t V -4 k. 4 I J . kv .J V i i J V rfotA an Eternal ItyW AVf A a Sttij Strain r-f I u7 A.I IfunJrtJ l r J " TJU4 Jrpu4, A4 ropU' Right , -. - . .... .,..,r r r X ill L. n r V c f.a w Anil x Hio 5 At v: v 5 I AT '1 .1. 9 itioo of r '- .or Til' . tOcfcjro. ' Vfill line of ISM,:, . CKUdSEL A CO., Bflud TIIE V- UOLINA , COOK Proprietor, CHARLOTTE, N. a woiilr)iha to citll yujr alUutiuu to rilEy''' IE TLOW. . , XnirfptiWe'of lur I fiifru riitw. Shovel, Mttlr ;)f!r. thp rout of xtru jrubufiikuco of M-rMallV. . rdroOK. idle. rein j Vlie lilgheht bl.lUer, Tl .' . 1 . .1 i:rHACE. Iielonglniito lMiel Meltae, all lying la the MifAiflM'jy and contsiiiiitiK alout v: ttlfiii, anotbemraot of about M ;iiiji!jf the naini '. . '; imWla are wid to be. among the timg JauJtt iii Anspn county, -fills 'of safe yrtiOow'fcfiSHh: -secured bWfON uavable lii twelve monUiHJrom i;lt -interest fiom dafe, purcluirfow ' 11 expinwM for papeia 4c .,M wlabing InfonnHtion concerning ihudaeati foaiinuniCHte with either O.N. Patterso. or W. A. Webster, Esq., jaDgum. N. C. , 6 D. STEW TtT, . , Conituisi'toner. lam, N. C, Nov. '23. 1875. 35-51. M&LE8 & FdHHlQK, ; fWatchnukerS and Jep!!5 WcAes, ' Clorka, , Jewelry, , p x "... s a AND PtiATBD(WARB, oldSpcctacles,gAc. . '"'"'Ti-:.'-" MPJtiAViv OF I87 WILL on Wech,. jy.the 12Ui or Jg i continue f jity wveeka. 1 (excl06vey '-ashinif llgiit)$73. .Uon la retjffv 5i6ui80. 21 arges fat? '' ttudies modeiate atalof!": v , ia particuiam, appiy. C?rei rreu ideut PretJ etfiff Uourd of Trustee. 882is- .0 . . Genrat Cotton, and " . COXglSSION &RCIIANT8, y t A'. .J(t, k. ''',ve firm a'nw wim.o pwaseii to aee, us V!' ;ala l'j tklpsiU, .and will pay ao hjgk ' . toe for tfft'in. ' ''m-. I ;-jr-oad MifitereaJt, (t mmy day b orders 1 YT.om 'rfperif witk ths b I oi jCkia, t j ) ;:t5i. ' """vooiru eaa a u , -no i I. uj 1 ' - i tho nain itmkaii o'Jjt UfrwaiuU, fir d I'ltfrae of live yr. .' V old T VOTTB. N. C. :-'?;V-,i:!'--'''w;r j n yUv 28-3nios. ' f av' ISL lbYth; pub to ta thia boCrfvVe 'was , 1 bixr:Mrt' f "H-'l-J'l U MPHW TkU kUk f kr, fMt till I m.h -IUTvt.18 : ,: .... .. - - . I. IIoJ myconaradM, mo tho lft)fcl Wlnglnthky 2MoforcfinnU uow pnttrtog, 3UojrU Might CAna.-'IIftU t)it fort, for I ana oomlof' JMUValKDrtU Mill, Wr tl aniwtr back U IImvoo, " Thjr xs w wilt.'.' , t. Peo tho trlghty huot Jvnolug, 'tan lAlin( oiii lllifhty moil armiud u falling',' i.Fm llm slnrlniii Unntr vivlnr. . Jir tho Uiiilt bUtvr. , , lu-, VWIff'i itmi wo'tl triumph 1 OtYtrjr loo. CAo. - , f f"lr iod loni( tit battlo ragea, ' v'!ut our liolp la near : Vard comva our (J if at Commander, V. r. mv Liimrarira. ehoar Cho. Tba TlJ'Nttomatar Mao. Ilewas a way-iriTriao from th E4it, ad lie bad thiijr seveo t.ieriNometer i a liukct od liia arm. After sutnling on the Irret rmaers for two or threti hour out nmking aaltf he rtaried fr the east ern part of tho ril jr. Imping do better nuiouir tho private houses. lie scrutul to gaiu coiifidfuce from' t lie cli erful lxk of the ilwclliiifi, ami te lxre hiinM f lika a ker at lie aKeiidod llie tt-p aul pullrd "Noiliiujf for tbo por,n suiJ ths laily as she npMiJ the lor. - ' M I am not tolii itiiig for the poor I am selling thernionictert La rt-plietl iu a ha I ii y voice. ' " " '." "lm't want, any bought cur etock in the fH,"' she aaM, ilrtwing iu lu-r heail. 1 , I said tin riiinrtieteis, luiuJum,": lie calf d in despairing voiue. ;. 1 ", i ' "I kuow it; but Wve got all tho r ge lable wo -can uU. ci I led back, and the door struck Lis toe. ,...''. .' , ' Going iuto the vi'ooif ou the vomer the niao addressed the proprietor with a sweet smile, asking: i. i . i '( " Would you lik thermometer to- By do pushel T Inquired tho saloonlst No thermometer .littl intru; ment lor telling you 'when it is cold oi warm." ' ' "Acy iDUsic-lox in it?" Inquired th saljonisU No ; it records the weather." "What wedder?'! ' " Why, the weather wo have every day in tho year. , When it is warm this little bulb ruus up; wlwa it is cold it stuks down' . J ' .ymJxI.Yhen it ish worm 1 dakes my nnt nff" : irl!rt?rs3f -Jtj T more goal in iler stoaf. Go .uiidiTr,ttvoiue schmall poy as kuows ooddingsl" ' The thermometer man entered ft carpet weaver's, and a bow-backed niaa nodded kindly and cordially welcomed him. Accurate thermomefers for only twenty-five' cenW," said the peddler as h held ne VP "New thing?" aM the weaver, as. he took oue iu hi hand. " We have had thermometers for many yean. People have com to consider then a household necessity.'1 ' : " Zero? Zero? Who was Zaro?" asked the weaver, reading the word behind the glass. -. . ' ": ; Tho thermometer man explainer?, iihd the weaver, nfter tryiug tfi get hii thumb nail under the glass, asked : , . u Where doe- the blamed thing open ?" "Thermouieters" are not meant to open, Uiy lriend," whs the reply. : "Well, I don't want u "therinonieter hroimd hi that won'p open I'' growl I the weaver. ' " I tuU,'tit it was a uyv kind ! stovtt I uinlle bfu you ' came in, or 1 .hoiildn't have .oked at it I" - aw V The thermotiietijr umii next trie r liwelling-house. t In answer bis ling the door was iiisiantly ai d swiftly-opened by a rd ficed VoHiUU, wlio hit-him with a ilub and crwd out? , t: t ' . " I'll Uarii yu, you jrouug villain I' ' Shd apoloeiieil ud explained that sev- V 1 k.- Jeral b'ld boy. bad been '-'ringing the door bell, ami be forgave he ajid said; 'I kave some accurate aild boadsoxue thermometer here. W-uld you M - - . Wo never havj IihsIi fir breakfast," she interrupted. ""My liusbaiid dtUsts hash, and so I don't wanVlo buy." . "f Hash I A thermometer ha nothing to do with hash!" be exclaimed. , Well, I cau't help that," he replied, slowly elosuig tu. uoor. ' -- no Havon I i ' - TT fVl I any lamp, to menu. you uou.uu.( trck mud oa the steps that way.' . 'n (V r "i ii li j j. i ) . 1 1 i, and when he jrter ' " ' ! to Lim, halted Lik fnu(b asked t , M Can I oell you a l accurals thermic Ur to-day r "A wbatr M A 1 1. .. - T tberroomeSr WJ.at do I want with tf claimed tho portly matt ' raisiujKs . . . voic a pej. ' - Why, to 'net tho weather. "You biased Miotl Do you i. ppfl run tb weather T' roared th fa gmwir. purpl tu th fac. t in, " Out you want to kuww when it's fa ' n.l.l ilmi't van f ' . ft "Am I such an M f.K,I that I W know wbu It's summer and wbea It's r.lav ter? Surleaed th fat man, - Wall kuow. of courae.- rep!id UH stranger, " but every , re p table faaillf .u- r--.ti. fat a tacrmonieter now-a-day.' , "Ti.ey have, tb I I never bad oue, ncr 1 wobhlu't bar one, and da you dar U in that I ain't rejecUb!e I ' screamed prtly. ....... " 1 didu't nieaii-r " . : " Yi, yoo did, aud you've mad m nit lb car. and I'll ran you I" Tb thtrniointler uiau wailed acro A mud iy atr.el and maU hi tic pa, aud dunk last ugWt was bavkfl up agaiusU Sililics', Monument, bis ba.ket bi-twfiJ his feet, aud was liulinj tndiy atf lii ihick on lb C-iiy Hall tower.- Uttrvit fret, Frttt. 1'rvm.tbe Kansas City (M 0 Journal, , . 8old.i- Btoiy,, j . .1 . It a in the lyinterof. I860, 1urU y bvfuro tho collapso if tho rubcllVni, that Gen. Slinlor, cominundirr at'Pe Vult'a Bluff, Ark:, ieiit u dctiiclmunt of cavalry v into tho Cacho .river country to rnttrrccpt aomo tontrubnnd poHl 'ihnt'wcrp "being anuifjrlod throph il line to the enemy. Tliat country wan un almost wildorncst of waniu and forest of cyproM and gum.tccwB nt that time, and was the Ivoutlt X3 ui)poftea to chaoso a. hom(vJLjftfliV5edTt. - IivMielicitotnent Tlrtre wcrejaccRsional ppot,irowvQC, of a fenj. hundred acres cuchi3i hifjhcf'uiaTi tho surrounding country, that by.Tnutli expense bud been con verted into handsome and valuablo es tates, with largo and. pretentious reiW donees for tho wealthy owners, who, though isolated, front tho bufy world, were content-to' forego somo of its pleasures for the peace and quiet af forded. ' Once ccach year, whou tho cotton was ready for shipment, nnd tho Iir.:Ie river was swollen by tho wdnUr rains, a ooumcr would cotno np to tho plantatimis and take tho sea son's product and tho planter's family to New Orleans, whero tho' cotton would bo ' disposed of and a year's supplies' piirohased. Then, after u frw weeks spent in tho society of tho met ropolis, ihey would bo carried safely back to the landing at home. Thus tho years were spent, until tho children, who had been under instructors at home, were far enough advanced to bo Bent abroad to finish their education. It was at op of theso plantations that the squi.dton of cavalry wus Utsmouqt ed'ab mt daylight, with instructions to surround tho houso and allow i one to oscapo. Tho Lieutenant then directed a Sergeant and six men to go ihroiigh.th- hoiiae and seize any gonds that might Lo emi rabuud of war. Tlio detail wits mudo aud tlio men pro ceeded to their duty. . Entering tho house, the Sergeant made' the inmates' acquiuted with the nature of his or- rand, und assured them that n'l. prt v to ' ' propTlpSfcCSiiiW repoetei When the party use-ended tho stair' leading to the second story 0110 of jthv men, 11 Prussian, who had lauded jn this .country just in tirno to enlist," re mained below and passed into tho par lor. Perhaps tho singlo occupant of tlio room, a.' beautiful girlj . may liavo uttracteil him and poriiaps ho didn't just like . this unceremonious stylo of. runsHckiiig a goutlcmnn's iiouse," Kir jltv n war. . At any rato tho squad got along without him, and came' down ' i-rcseutly, and continued their search. All tho rooms had boon - . .. visit!" ocobt oho, and into thia went . fl party , young lady and all. jlilvi" W ,uul mijjw iiuiim luviu, 1 of.tho aame pattern- and entirely I here were four large trunks there, A j 1 Jier wli n th )oun liuly eskctl t!.e privilco of oponinj ami displaying t' content of iliem herself. Tlio rcqnest wn granted, but each Mart scanned tlio article a thej wero takoii out, ex pecting tlio lonJcoked for bolt of Oitifixlcrata cloth Vi-ould to brought loJiglit. Tliey were disappointed. bow-ever; tliero wo imthlng but what wa )rJntfWlntcnJcl fir tho hints. hold, and 'tho last trunk lud becu eniit(enf (fa rmtenta liot quit, fir tliSiTL'fnfit'Ni' ''cid that tho drawer in iIhJ il l had not btoit opened, od a.li'd tJ.eirl aticntmn to it, Wttli 1 1 " 'U!1 trcnioNr Her tolco, aho re plic :. I ii,. 1 that tlioro waf JH'thli'igthoro but 0 propeny, and eiitf did not wlh 1 ..t-i. I T1 1 ' - . t I I Ml 1 til A A f N ,jirVf tlio; mn, vho't;athorod Jrolt';i,c,, th creutit'ag.nio d lUnil. l tlV-thf .Inarch bo miida feitll. tho gir wi. kneeling' by th I trunk Vuh; K' JaiiJi ; rwatniu; on tno 'id, ' jniidi'jio'iTiVTftfncnt,' tut lookctl iinVh'r'ui-ry into tV face of tho (iiorv SI'O wa ViAHliful crcilturo, m-arely ovVntcen: ylt with all tho arueo and bearing of anuecrnpiialird lady, pvfuro tho- 8tTiiit,tviuld re peut tho irdor, or oxculo'H Wmwlf, tho PiUMiui, will touch' of tho hat, and jwdito biv ti hti auperiyr offi cer," ftuWI i "V " the lady giyca fttcr word'uf Uonor'that thero ja nothi.ng wo V-ckiou ahouhl to atibfieiL,i j . . . .'. a .1 o. r VrU of honor v repcatca tno Der ie'vant coirtcnii'ituouilyatonor among reiiel, indeed !" ! . ; ' . .Ticro waa a frco fiht in an iwdftnt, rintho Tnnnitttt dealt him a terrib'o bTiw in the fact', which taggercd him ditudc urnoupf hrt coniriidt' who toojc nifTo' evenly f"r Hd iiguinat tho "Dutchihuli,-" '.leaving Ifc-v unecttain new. Tho nj.!cK)ii cT t were aroused tUI nioro " I I WWfifft ltktii( "ft' jjhVcdl th6'. trunk wu foriH ten, "ana mo iiarty etr 1110 rtonia utid reau mod their mureh.- WJion tho war vrs o'er the troopa Avcro disband- rrrmf I M. ed -at til Louts,' and tho PriisnruH .vaMv.trict Coort euv him k vcreo for , th hst eigrtt of for several years, until tho 'railroad from Memphis to Little 1 . : 1 . a a . 1 - . 1. : . a.. . a a 1 Hock was romeo, when ho turned np as civil engineer, and ossistcd-itt loca ting tho route. His jianio was fro quently mentioned in tho paper at that timo, but when the road was fin ished he disappeared again, and I saw nor heard nothiii moroNif him unul tho other day, I hiet a'.huly and a gen tleman in tho ears, whoso faces seem ed lamiliar, and who. proved jo bo my Prussian conirado and his "wife, tho planter's daughter, whom ho protect ed iu tho war. Then followed a long story of how tho railroad was located across the plantation, and how thoy met again -a lease of lovo at first sight -and . were married, ami had mudo a tour of the lakes, and revisited tho seminary at Cincinnati, .where she was educated, uud were on their way to California. , . "Well," said I, 'you haven't told mo what was in that trunk." . ; "It was a pitcher full of gold nnd silver ooini" said tho happy Dutch man, " but I didn't know it till I was married." ; s 't v . ' ' ,v ' : ; ; f 1 11 11 i j A Jok on Eanry Clay. , Tho Carlislo (Kentucky) Mercury has this storv. : '' A' relative of Gov. Metcalfe has furnished us with tho fdlowing incident, which s will iilns trato tho manner Old 8tonehammer' had of nhivinff i ractical jokes. Somo timo , beforo tho introduction of rail r.wuls Gov. Motcalfo roproson'ed in C.nre8s it district f which Nicholas fixity was a pa.t. Mr. Clay was Sec retary tf State tinder President Quin- cy Adams.' ; It wu 1 tho custom to make the trips to tho national cnjtal in private conveyanc-o. ' I '.V'It;.wn'in the days of Mr. Clay's greatest p'opitl iriiy that tho two dis tinguished politicians agreed to travel to Washingtoii in Gv. Metcalfe's car riage, and, all tho arrangements per foctoil, they started together from' tho latter' l-Vest lietreat homo In this county. - Whilo passing through, the Stato of I'ennHylvauia Mr. Clay told j Gov. Metca fo that ho had received in i!..,i'..h. ti.ut Su n fifFtntii town thev lliimui'ii' " " - rf .....M..,.nr..uol,ii,wl,flonldbo honored with 'aii ovation t.y tho citizeus thoy tviui nil OVUlKMl iy vuu niimui n.vj liko Oiousautbi of hia fellow-country men, loved him, lut had never seen him. Jut beforo con.if t town Gov. Metcalfe, who had !l fi!r tccn driving, eorosted t 1'r. Cy that ho tnko th lines and !.;. i 1 j himself wm tire?. "Mr. Clay rt.-.'c rt V1 npon tho Governor Uk t!.o 1 in tho cirriap;. Th honon ' man drovo tho team locces town, and they wcro met ! 1 1 concourse of people. 'G . . j alight from tho caTis''. 1 U'u naked whether ho wus r. C!.iy, sn awcrcd yea, that ho ws r' 1 t r.u.t them. At tlit) tho crow.l f !r!y hoiet ed him upon their hotiU..-r nnd tri umphantly aturtcd witSi hint to tho r.laco of reception. JK)kin buck at Mr. Clay, whoatill at in tho rarringo, nmewhat nonplused, t!.a Governor criclr, Driver, tak t' 'jhonctto the stab.'e And feed them." U6fUl oa C V. Y.J.ur:l of C m rc. , Tb following CjUCwM1 1 wi.l iniertsi I- .1 .O .L wher this topi bas I 1 much d'ueussed; ' C0500RD, N, C, Poc, 21, 5.87-1 " AsJUor ff A Jeum CommmJ t 'A. ter la your " Jl plie aud Dcc' ri"r&'Lh uiiiy rrr''1 A irnerv'"-u - 1' ''a iien tfiortgne to a luercl - I t.i bis gruwinir h fpjnr fiirnihed. , t,, malurrd cotton 'i. j( growinjerop. a soiethfi! j tu t in i..v-rcl.at tak snid t purchnvr? Will lull in Uuitoijrute Iiuiii.iu or MiHis i iti's-e o .-owing ! .! led it did not tioa miradTantat: to hav'f rrop of rot ton, tt!.. Th mortgage clal a hit by reason of m Can th farmer mor exislertre? Can 1 out too from an ' vou giv a. feu?rtni Court, i sippi, conce.rtiiog 1 crops ? IK it "t ' th matured crop?. ' It will h much ti uyour. valued opinnm j iib'ieliej. t ' truly r. & u Jieph . -Th c t stated appears to te completely t-t; 1 by lb decision of the Tuited State .. jprem Ctflirt la th case ofiuttv. Elleit, 19 Wall. 224, beiog so appeal from the U. fi. DiVUt (iwrf fr the Lflstrt'" ,f Louisiana. .One f'-rseold ietkiilf ' .:i. to CW'P "" G.niham ex- 1867,. ti e eri'ps to be ron tk'J yeir Eilett . i tdlfd to th iil'IH or bA'in as I imlzmeiii-credor; blit Gnvfaia, notalth r i . 1 . . . ( rl. - . ... Siailullig I lie inorigngr, aunr l"" vn'jJi iu Butt A Co. to repary advanc;. ElUtt ao cnrdiugly fileii agiinet ha' ") Co and tb fyalueof the cros. Tho Bnprem CourL 1 . rn . - m & i 1 a . affirmed the decree. Mr. Justice Swaue de livering the opinioD, ' aud saying. " ih oiortgago clause "'juld' nt op erate as mortgage, because w crops to bTch it relate were not then la existeue. : , When th cror grew the lien atfacr.ld and bsund them effectually from tbattifips." Maxim for a Young Man, , , Kevsrb idle. If your bands p&Qoot b usefully employed attend to the cultiva tion of your Blind., y . : . , ; : Alway tpeak the truth. , ' ' Keep good company or oon. t ' . Make lew promises. ' Live up to your engagement. Keep your owu secret if you hav any, When you apeak to a perou lok him fu tb face. ' . GiHid company anil good converaatioa are the' vtrr. tiuews of virtu. . r i . Good charade is abev all things els. , Never listen U, loos ur idlo conversa tion. ; :.; , . , Your character cannot b essentially in lured except bv your owu acts. . -' . II any one speaxs evil 01 you let your me be so virtuous that none will believe Aim. .. 1 ! i- r.. :e. Drink noiutoxlcatinir Imuor. Eer live, misfortunes excepted, within your income. ' - ''''-- . ' Wheu you retho to be,d think over rt you have doo during the day. rff Never pak lightly of religio - "; Make uu hast to be rich.s ifj ou srould prosper. 7 s , ; ' , , Small and stoady gains.' compeUncy with tranquility of inio ;' , , Never )ay at any k Jifl of game. Avoid temptntioil -through fear that you may not witbiuaud it. W ' ' Earn your mouey befor you spend it. Never run in debt unless you see a way to get out again. - ' ; ' -- Revel borrow if yoa cau possibly avoid it..-.- vi"';;-- '- - I: t. !: H; lv,- B jut before you ar generous. Keep yourself luuweut ifyoa would be happy. " v ''.'.' . ' . ', . -feave when you are youog, to ineud wh'en you are old. ' ' 'v V "''.-.'' Never think that which you do for t ligiou is time or money m it spent. " - Keadsoiue portion ot L Bible every dayJ Cwnteli for JAfi. J The Pi esii .t bas ordered Dr. Liudeman gum rintenOeut of th United States mint, to coin appropriate medals of the canqon captured in the Mexican war for th pur pose of presenting on to each of the TtL erans of the Mexican war who shall attend the tjcntenrUt re'ehraiioc at Philadelphia. . , - U The Bou l'ort ay ibut the salutation most common in u Levi now-a-days is: i - - -Uft to you beea indicted yet? !. ti t ; 1 1 r I 1 1 -. 1 i ; itii ' 1' fi 1 n. f : -1 : ' " ,'.s;,l I . ( f I 5 1 ira 1 wi.U llUt'l t t -11 L; 'i. Ait' if i 1 - . -it f ti ., '; i 'l t I ti !.arj-s t f j . ji-Ctl! f3.f tliH) tff.ir it j-ut..t it r If. 1 t' 1 i fur- cf eic5i !:',! 1 ' j read aturg t!. lirnl l'. t fjp!viIoa is a Irrru I a.-J it ; el to a wsn IjrfulJ ,;r TL f rst s'lot t r-l .9: t!. : k t moii'tor irr.o f.ur i. w!..... prrj; ::U,.tl $ e a fiu board, snl I iru ii al iochet Iq 19 c '. if. r th Iron bad I -i ' ',' '1 was Cred at V I I plate of tbree-iu' ti i '1 ;' ' eurely strsppeJ ut ' r. 1 went tbrouzh ll'a. fj. j if r n. a 1 o'ix loch bore, has I- i f wi.1 ii" tested Uf.r U..' ! ' n7 "'-w ,vtks nl it is e " till Ki'u-f!'it)'E'.- ACt.i.. ' (t!X YtAI 1 wu-.' :-i f ; and rii--i k' li. sliin i !o ' p'arr-s t 1 t vh.ii-!'. r: ., 1 ( -.!'il -Ti.,,, J A . if 1- rs' 1 "V ' sad i hi'' 1 ' ' - . . ii win. b. y I ii - 1 1 r i" i 1 I ; tiri . . v . . We ! ne l" 1 yews, L a. -f ., with riim 11 Hi th truth of th above. vande. 1 ,'. per gives this account i 1 recently took place i :;-y,lhati young lady tt tlu' 1 wr.-ie ayoeuj ma -oC'intw'1". : a county.that a!.ala.p. beard hfra hi-' 7 fiokeo of, au l ii" l esa fit to Df I" a visit, and cou.d sun.' j atisfactor ia-j.inalion,that the would wardbiui ih her In art and baud. I' cepted t' ; preposition and surti-d at . . .1 r : II- I . I k tin 10. i ' our. ii mm . Mon.' wasaapected and received,' j ' the ( upl wsre married th next day,-,, )j b lis CooldVtTeli.IIkk. raasiojr bl commission bouse oft : Mkh'tgan grand a,r- :K nue yesterday a lady had her alteution wavu.. tratted to a saddle of vecisoo hanginJ co; side th door, and the stopped T,.Pr.' if, " th prica. th dealer Informed L f ed: , ," t r,. u It Is delicious meat, madam." .Uutj "Yes, I have heard people say tt w. ity a 1 dou't hardly know. Are you sur s was a corn-fed deer?" ... i e t' Th dealer couidu't tak hi oath ou and ther for didu't. effect a sale ' V t 0i ' v Detroit Free Prest, . r.; .. 1'iRE Phactice. Ther iassid to', disciplinarian at Ipswich, Ma?sacbu who li bound not to b burned ahvrs lives 1 1 a house .with only on rair-To-aud every Tuesday night, accorda!J;",.''" cut pnper, at twelve o clock, he ency ,. a k l.K.K Ki. iviflk .iwl Ki! Iron lV J rise and drets. lie then takes out a in sanh, puts a rope around his w ife and h ber to tb grouuu, and u.tii ti.row her arms on child at ft tine. I! 3 5 fuaiture into the street and r fdace of safety. The- whole tin" ess than fifteen minutes, c- ' J 1 do it iu teu. Yes women are unreal" may have remarked that ' sits down ia a new e tin. ., I ' where a 1 'Abor'. ' ' ' . ' posited t u(wi,',','!";; 00 about it i" Eua " u lar'swoit' . . You haven't crfned y0ur r r du the whole session, said an li. l-t.)ft; low-member. "I yawned tbrou-U tie v . of your speech." . ' A fod ina high'tat 1 is th top of a hih rau ' v,, -t'Verjl appears small to liim,noa to every Douy. A young widow in le C ed after her bublau l's T with ft Soft, quiet t:.'.-, ". tk?. yoa." -7 of i .1 r ' .5 . t" 1 at 1 'a an ) tl ' I MlkJ 'l 1 A"

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