VOL VI. ri : ftp"' Ir 2TpT0N,rN., C, MONDAY, JUHE, 1872, ;! ITO. 32 - - ' WTT71 Vf JLJ-IJ THE EVENING- POST. Published crery afternoon except Sunday. WM. P. CANADAY ... Business Manager JAMES C. MANN . ...Editor Subscription. One year, in advance........'- 0 Six months, in advance 3 00. .lxree month, in advance, t . 1 50 Onelnonth, in adTance 50 ISjrAll' business' letters siiould be ad dressed to the Business Mantger, and all communications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. Correspondence solicited from our frieads in all parts of the State, on topics of gene ral Interest. Political news and reports ol crops are especially desirable. County and City Directory. COUSTY. Sherill J. W. Schenck, Jr. Clerk Superior Court J. C. Maun. Register of Deeds W. J. Bivin. Coroner E.D. Hewlett. Treasurer Owen Fennell, J r. County Examiner A. R. Black. Standard Keeper Wm. M. Harriss. Commissioners S. N. Martin, Chairman; E. M. Shoemaker, A. R. Blick, "John C. Beyer, James A. Lowery. ; CITY. Mayor James Wilson. Clerk and Treasurer T. C. Survose. Marshal W. P. Canaday. Aldermen E. R. Brink, James Wilson, 1. B. Grainger, Owen Burney, D. Ruinley, Wm. H. Thurber, Joseph E. Sampson, John Q. Heyer, F. W. Kerchner, R. S. Rad clilL Capt, o f Police Jchu Fitzgerald. Captain Night Police Louis Nixon. FIBE UEPABTMENT. Chief Engineer?. M. Rice. Rankin No. 1 J no. L. Boatwright, Fere man. A, Adrian No. 2 C. Teitjun Foreman. Cape Fear No. o Jas. rticharrtson, Fore man. Brooklyn No. I- W. D. Howe, Foreman. Hook & Ladder No. 1 Roger Moore, Foreman. A.S05UC. Wilminjtou Commandcry No 1 Allied Martin, E. C. -It Council No. T. B. Carr, Th : III.-. Concord Chapter No. tC. M. VanOrs dell, H. P.". St. John's Lodge No. 1 U. H. Muusoa, W. M. i. o. o. r. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2 G. M. Altaflar, N. G. . Campbell Eneaiupuienl No. 1 'Ueorge P. Bappler, C. P. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Stone will Lodge No. 1 J. McD. French, W. C. Clarendon Lodge No. -J R. S. Radclifl', W. C. Germania No. i- W. Behman, W. C. MISCELLANEOUS. College Physicians and 8urgeois-J. Fran cis King, M. D., President. City Hospital J. E, Wiuauts, M. D. Sur geon in charge. Wilmington Typograpl ical Union No. Wm. M. Hayes, President. St. George and St. Andrew Society Alex, j Sprunt, Pres't. Wilmington Library Association W. L. Smith, PresU. Wilmington Literary Association W. L. Jewett, President. Eclect c Literary Society--. I. Meares, President; Chas. D. Russell, Secretary. Grand Army of the Republic E. M. Shoemaker, Commander. ' Post No. 3 G. A. R. J. (3. W.' Eagles Commonder. , Wilmington Building Association -W. L.i Smith, Pres't. I Mechanics' Building and Loan Associa tion All red Martin, Pres't. Cape Fear Building Association George Chadbourn, President. Chamber of Commerce Wrui. L. DeRos- set, Pres't; J. B. Russell, Sec'y. Philomathean Association Rob't Strange President. Friendship Temple of Honor and Tem perance, No. 1 H E Foster, WCT ESTABLISHED 182a. T. W . BROWN, HirCCESfeJOK TO BROWN & ANNDERSON, DEALER IN Jine Watches, Cloclit?, Jewelry, Silver Ware, FANCY GOODS. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL, AGiS. No. 37 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Watehe. repaired. nov 5 Clocks and Jewelry 'carefully EUREKA. Those BeivtiM JHLVND MADE, FrenchCali Skin STRAP SHOES, and GERMAN GLOVE, KID GAITERS, Can be found, at itAso?f able prices, at GEO. R. FRENCH & SON, 29 North Front street. 24- - . I v- " . 4 I. j, s Jk . E I S JE . .IT.! i. .. r " 1 - " - - ii. i . . . : . ' - . jel4 J .r-- 'fV-""?- XAi XUVVJLI VIUCUI. j OAXlTAXi AAXiXtlO. I - DIED j e t w m i w wr . . a4 - a ri a a w m a r m fc n a bt a m m , . m m m mm. mm wmrmrmm . . fwi anw - & - - -. - - v a , . .. ' "' 1 " M kt xjiaxG zcaz, Record, Place of Ober- Staie of Weather. Augtista, Geo. Baltimore, , Boston, Buffalo, N. Y.. Chicago, Galveston, Clear. Cicudy. Foggy. - Rain. Clear. Fair. ' Fair. Clear. Key West. Fla,. Lake City. Fla..! Montreal, Can J .. IOt XT., V-i. I Lit Cloudy. Cloudy. ' voggj. Fair. - Punta Rassa, Pal vvasmngton, 1 Wilmington, phrentug J : t Robert 8YTioTir, .Serg't Signal iservice, U. fci. A. Post Office Regulations. Post OrncB, Wimixoton. N C: , ) March 31, 187J. ?f rromthis dat th "mails wlll cios'ess follows: - Northern (morning) mail i.a. r Northern (tight) mail, $ . i ... .8 p. m t Southern mail... ..,4 Splm .,f ; .1 ,BDJ'iR.BBISK, P. M. . . , t mm r Hours of 'opening ' and closing Reading Room of Wilmington Library 7 Association':' Direction Ther. of Wind. 73 "Calm. .71-, , E. 62 E. 160. K. i K. 79 W. .85 E. . 78 fl. ; 7 E. i'i'ST. . E. 74 E. ' US 8. W. Open at Si A. M., close at 1 o'clock P. M.Ut08ton. ef ore nc returns. A pleasant Y P; M. S P. M. V 10 ;P. M. LOCAL ITEMS. J ut received at VauOr.dell's another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. A perfect rush of visitors to the rUfforent cnnnrls rtn n act or A a -o . '.' 1 Quite a. refreshing fall of rain yester day afternoonl which was very accept able, as it was' much needed. Wk were pleased to see Mr. A. T. Lon don in tbe city this morning who has just returned from -a trip North. 1 i i .i Several trees were blown down during the storm of yesterday altercoon, amoag them one in front of tbe office of the Post. . . : f Meeting at the Third Ward Grant and Wilson Club to-morrow night ajjpl their rooms on Princess street. E. f Habtik, Ghm'n. Arrived. Steamships Tonawauda, Capt. Wiltbanks, from Philadelphia, and the LuciUeQaptlRice fcom Bal-;! iimore, uave uoin arrivea since our iasi i issue. Go to the Gem Saloon and obtain - :t 1 the best liquors ir tbe city, and cat the best -that the market affords. Morrill knows how to keep a saloon. Things from 1 which Josh Billings prays deliverance: From too ineay freDS From snaix in the grass. From welth without charity, and from pride with- out sense. 4? IIomeo the Great, who died recently, was worth $50,000 ! When he came to this country he onljr bad an empty trunk! Where's Grtjeley Z "Go back thieves I'' Lets form a new party.f W. H. Gerken, U. S. Gauger, can hereafter be found at tbe office of T. M. District, South side Dock Street be-1 tween Water and Front.! All orders left there4 will receive prompt attention. 13 y reference to the. advertisement in this issue, ,it will be seen that Col. Fre mont, the energetic Engineer and Su perintendent of the W. C. & R. R. R., has established ti rate of return excur sion tickets, "which is a great induce ment to travelers on his road. Thk Republic and Courier suggest that the ''Carpet Baggers" going to Morehead for the glorious Fourth, stay in New Berne over the9 Sabbath and says thatuample arranemejitr will be made for attending Chtjrch on Sunday." We will be too busy to goto New Berne on that day, but the Church arrange ment is a wise thought. , We suppose our New Berne friends are BUCbTchurch goers that . special arrangements will have to be made for strangers. t Tiie Charlotte Obsertet says : ; ; u The grand jury of Chatham county have found a true bill against. George VV. S wepson, the tamous Fjorida r railroad bond opef&tprj who disposed of $50,000 hrst mortgage bonds of the Georgia and Pensacola Railroad, to Messrs. Bryan &; Hunter, of Saraonab;; lUb re4&dpion of which was afterwards refused. The trouble now is to find S wepson." That is the leastotbo trouble. Why there's Merrimon ana Ran some, and Moore, and all the rest of, the PemocratiSlaw yers, who would fly.to hi relief and away be would E&il aainY' ' ! 1 t . :'' . I . 1 - . . - 1 - -.uj ... . ..I. , i- . . i- - I 1 ,-The qity .is livlier. .. Many people attending Courf. i Serviees in most all tbe churches yesterday: 1 One murder trial, and one arson at this term of the Court. t .'rrThe civil docket is continued until next Monday. Witnesses will take notice. Be ready to greet the Goldonites tlmevcning. Hope they will have a good time. - High gale for a tew moments e terday. No rain at the sound, but rain and hail bcrc. r Joii London, Esq., took the oath jloHce as an; Attorney in the " Superior i Court this morning. t. f W J)u.,J.-jr.-wo left the, city this mbrnins lor JVIontreal. He will, however, make a ttur oi the State3 and Can- . . ". -t V 'i . t. ' ... ada- and hear and see the big drum trip to bimsay. we. Mayor's Court. Jojlin Mosely and William Price, fighting and quarrelling. John Mosely was lined $5 and half of the cost, and Wilfiam Price $15 and half of the cost. A white man whose name we aie iieqUested not to publish for creating a tlisturbance was discharged on payment of costs. m tm : We clip the following from tbe Rich mond Dispatch of the 22nd : The 100 bags of new wheat (first of the season) offered on , 'Change Thurs day by Tyler's Son & Co., was sold by them yesterday, at $2.50 per bushel, to the Cape Fear mills, Wilmington, N. C. The quality was prime, being dry, clean, and of good weight and color. Flour from this wheat will be offered at the Cape Fear mills to-morrow. superior Court. Court met this morning at the Court House at eleven o'clock, Judge !Daniel L. Russell presiding. The fol lowing Grand Jury was chosen ah d f egufarly charged by the J udge : J ames Brown, .Foreman ; Aaron Sampson, J. E. Rbbitzscti, E. W. George, Daniel Hawkins, Albert Foy, Ewd. Robinson, Wash. Barnhill, Geo. M. Murray, Joseph Farrow,, jLuke Grant, Ewd. Smith, Washington Smith, James Garriss, J. R. Moore, D. H. Armstrong, Humphrey Foj and James jluthrie. After the charge, the Court adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. We desire to call the attention pf the Board of Aldermen to the fact, that on the 29th of February, tbe former Board of , Alderman received a communication from the Board of Fire Underwriters, in relation to the condition of the large brick: building on the Southern corner of Princess and North Water Streets, known as j the ' Lizarus building, which communication stated that the character of tbe business carried on in this establishment, rendered tbem pecu- ,iar Hable to conflagration. Upon the reception oi toe report, tue juoaru ap pointed Messrs. J. C.Bailey and J. I, Keen to examine the building ; these gentlemen did so, and submitted a re port, recommending certain additions to the building. Mayor Martin sent the rej port to the City Marshal, with in structions to notify tbe owners of the property to immediately comply with sq ranch of the . report of Messrs. Bailey & Keen as would insure the safety of" the building. . We learn that the Marshal performed his duty, but the owners of the building have paid no attention to the order of the Board. The present Board should examine into the matter and either compel obedience to the former order or enforce the penalty. n ' HlUPBRS Magazine for July is received. It f fully sustains its reputation. The fol lowing are its contents : In Search of the Picturesque, Constance F. Woolson ; OIF Thunder Bay, Constance F. Woolson ; The City of Saints, Lymann Abbott ; The Guil lotine, 8. S. Conant ; The Explorations of DifCesHola in Cyprus, Hiram Hitchcock; My Godmother'a Pomander, Francis East ward ; The Republican Movement in Eu rope,1 (Second Paper.) Emilo Castelar ; On the Sands, Zadel Barnes Buddineton; A Qood Investment. (Concluded.) William Flagg ; To a Crushed Violet, Mary B. Dodge ; A Virginia Militia Training of the Last Generation, E. V. B. Canning ; The Golden Lydn oflGranpgre, Anthony Trol lope ; California, (Third Jipcr.) Its Pro dud! andTroduetiveness. Information for Farmers; Charles Nordhoff ; Akeratos, Thomas .Dunn English ; Old Kensington, Miss Thackeray ; Mazzini, Moncure D. Conway ;n Editors; Easy Chair, Literary KecOrd, Scientific Record, Historical Rec ord and Drawer! , . 11 The magazine contains 43 illustrations and two maps. Raleigh has a three, legged dog. Raleigh . has a four legged chicken, said cWcken having lour wingsi? Ruthebfobo county is bragging on its fine wheat crop now being harvested. Awful dull at Abbottsburg not a man killed or a hand sawed off for a week.- v ' 'v Mies Patterson, who delighted our citizens recently, is to give a series of her readings in New Berne this week. -: The Moravian Female Academy at Salem had an attendance o22o young ladies during last schbiastic term, repi resentimpi dozen States. l Raleigh hasa pTgarmanuTsctory and is bragging tbrfoi' iTington b6? came WUe on tbit Vubject some time .ago. , '.,,-. :i- ,...49: .t':mi- i. J udge Dick, J late of the Supreme Court Bench has qualified as Judge of the new U. S. District Court lor Western North Carolina. V; n There will be another pon penning on the banks near Beaufort on the' 17th and 18th of July, when there will be an opportunity, to all who wish them, lo secure a supply of the little baatie8.nn The Charlotte Observer telbrBw the Raleigh Sentinel people benfiiipjerl menting in bee culture and' receiving, a stinging rebuke tor their temerity, have abandoned the business on account of bunged eyes and swolen faces. Bee care ful, ye! m 9 mm .. Hon. Henry T. Blow will preside at the Grant and WUson ratificAtido meet ing in St. Louis, to-morrow nigbt. LATEST BY ' TELEGRAPH. . ' '' - l . -in From New York. hi "Ew"'XoBKl:Jarie2l."7 The new German Catholic Church, of St. John the Baptist, .was dedicated torday by Archbishop McCldskcy, assisted by Bishop Ignatias Pcrsell, of Savannah, and 'Bishop McQuaid, of Rochester, n Several Catholic societies joined to the ccmoUes. A morning paper says, klnce: the beginning Of the strike, cight weeks ago, 95,000 men ing eight hottrp; SJ.000 aretlll unemployed, und 10,000 resumed work on the old sy stcuil Olmstead declines the candidature of Vice President tendered him - by the supplemen tal oth avenue conference. ? 1 . From Illinois. Chicago, J une 21. The National Division Sons of Temper ance have adopted a resolution remitting th question of admitting colored people to Grand Divisions. The object ' is tb review and controll at the next annual session. II. 8. Bell of LOuisianj, was elected M. W. C. 1 From Connecticut, New Haven, J iint-21. There was a labor meeting on the Com mons last night. About three thousand per sons were present. There was little enthu siasm, except on the part of the speakers. From Connecticut. 1 New Lo!ii&k, June 2-1. . , The steam lighter Wallace exploded, tivd lersons were killed, one fatally scalded and five badly scalded. From Rhode Island. Providence, June 2i. Stillwell's woolen mill, at Smithfield, has been burned. Loss ?3o0,000. BY CABLE. Madrid, June 21. The affair of Dr. Ilouard has at last been omcially arranged by Minister Sickles and Senior Mantos, minister of iforeigu' affairsi The American government waives the luesf tion of the claim of Dr. Houard to American, citizenship and places its action, upon the ground of friendly intercession' in Dr. H's behalf for amnesty to be granted by the Spanish government. Dr. xlouards release, has been ordered. New York Markets . New York, June 21. Stocks firm. Gold steady at 1133 4- 4 Money easy at 4 per cent. Exchange long 109, short 1104- Government bonds heavy and State bonds firm and dull. Cotton quiet and steady, , sales oil bales Uplands 26 cents; Orleans 2614 cents. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn quiet and steady. Pork qull mess S13 25. Lard dull steam 9 9 7-16 cents. Spirits Turpentine quiet and steady at 55-56 cents. Kosin dull 'at C3 20 for strained. Freights quiet . ! s Foreign Markets LoxDoy, June 21 Xwti Consols 02j.j; Bonds 91. x Fbasktort, June il Nuon. , Jknds W t'. j Parih, June 24 Noon .l Rentes i francs and 20 centimes. - Livkbpool, June 24 Noon. , Cotton opened heavy, .Uplands 11J4 ; Or-, leans llju& ll LATEU, M r ' Cotton heavy. Uplands IIJ4 ; Orleans 11 J4 sales of 8,000 bales to speculators and ex porters 2,000 bales. RICE In Chester ' Vermontl June 21at. -EDWARD P. only son of Perry M. and Amanda 8.? Rice of this city, aged U years. Clap-Tkap asd Cakt. Invalid reader, I tfwi are unwise enough to put yourself out side of any of the mock tonics guaranteed to contain ?no diffusive stimulant,'' you will inevitably come to grief. Ask your physi cian if any liquid preparation, destitute of stimulating properties, is worthy of the name of tonic. He will tell you no. Shun all such nauseous" catchpennies. Planta tion BrrrEKS, the most wholesome luvigjo rant in the world, owes the rapidity with which it relieves the disordered stomach and the shattered nerves to the diffusive agent which, convey Its medicinal ingredients to the seat of the coinplainit. That agent is the spirit of tiie sugarcane, the most nutritious and aggreable of all the varieties of alcohol. The medicinal ingredients of thf bitters vfiujiblejBS they jarje, would be comatlvety iseiessithouh 6' distributive basisTThey would 'lennenti ari lour. Beware, as you hope for health, f the , horrible compounds of refuse drugs in t a state, of fermentation which humbugs "are eudeavori ng to foist upon the public as medicines. , Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wilt not raise the, dead, but it. wiU .benefit and cure the living. For all Severe Coughs, Throat and Bronchial diseases it has never been equalled. C OMMERCIAL. ;WlIiMIA'GTON MARKET. MONDAY, June 211.30 P. M. CrjrjE Turpkntikb -Market steady and prices unchanged. Sales, of 3S4 bbls at $1 for, virgin, $3 75 for yellowdip, and $2 50 for hard, per 280 lbs. Spirits Turpentine Market auiet but steady. Sales of 14 casks at 48 cents per gallon for Southern packages. Rosin Sales ol 1,637 bbls at $3 25 for strained, f3 25, $3 50 a fS 73 for No. 1, H for Pale, and SA 60 for extra Pale. Tar Receipts to-day are about 109 bbls., but no price fixed supposed to be at $3 05 perbbl. .". Cotton-mall sales at 24 cents per lb; MARINE. AKK1YED. "J22-Schr Lucy Wright, Elzy " from New Yorkj to Williams j & Murchison. iio Steamer Juniper, Smith, from Far etteville, to Worth & Worth. Steamer Wave, Skinner, from Fayette ville, to Williams db Murchison. Steamer Cumberland, Phillips, from Fay etteville, to L H DcRosset. - , Steamship Tonawanda, Wiltbanks, from 11I1.. J lkf TXT 11- f more. by a' D Cazaux. CLEARED. 22 Brig Izola, Snowman, lor Salem, Mass, by GO Barker & Co, 1 ' Schr Kate E Rich, Walford, fort Boston, by G G Barker & Co. I Schr Luola Murchison, Jones, lor New York,, by Williams & Murchison. 24-dStearaer Juniper, Smith, for Fayctte ville, by Worth & Worth. Steamer Wave, Skinner, for Fayette ville, by Williams & Murchison. ; RECEIPTS. PER RIER STEAMERS, &c. Steamer Wave 131 bbls spts turpt, 229 do rosin, to Williams & Murchison. . Steamer Cumberland 28 bbls spts turpt, to L H DeRossct, Smith & Strauss. Steamer Juniper 17 bbls spts turpt, 11 do crude turpi, 241 do rosin, to Worth fc Worth A Alderman, H B Eilers. t wm EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamship j Regulator 813 bbls spirits turpt, 387 do crude turpt, 1,548 do rosin, 100 do tar, 80 do soap stone, 84 bales cotton, 840 bush pea nuts, 28 pkgs mdze. Salem, Mass Brig Isola 1,601 bis rosin. Boston Schr Kate R Rich 72 bis spirits turpt, 25 do crude turpt, 2,486 do rosin, 70 do tar, 10U do pitch. New York Schr Luela Murchison 545 bbls spirits turpt, 2,435 do rosin, 125 bales cotton, 50 bbls glue. FOREIGN. ) 1 List cl Vessels in the Port of Wil mington, N. C, June 21, 1872. STEAMSHIPS 1 Tonawanda, Wiltbanks, ldg. Phil, Worth fc Worth. Lucille, Price, ldg. Bait, A D Cazaux. BARQUES Swedish Phoenix, Stromberg;, ldg Europe, Williams & Murchison (Br) Dr C Tupper, Chamber ldg Europe, Williams & Murchison Qer Shanghai, II auschultz, rp& . Willard Bros Ger Frederick Scalla, Waack, ldg Europe, ? i Willard Bros Nor Eldorado, Thomassen, dis. Williams & Murchison .BRIGS Nar Noraeu, Matteson, dis, yiTlllard Bros ' ' 1 Lt CHOONER8 Ida Richardson, Bedell, dis, Willard Bros Ann & Susan, Po tiger, ldg Martinique, Northrop & Gumming Jessie S ClarkClark, dia, F W Kerchnpr John A Griffin, hosier, ldg PhU, Harriss & Howell Henrietta, Leavitt, ldpr - f J H Chadbourn & Co Lucy Wright, Elzey, dis, i Williams & Murchison List of Vessels SaDed lor this Port. Megdelena, Bcjnsgard, eld March 21 i r GUERNSEY. Homely. Le D.iD, eld April 3 PHILADELPHIA. Schr J udg Hopkins, Baker; r eld May 22 BOSTON. , ' rj Ger Barque Wega, BranshoJT, eld June 1 GeriBque Mueca.'Giese.1 dd June 4 r - ,. NEW. YORK. Schracy ! Wnkhtr, Elsey, ' c!d J"une 12 ? . aJ - , Tr. H NEWPORT. ! - i Br Barque Fair & Easy, Taylor, eld May 21 ;ui:cel1aneoijs; A. ADRIAN. II.VOLLERS. ADRIAN & V0LLERS. Groceries anil Liquors, Importers of Oerman and Havana Cigar, i- ' ''j and ' : ' 1 Coiiimifclsioii Mercliaii t Sortn-l-Usf CoRKKa Dock and Fkon 1 - . streets. WILMINGTON, N. t . 4 nfVSSSi?SSTi8t and V-t as. u na n(, 01 uroceries and Llquor.s in tiio v 1 ..- 1. will find It to tbelrTter t?t 5l S us u'iT before buying elsewhere. w "f - may u-tu J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., & CO., , General Commission Merchants & .Commercial Agents. CORNER DOCK & WATER STREET, tit. WILL VERQMPT AND PKliSONAL attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton and Naval Stores, Juniper Staves and all kinds of Country producb, &c &c. Orders for sale of Producelor purcha.se oi Goods, will be promptly attended to; and to the best advantage to our customers. We are also receiving large consignments of all grades of Liquors which wc arc pre pared to sell at; wholesale, at the lowest cash prices. . " dec ' ltfMt J. S. WILxTlAMS, DEALER IN . v Fancy and Staple Dry Gi-obtU. Carpete, 2NlHttiniH,i 6cv. ''-'' ol NOKTIl F-KOMT SllitKl . Wilmington, N. C. cor.inissiorj merchant, AND DEALER IN 1 Groceries, Provisions, , Dry Goods ClQtMB.j'k'k, No. Jiriand 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited.' I J lol-ly N. MOON. lission Merchant, Limn .... AND DEALER IN FLOUlt, GRAIN. MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ooi Oamdeii &Pilca Sis Baltimore, Md. Orders from North Carolina Solicited, lebll , 17 M( PARKER & TAYliOR successors to I A. II. NEFF. ilanufacturers'and dealers in HO UtiB FUHNlbHINQ G G OD,S, Guns,. SStove3, Lanterns, Kerosene. Oil Tin j and Bheet Iron Ware. ' Roofing done at short notice. Agents for Fairbank's Scale.?. No. 19 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N . C. nov 19 . - 'i J-ly New Store ! Old Goods ! GREENEWALD & CO. J 32 NORTH WATER 'STREET, Next door to Willalrd Bro's WHOLESALE! DEAL Eli 3 IN: LIQUORS, WINES, , BRANDIES, WHISKIES j J MV.f Jt y and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which wej will ofl'er to the trade on the most reasonable! terms, as we are receiving large consign ments of the best goods In the country. 4SPlease call before making your purchases, jan 14, isti-tr W. U. 3D ATtT, ' ssrWtrwrr vnnirm enn WILMINGTON, N. O PI Emu er, Steam and Gas .Fitter and dealer in Vronght and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks, Valves, Ga? Fixture, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. I l ''.-.-. ; .- . -.'I :fi ! Iirticulai- attcutioh paid to fitting up of COTTON MILLS, ; with Steam, Gas and Water. nov 12 llS-tl G. R. MAYER, BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY Market Stveei, -r FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONFIIC- .TIONEUY, I FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FKUlTo. . s . r v.. (..' Weddings and parties supplied at? short notice, with all the delicacies of the season .nova , Il-ly i - it