' - - - ., 1 II V.. -v iliOILilLfA il,.. v::r J i - S11L1L1L fBx'7,J,-;.7Af an Eternal )1yU A'cyi,--fuin Ix. "TATU, e'er ' i i,; Strut ttf .il t'$ Son ea Lu!t Ai HunJrcA Vj lt &:.-'. mi 'V nth '1 tti;. ili r. m a s twrtj th tire and4 t'.. j t.iiea got then bd4 tl)8 giants; f "! 'Jr eyes oo the -at H I THRO IROSX. Nebtbe 'i'.g lUUIflllBUU, We ' ,'o to do icoeS'7. J 1 1 i our err off all I J' -ok rooder. ' Hear mhk J, '!nrrw.', Wber. a K;!!cn Jabbath bfejfyl v procaetll tb itory of .'-b array iSipv. JNcd by tbe 203 meo. aorBahowel',,xfroni i' Lord would do bi own woruutDd Idbeduetlilorr Wast" HI rou u.o icwou voaiioa uora iholi inneaniDg 01 mat wora. 1 inina it win ao a hvjio way. u a iuuiiiooa aoneumes 10 laae me aicuonary V i idea if laying out plans that work in tbisfWay or that. When Ghott comearie will make His cl. We have got also to lo ...vh all jealousy. Let as stand in -Nee like Gideon's men, and say, ,ame only that Thou mayst be To show tha Vd'i wsys were ys, be gare theJjstralion of the .kuary roods in wf p Jericho was ' He remarked tha ' l there were aa nonen inere as viun Mipeii thei' r" t at J)r. , Cuvler,' Or. B "nortera there aa vT3 th t mieiing in aatoa ihlingtou, Potter and the jlejj round blowiug rara'a horns. God may jty rutchers to do fcia'work." If He phlroeici of Jericho II do it lr His own way. . He beard RcotauJ' remark that every man knew God oould kill Go'iah, but i s . .a M el a t ." j Dtuiei mat ne'wouia no it. rk lio.tMi rtantrfe?y fa m in- V 4d r :.raan trying y ip Ltftery younir man hi ,uld now shout this one NqO miuisters of Aaicri- yr aSs.kk mis land? y ha.v got to d i1 with a good hiojrsj. They have to do away with '-cV; amusemeuta, coucerta and 'y have to come Up to the X- ajaiust tbe mighty as one V. ,1' Itteet-V rMr. Moody 1 We go up, Dr. Buding- t, ot Philadelphia, are I hep fall.inaline." "",000 Suuday-school teach tet every one of them ,o child to the Lamb of God. i for us, are we nut willing to .. ... .bh for Hiinf ... He would aay tht 100,000 members of Young Associations in America. inclusion, thrhe spirit of to allof 'tbem. n'ditHdress lasted a little over - V delivery being very jifcftive, practical, earnest, i i .a . 7 mm HMHMAa on i lAii Tfr t ar rimna rl JHSai of the tuaieuoe. jl.tc-m mAnrliaf at )Alt rr 1 ,uicff nab wufsja ,inounc JNt the service wclose with Iim'H lul v an Si or Bearer," whic words uW'WlfirbB! benediction, 5': conducted ounwctiair -ad to ert- in Brooklyn, inds to have Hit lanjo "- i 2; 1875-2ual il and full of s held in the . TW building was '""T,' 'M?k J, of Chicago, San key went .i Jacobs was need at bv i "HI! 4P af7, fc' -1 TKT inVUV'V f,Ti.i,'iv;i hnnrlliA- tettl 'XtPStr SJjC.moM i Uke that o,&,.tliZ- UL.Jr-1-J&'!fiL have to turn to farming -tlnt sfebv ason of the I wouldn't know how to. . iv o ---, VaTFireiaeS atl vul ,c m'vvi - 'P miktr tbe ,eaveB wil! 4,1 fi! 8par!; f0n phtiii-' -'-Jl Hiown. abdwhyr Bi do'ng soft, -.i!P ., , . If ,, W; V? "J, n . i i it' ii si . ar a9 t, rcinity;on i. w;v lt f( Xji? ; remren, tt'ri m pun-ir- r .'?tvv , , It -l - K 18ih verse. X'ilVTW nr.Bokfj MPf " 'ifi5 that' CUU" '."tr of ibis little oog, siT! abundautly T)iuv!1.in tha paat, t!y Iwn.ln th put, nilgbtb further uceeanful la Vioniug many. He rendered 4la tohg. with great palhoa, aud nada a wtnibl ioipresaioo. Tba audience lUtened Inte'ujy, and perfect itilloeu for the lima prevailed. 4 Mr. Moody Jbeo ompienced bli di courta, ipeakinr in attWanc aa follows : t(VI waut t-all your atlendou to the I wilia Id tha ct-t jv.t ad aud s part KWa first itne-EMVPto KeSNr! UhouKh we livJkiAchcjajChrist thai dieJ lhra the UoeteI Kaa keen pda proclaiaied duVJVjba. paat hundred yeara aa faithfully ,lfinVsiMa ao, tbao in any part of the world! K. beliare tbara la a word la tbe English, .jage hat la so little understood aa tbtt u.fK" Ooapul," and I believe there are a great itaany who atund c lurch everv Sabbath, and bare at- tended for Tears, aud Tetdoa't know the ancHl'tnt up tbe meaning"-tbe simple meaning if some of the words we so of ten hear in church. Now, the meaning of this word " Gosper la GOOD HEWS," " GLAD TIDINGS. Wby, when it is preached io Brooklyn tbe people ought to rejoice J it should take away their long faces and tbe wriuklea out of their brows. Ib all my travels I dmtcj met a man or woman who did not like to hear good news. Suppose a telegraph messeuger should come among this audi ence and go up to a man aod give him a dispatch telling hira that bis long wandering son was coming back, and would be borne to-morrow morning, how that maa'a face would light up. I , wouldn't have to go down from ibis platform to know that he had been getting good news. I could see it from here, and I gueos the man wouldn't wait till I was done with my sermon before be would get but and hurry homo and say. to bis wife "Wile food news I our boy is coroiua: home."'. Yes. welreloice when we get 'good news, and that is just what the Golel is ihat we preach. Yet a great many act as if we brought there tbeir death-warrant, or as if they were listening to' some stupid lecture wheo we tell the.n these glad j'ligs, the best news that ever fell on mortal ears, the best news that ev er came to this sincursed earth. The an gels told the shepherds at Bethlehem, that they brought tidings of great joy, that is the Gospel. St. Paul tells the Corinthians he declared unto thera the Gospel, and then again he warns those Galatians aud tells them he is surprised atf them for aN lowing themselves to be turned away from the simple Gospel. And he says, "If any man preach any other, Gospel uuto you than I have preached, let him be accursed." I believe we live in days when men preach anything , but the Gospel. Of course we have many faithful Gospel preachers, but there are many who . ' GIVE AN UNCERTAIN BOUND, and then wonder why the people don't go and hear them. Not lone ago a minister came to me and said, Mr. Moody, there is a great difference between our preach ing. You are either wrong or I am." I said; M I have not heard you preach. You have heard me. Perhaps you can tall me the trouble." "Why," he said, "you make a great deal of the death of Christ. I tell them death hasn't anything to do Ith it. I preach the life pf Christ you prea'cb the death." "Well," said I, "what do yddU with the text : He was wound ed for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities : tbe chastisement of! our oeace was upon Him ; 'and with His stripes we are healed." He bung his hef,T? Said he: " I never preach on thai." Said' I: "What do you do with this!.' Who His own jself bare our sins in His own. body on the tree.' " Said he! " I never preach on that." "Said I i " What" dd you preach on ?" Sid he : " I preach on essays, moral essays. I leave out the atonement." He didn't hold up Christ as a Savior for thivAfie, for a lost world. Now my friends, way, I would or sometliinz else. preach. I could not handle this Bible, v If you take the S Au.Jnii n t that, hnlrli t.h hank . i i (irri w ' -; s 'lL-tZ , ..XOTjyTv that died od led aptiilj Wur at Peter goiug to Ccrneliua. II tolj him of ChrUt " whom tliry lew ao 1 bnp ,upon a tree," and b aud IU wbola family - !" - v-m nnguu.n v. v.v.. av- ipioiC;V4"1,u The eunuch t5att"JWU''i"o w-uy third ehairtcrof Iaaiah,' 'Al.tW-r. " lie was led as a sherp to (be slaughter, and conldn't undcrstnnd It Then Phil ip preached the GH to ht, and the en nucli was conferted, aud went ou bis way rrjoicloif. He couldn't help it. Any man must rej'doe who iakts the the Goapal. It pjTes hire life and peace aud joy. Yoo rtroeruber Tanla scrtnon at A'ntiocb. He worM, w.l,Ymea tulmute aod weot luto the grave WV" sake, but who burst it m un der and wasaV.rds seen brfive hund. red I 'witnesses, andTcrli" ae-Jjn. at li Paul's Gospie7r!nilBl7d Th died, rose again, an.l mnl kark tr 11 1 nil ! high that is bis gonpel, and we don't wsnt any other Goopel. We have nH come here with any other Gospel., We. don't know any other. And now I want te tell you 'why the Gosnel is roc d news, clad tilintrs. I waut i, glsd.tirljncs. any better news, because it has taken out of my path the ' BITTEREST ENEMIES I EVER HAD. Th first eueray that it ukea away is sin. - Behold fe Lamb of God that takctb away th sins of the world." All iu is againsVGod. To be sure au msy be against our fellow-meu, but all sin is against God, and it is God alone that must' over come sin. We needn't look anywhere else. If God cannot overcome sin who can ? Now the Gospel brings mo the gttfd news thnt out of love to roe He has taken awsy all my sins. Not part of them. All my sins. And it tells me that. lis has put tbna.all behiud His back, That's a good place to have them. Yo see if Satan wants to get at them he' will have to get pat God to do 1 . I fl .t . T. ! . . i 1 ro. lioa nas Dm mem sway tor i;.....auu eternity, and they will never have any re- mlwIKni k.. --k.. -t" --r very soon be brought to light, but they have been washed away by the blood of the Lamo, and will never appear agaio. Isn't that good news ? How every blood bought sinner ought to rejoice I Ho r every re deemed sinner ought to rejoice to dayand eall upon all that is within him to praise God for His mighty grace, Oh, wonder ful story of redemption, that we have been saved for time aud et-ruity I Another enemy has been turned out of the way. and that is death. "The last enemy ihat shall be destroyed is death." iever, then TO bBTCOSTTISUEDJ CHEAP bT0V HOUSE, J. 0. Duiilop & Cc., ; a IT. Pralt St.. ,- - - - Baltimore PARLOR H E ITERS, ' ! ' COOKING STOVES, ' ILLUMINATORS, FURNACES, , RANGES aud ORATES. Stovca ypl red . ; V. A. GASTON, UOCSE FURJilSIIWG GOODS, Stoves, Tiv - WftE. UIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. All Goods Warranted as Repuksewted Trade Street. Under Central Hotel, . , ... CHAHOTTE, N. C. 28-tf. IJIIIE WILMINGTON JOURNAL, PUliLISHED DAUY AND WEEKLY. Subtcription Hates In, Advance rnal, one year..........." .....$8 00 six U10lltri9.....,.i,.M.... uu oue uiontU.... .. ... . IS r u LRUily Journal, one yir.......M.;w..$2 00 vI " - six niontha 1 Oo tnrep juojDtiia ,5(r to testify right here that . rvr.4sMipsH better news, aud I nevtr expect, to Tieari 'Th, t'tiumber of th Oct. ' r ' t rt Ct f kf I- j - r S t) T 2 Oil)! JONiCBO -i J .iIOOtK-Vf ao n if o T C5 Montr '.r ."X o 5 s 6 c5 3"6"5" 3 Weeks jwN-f tvSjix" w w w w 2 W eoks U:icionm Q j C t g e B I ; 3 s a s t -L i. " -r - - -s? iHClf5"",M OUTIIERN'J ILLU.iTUATKD AOlil f- o ItalelftilV. C! ' iTne only ibbi f i HA ir.o Yvi.iMw! 14 ihe Hootli. Kllit paKi-a.- Korty eol- uratia- lni ntnic more u-nuuiK maiu-r ..ii t POUTI1KRN ILLUSTItA TED ACiK will be Unued on , Mnmrdajr, 3GMi day of Juno, ltm. fThePubllnher Intends making It an Illua- tfrtied record of the Mint. It will treat of oierytoplo Political, Historical, Literary, u)id Boleutlflc, wlitoli Is of current Intert-Ht, and Klve the bint illnatratlous that can hu oMMlued. original or foreltrn. ' .The SOUTH KItN ILLIKSTRATEO AGE? wI be printed on new type, and heavy ufiok paer. KJu its lint of contrlbutoM will bo found to uanies of ninny of the beat writes In thaBouth. ttarlul und short storlna, ixwmi tiltd akelchett, and well foudtirted editorl ,1 thpurtuioiiU, Klvlug the ktcxt ihthoiioI. ilterury, aciuolillu, polillonl, r?lll tm aud eounuvclal IntelHciK.'e, wl'l furnish every week an amouut ot reudlitK luittur uuur pfu'J by other papers, In excellence and vailetv- It U Intended to muke the 80Ul'HKRV ILLUiTltATKD ACIK a JiBirnat for the liroldi; severut columns Mill be specially devoted to fill milijcobi jer-.-.vi 'o domeitli! and sooal lll'e . S'o fimily ehould bo wlijut It. wiiarrlpiiou pike, oufy per annum. Praiie frve. LTBIfiVS LIQUID JjfWACT OF , ( AND VvvIC INVKIORATOU, ItceommcSV-d by the bent physician In E)iliiiid nnd .America for ,(:iihuiiiUoii, t'edliiy, of Appetite, Fever Akuo, oyHjiepHlH, Indigesllou, Foniule and C'hll tlii'ii nmliidle. ' ' . ' ' ' OpIMfrN Ob" DU. R.K BTP'.UAltT, Pres. ,Md. Innane Ijosidtul, 1 tit III in ore, Aid. f I can ru'eomtnund Llehlx'a Li quid Extract of itevf tut the .most elUelent pititration I havo ever met with. 1 1 coin bl'iies tlio vinues of food "aud toulu in a re ntal kablo wuy." OPINION OF Dfl WM K. STORKS, riiy siclan to Alouut Hope IU-tiettt, near Hul- ( tlniore . Vi a I have jri-eitt pleasure In ndd.tn,!? my teallmony to iho virtues of Llehl'a Li quid Extmet r Uccf and Tqulc litvliinitor, a'tahe very heat preparation uel, nnd tliere f're condilntly rucoiniucHd It to tho inoill calprofension." , ' . Jand manyotiier testimonials. rVT VP IN PINT BOTTLES EACH .1 JiiJ J.1 J S A AM.-. , . BOLD BY , ; DrtiRgldla ii nd Oeiilers. .. . . WHOLESALE AOSNTS. noMSEJT. LILLY& Co.. Dultlmofe. Md ItJItCELL & LADD, Itlchinond Va. WM. K, UUivWELL & (Jo., Ulill'lolte, jM. 26 ly. ' - ' ' ' ' A I V12RTISIN t Act vertiai ffi- Good : tjHlcmatlo All percoiis who (xattemnlate making contracts with news pupem for the Insertion of -advertlHements, Hhould send aA eiH to Oeo. P. Kowell & Co. 4L Turk How. Now York, for their 1MMPHLET.BOOK (nintj-eveiUh edition) coiitalnlrg 1UU of over 2,000 newspiipers aud eatlmates, showliijr the coat. Adver tlHomeiits taken for leading papers la many Ktatcs at a tremendous redtictiou from pub liahers' ratea. , Urv thk book. ; v ? STATE OF NUtTll CAllOLINA, ' Scfekiou Court Stanly county. - beptZQth 1875. ' ;;;; Order of publication. . .r-. J 0 ' Ross aud others, ' vs. Bannott Russel , A . and iithers. ;;" ' Petition to sell land Jot Partition. IN THIS CASEITAPPiUltlNO. TO THE 8T lifiioilon uf tba ooiii-t that 'M'llll ira Stewnrt &..! wlf.', Alico A., Uroon Melenor hiiJ wito, FranouB, Wesloy Oannnn sud wif-, Alary, Jttu. W, Carter, Auntim Cm ter, Jsuios M , Ourtei', and Ounptt Curt-r, d.-fouilnntH, (o the fon . in Petition, me not rcniJfiit uf this Pule: it la thjrefure, oi dcreil tlat publication be made of H u urdrr in til Nobtu (Ubousa Auaun, ( nwspper publisliea iu Wndcnbori,. N, O.) for sii tucceilHive crocks, and tha auid UeleudmiU will take notice that, mil tbojr appe.r beloro tbocWik of tbe Supm ior Court of Stanly ooiiu'y, at UU . llloe, in the town uf llbenmrle, on Mon day, tha 15th day ur November 1876, und nit yer tha Poti lot of ihe Piftintiif, Uiey will t ike Jug mcnt for tlie relivf 4etnunild iu mid Petition. -iVitne8, ray hnd and the t-fa! ot the Court. V 1- JL-BKDWISE. C. 8. C. ' -.-- . Staaly CiunryJ 27-Ct (p. f. J0.) ; KePt;:0b 1875. YriLu acoommodiite as ireisy day bar y0 , ? a ".v, "pr'r, "in me us i ot lure, l aa low figures as too I bo.vrJ an.u do kit . II mtite. ptha attention of the public to this houo,- where 'v aj gi uita i at t:i noura ot iu aay.u LJ ' 5? . . U Yrar ir" w . . ( 3 .,. V ii -S 12 3 It M , .A 3 U S Q y w . i . . ' I . I I :' rt! rn i r. r i tt r . r v r U II I i H u it .1 I I i I ,1 U il 1 t It I .1 L h am iiiin.i:. 'I Im IVrf.rtlnn f Jle lui 11 U i i. (MAUK IW1H II TIIK 1 I I ( It I' A I Mi .) After a lare xi '. u f i! i ! mntiiy in experimrHtin on i' Ki.,ti.. Marhine, w have brf n f inl.l. .! 1 1 ruakn n liniplo nrartlt-al marhine, jriallr b.I s 1 to family u in ao-ount of its aimpliriiy and the threat ranjo of work It will aemm". llih. It is more ainmla l,nn a j inarhino, and anr rcrton ordinarily r'll - ful will Irarn ila una with onlv ll n- tance of the "Initroctioii ll.x.k," whi.HT' accon pnuiri each mathlne. Its iinjlicity, together with its rnpneity for il .inj the rnt rane of work, makes It a matter of noiomr lr every fan ily to it no, and uliiaiatly brinj it in tf" r u um, at iVim with thshewinjr M n l.mo. J he maeu.stSoll knit iu cotton; r ml silk or linen eolsftfirklnf, leggin,-, mittens, wristera, seuiJVf dmni, hlitnkf :., Aff., ie. l luctllte caP?Jsr nf tlio m i' ' i ii fur makfng garnmiils i'Vlf limll . by the nj.'cnuity of the opersv.", jk Jjio. G. W:LM, the TS,tnowii puh liaher of "Every Man His CaX lawyer," writes: " to .Meirs. .IKSTMY C I OLU'anu farturtrsof the 'Grango' KuiuiVa chine. f . ' V . - vjiu n - orevny is ineioui or vi so w Btmpitettv in machinery IM soul c rrnt. ,'lhe 'Orange Knitting "Jlachme pleases me. Oilier are ingeniously con. structed, but too complicated for inexperi enced hands too liable to get out of order. A child ran work The Grange' and theis is seemingly nothing to get out of order. Bclievini; that to Icmcu labor adds to' th wealth of a people end to human happi rem I mont heartily endorse and recom mend your Invaluable household convrnK euce. " Jno. G. Well. 27 Clinton Tlace. " New Yoffic, March 23. 1875." Testimonials and references from all parts of the country furtiuhed on applica tion. ' Send for descriptive rircuIJr. Fpecial imlncementi fwr Pmroiisot 1 1 Unhand rr and 8nvrreigus of Iodti try. Our machine is endorsed and reromnirndtd by ire Kx. Com.. N. Y. Stute Grauge P. of II. and others. Addrecs, 1 . jLHi:.iiv a roi-r.KTT, 0!)7 JSroadvyijr, Xvw York. AGENTS siyaiiti, - ev. fa? SnilloM. MADE JND REP?iIRED i j at the 'WJESDOEO' CVR.HGE SUOrS, Nc w Stand, intersection of Iiutherford and Morgan srreeta. ' : ' 1'rioos to suit (lie times. 1 r ' joiin c. Mclaughlin, Trop'r. '! 13-tf WE REPREHENT the following relia hle Insurance Companieat.. The Underwriters of New York.'" Capital ........$3,60O,000 Old North Ctate. Capital........ ; 200,000 Hlchmond wire Co. " 200,t00 Coin morclal Fire Co. " 200.000 We are prepared to take risks on property In this or adjoining countlea. Gin Houses and other hazardous risks taken at reiiKona i i.. , - itnm. A. lino. .. hic.ui.vo. t . .... ; J!f oi ... , .. ' . - -i It is worth w h i 1 e to call at this I oflice and se? the preat ftiniily paper, the " Stau Spangled Uanneb," Ledy size, only 91 a year and & choice oflwde elegant Chro tnos, Albums,-liot kft, iy, to each subswri ber. We receive subBcrirs at only ffl.which secures tho paper a yCr and premiums, all sent free, or we will club It with the Akgus and supply both for only $3.00 Call and soo the paper. , ' A. J. DAttOAN. JNO. I). FEMBERTON. I) AUG AN XrEMIJEUTON, ATTOU i: YS AT LAW, . , UWetftoro', -V. C. ' Praoilce In tho State bi'id Fe4teral Courts, fMiilmu fiillnntod 111 all Uftfts Of XvOrtU (Carolina. . , AllfMIMt -I VAJSCEaBUUVVELL. ClIAULOTiEt N. &. a V riUIE SENIOR WILL HEREAFTER atteud the courts of Anson County gerularly. . . s , , v ; 1 January 1st 187540-tf ; , i LAW 131. A. N ILS OF ALLKlNDSl-AfLY PRINTED t. t.i v. 1 O i:. ii. I'ooti: tK. f i.n ll-... T-' '' h. n m .. . 1 A I'... i. i.,tv ; T-. I.I.'. . t. I r.i i t I Hit. M.r I 4 m l mmm m-w im wivt j . w .. v . . . u no Mi-;x;cviiXAr f Oy 4-frtt oVur mmA, M sin? It ! ly'jr t'i frt irMtt i i.e v h ip. Ail V i) nfitl t lh M i r . HtHlasv Skff la fvia-ta, ajf jrr4 by hs I u-v mT t sM-tac rtyc44it, 1 U4 sM 4 i.--. cow iyaiis at A ti:TAr:r krm tmalM. AH lnlil At asm vv-qwi iMswsir ft II vM tiH i)imi, itf H tvett suttn o i-tr w b t'i fin ij ru. ros- ' ! Nt ! cmmS mi '4i, A a. ti pfM'l vul IN-sI tvr.is 'rn RrWaiai rt t-n 1,11 earttfMlKw m.l ft, wtt svMdt to w ? f tV lh Mli M (aw m, h H if . 1 1 . i r ptMTr, swnl r-. A t l".si lr-t .... . , fjotn tlx hi Ka Im n IrMtnt bf an ( . A p Viral lit .ru s, O ff Ma U, rjt if v - tiOT-l.ir.aj D xi. r. n. rooTr, 0 Mjhm t nil vji! r-i'i and JWiW f(W'W ,Vt!if (V !rf r.r flii-'r ' i Hurray) liii ni Cwr'.y D - tinomTAirv twh'W u ' r,r fcaf-ittft, ivartM'iij th h.ni -f 'd n rkTii, rd I'M'' Mumk l i t; ah .w UUN sH utU I " pTvkmI butitl ir sivvy m-. y.fj tst t. -m grtsU Vail 4 ittf-M-m iti"H f '1 ' fcU (TV t JfMlf f',t" plir'i.nt aval r, hf iHU't. t- ! i ' o' i Ti rhllitr nS -1hU, "- I I ettiHl, oUimj, phrwuUHir. anil I no. A i - Vl UlrtMn (!( of pl..inrf i I Imii-. 1 ' Suwn will f ri-nnlm I .. ' "' nnlloTVIuly loun.lur' ...I lli rurl..u. fri. of nl ami hrr own boilv. Bimr I Si-oky: op. Te. thk ...! 'trf nr, I l-I ConlMtta ttiila of iiU ....!.. '"' '-' " . all m.llmnl.. A.I.I"" Wt'KHAY MM I. 1 I'l l l. a- Ilm-rtHi. ml. Uroimr. iki TiiHium.i i . IN(1 ilOHI'ASY. 1 ' Errii Sn..r. .N Y. EiQOu'VjVrla" ... --4 f tl" ..n..T. .. I X erHvfrv-'-ro pmwrr, ! ri prmlne equal i mneh tut. H hIiuIImI ihoiwl trlmonif . from cuust nuiU'nU In all )n uf tha UiiIikI , Im tm anllirily nafis anl IU rru nira'."aa. . a v Chtapr-t ami tbtt . Vrlc mall, en" Kipuld, S k IVmiphM tliay. laaio toa; to pa mn.1 nj lha niikariuxt, ahuii how tha bawiima tmpalml, aa la aaid, " bt k." ani oor- , , -r- a hlatora of tha vatloua loatranmiU . raauxaU'Hi of tlia altrht, aant Irx on wiru Mnl. lo.nl. wuiImI MarvaKhM. Addrpaa ' ... HV.IIM Ull'VI ' Infh.wol Plato Ilxua Talk. Mntloal C.mion 8na f , "taooa In Bturj, aM., ISO Lailutftoa Aima, H. x. i NEW: B rYIB AT . ,' . . . i . j AT 'P. J. COPITJDGE ' WE respectfully invito the attcntioi our . : . . , . asd 'run ' . y to the fact that wo are - V U UiUx IN Go. tor! audltrliwiClt-X. l'o Oood$, ' Aotions, iiiff, Jt'eadi J! ?e Clothing Hoots and Shoe, ' Hardware, Wood ahd ,'Hhv Ware, ... Yi'nre, Crockery, , 5adJ.'.,ttc.tc, c. Also a full line cf TN.aSl Always ou hand and nt reass Agents for W. P. RUH3EL & CO.. I and Sash dealers. Special ITotie: Those in Dr.rrr.D to dh. v.. r int;tou atid to the I'. r- i ? V Covington arehett y ti ., 1 1 out delay ba furtlitr lr ' ' n given. - 4iU.f . - Tit o! 'as ! i- i to i i A.

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