.-1 ' - f. . 4 I I - t- , .. .-.. )L 'vi; 1 1 i 170. 13 - s - . - i V AAA- : - )'.. '. . ; V;;"' r i - -, i . . . . t it 1 4 9 i " ?ubiiUcd cTcry afternoon except Sunday. Wli: V ijiWATiAY -.:Bulnes$ Manaizer j HAllix tJ. MANN .Editor x moMhs; In advance. . . i ....... . ; . . 3 OQ ; -Jiree TiKuth8.Jn adyance... ......1 50 """ttUCC . GTTAlt Lusincid letters should be ad - Jrcgra to the Baftlneg3 -Jlanager, and all f J-paiinuTilcatloDs or matters relating to the t iloiia Jepartiuent to the Editor. 1 ' t 'prriondcncc Bolicited from our friends hl Xf Is of tbe State, on topics of gene- JiUutert'5C. v Political news and reports ot i frops are especially desirable. ': " t fiatity ail C fly Xlirectovy. ritTJ. V. iJcbenck. Jr. "ClcrEajicriorfCourt C. M t iglsUT of'Dcedi VV. J. Bifix 11X11. i?LnH. Si '-T DL" Hewlett. County KuuiluerrrA. K. Black. t ;.CoJuml!onersr8. N. Martin, Chairman; ,rhVM.SicmakVr"A. R.: Black, John C. -EeycCJtinAvLowery. " 4 ? Mttyur--Jamua, Wilson." 1 : i Clerk aad.Treasiurer-T. C tirvo. I ; ilarshai W. P. Canaday. .: ' . fAldcrncnE. R. Brink, Jamca Wilsou, f I B. Grainier. Owen Barney. D. Kumley, ,Wm. ii.' Thurber : Joseph E. Sampson, John C.V'lcyurV F. W. Krchuer, R. S. Rad- "ciiir.-:..; -v'.-r . ;.,... CapU or rolicc Johu Fitzgerald. r;::;HeaIUi pmccr ' . ! ' 'rChieXKuineer P. M. Rice. . Uttukin No; 1 Jno.'L: Boatwrigbt, Fore- . - . man. - . :.: ' A, Add in No. Teitjcu, Foreinau. . r V- CtpW:ar No. Sr-Jas. Richardson, Fore man. V C ' i-' Brooklj u No. 4W.'D. Howe, Foreman. Hook" Ladder No. 1 Roger Moore, Foremao I--: MASONIC Wilmington Commandery' No. 1 Allred Martin, 11. C. , ' . Council No. v-?T.vB. Carr, Th.. HLv Concord Chapter No. 1C . M. .VaiiOrs- ddi:n, p.. -.- 1 - 8L John's Lodge No. 1 -. II. II. Muu&on, 4 Caic Jt- air Lode No. Campbell Kneauipuieut No.i George P; dappler, 'J. P. " K.HIOHTS or 11TUIAS. Stonewall Lodge No. 1-J. McD. French, ( - . rf- . - " . -c- 1 " "ClareDgn Lodjce No. 'Z U. S. Kadclifl,j 1 ticrnitteUNo. 4-W. Bhmau, W. C. , I College I'hyglclans and Surgcous-J. Fran ! .a K ntr "r 1 K -;PreIldcnL I WnaAB2tonTypograpllcalUuiouNo:JThe three days ot next week will AVtrt Mi I'avefi. President. f St. Gsoige and St. Andrew Society Alex. dprunt, Fres t. .'Wllmjngtan Library Association W. L.", &din; fres'U . - WiIminjjtoa Literary Association W. L. Jewett, P.-csIdeit. EvJect'c Literary Society J. 1. Mearea, resident ; Chas. D. Russell, Secretary. ; Grand Army of .the Republic E. M. j Shocialk-n Commander. j WiIml2tou Building Association -W. L. 1 Jimtb,Pret. ; Mcjhatics Budding uud Loan Assoeia- ion-Alfred Martin, Pres?t. , Capc JTtar uuiiamg Assoctaiiou utorgc Uadbouin; President. i'hmb-.rof Commerce Wiu. L. DeRo6- ! iO.Prca't: J. B. Russell, Secy. ! Philonxithean Association Rob't Strange folded. Friendship' Temple of Honor and Teui- ance. ro. l u x. j; osier, u i ; ESTABLISHED 1S5!. V 4 ,f 'PR'JWN '& ANNDERS0N, 5 . $ di:aleu in U'illO' Wuteliua?, C:iocUrr, i Jewelry, Silver Ware, j l . A'tr t t vi TimriT t.t. l .r-" -t 1 fVntcb, Clocks and Jcwtlry carefully v- :'iS'-,!:' BOOTS, v 5 4- f " 4 i A.' t 1 1 Tit 1 1 CK ICBIJO THE LAltG- r$xkundbest) (boots-'aii V jt und best assortment of AHD SHOES . ; . State. Buy Uik of fint r .rive a better class or. goods at ii v7q any house muie city. . . , id SfSFRENCH & SON. J'- v . SI 'orth iYout street. jMcHAXTRIN, ( ; t lie corner of Eighth and Castle jt. i ?iSdS vlll Please tonoUce. 1AILY XJ tj JL,x,n:xir.: ' MKT:oKoix)Gir.vil Rtxvni), I 1 , ; Jnue 1 -7:32 A.. M.. 1872. j : ' -1 Place of Obser vation. - -... . . - Dirpctlon Htate of Ther. of AVind. Weather. 76 K. ; Flar. " . ml X.. . ' Clear. 02 N. W. Clear. X; CI . K'.W. Fair, j I K , ThrcaVnjj -xi s, v . Fair.' -M f. Cloud j', - 7H Calm. Cloudy. 67 V. Fair, j , : l X. W. Fair, J; (FJ - Fair. . - X. K Fair. '(?; X. AN'J Ftlr. 7.i J IV Fair. 'Aujrust.-v Geo. Baltimore, -IJoston - . ' Kwiralo, X. Y f Galveston 1 Key Wtt', la f "Il w'i " v I f in,, Montreal. Can..! A-t;w iurK, Portland, Me.. limta ltaat Fi Washington. WHiuingtoni - i ' 1 ' !Uiiki:t StriiMirii, - Hi-rgt Signal ttTvlw, U. S. A . -' Post O thee Regulations.. . Post Ovfic,j?,',Vjlminoto N.. C , - March 81," 187a. 1 Ifrom this date tbo mails will cioso is follows; Norlheru (moruiu; mail o x. m. Nortberu (night) mail 5 p. in. 8outbiu mail 8 i. iri Ed. li. liKiNK, P. M. LOCALS-ITEMS. i Ji t rt-L'L-ivtiil .t 'anOrdciro auotber lot of those Beautiful Walnut Monldiugs. The Wii.min;tox Hiflk-Guaicu.-j. This new company, under commatnl of Captain J. fcj.-W. JBaiti:, made a re maikabiy fine appearance in tlie pro cession on the iJOth ult. The ir ynktitrlj appearance uud thai peculiar veteran-isli way ot handling their muskets and promptne&s of step, showed careful drill and attention to miuor detail, worthy to be imitated by older companies. We'more thau half suspect that many rpf those stalwart men have smelt stm Jjowder in its most daDgerous form, btfore'to-day. Tiie Am ate uh dramatic perlormance last night was very entertaining. The movements of the young gentlemen in woman's toggery" was amusing7 but much better managed than we sup posed possible. Mr. Brown is Immense . ras 'Margery, . speaking so clearly andi distinctly,' which, k by the byj ; is more than we can say of some others of the young 7gcntlemtr.' Tl;eirrr4)y"-p!ky is imri anrl tlio rrrnnmrifro' rvnollor t- oe i 1 s v ' ' I vcu iiiua uiatvu uji. iuc smy t; v i-a Mmrminulv irrnVfr.l Mnl row let l ! cnarmiogij arranged a.eo, and low let j our youns: friends sneak 'a little more ! distinctly and they will be a perfect success. Cape Feau TeAciier Association. Once more the attention. of the )ub lie is called to this institution, which , j has now been in session three weeks. be devoted to a review ot the- studies that have been taken up. Any teachers who have thus far failed to attend can have an opportunity of availing them selves ot this review. Ou .Thursday, $ June Gth, the closing exercises of the session will be held' at the Williston school house. Prof. Mclver will be prcsent and all the friends of education in this part of the State are earnestly . , ,r, invited tu attend ou that d;;y. The sea. .....,: ""a m aw a., ui., uuu 3P.3I. I. O. O. 31. Noktii Carolina Lodue No. 1 of this new but rapidlv increasing Order was formed last evening, and the following officers elected, viz : V. M., W. A. Jobson ; J. M., V. II. Da ; R S., L. L. Boon: J? 6., I. S. Woodford: v -nt nin;,.n. ci,.n!;n w xr iro . i j -i it . xr t t ; C, J. S. Dudley; ll.U. to W. M , L..W; i j Hodges; L. G.to UYM.. F. T. Skipper j ! R O. to J. M.. K. C. Orrcll :'.L. G. to J. j ,R P Whitn- 1. S..S.M. Ttr.wn!nfr. 1 . .(... .?.M P. S.. Doctor Hays; Representatives, W, O. Gerkcn, J. W. Schcnck, , W. P. Cannady, J. H. AlcUarrity, It is 'expected that the Lodge will be instituted and the above officers in stalled during the le"iauiu" ot the coming month. The Amekican Farmej; for June is received, filled, as usual, witb a large amount of valuable matter appropriate to the season. -TVe note particularly an account 'oi the breed of Perchcron horses, an interesting sketch of "the Man ufacture of Silk in this country j the cus tomary and excelled monthly" Calendar of Farm-workYorigiu! porrospopdence from agrichllurists of all sections, in cluding a paper of Hon. AV; Newtonf Va., on Capital, Currency and Mony, in connection with the needs of the South, others on Hoot Culture, the cultivation of various forage crops, the saving' of cloverseed, &c The Dairy, Poultry Yard, Apiary, Fireside, &c. all furnish useful, and attractive reading. - The Farmer is worthy : the attention ol our farming readers, published at Bal timore, Md., by Sam'I Sands & Son, at $150 a year, or at f 1 to clubs of five or more. : PrsFqiiEST CfijiETEBV.Intermenta for May ; R3ults' 8, cbidren 18. To tal2G. " - . - ' - r , .: : Ddrixo the month of May there were" 33 arrests made, 14 sick, and wounded sent to the City Hospital, and 3 seat to the Work; lie use. No recruits for the Podr'lloase. ' T1112 SciEstE or Health.- A new independent - health monthlydevoted to tlie: preservation and restoration " oi I Health vn Hygienic principles. -. Health ia the greatVrant of the age. It is the first need of the indivldual,tbe nation. 'and the r a c& Health ia lonsr : ?ife: Diseai iapremiilure death. 'Health t develops body, mind, au J gotil ; Disease j dwarfs and paralyzes all. To educate the people.iu the Science of Life, which includes all that relates to preserving health, and to the art of treating dis ease without, medicine, 13 the object and purpose of this new, health journal. The &:iencfs of lluilth will aim to dis seminate throughout the world a knowl edge of Hygienic piinciples. It will not be, the organ ot any person, business, or institution, but au earnest teacher of the laws of liic aud health. ricl&'inu-e vj irdtb w'ill be the ex ponent of all known means by which health, strength, happiuess and long life may be obtained, y using and regulating tho-e ageueies vitally related to health and' the treatment of disease, including, air, light, temperature, bath ing, diet, clothing, exercise, rest, sleep, and all normal ageuts aud hygienic materials. Terms. Published monthly at 2.00 a year in advance ; single numbers, 20 cents. Clubs of tea at $ I. GO each,' and au extra copy to agent.' We are offer ing the most liberal list of premiums. Local Agents wanted every where, aud 1 ac- P.nmmUainng irirfln. . A,tl dg U- letters to ; SamUel II. y"el is, Publisher, 380 Broad way; New York. CORRESPONDENCE. - "' The h'uilui' of' this jtajHH' i i,t uo "",' fipvHsiWefvr the ctetci or statements of Oji'ros- fonuaiuitj tro coiuiHttnctuwins vj an unonymoHS fnarntU-ir vsM be pHtHMud; the nut mime of (he mtst acwmiK,nu all communication. Ann ous who may fed aarU veil at statements Qjjw 'W """" H The; Liberal Conservative Democratic Greeley Situation. Nash'Couktt, May 30, 1 872. EDiToit Eaenikg Post. The o.uteur u Paul Pry " in the " Star " bi the 29th inst., not unlike his prototype, misstates the political situation in this section of the atate. As , ho says" so far as 7ii observation extends, (which any one would infer was limited,) miy'be cor rect as to the diminutive number of G.cj'eyitcs. But when the mass cf voters are referred to asfusing daily with the' Cincinnati - movement, the facts will not sustain him. Outside ot himself, it would be diffi cult to find any democrats strong or weak -kneed that will openly endorse the Greeley and Brown ticket. They are all noc-coroEmtal on the subject and are waiting, and watching for the word pf command for Belmort, Stephens, Forsyth, Pendleton, Blair & Co., when they will fall into line to meet a shure but signal defeat, as usual. It is be lieved that Greeley's high protection lailii!g,will not da so well in the cotton consuming States, and viewing his past record a? the one last befiting him for the Presidency, they draw back, and will doubticss.not hi him salt in the same ioiu toseiuer. ine nouuern democrats cauoot-nor will they aihii- n. .... Southern democrats to an rv. I -;, M,7H,0r ,,ttn,..rrfla frt on ' . t tent to jeopordizq the National integri- j ty. The Yoorhees cast will not swallow Ureeiey a urown, using uoneat ana consiete .t. and differing on the most vital points, they cannot stoop to small thiogs-T-nor adopt a platform which they haye no confidence, will be prac tically operated, nor will they compro mise their lifelong record for honesty as democrats of the old school to serve in the cry of anybody to beat .Grant. They , view the situation from the stand point taken by Jerry Black and his kith. . They believe that Mr. Greeley's peculiar ideas of government unfits him for the chair of State, and that if acci dentally elected, thp interests ol the whcjlc. peopje, anij country, would be thrown into'conlusion and chaos, Now, so far as the invulnerableness of the Commons candidate in ash, on the democratic tjcKet 19 concerned, the point can not be seen by observing men don't think, be can See it himself. It is simply Uarny to please the palate of a few, and the candidate. It is under stood, however, that he is invulnerable against rroat ig aiul tiie lik? and uUe to bfear yp vender a pretty heavy meal of such. - It is true he is active in lob nobih tb& blacks and whites, begging their support, 'but bo" will be ielt at home after the election, if the Republi cans will do their duty on the l.th of June, at Nashville, by qommatin their best men and put them, before the peo ple. "Paul Pry" exhibits the fact that be is not posted on the subject upon which he writes, excepf, in reference to the Messrs. Butler & Son factory when be says the' Republicans throw' their best man overboard and subs'. ate an other. Wbo is the other one ? It is known no permanent nomination was made for the Senate in the meeting re- ferred to. .The district Js. entitled to two Senators, one ia already in the field and the other" will be nominated the t tb of June, v : v : Doubtless "Paul Pry," is of tHe milk and cider cast,' and believes others'see through bis smoky lens. But, the good people of - Nash are beginning to look at things tlircugh their own eves, ana senses They are getting from under tne 01 a ouroon .: innuence. :; 1 ney see and feci tli 'difference between ademo-, craflq' and aotepubl icau ad ministration and are becoming satisfied, the latter is the one that aids mostly the laboring man's interest. And they are going to ! support such measures, and. men who will carry them out in good faith. ; . Arols. LATEST TELEGRAPH. From Washington. AVasiiixgtox, D. C, June 1. Carpenter continues his political debate in the Achate to-day. Aprolongat'on of the ses sion of Congress is considered inevitable. The West and South, in the House yester day, voted almost. solidly for sixteen cents uniform tax on tobacco. A compromise oh t wen t y cents- Is considered probable. Tn the Tfnt ted States District Court orders M ere made for the'payment over to Dr. Cor nelius Boyle, H.B.Tyler and the adminis tratrix of C. S. Wal loch, of this city; of the proceeds of the sales of their property here, inade under the confiscation act. Under the amnesty act they become entitled to what ever sum the United States derived from the conflscntion of their estates, less the costs, which -were comparatively enormous, amounting in one of the cases to $1,300 These parties left here and served in the confederate armies. H. IJ. Tyler had been a Major of marines in the federal service. , From New York. , y ."NJiW Yoek, June 1, - J Gordon Bennett Is unconscious. Doctors' Col. Ht Clair aud General Trevino's Chief of Artillery, arrived here yesterday from Mat a moras; lie reports revolutionists as vcrv enlhusiastie in ntipport of Trevino, ami that many of t he S tates desire to sec him presi denl ifista'cKrJ6af5C' ' "" 1 - Tin- col. speaks in strong terms of resour- vo. and deohiro) the rejVolutlouMs-lik'fto gain siren ""th. The Times says ttmt .Sunmers "speech Ik a vollection of slanders against the president with literary antiquarian andscholastie em-" bcllishmentsi Tiie Tribune considers Sum ners speech one of the greatest he ever de livered. The A"orll says Smnners indiet ni cut of Grant recites nothing which the Democratic press; has not reiterated for mouths, but coming from a man whose biograpliy is the history of the Republican party, will carry, conviction where. Ien ocratic voice would pass as the wind. The 8im styles fckimncr the American CVsar, and calls the speech magnificent."'' From Virginia. IlJ-LUONG, June J. Iiesolution declare Uiataparty is bound upon the constitution. Jack son s i farewell address aud Jeflersons inaugural, Surge le niocracy to support the ticket and secure triumph of.tlic cause, there is no allusion to any presidential candidate. From Ohio. Cr.EAvLASJ, June 1. 11. Harveys &. Son's City mills were burned with 1,X0 barrels .of Flour. Jxss one hun dred and twenty thousand dollars. Front Tennessee ' MwiriJis, June 1. (e.rge. X, Ciark, Balloonist of Naycs circus fell Uty feef, and will probably die. BY CABLE. 3LvDRib, June 1. .Scnauo's lenency to Cariis'ts Chiefs lias "flix aiSOIXUUWCU. IUC reOCl- WliO b.Ill f ... . tl.'lui.ll lli..vliu-i.1niti' ...... . ... Halifax, June 1. Tho St'hotner Velociiede,, -engaged in seal risiuug, was fouuded. Twelve lives lost. v Netv York Markets. Xew York, June I. Slocks very strong. Gold firm at II 1. Mon ey easy at 1 per dent. Exchange, long, 9f. .ShbrtlyJi Governments quiets and steady. State bondssteady but dull. " 1 f Cotton firm at 2Gr cts., with sales of 21,J0 bales. Flour dull and drooping. Wheat quiet and nominally unchanged. Corn dull and unchanged. Pork dull tSl-3 1J. Lard quiet steam 9 a e. Spirits TurpciitUic duljl at CO a 61 cents. Koin quiet but steady at ?3 6ia$5 TQfijr strained. Freights firm. ; Fore is u ItlarkeU. A LoKDOX, June 1 Noon Consols vr8; Bonds . . LiVEKPOOL, June.l 2nooii. Cotton opened steady; uplands "llfall.' U Orleans' Ui?id. Corn 2Ssa2 JJd. Later Cotton closed steady. fcHilti of 12, OUO bales to spceuloiors, and exorters :, haK.s. lnlsturis quiet and unchanged. ' DIED, SaiTE. Thla morning at S o'clock, NIB KING, child of B. F. AMAN DA WHITE. s The funeral wUl take place iroin the residence of the parents, tm Mar-: ket, between S and 9th streets, Sunday, at half past three o'clock. The friends and acquaintances of the family are Invited to attend., . ?X :--'-. ?s -i . ii . . ?r r-t.'Zi.c'tvi f - -r-sr r Cbitde TcKrEJrTrsKirls'jBteady j About 28S bbls rcceivcii andSold at3 fox virgin; $4 for yeUowialifvraijd &$i&iP?$Ll i SiuBiTa:TcttrJWi5BT-Hasrd,eeliued two cents, and 2& eai& sold at o3 eg ii titpei '11- )on for Soutraeka1 gffi f Ro3ixrket Auietbr& strainedjfownleUstherB'i aifairenquiry- I !Tar- Dmadm receipts cPTQK-ko iaIeaS0rte4I;i7, .;f6ji; MARINE. Si ABR1VED. May 3r Steamship Ecbecea Clyde, Cbirds fm Baltimore, to A D Cazaux. j Swedish Barque Phoenix, Sttoinberir, fm New York, to Williams t&Murcblsoh. r:,x Br Brig Criterion, Court, fm .New York, to Williams & Murchison. June 1-Ger. Brig Eiche, Kassebbhu, from Philadelphia, to Willard Bros. ; : Br Brig Haidee, McDonald from Phila delphia, to E Kidder & Sons. v Steamer Caswell,: Paddisbu, from Poiut Caswell, to A H VahBokkelen. . Strap D Murchison, Garrison, Irom Fay etteville, to Williams & Murchison. - 8ch Etta, Heady, rirom Swansbdro to Edwards & Ball U ;4 , Steamship Pionea Wakeley, from Phila delphia, to Worth' &:Worth. ' t 'CLEARED. May 31 Nor' Barque Rufus, Slcare, for Cork or Falmouth for orders, by Williams & Murchison. ' ' German Brig Electric, Meyer, for Cork or Falmouth for orders by Willard Bros. 4 Nor Ba rqueantine La Bella, Christensen, for Cork or Falmouth for orders, by Wik lard Bros. . , . , J une 1 Steamer D Murchison,4 Garrison, for Fayetteville, by Williams Ss Murchison Steamer. Caswell, Paddison, lor Point Caswell, by AH. VanBokkelen. ; " ' : ' !' Steamship Regulatori Freeman, lor New York, by Barry Bros. - Steamship ' . Rebecca Clyde,' Chi'ds,' for Baltimore, by A U cazaux. Schr Burdett Hart. PeircCi lor New York, by Williams i& Murchison. ' PER RIVER STE AMERSr&c"; '. x" Stm r Caswell 7 bbls spts turpt, 133 do ril fnmt . XVlr '--:a A U VanRnt-l-ntnn j fWV 3 -'S?J5?4i , to AS7?Skelen A Alderman, T W Player &-CorH B Eilers. docrd turpt, 4do rosin, ,to WIUiams & Murchison, vJ D Moodr, A Alderman. Smith & Strauss, J M Henderson, T D Love. & Co. C Southerland, Edwards & Hall, . S Beatty, T W Plaver, Schr Etta 13,000 staves. 4 - EXPORTS. COASTWISE.' " FOREIGN. : Cokk ou i'ALMotm, lor orderb Noi we gian Barque Rufus 1,405 casks, spii.ts tur pentine.- -7 German trig Electric 1,1(57- casks spirits turpentine, 24 bbls rosin. Nor Barqueautine La.Bella 1,590 caska'spi rits turpentine. : : Nawr Yokk. Steamship Regulatonp-G9. bbls spts turpi, 3J9 do crude turpt, 4A99 do resin, 160, pkgs shdoks, 43 bales - cottorrV a,000 bushels peanuts. , . . . , , .w , NbvYobk. Schr Burdett Hart. 50 bbls' spts turpt, 2,44 do rosin, 134 baleW cotton, 8 pkgs nidse. ' . Baltimokb Steamship Rebecca Clyde.' 301 bbls Bpts turpt 1,629. do rosin, 5lp crude turpt, 212 do tar,'50 do pitch, 41 bales "cot ton, 20 pkgs mdse.1 v ' ' " ; ''- List ci Vessels m thePort of WiU v jningtont NC. Jane 1, 187. , STEAMSHIPS ; ' Regulator, Freeman, ldg N Y, Barry Bros BARQUES (Ger) Strauhai, Nauschulz, ld, Europe ' . S - Willard Bros. (Swedish) Phot nix, Stromberg, dis, ' Williams & Murchison BARQUEAUTINE (Br) Elizabeth Taylor, Proctor, ld, Europe - - Vfck te Mebane I - . BRIGS. ... t.-.-. ' ( Br) Williamina, Boisse, ld Cork, ' " Williams & Murchison (Br) Criterion, Court, dis, , 4 do (Br) Essex, Smith, dis, Sprunt & Hinson SCHOONERS Nellie, Orcutt, dis, 4 - Harriss fc Howell Tarry Not, Simmons, dis. Harriss & Howell . v . u. Simmons, Williams, ths, j Harriss fc Howejll Kate Went worth, Mcadldg Cuba, ; . E Kidder A Sons Burdett Hart, Pearce, ldg N Y, ,- -, ; .. -? Williams & Murchispn Sarah Bruen, Fisher, ldg Phil, " . . - - ; Harriss & Howell Light of the East, Harper, dis, ; Harriss & Howell m 11 . . List of Vessels Sailed for this Fort. ,;'--. CUXHAVEN. " '' : -Magdeleha, Bamsgard, a x . eld 3iarch 21 ' A.-- GUERNSEY,if$fr-iX' 'm Homely, Le Dain, . , ... eld April 3 ' PHILADELPHIA. " (Br) Brig Haidee.4 McDownoll; i ld May 11 (Ger) Brig Eiekc, Kassebohm, . eld Mav 21 Sjchr Judge Hopkins,, Baker; eJd May 23 Brig John Pierce, Townsend, cld Mav 23 I BALTIMORE. '...,., ,-X Schr Ann & Susan. Rogers, eld May 23 Br Barque Ariadne', Ho well, ? rld May 29 Ger Barque ScaHa, Waack, ; eld May 28 Mr Unnnii: l)r C Tnouer. Chambers . . X " ' cld May n Schr John, Williams,---eld May 25 . yORTilE3iS MONROE, , , Br Barque Deer, eld May 10 ; NEWCASTLE. 'v -j .1 Yearge,. Norgaard. : . . . . . eld Maf 8 Swedish Barque Ulnka Bredeuberg-, ; - 5 1 : . - -eld May 16. BRISTOL. (Br) Biue Amaaon, McDonald, eld May 14 L vifTOwniT - v T Bi Barque Fair & Easy, Taylor,'5 eld May 21 The sales this mo.rniog are uloat IJ-jO irilUiu 11' . , . ia t, V '-K.I-1 Mvin the largest and eta?:.m Mm-K at Wi&lfQt Stralnea,,,!, -for, low Not., 1, of Groceries andidquors in th., 11 v, 1 .ciu-rs ' and $1 aft-a Siffor Pale. ; f 1 ' v' 1 mid it to their , iuterv(- to gi c us a cull All sorts of blanks printed ainl for sale by S. G. Hall. Office on Princeia s.t, : tf 4 Silt , 1 I A. ADRIAN". H. VOLLEKS. ADRIAN cV-VOLLERS. ML1UEKS r it. .v- . Groceries and Xiquors, luiportel .df.Ciei'ii'aitavtriia CJt Jgar, Coiiimisiiion Merchant, So"Ttr-ET ijoKtB ; Dock and Pko x - .Streets. . WLLMINUTOX, X. C may K-tfi 4 .1. ,W. S HhN K .If Xr Til Comniercial Ae-ftnis. 5 r - - .- 1 WILMINOTOX, N." C. I WllL GIVE PROMPT AND PEKmaJvAI atteution to the sale or shipmen t of Cotton and Naval I Stores.luniner Staves and nil ! kinds of Qptintry produce, te., fcc. Orders jtr sale of I'roducc or purchu-; oi' Goods will be promptly attended to, and to the best advantage to our customers. X "I Oi Ve arc also receiving largo consignments ; of all grades of Liquors which we are pi-e-pared to sell at wholesale, at the lowest ca'h priceL ' ' ' V- - ; :,- X dec24 ' Kirt-tf 1 . ii. ! man NiasrGv COMMISSION MERCtlANTi Groceries, Provisions, Dry Ms : ClotMn'k Sc., . No. asand24 NortU Water Street, . WILMINGTON, X. C. " Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited 'nov2i V , ll-ly ' kicha:ri isr: moost. Commission Merchant ; : AND DEALER IN y X- X. FLOUR,GRAIN !'-: 4 MILL FEED, : ' xJy:- AND i X'$ X ' COUNTIty PUODLCE; V. -, Baltimore, Md : rdrs Iroin Nortli Carolina Solieitetl. ' i 1 . .1 . 1 :. . ... . .. 3m M A' I.".': "' r Successors to x K - :x MiuiulUctiirers and dealers iir - ,; noiiEFtnimmNG 00018 x W I XJII I N G TT OlN i V .X X; G uus, Stoves, .Lautrns5iKerosenef Oil Tin - '.( and Sheet Iron Ware. A'r.;; ..Eoofliig:- doneshort notice. ; Agents for Fairbiuik's Scales. ' U uovl-3 -i'i j- ;, ;- -.- lC4-Iy : ISTew iStoro! Old Groods ! GREENEMLD-& CO... S2 yOKTIX SvATBIK STliKKT, . ' '"Al '"AA ' ' -Xext door to Willard Bro's XX'XA' .WHOLESALE DEALERS IK LIQUORS, WINES, W : . BRANDIES, .WHISKIES , :? Xl X , ' '! :..?.,;;..i(l.: -.GINS,; Ac Vic,)'; and all kiiuls of Fancy ' Liquors, wiiich 'wr will otl'er to tiie trade oii the most reasonabti terms, as we are receiving, large eonsiguV ment of tiie- lest goods in the country. JK5riease call Jjefore making yoiir purclias,- jan 11 ' hW-tf "AV. ' II. BABT," XX SOUTH KONT-ST:;:;fii PMer, Steam and Gas Filter, and dealer in , Wrought aud Galvanized Iron Pipes, Ilras Cocks, Valves, Gas. Fixture C 1 , tf,, aud all descriptions of A'XA FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER ??YV AND GAS. . ' 'a:'M. ParlicuJar attention paid to lilting up of . COTTON MILLS, , ,-A, ' with 8teani, Gas and Water. ' X' jno 12 ' V . " - H'Mf : itir 7wTitlXMS, " lIL.LEIt IT lttiit;y unci S taplo 'Dry GfootlV, 'Onipetfe 3MttiriT;9 Sce. Ut JVOKTU i-'UON .STUKfcT, . n i Wilmington, X; C. J. H. MAYEH, ; BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY "'""y sU Iarket Street,: FIIKNCH AND ' AMFJtlCAN CON1LC- - iWtEiak't iOME8Tic'' int uit a I f p v -' f -A X ' Weildintr' and partis -MinnHrtl ni Kliit notice; with all the delicacies of the season. 4 oeioro ouyinsr eisewnere. 'novo - ' n-iv

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