , The- SCIENTIFIC AMEUICAN is tl t eheaKwiau i IkmI illustrated Weekly paper pubiuhed. Every number flCinUina-, froi 10 to 15 oiigiual t ngraviugs of uew rmtcbi uciy ami novel iuvenliou. ' ' ENGAVING3, illustrating improve ments, Discoveries, and Iniortaui Work, pet tuning to civil aud Mech uical Engin eering, Milling, Mining aud Metallurgy, licorde of the latest progress in the appli cutioiH of rjU'ani, Sieam EHjineerlu, lttib ways, Ship Building, Navigation, 'lelegra phy, Telegraph E.igioeenag, Electricity Alatrnelism, Liiht aud heat, FAKMEiW, Mechanic EHgitieera, Iu- veutors, Manufacturers, Cheiuuts, Lovers I ot Science, leachers, tlergjiiien, Lawyers and People of protwsions, will ihid the Scientific Ameriexn useful to them. It-j should Have a plane iu every Family . Lib. rarv, btudv,.Umce, ana Uonuting ltootw; tn every Art ntrl f -' arMr rqttml rjfrrf ; Ii onM ih.Mi-aii'1 l' '""'ii all in o ta V w ai'-, til 't rff--i-C aairvauu. hm ll. Prle br mail, i-wi I tiUAnrin the ri I" !' hoaliia ki Oi l-ia boiini)alBipalrrH,i.t'l. Mid; "bf a." anil rmntlnlnf klatorcal th H'ri laKramrnta Inn niril for th laatoniUnii af (Ii alftht, nl fr on p i .lpl ul IS arm L. Asnu wantad rrwhf. i'Unw - Br. R. B. FOOTS, intWof Plain Horn Tolk. Wrdiaal Common rVn, "aaoalit Baar. ato 110 Lailuftoa Arautu, K. X. ; . : ' 13 if. ' .. a. . f andre Vt" ,1 i (Siij- -mn rpilt J k . ! J KUAiirin aminwl-anirth ii.rial. NEW sSrVLEO ' At New Prices, ' ' ' 'at ' P. J. CQPrEDOE & CO'S. WE respectfully InTitcT' attention of lour -. ( Old Cuott nero ' ASO THE PVQLIC GEJfLSLLV i to the fact that we are A O W RECE1V-. itu.iv,.umce, ana minting xootw;in : 9.Tn , , Keadyig iioora, College, Academy, J IN 0 & ni w11 icctel8tock of Th!, i ad litlun t i i : IH'U, not i pal furrow i therein ' : r noti !,i - : . 4 feretit e ' i t eir. ctivet d re. tli t and kU:n -grain tl. , not'dif, ft of coM air. save of t can ra-s u notclies eye of ll.e r stone fur i Jtelow v r tn J a (fr t' "-;;r.i' ;.' well ktmv, a t.UA-ena of tlda ci ' ' will const .ul !y le adJing to the l.,i. County mi i Individual r'.ghu fr i. For p"' r! !'i;!ni n Sr-, C. H.1U.V -ON AN. KMC1IIT&: ' VaJtboro', K. C. We have tried the ll!nm f Dreaa, and are s tl.ted that It It f - 1 1 proveinent ou the ordinary drena, ) i c All 11 Knaves nearly one fArf of tl.o l and makea txtter wieat We are v pleaaed with the drex. and think tlmt ry one that owns a mill should l ave l Urea. CUKAKtf AGOUDON, Long i'me, Auson co., c Oct 23d, 1874. . Dr. Chears Informed me to-day tl.tt t a-tll Xiaa a J aW S Bv SaW W aud itivaluable to all millers. Oct. 25, 1874. e.f. as::::. I have had the Viiteut Drea of Me' Hlnson Knlitht t on put on my Mill; ' think It quite an improvement. J. P. McUAlL Oct. COth 1874. Wadeboro'r N. C, Cheraw. 8.C. Nov. 7Ui, 1S71. I Imve trltslthe illnwn new i'aient Urc ' d H to do well : it add to tho wt J 4,111 t Jcat one fourth, and nmkt veirf, and I am "well pleased with I; -Yours Truly, JOHN LANKY. . "'vMovnxE, Iredell Co., N. C, ) 11th, 1874. f GE.Ni., ''cd tho Ilin Drew, ai.d it u - itiire. , ground CI bushels i.i .i Iu fac. 't lCTtir " i.,vr'! 'hit I bave takca ar igency for the ixu4 s '"v-i.trn COuutic f the Stnto. A. M. Cow a... r IIartsville, S. C, Nov. 2Cth, 1 S 4. The undersigned is miller and engine 'or J. L. Cokercv Co., at this place For two week I have run t r with llinson'a Improvement in .1 Pto Dre? which was put on bv t r A? Mr. 1'ittterson, I am stiiGcd tliat I. iii II mukes better speed iu grinding, au thnt the meal is better than that m ad 3 wit the lj dress. , j.h.windiia:i exj tidci J. II. Windham is a comrttrr"' : nced miller, and I haveev' iu the above statement. J. L.C01. Wc ' t-1 the patent Dress cf I Ilinsoi,, Ilnight & Son put on the ? the Uiv r and believe it rpita an iro , in.it iii a speed of t' im!l as quautil ' nd f " , I1"' ' ' r,, J s BAUstiNGi:::, 11 A ANDIIEWS. t or mouse will eat that rag for tl 'n' pose of opening communication v,i' ,u de A I " . f I a party oi .iiaiurausi wer cry niuuii amuseil one day last w k .fVJie spectacle of a VViscoiisiii pntati jJ.'C j.rking an ox cart around a tcii-uo-ji Id in order to get up an appetite. , ' e,.i:::-TaWt;.r hi jOir rl - - .- e of a telegraph Sixteen ChiiCM women were sold at auc liuii iii Califo'pU the otVr day, only Chi nese bebg yyiowd to bill. Eight dollars . I, A I. ' .... 1 - ... - Iii" . me ii ..vt-i, jm Bun one suin ior s x-ty-five ctdKheF uie biiu out of plumb. y-r . . ..! ... '.l say, banioo, where Cid you git deslurt tudst" "Iitdiliop.to besure." "Yah, you just told 'rue you hadn't no money ." . t s neht." "How did vou ria tlrm Well, I sar a" or 8-;liool A year's r.uinlers contain 832 page and Seoernt Hundred Engntingt. Thousands offlild me a re preserved for bin liug aud auce. , The praciical receipt are well o lit ten times the aulwcriptiou price, erms $ l'ia yeor by mail, iueluding post- ttu Discount tttClwhs. 'KiH-cial circular aud Spi ci oons sent Ire; May bo had , ot all Nw Djqer ; j rrrrf7II " connection with the Slunn & Cc'lare Solic tor of Americr ni rorevga-ratentraii have the WVgVt entaolidhment in the world. W rl than fitly thousiuid appUcotKHia havtan made for patent through their ap$lcjc Patents are obtaineil c 'the best term, Models f New lnveiitiifi and aketches Hinincd anl advice free. A special notice is madn in he Scientific Amerioim of all Invention Patented through this Agencyr with I he name ami residence of the Paten tee. Patents are often sold irr part r whole, ti pt rsoiis-aitracte.1 to the invention Wy uch uotice. . Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing la-w anuV full directions ior oniaiiMtig ri tents. 1 a card in do wiiKj n AilJrtsa fi,r the Paper, or-concerning STAPLE AND FANtff' Dry Goods, hoiiont, Ha' e, Heady Hade Clothing', JiooU and Shoe, Hardware Wood and Will- Ware, TinVflcry, K&tiao a full line of Af jrt ryry r rr t Always on hand aa4 at reasonble prices, Agent fir W. V. BDSSEL & CO..XlInd and Sanh dealers. rJILE SENTINEL. PCBUSnED BY J OS I A II 'TURNER, Jr OSce near the Court Houso. ECEscntmoN: Daily Saitiuol 1 Daily f ix r r. t!icutrn Xlulln -. i. Genei. l Ticket Ao'ts Orncr, "? Charl ton, B. C, Ilay 10, 1ST J. ON AND AFTCT MONDAY, t'.i . " inHtas the Mall aud I'm iter Trains i i U road will be run n t t lows! Leave Charlt n G:Gi A. M. and 7 CO P. Arrive iu Cuiui ton "'". A. 1. and d.U On Sunday no 1 v Express e'.Lcr t. f " - F. i:.iiuoi:n. Sept. 3 1'f R.B. GA .. J.M. V. U.I AVk, A this d v ru f' ifL L. lc . i i y. I'olk t .It VO r i 1 . r; ! liis- i':i t; VV. 1,. T. r::: -. .I 'v j5.tAlJ3&i-ji 'ai?aav. "...