rr mn. " " - 4 w 1 its'- V ' ?, ip- ? o? vr T r " i: i tL. rUrt JltkrCT rl.rv- ILJont Alitor. Utioa ; for - I? 4 siberT1' M?fify'i1 f,,rat,t:J -4. J 4 1. S.3U;4.m i The rrout clrt- T; C1 t - f . - ' i . g m - I tL !Tih lnui.u-l of irtr, t& IATUED1T. 107. 1. 1873 i CtJTCX UiUfl- AIM? jJiuw.iM. j-i- . - 7 are 10117 to loam that there w so ixnproreixvcnt in th healh of J ode Bojden on tb 30th ultimo. And tory which we rmblifch cn h flmt pgt of thi iwrac, wu wriV too by Captain ft A fibotwell, the m aocUU editor of the "Sonthern Homo.'' . Captain 8. was incarcerated in a got ernxnent Btil for a niple aMault j 1. "! ' ... - . . i- ' . . ' I ... i .. ... BACX TO HOETH COEOLIffA. Onr cxcluuigea are eonaiantlj notic ing the return to their natire State of repentant "Tar Heel," of men who have expatriated thcmaelTeis and gone to diaUnt paiU of the Weat, and North West, to better their fortunes returning to their old bomca trVr, but not rcihtr men fit men who did not realize any of their anticipations tud expectation! by immigration, re turning to their natire places, content to ipend tbo remainder of their lirvn in tha good old North State. Mr. J 0. Finley, a uatiTo of Wilkes county, bat who has for some time past, resid ed in . California, called on us last week aa he passed through Statesville, on hia way back to Ida old home. He aays the influx of population is so great tohthat State, that it is wuh difficulty that one can get wages enough for work to pay board. Ho was not pleased with Califoinina, and before be left Sanfrancisco, ho clipped from tho Chronicle, the letter written by a hard working woman," which is pub lished on our ifirst page. For severa. years past, "many young men of indus try, energy, and : enterprise hare mi grated the very men North" Carolina cannot afford to lose and rhom 6he most needs in repairing her waste places in developing her natural ro sources, and placing her once more population will soon ea&e, and wo will . welcome the return to their ancestral homes ot manymore rejenUit wn- dtrtn. ; ' ! THE PAETY OF THE FUTURE- During twelve consecutive years the Republican .party has held complete and unlimited control of every depart ment of the Government, executive, le gialativo, and judicial. There has been no interruption to this long and ccn tinned reign. It is entitled to the full- .1:. 1 ivriliiaIlw -TfC;aiJJ in -.1 : fl,- ,r,1,'.. Rf.rn-.ctntA. 1UT rem fought Uie a-n "i : - , , and were rm:nntly .oH.fol. lie to tU iv.- T.J ...i.i .. -tl fit " evxttatet Uitit miprort-wf t-w ' . - .....1 Tl lu.tn t .T-:nt ! v. .t. aentencein the ColumUua StU. . i , . 7 . . 1 1. w-ni: nt. r.t!6r irgtwa jero.i ai it w . i.: t'-i elect of Ohia "The yi battle i- ; titmed saW ar.c. H-n u? bv, l. r,:,5:ai:;f ur,fJli u, n i lilical question, said U, before the; and ml tnatlur by word o. txlcl jffut. Our Ni V-:k -! f jcopl of Uie United StaUn ; and all : pruacl other qucations are fcubordinaUj to tliat j Utter one, and merge into it, and that qae . an l i-f 1, r it will be norttUe lor ; mtn tavM m - - a i the American ieople to purge tliegteat j re's . contaminate it, and keep it f: ee from contamination in the future. In a crisis like the present, when T ' - fit c ...i 4- t . .1 ' - ;' Lt' tWvcfl in office. Democrats as well as ' She knows he des'.rve neither if Le t,f tiou!U- 1 1-" r '!ii-.i'. u h:ii, " - ' ! I II lepublicans are thrusting their hands allow a Ut legiaUtion to U- comjpt-.h Uve - uni , ;u :" -,: ' intt tii r,t:i?H o . iue nation. iuc ; ns t 'rr'''i ii rei ihiujt m i- tt w . ... " - - M , . I 1 . 1 , . 1 ... t I.t UU IUl.ll V : : niaiCS, me rtuen, aim up ""'" . n'j;.Ar,i..uvum.; f" " I ;,,Htifv u I ; M: -lue a;:itv I V over the cant ima phrases about Democratic piinciples coiifi.led. 1 he htato has Un nM:i.: . ' t;1-' for severe demuiciation of DtinociuLc rogues. The cortlial acceptiuceof the Cincinnati phi tfoi la, mi l the nomina tion of (ireely by the National Deiaoc ion. tln Ualt'core or l-hiIa..Wphii, i Tt??rvea o: 7.. u'. " 4 it 'lz'ti tLH U .4 . ; f f of the Ommmratirc i-aity wU be ; the liU Cltv couU vth T1 , ak tuiiU Mr U U ll, ' .i.- --- , ? . . . . Si,. -, I . VTrginia nceda ubtantulcujiitalanl wholeacjine immigration fi utu abrotuL ' .Vl tLuie k:t few ina.rk.i ttul If we ntit turn t the tuf ut.u Tl..c M. i: ;..ir r .v we find.tUt m tL. Lfth w. k .f the W 1 r. fn ; i ! r.i ir f t!.. i - tl; Li - " o ' iit.Htl IV uu..iiv j. ;v . j Union, it would be the inert it t-rn adventuiei and v.nal, cornip't tu.d ' t iiid-r hl-rul ai 1 win n it . ', lt iginable to Bubstitnte sounding depraved-c-alawugs Ler dt .tinica are. tiei ii -l ' :if(!!! Xt ' ? I t v 1 ; , i ,v . t!. jtit:i; jtt -w iti-t it-t.-i.T , I t. I frj l- . U. t . 3 ; i -e r : - a. r i i . ... i . . i . 1 i T f t: l.H . i i;c 1 i ..: t.ii.ii"'' of ii:t .;: with exeitoneiit sinct; tl.-e iioniliiatii-T.s from the allejliaiui f. ti the :. a .s',.ir.- The principles of lit mptr an 1 ilulx a ti,,. ,r. .iu-. h'unia: have b 'tti iinitaitiullv i.jrtinv 1 i n l 't;tip. '...v ..' " 3( r 4 a . a -i ' - - J" I 1. i I i i ii t tin I tt- cv -and the cordial support of both by cent: anted in every village j.t:.l l;:.tti: t liv ':' v. Ia,Ui,tl " l'Ui '"l4; , such Democratic leaders, as Seymour, throughout her broad d.;in:u:i, and . r. ; ;. (, i; l. . xu.::i,w )lf IuaJl.i ... j Hendricks, JJuckalew, and Thunaan ourselves we do not doubt the u-.i.i. 'j,(S ;,r ;ir ...nj .,; ::-r;iu:'i: .'. .: and Pendleton in the North, and by the Democrats and Conservatives of the Southhave hikneed all fears iu to the loss of any of the valuable triumphs secured by the war. The Democratic masses are honest and favor reform. Is not here a platform bioad enough for the honest, the sagac ious, the cour ageous men of all paitifK to ial!y upon, and fight the great battle against the two most alarming evils of our times. ( 'orrnjti'tu ti.ri rr.it tr.i'lztitlntt.' Will independent Republicans :.u 1 Do uiocrats think of -thtse things ! If -H.i.-. iselore anolli'.T Radicalism will have received sueh i '1 Lv i.. -j ! stunning de-feat in the old Domini-t. 'f wi-; i i 'the mother -f Str.tcs and .tatesmt iu' Vtt:t"n; 'J'; -;1;; that it never will rear. a tiied.liiV I urn its nyu.:.- t:1J(. iu :;i W 1. 1 . . . : i f 'ilSiJIIl.i- hf.l t v 'i'iIIs me j,it :; . ,: '. :Un 1 head amid tho craves of Mount VcriK.n. Mj.". v.,iks, uesMv uui u i j , . iIonti-el!o and Montpelier. 1 he c -.heeling sins of triump!; wl.i' h 1 x:e r i.'. J .. 11". i ... il .. ! V.C.I I.S como nora 1:10 i..: esu i.s me n ni of the i-eetnt eh ctions. will f v.L'.l eaeh tiihd Wave as it brtks nun li r mi-.k-s. i i . 1 .-. build::;.,' and t'.ui.ai'.l:!, tU, iw telu..:idi-r. t::u!e. ;. ::: el: a:. J..K .;;, i I:, .1 .- .:., .1.1 is eo:it,.i- '. tit I: v.ji s iu' -ii. J ," M t t It t I , I'aeh breez' .'. cio.-ses the ullf'h'i THE VIRGINIA ELECTION. - ! .. I i .i4V 11 I .'A V V 4.' It t nieK on its v.sUm lour, will b.-a;- .n its bosom tl.: i!it Sf-ige t-f v.'.it may be done by tlift s.jn.sof Olito. sin : tlie other .SUiti-s which Lav? j.;t sj"";i: eonti st for principle, and impirt. .1 by ; the t-.ignrt of vic-loiA, th! v..!kin v;i:M'r' .'."- tie!.::!; 1 the pi i". ti -Ii i:: ltl.tll tl: tit-n : - 1 in J.. Vi v 1 i in i. ' ....: . ii i.'- i, l."'.i" ..i l:i'- c t ' i i t i (lilt' M I. ; . . .;. . l: t I c r : e.ttci i -.. a:tiie.:its ot 1 i : nig .wiui jut i ji-mhii . : fat We look with no little into: est to the ides of November and the result of the race issue, which was inaugurated by aVlSe-"mxSlOS: tfcWfriemU aa fl Tl TT T 7.' fiV lag .. 1 A-.mm 1 inn JfcB u . - - . oi f ha --l l Ct.1 Ol i;!e the Conservative ana liaoacai j-ai The illustrious names placed ipoithe ;,' ;;.-:-i :uture of t!..- :i: 2'itK" :-s Vt'iiii'ii ii e ! : .'. i'.i;'. :ir ;! Conservative ticket, is a source ofniuch gratification and pride to -vei y,:te Virginian, either now dauicild within her borders, or liring i oter States. We feel and believo tM Virginia is still worthy of her pvyfni fame and renown. Kemper, Witvrs ftl1 Daniel will Lite panicjB the 2axti:il or full stoppage of bo-nuiy largo factories; a (xiiridoruUe pitit if the Northern pop-.tlilion is dirc-cw dependent upon theso factories for KvAiort. Tho failure of firm, Uaineic'c Co., throws out of exnploy mtnt I'OOO hands. Many fartoricn m thivv v.. .t .o i' i i Vell ret. ;:ays 1: . ex-S- 1. 1. M. !' ' j : .. i. tor -i-lie Lock ct -i:y v. ir in Vr!ii:v:;' rideau Will j'V - , -clous and STTcstivna-inal cx,, . tM-feuii"e. Ctovi-:r.tr llcJ.nc v.-:.s 'VT3- " JJn.J out of Ljsodc. anJtL. inf: w.uve e.ex ; foistttvvL i, ,.! ..,: eio;ed, or running o:iftiioib-j . Oitvi'ct U. 17.5. lilnD N N !J ' L t .P0L:lTiGi II Milt J I W! M!l. M. 1 I ion and tliousaads of op2rabrs are ; j;, eael honor t3 place for which thept r0vm 0x4 of cmptojicnt. Lite r . . .i i i 1 . : ' ; ;:: i "b ci; .-Lt 1 1" ;i ( . 1 ... tr... f,w,.. M-T;.-r Vi.- .' ' :i.i . ! . i ! -r it m m 1 i..a 1. . .. . f '. - - 1 t . . . I , 1 4:AK iv ' ...' ,t t. 4t. Ac :. '.i":! ,roiiC( uui ii;..;,;:..1 .; " .., ' " est credit for whatever of rootZ w7 """"- . 1 . wf , V . . , . ( rni:aA I i-u vou'reet - t:i -n..!:-1 . 1 !..;., i.o.m-...!: For Whatr of r ? '"'ink on- f UW ??Ct tkV 'f ' Supm your Ail U tU Oicf, " 1 1 , i - .n:i":m. u'i ui efn. a c - - i.l J I tenure of rention. The candidal are all and inflirtAd nnoa retponaible- ; j a i L-rfr, men of fine talents, good charac Sme the most corrupt party, the most ter, tried trj t5 douU rotten with theraritjroljilJ plaodU-j lenjanclee, that ever it0 Doeared in history of our coun- trj. lie JlspaDuoLu uiumzauon Iip leea perrerted to the basest user dy i ds before the cotufcJr stoeP i corruption and crir Its Ieaders with rare eTeerlionp -re venaL profli- f,c,t, -d selfish, and ntt- ly unwortiV 1116 least confii' ce. The princ'i aim of tne KepuDiican party, and the prineip-object of the power it h2djB coTuption in Legislatures, od in Congresa fraud in the admin minbut dangeipf being driven to the ! iieatvd her . i . prou'iii-' UlilO has walLXhe faillre, or temporary susi i cb.im to c&K'?rf""'' ' , pension of so taany firm a is particu- JSSST t rtsioio administniti.-n v just Know, as Vii'tliem taai:n to tne api)rooching,andrn-' en of the time lionored rvrtuere is nnt . f!iit.ff.,,.ii..!; l.-i , I ,.x , , tv-'"" o'- i"f ' iiiuu-iiire. ih; i:i "as none nouwctter, nnancially,- very soon, so that : is and has been ror ms naure atate. , f the pioprietors will be able t : ot tir- giaad.-st m.-tn the inr-gce and patriotism of the yiinia yoteiTB. Kemper, both as a soldier service contrast is presetedh::;,"1: work, -there i U.l t. I : al Unk '.VI a nr-. ... f , The other trader. AQicteu Ufiaphii vl:tio.ul parity. , , ; -,:,if lt f.'V'iiVV T"-t St :tt rt . mi i . v ' cuv. t.iit ..... . ... r 1 . ' t. icti . '.. . iJ lit fin t ia.j an 1 p ltri .t ut'.ire what sis' l the- pru.L. o:;" J 3 of th-j i 'r h r- iK Mr:il.r:-. ;. tV.t :. Istration bribe-giving and bribe-tak ing plunder pf the public treasury by robber outside with the connivance of robbers within. For along part of una asccnaency. the UppnhluM hmA uajvxwea cccct. 1 1 1 1 linu-UlUUS OI Uie Senate and the House of Representa tives. Every committee was in their jwMwoiuu, (k ,uiak iwas noi possible to report & bill which had not the en dorsement of a Republican majority m - .... . " xms pany is alone responsible for the enormous land grants to rail road and other great corporations by which the ouxk oi me public domain adapted to agriculture has been appropriated, to the permanent injury of bona fide set tlersfor the rule of carpet baggers in the South by which two hundred and fifty millions of dollars have been stolen from an outraged and oppressed people -for the spoliations by which the In dians and Treasury are robbed through irauauient annuities, swindling agents nd outrageous and illegal contracts ; f x the mockery of civil service by which nepotism and favoritism is more glaring than ever before for high tax ation and tariffs to faror special inter ests for the indefinite postponement of specie payment by packing the Su jpreme Court , for alarming corruption la me puouc aepartmenta ; for the own race, championing tho colored race, and allying himself with a set of miserable adventurers, vampires and From tha proceedings of the late : 'KrinrJjrl h-' i:c f"toit on t!l'! - horse leeches, from the purlieus of the I nnna Conlerence of the M. E. Church ' 1 JoOKs northern cities, of the kith and tin f "uuu lor Aenccssee,- vre see that four v : r t wr tt i imserauie renenitt' i orff-.who heads the so called ! lk'ul of su ... ... i 4 ........... .... -.r tif'. ci t-c 'nt . nnh hnnn t i in... i. . ... itKj, an- jc.aeiiiiir irom t in i.n,.. i . 1 .m t.v s.u;n ti..u....o : . . . 7 ' I?,-:, t h.vrH . m-nm . appie ivt-o. on tf.cir.rr.i of luv:.S T7 wc uwur Ui "srneej, tnalandj " 1 T ; Hunter, which : Lnoti to Lr.ve Uno misiortune, separating himself from his 1 f xma OI u'ui" and call-1 a full crop of Juno r.p4.:in b- .i t iii-.iiio uemg uiscnarged Gaiiy. a food crop during t ) and. r.!t;:on--h bereft s t, . ...I ; -. tt.r. ;;-.'; o' 77; t.i:.v. ii . ; c if S'ui: Ji ( .ilH)l.l..t;t ll.iMl'l(. :ilhlir. ( .iSjl Uff VUdl) ( : 1 1. t ii I I 1 ! I !, , ; , ; , , -i I . 1 tt -4 I lite ilrif (...iT l.rVr.f f . n fr ... - h s mst f.n:::iaer. f many of an I vigorc::s liver,,:. . . . ' . . j i- : :.: e Hi " ; I i . i:. a 1 - w li'.i' t :;t tv:: .: !n i. ; j of the eight Lay delegates to the Gen-1 The Grand iitnid 'Jh.,-. 'isneedtsl. I .:; 1 r.'i; :1.- l:v 1 v. .". J : .-i::r.i.-i,.;1,.,i:i..ii r t eb'.ii v.o: L. but is bj s. 'J !.e :.!. ....t; :i i Ay irvti.. V). lb ; t;.i f irt!:. i di'i.ss.o:: i, Hi. .Villi f , . ;..-. : . i I , . t : is i, m ?! ttt't S i. Carolina. FlnM', Ar;J i enJ Conference AT. 13. Church South, cnt! Vnt the c"so thit stvle : -V.'e ; ! It r:.. :.. r t..,- Jolt-: r.ud . r1-!--.- -ii. it , 1 ndvi.. thrift yur K11,".T; r Hen Epon North Carolill two ofSvfccja ftro f i owesa ul h a grcnbacl- to ; r.cr. v: ... t.t Ln 1- . ! Trll r le. f;m : lebi at or.ee. the greenback ; y r-.r, 1 ger:tron, n k:i:( s wovdi ut 2 4 llto n -l. 1. . foo ciu iice con verra tne. sunn v plains of South Carolina, fUfisirri0ivJ. T-i earth. In Ymrinia the soalll TU-K i Irtue11 coliaty- an j of our readers has never I w - v iu.ijvau party is chiefly com and the majority of the white lead are corse than negroes. ble would be her party in power ! -- uie same as that of some oi her sister Southern States. A new fields and Bullocks of Blodgetts and Clews, would soon come dising. Mr. Holden is a Steward of SleaR-ed r.pnn tho frcr.tt of our foci.il' r"-r:; 1 r" : to the surface, and wonld rid nWp l,w ' tue church at GalLrtra, and is foremost st? : 07lG r he swt-ctt tt llcvc: s ttit l,'Vav,M n.. ; . , : in all cntei-priscs of the chnrch. ,- ' . bloomed in tl.e trdf -n of earliest ! uu mjr Tana, Ker. j. sf of thft firm r . . assoefctien,- Im Wd his salary in-.th:, d: oad f -.it c merger cy. The b-- i, :, r fen ar.vthmrr b'ir urir.t :n ::n -t:i.:i..tv. ib :..!! T : I rninntnlinti T T T M . 1' , ii ' r . t - 1 .. . ' nosed of n(-mWc . . oi. ouariH?, and ; e, cuu r:ie rocner Bfj g: ud -f it :r t..?.- kj.- :.n i t:.e .n-:i!g. !, k-t ;:;; Muuic Pleasure oi met tin ln;n nnf pro-.n.ea u.-v owe it. l. " l' e - .. :. ; ':.-n r.i. CIS !,., - 0.' kT their nri-bl-.r" 'si, : -.'vr.it.- v ! n f !: 5 , i . z. , tr , , j wng since on a visit to in 5 old heme ' c . , . , tt" " - situation with thi J fP tue foLowmg from the 7.V- TLc reportcr of a vllV:il, 'r.py :!., f-M, ,: i: Her fate would hVcnJa,nr, ashviIIe, Tenn.: j y. ho. mentioning a nn- lulvs ,-hr'' : I j.-- iiuiatu is a nauve or Aoitu - i.'ci'.nuij;iy :uiu-!ei ii.-ras t.ne ; ; " -j' 'rrinjjrrni on.vnr ..;.v;; ..; .0;; 1. v. ; .7 y Vt-TA J Carolina, but has spent the greater of tbo lightest jcy.-e!s thr.t ever p!it i-" 'v ?-- J th k set of ItLe- portion ofhis life in Gallatin. Teun ' temi in tI:o dudc-m cf r.u eartL'v Jt-wisti rjxbb; takes t!:-.- s..:a, rV.;T. U 1. Kimballs, of; where he is now engaged in uierehan- toEK'; fmc ' '-ho purest stirs that ever 'atho!ic nr. 1 l'rot: st-n.t .'.:.,.. . 1 r n .-.n 1 v. 1 . i i.' 1 1: : AfiU::;. : . T r. :; v ;iM-r f l'r a. Tir.sthiY or' ro- ur 11 ;;. M "fti tliiy of .o'.Mi:br s A Ilo'ir-e ;:ntl 1. c 1- debt, bankruptcy and starvation behind j Rhea, Smith & Co., is a local preacher - crtase'1 V) f d 'l.irs a mor.tiL half Lafi la!len cn a tew. f ,r ti, roarv them. Let the Radicals once get pos- j with Elder's Orders. Mr. Sharps is and the balance in cordwc-vL ' alsc-r.t :.l 1 s.fe. but -that : Lav. session of the State and they will never ! another Representative of North Caro- e 1 ,Een t r-p Ini ily v-t:- tho d mands no never, let hr if .r,c Jma, and is now about 41 vears old fi-... . , r. Ui . ycr-'-'-'a -i. are lading banot fG..rV Oe JMt. tX .T. mocic trials. United States bavonots. rv end omg-amg or Albany Penitentiaries ran vas once suffice to keerj her. - : Uhile enga( Virginia has, in this campaign, every ' P m c ana ith theBuck eva StateTwilt havehadample TILd. pious, every way wo: thy of .tf ,tr. t thing that Virginians should hold dear 'i hL m-iBiu - Ume ioT flection. In this connection the honored name the lere, fuid a uni- fjtftn tf tr.. J ti.i ... - TTT Saomanoia dear- i-. Sharpe wid not be an idle spec- we are cdad f 1 f - vei-sal .favorite her death will have an 1 fSZ.3S3r? .tSaVhat Tutll lnJfTfCrf e ?fer i tiondyingout rapidmong thewhiis ' achmg void in th, wide chcle of those 7 Jl tl V, .V Virginians shall rale Virginia, and we , butwill do faithful service; either of the State, end their aiwreciation of why knew and loved -her, and excite ,,, ',-. uv c ... beheveitwill be so decided on : m committee room or on the floor of their native fiteiwlnn1 t d general Fvnnuthv f,r the Lobecircla .. T fourth f xr 1 Ti , . tne eonierence. t-nr-.i 1 . ? I i . ,-.,-tu-! 1 i . . .. . 1 wfciuucr. as womti n -r T , r " : . uot omv iiiS uui wan .. . . .c . . v.ucu., ..i.iii iui senteeism 01 tne rasident, Cabinet, treason t6 think otherwise AH ere. ' ' ; the-noLla Virginian matr on whom God ' f . wuerwise. All eyes burg, Tennessee, is also a local editor. 0 7777 T?m ' still snares ta clorn ihT.nfTi! 1; I'.: 1: V M.tr s. 1 U L-t.. .t Henry Ccdege, Virginia, and were evidently r,nt ,V. n,nh r.f a lnr,;. ' jJC-" 3 A . ... a tutor in that institution. w " Ti t 7;:-: : " ... kI ... .,.tr ..1 . j , , : -"s nn: traosp-jriea uy a paiiciu ; . , , ged as a tutor be also kent ot 1 1. r ? , ,1 . T h ..' s.-.v.- tiis: ftnm. A!i- ji. v nc:.tit. r 'omk-m. f , . t.1111 will?, kjtxui luc irui ii . ' . . . v - - - - - - - - ' c r- la il ii'.i .u't-fw ! (!.- Vt.'tt i-!tl J.'ot i. ( ... . .., - f Ilmi.- it, ik'.rli, mWt m. i;Vti?jr'- . 1 rjr .-I5f I. f f3 c -fe&s-T . r jtx 4 Kii:,., II 11,1. 1W STlVlSOA, ' l: r. MitoN i jr. I2(cort?cr. j still spares to alorn th 3 boxe of Lcc ct i-h, 1 ; Ii U ituj 1. OSirtUM- Cjih, "'nJt Jftsi. - J

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