" Thti Argu$, oVr tha Inj,U' 1: '.; '..' d 'l at l.'trrnal lU Knpj vAi)i:!i:()::o, 'jv.'c.riiiii:5::.v,: 1' ) 5 7. 'J .vf; ro.v, .v. c. c vJ- Covdcn v-rnon or nr.. i . m i lirr kluJ . . inform tht-in that i Jioue opeu a a I'rivalr DING HOUSE,' ... At G ASTON, .:':::;srcMisnis8 cccis, . . . . rTi. T r . :ir:.iLi; asd ih:tah "- ' ' ,1" '.VaXRISTSO AS RxrREsbi j nii y- I, rad'f Cutril loUl, CirAHLOTTE, N. C. 4Vw-, ' : r , ...-. Hotico t, : i r. t: u i:2si a n kd uk t tnJt'ovi Miit.l ki,i ioi i ai.miak.uu pcrau ! ( ! i live paliitluK doufl would il .11) o Luii firm, aa lt la prejmreU tn do .t;,rAct.riljr. ' , M. r. AH1IE. ctu. , , U. It. ALUj. AM AtMHioti IVIorcUnntH, ai v m f- - - fuJlf't Mftcls i I iXTX'rTn.EWCi.iMAr.fA m l i k m a: Martina i iaT na i. - . - . . Daaljp &Cf., . , ry-'- '.-vu 1 j , . - Il4ltlanr, IKITEIIH, . ; .... J ' " Met- Itrpnlrrd. , r-r . 1 . ' ' i;v vtiitiuy liiioriiiullon nbvu Owrkfor Flr U.uIdriulieribe foj,.AloRSlNO kws; iullmlioil at JSttvuniiMli, Ga. Daily, $ i; lc''.uerauuuui. ' AUvertWr f' era In trtene Htite. ehould -e its c' -' It it th bent paper in the Hlkexti ufinien copies sentou receipt -.ddrewi J. It. ESTILL, 8avan.' '.-rT. notice : . ' LL PEUSOxS indebted to tbe estate "Colaon, Dec'd, are requested to .ffd aud, aettle. at once, as J want he csuttt; And all persons njfela vagauist the s&me are re- led to t -..wl. ? 1 . re limn uii, XpiJtiio ja ' . . Tn-r -f XtiUMAS lilVHJW executor ViJ ' , . 21-6t. or Leafee.- OfFEKJ TO jr""' ORES iL neat vHlltf- Ctton ti ..i, on Smith's cr-V, AuaoU county, ue l,i mil may be dlvldeoTinto several one iorse lartiiH, or the whole wiljllJiosed or (entea in one piece lorone. iwtv r year? "on rtasoUHttwv terms. 1. it irlng to rent rood Jam's would do wtre-p (inie and wye tfTowiug crop v - i I . v.VVALL, Lilesville, Female College, Lenoir, : r hocii ct .SLfON ' ((Tvlv Vf.a AV ' 1 . NEXT.SLION OF THfH IN tion opens ouoaduy, 30th of Au - EXPENSES, V ;. jjhi! every tiling necessary to the comfort and improvement, nuige 100 to ildO "T m'iioii. "CMStne rre,ajut, - " ' I.'!!v.Tr. M.ROBEY. '-Smoi "i - :.i 17adcc , CN. RHAJ ;N'Ai LE TERM3, -pcrty f ! wiiiu Ilivfl, on Wade etret, - t), Hon. Xhoa. S. Ache and i .opioj cny known nil the l'AK 2, retii inly owe 1 by Guilford Car- ! a good ! .YKLL1NU 110U8E, and LlVl.HY STABLE, with , T LOT, ! ! :ir.' im Kutbeilord . J i.u;, a nora boaae Also.' w . - - , "or of Wads and Rut he ;. j. comprT... rKKW STUKE lit)' ) is. v. ki.s fw tiiw sj and i "i'i V, i u l aletrown f't a LEASK 0KvVVo.il' of we . . . . verlliiliij : , - ino.'n . - ' lio liiakliu; contrai'v . I'lliA. ' m.,1: In! tiitrriinu of dVa iiii'rit. (Mil. I . ,.' V, (Jeo. V, Kowell A to,, 41 I'm It i. . , "v. York, f(r their l'A.Jl'iU.l.r-l;i0K (....,., edition) Clitllill'C IUt of over ,- uv..? fid Mii '( aliou In ; lliu Ctwt. Adver tliM'iticiita tdkrii for l.uiilnjt HK-r la many M:iIm at trruif iidous rrJuctlou from pub ll-dierV rate. tifcT T1IEIIOOK. NEW YOKK TKIUUflK. THE HiNQ MEDIUM r. uiut-Weekly. 13. Poilasr, iTfe la the fii,rIttr..p;nina.lr.TR0I)l;Cr,0X 0r ounsANcci ami to- (oiilt ai.d AdvrtlMinEltitiiFrc. Weekly ID clutuwr Jl ) uVHore, only f I, pcmi2 paid Ad.lrcj t '.Ai.')'lVNK. K. Y. 'K 'i'j - VX i ir r ir IVL'LD RESPECT C 1 ; cltlaona nt Anmn anl vlri.... VtLthel nave lew mora xaKouv, oi my uu-u M If - " -fc. uhcture, im haud, and will bum tm nJerrf at hiuolkwor Air im than hio-Ptufoi. i . Kepnlrlug, aUo doueejtJieclicJvua, wrl iMoiuWiJn ntvle. Md In i I ute an iowt, Jo et la tbe country. the iJ?v.Vt BESTPATiINX 1KS9H Satiafactlou EUaranted. - Cn'l aneirae ut,pMNilte Kwe & Drotbor' 0. L. 8ATU)ft Head On. X TjrOSEtJtUBBtBn TO ML FOR WORK Jew laM year. And ycara pre- Rxrweallf Rrqneit cd to oMe orward and settle up. aa I need niuey D. L. BAYLOR. . Arent W UMU wanted. All elaa- W wofkJna ieoile of both aexes. vouds anu nu, luiiiiu niore money ui worn lor ua In Uitir own. lofolltlea, during their apare momeu'a or all tbe time, tliau at auytlilug tws e oner employment mat win ony Itao laonitily for every lioura' work. - Full pp.t'culaix, terms, Ac, Kent free, riend us O'.r tiddreMi at once, Dont delay. Now in (lie time. Don't look fr work or buHlnesa j flaewhere, until you have learnod wlmt we oner. (i. fcTinno.N & ua, fortinua, Alaine TlTFi J1S. TiEFFETj DeaMe Turbloo Water Wheel, POOLE ft HUNT. BJtloar, M. 7,0O hOVT IN VMKf Mmpte. Btroor. Dnrabla. alwayt raliaU asd taUa- laciur. auumiacrarani, tin, 01 7ortabla lutlonarr Cnjtliua, Btoam Boilen. S8aw OrUt Kill. Mhu ring Machiaarr.OMriiir tot Cotton Kill, floor. Patnt. WMta IjMil Btlll Oil Kill Kwhlnwy, HydrBullo and other . Praaaes.&o. 8hfiftinfr,FnlleTaan4Hanrert a iDMialtr. Machine mad Goaiing aceo- lataBdafVirylmitfluItb. DaulforCtrcBlara. : II AKLOTTK AMD MONROE MARBLE WORKS. f zh ' ITAVISG PURCHASED XI y paitnerg interest in the abute works, I announce to the public that my nim Ib to make it tbe Urgent buninej of tho kind la the South, sod to offer r : V , f ' ;Ionumeiitwi Vt 1. at gretly redu lueeO'VkNv ; , l ;t.-. ; : ployeJ a uoiiiC pf Compilent r. 1 bar emp tUU, and Will make It to the iua-vjjr all t buy worc.f sie. f i' Mfvjj, Pai tie U1db at a Uiitanse can reitlv cesaary information by writing ti ma for p Ut ind drawings, ,. i. ' V Sutigfuction guaranteed, and work delivered at any point no the Railroad tree of freight charges., . 17-3mos JAMES A. JOHNSON ''Barberism!'' ' ' " A T HEREBY Wish to Inform A that I am prepared to drua.ll wtirk in mv line. aiV'b J'a ' " rTT irnnnTXTf! 1 . ; ; .T HAIK-CUTTIiVG, &c. 9 1 'sS c f ( . . . jt :' i I may be found at ray shop every , morn inor until 9 o'clock, and from 3 o'clock eve ry evening during the week except Hatur ilnys when I will be found at all hours dur ing the day uud uutil V2 o'clock at night. ', up stairs in uie Bunuiug KH(yi" drug store of Dm. Covington ' '4 J - VM. 1 -.UV r. , hept y .rs , 0. 1'EMBEKTOJf TUB CONGTITU1IONAL CONTEN TION. " TnuiTEENTHDAY.; , Mr. ttrowil tubnjiiuvir'ry-iM from ..'te Grange Patron ct ltubandry, complaining of the excesaivrt tat of Agri cultural products, th want of protection to the ume, an J pruinj fr the eitablUh roentof a Department uf Agriculture by the Legislature. lUferred. , . i llr. Buxton atked to know when the Committee on. Privilg and Elections would rrport ou the KobesoD county con test. He ni answered that the Commit tee was cocsideriug the questioc, aud would taeet siq Uiia Cf emog. B Mr, Kiii, f L-uwi7reji., m rdi nance prohibiung the eetr bliali incut of new counlit, unle&s they coMaiu 12U:h part of the popuiutiuu of tlie Bjaie. Kelerrod, By Mr. Cooper, Jem., nit ordiunnce to amend soc 2(i art. 4. of the Contlitution. I'reidiar for tbe elcclioa of Supreme and iRaperiar Court JuHticea bv tho poonle. . "' , ' r,,j,m Jrm a rcaolutiou to r-. L 3L "1U "cm- " ruaOIUUOU W ameud aec. '," ..Wuiiii: to taxation, By Mr. Bryan, "iVi?."-ulviliiitf jd- jourr.uicut tine Jt. Lies overiwi.- ' OBDIXANCES ON minD KEADIMQ. ' "! , Ordinance from tbe Judicial Committee to amend tec. 3, art. 4, providing that the judicial power of the Slate shall be Tested id a Court for the trial uf iinpeacUmeuls, srSuprtTV) Court, Superior Courts, Courts of Jurit.s of the Peace, and jucli other Coi'Unferrbr to the Supreme Court as BaCy esUbliahed by law, was considered. IJriFreucb, rep., moved to a,meud by inserting "crimiuar before. Courts. , ' Mr. Bennett, dent., iroio the Judiciary Committee, in reply to a question of Mr. Badger,, said tbe bill as it came from (he Committee would authorize, or allow the re-establish men t by the Legislature here after, wheu it niay be deemed necessary, of the old Courts ol Pleas aud Quarter Ses sion. Messrs. Buxton,, Alberstou, Barringcs and Tourece oppoaed the bill as it came from the committee, hut did not favor 4he L aiuendmeut at air. Jfreuc:". . , ., ...... Air. Buxtou thought tho County. Courtr system bad proved u nuisance an that K , was so couifidered by the people dj ukmj j Sute. ' . ' -Vw Mr. Toureee wauted the bill to lit 67 positive terms what Courts maybeC iished hereafter, and theneforo move. recommittal to the committee in order it may im maue more positive in us cnar- i r. . ! . i I acter. There were gentlemen on his side of the house that wanted amendments of i tins' chsra.ier, and wanted to vvto for the measure. . - Mr. Coleman, dein., opposed the recom mittal Of the bill. The gantlemen who oi p'std tbe bill acknowledged that they did not know exactly what change they want- d, and hence he thought tho whole ques tion should be. placed in the hands ot the Legislature, iu order that that body may ct in the future on this matter as the ne cessities of tie hour may demand. Mr. Hanger said the people ot this por tion of tbe State could not live under the preseut. court system, ns iu the counties the size of Wake eight weeks of court could uot evn relieve the criminal ducket, the civil dockets being left untouched, and be favored the but coming from the Commit- tee .lea vine- the question, with the future Ueneral Assembly. .'. . iur. Amuger moveu 10 ameuuuy m- j if. - it . i a .i l i 'i erting the word ids "arbitration and award ' i after the word Superior Courts, in order that the public mind may be relieved of j any idea of the te'-establishment ofhold County Courts. :"; ', ; ; Mr.'Manix favored the idea of this Cous veutiou denning what courts shall he estab- ished, and not leaving the matter open to i the legislative of any future body which jso!l, in the shape of mauures, exactly what aught allow, partisan feeling to control its j is lost in the crop. This, then, is the gold actions. , , . " ; - i ... ...iXni'.;;,.;;,,!!,,. 'u 4'..;i;. ... u..i Mr, .Coleiuati .again, defended the pro- position ns it camo from the Committea, , believing that the Question shou'd bo left I in a flexible shape for the General Assein- bly to act upot) hereafter to ' suit the da- ! tuands ot the people as they may arise. ' Mr. Withers of Cusweil, dem., said that all the gentlemen who had spoken upou the proposed prdinauce admitted tlmtedmo amendment was necessary, that the preseut Judicial system required a change or amend ment to this section, but they insisted tho t if this amendment was made the Legisla ture would re-establish the old couuty courts, and that the people did not desire m the public.lt!le.e CQ, tobefKf,uli8,ied-. We tfere ruall klMdaorY'iw-SjiDi.iiim'enlepresi.'nting every por- ftivu v ..iv ,.jvlj iuk. uiu liiwuty uuurus were odious to the people ; if such be the fact, is there any reason to fear that the Legislature will ever attempt to re-eitab-lish a system which the people do not de sire and are apposed to. But let us adopt this amendment, and the p:oplo through their representatives in the Le-'islature. af ter proper consideration, will adopt such a system ns oii'J cecn--:; , n:iy require if Mr. Fu loth, rep., sai.J it was tin un certainty, of the Courts to bo established, as the bill would indicate, that he objected to, and bethought would also prove objec tionable to the people. The fact that the we questiou was left subject t annual nt the handi .f th.- L'-.-Ulature ii.. i.t l.i (lIlM'il.lilK'lltfi ' t'lC fine tidll u ( I our t . uuit-i. .J ('J'pOKlVl tho nr( noju'j, an-i iavorca icuvui i ii I. of tho tv.aliuuit nt of inferior Courli the Ueneral AN ' U Stnyih, ci.l.. :. . J suy clui sf 111 pretPiit law coutroiUnjt thi.i matit r. The amendment of Mr. '..irriuf-.T hnn I oel, at uUo the amnndui it cf Mr. Frcnc'.i by a vote of ta 01. I The aiiieinlnicnt of Mr. Matiix, n p., proviJing that wha were formerly inowu ai the Courts of QuarUr Scmou, r (Jourts of similar chnrncUT, as to manner of con struction oi jurisdiction, shall not ha c-tal-lmhcd, was lost by a vote of Z3 to 4t. Tbe ameudUcUt of Mr. Manning, of New Hanover, rep., requiring the elccilou of tho ofiiccis of, in fuior Courts by th people vf thir recj,ective distiicin, was lo-t by a tote of 'JO to 43.- . The biaJu questiuu, ns reportod from the Commitlce, tlicu pajucd its third and lat reading by a vote of 43 ayes, '2j nays, 42 members being paired oil', although bouib of them were present iu the ImlL Ordinauco to umeud article, of the Cou stituiion. Provides that tho General As sembly shall Intit bicuuially,.oU the Wed nesday hfterthe tint Mooday in Jauuary, instead of in November ai heretofore. JJL'aMoti, . . r , .. ', 'i . . , . ff'l,mcii.ViTieiiU strikiog out iectiens and articles uow obselete tu tbe Constitution. Adopted. . The ordinance providing for njne Supe Kir Court Judges instead ot twelve, and to re-dial net the StutQ to this effect, the legislature to have the power to incteuse or decrease the uu ruber was considered. . ' An Hmeudmeut of Mr, Buxtou, to make the number of Judges 'ten instead of nine was lost. . An amendment y 31 r. King, of Lenoir, U restrict the numlx'P of Diitricu to be established to 12, was lost bj a Vote of 33 to 45, " , -. , ( Mr. Byrd, rep., ilvpv'cd an amcudment, proyidiug that" the General Assembly shall iu no caso establish mote than 15 Judiciul Districts. Lost by a vole of 85 to 41. Tbe maln-questutn thi-ii pnssfid itvlldi'd Add last reading'bjf a voto'of 43 t " Adiotinied. . ' ,'', . '. . imbvt All V 'Mre i Xj, A jR il'onin ibui tw-rinarkved bv tl. f'cl ..( that-oi" .... sral ' flAinentnA others m lime, isf,- insilictw have alscTtV. Thus it "upper, . easou TN tho l., pren'nt v?. Mr. 'fun crops oie not wiiteto 'the stfnie eoitvwVa iel1 crops are not suited to the same siiil, lAaiu-1 d ,, p , ,, i , i , i, r.r i , , i ,,,,r, nr.., , a nniAi... .'n.M ly liecause it is deficient iu certain mineral elements, or they exist iu too fctrgo quanti ties. ' ' ' s t ' . The fertilizatioH of soils is the addition to the soil of suitable' pabulum for the growth and development ot plants. ' If al lowed pulKcient time, plants can extract organic materials frMn the surrouiidirg atmosphere to sttaiu to a vigorous growth ; yet if we apply to their roots-manures yieldiug ammonia, curbonic acid, uitrogeu, etc.," we supplement the atmospheric supply manures are. therefore, of hio-li h1iia Ra aui iiMkcu meir. ueveiomneui, jKill(l their action is iiu mediate and powerful. ..... . . . . " . X5ut iflbii policy is long continued, it will exhaust; the soluble mineral 'elements iu th'e soil and render it comparatively worth- 1. Hence, in all permanent systems of agriculture, mineral iertilizers can no more be dispensed with than orgauio. r : Long coutiuned .cropping removes from (he sou all the available miueral constitU' p.iis of nlant-fond 1111 Irs wrt l-Ktiirn In ilia this Imrmrtant nrineinle. millimm of rAa of the choicest laud have become worthless, and milliona mom nrfl imw nndAv-uninn. tl.A same ruinous' process. v -' We should economize . every sourco of fertility, i Manure heaps should all be sprinkled with some ubsorbent, such as gypsum, or diluted' sulphuriq acid, to pre vcift the escape of ,arumouia, liquid excre tM preserve! in tanks that none of.it i'iy be wasted, ashes saved aud spread ou the fields. , Compost heaps should be fbrtn-1 ca wnere an retuse animal or vegetable may be utilized and wh'le the accumu latiou of filth and noisohio odors is' prevent ed, the soil is eyriclied -aud farmiug made remunerative.; - With fertilizers the careful farmer . can accomplish much .''without theni, he can nothing. Farm Journal. Tue Bloody' SiiiitT. Senator Morton ofludiaua, who has embarked in the Maine canvass, has taken the rugged, bloody shirt from his truuk, and is wdviug it about him with the furious tucrgy of a red republic cm. Jlic biringfielJ ,(Ma.) licpubli cun thinks bo might auuounce bis mission in the language of Mr. Wardlo's Fat Boy, "I want to make your flewh creep." ' A small faction of the Democratic party iu Wisconsin has issued a- protest against tho reuominatiou of Governor Tvh!r i their nartv and lha ' wC.mmra 'Pi, i . The Ru. 4'ibaeans urj jubilutit ut tho pros-pecU of ( AM) s u m ;.i e j ; C-ftue t tlio IJKICli std:;k want tnything iu the way of DI1Y COO i i either for Ladies or jjrr.t" thing iu the way cf CROCKERY, TIN-WAIUV IIAHDWAltE, , HATSlHJOT, i ANDHHOl, . Ct:srEfiALi.Y tiij: DAY STATE factory Slice:;, , ' Kvcry pair of which is .. AND AT 1TJCES AS .' ' LOW AS ANY OTHER GOOD SHOE. 4 . A full Line of GROCERIES' Kept on baud and soli at price but little above cost, by tne quantity .J ROCKINGHAM "A" 4-4 ; ; . Always on-haud. aud for Sulo v.. . If, . .. ? Jh . "e ''O,,; Ah, . 1 .. , ra.b y. U ?UiNS terday.1. -r DA Lf wauted. A tnsof wc -'f hotb sexaa, j and old, v ft se. andi!. ic'cments riiAde iu.(! i.-t ut hvJu'a CASH PRICES . CX)ME A ND SJU: U.S. ' MR; A C. BENTON Tues PLEASURE in waiting ou '.is old 1 friends. , ' . JC-llARsifALL "& CO.; ' V.,. 'Wadesboro', N. C ' :' . . ' ' April 2, 1874. . 1-t.f Buggies, z (',.. ' at tho WJEWO' CllliliGE SHOPS, New St an dy . ,j . , , , . . . r intersection of Rutherford aud Mur til streets. '. . Prices to suit fheimes. , JOHN C. McivAUCHLIN, Prop'r 13-tf - - - : XlfE REPRESEv l' the followin; TT ble Insurance Companies ; The Underwriters of New York. Capital'.:...'. m. ?V-:,000 Old North State.'- Capital...... ..... io,(k0 ltlclmioi.d Co. " -10,000 Onnuereial Fire Co, 11 'j:)(),tioi) AVo are prepared to lake risks ,, property lii this or adjoining counties. Gin House nn.t i.thei' hazui'doiM risks taken nt resisona-!'!- rutc-s. liO.-ir.vt 1.IUO. i)i-Gni VAJNCEaEUUWELL. i 1 ft - CHARLOTTE, .V. C. iiiinii imciiin i limn - re li a rIIE. SENIOR WILL UEREAFTE'i 1 1. I'OO l' I '., ' i n ii i -('a., : vtl, Nr Y ix t, i - (' -" a'l irn cf 1 r- ktl f li . . t ' m of fs-n.'i - ft V .-.- v tra-u' ' ii-'.f ". l IH.1KS 4 " .'. o. 1. Ii- V. - ' v- ' I 1.1 SUli i i ' ' ' i ((. o-.t-m- ! ? :. t . i, '! ( lh-T r-(i - - (irml 1 I i - ; u.. '1 ii tut r a. i i 1 1. i in ai. i:-;val::3 at Art- t a !li IIIVMl- I,.t if tk i IttHVl trn t An ! AH lnvil .) nt ft til-? -- r ai li-vi ttf p.4M ri-! en. t e ui5-i--r wt.i-ti Utm huim l . ,i tt tt4 airti-i rwai m4. A ; r c .tiiriiif pr vria biNa4 m . if frr, 11 ftIM'l"Ws', f ,. h x v fMka patiii iifcl l b u arut trr. A Is tin hftv burft tramtova tf nl ft-" 1ft onirl, ob B1 All4 Or I i uf eVi4riia Dit. e. n. toot: Ko. 120 lailnrfoa At Want. 4 if Jttl JTfMa TUf 7- . , end Jf.vi'iW Cfmtrwn. SnMtAa 2)r f'cofcs Science in Story. ' yvriUrtkulars cdtAtfn ywyT-- bwftirft n)(fnliti4 th hmn In- nd nil lt(mrHi. ortranft, nM i I'laih Homk Ti. Whoicaj, (J9 HuM Pk?CK. ft ti4Mft b-K'k fr ftrnftitM prt . ftni fftMl Imtiit tT rvnry in. YQ C I i H tivm H ffT ftt rfttttitv nf Infurnmlhin ju wmii (wnl attottt la ir to ruur fumily ihy fttimii, Camvft " ftfxl by ihhH. ft nil 'M'H-mn'. A-l lrrw MUi KAY HILL riHLldlUNU CuVANJf, ! Jfru Srui:;T, N. V. - 111 IV , V HI irlifli rfllilmi tml fetnlt. r)Ktit and ntM- .tifo.nv, liy.ll.y, ntl hjifWn A How ') i f fu of full .iid to.. -h. Irimii .jrntNiii wh it:u r. - I thtiritw (AT'irl of kkih.l h. .rk ! lit. I'n... kiraK. ml-, ti.b h.. liooro,n.l, !-p. .k, .. . - Itonaai. . C;unt'ili U1.1-- ..I l'.l jwimrk,.,,- . -nl rr. t .11 r- Ail.lw Ml." II HAY HllX'l'ClU.lf ' -3 V , .7 Tom aifpo OMfffa taHrl af -' o.. r, aai pan 7toff Mrn r(Mal ca, 0ym )u:itr.t tliufi-Mn.l. f. .i ourwl wtli'iitn In all arU u( llm t J'i vianmtlrcly Mr, unit lt U! ( n I , npMl ai( le Jtrst. l'rii-e I v n.. f r.tiil, T. r.m)hlH mwo tlm v. l - ' Mini .nil tho uiilcumuil, howini I i Vl 1. -Hlii liupmlrtMl, a in Mttl, Mby . 1 - a liirtoryol tha vuiotiw iuKtrnni.-iu i' 1 ' r-uwaUoa of the atoht, " r- - 't' ol t iitt. Agvnu vatU tryhir. J :a . . Dr. r. I!, t "IT h.irof nln Home Tlk, M.t.tUI Cmi:ii n ' .ul Btorjr, eta, l'.M Lexinictun Ai. , I" 11 V AT 4 AT r. j. orrEDci: co'; "WE re. , our fully iavi .0 t.-J tt' AND tiii: r ' if 4, to tho fact that'i 0 sro AVOalargeauil v setc; ..; cf .-.'.STAPLE AND FANCY. Dry Goods, jSotions, Hats, , Heady II a de f', -j, - Lou's and k '.or; J ; Hardware, ', I Jt 1 .1 AI oal' -li i; .av- regularly. January 1 " W,rw v ; wt- r7 v . otuiCtiu .' 1. j thought TJ .- . : X 0laiiCtlUai-r ! l.,i t uiacord lhti-i huld out. . .. . ,.1JCV.U-