AllGUS. 1 ,un r, tailor. DAY, AI'KIL C, 187C. Y ) t indebted to this office, for .i, advt-rtiainp;, or joH work, art i to ul lmmeditly. Our ex- rs cssh, and must be nittf".'"- lt Jeb OdCC. reotntlj kdded a new jras ef printing material to onr , and are now better prcpar- re litre ever been to do all Plain and Fancy Job Work, nentof, and latest style, it .at'Jdefj competition. Wo Uinv to add to onr Job Office aliall be prepared totnrn out ' a j'b a can be printed any Torthor Sontb. AH who bare they want printed in a neat ome style .will aave money png their wotk to this office, lion ganranteed. geod tlteapr ikaa alarrsr T It Uniting t from 7 (o 12J. . .intlen U railed to the new eU. iu ,'hla e, . , i v- Mikina" hat taken us at aur word, and to pertMwknown. . Hi name waa inW instead . ".', Jenkins: so we W.'a frieods will be salted. ( jiOXAOR. Work n the Methodist f Ma Ix-en enmmeaced. The -, 'JteVla'iii charge of Mr. M. A. The'ladiea' will hare it completed Wf iiirlhrr aid be extended. ' i. i- .... el. :.k. Ui (Alain a ho.d. Hcfrrs. by permis n. to Rv. M K. Gninal, President of ew Female JustUute. N. 0. Address .a". If. F II., '-an- if A le Mcllae, Shoe ltJ, Ud-e county, N. ('. t JSoth'uif of puldi- importance rame hsfnre die Board t County Koinnib-iiiieri' last .'tiHidar rxii p that Dr. TS A. Covington 'Jodurwl hi rririitition h sclnx-l mininit email for thi towindiip. and W. W. AViufr.-e ws app-'iiti-d in ids a tad. nTh li'-aidnl'TriiMefi'r the Wndesbo T. T wi.lii' will ! in eriii mi the 21st. '21, 23d, 28 It. him itf.h of this iiionih at MiriMc of lict K lb.hlef.1 j'tal all ill c Grand Jury rom in the C. H., for the lifting the taxable ot nil per- luXBllnll iiim! It IS IIIMr-lC'l come forward und'ijivc i". as 4. H case Iinilire lliry mi jew ineiimcn . i.lduuhln lax.s. ' jSim'TIVK ( OM.MITTKK. We PTf ie " jutfiwl T Cnl. BriiMHf, Chairman of tin ?( nuirty litM iitive Coiniuiilee of the (im--"rtatiee Do.noi ratic j ui ty !ir Aiiwmii ch , ia tliatth.- MiVnitera f aaid conmiireo f fill have a mwt v Tm-aday, tin- 2"t! mt., al the Court Il ucc, in Wndeiibjro'. Ciull aileiidt.ufe iniKrtatiU 3i o The "trial of Criwroc, th murderpr of M'agle hBt .n removed io Hon roe, Union no wdl come U lielorr the next icrm i Unioo court, hn;u. t-onveueii in iMonroe It nday. Throiuth a irent.emRij from ctanly, we ant the opinion nn.-t prevalent theru it) t tee killing wa in st-ii-ueieucv. j The Ladies of the Wad sboro' Tres y nrian I'hurch purpowe haviiirf a dinner or siMmvmI on TudaT of next term of the H " ' . . ., 'i the purpose of ruining' Jiflr to enable theru to complete the qh edifice now utnndiug incomplete, .J rnnpeotf'ully and earnestly request all jiato Who would be p!ea-ed to see their oiiae of .worship finiahed, to aid th'-m by curtfibuting money or provisieui. .TA. In our aiticl of Jast week in . : i who will take warding, a miBtnke '9 in computing the cotton 8ta(is I -ad of 4,000,000 bales weighing age 400 pounds, the aggregate jj4 lj inn 1. We aurrrudrr thi aeek, much of our -pace t-iaq article fmm one of Aiimiii' lanphtera, now reniding io Ala., h will on dooht he very intenitin Io h-r -nan; frieida left kehind conmqurnilf all airrl cultural inmtt r haalci'u crowded out. Uul in (he future we intend to turn our attm lion more to the iut. rrn of the frmin clau than ever, and each week our paper wi'l contain at Ivaat oi.e column of InM rue live feadiug for the farmer. , Mr. fJeorge llorton, who had heretofore put up the frame work and waa rapidly carrying 'oa a dwelling on Hutherford atrert, ftm told the aamc, now baa the frame of another dwelling on the aame street opposite the first one, and the work is rapidly geing on. Olhrr buihtihgs are in contempUtion. Wadenboro' niusi and .-rill ncU out, whether the Cheraw II. U. "HU e not On the nlgn the 4ih InsL. a negro by the name of Iln, '"ram went to the store of 8. J. McLtnidou, and. after he left Mr. Z. D. Clark who waa i lerkiag in the store, mi-acd a piece of clcth, and ran out to stop the nej;ro, but foiled, lie thcu re turned to the store, got a gun, and egnin commenced pursuing the boy, and after ordering him to halt, which lb- boy did not heed. Mr. Clark fired at Urn, the hall taking efTect just below the knee, breaking both bones, and rendering amputation D" cessary, which operation was performed by Mesxrs. Ashe ami Ingram. This man, liul Iogram, is a notorious character; and, if we are uot mistukeu, he has just Cu ir-lied a term in the penitentiary and was sentenced for stealing. IIOTrLARRIVAUFOKTIlEWKEKEJJDINO Afkii. 5:-roicn Houie, fyii, Jirowii, Proprietor : " - . W. J. Crowson, Town ; Thomns.. """-e, Atlanta Ga. ; J. K I.ucns, Monroe, N. V, II. V. Jonv, T. II. Turner, Charlotte, N. G. ; E. K. I iles. LUeavil e. N. C. ; Jno. I', fitelle. W. T. Gintou, Baltimore, Md. ; D. Fronelierger. Khelby. N. C; M. WaUh, County 5 J. E. Bratton, Baltimore, Md. ; H. E. IVnton, Ahinedon, Va. ; W. Ij. Steele, Town; ElifKe'dfe.irn, J. C. Gul ledge. County ; 11. B. Adams, Monroe, N. C. ; Chas. G. Ayre J. M. Bell, rluladel- pliin. Pa. ; James p. Johnson, Newark, N. J. ; Prof. Hindi Jf . Y. We have received the April No, of the A mrrican Farmer, and find its pagra well filled with seasonab'e instructions in every hr neb of agriculture prominent among which are formulas for making fertilizers fr all the main crops grown in the Middle and Southern btaus. Among the corr s rhimhnts who larrelv fi-rure in thin num ber are trcntlemcn of the highest stundii'gi mnui'cted with Acricullure in the s-vcral Soet,BnMinir th-in Mr. Wm. Unlnitu, of Va., on ("hrmicnl M'.nurca and ihe Wheat Crop. Prof. Wi!-nn, of Uiil'imore, on Krrort in f ertiliiT nnnses. ur. jam, of Georgia, on the Progress of Ajrriculture in that State. On the Use of Concent rat'-d Fertilixcra, and Mauigcment of PHsiure, Uv Mr. Cheevcr. of Mass. On the Lulttva- .' . r . I k.. M. C1...1.U.. f X (VI U"ll Ol lOlimjIII, It) iill. ..'Iirinii'i, ... .wl iiiiiiiuriiii oilier. Ilonn Si ill I lie. I .IV ' ' 1 ' . '. Stock. Dairying, Poultry, Horticuit Floriculture, Urehanl Janrif-cnpo LHir dfiiinjr. in s' orlno branch pertaining Io the cultivation of the soil appenrto he overlooked. The old Farmer Uy com plet'i niiiuuul for every country hvme, and ever single number of it is yorth the year's subscription. Published hy Samuel Sands & Son, Baltimore, 81.50 per yea: 5 copies for ea. Pic Nic?. The public gehernllv are in vited to a Grand Pic-Kit, it Bennett's Mill, on the Yadkin mver,9 mihs N. E. 17,k f A 17R Easter Sunday,) There will he miisioiind refreshments suit ed Io the occosiot Everybody au 1 his family are expected to be there with a bas ket of Uuodies ay a contribution to tne dinner. 0 Blackwo0p'b Maoazink for March has been issued by the Leaxord &c;ott Pi'Bi-ismw Co.. 41 Barclay Street, ew York. The followiug are the contents, briefly "ThsfjDilemma Part XI." All the old frieuds we Inst in India seem to be turn ing upin England. condary lvlucation in bcntland '.OOOjOOO.thusitcostt the country . . 7 (ictJLATtos. The TrensurDo i receiving, rorn San Franif'co, ipna 01 HllVer coin, l ireraij mi lation of silver. This wilItiouut. a'roillioii ' dollars. The amount r in the vaults of the Treasuiy-at i.... i-eecnt time ia less than 830.000. Or ders have been received at the .Pepa'rtment for t20,000 fractional currency. The amount Snf fractioriai;..currency still in the vajilts is $2,000,000, though nor.e Us been riuted since the middle of last .monm. ce thai time the requisition upon the easury from the banks and other offices' be supplied with fractional currency, Tiouott to $3,000,000. . : Z , Licenses to marry were issued to the cHf.dlowing named persons by the Register " tor lfeeiis tor tots county aunug me moum Mutch : " O . V' , WHITES). . Si "Goodwin, Louisa A. Turner. A WC. UcCall. Harriet E. Hwrue, oWt llaJlTAmelv A. Wallace, M. G. Evaus, Virj'inia Thompson. J: B. Parker, S, C. Curllee. 4 r r U Phlmmiii f:rm;iiter. Sail I V lf w w"' 1 f - t rt of Albemarle, on th (being Monday afte ti ...:ti k . shows how the Primary Schools have been expended and re-organized in Scotlaud, and desirable it is to some mens- Ydm for fillini' un the eaD between them been 1.600,o6o,000 poundsAind the Uuiver0ities with " Secondary" a prwent, and when k! what h thoughrcaua d ihedruioosiratioiis, answer el: "I d.iii't know; I think it was Wns" Hie writer ol this article srens t have ar rived at the suiiie conclusion, lis reruiii ly has a firm belief in the devil. " The ojening of Parliament" refers to the various bills lha will occupy the at tention of the nreesent session, all of which "are likely to be passed without serious o poiiton.1' Address, Tub Leonard Fcott Tub Liaiil.NO Co. (41 Ban lay Street, N. Y.) CnRONic DtaEAai'a. Fmm the earliest histoiiual times there have been roore or les disrusnions as In what constitutes a chronio disease, aadintinct from an acute inaluiiy. Tie plaiint presentation of thi subject that we have met with is contained in " Plain IIomk Talk," commencing on page 833. The author of this work hss been i-ngagrd lor over twenty years iu tr ating exclusively chronic dieaaa, and it would scim a if by this time he should know pretty well what constitutee the fif fercuce between a cbnmic and acute affec tion. The dtxrtor ibvites and receives con sult lions from the s ck iu all parts of tne World, and with his large practice it wnuhl seem that he might he considered authori ty upon the point alluded to. His work ' Plain Home Talk," Is full of valuable suggestions to the sick, and is having a ve ry extensive sale. We would iuvite atten tion to his advertisement. JpriL Medical Notick. -I respectfully an nounce to my former patrons ami the cltl Sena generally that I will resume tbe prac tie of my profession 011 the 1st of April hext. W. J. McLkndox. Office In Cevlngion A, McLendon'a Drug Store. Murray is ie'ling goods at cost' Morroo has the fint Watch-Maker of ny towu in North Carolina. 50-3;nos Ui.. "t"voued lThe Arous .and Iyiuiville '" Journal one year fr $3.00. Two papei. little more than the price of one. Send us$3.00 and receive yor home pjier with the Conricr-Journal, ihe ln'st. wittiest, brightest and ablest City Weekly in the country. , . Murry li icllbg bi go i cbrsper than srer. LuMBERi-I.t'MBEid James C. Mar shall it Co., are prepared tn furnish any kind of best Pink Lumber lu reasonable terms.' T" " fl6-lf Murrsy will eoo bs reerlvinf his full and ainti-r (ovJ. V No Excise for Being Sick No per- ' t- ri t son can nsp tiOsciiKKS ukrman otkit without, celling iuitncliate relief and cure. We hav the firct case of Coughs, Colds or ( Vnsiiption, or any disease of the Tliraiit and -tungs, yet to hear from that has not tipmveiired. We have ifiotrilnifed every -&ir, for lliroo veare, orr "0,000 rmfl- lUttles bv DruiririsU in all parts et the LUniicd Swtes. No other nianufucfurer of r . . . - M-dlmes evr gavn their ' preparniions such a te.-t as this. Go to your Druggists, Mssrs. Govin,'tou it McLcndon, and get a boitle for 7o cents ami 4ry it. Two docs wi'l relieve you... Sample bottles 10 cents etch. laeowly The Bkattv Piaso, and Beatty'sGold eu Tongue Organs, manufactured hv Dau iei F. Beatty, Washington, N. J., are highly endorsed by all who have tasted them, as to the style, of case, durahi ity, and sweetuess of tone. They aie said to excel any other iusirnmeuts in perfect con struction. Sie his advertisement in an other coluniu. 48-4t Mnmy'scahb tota is the placs to get ths woilh of your money. ' T 0 - Garden Sei-ds &c. Messrs. Crawford CrowderVfc Co., hav a large and well as sorted supply of garden seeds. They a'so are agents or Z'ili's Fertilizers, which have a good reputation wherever tried. Call and get jour seeds, and a descriptive phamplet of the Fertilizer, i 44-tf. From the many flattering testimonials we have read, paying tribute to the Beatty Piano, aud Beatty 's Golden Tongue Or gans we are constrained to recomend them to any person contemplating pureha-inu au instrument of either, description. Ad-'recs the manufacturer and proprietor, P.miel F Beatty, Washington, N. J., for any infor mation respecting the same. See advertise ment. 48-4t 1 7t ,. COLORED. .rthji jnjrtt. Easier Mj eVfa jMiL5-r"z UetJerry. a inainnicscru" wmio vut.JKiwti ' .f. "'I. J Z-JZ1 Schco's, ." Some Aspects of Friendship" Is a ram blingaiticle, giving quotatioi.s from Jer emy Taylor, Lord Bacon, and others, aud coneluding that " Friendship is the touch stone of merit. . A man mutit have many good qualities, es well as a freedom fr m many uncouth ones, to be a friend in the true sense of the word, and having theni, friendship keeps them in exercise " "So 'Maimey' (M' Aymez)." stanzas to a damsel of fifteen, who w ishes to abbrevi ate herself to May." ' Eton College." "An interesting account of the foundation b this old institution, by Henry VI., wh.. planned, and watched ev er the building,' and the chief feature Of whose idea was, " the college in distinction from the (school, the religious, corporation of pruv-08 and fellows, for whom he built his chape), and to whom he secured vari ous privileges jf special indulgence from Rome." Mention is made of the different proToitrof note who have ruled there, and Hie routine of work in the sixteenth ceutu ry is compared with that of to-day. ' "Little Bobhy : a Sketch iu Paris." Poor Little Bob(y ! " Some jteBtleiaen in the. City" is a sketch of of the rise of the Guhlensterift, Conrad Llovd, Lmmanuel .Bagits, and others of the more prominent London financiers. . 4 . j " Powers of the Air." Some years ago a friaml described some thioga.that had wbicfi,V -S Colonists, Emiokax-ts and Travelebs Westwaki). For mapclrcularH. condens ed time tables 'and generar Information in regard to ' transportation facilities to all points in TeuneMsee,' Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota. Conrado, . fCaiisas, Texas, Iowa, New Mexico, Utah and Calit'orniu.'appl.y to or address ALBEht It. Wbsnn, Oeneml Emi grant Agent, Office No. 2 II, I. - Kimball House, Atlanta, (Ja. No one should go West without "ffrst get ting iu communication with the General. Emigrant Agent, and become informed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock, aud farminir implements ireueially. , AU information cheerfully given. VV. ii. 1'AiN l.f.l, 26-tf. ' : U. P &AT.. Thk Detroit Free Press has ae quired fcat celebrity for its tund of quaint humor, sparkling wit, stories, eketchcp, ehoico general literature, clieas nnd puzzle columns, news, etc. Wo. have arranged to club the Aruus with the DetroitJFrkk Press at great ly reduced ratcl; and tako subscrip tions, for two papera for $3.25. Send in your subscriptions. Oall 00 Murray before piirehasiog your gioaa. There, is no simpler method for prevent ing cider growing sour than mustard seed. After the cider has fermented aud reached the desired palatable condition, put one pioniustard seed Uf fSlf6' cider, Fvr the AtKit a. Notice. ' Atnr.MARLr;, N. C, April B. We expect to have a grsnd IVk-N'i k on Easier liuday. at the Nrroa. in I co , and hereby cordially iuvile ill or our friends to tome, and bring a laket )f diuuel, as we will have a basket dinner on the 00 anion. Wa expect to hat Col. Polk, of Anton, to makn us a grange speech that day. We will have also a band of gol music (M.S. Parker's baod.) We Imp to see our Ansou li lends tio the ooraiou. . - " ! 'It haa been reported that we had chang. ed our place of meeting. This ia all a mira lake. Gni to the Narrows, as the waters are good aud the srenery grand. A Grakoer. t. j BIATC NEWS, The first strawberries of the season, maJe thuir apearance io Wilmington eu the 2Ulb, and sold at 75 CS.U per quart. Marion Biroett, fcol.) roromitted sui cide in the woods about ten miles from Charlotte, w.-ek "belore last by kangiug himself from the limb of a piue tree. o Tho publication of the North Curo. linn Farmer, a monthly journal of agriculture, horticulture and 'domes tie economy will shortly bo begun in Haleigb. Moses Trcxler, in Morpnii townahin, accidentally shot himself luat wock. In setting a gun down it was dis charged, lodgintr a load of buck-shot in his person, lie died shortly after, Col. 8. II. Walkup, Chairman of ilia f Linirrfmirmiil Dintrii-t Executive Comiuiltua has called a meeting of tho members of aaid Committee (ono from each county in tho district) to convene in this rtluca tin next ' Tuesday, the lllh itiKt., for tho purpose of aefectiiig a place fur tho meeting of the iistnct Convcn'ion, which will nominate our ncxtcutididato for Cotigress.-Monroe Lr.quirer, Tho Concord fun aavs that Mr. John N Maxwell, of Cabarrus, has a young chicken that has four distinct and aeparale le.s, three eyes, two bills and only two wings. The same gentleman nlno tel a us that he has a small Thomas kitten that has . six Icl's and two tails. The two extra clawers attached to the uether en 1 where all hiud legs beluug. ' o The Raleigh Sentinel says: Near ly $20,000 has been subscribed to wards building tho Methodist Motto- litifiitaii church', in thU city. Wp hoar that $40,000 is to bo raised, and that noMitiioulty Ms anticipated in raibitig that ameillllt.. Ill th prnj..iolihnrul there will be a pew bearing thu name of each county ol the stilTo Cfignivcd on a silver jdatc. ' SUARKlKUKt H'MSELF. 1). A. Cris coe, who killtl Geo Cagle, in Stanly coun ty on Tuesday nust, has surrendered him self and been committed to jail in Albe marle. A gentleman who arrived iu the city last evening 'roni that section, thinks it very doubtful if any true bill is found by the Grand Jury against the slayer, .lie bel'uved that his wile was unfaithful to the marriage vows, aud that Cagle was the cause of her infidelity, and it ia probable that he will be able to establish this. If so he will be but lightly punished. Cria coo Is a young man ; Cagle was r.u old mau Charlotte 0'j.wrver. Special Din-patch to the Observer. ,, S. C, April 3. Au al tercation occurred this eveuiu'g, at Sixty Six Turnout on the South Carolina Iiiil road, near this place, between, J. W. Mead ows, white, and Hufus Johnson, (col.,) had a difficulty with Meadows' sou this morning Several blows were passed and Meadows came down to this place to procure a war rant for the arrest of Johnson f'r assault and battery. When he returned to his hoire at Sixty-Six, he found Johnson there. Harsh words wore used, afterwards blows, when Meadows went iu his house and in u few minutes afterwards re-appeared with a shot gun, tho contents of which he emptied into the head .of .John sou, entirely blowing bis brains out. S. . Nev York, March 29 Night A heavy ruin and high winds prevail here. The bouse of Elijah Bm ml reck was blown down and his wife and child of 2 years killed. He with one child escaped badly injured. His wife was about b coming a mother. The storm entered Western New York aud Northern Pennsylvania. The Jersey meadows are flooded. .Memphis, March 29 Night The awai'4,ofa premium 0 $1,000 for the best hale of cotton grown in this Jislrict, offer ed by the Mcmpffis cottoi- exchange, for exhibition at the Philadelphia Centennial, was made today to Wm, Taylor, of ; Lee county, Ark. The competition was very good, there beiug thirty-two bales present ed. The committee" state that as regards staple, color and handling, mis oaie is as near perfection as possible. ? I San. FKANCIPfO, March, 29 Noon The boiler of the Spanish steamer Elviro exploded and ehe sunk off the passages. Many persons were killed and wounded. Atlanta, March 29-Night The State Supreme Court has unanimously decided that the head , of the family can waive, both fr himself and family, the right to a homestead, thus enabling the people to create a valid lieu ou the full valuo of their property., ; Uarr&bui;Q, March 29 Night The Republican Slate Convention met to day with W. II. Koontx as temporary chairman and Edward 'McPhera-n as permanent Presidwnt. The platform of the Lancaster convention of 187a was reaffirmed. eiw.i- yvlly. that portion demaudiu,' honest iueu for office with brains enough to know ills honeoty when they see it i demands candi dates f-r Ihe Cincianati Conalion wlrne honesty is above suspicion ; denounces the Democrat id Congre-e f-r their sulieer i enry to ihe defiant lead.a of ilia late re bellion who are now rutins- them : for hi liiaiouaiinns of a purpoea l-i open tf-s treasury Io alarming and unj )t demands from tha insurrectional Stales: dnolarrs against division of school fund denouncra tha at tern nt to force uooo the nation a frs tra-le tariff while the rtmetly for our suf fering is a higher and not a lower tariff; prva-nt Ilartranft to Ibe L-inciuiistl ion vention am tha candidate for the Presiden cy and lh delegates are instructed to eive him their ea n.e t and united aupporl. Grant and his administration were uu noticed 3. J. jl::-: W.lTVUM.lh'K. Jr.wrt i it am i-t .1 ikf. Fine "NVatclt lt .:i;ri: " a One Ieor I tt !(! 1 CHAULOTi. Mr..Dakiel F. BcATtr, manufaettirer and proprietor of the Beatty Piano and Ilefctty a retehraletl ullen longue I arlor Organs, Washington, N, J., is cerlaiuly a very reasonable and generous man to tran sact biisiueea with. He makes this very fair pmpositinu to any who may favor him with at or-frr, as fallows j - if the instru ment does not prove satisfactory after a test trial of five daya after receiving it the pun base mony will be refunded upon the return of the instrument, and he will pay freight charges both ways. ibia is cer laiuly an ex-eeding generous, and safe mauner ia which to trans ict hu.rfnc with him. He warrants his limtruuiculi far sis years. See his advertisement. T TT 1T"0 WtTlt ' , ri tii, .. Snow ' 1 "Ti.. dukm, ;unoVNj co., f'' !ua'M trtleole Jebb'rs saj lirpontre e ''"JT t Btln. HARDVARG AUD IiUTIGIi-f S A.. . Till UTIICIIT, r,w ( Bseklejhem (onrtrr flee enfj. 28 C!. V BKATTY PIANO! Orand, Fquaro and Upright. From Rufua Hnyder, of the firm of Sny der and Hendricks, Can-Inn. Manufactur er, of theL'ltyof AUentown, Pa,: , ' must vonftfHH I lianfly know fiow to xpresa my gratification on reeelvlinf the Hmti y I'iano you Hhlpped me. It Is at least af I could ask, wish or expe. Oiee of our most eminent mulclnt trhst It and Mike In the tnoet favorable teruia, aftrr thoroughly leeting It." ltst otter ever jtiven Money refunded Upon r i-turn -f I'iano and freight rhargea riald by me (Dnule! F. Jteatty) belli wna t unstisfact ry, fter a test trial f five daya. Pianos wafrauteU for six years. , Addre-w, ! DANIEL F. -BEATTY. : M'aaliliislon, r Jeravjr, IT 8. A, I) SADDLERY HaRN.S3,l&& MR. II. C. qi A ITZ "SIRES TO lXFOlttf THE CITIZENS OF An-oa -n I euT'umling eeon'ry thit ke hit opneil nut In Ihe ho-mo funnery oecuplr-l hj E. llutcUiiieoa k Aon, on (i rta Mree', slid ens door oonb -if Mir hill JiCo.'s, a shop fur Ihe mnufe(ure of ' ' ' SADDLES, h ; BRIDLES, i . " '." " ' ' 40., C. - A fa'l line ft ls aHovs will he an hand a eon as Tier en bs mnuri'lure1. Alan, sear for site, Whlp, Collin, Hone llrushes, Curr eombs, Rlaiikris, Pits io.. ie, " t 8 t1 ictioo gu irenli-d, Clre him it sail. 47 tr SEND cenU toO. P. HOW KM, CO . New York for Pamphlet of 100 paes. containing lists of 3000 newspapers, and es timates showing eo-tt of advertising. Crawford &Crowdcr HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH THENf MH. J. A. CUOWDEU. In the name and stile of -C1U WF01W, CROWDEIi fi CO., and have removed to the house lately occu pred by O W Huntley, aud 11. J. Lock liart. and have opened out - A Large aud General Stock . OK i ; : DRY GOODS, ' Ready-Mads Clothing, T groceries. " TI 1 1 DW A ll fc2 , Boots, Shoes, together with every article usually kept In a retail store ; all of which WE ARK DETERMINED to soil as low a goods , C4N HE AFFOtOEl) IX THIS The former firm of Crawford fc Orowder would here tender their thanks for former favors ami patronage and .in the menu time would remind those who are due us to come forward and settle, as the old Books in nut ha closed. . Wadesboro', N.J?.. Jan'y Hth, 1878 4ttf II Ei HI'S 1'AKLOIt OUtlA N8I Any Brst-cUiH SIGN PAIHTER AND LETTER ER can eira somothiiiK to his sdritatnge by ad. dressiag the manufacturer, ' DANIEL F. BEATTY, Waalifnarton, Nw yrsey, V 1875; 1875. WE WOUUJ BE PLEASED TO have our customers and friends exam ioe our stock of goods, Our stock of : C j-rooeriufl tvntl Hhoes, is particularly, ' Large and Attractive, and at prices which we think will bo satis factory to onr friend. We are ajfetit for the Rockingham Fac tory, and sell their goods at FACTORY PRICES, by ihe bale. -- ' MR. A. C. BENTON is still with us aud. will be pleased to see . his old friends, , J. C MARSHALL & CO., Wadesboro', N. C, V - ' r7-tf. ARSIS- VfHT.riWKR S KOIX SAWS AMI 1. M III. S.1U Sll 4e.ti-i lik tb MvnlnMk lit ' wtikm UmuM m llwm. hiiYS ma ntmkm Iv. du4- U-e wf 4.V lih Oi. m. bll intrm. ! a not'lt AULk I M WiK. Km MlfrHJ -( IU.I.K. or HNIlkM IMikAM. We II bt m. r.r k'r rn aa Ibu, aji.l M'lnM M I.ll J. I ... i II W. t". iod BAK.NE4,R.lLbr e4 If til &0 AJfVAXAdl.n Pllt DAT. rtit s, Mo., Dectraber Hih, 1ST t saw, 4 110 fi'ts for balmtrailt f.r portico, aad . ' ' IJS braoken ia lrl two dire running. Errj ia'tJ' , whi hi wirae-aeJ lha working ef the Paw h j : pronniiDC4 It Ihe noei useful aiaehiae er ia- , . veiitrd. I tate b-ea vorking front l we're te " . siiieea wen, and have done all my shop work , (eerawl sawing) on your atte&ine, rnnaiag it d ill since I fnh. It, end have paid aothing !- '. for rep. lit, eictni fur eaws, wbirh a.Boant Was r S imparalily auialU Three week riaee I fne. i ' S'al fire imported woo-le, aaJ some aic d siins, an I turnnl mj alUntlon la fret work. I t hi arHf. il f iT diy, i nce lhl lime, $11 6(7. , I know of no nc anntioa a pleaeant and proU'ey b s fwr. a ue'i'ie l eg end bla wiairr n) M a ihe bore Tour ne ruse so lighl and twL t that H wld ant i re the o-t d-l eats a sN lerallt'lvpreotioe; ia ladl, I oo-IHer veur mm ehina IndUpeoeibl 'o an earpralsr, k ier I .in-ill kis bunnt-e is asS eaa Iht-bduo-IrS Utls aia-'h u U hi ecrap pile, and make enough hra. k' ale in 8S wrek le pay fur bi machine. 1 suaV S'der pvr marblne juet as as-enlial ia ay shop t atetef beosh plauea. , Vr imly, ' , M, FRFD ItRLt, .t Architect aad Builder.',' gan,. Ad lreM, for full Inrurmatioa, " '. .. C W. r.H JOHN BtRSES, ' ' Roearoao. UlisoUi , 41 m l r e 'I I 1 1 DR. J. C. BROW Surgeon DcniUt, I FFERS TO THE PEOPL" OF ANW.-, v J Stanly. Montironieiy, aud Richmomi, counties, nlso to the iiutdlo generally, hiar, trofi-ssloiittl servlees, and any one dwdrfnc iciital work will please notify me by lettir or postal card at Ansonville, N. C.and thty win receive pMHiptatieHiion. Prices reasons ule for cash. ! Work warrented. ..OcU10thl87.,9-lj'. t, f i pJIaincss, .; ."!.. . :' at the WibESBORO ifcCR ailGE SHOPS, - w JVe w S t a n d, i intersection of1 Rutherford 1 nd Hot streets. ' ': .l 1 . ' ,' ' Prices to suit 'ihe times. 1 ' f t JOHN C. McLAUCIILIN, Prop'r. " 13-tf . ,; r"' 1 n Iwy at home. , Agents vaal terms free. 1 HUM. . i Ourtilt and Augusta, Maine 48 ly t BEATTY 15 & PI A NO ! Grand Square and Upright. '0 From James F. Regan, firm Regan Car- S ter. Publishers Dally and Weekly - ; Trbu'ie, J-lUrson CUy, Mo.,aft-r rcelving , , ; a $700 instru- " , ; ' nient. say. ' riano reached us in goid cmidltlon. I j am well pleased -ith it. 1 1 U all you re- -presnit It to be." -'" . f From K R. Jlaldrtdge. BenninRton, Fur- nace, l a., after receiving a $7(j I'iano, I '.' The 4 Reatty' recetvwl 4th int., alt O. IC, and comes fully up to your representa-. I tiou, and exceeds our expectations. While I tlon't profess to be a Jiuljre In the matter. Mm 11 iti.f. in i liriiiiiiiineea it of virV aweet tone; aud ia very much pleased with it. refunded Opon return of I'iano and freight t chrges paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both ways If unsatisfactory, after a test trial of rive tlrtvs. Pfctuos Warranted for six venrs. ARents wanted, Hcnd for catalogue. Audress, . ' " DANIEL l BEATTY; Washington, New Jersey. U. S. A. II . V. KOBiNS ON, l EST I ST, AYOULD cspectfulTy inHinn U fi i-n and the puhlio that he has rrsunie-l t' practice of IKiitistry. WHI ri-i? p at their residences when ropiest id. Waikaiboro'i N. C, Marcli 1 ' OF ALL KINDS, SEA fLY ' And for Sale at tU .r 1