I ft V . 1 . " . : I tl ' . :.: ' - . ' . . 1 t . a I , 4 ' ' rJ 1 ""WW otk. -a. .- 1 m.' aiidirefe'ledstock of t r l r .1 aai irare,. ar, Crodtery, i full, line of uQ baud and at remnoull price. IIJE CAnVtalNA TGtJLTUIlAL CIIAIiLOTTl'J, N. C. , Loon i lows 1 nl .to aut-cvMiful planting, there UUBLOTTE PLOW. ..-aiafi ' Y L t- .'II , 1 -- J "I" VI.V..I.. ..'4. in n. . ' jiter iti "f fie South "Kwi'lfAllv, : W. F. COOrC. i'1' " C'iirort. N. C - Land Sale. !t xpi Ciirwile t tlie highest bidder, i t'9 ireiilfea, at u !!! nui'tioii, on I , le 7cli la of February A. D. k ' e 1 -n J v It N E ' LACK, belonging to , i of iHiilet Mdtar, nil lyluj In tlie k '' non, and coiitniniiin uttttut JJwiiioMicr tractf it I I'Xtlie Ntiue li eaaiJ to bit among the ,Jitiiiltt In Alison C'ouiity. pt' alj arei One-lialf cmlij t i.viilile in tM-eivu montiiM from . intnret fiom Uit', piircimsein .1 exp mmm for papers Sus . 1 f ,.i wishing lufiii iimtioii (oiicernlng iinlHCHii foinin'niioite with eitliar N. Putterum or W. A. Webster, Ehi., t ,uc :. IX STEWART, , ' : ' ComiuiMsioner. I c -cklncrham. N. C. Nov. 23. 1874. S5-5t c D WARS. iota renSy Dpecta.)SKisc. " t mr-, . . rn .. s 0 oro College, ;t ;: ' "' i HGSION OF 1878 WILL I .Wednesday,, the 12tlkof Janu- t tiue iweuiy.-weeKs. iveof waah'ifig ft lights) $75, .resibr exira Btiulea modeiate. rUttlaiogues whtaiu particulars, apply , , , h h. D.J,WltSOV, ' r h Pretldent of Hoard of Trustees. '-fj e '" v iijjbr ii i rreoi DcrUmt, ' Aj" "m8 TO THE PEOPL OF ANSON, inly. Montgomery!, aad ,Biohmond '''"-''lito the public, generally. JilS . scrv'ifes, und any .one desiring ; will vlciwe botify'nie by letter . J at .A souville, N. C.,aud they i . i.i r 1 1 1 k promt, attention.' i reasonas Iforcaalu air;-,:: .f ' ."warrented 64. Ipth i375.29-lyr '1at s . m iBT deer boarders rZ J DEALERS t!f ' ' i I R A M D P III. 0 .f V'. A Ounr'i Chilataaaa Ka and K.ft ilia mow drri fall Uixm TT w-irtl walla. A if pixnt gracious oul, Intent i til , Upon th una iwwt deed it meaut Kiot iu iU (trrt ut.!i boiinlr Ir, . , CTt I I a & " oimuig wrap earn oar iiunir on tna w Till U Ui ihinga white auJ wbiur titw, fiTiii igq luaiiuwi xanu mug' in raw. NTIwUen lvr grf, tha'paaoerul white, V 'ker letting nuke Vwilght I Ai0' tbu mooiiahui, wbicb it thada, iw (ajyTtull tnooJ baa crrpt, "h iucii a glow aa autiriae kepi V?xitb J Bnjahjlo rre mine. AhyA tha tlortl jrean iMcliue, f Aol auvNa baa ao atorr now To ii onNjko tba nlvht aud mow. It thoaa niOiJla woul I ceat Clliug lh -ir pXjy-oM tliU jwace, It aeema the bour'anJNifpDinia b.tu wMlr bearu uiiiKoi'l od blaaa A ad Ut tb lowaat beavenwlh. - To reet the birthday of the Lord. I caouul think tbe loudeat bella Cau una.- what t pure Vnica telle, The pirit nrwla no braaeu tor. . Tu whiaper triumph to ilia nwo ; i The blrM j healing falla to them Who fciuch uiiaeco the garnifut beru ; And biddrn deixU are waftei hither - SCrtf d " ow VT. P, KUS8EL & CO., Bliod Than chaotiia of aa angel choir, slera. . ,Vl 1 iina-m sun ma4 I. pa err, i - . , uiuie kiill the ma J lianla crucifr; -L'AilVtWNA jliutrnulea wat-h and omen ween. And thira th Ilicint; afler aleep. liow t-are:h He for ChrUtiana aong Ti wboio all ilajra and auaga belong? jur au eioi2g ne rtua nee. I nnnv-" T.,; M' tide rtachioga thur to beed. L UUA, 1 t OpnetOr, Alwaya the wiUing .nKel, .i,,2 Tn worn-out worker liHteoiDg; Alwayj our Christ ia in h earth, Alwaya liia lore bat hurann birth iu jiy that crowua our later moru l-ilika to 'nil yojr attention to Aa iu Judeau, Christ uja born, iiof -' " ' - . I . .Oiill'Tj ii.lu: 1 t- iOJV Aii'j yot i miud how every yrar. When my ri birthdays draw anear, Z Fr L , Uear-Kutfc. "t gay-r life. lioie and wi.iom rife, Though all tlie year Ruth's tender eyes To mme are opening' of tla ikies, , Though lore unsaid he lore complete, I find the specul service eeL And o, perhnps. these louder chimes, Siuoothing the pros-told hours to rhymes, Like some ran voice God sets to rouud The jarring onrs of shriller sound; These sniiv with grand aud sidy art, Clitnhiiig to ivach the Ontral tleart, Tlifse broken lillies, and the ri'n!i , nin? anirels hush - Afar b!?WcTeTrr5AaiUJnuie Fresh gelling of a tale UviiieS&ftJ And lie whose birthday kti'wtio blus Except a woman's troubled kis?, . ;. 4 : Jay Hill forgive the fociisli art, . -And hide the meaning in His heart ' Fannie II Robinson, iu Harper,s ninga sine for January. . ' Never Give Up. ' NfvpjCgive up I It ia wiser and better tfvTwavs to horn than once to despair : Fliug oB tha load of doubts cankering fetter. s' Aud break the dark spell of tyrannical care. Nertr gire'upl or the burden may, sink you ; Providence kindly has mingle"! the cup ; And io all trials or troubles belhiejk you The watchword of life must be, jtive up. Never give upl . There are chauces and " changes ' " - Helping the hopeful a hundred to one ; And, through the choae, high Wisdom ar ranges - ' . Ever success if you'll enly help on. ; Never give up I for the wisest is boldest, ' Kowiug that Provideuce mingles the cup j -" ' And of all ths r-jaxims, the best, as tbe oldest, . i Is tha true watch ward of " Never give "Pi" ' ' ' Never give up!A Though the grape shot may rattle, ? . . Or the full thundercloud over you burst j-j .i.-f'vjV if i," 6land like a rock, and tbe storm or the battle:..v ,.1 " :,-2.:,J.-" .j''. I ', ' .;,' Little shall harm you, . though doing their worst. s. t Never give up. if adversity presses, , nT '' Providence wisely has mingled the cup ; And tbe best counsel, tn auyour distresses, la the stout watchword or; 'Never give A" reliable genllema just taken a tramp through Pennsylvania and jjays g" didn't meet with a single third termer. If this same 44 reliable gemleo.an"' will come to Mississippi, he will not fail to dis cover that every Repbblican in the State ia a third termer, and the . negroes - would willinclv vote for Grant for King. Grant is batikingiieJy on Southern negroes for l8;m8atiofifVick6burg Herald. . j , ' : J KAimen vo me quiei neei once more. sceus io wo uscu in ino navy-yaru ror Sit'", r' tTk Bringing the smile ber&tbW wore, " 1 iackinif un; eun-boats and" moviiiS r the difltout ,leiHTs, for ue Au, ,jue ncl0U9 gift t te ' Jacn XfAutSSr : 'c,'!- ou however, fori! some mischievous ..LwiMinr havV rhe conndence nf That i.ee.la a double grant of grace. . boy was to slip a coupio of them on ptoallanfouji. ) . - Meaa A fatea. , , , WAni.voTojr, DocomUr ?9, 1875, t ooiuo or Uia recent ipertmentt mnJo ia tliia country with memlera of tlio i. regctahU kingJora hav at- tractou conaiderablo attention. ' Maaauchuaotta profvaaor found tliot Hn cnliiwrv aouoah wonld lift atone door-atcp w t'ightn tlirco tons it quar ter pt an inch, in one, , night, and on warm moon-light evening it would raiac it an inch and a on art or. A Connecticut iiiaii who had traveled in Japan , bearing of tbia; remembered that he hud aonicj.umpkin aooda fron that country and planted thorn on i aouthcrti expoauro. Tho iced anrout ed and the pumpkin grew as large at a dry goode box in two Java,, Br the uao of a eun-glaM he was able to niuko these extraordinary vegetables grow in any hrco'ton with surprising faeil ity. IIo has rccnt'y taken contracts lor moving heavy buildings at .'ono- tenth the rates charged by boss car penters. Last week, with the aid of four pumpkin seeds and 'two sun. glasses, ha "moved tho granite post oflice in Norwich, fivq blocks, in one aftcrnn, and ho did not pay close attention to business on account of sickness in his family, ' , ; The strango properties of these seeds woro discovered accidentlr. ' A box of them wcro beiiig (ranspartod on the Japan Central IUilroad, when they became wof, and threw the train olf the 'truck. Mr. Watts, our dis tinguished Commissioner of Agricul ture, has ordored thrco tons of thcBO dcr Hunker lli'l monument, it would tumble over, und the country would rulapBe into univcrsHl ruin. 4 A New Haven man died tho oth- er day und his stingy wife took out his false teeth and put them carefully. away in the cupboard for her futuro tis'tf. The undertaker remonstrated, but she said she believed in tho good old maxim thut A penny saved is a penny earned." She did not wear the teeth, hower. rj until af&r the funeral; then she clapped them into her mou'.h and went to a sociable one evening. The conversation was lively, and the lady seemed very brilliant, until sud denly the . iceth flew out and started for I tho pnntry. Every ono.in the room screamed and ran. for the door. But a gentleman -who, was more cour ageous than the others returned to mrfko investigations; yet, notwith- standing his bravery,' he did not get farther than the door, and looking through a crack, H) saw tho teeth vouring pics, pickles and chicken salad at a terrific rate, lie uttered one tremendous lunvL and fell back in a fainting fit. By this time tho la dies had "recovered their composure, and they went to the assistance of the gehtle:nan. Tho young man was vo ry palo, but would have reccverod had not tho teeth began again. ' No soon er did liis eyes catch sight of them in a pari of custard than he foil heavily to the floor. The fi&z2jxt through the , half-open door, and. fled from ihe houso. ..After, an hour or so the young man came to his conscious- ncss and lit out as though the sheriff was aiUr him. There is not space to. relate,, half ,, of fh stories , that were told in grocery 1 stores that t evening. I only know I that the widow finally went into mouTtiing, andrthat no'one weht iVea;r'(,1the'hbu86''flgain ait 1 Know . tne leemyuro ctiewing qp the joists by this time, and will probi ably tackle the foundations next week. Moral H Never ravish the dead for a let of false teeth. - - A terrible- accident happened at ValcrlA' Iowa, the other day,; while the toy aathorities wer , extending thflHgTJe walks. Ihit-iKihe place ide- has grown they havo been stretched into the f ub'irba. Laat welt four 01 fire yoke ol oxen were liitchod to the sidewalk.oa Pot-ular streot and start - eu toward the country. The walk had been stretched about two miles when the chain suddenly broke, and the walk resumed its original length of only ahuiy yards. Two or thren hondred ople wore strung along the ii . s I ino xmio; aome.were going .-l...;' A. :.i . - w uusinwa. oiucrs rcmrniiiff irom raatlnco at the CWa IIouio, when In siautiy, witnout a momont s warning, . . '.. . they wer hurled half a mile into the air, ana ten oi mem came down lioaU a first on I the Uantiat church. The dams jvoa ssriou. A throe ban drod u.,skylight was brokon In pieces, njnl It VmNu-creral days to clean the rooC A town ordinance io been pased rcooirins three chains to bo Q'odiii lengthening tho side walks hereafter. " , Owiijg to the recent raragos of grasshoppers and potato bugs, tho Colorado4, soap weed is deteriorating. :or several years it has borno fiue - I. ... I trrndet of vo bwr tottet And fancy irt.n A and aroupd Ionrer the yield has been v . " I' o great hat wagon loads of transput cnt shavihg eoap wcro brought in aud solJ tor tivo cents a cake. In fact it was so rlentiful that all the barber inna nnl Iwtnla ivura anrrliAt mitk ; Tf- r r - ' i . iv n i it. Tho Indians on, the Iiio Grande I . , , , . ... .....v.. ,..vi D.iii.iivu niuii . , : . . . . . jmg .. jruumg norses, out since me s.8u.TFr iT-jjue, me vinos nave oeen verjr scruuoy anu boruo only ao their exhausted nostril aliooa with a dim inferior quality of common yellow refulgence. ' ' soap. Itjis said that froqueot applicn- '"My poor darlig has god sodge a bad tioilS of cppeOfcjt'ater followed by a code, he armiMthbdul tigj!kng nmst be done b'ck; ' V- . ' . . : . ... f.1 , f a, . MI dm e gare for myse d. " I" h or there will be much sultering among , ;,?, . , I , - suddenly put her away, recovered his hand- the poore c lassea of our new ierrito- . . , 1 T n kerchief, and Instantly wuut on tl a par ties. r Sphinx. ,.. - 3.. i t T. Z - I A Kir-Clew Duet. The Fun" of Pop. ping tha Question with a Cold tn the ' Bead. - ; '" They Had been keeping company a year, lie told bir Friday afteuoon that be would be up early Sunday evening, as he had soiuethingjjof grtat imHrtance to tell her, and a preaaut to give her,: With a wo rn au'i keen intuition aha knew what the something tf importauco would be, aud she looked forward to the hour with sweet expeutatioa. He was there on time, but hardly iu the condition he desired. A heavy cold had tackle ! him tho night be fore, aod his eyes were red and iuflamed, aud bis nose was nearly twice its natural size, and shone with a lustre that would have appeared to much bet'er advantage a ' . ft a . on a door ipiate. cmguiariy enougn me the young ady was similarly 'conditioned. She ushcrod him into the pa'rlor, aud with out any preliminary coreniony. - they , were ou the sofa together. He took : out . hia handkerchief, and finding a dry section, horse in large quantities shortly befoie .be wiped his nose. This reminded her of a ing put to work ; or at all on his coming duty she owed herself, and she atteuded to it at once, i He held one of her hands in ouu of his, aud his haudkerchkf iu ' the other. Then be siKike : , . : f Susad. I cub to nide to dalk to you of suudiceafer-ati-ah-oetn.a pramptappiica- a . iy ia I tion tf the handkerchief cut oil' the sneeze iu its bud) dearer do be thad lihe ah ah thad id co-ooh-ker chew, ker chew." A moment's ; pause,, . The gcd ad awvul cold," he explains, with due solemnity. 4 "So be I,.' she sympathiciugly replies. t is devoted to tbe silent use of h. I the haff kertwiif, and then he continues : ' -" Darlig you must hab aee-all da tibe bow mudgo oh-ooir-ker--(the bandker- chief again saves him) how mudge I hab thoujjnd oh you. Ebry hour ob de day br uide--hah-H)oh-ooh-h--ch-cAWr kbb caEw; KER CHEW I Thid id awvul," i.V protcsted.i wariflng around ; the . room, for, the final explosion bad raised him to his feet, t 6fce wiped her eyes and then her nose; and made an honest endeavo-Jo look languishing, but, owing to the watery coo- dition Of the former, and lU fiery glow of the Utter,.she appeared to au unhappy ad- vantage." ' But be did "not notice it. He felt of bis proboscis tenderly for a momeat and then returned to. her aide. "DarligVl cad no lodger lib widoud vou. Widoud you libe would Indeed be a idderness.; vid " i -: . I Phe impulsively raised her hand, fcter-ke'r ker. chew I" she shouted. " Darl!g,hs s-ifily c .u'.;,).ir., 1 ss tkroujjh," y cad oetx-r kn I 0'lge bh-ob abkerchew, I 1 "hh ,rr,ri ker ,ehewrnh aiy Oh U"V " iwpwueusiy gr "'g iur cu oaoatercnier, while till ttari'rari dwo bia cheeks. , . " Bhe tnok advanUga of lh lull to unol trulrly apply ber bandkercbieft , "Buaad," be began again, grasping ber band with forvor, and clutching bia hmid- karcht.t with anual rarB. What a . i: - . , - y0o. ead rau tub ma mou-k d,. b b h. . -i ah-ooh-kercbewl Hearira thia id awrul! He mopped the pertmiratioa from his tli. tl I a . - irouDii oouoienauce, and then wa;il uo l'' h reappeared from behind her baud kerchief, wbeo be mumed : "I sk 4gaid, darlig, ead yoo lub be sa ouah to im my aihef Tbs yduug girl dropped her bead upon hia breast, ut bar arm around bis oeck aod.waijuit about to speak lbs glad an swer. v-.o aJnaajn .li.er frame mm - ami she went va lots a aenu of aoete which fairly endangered ih ufety of her uir neck. 0,by Ir.b f by brecioui V betympathis' Nugly exclaimed. NSbeak O. bak- I " " I abooh-ooli-ker chaw. kr K-r rl... t I r ' - "" wa vmv v a he roared. , J She fell Into his arms agalo, perfectly ,,",e,, You II be bide, all bide, be gasped, .. 1 Wl u?ur' 1 Wl"', hosrsely I WU,,P I i. : i I -iearew nerio nun wun a njs strmgtb. iv ... . , slipped ths ring upon her trembling finger TT J , . It ., 1,1. . -n, h-rethy atood together, tbeir red dened snd balf-cloae,! ' eye. blinking io IWeet, holy ecstacy upon each other, while "Or he sighed, as he gained a nerncn- ' r a dicular again, and mnppi d off hii face, which was now almost purple in hue, ' " You must take suU meJivid for that code, douide," she saij.. i ; . 1 Both ef ns," he dded. . . ' "Yes, a'd you'll soak your feed in hod wader f. ,, . . 'v'. " will ; a'd you'll zoak yours?'' hs ea Serly asked. . . - "I will," she solemnly replied. . " Ileavig bless you, my darlig, my bre- cious darlig," be murmured, clasping ber agtio to his breast. Aud then hs stole out into the darkness and she lingered a mo ment at the door, and heard his dead roice ring out on tbe night air as he passed away; " Ker chew, ker chew, ker o h w," ' . Watering Eoraea. ' In regard to watering horses a celebra ted author sums up the question in the fol- lowing words : " It rests only to say that wa ter, although it should never be given to a off work,' while hot ; still less while jaded or exhausted should ordinarily be fur- uished him often and in al undaoce. NotJ' so much 111 large draughts at a time. whjf;.. improperly distend the stoo.acb. sv' in II . . i ...1 I M sraair quantities, at irequenuy rwurnujj in tervals. lr a farmer depebds upon hired labor to care tor his stock he must b- ever ou the alert to prevent neglect, uu less the laborers are of a more faithful kind than is usally obtained in this coun try. Of course we do not f oppose that the owncjs.of animals are always to be trustel . . m In this matter, for we ftave xnown many who were aa anxioua to do up the chorea nt night and get in by tbe lide of a good fire as auy hired man. . ' The horse may have been hard at work during the day; and when b-ought in ; at night they would be hastily unharaessed, and left with snow and mua aanging to their legs and leet ; ao oianaeia oemg put ou iu the coldest weather, although the sta- j bles were little better than open sbeds. To complete the neglect, hay would be tosseu iuw tne racn nu mi iu irvU8U before them, and the farmer goes to the bouse and forgeU that the horses have had no water since morning. Perhaps this lat- ter requisite to beaittt ana comtort is oner- ed before the animal is half through with his meal, ana u ne reiuse to anna unuer such circumstances it is taken as a proof that he is not thirsty ; hence no more is offered him uiitiltb. day. Now, this " r i iin la a flaring fci. I health. An at,:,., j Iciily of rs an.l ;, f nu'm i "t, a!l tha r -u!t . 1 ' r i. i i i ni. wt id t.t'.r r imjrfrUrt. luattcri , . 11c ow my heart hi I f il pa;nel t, i thcw!nfi an In IXn-uoa a I,;, U it (.:" Riauifcsted for an aged and depe n.l.-r;t i tber. . . . , t . Ae may wrsta a jnother'a. bautr, diat the luitra of herey, lierstMn-th m J . L I I m orpari, nr limns mm to Mr-port h-r tering frame, or the may l.tnmie a l,t! his ai aa Infant, but aha!) l,.r. . , ' Is she oat our mother still f Hi '.. V. ' . todd and watched over our infancy ? X t'( . , io youth, baa the not tri-1 t l a J ui in i 1 straight and narrow path f And imi. kof- '7 ah vaa eur miuUuriu anvl. Who but ; . 7 ' a mother could be paticot, so kind anj affectionate, ao gentle and aelAaacriflcin-.We )' as a mother f . . , ' ? : If w bar been tempted Iob frti I i, a t" l pallia, if we have followed iu bad counael t aud gou astray, if we bare choaeu ivilf companion! and forgotten tha rood eoun- ' . sell of our youth, who is so ready fr eucour- " v " lpi aod lead ui back to hvnor and rir- tua,aa a mther She is ready tfur-i?e it- to love and cherish ui stiV.?- , ; I Who cau fathom a mother's love? Fh, . iaour frieu'l when all the world fonakrs u . ' 6be will ch'ug to us, will JIo for us if vto , . 1 essary. ' " " ;; A mother' love U itroog, tend r a true. Hard indeed must bt the hesrt t' J A.. ..,.). . 1 l .1 II . .1 1 i mh HVjoxt aim nuuw a near OKI mull, , rn suuuin uevcr isci mat ha C'L - -I II .... I.i IS lv.:!;lSl welcome, never feci that sho is a burden to m her elnlitren, n-'v r should her nt-n.-i ;Vlr heart bJ pained hr an i ;.ki I l..k worJ. Hovr I i t Lie dj 1 ' oxiety fur us I Jiut ul.i a ' i- , ud wa see the old arm il.air, t!.t it place at I be table, and Lur lo r Lcr ear voice, then do we knew t!i- , gnne, never moru to return, and we ( ..uLOt call her hack. She ha gone ; and happily for us if w have so treasured our mother, 'that we can say that we bate boo j faithful and mad her happy, and cut: Id look forward to a meeting beyond this warld. . Tna Esd of tue Tkxas Steer. The end of that ongninly animal, tbe, Texas steer, is near at hand Soon his long horua and angular frame will no longer bo seen. The Ibortjn is fast supplauting .'him. Thousauds of bulls of improved blood have fbeen taken not only into Texas, bui into V'yj h UoloraJo, iSubraska, Kansas, Dakota, ana r ether places where the Texas cow', was the? N -v only available stock with which to start sn improved herd After the yng tfck'l-c0! become old enough to breed, the'Tty : jf cattle are marketed, and we are now "k""T ning the eruptyings,'.' so to s;eak, of the e juj" Texans. Even the Iadiaus are improving, ty their Cherokee stock iu the same nianuer.; c In two or three years more the main .bul t 01 me cstue wi oe suonnorii graties, ana, a great and steady demand" will bo made upon thl tcru herds for bulks for breed ingyfAw for fancy stock, but fjr equally' pyf, but less iushionable, pure shorthorns.' e present ouiiook is aiuigemer m lavor 01 stock raising as the most prrfitae branch of farming, both in the east and west; and it is certain that there is no other that is h si exhaustive to the soil. n Pa8TUUks, Meadows axi Lawns. A Southern Indiana correspondent write : "Orchard grass, Kentucky blue grass t, '. white clover, and, if the grouud w low or moist, add red top, and you have t!o line aod most productive pmrnr kuortn extensive r aTit rtqv " ' re-seeding, but ii p roves in qn . eualitv. oarrvinrr 1 ,..! Ktnck lat.i su .JCod- 4 , j ...0 - ing year invalua 'a for woods ani , j-.;- tures, aud should bo - veiy sown . 1 the bum t forests. .Lc. ' uheUrcl.ar 1 grsss(as it is too rank u. 1 r s id a grower), you cau have the best mixt. 0 that can be formed fr- lawns, yards, t . t.)rc!isr4 . .'.! .1.' .' . 1' . ..11. grass alone , manea vuo nmsi, iu..uu9 meadow, as it is immensely pi Uictive, makes excellent hay.and twice as 1 eh oi it as timothy, for a term of years, Vi v timothy, and clover cut only about two -croi 8, and frequently but one. Tho f .: . . need reliable meadows. To sow cm : , ; '.- let, Iluugarian grass or some other t .' -tule every year or two, to make up f r 1 ! lost clover or timothy crop, is very J." agiug, it being expensive rs i 1 - 1 ing. Orchard" ' . " ' ' 4 f a' ' I Of, it- t r, m n. . 9 yot iae. V . 'and ( lhia ' to be-' pi' P lb 0 l com t q 1 e: ' ve th - " "I -. -ail lrnnnrlv rilit nf V . aw a j v . hnaf IU 11a C . ': '. '.-- r

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