, i v.. ' . - ' ) '-a . (i ,Vi-, I H riM A rgif, o'er M a Sternal Vigil Kpi X ' t Strain e laia'a So ta .'. At JlunJrtJ Vytt l ii'j;." -WAPESBOIN 1 vr TV t v. lp, : ' : ! "i'iiiC 1U - ' . H? j ordinary Sab- v 1' L udrtds of house rh bn-akfait table, and i iu every CbrUllan liar caroetoeas toil j lYrhaps Devy-ror j.ilierin; been m Ufa of iiri MtaUoa tod Interest -u;h wm commenced Qclc Moody and 9i?. f mow ' 7 w i though 1 ' people aaaVe4 at tbi in It irnuld Ittll J eitrtordiaary. TkerJtce rr, wo wm pmuuii iu"j ' iba Riok would not bofd tin 'mid bail attendance, 'and eipecUtivtu wera nre bo aucceM of tba apecial tof-tha hjrgeoeM af the .er IlsiJavWM naaured liour after. tiiVvdoora were By eight to'clock-fa the - vt and all the available ;ra occupied, and two or coi!i were tyUntioua to j when tba doA were all i'ouUide tbroog tV awelled aftil half hour to a&pat fire that two otheJj rpacioui ;iened, and "itill Uhere was , be.'iVaJion martherefore be V! i thaf a uiluWeVr'4l ink cooM liare.heen obuuie-l ;v -k.4t.l k. li.i filial j HTflx4i vui; H. wwtf ee t.'MinKfy ateppe1 to- tha front or ui, pracieelr at half past eiht, luuced for coromenfing the tee, ne cumronia ai au.uencc J pcojrrOalvL''f1irwaa 'A tbe-cholr of two r -ui gi linemen. y. tat a" bnet of i of the eieco- than tw.c .-.iii.sleri ot ..r x'Th, Willi . New' York and 'W the platform o nu lack of iew jura au w-r cuicn or i i the audi- earucat avm- Nopofou the part of uwritteu on every a a feeTkaiikruIueaa r --BajJWAr been cUtion of a great al annoiUid effort -Cfrvicea perfect-order rcseLt, eitu thufee in ttk-ihe far end of the room, "tensely interested in the ,i iiUri)r..BudiDgtin was lead-,nf--rvft' there were manv ,fv hiclr evidently teaaew' 'i W"! COul.lJ ""tnelp f i-vr-cL9' ( S.tt the Lord be rv--i5:V-' ' -weeiued best to w w thV:9&insr. Munv itsoj A'iw" M b(mk?, others in rar. BK. 10 tn niui wi u "m sweet liar .1. 'i, to"" f, cvreat, 7 f i l wa are- well ' S; KJUJW &lt hi a,lvice had: preva itora: 99Coa 'au two "".- "t an to do ng e -im-' a do niT ""J' NsTM) i i vr-- .. t -h. w ho vUm- J rjVwnlnf service commenced -.lU I Mixxl iUppel D-vU of the ;litf.rru P 1 I. I . ptrt of ihf bulIJiwf, "W will bijio our lervic with II; rao 24." II ihea m tb eni tnrvtigli, tin fint lioa bciug "AfJloaml l rUJ, tha IlfOmnar a coma." - - BIngtn wat !ft hj Sfr. Saokry and lha i -i a . . . 'i . -pik... i . ,rn.i r Uluk a1.,fS''l V!Vih UiSOV? Lo. I Lear of ahowera rnj f n.uijf-" .'CAT tkeo read , lhat tu altoealher portiaa of lha ISilKjpter of dumber JUoyCiN"' lnureatcd'lich felta of ll.a apit)nj up 'into lha t tbouKbVvi.l if aoroa f ur land of Cnaau and briJti back to the children of Iarael tbeir report What thet aaw. Mr.aoke theoaaug thauWhyroii aiaaolo. Ilia enumiattun wai perfect. In a very aofUtt parta of the muiic the word re (list iuctlr beard. The hymn, taken in " Viioii with iba diacouraa wbkb follow Varery appropriate, mure eepedallr taa luiiowkioea s "If you cnrilnt crow theocewn, And the heathen land explore, You can find lha beatheu neurrr. You cau help Iheid at your door. " If you eannot pi re your thousand, You can rfvetue widow 'a mile; Ov'AnJ the leaot you do lor Jesua XWH1 be precioua In Ills sight. . ' " If you raunot aprak like anftela, If you can not preach like iaut, Y'Hi ran tell I he love of Jenus You ran aay jie died for all MR. MOODT 8 ADDRESS. After the bynm Mr. Moody commenced li illuvinrM Tl mmm nt!rt il!mwtit t. ...... .v ..wv.. Clirfts.lao workers, aihl was livsed oq the words of Caleb, occurring in Numbers xiii Sd"4 7et us go up at ouce aud possesa it ; for we are wt-ll able to overcome it." He laid a grent cry hud gone out front all quar ters and classes. People stood by and wutch edth!r erery tnovenuiut. - It.ji as aai4 the revival in Philadelphia 11 beeii ptpned for one month, as if they could tell wheu it was Iu com nu boo or had it iu their power to pt&tpone it. 6ut li thiegs were iu the power of G'mJ alone. He cn work in Ilia own m'd time. He could sum up lhisextraor dinury stute of feelvm in one word ' , USBtLltK Jfi'lE CIIUBCH OP CHRIST. , .Thworld ha not got the power t hiud ertnxl from workiug. r It is this miserable unbelirf in Goda people which binder theni from gniug up to po sess the lan If there were many Joahuii and Culel) in Brooklyn today it could be doue. 0 mI's delights were with the sous of men in Hi owu church. lie bad nothing else to at tach him to this sin-cursed wor.'d. The question then with each of them should be, M Who will crosa ove$ K.icah Brnea ? ' The Iraelites picked ut twelve spies and stnt them up to see how the land looks I ... a ..i ... :rr i . ..... God , , . , , .I . I had previously -earn tie. would give them i .... i.. .u- ...-.. f.j i l . i l i Uiid our. iner uruuitnv dick at innjoriir : uua uiinuriiy report, i ney an agreed ir.ui 1 . 1 . II . l.i . : what the Lord aaid was true. As fur. the grapes, he t nought they must have, been j ' . ' , . , , , , curried by t'toae men of fattn, Joshua and i n . . . ... . ! Caleb. The ten unbelievers toM how they : , , . . , ii i I raw uiunis luciD nuu iimt wbiich vines. ! He inautrioed one of thctn saying he went : . lf iitf ii, to cue ol thoee giants, and he looked ' ... sshopper . lu .hia right. Ah. if ' .-. a I jtl in .their. thougHta: or with them, those giants woula nave appeared as trrasshoppers to them. If faith was in I he 6 - , t ,, , . ,, .i ' camp they would have been well able to ?o ur and take the land. , Some one said that a lie could run half way round the world before truth had got his bo its ou to meet it. Now this story was spread through the camp and the people began to tnr.ura They wished they had died in Eypt. They would rather 3 A BEAB THE CRACK OF THE SLAVEHOLDER S WHIP. bis was what unbelief h'nd bi ought them have beeu able to do iled they might have eared their forty year' wan dering iu Hie wilde'nesi. . - '' - Comingnowu to the present da we find ' - , ...r advantagetot VVN-fiftbfi5-Jie wjodIo saviiiz ? We are cessity, 8Ugar IS a luxury. Sr '?'t i?V :SrJJi -Jund " A man said to ' men are the saltpeter ; hard. yjpVr' ,JxMSya- n""",ot ex-" men 05 rock salt; nice .rVtveMie " yu h'1 in ?"e ble salt.. a maids :. V ih.wcv"'" : -ccratJTi r - brown sugaryood-natured on r'-W:f .the loaf sugS pretty girls Qfh tbe porpweof , A0ti . PulverizetWhite sugar. At tL sciai-ta'tual briiLd 8can 'f.lis at han it i$ the tiice to plead for this BJidUJrLjoccasuna w turned more. J mfLTj rpportunuj lor Uispiaj, nnu iur re plying to sonr fancied social oWg ' tion. Instciid of the timo wlien a fevrof the clC3t frieiuU gather to witnesa tlio olemnest coin poet hu manTbi ings cart fiame, it w choecn at tho moment for bringing together! t'"Jnrgert pa t of a family's social circitj-iiifnoow uxo onue iu ut-r urm al garner lU'tjroTe howwany flowers and refrwtirMTLho fitoTij can effonl ; and, wi run Buamtri said, to eihihit to criticism and light comment thu precious tokens that should have come with tender 1 egard to the maid on the eve of her new life. ; A wedding must nwi(4ffheerj! I ; but it must certainly hkdfyi$S?,,t ful to all who realize what it is. On the one side, it is renouncing old ties, promising to begin with laith, and hope, and fore a new and whol ly untried eifttencc. On the other, it Is the rjreptanco of a sacred trust, the covenant to order life anew in Fuch ways as shall make the happi ness of two instead of on Can such an occasion be fitting for re vel ry ? Is it not wiser, more delicate, to bid onlr the nearest of fr ends to a marriage ceremony, and leave the feasting and frolic for a subsequent time x We are sure there are few girls who if they reflect on the seri ousness of-the step they arebont-t . t Ml Sl '' i - 1 L take, win not ttiooec to ma kg meir vow merely within the loving limit? of their home circlcVxAll our lest instincts point to the absolute simpli city and privacy of wedding services; only n perverMorf of delicacy" pould conte-.nplate the asking of crowuXof half-sympathetic or wholly cunous people to attend the fulfillment of the most solemn cf contracts. Let the e be as much party-making, re joicing acd pleaiure-taking aftei ward 'vnrTxcariclsdas jut let the sol-wn vows be made in the pres ence only of those nearer and dear est:" Home and Society Scrwners for October, i Graves of tub Pbesidexis. The re- mains of three ex -Presidents, eay the Spnn w , .. k field (III.) JoimoA rest in TenoeBsee, An drew - Jttckaon, James K. Polk and Au , v Five, Washington, JeTei ...w w......wwu i sn, Madiou, Monroe and Tyler, tepose in VipiriiiiA ' fTivi .Tritili Ailum anrt : JTaIiii . . . . . . Qtiuu - y Atlnms, in Machuaetts. Two, .; , v , Van Buren and Fillmore, -m New York ; ....... rT . v,. n William Henry Harrison in Oiiioj.Zao . , . T, . n. . T Ir.trv IavIi. in Iv Ant in. tr w PiiirM ill Naw .. t t i I ' v j iuvii unu iu A vuuDiniMlia) , i. , . Tn- t and Ahranam Iioctiln in Illinoia. In all . , . . t i . mr wa Imvci liuil mirlitupn IrMainAiitfl tilliriu1 ' ' . , ,. ee . " . , ... . , , : , t. . 1 t ! (Grant) survives. p , . . . Felons--" A bote felon is a bad thifijwodthere are numerous so alledcSliijrJt., ; Doubtless an application wclfifeEfbcessful in one case may, from, some cause, fail in another. An exchange, says that a sure, cure is dry reck salt, pcund ed and mixed with spirits of turpen tine. 1'ut the mixture iaa cloth, and wrap around the part affected, and change when it gets dry. This is said to kill the felon in twenty four hours. If meu are the salt of the earth, women are the sugar. Salt is a ne- Vicious stern family men are tho matrons the fiue Pass the N 0 k-5 lO - 14 . I- t ' J5S'8"2S""g' outhi f.Nfl(joo M i-i c e J O 1 Moo. ii - Bl J 1 MoithiVv ipoo I V, v c t- .... - "V ? x S S fe 3 Weeks tt c e- e 2 Weeks jM s to o e m 1 Week 2 E S S S tf B 5 3 S ' 9 gOUTIIERN'l 1LLUSTHATEI AOEI rtalelgti ST. V Th. Anitf ir.T.f TitATr.n wkkkly Vku.ji . Maiir cs.iy uubiUbeU In tbeuutbern HlMtM. t Th flrt number of th SOUTHERN I LLUMTIt A f L D AO IS will U lued ou f atardny, 90IU day ( JaiHe, 1ST3. Tba PublNlw-r Intends tuaklna- It an illus trated record of the llui.-. It will treat of every to(io Political. Historical, Literary, and Scteutlflo, which leof euneut Inttireat, and rive the hem llluatrwtloua that can b ubtMliiwI, tiriKliml or foreign. The MOUTH KRN I LLUSTRATED AGE will be prlutol ou uevr type, aud bwavy oook paper. Ou iu lit of contributors will w found the uaiaesof many ff the bwt write' Iu thetiouth. Serial and short et or k-a, nonis aud sketched, and well couducteU editor! I depart men ts, t'lvlnf the Ictcnt peraotial. literary, K-leotirtu, illtlcal. rellxl s and ooiniuerciul Intelligence, wl'l furuUu every week au airtouut ol. readlnir ninttpr uusur puaaed by other paper, In excellence and variety. It lit Inlrn-led to make the dOUTHtttX ILLU8TUATK0 AUE a journal for the tirenhte; several column will M Specially devoid to all ubucts per. fulillHt iS tliiniHttltt liil anfl ai lift?. lKiiiwlriiouM JLa withoHa lw frw I SubtM-riptid prke cfnly fi per annum. - It. T. FULQIIUM, FAlltor, . ' KaWiirh, N. C. 1 LUB.1Q LXTItA. AKDTOVIC -INVIGORATOft, ReoomiuendeJ by tho best phyalclaua In England and America for Consumption, I'ebiliiy. Lou ot Appetite, Feter Atrue, "yspeiiela, Indigestlou, Feuikledud Cbil dieu lualadletl OPINION OF DR. it. S fiTEUAUT, ITes. ' Md. Insane Hcwpltal, lJultlmora, Md. . I caii ruebmmeud Llebl' LI quid Exlract Of Beef as the moat efficient preparation I hit ve ever met with. 1 1 coin olei the virtue Of food 'and tonlu iu a re inaikable way-" OPINIO t)F Drf WAf II: 8T0KES, Phy aiclan to Mount Hdpe Hutreut, uear Val- Ytinlore. i t have greut pleasure In adding my testimony td the virtues of Lieblg'B Li quid Extract rf Beef aud Tonic Iuvlgorutor, a the very best preparutlou used, and there f're cmdd'JUtly reooninieud It td tho ineill ual professiou." W ' " : AND MANY OTHER TESTIMONIALS. PUTUPINPINTBOTTLnS- EACH -TAKB NO OTHER. : . . BOLD lit Druxslata h ud Dralr ilrra. " f WHOM A LB AOSMTSi V ! . TH0M8EN, LILLY A CO., Baltimore, Md PURCELL k L ADD, Richmond Va. W.U.U. BUHWfiLL A Co., Charlotte, C. AO V UKTISI!V'it Advertlaltix: Good : ib'tHtematloAll persona Who contemplate making contracts with news papers for the Insertion of advertisement, should send 514 -eu( toUo. P. Howell dt Co., 41 Park Row, New York, for their PAMPIILfcT-BOOK tnintj-eventh edition) containlrg lUts of over 2,000 newspapera ana estinmtes, snowiutf tue cot. Adver tirtcinentu taken for leading papers la many Htates at a tremendous reduction from pub lisnera' rates, uet the book. ST A TE Of NUiW CAHOLINA, ScFEitioa CouRT'r-Stanly county. 6130 1875., . OrAr of publication. . . J O Ross arid others, vs. Beunett Rusael and othtira. . . Petition to sell land for Partition. IN THIS CASE IT APPEARING TOTHS SAT lifnotion of court that Willi im HUwart a A it, Alio A., Oro M!oaor and wife, Franeiw, We-I Osrmnn aod wif' Mary, luo. and Grrott Cart-r, d femlnflU, te th for..fB reiitiao, r, not resirtoot nf this Stat: M Is therefore, ordered that publication b mad of thii crder in tb Nobtm Caoua A sees, (a nw-pper pub.l.hed in WadnboM. N. 0. for is u:cesai yeks, und th mid delendiot id Uk notio that, uul thejr app r belora th oUt k f th f uprio- 0-ttrt of Stanly eoun'y, at hi . fflo. m the town of Vbmarl, on Mon day, th t.Mb rfar ofNorembcrlHTfi. -ml . ... the IVti lot of iUe P.a'btiiT. they will tik Jug ment f .r tu relief lemsnded ta s.id Petition. Witness, wy hnd ami th m a ot th Court. , ' JU. BKliWINJJ C, H. C, WILL pcotnmodt y day boarder a. uy, ppl.w, with th b t ot far, t a lot figures a goH bo-rd an.J ha.l. II inriie, t Yr.r .1 i CSAXCE K1TTIG UC0IK, l.xt.i.M; :t A'n jfjr: The lerfcrllis )f . ' i ' t r !. (at AUX I'Nfl.H TH K LI 1 ill ft! - i ..j AAer a Urg eipenditure of time 1 moory la experirneatiag on lii Knit . MachiD, we have ben enatll t mula a kimpl practical rosrl.luo, tprc'ullr Jj; ' I to family v on acvunat of iu imju . and the rreat nut of work it will accom plish. It ia more simple than a win machine, and any person orJiaarily LU i ful will Uarn iu ue with only tl -'-lance of the "lontructioa li-jk," w.i. h acoompaoie each machine, Ilsimp!ii :.',r. -tlir-r with It cftpscity fur n r t., rtuf of work, pvakes it a i ..-r of eonUvjJ, 'r every (atiiily to have i-ne, aud will uuvM? bring; it ia ventral u.. as Is the caMVrr) Bewin Md.iu. Th mat bin will t.rjn cotton, woiJ, ei!k or linen sock, atocaiw .tej-iitj;, r-. :'. , wriatem, rar&, afghau.lukeui, Ao., Ac. Ia' fact, the capacity .f"i,unchine IVr making gartmtul it ouly 1in.NkI by th inpenuitr of the operator. Jko. G. Wi.Lt a, the well knonrtub liheruf -Every Man His Owu LaVj tr." write: . Mtv - lo Newra. JKBEMTov r ollvtt, nana facturtrsof the 'Granga' Koitling Ja chine. : . ' , ) '.Uektm . If ' rwV Is theeoul of wit:' so is iiuxplicitf la machinery the soul of t. ti.. m i v lt-.i please ru. 'Others are ingeniously eoa. structed, but too complicated for Inexpert enued hands too liable n get out of order. A child can work 'The Grange,' and thete is seemlogly aotAttty to get out of order. Beliwinir that to lesxcn labor a l l to U wealth ot a peopla and tu buruin hsppi oeoi I m(t heartily endorse antl lecuui meud your invaluable bouehjld codvuuU ence. "Jso, G. WaXLa, 27 Clinton Tlace. - New Yokc, March 23, 1873." Testimonials and reftreucr from all part of the country furiiUhed oa applica tion. Send for fiear-Hptiv circular. Special iudticeinenU f-r Patrouiol Husbandr and nve reigns of Indu try. fur tuacbiu U endorsed ami mtintmetidcd by tre Ex. limn N. Y. 8ut Grange 1. of II. aoi others. ' Address, , ' JCItC.1l V i I OI.LCTT, ' 7 liro-t'l", Yn-V. tor ao in ri vxxi i.. lf- Buggics, IfcOt 4 LlU1?X10 Datllo MJDE l.YD 'REPAIRED ' t . . at the ' WADESBOROT CUdUE.SBOrS,' Sew St ah el, intersection of Itutherfurd . and Morgan streets. . m Pricesto suit 1he tirnes. john c. Mclaughlin, Pwp'r. 13-tf . I7E REPltEBENT the followltlg relia- ble Initurance Ctimpaniea: The Underwriters of New York. . OAIu tRe e Old Trth Htate. Caplt Richmond Vre Co. ....... 1 ..'....mm. 3W,W,H .iUO.VOO lyvilliuvrvil .u vw. ..... ...... uv,vin We are prepared to lake rUks on property n this or adjoining onuntles. Gin Houaes and other hazardous rlskitukeu at reasona ble rate. ROSEA RKO. ; Itia worth while to call at this I office and see the great family paper, tm "Star Spangled BannEb, Ledger a5e, bhlf SI a vear and a choice df twelve afesra-ut Cliro- tnos, Albuto", Bocks, tSrc, to each mibseri ber. Wereceiveaubdcribetsat ouly $l,w"bich secures the phper a vear add riremlumj: all sent free, or we will club it with tile A nuts aud supply both, fur duly $3.00 ' Call and see the paper. . A. t. UAKUAW. JNO. U. f KMBKKWK. t) AUG A N & TE MUERTON, ATTOIlilDlS IT LAW, Praoilce In the State and Federui Courts, Clalma collected In' all - parta of North ',Carollna. :, , : . AugiiHt 27 " -2 VANCEaBUUWELL. CIIAULOTiE, N. C; riMIE SENIOR WILL IIEItEAFTEil attend the courU df Anson County gerularly. , - January 1st 187540-tf isAT""- C i'-i -C? .. ' I y ....... , i.x. , M : i -' it. rooTi:, .!., vlV rf " W 1 - . .. .t. m, I . - , .M. t . ' . ..1 I..'.-. '.-.!.. i vt . t s . t - 5 ... ) ,mn p. u. iMi l- W tAw t . m kltn fruMi u jv at u . i; i v-' e I V .' .i t ft A. trl- ' I f ' v tan , In. I .-, I -.1 , A. imI lit rvt fMt W Ut ti'. no MrrtctrniAi. Or .mlmtrrinmt itrM. -t. U. k . 4ftr tk. t . !' MM fMir I. l.ll 4 f - ' T . I.V- Ail tw V .ail.-l.i VI. k M . - kl r, m MI bf U-. 1. B M M 1m) kul tJ M -!.. vmun at a t::Tis:z r. i,VN i vi. 1. .1 . r-i ta nt . I -f ... q i i . . i, ' .. ruMi mi -. v u.. i r. ' - M.IPIH. . trwM . fci-t w- I. A ti f..0m t-.L. ini . x.m qw-U.'. -.nl f. I fti- 4wT'.', fc. . f r--rt ifc. Kl ll'f t- w.i h n.... . r Srrirv. Mi.t A t 1 h -- w ..nt... .- run uu . k. l I'kW kr I .-- Itnil l . o. l HAii. t or i .-. VmI o m IMim . Dr.. r. n. rooTr, V'jmtM U All 2TK J . -". 7 CVlf MtdieiJ 1'vmn.iH iff Ttlarrji'JualaU:.!-'-- . j' fkmTT KIH ".! ' - v ' W.'ura, r-n-' ' . Arawt.. .( f-.'!. B , vf. . - . V-.-l in- , I " mrrlit VA I i. .f 1 -l..rp 1 -M - l ' t t.i nr ftvi'f ri."..-ika ''!- a... Af 'i''. I tin''. t' h'1 H'Mtl1' Hi. A ' I MAt" MIJ.I. ITIIMhlUNU t-vlifAit t, i. lux Snturt. N. V. ii i : IMP MakCr C1 Twin. ehlldpM) 4 AiiliA V-i.i r..t oiW o.fiJ, u.u. ph y. Anil M .. A ii"- tn i. r.tor- tall at ptoMtrw ! i U fun "t S ..o wilH t-ou MtAntliiA ti,- iiiim.n .it.n iKl.nW-Oudy lAAn'tu'H' I Hi. i:rl..il .If f km n1 - an fce.'y. ; ' " I" I'r ' .i:a I Simiit: rf, N .r Irnii. run T IdXTOA, Ut, lt-T.I. Til' FU'H . ! -'' ' ' . t:Uint. uolw of 'ia r. fn m-i-i'i A:! , linn a AtTH 1 1. KA V Hi LI. fCT ISi 00tti"A!lf. IV r. '.rMii bTMK.t. H. i ;i, ::fT tiftiml jV. IbtlwM Mlal aftl : y.M.r. m r .phImi rffT m Mk Ilia rl.uilit th."n.l i l. lm nai . rm on mil oahctiih ia All'rn uf IU Vmtwt. Sut-v ItAOHADltrtlf mlo. AlKt lb .iTr-VM mkr-A'itiiu t'AAytM.t kmi rA Wt-A. IMo by mail, po.!- CpW. l. f.n.phlrt iTrvm tlw rjm. pl n t All. tl mail aikI th. uuknt. .howiii h'-w t' " Tl-ln kaOUIKA tl!trlrAll, AH 1. Ald, " bf All ' t-tWn ktAtar uf th v ton. lutrnim ntn bin-nint lor ib. tAktomtlna of lha ml trr on wj;! ut 19 ABta. AstnLs wAiiti tvArylir. AiMr . Dr. SC. it. FOO tC, lilhwct finis Ham Tl. Mixtkatl-Oimiun aiMlaBtoi .. M. l'JQ LAxintrtua Atwiu. H. t New it s. N :VE respectfully invite th attebta ti bur ' "Lr-V' lt tiiw fac.it? VveVa OW RECElV 'fa laraand well .ibctethtock. bf A-.. M. O , ST APE Axu) FANCY Dry uoodd', AottoMi JIatii ; . . . Heady Hade Cluthin$t Boots and Shot, , Hardware. Wood v ' . .' ctfui irittn- Ware, ' Tin Ware, VrocUr'y, . Saddles., tic. tic;, d.Ci Also a full linetf .lwavs on hahd end at Agents li.r V. Is itUZti CO. Special I To -of M .4 J w '1 " --'Xs.;&rr:-s -;-:. , - , ' '

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