, J ,:i r, i:aiior. f. V. IMIILLIIC, 'urrf iiondlni I" I 1 1 o r. i t ;.-lilUl.M)AY MAUCU I C. 187a. to a i: i: i:sj 'O J) t'X 1 v t tl.n ? r - M I rr.: i. ! ANI UTH S'fl t tl.',m't't understood that ur corrcwimlcntt ' iUma It latir own and tin j ulonn art rtpon$HU or vffit I'n-y may t,iy. .Yd communlvitio tciU bt intrrttd in the antra nf TUT. ARCH'S vnt'M accom- xj.Tn-a in iie nam oj tne icrutr or tornt t POIl It J AY t TYir ii. I iv I t flUVB LflV ui klMIT R1CU , tor and r.-'-vlio order to Lave one II r nv -1 " . . ... tr seller dressed la rood cJottiei and ! fb) of money f "."-Ics it pari to have the MOTHERS - 1 CHILDREN of twenty families drew ; ;a HAGS, aod starving for wholesome : : ,A to dress and pamper the wife and H -illdrea of tba Ijuor dealer f jjj Jimsi It pay ! to have our jaile filled with jy ,o!ators of tbe law at a enormous couu vUllUr charge, that a few hale, hearty young ;r ) sen may nuke money by the liquor traffic I Dor, at i !oys of the community transformed ioto offers and drunkards, that a few able L j Jjo.1 men uisy make a living by selling -', them poioof .., , , ,yt j . Dot Ut v- . -. f. JC! Does it pay I fir the ceunty or corpora JC-:Uiua to receive $50 for -a Iicen to sell Ii- r an.i nave ber ciitx'ni convertea mco ' '-era, loafure and noo -producer! who, theft, fighting1 aod other violations uf 5 M .t 1 . J t I 1 I ., lauict inousanaa oi oouars upon ido ' on! a iu the war of costs rrowioe out of wrongs by the graotiog t. i - ;uiv 'P'fl iuthe war of costs growio) (.',! UXvfi'puoa." for ' remedying the , - rt'ed by thegrantiflg the license? , f1.i-40tt j)0JU never pays to' do wrong. Your sin It i-w-f'"n(you n th P"cnce of .... n-.tiu0 localites where the liquor traffic has Will Ud jta.(a ' , . . ' . thore l )eCU Put' 1 ftbuud0" proves that it ...v, Am nnf rtmi In Inniriuran-A and DatronMCH II- ' 'irrnr: " " - o- --. qaor ac-mnjr. J MTI 3 nm 4 A LOAD TO START WITH. , . nr. Anj thU j exactly tl position li.o Firrctary tf Stato under recent rerchitii.ni aj j mis to lioKI. Tl.e S.Iici!r( f litis JnJictal ritrict lifts alo devtljcJ tlio poculiaritiee ol his t arty in their mot glarin color. witu a ranacity, however, that aorni an moucrauon ana cnuuon, as u n would mai.0 ono jah ot ripping np the poldcn poose, hot to apeaic of the l dictmcnt against the merchant it Wate for the urpo not of enforcing the law but oi enforcing the fees, we Snd tiim npa the tentimonf of the Clcik of the Superior Court of Ilalilst county, iijuuing between fire and six thousand indictments against citizens of Halifax for failures U list poll and t r crty tax, I lie Solicitor' name and t! j of tlio Clurk of the Court and lure Mian of the grand jury signed to chcIi indictment, and all in the same handwriting. Tlicso are only specimens of the chargea against the Solicitor.' Here then are two prominent Repub licans, types of the party the r repre sent, of a rartv which aeain this Tour ' a w demands a uinjority of ihe sulTragen ol tlio icople ot IoriU Carolina, viu they pet them! t It there U anjtbing l hat tho jH-oplo 'must insist opn for their ealrstion It is honesty in the pub lic officers. Can they expect lo find iheao in the Republican ranks! Lot iheae instances here at home at the vrcsent moment, let the history of the partj when in full power iu the Statu, let the present astounding evcuta at Washinguu vitj answer me qnesiion that her 1) Inmost prodiguuua preparations to carry 1 14 w0 coming elections, both in the State Capfaud National elections. 1 1T0 succeed, rear Jihey ought to bo ablo to show the peo LcJple that both tho National and State a disorganizations are better entitled to pub towriAm'ic confidence and support than that of liardtheir opponents.,: But here aj-Jiome in y Ilthej break down at the start The pe inirp.iculiar principles of tho party are irre that' t' pressible. No amount of dear-bought &heJ experienco and no amount of cautious ' iVfe'-vV0011' ca') thein under. Tbey , Xer-ye given us a llowerton and a Har- lottc, ni, X1 ponenta 01 principles and in just thac,ice8 the people are detcrrain- e i1" to B,,PPre8- , J3tth of thceo indi- Wdiials are prominent and active woli- b",L"f (ciariB.'Belected with duo ddiberation, j at thd fIJr;"luafuaT3iinSai.Vliaracter and quali & Sou ; roiinV''F,Wil"'--,i'e tlio people as --vvtidrd beiirers of rincfy.tlie peo- ' 'ijLcfed iio inatfer ; how in thrall comnic,l18t ftllj confidence of the KepublioHn U friem'J-llie becretflry of btafo epiifs an the DO 1HET WAWTU8J , The people of the 6oulh, as a general ihiog, says, (he Wilmington Unit, have entered heartily iutn the scheme fr the CenteooiaR Celebration at Philadelphia this summer and have evidenced their co operation by no half way measurea and no hMiutinir wonla. Tner out waited for two thiors ; to be sntitfiod that the affiir was to be conducted in the inurwts of the people aud oot as a money making scheme fnr the ancrulative PliilailelDhian apd to - " -i - ; receive some asiurance that their pi-cs'Dce aod their aid were d-ir?d. At ;I'xing In and Bunker Hill their doubts ban to clear away and once they were removed tbef begat to prepare joyfully for a par ticipation in the event. Cut recent disclo sures are not so much in f tvor of oor par ticipation in the occaniojj as we wei led to believe was the case not many tnuntbs .... . ! L smce. ice uitier persecuuon 10 which resident D4Vis has been suhjected and the whole South through Mr. Davis at the bauds of some of the Northern pre and politicians does not argue very favora blv for the reception which will ' await Southern representatives at Philadelphia iu July next The people of the South are not only Wiling but auxious to participate ;u UU ann)aL but il they canmOo a the eauala of Uuie whim.,l"Kt,fislnoTg.'. there at all: Tbey do not cure to go simply aa visitors, but as partlcipanU, aud they are not yet ready to make over to tin "loyal" masses of the North their right and title to American freedom, the legacy left them by valorous aucosrors. There is yet time to withdraw and to allow the peuj.lt tf the North ' to colebrate alone the ceu teunial of the Declaration of an Indepen dence which would never have been sigucl much loss havo bct u acheiied, by thpeo pie of one section alone. , : , i As we hsve said, the people ef the Souih will be glad to adl.cro lo their detenuina tiou to participate in the Centennial of a freedom as much theirs by the right of iu heritnnce and by the li'ht of glorious deeds as of those who arrogate o tliem selves so muc'i ofpHtiiottaiu as well as ot virture, but they cannot go there except as kiudgmau might meet kiuvuian and on tj-rnis of a perfect equality." If the people of the North nee ire the presence t f tliote of the Soui,h,'they will do well to ponder theso facts aud lo extend to them son e plaic evidence of a sincere desire to shak bauds over the chasm which would still seem to divide us from a participation in the American Ontennial. aiiaintanf'fc w,4icJl 1,118 with lu'9 )&rty been one H rciimo rattier tnan of ruin. In the ro jiid rts great criino to turn place to profit. IcreJ'oC turn tho curreLt of tho people's . Jte pocket. r But this process has r" .. i Jog into a riir)Iin'? stream from r. 1 - Judge AlphousoTait,)! Ohio, has been 1 li II ' . . i-' . 'ull tide of lttidical prosperity and in rv of War. li. II. Dana, has heen an r,accBiJie full flood of a money del 11 jre it wa-1 pointed Envoy Extraordinary and Miui' ter to England iu place of General & benck resigned, who was conct-rucd in the Emma Mine swindle. One by one the soiudlers are falling', aud ttic succis siou is rapid indeed. 1 . One of the.iuvestiatioua at Wash ington Saturday revealed the fact that U. 8. Grant, Gen. DjM, Su g . 11 Gen. Barnes. Win.. IL Seward, E. IV Wash burne, Caleb Cushing and IS. B. French are heavy etockholdera in the Seneca Sandstone Company, which swindled the FreedHicn'e B .nk out of ffOO.OOU iu6tion of 1 T I tli Sources of supply, roio-r" inore easilr , seen id 1 "dilfusion more jealously fened; for hII are interested tliea 111 cqtiiiLle diffusion ot the dimiuithod p y- , : , JJj people in tho f election of their t'.'cf rs aro very apt fo think' that they tic wc. I paid with liberal salaries and or.i fees of ollice. Uieeeare far i the h pes of nino y nine hmid- i eft he opulaii n. When a man jond this to 61'tculate upon his ; 1 and turn into pensonat profit lionczt intercfai for the welfuro of . t ! ioJj Mi,u;d impel him to save I' tf.); hen ha usts tho privilcri8 1 rr A model An.e iean railway ticket office will be established on the Centen nial grounds at Philadelphia by the trunk lines. Erery railway and tran sportation Jine In America will 6t rep resented at t u w e, and tu k ta to all parts of the world will be. sold, t special ra'ps ' ' ' - T And now they sa; tho IUdical par tv U not respomuble fr lklknups ru-ca!ity tnd indeed that U ' Democrat and his wifo a'4 rebel jm .mthlser." Uo thought that a won.an who woro 11 shoes could oot be slto tu, .nd. JVnd then Uh) wmn t Grant a Democrat aUo? Uiywcssavs tho only voto he ever cast before the war was for James Buchanan for IWule.it and bn be was more iuhu suspected of being fuvorablo to tho South at tho iK-ginning of the wor. it will not be long, wo auopect, cro they will bo saying tho Kudicul party U not rcsponsiblo lor Grant, As fir Mrs Grant evervbod? knows father, old Mr. Dent, a vory rcspocta-1.1- ..t.t tit Ionian lv the way, was an outspoken Democrat t tho day of hie death. Tho Democratic lrty is Tory strong bpt we doubt If it could carry Ulyaecs W hen it comes to that we ahull havo to dcclino with thanks and ory aloud let no guilty man cscupo froru tlio iwdicai tuhkb hho vum. Fiom the Aavvs. Tbot, N. C, February. Mesrsa. Eilitors: We are grieved to an nounoe the dwith of Noah Bmitherman. hinh tm.k iUee on Moi.-lav nivht, tir 28th ult, at 12 o'el.K k, at the resi.lnice el his hrnilwr, Jms Bniimermao, in rvy,m th 67ih war nf his c. He was suack with paralysis about s year before he died J and, although he bad bftu a man mf ercal strength of Constitu tion, hia htullh irrailualiv declined uodrr tfm uraka until W aeai-e n-iiml upon his organs, resulting iu congestion of the lui-cs which swept his spirit to regions ol i.iniiniirtal liirht.' 1 . ... ..ii. He died iu peace ami rooi win wun nis Mlow-nien, and gors dw to his grave honored ami resMcteo: by all who aucw bis sterling qualities aod social virtues. We can but admire; the heroio aod Chiistian fortitude with which he endured his last sutffriu(iS on earth., He wss heard to say. " I an not afraid fo di. v nai lontiu.ie 1 , nai rigu lion lo the will of li s Creator 1 1 Mr. Sruithrrman was a utau of great perseverance and iod.miiitble energy, sad nis Jahors were en)wuoa wna me acquw tion of a handsotre fortune, lie was a man of signal honest v and stern integrity ffe was n.-ver married. ! He bestowed b's afTctioBS en his only brother, aud upon bis afTcetionate nephews anl uiws , 11 Ktesefs d a Heart tun m auecuwu uu Jove which characterize me great buu gocnl. ' His remains were followed to the ceme tery of the Troy Methodist church, on the eviuiig of the 29 h of Foorunry, ly a hirge concouis of friends "and relatives; aud Snteired amid ifeir tears and sorrow. . Our town is clad in mouiiiiiiir o;-r hi death, njid avmpiitbiats dtep'y with hiaitrar reUtivcs left oehiu'l to mourn his Jjas. He bus gone to the to;ili where "No pain ior grief nor anxious fW luvadcs herlxiuuda; no moital woe Can reach the peaceful sleeper here - White angcU u'n the sokiepoao." . For UcV A ROUS. " . BY TUB WaDKSHOIIO fOET. Our countrymen when you come to town Don't get out of heart, but lookuli arou:.d; Ton t get out of heart and iae the blues But goto Juaiudll A Co s aud buy your uoois ana tnoe;. Don't talk any more about hard tles. liut go to Quant a sadJlo suop and by your names uuu 1111 ea. ( And If you want dretnena, hats, &, liooda Littlo & 8t eld keap tliokind of good.-, nd If you waut lo buy heavy goods by the sc re. - ; . 1 , Juat call on P. J. Coppedgo & Co. 1 . If y .u waul to buy thing, good aud cheap. u. vv. uuutiey keepa tntiu oy 1116 neap. If your mouih ia getting aore, Die remedy you ll find ut tho corner Drug biore When you wnutto buy don't le In a hurry, uui uesure 10 cuii on vv. n. luurray. M your home get srulNom and won't g Estop hiiu ut li- D. Keitdd 'a door. nd if he get mean and goes to anortlu You'd betier call on Dr. iioi ton And If you want to get the wrth. of your money ure, 1 , Call utCiawt'ord. Crowder & Co'a store! And If nice things you wish to huy, Mr. Crowsou keeps them piled up high. And If your cotton you wish to sell, ltoe a Bro. will suu you well. If a newspaper you wish to take. - 1'he Hundred eyei Akocs is ever awake; o hu Inscribe lor theAituus- it's only . year, :. - And will give you the ne ws without favor 01 tear. Th.lUleiiibyst W I" " the authority of lieu I Barsww, w. -m.d.nt.tIhi.t.th.titUt'PrP'.r of the Ooverntnenl to give great snom ranee to-ihe In.oyuratioii of the ro.jnoir.wi ti bi erected lo the memory of the) dsad Feleral prisoturs at baHsbury. imiii-, uratiou will take plate on Deeoraunn Hay, 1.. .k- .il. r Ma. and the Prest IrUl of tbe Unilel States and Cabinet have sig nified their U-lfudou to be present, jne csioo is iutende-l to be one emiiwuuy peaceful and ci.c.latory. 1 be vo unve-r cootjwnieS 01 tnis otaie "i V ,. atlrud and the orator seirciru i tbe addrvas will he a houlheto soKiier.Bua a uow duUnguuhe.1 Democrat, w Hues name we do uot feul at libert now to give. DIMTTV iMlll I x pit knvvnrttr-,r T 'itif "AUf EllTlit-.MKTi. II. W. ROBINSON; WOULD lespectfuliy Inform his friends and the puhlio that be has resumed the practice of Dentistry. Will vwit persous .1 !; MMiilynee when reauettwl. WaitealmM, N. C. March 15. 1876 4Qtf FrcsliFislil I TX PER.S0S3 WISHINO TO BUY A can be supplied by calling either at Pete's or the Orawy 49 2moa E N INGRAM. . PASS HIM 'AROUND. HAVING dealt with one J. C. Home, a photographer, I hereby give notice to t the saii l. iiorue 1a ho niri' amuch as I purcbawl picture from him n.i,t 4h. and nfvet reooiveil the picture so I thiuk no honorable man would act so wilKmit giving au eiplanation. 4-lf tl. C. LUTHER. riANO AND ffCjAT BEST IITUGB.V-, Ll.HlHOTOSiFfWJIRSEY.U.S A. 48 -cm aO'FTON FOB e 1 .V. .Pi u III DKATTY'S PARLOR 'ELCQ'AMT STYIXS. with Valuable Tin Drove HwntH. New and Beautiful 80I0 8I008. OVEH ONE THOV8A ND Orgnn 1 i . s . . a u k. t mm r M A till emI miiBipUna ii dorwe thn orjrnn reeommead them aa 8Tltft"lTY FIKST CLaHS iu Tone, Mechanism and Durabili ty. Warranted for alx yean. . 0 Mcst-E-esaat and Latest Improved. Have been awarded the HIQHEJjTfHE UfUMd in onieliiiou with other for . Simp Icily, Conblliiy, Promplntu, AND I'lANO-UKK ACTION. Pure, Pweet aud Evenly Balanced Tone, Orcliest al EflVcts, aud iustauUueoua Ac ceaa which ma be had to the lteed.1. bend for Price Lint Ad.lrci", DANIEL F.'DEA IV, VuhHl4 v J-rn v, 17. . 3 ID $20 woVhiwi-ci 'ortluud. .Maine- .it home .-amine t-e. i-11 i.n wis Sf Co, SILVER l'LATJ D WARK-Elettro-riated Tabls Ware,, ... .0 zij ; 'f THE CELEBJ5-A.istJ . lmtxiiijii,;;. mr 1 arn 1 & IS OFFERED ON THE FOLLOWING LIDERAL TERMS: -". r- Per Tea ; $70.00ev. THE ADVAWTACE Wu- m kry'i know when h rjnano, that 4iapound-CotU.it (Middling) will pay fot itf no matV Ibl ; low tl.o price may be, ami cao vU ckratwMygJ J Tho quality of tho Qnano U ; , ; ! - ". ' .'jS'i'ii' ( - u N E a u a 1. 1. e i;, . y h;Mj; .i.i.ii.im.i hu t ia nan fir nui n v knuiimu liiib v , . - hns been tnoroiigniy iuuiium - f . On Credit to CotUMi on the bu nearest deiot (l ... 1st Novemwr, 187H, wun opuoR 01 fv"-k 1 . . '.11. in; l..l:...,l . iM.nitr V sis of lstMitsior .'niuiiinfiuuviv. .-...-. - , lunWTayinij expenses on uuano w ucsuimuyn.; oiinl To tbf'incr bi'-r'L-o1 'Vliow Bill , . m III I V: j v as nns uecn inoroumy iu-"v. -j - sold. Onr Atrcnts sell on same terms. v ' J. WILCOX, GIBBS 4 CO., Importers and eaters in Gonno, g , Charleston. S. Caml Savaxsau, Oa J. C. MARSHALL & CO., Agents, Wndcsboro . W. E COX, Asrcnt, Li'csvillc. ' ' J. W. COVINGTON", Agfciit, Uockinglmm. ll whV'i, e, it -AND Ornamental Art Work MANUFACTURED BY THE Merld.'nBrltanniaCompany 5rO Ilroadwaj evv York, The best Plated 8P0ONS and FORKS are those fil ver Plated heavi at on the parts wnere neceHariiy tne iiiomi wear comes and bearing tne trade Alark. is 7 -nQEit nmn ue m-xii N. B This great Improve nient in Silver Plated Boona and forks is applied alike to eacli grade or riate, . , b ami Vi oz., ua r lered, The lToces uml Maciitnery f manufact'iring these goods are l'atuiited : he Extra r " Siandurd l'late" made bv thisCoiupauy ia stamped A . simply, and U plated w per cent. Iieavkr than the ordi nary maiket atundard. iilT Kii-st t'remi uiiiS awarded at all F 11 Irs where exhibited, from World's ruirof 18V to American Institute Fair, 1871, ii clunive . 48-Uma. C END ;'JV cente toJ. P. KOWELL & CO O New York for li'amphlet of 100 nages. cnutalninir lists of 80in newsnanera. and es- ti mates siio.wiug cost oraivertiHing. r A Lakgk l.Aii.KOAlt tKuj.cr. As al ready r p'ud iu our telernpbio columns bill has been iutrodueed in the United States Senato by Senator Gtekrell of Mis sotiri, grauting t charter to tne New York Mdzutlii: Air-Line Kailrond, Telegraph and limifration Company. It propose .to i.,c rp.irate Josepn E. Johnston, nines Loiiwstreet, William II bm tli, VV'illiim Wickliain, William Gaylnrd aud mh en, under 'lie above atyle with a capital of $50,000,001,' and the authority to coudtrtict a railroad and telegraph Iiuef out He Y r to Fort .Vtointosu on the llioGrai.de, via Vaabiugtou,'Kiciiiuond, Atlauti Bel ma, Hew Orleans and Hous.oti, together with branches from Charlotte. K C, to Norfolk Va., and from Loredo to Austiu, Texas. The bill futher proiwses to grant a right of way two hundred feet wideband ilsoin tbe states 01 Aiaoamaaunj AiiMmsip d everr alternate se tiou of public . laorf witbiu ten miles of the projected lioe, -SADDLERY UAiy, Si, &e- D 'StRiiSTO INF'IRM'THE CITIZENS OF , An-on :'n I surrounding counry Hint be Ins opened oi(t In the house formerly occupied t llutcbiiisqa & Sun, on Q een Hreet, end rne door north uf Mir-hill & Cq.'s, a shup for the manufacture pf UAHSKSS, ., .'. . , SADDLES, BRIDLES, ' ' 40C, A full line of the above will be oa hand a sairiliey j ie m inafi. iured. Also, nsw for s ite, Whipi'VrtlsM, Horte Brushes. Currjr- combs, Blankots, Bits, &0. t &a, S'ltiif'ictioo garented,s Civs him a call. P 1 A NO I t! 0 lay a!iui Lim to cuter into cun tr c'3 hui-u J arid by iarp dtaijn t in j n:;t a j irate profit vf tln'rfy-three ji; I .1 tl.iiil 1 n font lv t liM iieft uf rim ;i ( n i o. t io X:u(c, tl a that t-filcer 1 Pension Aent at Rsleigh, aod will re Is4 t.iuttijvi ii lUitiifuioHi-JmoffJotbat itysbortly. - ' A TOog ilt3 mau, who reputation for veracity ww none af tlie best, ve tureu to diller from an old doctor of divinity as to the propriety of whipping rhddren. wiVhv " h. "ihe onlv Uiu air father . Ex-Judjre Teurjree bas been conSrmed , w,jpe,f mewastorteJ nguerMth.'" Well," retorted the floctor, n cwre you o 11, Bl'JATTY Grand, Hqaare a d Upright. ' From Rufus Snyder, of the firm of SnyT der and Hendricks, Carriage Manufactur ers, of the.'ity of, AUentowu. Pa.: f musf- csufes I hardly knew how t exprfa lxiy gratification on receiving the Ueatty TlAN'i yu .shipped me. It 1h at least al' I could ak, wihii or expect One of oyr niont eminent inuxiclant tried it ud iioke in the moat favorabie terms, attrr ihorouffhly teftinir ft." . Jkst o'Her ever given. Money refunded ' uxo return f Piano and freight charges fm id' by-me (Daniel F. Beatty) fioth wh-s f unsitisfactiry. fter a test trial .f fives days,, riauos warranted for six years. Address, f I)ANIEL -F. BEATTY. W asblDgto; n 1 rn rn 1 v 1 P I A N ;rnnd ounie and upright. Mr Agenta wanUnr every whers. i Addre. IHMKL V I1KATTV, Y'nsliingtoii, Nev Jcrser. r. . : J n : 27-lf j 0:1 N '4 V 1 1.1. , I.IHU hi p a 1 r. TIIEX USE NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S fleady. fpr u in tfhttt, and ever Onejiiundrtd different Cotort made of strictljj pjlmo White Lead, Ziuo and Llnceed Oil, ChtmlcxWj coin,biueid, warranted nuth Unndsomtr and Cheaper, and to last TWIpE AS LONG as any other Paint. It has takeu the FIKST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of iht Union, iml'l.nn ... . JF MASi THOUSAND of the finest houses in the countrr. 7' . Address: ORK I SAJ1EI, P.UtT fJOMPANT. riilCE REDUCED. SAMPLE CADS SENT FiiEF. 103 ChambeCfj I.:.,' 11 -' Cr awford & Crowder HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM M. J. A. CItOWDEIt. in thA n,.m amiHtiieor CBA WFORD, CROWDER CO., and have removed to the house lately occu .icu ujiu n xiuouey, auu . j. jjock art, and have openod out A Liarge and General Stock DRY GOODS, Rqady-Mad3 Clothing , GROCERIES, iiaudwail;, Boots, Shoe$t . , together with every article uSwally kept in a retail atore; all of which to 1VU akk I KTKBMINEn .. to sell aa low 4 goods r' . C4N OE AFFO'tRED I1V TIIK The former firm of (.rawford & OmwrW would here tender their tiianks for former favora and patronuge-and in the menu time would remind those wlm .!.. ... Come forward aud settle, as the gl Hooks inuwt be closed. ' . Wadesbon, V. C., Jan'v 14th i7 rmf trtw mim PAKLOii ORGA NSI An, fi -t-eiiMSlGNPAlNTKaAND LETrEB T 9r someihiogS his adrauUge br ad., drewiiig the uDofMtuir, . -rp" DANIEL F. BEATTY, S lresl..g u.- BionrM !t r, ' f-' -. JvjyrV IXANIEL F.BEATTvT r? Watchmakers and Jewolora ; v" AD DEALERS IS iVatchet, Clocks, Jewelry t . , SILTBAND ?H.A.TBD,WAltni "i . Qol4 fens, Specacles'Ji'c.,,., ; M A I N j ST., CHAR t OJT T B," K . C . All vork In tAtgin ntatip doru, an arrnti, , ' 28-3raos. DR. J. t BR01M, ffy) Surgeon Dentist , jj ( )FFERSTO THE PEOPIOF ANSON, J Mauly, MontL'omerv. niTd RirhmnnJ , counties, also to the public generally, his nrotesalonal services, and Dental wqrk will please notify me by letter or postal card at Ansonville, N. C, and they Wi'l receive prompt attention. ' i rricea reasopa ole for cash. c JVprk Wftrrpnted. ? " ? ' - - , : OcUflth 1875, 29-ly. ' . 11 I iiisra PARLOR ORGANS! U 166. Photon nphera, Prt-eln. ' a V, SOffletJi pg to their dvantM. hA i i ' Sfo their ddraiiiar. ! rw'. ' ' TED :VVe' Wuf1 l'V'"1 ' -

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