I v ll J r a I CM I i 1' A N' J rnov -i. i V-l 7 ( is i V3 J V It . ' " i J i i a i A f . . .flora V wroiv 0 b: JaV A. LOCK n ART ijL'iniAivr, tl.e Curl tif Anion ' ' tilery aod lutj'f w I C - I r C i: , t 1 1 4 I i t !l sIcImIH In f ir l'tiuiiii!.tioii, :!!!, 1 ever Airim, t u, k ci isi snj Cull- t C ' : F, f TI UAIlT. Pres. - . .. (-.tal, 1-nlSiiitfire, M I. ' . :n turn . I I.l! ' ' 1,1- i i ( ai th t!nt r f I n t i I l..it t et -r i.irt t U!i. Ileum- ' s ' ' .; i.f f . J tonlo tu re- ; . I 1. WM II. 8T0KO, I I y t. a o .'l i t Jit Retreat, near l'; i ill I l.avegmU pleasure In adding sy ' iuiony t tl virtue of Ltvlig's Ll 'tui I i.iract f f J'.evf auJ'l'onlo lovl;rurur, i. s vt'ry fx-it preparation uMil,nJ ther- , .re iin'.i-uiiT rcHximmcud ll to tiiu ukmi- t A ! MANY OTHEIt TKSTlMONMALS. pit ur ix riSTi:OTTLi;s- lack Tir;1 vn fiTtrrT? i 4 ..... A' aWV. Bold by f ) inia RrusslitB ond Deuler. r"5nn,i -rv ijjxy A Co., r.aUlmor. i'Ui:cj:i,li a KADI), Kini.Dftn.i v Md WU. U. liCUWCLL & Co., CliailuUo, H. C. 1 D( -iKorcz pi ,d i T ? - M f5 j STJ 7) K J XT) R EPJ TR ED ' attha xjWima rG IRil tGE SCOPS, i Nc w Stand, terArt!un of Rutherford and Morplll I V i 7rpct. . .' f - J loftff riff to lult f Tie timei, -fi' IV JIIN McLAUCIILIN, Prop'r. ,l ' y My . 2 - II I M Bill I III I I I II I VI V ' V . ,1 1 1 r out n)wi( ta M hl lwll ' ho-f n, ii. rooTE, m.x . , ' i i eC n t W PUIB Bom T1k, Mlll 0ot.. m trmm, . l ) . ta Cwry. -. 1 Ulol An (oar. '.' i uwX Nw Tor, M IBroir ' 1U0 "m lrU U fanmet Ltnyrtnf T Uiot J mm, n.l rowlns hwn few all pwta c tti . i A ri.nvn World. v ' 4, JM U wowfulljr trt-n( nuirm pattetit In V !.v pKrM, tlx UrM ladlM, lmtnlaa ( I' VlTfx ' NO MKItCUniAli " Hi i . . , . . r v.. i... W- - - - I Mu il tniT Wiraa ar. inauil uMarullf nwrlT or Quli I with wch ar eonmanlekUd bf ara all KlttUM un EOW ISTAIIDI AT A IWTASCX OI I An irviUd. Ad Inralida at a Sluuu ar raqnlral k I 40.0WI M AU bu. ormmmolM ' iy , ll . arWuIlr rmrded. Irhathar lh e At If l?i WtMr .r Imimm. ar oWl bj 'Iff I 11' aodaa vhjaoUn. 1U UUwr i iJ,. A awar a IW at alala aolonfc whlr h aUolu try " . t-OI l-.nu nsjlar wlilHi U InTalld auiriira. iiuaaia- " X 4 "t 'muHttmUov Irtaud Urir cohJI.uhimI. A eomplrla - I I Ul rirl" iwrrnti aiitaM or omniwioa. A a . t al qnMim wot frra, l arilio"tln. to miwil - i' 1' A. .alUw world. Bitr paira m.hlet of lUiDaaoC - Boeoua, Ma arm iraa. All Ihma ttlniiiilli ari m MIrura tnoiw wao t imhh wwuv mj huh buu ..cim . .r.4 Adttob la orrica, oa st tun, lui of cbabos. - BD OallaswiaddraM ' - v F SrV ' So. 120 Isxlnrtos Are.,ir.T. r Jff JTIbota rian Komt 7&e ""TV tftenoJ.Jfcf Xieoi Common. SwsAL 4 tootes Scitnc in i Story. AiSO a- V aJ tbrntrmiam aaarcsa P f f ti " ( HBW YORK. , 1 f n. n twvor knaw ar thonjri i. , A rtrvwna ' . rftrrrtln tba human body ana an i '' linn Md PLAW HOUa TALK NCIHOAI. UOTB-, Skhiik. a aaiilbla book fur aenbl pcocM. a ;1d boo loe ary mta. Yo oaa lwrn fi(.m It at rartty of informatlna jr would rrl a . ncaoj 1 K9 to font tamiif phyioi.n about. .AY HILL PUBLI8UINO COAlJPAn I, ' ' ' " ... . w n i v i ,j R.a sm 8ikT. N. Y. - - Mi J adiiHa, edncfcd and onW- duloer- and byiri'no. A hovck j ploH'.roa full. f f.m and loaded arditur th human jrtem which ..rinntand the cnrlmia alnietitra ';taPiK a work la Dr. Foota a u anu.twn .i. . v. Bos -l'cirt'. CliMt'A-'V. " MCHKAt H ILL PUBLISH l. t htii 5THrT. n. : J On i a n I l ie V M ffwf of th nHom 'f 7Zr r-Sd rI.B. In all par., of th. 0nitad Wai tyaai CU'Wtl paminiia i "if- . . " J a- a-UHr and.t-.rrj---.-. a.nd id. uai" , . 1" ,ur o tf rarioua Inrtramwiu iqTw... ;(,;: r,.. ef the aiK"t. a,t fra. or , rp. lil Dr. 17. B. FOOTE, A. A. GASTON, 4.J . 4. I ... .i a fafe-t . - ' 1 .T T aa i -T 7 . a. in:3i.: uii; am mi.""- AtL(iK I ViAHRITEI Al IXirlUtmtO TrsJi Elrrrt. Itiet Tfilril Dak!. ciiAHom;.N. c. 4Vly ; . VANCIIUJUHWKLL. . CUAJlLQTiE, -V. C riMin FKNIOR WILL II Kill; A f ltu - stuud tin courti of Aown County f,rru)r!y. January t 1575-40 If . J. l UiaAK. JWO.D.rSMKBTOSf IIQAN & PEMBEKTON, rORXRfl AT LAW, Vr...it n i ct.taiwl KMlirml Court c:ialm ool looted tu all parU of 'orth OrollDB. M AUtnt27 A WfF. HF.rRl-SKNT tli following rell ?? Mo inauranee I urnfnir: Tl, !'r.(Uru rltPr of 'eVV York. Cbi.IuI ....13,600.000 OKI North Hula. Capital...... 2OO.0KI IUclinioi.il 'Ire Co. " 2'W.iXX (mmertlal Flrt Co. 200.01 We art Drrnartnl to lake rlnksoa property In tlil or adjoining onuiitlca. Oln lIou and other hazardous risk taken at reasona ble rate. JloaiiAUHU. Oi:nilGIA AW FLOMinA.-Partlea wantlnr Information about Georgia orFlor- 1.1 a. aliou J aubHoniie for in aiohnino Newb, puMlnhel at Havannah, Oa. JkiUjf, in. li'..f)u ru.Fknnnm VilTertlwm. A Ji'.lna-T.-iom.ni Id the StaU sliouM I umi I U col u Oiii It U the but paper inth Southtwt Hreolmen oople aenloii m-clpl of h nntL Addn'H J. 11. E3TILL. 8itVBii. nah.Oa. ftl-t' OK OOl ferday. Ageuia aZJLI LLI UU wanteil. All claa- uTaof woiklng people of both sexes, young nl old, make more money ai worn lor u n their own lo alltles. during- their snare moments or all the time, than at anything else. We oner employment that win n liam!iomlv for every hours' work, b nait culars, teTn, Ac, ont free. , Bend us your addrewi at onco. Dout dt Uy. row is the time Don't look ( r work or biislnes elaewhere, uutll you have learned whiit we offer. O. HTtaaox a vo., rortiana, waine m iivuu-ixi.i 'i Aiveriisia: J:. Oood : SuHtematlo All perrotiB who contemplate muklng contrans wiin news Duoers tor the Insertion of advertisements. Nhouhl send fL rents to Ow. P- Rowell A Co.. 41 I'ork Row. New York, for their PAMPHLKT-BO0K(nnrw-?i'C)ifA edition) I containing JUU of over U.WO newspiipers and estimates, showlnif the Co.-t. Adver tisements taken for leadlnir papers la many HUtes at a tremendous retluctlou fn)ni pub lishers' rates. (Jet THK BOOK. Dr.VVADEH "LIVER C0ERECTOii,, , Jd fare fcr.Bjiptpsin. " Free roL vilcohollc filnulant$r- Amonirthe manv discoveries of valuable remeillas for Dyspepsia, none stand higher than " Wahe's Liver Corrector." BEAD THE F0LLOMNO TKUTIMONIALS : Beeea P. O., Oranvllle Co., N. C. Mar. 10, 1875. "Dr. Wade, Dear Sir: Have been a r- filctd with Liver DlHease 8 or years, which at times amounted to derangement. When lu Baltimore, last Novembe, I pro cured one bottle of Liver corrector j now consider myself well. Yours, respect fully. k " . ISAAC 2f. DAY, of Day A Meadows. Prof. Moorman, Eraer'tus. of Wash ington University, Md.,now Resident Phy sician, White Sulpllur Springs, says : "Dr. Wade's Liver Corrector and Dys-pep-la Cure is oueof the very Lest remedies for Dyspepsia 1 have evjr used." ' Dr. Jours, a prominent physician in Virginia, who has prescribed It for two years, says: "lean find no better remedy for Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint than Wade's Liver Corrector.'' Col. CS end n, a prominent and well known gentlenaa In the same county, Va-, 'I keep U regularly In my family, and would not be without it " ' . Mr. Jno. A. Mc Arthur, ' County Treasurer of Duplin Co , N. C, fays : Jiaps r I'nuBinviR Iihm rl'ine mft-Wo-e irood. and given me more,rie in fysjiewia, nan any uuMJvtvne vwr., . PAf Sort, of College or rnyicu t niiltlmore. and a fliHtm- guished practitioner in that city, prescribes fud useslt in his own family Is the best remedy for Dyspepsia with Tor pid Liver . and Constipation of Bowels I Avar- LrllAW.' i . - TltltlmoroSansHysj 'Dr. Wade's feting with such, n give It a trial. - Oak Hill. C. Sept. , 187?. t-. m , rst- r .nr sir I have recom- i r. uuii..i. varLorrecwr mm. P-ifnil-v. found Uav-celnt r..!loH. T .: VVM. ;Aur, - - Ii WaDIS Cwl.rrupurwa, ; WHOLESALE DBUfiOllTS. ao W. Baltli0! Street, . BALTIMORE. flhW EMIXGTOS JOl'BWAL, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subtcription Jlates-In Advance : Dally Journal, ZZ 4 00 ii 4i ' ; no moutu..... .umi .... '" ' ' . a A Aa . T.,rnnl.oneyefr... ... v ""'7 ' -I months J wi ft , tureo uiuuiu...-..--. i m r w i " XI0X110E N . - ; frntt? wnnKs. I ! 1 I 1 J f iU A J ISO PURCHASED pulsars Imereai a Ike eba.e wori.. I ssoousee ia - m, al le le .M ll .e Isrgeet Wine ef Us k,4 Is Iaai8uth,acit offer . iL. aitK iM IMS! all Every Iecilptl-n st gret Ikl rreallr re-loi-eJ prlees. I i . - elMA vtant ari at employe s n"" v" "r . . . Hats, as I will ateks It to Ike la-eiee ... w work ef aie ' ' ' r.. i lu ii.l.a al a dl.laa-e ree' su BO. eeaaarr laformatloB hj writing l- M for pr.ee ll'l s)d drawlnrt. . . u..i.,, ..(.t and wmk delterrd I any point ss lha Ka iroaa irra ai .ra" JAMES A. JOHNSON. Chart e.. 17-tlmo. TIII J AS. I.EFFI jlj Double Turbine Water l hceli ltaaoiaciwaa a 7 POOLB & EUET. Haiti aware), M- . fwO OHf J Jf IMKi , hlmpW, Stroar. Purabla, I laaTaraUab.aaitd aaUw- SlaKl"'T. . fcauafactarara.ataa, of JorUUa kut.oaary Znrinaa. tteara Boiler, baw(rt.t kills, Kin. Vin llcklnTT.Orlng ... rf.n. Milla-Funr. a r e i rrlalty. Jifachlna rnaoOrarln 1 arts- laWWWVwrTwaatBiaah. wawafort, 5N0m Nortbeuslrrn Kullrond. 0 em era t Ticket Ao'tb Ornc,l Charleston, S. CL, May 1&, 1874, J iVN AND AFTER MDolM , me ibid J InsUnt, the Mali and raasen per Trains of this road win ue run aa 101 i..rhriMitnn 0:30 A. M. and 7 00 P. M. Arrive In Charleston 6:35 A. M. and 9.1 P. M. ' On Sundays no Day express eunrr . X. iV. iiuiinit, buperlnteudent. BeptS tt Success Triiunpli or THE SAYLOR WAG OX! I WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the cltirens of Anson and vicinity ma j have a few more agona, or my own msn future, on hsnd. and will build to order, at much lower figures than heretofore. Kepah lug, also doueexpeUlcious, and lu workmanship style. . IIOIBO-Sllrt ln as low as the lowest In the country I use the BE5T PATENT T0ED-SII0E. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ca'l aud see me, oiponite Rose A Brnthei ' Store. l. L.SA.AAW Head On. F j ALL THOSE g.mEUIEn TO JIL FOR IFOA'done last year and years pre vious are Earnestly Itequcsted to come forward and settle up, aa I need money. D. L. SAYLOR. Feb. 8. 1875-4Vtf J. I. HALES, Fraelical IWateh-miiker and Jeweler, (OISTSAl H0TSL BOILBISO), Trsde 8treet, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Walohes, clocks and Jewelery repaired and wurrinted. All wrk entrusted to him will receive promPt nttea ion. , 28-ly Carolina Central Railway Co. g.ua."i' IIMMIIIf idoaoei CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Office Gener.vlPuperintendent, Wilmington, N. C, Dec. m. 1875. On and after Sunday, Doc. 19 trains will run over this Rallw.iy as follow s : Passenger, mid ' Mail Trains. Dally, Suudays excepted. , . r.aveVllmlnKton at....... ......7iw A. m Arrive in Charlotte at Leave Charlotte at Arrive Wilmington, at 7 80 P. M , 6 30 A . M. 7 00 P. M. Past Freight and Passenger Trains Dally, t wilmlnfftjn at..i 5 p0 r. Vfit Arrive at Charlotte at 1WA. M Leave Charlotte at 6 8 'A. w. Arrive in Wilmington at 10 40 A. y. SHELBY DlVlION-Dally, Suudays , .excepted.; r PTiorlnfiA nr....-. 7 00 r. M Arrive at Shelby, at- A. M. a Mil Lesve Shelby, at. O P. M. MM Arrive at Charlotte, 0 P. M. CONNECTIONS. Conuects with the 'A. & !R- Air-Line In Chnrlotte at 7:30 p. ni. and 8:30 a. m. ; Connects at Wlminytton with W ; lm.ng ton A Weidon Railroad ; also with VVd inlngton, Columbia Augusta Railroad at 1 Tite vrdmington t Atlanta 21 hours Clofe connections w "-j-i and on to the North. . 8. L. jrubiJiu, i: ' Chief Engineer and bup't , LAW BLANKS tj" att KINDS NEATLY rlillNi V S TTAV 8 M IB cAltl -nsLBTtn, t PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Daily Emtio. - m a iuui. 2.25 - tbree . 73 - 0D Wmelt Editiox. One copy od year (postsge paid) $210 1.25 fuonlbs Three copies, for ene year ... Four copies, for one yar Five cP's. for one year.-... 15.00 7"0 9.00 MtMN MB t..i. o.h.Imi. tir one year . ...17W t v milrs. for one yesr To every getter.up of a club of twenty, one copy will be sent free for one year. ClIAULEd Ii. JONES. Editor A Prop. W. F. AVKRY, Associate Editor, ) J. P. Caldwell, City E litor. j HE ll A E E I C II 1 t W M T DAILY AND WEEKLY. PUBLISHED BY THE SEWS PUBLISHING COM PANY. DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTER eats of the relate of North Carolina-to nt fn Cinsnrvative pnrtr. the lefelopraent of the hidden wealth of the Rial the cause of emigration iuto our midst, and tbeadvancenienlof the welfareof our people in everything msi serves io make a StaU) prosperous and indepeuueui Iw ADVERTISING COLUMNS. will iw. found of crest aJvantsce. as the Daily enjoys tht iuryedfcirculaiiooofany Dil v in the State.anrl is double that of any n;iv nuhlished in Raleieh. and the Weekly circulates in ery county of the State, JlaUi moderate. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Dallv. One Year...'... . . .fo,0n. H Months 8,00. Weekly. One Year 1,00. JOHN D. CAMERON, Editor. JORDAN STONE, Associate Editor E. C. WOODSON, Local Editor Cheraw and Darlingion Hailroad, raaaiaan Ofnoa,Sarnrrr Hnu B. C, I Utjtt, I8TA 1 Olmnjje of Hchedtile, ON and afer Monty. J'dy 6th, 175. 'lie p..-nger iralo on the Cherw a-d I'nrl-l-gtou R. R- ila run ss fjilowe, daily Suu-Jayt rsorpted l . OOINO DOWH. fienye Cneraw at fl.10 A. P:3 " 10:0 ' 10:30 ' 11:00 11:21 ' 1 1 40 M. i -b a , 8ofi-ty Hill Ds Diilmglon PliBVllO rrive at Florem-a RETUK.NNta. Leave Floreuc. at 12:4 P. M. 44 i:80 2:00 " 2:30 " 44 2:r5 " 8:15 " with passenger coach Palinrllo Purling an nciey IIill Cus'i's Arrive at Hieraw The freight train. attached, will resume Its fo mer sched'jln. iea'iur Fl 'leuo' Mondays, 'ne a;iys aiui r riduys auoui wnuimsmw nlteriiute "ays about inofcame nour, run niiiK through in from 4 U 0 hours, accord ing to the freight. When nHsnry to di patch fr.lght or to rihrrihute curs this, train will make round tri the same day, and the rignt Is re-er.ved to modify the schedule o: trains No 2 t nv time without notice. U. D. TOWNSEND, President. General Sup'ts Office, 'WILMISOTOX COLOMBIA & Al CilSI AIt. R. COMPANY, WILMINOTO.. S. V., July. 1,-1875. Ciianfre of Schedule. AN AND AFT Ell SUNDAY, 4tU instant, the J f.illov wing Sli'iul)'ill lia run: NIGHT EXPRESS . AND PASSEA GEU TRAIN (Dally.) Los Wilmington ... 8:26 P. M. Leave FLreac - -If: A. M. Anl e t Coliutbis.... 4:'5 A. M. Airive tdUgiuu .....ie..i.-.8.45 A. M. Lce A .gusts.. Leae Fl.ir:s 1.10 A hi. Arrive st Wilmmgnm 7.10 A. Af. Piisg.'ng-rs go ng west hejond Co'umbia take tbis train, letting Wilmington tU.25. P. M, Day Passenger Train Dally (ex cent Sundays). Lesvo Wilmirg on .....0 30 A. M. Artire at FWeiioe ..12.05 P. M. Lff Florence ......12.45 P. Al. Airive st Wilmington .6.22 P. M. Oonjeots t Florence with N. K. trains for Chorleklon, snrfgaith Freight Tr.iin with raasen ger Coaoh aitiched for ColuraWaiMonduys, Wed nesdays nnd FiiJny. ' iv Acriwian iPvnilT TRAIN, (Dally exoept J .ui.H Sunday.) LeiT Wi'miniton . . . . Leve Fl'reno. ......... ... Arri.e at O ilu obia Leive Co'uinbi . .. LeaTe Florenoe , , Arrive at Hllm'szton ......1.55 P. M. ....1.40 A. M. 0 0D A. M. 6.30 P. M. 4.00 A. M. 8.00. P.M. LOOAL FUEIGHT TBAIS3, w tu i'A8MS. OEtt COACH stUohed, l.-ae Wilmington Tues divs, Thursdays and 8lurdiys at ,0.i!O A, M and arrive ac vitmiiia;lon on Mondays, Wednes j.... .nH Fridva at 5 80 P. M. Passengers for harleston, Columbia aid Augusta B'ld hi ycid, hould tike' night-Express tram from Wilmington. . . Through 8lte!ii"g Oara on night trains for Charleston sod Augusta. T JAMES ANDERSON, juiy 8. 4 Oen'l Snperinteadrnt Special Notice ! mirn! i pWPED TO DR. E. A. COV- I ir,o.fnn m.d to the firm of Drs. Afhe A hv notified to settle with out delav as furt'r Indulgence win t... OUl utiajr aw iu. ', ,.uTWTnl it iiiiw liiiaivrava, 4jv ...... . e ven. ... MT lUll IT rii iiihiu lu J. MOLLIS & SOS, fteprutvn, nilARlVOTT-E ,'N. C. mABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE 1 larwt the market affords. Kiiif" Q1 atteotiwe waiUrt- , Site P. IlA, Satuf-clion gMraaUed. Terms 1100 pr day. . 23 tf "L-w-l 1- 3. o. Pl ENCbB. Alien, Sponco CbmmlMrslou Ioichnntii, Cincr Trade 10J Cillfja Mrreli, EXPECf TO KEKP COXftA.HTLY OX HAND b so! nock of everiibing la tbe.r Use. C..nilcnents .elicited ssJ r"P rBiBrs' fl-f guariBt'en IV'ilramgton and Wcldoa KAILUOAD CO. OFfice or Okx'l kiperixtb mdkxt.I Wllniluiton N. C .June 8, IU.j. Chance of Soliedule. i vn ii-rrn HTNPL BrM IXJ L..uun mr Iralna on tim Wilinlnirtl Wtldon Railroad will run as Mtowji' MAIL TR W Leave Union Depot dally S Ti.tA A. M. day B eAVeptetf) Arrive at Ooldabci 11:45 A.M. : 1:6 P. M. Rocky 104 Wsl-k .:40 V. M. r W.t.lii., Llv At 10 J:U5 A. M. .:.;.-. liX- Mount 11:41 A. M -yrt ,.35 p. M. ulTTiilon Denot.... 0:05 P. M. MVS THAIX AXD TIIUOICII PRKIiallTTR IIS Leave Union IVpot daily At 0:30 P.M. Arrive at OoUUboro 12:25 A M. Itocky Mount 1:30 A. M. W.lds :00A M. (.ears WaMon, da ly 7:i r. M. ArriteatBo.ky Mount MOP M. Goldsl'ore 12:-'5 A. M. I'nljoDrpit 0:IJ A. M. T,.a mall Ira a makes close onseo'i -B at Wtl (loo f.r sll p-iul florin via By Lisa aal acacia 0re k rutrs Kmre s Train eosnerts only wth Arqult Creek rute. Puliman'M Palace sleeping fata on tills Train. KKEIGIlt TK.il.N4 W II lefe Wi'mingt ri wealy at 5:0V A. M.,aaJ anirt at 1:40. P. M JOHA F. DIVl.M! 45.tf Oeaeral fupe.l'.-Bdent miiE HiLJiimron STAU 1 Establlshsd Only Six Tssis. DAILY STAR. Has the largest circulation of any Daily Newspaper in the .State, nnd a circulation IU ilmingion hearty a mice aijjanjcmr that of any other pupvr. AH the newi ot the? day will he touna . 1 1 1 ! . . . lu It, coiKieiisoti wneu uuimjioruiui, it length when of moment, and alw iys pre sented in a clear, intelligent and interest ing manner. One Year 57.00 Six Month 3,6" Three Mouths WEEKLY STAR. PRICE REDUCED. jhe Weekly Star is now comhined vlth the Carolina Farmer, and is one of tho cheapest papers in the country, at ke lol'tting f ; ILpii 11 CA4,-ll'a f ca z OneC0r)arW-fiir ....fl.BO Oue Copy, Six Mouths 1.00 BQjuClubs of 5. to 10, One Year $1.20 per copy. Kir Clubs of 10 or more, one year only 31.00 per copy. S- Specimen copies sent on applica tion. Addres, , Wm. II. BERNARD, Lditor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. rjniL; sentinel, i published by JOS I AH TURNER, Jr. ... v Office near the Court House. subscription: Daily Senticel 1 year, in advance, $8.00 ,'Duily Six months in advance 5.60 Semi-Weekly " " ' - , 5.00 Weekly Sentinel " ' ' - - 3.00 "liarberism I" I HEREBY wish to inform the pubfic that 1 .am prepared to do ail kinds of work in my line, such as - SHAVING, - v , SHAMPOOING, IIAIR-CUTTING, &c. I may be found at my shop every morn ing from sun up. till 9 o'clock at night, rthop in the buildiug west of Mr. T. Cov ington's bar. where I am better prepared to do work in my line. , ! THOS.CLUTZ. Sept. 15, .1875. ' ; .7 24-tf -4 .1 ATTEXTIOSI PATROA! f A special meeting of the County GraDge will be held at Lilesville on Saturday, 4ih March. Subordinate Granges will see that they are fully represented, as business of importance will be transacted. L. L. POLK, V, ALLEN.- ' ' Ex. Committee. ' ILW. ROBISON. by sendinpr $4.75 for any $4 Magazine and THE WEEKLY TRIBUTE (regular pnee $?,) or $5.75 f ,r thn- Magsjjine and THE SE JII-WEEKLY TRIBUNE freff- iflf HMuHl 5 IrvAll .1 Qcrl IN , if oliiiu, EDIT011B AltD H0?nilfrORL. One Year. ..m..... .. f 81 1 Months,... Tbres MsJuus, M ieHseS Due ltonth, A IGUS-.f - - t? !1 V.,wlm.kbv f. .m.r.ll'.. 1 1 r B m miiT h 1 vvw 1 1 Politics, and .mployncrTMyiry l-eam a. its command to REFO and IMPROVE MANKIND, PnTSlci . t i- ururiiTV ..J Cnnllt V ' Alii, MiViHAimi Jyi.2 V.Aaa, All Xews that will l r r-V leaders fctate. oenerar. -A wmgu AArt live and Corgrcssional will be carv-. collected, aud published in THE AEGU 1 r"i A It GITS , ' ... ?!-. MKDMa IT J rjJUUM TO dU (XAMAAVr ADVERTISING: ) The Cape Ann Advertiser MyT" " ADVERTIMtSQ il A BLISTER . wliich draws customers. Advertis-, inp; is like the celebrated magnetic stone; it draws every bodr and hit wife right up to the point. You might as well try to luake a dead' miin Bwnn iin ctrpnm . in Irnarw , ....... " . WW V n V. V. ' I i 'j iilrralnit, Jjtvuit;:. f v. s .-ti.iv'.. I M. ay . a . " LAf - " J Af mnf izit V ,1 a a a u rvLJ. .... , the Wmk 1 1 ' : ' I .OF THE -J ' ' ,', f 1 people from liuy ing of a liberal avdv hxd vcrtiser. This is the experience. i$2ovu every man who has &?firw )P9,l in'liiin for lliia vi-iiiitv ia flit NORTH CAROLINA ARGlsr "AD VER TISiyO IS A BLISTER." I w I . 03 a- n J3 1 : c c c 333 OSS c c s C X P K O "1 n 1 ; 5 o o a I D1CCJMhh fjiOtnc: 5t4tS(Ji(4..4a.. 7! w MM-'ai'"' hVlAI .P..9..9.i?..OC& .. i i-i - , 00 - tn 4. n OCOOOiMw .9..9.P Oftolgl ia-.- A r 1 i T" Cj3 k5 OOiOWOOffltiA f(0Tff j. oooooo o-Av 1X 0 S.S.SSOoo;' - w w ui K o 00 fj, O S O n . ooooooSi ! -.A ' OJ ilk OS M 1 : : o Cfl p, oiw isqinQiff 222ooo.i 1 ivi w w v o o: t- " ig O Oi OlOi to oe to OOOOOIOW O pi JOB rOF EVERY DESC Ml BLANK , labeHs, POSTEDG, Handljills - EXECUTED?WITII ". . 5 1 S ! F kA W aw-L (1 C TA t-il ear i I SVa. . 4 ,t. is , . ri a t ) , g ... (7. ' . L. . w 0 nti 8 . mii. uch-as r- NEATNESS' , . r and --ui K BISPATdsiI n AW k V f r 1 'Si. 'he firm of Drs. -PPhApri(thif the lifS ti a year, nli "0- " vT x . a