f i .... i www a w tw vw wmm fi r: m .1- J Hi r I Unci: , i 1 1iJir.-;3X nr;; mlal'- Tana V hut 1 . fhbnmir .SVSiX rs? rtr wnmioippSi)M 1872. IJO. 34 ! - y" Jr -v ' .... f I I F " m - - m - PitfTrT f. ' y I Pv J I I I I X I 11 I - f is - i . i . .' 2uW : .L-U 1 ft j. I f. i 5- I I i T THKEVENilNjr 10 ST. j Publsbcd cYcry afternoon except Sunday libishd cyciy aKerabon except Sunday, j H. T. CANADAY ....Business Manager j M FiJ .J. MANN. r.... Editor ! WM JA Sabscription. One year, iu advancer. . ?T. $ 00 Six uionlUix, in advanco. , 3 09 Tiree months In adTance. . . . i . . 1 SO One monthJn jadrancc 50 AJl business aetters should be ad-, dressed to the Business , Manager, and all communications or inatters'Telatiu to the editorial department to the Editor;, ) Correspondence solicited froni our friends 4n all parta of the Statc,.on topics of gene- ral interest. Political news and reports ol crops are especially desirable, i County and. City XHreciory., ! . Bhtrm -J. W. Schenck, Jr.--' ' Clerk Superior Court J? C.'lahu. Itegister of Deeds W. -"IJiyia f f Coroner E. D. Hewlett. Treasurer Owen Fenueli, Jr. ;' 'County Examiner A. K. Black. , Standard Keeper Wm.,M. Haniss. Commissioners a. N. Martin; Chairman; E. M. Shoemaker, A. K. Black, John C: Ueyr, J'amefi A. Lowery. fj ,. city. Mayor James WilsonT: Clerk aad Treasurer T. C. Sttrvofefc. Marshal .W. P. Canaday. Aldermen Ej. R. Brink, James Wilson, 1. B. Grainger, Owen Bnrncy, D.-Iiumlcy, ! Wm. II. Thurber, Joseph E.r Sampson, John C. licyer, F. WKjieouer, K, S. Rad- clill. A .... . Ca'pt. of Polite John Fitzgerald.' ' " " KIJiK DEl'AUTMB.MT. ! Chief Engineer P. M. Rice. 1 ; Kaukiu No. 1 Jdo. L. Boatwright, Fore- f man. . A, Adrian NO. 2 C. Teitjen, Foreman. 1 Cape Fear Ho. Jas. tilehardsou, Fore i man. ? ; : Brooklyn No. 1 W. D. Howe, Foreman., Hook V Ladder No. 1 Roger .Moore, Foreman. ; . , ; ri Wilmington Commandery No. 1 Allied Martin, E C. ; Council No. T. B. Carr, Tli . 111.". Concord Chapter No. 1-C. M. VauOrs delJ, H. P.. St. John's Lodje No. 1 -H. H. Muuson, W. M. I. O. O. F. Cape Fear Lodge No. ii G. M. Altanar, G. Campbell Eucauipmeut No. 1 George P. Bappler, C. I. KNIGHTS OF 1'lTHIAb. ' Stonewill Lodge No. 1 J. McD.-French, W. C. ;' . k . : tlartudou Lodge No 'J-RV' 8. 'Ridclill, V. C. j Germauia No. I- W. Behman, W. C. j misceihbous. : c-oiiege ruysieians ana eurgeons-ti . j?rau- eis King, M. L., President. Citv Hosuital J. E. Winaute. M. 1. Stir- i . -' s i f I l rrtt 4ii iti rhariri Wilmington Typograpl ical Union No Wm. M. Hayes, Presidents j St. -George audSt. Audrew Society Alex, j U. S. GranVby thotJoanman of the Del i?prunt, Pres't. .,; . ;u ; . .feSit&Siif j Of 'Alfeoti. In the follbw- Wilmingtan Libiaiy Association W. L imitb, Pres't. . , Wilmington LiLei-aty Association W. L. ! .rewclt, President. i Eclect c Literary Society J. I. Meares, j President: Chas. D. Kuesell, Secretary. Grand Army of the Repnblic-E. M. I Shoemaker, Commander. j Post No. 3G. A. R J. s. Ea-ls I Commonder. Wilmington Building Association W. L. Smith, Pres't, Mechanics' Building aud Loan Assoeia l it'ti Allied Mai tiii, Pre&'t. Citpe Fear Building Association George Chadbourn, President. Chamber of Commerce Win. L. DeKos- ?tt, Pres't ; J. B. Russell, Sec'y. Philoinatheau Asaoeia.tionRob' I Strange President. Friendship Temple of Honor and Tem perance, No. 1 H Foster W C T, ESTABLISHED 1823. T. 'sccctessou TO BR'JWN & ANNDERSON, DEALER IN Fine Wutclie, ( Jloekrs Jewelry, Silvei Ware, b'ANCY GOODS. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES. No. 37 Market Street, AYILMIN'GTON, N. C. Wnlche. Ulot ks and -Jewelry carefully i i' paired. nov 5 - 5. litj-tf EUR E KA 1 m ; irAND'3fADE, FrenehfalfSkin STRAP SHOES, and GERMAN GLOVE, KID GAITERS, Can be louud, at REAsoxABiyri'al geo. K. FRENCH & SQN, t m t m K V mm. Jell iwnonn Tonr street' tt 1 viT5SciSB5ESti Men Krtl -a. J? 1 la?K - MKTWtraoixxncAi. Record, June. 2b 7:32 A. M., ISTi Direction of Wind. Htate of Weather. Austtsta," .Geo., 77 ; K 63 ,77 t! 78 Calm,' 'S.-E., E. S.W.; s. ' ; n f Hi N. K. ,J5. - . Ij. ,.- ' rW.'.:-,.. Fair. Ra Cloudy. Boston Buffivlc?, n;'y' Chicago.-,',' Galreton? - rotfffj. fCloady.. Clear. Fair. Key West, I-1a,L Rain. " dear. ' Fair. Foggy. Cloudy. PorthuKLMc..? 8 lnintalla taj f - 75 Cloudy. w asnington, Wilmington, ' j r-i r Fair. , 81 Cloudy. Srobkk Kbybotii. ' .- Hcr't Sfgnal Service, U. 8. A- Post: Office Regulations ,T:. I From this date the mails will close as .foiiow6:Vrff. 7orfVHf :;"3 ' Northern' (morning) mail.... ....X.5a. m. Northern (night) mail....l ,,8p..m Southern mail . . . . v ........... . . . . p. m r Ed. R. Bbik, P. M. - flours or opening ;and closing Reading Room of Wilmington Library Association : Open at 8i A. M., close at 1 o'clock P. M. Si P. M., v " 7, " P. M. B'P. M., 10 - P. M. iUtliOCAIi ITEMS. Jt -ii received at VanOridell's another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. 7' . . cases lur irini ueiurc iJiajui a Court this morning. Tv. T!ifv A ssM9nr hta still hrrl at. J ftff kfssfesajng 'rjroperty. " ' '' " " T VitAiuuMuon xjuuge iv. oi t ., eiect their officers to-nigbt. Tms excurtionists to Charleston re turned this , morning1, they report as having liad a.gOQd time. , The Steamer Waccamaw left for Bal t i more tlm morning for repairs when tshe retiirris she ilt be fO. K. for river excursions.' f Thanks We return our thanks to Biglow $;2ttaiD, Music Publishers, 425 Broome St., New York, for several rare Sabbath School Music Books. Many tired and anxious State's wit nesses after attending on the Court for j dajs, hie their tickets with the hope qf receiving the large amount ol one dol lar per diy . ior their valuable time. Clubs, We return our thanks to u;; -Jiarsp0f shoe Heel, and O. H. Blocker, ot Fayetteville. for Clubs ?:iaU r.r ? i oi me X'osTjii w e naYB room room for more favors q the same tort, Tuji rote of orth'CarbUnan the Philadelphia Convention was cast lor I zy r 9 ; inc -words : We the tar heel a of N. C, ! t 1' a inM1 "UI v-'V m., M1'' - TjlE MaCuinl8t'a and Blacksmith's TT . ., . . . Union recently organized in this City, was for-iied under authority ot the In- tei national Union of the United States, and is the second one Organized in this State, K These Unions are being formed in every State in the Union, "and will undoubtedly do a vast amount of good to those for whose benefit ttey were formed. '..-, ; CoRONEit Hewlett held an inquest yesterday. : over. 3 the body of Anna L. Bovvie, a colored babe. mentioned yes terday. . ;Verdict of the jury was, that j she came to her death by strangulation, j The mother went to sleep while hurs 1 ing the chihjf; atftl when she awoke the ! lacteal rluid was running out of the child's mouth and nose, and the child strangled. ' Uiulem Lodge A. Y. M., has elected the lollowing officers for the ensuing yfcar; Wm. McLaurin, W.'M. ; Joshua j R. lluss, S. j W. ; j Jatnes Dry, J. W. ; !' Wm. J. Kellogg, T. ; J. C. Hill, Sec'y ; Joshua Greeu, S. D; ; Frederick Brown, Ji D.;, Elijfti Lane. T; ; Lewis Nixon an$ Robert Haklnie, Btewardf ; John ' ixpn,jChaplaiii(r Heztkiah Reid, Lecturex an4 James Green, Marshal. ? ; Snpc rlop . Court, ! . : ;SI2?CE ;YE3TICRDAX.irOON. r TnoMAsKAiiaWKiLEic: Larceny. picr?rdutftj.f " . : f ' ; ' Fred Jones Assault and Battery. VerdTcY gfillt J;i t COURT MET., THIS, MOJtJiliiG AT NINE O CLOCK. . JFredsJ ccEsf STEjPflEN Rlcu and Bunyan Walker, assault and battery.1 jJVentfct UyJuiU meetl this evening at 4;8(r;;Ss tiattallt land to-mor- ;i ;: t i -. . - A ' 3 I-- i - 'Hotr - ' J. - ,-. : Town HYcly.'" f' i. Awful hot to-day ! ! Bfack fish arc; wanted ! A regular Dollv Varden day. '""" Iwnva.terfnaricai$ lu tthe carpet. - In earnest Court House. the-pleadinirs in .ihe Crabbed the shell fish in the market." c; f5 The Pufcell iiouc has be'en too full of guests Sot a lew jlays. ; X.e were I crowded .-.to A plate to enj y ones self in the Court House its warm in thereat; is. 1 4 The Cadets of the p. F. A: will have a grand ball this week ; fix .up ladies'l ' w- -v., . v jr" :ij; ' All the school. children arc beidg examined now. Poor little dears, 'how they are annoyed. , At the Senatorial Convention of the 13th District held at Abpottsburg on the 24th of June. Mr. Eldndge, o Bladen, was elected as Chairman and Dr. Sykes of Bladen, Secretary. -" : On motion oi E. M. Russell, Esq., G. N. Hill, Esq., of Brunswick, was Dom inated for Senator on the first ballot. Mr. Hill is a talent gentleman a fine and strong man, a faithful and inflex ible Republican. The District hbnored itself in his Domination, atid w' wish him success. The Democrats have got to' get 'over a difiicult Hill to carry that District. At a meeting of the Cape Fear Lodge, No. 1, 1. O. O. F., held last .evening the' following officers were elected, viz Wra. Goodman, N. G. : " Jas: Fleet, V. G. ; ! Geo. H. Kelly, Secretary. Jno.'A. Nicholson, Treasurer. l . . 5 i Mr. John Sholar was elected as the; Representative to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, at the session to be held at Raleigh on" the 3d. Wednesday, ot next month. The other officers of the -Lodge will be appointed at the next-meetiDg when all will be installed. -. - mmm The attention oi the readers of the Post is called to the card ol Col. E.TD. Hall, which appears in Ibis issue. "It will be seen that he has been appointed Acent ot the lottery, to be drawn under the auspices of the College of Ph ysiciaus . -f and Surgeous, iu aid of, and to secure, a Charity Hospital for the benefit ot the suffering poor of this community The inducements offered arp ot niptiiJ& character, there lei"g one prize every eight' blanks. The drawing will posi tively take place on the luth ot August next. And wc are confident that Col, Hall's well known energy will make it "a success. . : ' . The Democratic Legislature of 1ST0 and 1871, which voted jf tseif per day pay, each, for their,, services in making laws, made a law ' whereby a State's witness at Court could receive but a promise of one dollar per day, for which the County ,pays? just fifty cents, and that in a single case only, although the witness may have testified in suvei al cases. This is nice. A hard wo-fkin' farmer leaves hi3 crops just at a, most important time when it needs his most vigorous labor, is forced to neglect it and every thing eisc at home, travels many miles, puts, up with numerous in conveniences, has the' 'privilege ot paying $4.00 per day at the Purcell House for himself, and $1.00 per day board for his horse, all f tori fifty cents per day.- Thank you. gentlemen of the last Legislature, you dotfi suit , "hot much, and we will remember you next time you want to go to Raleigh. STATE ICTEMS. ' SuPREiiE Court still in session at the capitoi. : ' k lU . f Blow your trumpetSf-New'Brne has a brass band- as well as Goldsboro. , All the Raleigh city press will sus pend publication on the'FotirthW July. ! One of the siogists at? the big, jubilee in Boston,' isV.$oioV'UUjrirom.i-!New Berne a native; Ul,l8 Bbv. John L. Loogrdelived a lec ture jn.GofdsuQriwith. vhichihe Neic s is greatly delight W XlT ita name in tue rtew uexne aj MLI lit ! mrtTTTUT UT 'Lit The examination of the pupils of the Deaf, j Dumb t and Blind Institute at Raleigh U being had there this week. New Berne is still in exstacies over the readings of the lovely Miss Patterson which she - is giving in ? that city and weirtnBvnTYght'W: I . Tiij CharlottOL Courier comes to us this week looking, decidedly billious. Ujy bleaching pb wider, brother Bntton you remtna us oi war times. ? i Up-couNTRYecti tors are tell i ng h o w t tiey cnjoyedthemselves at Beaufort w e :wouid 1 ike to have been there our sel,yc?, those Beaufort folks are beautifiiL and strong. ; ;' H o4of-ifoyga'rtc bag J gexs.tfom, Canada invading our sacred soil and trying to corrupt usf with Brit tish sjoldi'Poor Henderson 5 county has our sympathy. . b And now comes Goldsboro, asking the railroad men to reduce the fares from that place, .and running trains on .Saturdays through Morcheftd city, so that its dusty and perspiring; citizens may have a bathe In old ocean: The DailNcmtA there is a rumor afloat in Raleighv r thatlhe: Governor is to, have the biitlott. : Jlolcs of his coa copper., lined, .the necessity pf which' arises from the damage to ea id -garment by the aspirants fori the vacant seat on the Supreme Court Ijench5,' s whej besiege him. . , . V TouAcco-factories throughout the State are working to their utmost capa city ihf view of the change in the law taxirigheir roducts whereby they will realize four cents per pound advance ; the differeh'ce bctween "itbe'ptesent tax of sixteen Centi' cr pound' and the prospective' tasf of twenty cents. LATEST 'Bt' TELEGRAPH. ' "M f ' Nctrk, Juno 26. , 11 Brooks; Phhlfps;& Sons, charged with un drvahtation tnvoiCei of Macaroni. ,; ' ThctUi! ' cloth. MakuCteturins strikers rc aumed work at" ten hours.' ' The -locomdttvev nnd machine shop at Patterson, NiJ.yclosed in eonaequenc of a htrlke of some 600 m,e, throwing nearly ;),000 persons out of employment. Exmiba June JO, r,Tioga eouiityi is flooded, the raili'ofids are washed,. aud Booms swept Avlth .millions of feet of lumber. ; In the vieinity of 31it.eh 'ells couiitj", tlic Water Is over fenee tops, and people are leaving theirhomcn in loats. BUFi'AJo, June 20. The metal workers have formed their league on the plan of ! the New York and KeSr Jersey leagues.5 l -Fromr Ohio. it. 1 1 ' '? ' CtKVJT.ANJ, June -V - wiltlw Many of thctlele!2rateto Thursday's eon- unan- tmotis for thq ' q Tatitlcat ion of , the Ci neinnat i ndmfriatl6h.s. If Is bbll'cvi'd that t he State , r 1'.'. .'I r ticket vilDly mjniitd, but the electoral ticket will postponed until Miter the Hai ti more eonyention. The i liberal si Republican state Central Committee arfeiherc for consultation. Many pron3incn.t. liberals are present. They will urger vipohthedemot'ratic convention to stpoiic jioroina,ting a State ticket until aftettfi' r altij&iqonvcntion. From California. rv ISAri(,itANi ilco,?JuiM v Min. LOomis, front the East," while lectur ing against woman's suffrage was interrupt ed by the hisses and jeerk of the leading fe male, MUTragists , who were -.-present. Hon. Davi Meekjer jnsistrd that tlie. offending Tb4;li be win pelted to leave the hall. frs. K. I'itt Stevens, editress of thelMoneer, the suffragist organ drew a pistol' on bj-m and d'ema tided an tipologj", but was forcMf- to put thc.M'6f In her jMjcket by the bystanders. From Connecticut. , W Hatw, June 2. The House of Representatives ha repealed a usury law of two huhdretl year stand ing, fixing the rate of interest at 6 per cent., by a vote of 131 to 45. It paired the Senate unanimously, ht week. , , From Maryltuid. Baltimoke, June ii- ' Wm H. Wiege; witness in the Tiidert Dutler ease, at New York, has been arrested lor iTjury. He was lield to bail in the sum Of ?.JpO.. ' ,v .. . r From Canada. j j , 4 ; Torqmo, June 2?. Dr. liutas Bralton, recently, kidnapped ftfrtii' Canada, by t he Federal officers has been restored to the Canadian Jurisdiction, and is uoV here.- ' ii i ; in v v ' SAtt r LAttE, June '2, , . , QUvef C. Obey, killed Charles I Doan, in the Pwt office. Both sporting men. ' From Ca1nad'a. tuistt l-,'r4RK junc Lml DuhiienftbecTi inaugurated KjvcrnorjWeeral.d OfHJ.Ui' . . jhi . From Pennsylvania. WixiA3ISport, June J. Te'Linden bHdge,, recently burned, has been carried away by tlie' flood, . BY CABLE. J Loy do June 28. The Jxrd pasaed their amended ballot bill to third reading. The Daily Newt says: " America ajrreet to be non-suited in the case so far at lndl- rect damages arc concerned." CoxsTAxro-rorLE, June 2t. Sultan received Khedive Royal honors. to-day. with New York Markets . - Nkw York, June 26. Stocks steady. Ciold steady at 113. Money easy at, 1 per cent. Exchange ions i09"K, short 11(-4. Government bonds firm and quiet. State bonds unchanged. Cotton Arm and steady, sales 685J bales J Jnjands 2Sti cents; Orleans 20 cents. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat quiet and un changed. Corn dull and unchanged. Pork Lard steady duli:at o35i cents. Rosin quiet at S3 iy2 for strained. Freights dull. Foreign Markets London, June 2 Noon . Contois 92hJ Bonds 91. . Takis, June 38 Xojon. Renter oi francs and 22 centimes. . Liverpool, June 26 Noon. 4 Cotton opened flrm. Uplands 11 ; Or leaus ill.:. i '"7 LATER Cotton firm. Uplands 11J4.; Orleans IIJ. Sides of 11,000 bales to speculators and cx poiiers 3,000 bale?. Beeadstuffs quiet. Cumberland cut 28. COMMER WILMINGTON MARKET. WEDNESDAY, June 36 L5J0 P. M. Crude Turpentine Nothing new to re port in prices. Only about 150 bbls receiv ed, which went at $4 for virgin, $3 75 for yellow dip, and $2 50 for hard, per 280 lbs. Spirits TuKPEHTrHK--Has further de clined one cent, and market quiet. Sales of 508 casks at 46 cents per gallon tor Southern packages. Rosin Sales to-day of 914 bbls at $3 25 for strained, f2 803 S5 for No. 3, 2 60 lor low No. 1, 3 a $3 25 for No. 1, $4 a H 50 Tor Pale, $5 for extra Pale, and $6 for window glass. Tar Is la fair eoquiry. Receipts and sales are only 48 bbls at $3 05. . Cotton Small sales at 231 a 24 cents. MARINE. ARRIVED. 26 Steamer D Mnrchison, Garrison, fm Fayetteville, to Williams & Murchion. Steamer North State, Green, fm Fayette ville, to L H DeRosseL CLEARED. 26 Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, lor Fay etteville. by Williams & Murchison. Stmr North State, Green, for Fa) Uteville, by L H DeBosset. Steamship Tonawanda, Wiltbauks, for Philadelphia, by Worth & Worth. i RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. Steamer D Murchison 371 bbls spirits turpt, 9 do crude turpt, 315 do rosin, to Williams & Murchison, T D Love dc Co, D E Bunting. Steamer North State 180 bbls spts tarpt, 20 do crude turpt, 320 do rosin, 15 bales sheeting, to Johnson & Birdsey, L H De Rosset, Viek fc Mebane, F W Kerchner, C Southerland. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Baltimore Steamship Lucille 205 bbls spts turpt, 1,000 do rosin, 222 do tar, 85 do pitch, 6 bales cotton, 75 bushels peanuts, 17,400 shingles, ".3,430 feet lumber, 18 pkgs mate. List ol Vessels in the Port of Wil mington, N C, Jane 20, 1872 BARQUES SwedUh Phoenix, Stromberg, ldg Europe, Williams dk Mnrchison (Br) Dr C Tupper, Chambers, ldg Europe, Williams & Murchison Ger Shanghai, lluusehultz, rpe WiUard Bros Ger Frederick Scalla, Waack'J ldg Europe, Willard Bros xNor Eldorado, Thomasscn, dis, Williams 6i Mnrchison BRIGS Nr Norncu, Matteson, dis, Willard Bros SCHOONERS Ann cV. Susan, Podger, ldg Martinique, Northro'p & Gumming Jessie S Clark, Clark, dis, F W Kerchner John A Griffin, Foster, Id" Phil, UarrLiS & Howell Henrietta, Lcavilt, ldg J H Chadbourn & Co Lucy Wright, EJxeydis, Williams fc Mnrchison List of Vessels 'Sailed for this Port. CUXHAVEN. Magdelena, Bumgard, eld March 21 GUERNSEY. Homely, Le Dain, PHILADELPHIA. eld April 3 Schr Judge Hopkins,. Baker, cid May 22 Ger Brig Leopoldine, Haesloof, eld June 21 BOSTON. Ger Barque Wega, Bran&hoff, eld June 1 eld June 4 eld Jane 2i cid June21 Ger Bque Musca, Gieae, Gt-r Brig Juno, Suerken firm J Britr Nellie Mitchel. Cody, t hjsvv iun.rv. Schr Ben, Davis. cid Jane 20 NEWPORT. Br Barque Fair & Easy, Taylor, eld May 21 NEWCASTLE. Vearge, Norgaard, ; . cid May 8 Swedish Barque Ulrika Bredenberg, cid May 10 ALEXANDRIA. Schr F Hodges, Tborapton, . cid Jane 20 A. XbTSlX&iv- ADBiAiresiyoiiES, ( WBTOIJESALE JDEALEES IN Groceries and iqiiors, ' Importers of German and Havana Cigars, -7ASD GoiruxiissioMeirchaiit Socth-East Cokwer Dodd and ! Frost Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest and lnt aMirud im-l; Groceries andLianorw in th ritv ihni.rv will nnd it to their InterjLf , to givv u h ndl before buvtnir elswhon." may 17-tf. --..a t :.i IU A J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., & CO., General Cominiibioii ,Mercbants & uonmerciai Agents;'i CORNER DOCK WATER STREET, WiLMijcaTOir, N'C, , WILL GIVE PROMPT AND ERSON AL attention to the sale or- shlpment'bfCOtton and Naval Stores, Juniper Staves and all kinds of Country produce, x:;f&c! lK Orders for sale of PnKluceor'pjAx haNc ot Goods will be promptly attended i tolland to , the best advantage to our enjstomers. We are also receiving largo consignment of all grades of Liquors which wcare pre pared to sell at wholesale, at the lowVbt.easii prices. i ' ' ' ' r " dec 21 . ;'i v 'pjo-ti tvi. m J., S. W1X.LIAMS, ' DEALER IN - ' a '' -.- ; . -- - - si 'd u,'l Fancy ami Staple Dry XtoUls. Carpets, Xattins Si.it, ni North Frost Stitiiti, Wilmington,.N. C. S.H.MANNING, . cor.ir.ii8cioi merchant, . AND DEALEK U .V - ; i Groceries, Pro visions. Dry. Gooiij" Clothing, &o;&c., , ,No. 23 'and 24 North Water Stit, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash-Order Solicited1 nov23 - , I3i-jv KICIIAHID 1ST. MQOTs . Commission Merchant, ' ! AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN. MILL FEEDj , 5, ' AND COUNTRY.PROULCE. Cor. Cumden&Pafa Sts Baltimore, Md. , Orders from North Carolina Soli ei t e l . fcbU T, "l-li t PARSER &STAYLOH Successors to A. H. NEFK, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING QOODy Guns, Btoves, Lanterns Keroseim Oil J ij and Sheet Iron Ware:7 f Roofing done afr short notice. . Agents for Fairbanks Hcales,,, . No. 10 Front Street; Mi WilffllKOTOlfvKiiC, nov19 lWy New Store I Old GobcU !. GREEHEVALD & CO.t" 32 NORTH WATKR BTRKKT; ' Next door to Willard BroVs vj WHOLESALE DEALERS J LIQUORS, WINES, i l if BRANDIES, WHISKIES4" . ;:f ' :-GINS&ie., and all kinds of Fancy lilquorn,-" wh'feh 4o will otter to the trade on the most reasonable, terms, as we are receiving large, consign ments of the best goods in. the count r . S-P1 ea.se call before making your purchased jan 11 - . i r.i - il6Q-tl W. II. DART, WFPITT'S OUIIiDlrVO , SOUTH FRONT ST.,' a7 i t .r risin Trxr -Mr w J ' ' a i.f 'A i f . - s?..j it - ..... f .. " - f 41 t , -r Plraoer. steam aii Gas Filler and dealer in ' , .i jv;K.;tw Wronght and Galvanized Iron Pinc, Urass Cocks9 Valrea Gaa .Fixtfm and all descriptions ot HJf FITTINGS FOR STEAM,' WAfER ., -. . ii utn$..'Mvm - Iartieular atteutlou paid tu fltting ui ol COTTON HILLSL . - , . jii3 with Bfeam, Gas and Water. nov-12 - r rl'-'-i Uilfi Lit, DAuGRY and CONFECTIONERY FRENCH, AND AMEmcUX, ftlXFEC- f . TIONERIV:-:.'"-"-1 ; FOREIGN & DO jlESTltff Flll'TTK - V- '- ftf--iiM!.ytM 3tO(H Weddings and parties .supplietl at short notice, Arith all the dellcacle of the wait t ntii i - ,- c'. f