' . -X " - mm-rp--m,. iji ii - milt ? 'Ml''!,1 v . f .S J s-J . a - -5' -. l-vv k: 1 f vl ii7 on j j'Vj, I , WO U si lt? V T T C 1 IT H 1 J r ioi 1 I I I A M Ik U ir -j,,. VOL. VI. I WILmNGTOijECMmSDA 27 1872. 4 . & ;9 sl? I I m Infill vAu U inv JiiJ 11 I I, L V .... - - -.. ffc . . 4 4 TI1JB EVENINGPOST. Pubished every afternoon except Sunday. VM. P. CAN AD AY ....Business Manager JAMES rj. MANN J... .Editor , Sabscnption. Uuc year, iu advance. ,b 00 tiix months, in advance 3'00 Three months, in advance . . .4i 5b One mouth, in advance, .v. 50 S3F"A11 business letters should be ad dressed to the Business Manager, and all communicatious or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor, :, ; Correspondence solicited from our friends iu all parts of the State, on topics of gene ral interest. Political news andj-eports ol crops are especially desirable. County ana City Directory. COUNTY. Sberifl-.J. W. Schenck, Jr. . Clerk Superior Court J. C. Maun. Register of Deeds W. J. BivinsV Coroner E. D. Hewlett. Treasurer Owen Fenn County Exajaiuer A. R. Black. fitandardrXeeper Wm. M. Harriss. Commissioners S. N. Martin, Chairman; E. M. Shoemaker, A. Ii. Black, John C. Heyer, James A. Lowery. CITY. Mayor James Wilson. Clerk and Treasurer T. C. Servose. Marshal V. P. Canaday. Aldermen E. R. Brink, James Wilson, 1. B. Grainger, Owen Burney, D. Rumley, Wm. H. Thurber Joseph E. Sampson, John C. Heyer, F. W. Korchner, R. S. Rad clitl. Capt. of Police John Fitzgerald. Captain Night Police Louis Nixon. FIltB DEl'ARTHENT. Chief Engineer P. M. Rice. Kaukiu No. 1 dno. L. Boatwright, Fore man. A, Adriau No. 'i C. Teitjeu, Foreman. Capc,Fer No. J&. Kiehardson, Fore man. Brooklyn No. 4 -W. D. Howe, Foreman. Hook Aj.Laddyr .No. 1 Roger Moore, Foreman. MASONIC. Wilmington Commandcry No. 1 Allied Martin, E. C. Council No. T. B. Carr, TU 111.-. Concord Chapter No. I C. M. YanOrs dell, H.;. P.v St, John's Lodge No. l'U. H. Muusou, V. Al. , I. O. U. i". Cape Fear Lodge No. 2 C. M. Altattar, N.G. Campbell Encampment No. 1 George P. Bappler, C. P, KNIGHTS Of Pl'THlAS. . Stoucwill Lodge No. 1 J. McD. French, W. C. Clarendon Lodge No. J R. S. Radcliff, W. C. Germauia No. 4- W. Behman, W. C. MISCELLANEOUS. College Physicians and Surgeous-J. Frau eio King, M. L., President. City Hospital J. E. Wiuants, M. D. Sur I geou in charge. ' r ; Wilmington Typograpl ical Union No. 8. Wm. M. Hayes, President. St. George and St. Andrew Society Alex. 6prunt, Pres't. Wilmingten Library Association W. L. Smith, Pres't. Wilmington Literary Association W. L. Jewett, President. Ec-lect c Literary Society J. I. Mearee, President ; Chas. D. Russell, Secretary. Grand Army of the Republic E. M. Shoemaker, Commander. Poet No. 3 0. a. R. J. S. W. Eagk's Comm'ouder. Wilmington Buildiog Association -W. L. Smith, PreaU. Mechanics' Building and Loan' Associa tion Alfred Martin, Pres't. Cape Fear Building Association George Chadbourn, President. Chamber of Commerce Wm. L. DeRos- set, Pres't ; J. B. Russell, Sec'y. Philomathean Association Rob't Strange President. Friendship Temple of Honor aud Tem perance, bo. 1 H E Foster, W C T ESTABLISHED lsa. W . H R C) W 1ST SUCCKSSOll TO BBJWN & ANNDERS0N, . DEALER IX , f Fine Watclie, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, ; h'jLisrcr goods. 4 -I'EO-.rACLIS TO SUIT ALL AGES. TvTo. 37 jVIui'ket Street, C WILMINGTON, N. C. H Mtehe-, Clock-s and Jewelry carel'ullv i fpaiied. J nov 5 U-tf -E U R.EKA. Hk$WW-. ... Yi tdoso fieanufiil yJ HAND 3IADE. Frenclll'alf Skill ( 'V, and I STRAP SHOES I GERMAN GLOVE, I" s KID GAITERS, t t Can i,e luund, at keawxabie prices, at I 4 GEO. R. FRENCH & SON, i ioll 29 North Front street. J 21 DAILY BUXfliETrN"! Ikteokological, Recokd. Af :J ' J mi 7,2:32 'Ai uf., 1872. Place i)f Obser iroction of Wind. vation. State of Weather, Their. Augusta, ioo. Baltimore,' -Boston, . Buffalo, X. Yv . Chicago, ' Galveston, Key West, Fla,. Lake Citar.tFla., Montreal, Can;, New York, Portlaml, Me ' ' Punta Itassa, Fa Washington, Wilmingt.ou, 75 "77. 65 .75 76 $4 83 ,72 69 (17 i I '76 78 SI ; "Calm, f Hi V. ' ' . JE. N. E. Ca,Lm.: . S.,W. Fair. 1 Clear. Cloudy. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. telbudj-. near. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clear. Cloudy. ROBBRHHEYfiOTH,' -Serg t .Signal Wervjce, U. . A. rost Office Regulations. Post Oracs, Wilminoton. N. C.J March 31, 1872. ) From this date the mails will ciose as follows:; j '. " : r , Northern (morning) mail... .'5a. m. Northern (night) mail 8 p. m Southern mail........ t 8p, m Ed. R. Bkink, P. M. Hours of opening and1 closing Reading Room of Wilmington Library Association : Open at 8i A. M., close at 1 o'clock P. M. 3i P. M., " 7 " P. M. S P. AI., " 10 p. M. 1 1 LOCAL ITEMS. J ust received at VanOrsdell's another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. Ail.sorts ot blanks printed and for sale by 3. G. Hall. Oflice on Princess st. tf Two tersons sent to City Hospital this morning., t : : . Germania Lodge K. of P. elect their officers this evening. The Grand Jury in a body visited the public buildings this morning. Mayor's Court. Only one case before this tribunal this morning, which was dismissed. The city autborities are placing flag stories oyer the- principal crossings on Front street. The store, No. lo Market street, was rented at auction this morning, by Cron ly fc Monia, Auctioneers, for $1,305. ' fm Ocr Cumberland friends are wide awake and doing noble service. The gallant young orator, Guthrie, is deal ing seme telling blows. We have received cheering news from the Sixth Congressional District. It will be a grand success Stor our noble DocKKJtV to overcome that tremendous ku klux majority." ; - Accident. A freight ;traiu on the W. & W. Railroad ran off the track a short distauce lromtlic depot yesterday, which prevented' '-the inward' bound pa-ssenger trainl from- runniDg Into the depot. Nobody hurt. At a nmetibi; of 'the delegates to the Republican convention iron! the various Wards in the city, held last evening, Geo. L. Mabson, E, R. Brink and Jos. C. Hill were elected as delegates to rep resent the township ol Wiimington in said convention. At a meeting of Clarendon Lodge No. 2 K. of P., held last t veuing, Mr. Jno. London was elected W. C. and John Dudley, Esq., V. C. These officers, to gether with the G. I. S. and L. S., who I will be appointed by the newly elected at time, will be installed on j next Wednesday evening. OakdaiIe Csmetery. In our col umns to-day will be , found an adver- j tisement oi tins company, relative, to j breaking or removing any tree, shrub ior plant. It has become such a nuis- j ance to parties owning lots having their plants injured, that the company have determined to enforce the law fully against all offenders. Superior Court. Nep Smitii and Abeam Wright, Larceny pica guilty,' ! Samuel Bell, Larceny Plea guilty. Esau Brown, Larceny Verdict guilty. .Henry Neal and Geo Baty. As ¬ sault and Battery. Verdict Neal guilty and Baty not guilty. The Jury in'the case of David Mar 8HAL (on nnappeal from Justice Cor- bett) for failure to work ou the, road. were Icckcdupiilliiigbtnd failing to agree, were discharged this morning. t T" 1 o P.nut at 9 o'clock. ,n That f lare " and "enthusiastic" Greeley meeting vide Tribune) in War wick, Orange county, closed up with cueers ior urant and Wilson. the Towcsrtxterir u 1. Gold 113 Yariagated day. - Theair it maty'tiinG. i )s Rail road cars rapidly rush through Judges maynook cool and com fortable, but they would rather be catch7 mg sou shells. A hetreogenous mass of sweltering UUU1BU"J 'ae crowa oi attendants at the court house. , , Lieut E. Biosdi has returned from among the Yankees and gontohis reg-i ularbiz' on the Sbward. ,4 IS The Skward again showeth its cheerful figure-head. Ye ofiicers gaW liently glide about the streets. - - -The stratghtest man mentioneian" the Bible was J oseph-he was so straight thatPharao wanted to make a Ruler of " v r The comic little horsefly trips the light fantastic toe up and down the Dackbone ot sensitive horses, and nets are m great demand among equines. llenry Ward Beecher, endorsed bv all who have out-door business to at - a -j tt r . tend to. Said H. W. B. having spoken ot the weather as being dd hot.1 . Witnesses in court want God to strike them dead as He did Mr. and Mrs Annanias of old, if they speak not h: " vna wul silence. - y i Dr. H. E. Brown is in the city from vvasmngton. gettmg up the statisticsof diseases in this city for the past twenty vcaia, iu oruer 10 estaniisti a. hPtfor quarantine system. Advice, Some of .our merchants haye been ih the habit of purchasing witness tickets of impecunious witnesses ana nave oiten been severely bitten, We earnestly advise all speculators, to be very cautious how they purchase, for paid bv the 'o.m.ntV.win u.,t rate, The 6.erk 'cT always be happy to afford any informa tion in his power, in relation to tickets. "Train Lique." We have received several copies of this paper, published m 1871, together with circulars and caras ana profane political poetry in abundance The Zigue" wants sub- scribcrswho advocate George Francis a ram ior tue residency. We fear his cuiiui trm isii io reauze a. large pronp from this vicinity. The people' are not yet tired of Grant. George Francis is about the most dangerous Train on which a man could embark at this time. Republicans do not forget that the nominating Convention will be held at Rocky Point on Saturday, the 29th of the present month. Be sure to have every township and ward represented. Come prepared to make wise; selections of candidates to fill the various offices to be voted for on the first Thursday in August. Be up and doing, and success is sure. All things are favorable for a grand Republican victory in August, if we but do otir duty. Youno Men's Christian Associa tion. The Young Jlen's Christian As sociation of Wilmington, NVC., hope, through the liberality oi our citizens, to be able to enter their new rooms, on Princess street, on the first of September, with a good library, and will call on the public through their General Busi ness Agent, Mr. W. R. Kenan, for con-: trioutions lor this purpese, The organization and objects of the Association are known to our citizens, as well as the successful operation of similar societies elsewhere ; and we trust they , will not lose this opportunity ' of contributing liberally to a cause which so liberally commends itself to all good men. B. B. HALL, Ch'mn. J. W. HLNSON, F.G.ROBINSON, R. W. HICKS, Finance Committee. We heartily commend the object above and hope it will receive liberal aid. Signed J. C. Hiden, Pastor . First Baptist Church ; A. F. Dickson, Pastor First Presbyterian Churoh ; G. D. Bernheim, Pastor St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church ; A. A. s Boshamer, Pastor Fifth Street M. Js. Church ; H. B. Burr, Chaplain Seamen's Aid So ciety. - "'" STATE 1 ITEMS. 7 Plkntt of green corn and other git' tien u iirR&leigti. hUi 4hape of i'! horned frog?J brotfgbt from Texas. ' 01 I ili SububbaK cities do 1 bigtrade in the . ,' b'ackberry line this year, and opposition runs high. . School examinations and closing ex. erciBes are.tne order, of the day through- out the State. THSWeldon tfacs ,. complains of an excess of ratsi T flies andsuch like cutset m that sweet town. , - - .. 4 - -e. ' , U r - A lump of gold, weighing? hall a pounB, is said to haye been recently foundin Union cpuntjj M ;, ; i"t, - r lT ia expecdthatthemBOtftneWn C. & a a R. will be xubnibgWide- boro by the middle of July. Small P6r and the' fever for vacci- natinir have madST aimnH.nn- pearance in Warren county. ' , Hard luckVhnt fmn,i0 1, an iron m!n! 5 S. Z T2 preparations are bein? mftrt tn wn. f , Tvh..t T l hey have whip snakes in Roc kin in hflm ntw -Jl'hl'JuZ? ' TMT""1 i ", r.'",vv, iuu oi wagon whips. JnnnW T.n l! .theproceedlngs to take possess ot thei W. C. & R. R. R 1 . ' ,... 1 RlDGEWAT N;5.. ift ahinnincr noH ea in large 4)Sw0iBsitbiistractwe;ihiit drying establishments, extending nuree ries and going ahead fcenlrally. i n , n . wUbU IV 1 c luli sition on the Governor of Virginia ior the eliverbf XeisJordan, charged Wlta crime int.QranTiile county, Thje Matta2oyr tells of swine in its little town who get drunk and make, hemselves ridiculous.; He says Ihey are oadruped!AliimaIstnitblpeds. . T"E Rlle,h complains of "T. TWfe?" and the Obser ce a iujts pharlotte against the wdrlcTfor that kind of music. Wil mingtonlis some in that Hoe. ' She is. Swamp Angels in Lumberton. The beautiful face of the Aueel Queen was lately seen in the office of the Sheriff and Clerk of Robeson county, asking pecuniary assistance for several orphan H. B. L.'s of hers. Look out lor vour laurels, Agostini I LATEST BY TELEG-RAPH: From .Massachusetts. Swung i-iejld, June n. The Democratic Convention instructed Delegates to Baltimore to. vote ana unit for Greeley and Brown. The Consultation Com mittee from the Liberal Convention was re ceived rapturously and had scats on the platform. The Liberal Convention had every county in the State represented The Joint Cbinmlttec agreed upon Kaoraeu, for Governor, and Charles Black, for Lieut. Gov ernor and a mil State ticket was composed as follows : Liberals Governor, Secretary and State Attorney, General. Democrats Lieutenant Governor; Auditor, Treasurer, Clerks and the Supreme Court. The Liberal Convention then .-marched in with the Democratic Convention, amid the wildest enthusiasm, where Palmer presided. The-Liberal Convention heartily endorsed the nomination of the Joint Committee, and joinetl hands with the Democrats in support of Gov. Allen, President of the Dem ocratic Convention. Gov. Allen, said he de sired to meet the advances of the Chairman of the Liberal Republican Convention in the spirit in which they were' iuade, and like Paul, forgetting the things that are behind, and strike hands with him in the common cause. As the Chairman of the two Con ventions advanced and clasped hands; another acone of wild excitement ensued, the delegates cheering frantically for several minutes. The selection of the electoral ticket, was referred to the Central Commit tee Conventions and adjourned. If torn. Mississippi. Jacksox, June J7. The Conservative Democratic Convention is largely attended Many of the' best men of the State art present Judge Watson, of Holly Springs, presided. : List of Vice Presidents included two colored men. Res olutions instruct delegates to vote as a unit lor Greeley and Brown, but pledge the Con vention to abide according to the decision at Baltimore. From Maryland Bai.tim(kk, June J7. The leading democrats lafe expressed a desire toconcede the Supreme Judge or Sec retary, of State, but the commit tee decided against any position or State ticket. Ullrftan & Cos distillery has been bhrnedf. Loss, 6,XX. From Ohio, ;CLEvm.Axi, June 27. The Liberal State eommittec have had an other meeting. Only one district unrepresented. : ii u hut : vcNisTirdJuut2li t ,Xh coufecUoner silver .wprkers harness makers, tin and sheet irp Workers, artfpre paring for a striKe. - CbdtriU fo Vuikling thlrtyttx locomo lives j hav been eancelled, , owinj: tothe strike at Patterson. , " New Yorli1 Markets . ; ! Stocks dulli,i Gold quiet atTU3J&i:Mhfcey easy at A per .-genu ; Echanerlon- igq?, short llOj. Stiite bonds quiet and'flrm. 4 i " ttou dull- sales' 65. bales tfpiands -Z&X cents; Orieanj3Jaifeentsv'!Fronill uand unchanged. 4 Wh,eat a shade firmer, .,COp Pork steady mess 13 25$& -30i- Xard duI. Spirits ' Turpentln! doll ' at 5352J , cents! Rosin heavy at S 10 for ' strained. Freights steady. r . ,JJ Foreign Markets. Loxi)6v June 2t Noon - -f Consols 82i; Bonds: 9ir ; : Fraxktort, J une 27 Noon. 4 Bonds" 96. . ; r-. " abis, Jme 27 Nooii . Rentes wirancs and 92 centimes; ' i . Li-ekpool,, June 27 Noonl f Cotton opened firm. Uplands HVi; Ort leans 11. " u - ! laterI 1 ' : Cotton Arm. Sales of 15,000 bales to specu lators and exporters 4,000 bales. f l , COMMERClAIi. 5 WILMINGTON MARKET. THURSDAY, June 27 l.Sd'p. M' CRurJ1 Turpentine Has -declfnediH price, and we quote sales of 534 bbls at $3 75 for virgin, 13 50 for yellow dip, ; arid $250 (or hard, per 280 lbs. , . . , . bpibits ltmPENTiNEllie market la rath- w uubCLiieu, ana some saies nave taken place at a decline, though factors generally are holding for highest figure. " The sales are 260 casks at 45 cents" land 100 do. at 40 cents per gallon for Southern packages. RosiN-i'-Sales of 1,012 bbfe at $2 25 for. strained, $2 35 for No. 2, $2'0 a 3 75 for extra No. 2, $3 50 for No. 1 ii35 for Pale, ana - oo, 49 a tor.jxtra fale. Tar About 156 bbls, received and sold at $o 05 perbbl. o; ,k Cotton No sales reported. M MARTTTEi - v tit i i us 2 Steamer Juniper, Smltli, from Fay etteville, to Worth & TVorth. " c.Steaaief Wavei 8kinner, from Fayette ville, to Williams & Murchison. j , Steamer North East' Potter, from South Washington, to L H DaRoeseV ' ' ' ; - CLEARED. u ?,7"?tmefrlI,iEer' Smith, forFayette ville, by Worth & Worth. ' k S,?w Wavei Skinner, for Fayetteville, by Wllhams & Murchison. . , f? RECEIPTS. : PEK RIVER STEAMERS. Arc. Steamer Juniper 32 bbls , spts tnnts, 20 do crude turpt, 259 rosin, to Worth & Worth, Willard Bros, A Alderman, TO Love fc CoJT W Player. . , f,.;, s. i? , Steamer Wave-ofobls ipta1 impta So crude tnrnt. 318 do .rosin, -in wnn Murchison. ateamer North East -7 bbls crude turpt. 70 do rosin. 3.100 staTcs. tn TCworH. ziaii, o m nenaereon, w Wilson. - TI II Y -. -' MU w EXPORTS. COASTWISE.. PiiLLADBLPni a Steamshl n Tnw. n ,i t57 bbls rosin, 348 do sots tunL fi.1 tin far 47 bales cotton. 1.236 bnshel F!dse'. 5bag3 Woolj 10 tons old iron, 67,84.9 feet lumber. - . Iiist ol Vessels in the Port of Wil. mington, N. C, June 2T, 1872; BARQUES. Swedish Phoenix, Strombersr. ldor Eurotc. . Williams & Murchfaon (Br) Dr C Tupper, Chambers, ldg Europe. v, o, , Williams & Murchison Ger Shanghai, Hauschultz, rpg. i n V . , a ' Willard Bros Gcr Frederick Scalla, Waack, Idg Europe, j m .j., , . ! Willard Broj Nor Eldorado, Thomassen, dis, Williams & Murchison brigs Nat Norneu, Matteson, Idg Europe, Willard Bros SCHOONERS Aim S: Susan, Podger, ldg Martinique, x . . Northrop & Cumming Jessie S Clark, Clark, dis, F W Kerchner John A Griffin, Foster, ldg Phil, -v . TT I . t4. T . . Harries & Howell Henrietta, Lcavitt, ldg ' , ; 5 '' J H Chad bourii fc Co Lucv Wrisrbt. Elzev. ldar New Ynrir uuuoa ou innrcm3on tist or Vessels Sailed for this Port CUXHAVEN.- Aiagaeiena, Bamgard, , ; 5 1 , . eld March 21 A r , GUERNSEY . Homely, Le Diin, , . i( cid prij 3 PHILADELPHIA. ' T Schr Judge Hopkins, r Baker; 1 eld May 22 Ger Brig Leopoldlne, Haealoof, ' r ; , i cld June 21 BOSTON. Ger Barque Weira, IJraiMbon- ; rid intiA 1 j Ger Bque Musca, Giese. i , eld June 4 I Ger Brig Juno, Suerken; i " cld'June 2f Brig Nellie Mitcliel, Cody, " & a eld June 21 L new.yorTk. I Schr Ben, Davis. ?- ' " cId June 20 NEWPORT. i u. Br Barque Fair& Easy, Taylor, eld May 21 NEWCASTLE. . Vearge, Norgaard, eld May 8 Swedish Barque Ulrika Bredenberg, . eld May 16 ALEXANDRIA;7' Schr F Hodges, Thompson, t 4. eld Jane 20 STEAMSHIPS ;4fU Tonawanda, Wiltbanks. Ide. PhiL.v ' Lucille, Price, ldg. Bait, . r AD Cazatrx. Ida Richardson, Bedell, dis, . Willard Brps 15 1 ELLANE0US. A. ADRIAN. ' H.VOIXEKS. MWRtMfci& VOLLERSJiU WHOjLKSAXJS DKAUtpa Rf ' Cfiqcries and Xiqiior, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AS- 1 Coiiytiissionljer qiiaiit SouTH?-AST'CoKikR Dock and Pkost ' WTL3llNGTONNiC. 1c,t nnd fst tulsoi teil .si ui k will find it to their Interest to jrivc us. tt call before buying elsewhere.,, , Clf-ta mayiT-tfl" ' ' - ' - ' - ireneral Commission Merchants & 1 Conmiercial Agents. CORNER DOCK & WATER SI REETt?, WriMnsGTox, N. c. L v LL 5G1VE . PROMPT , AND PEIteON AL atteritlon to 'tholsale or shipment of Cotton and Naval Stores, Juniper Staves arid all Kinas or country produce, Ac, &c. Orders for sale of Produce or purchase of Goods will be promptly attended to, mul to the best advantage to our customers. We are also receiving large consUrnments of all grades of Liquors which we arc pre pared to sell at wholesale, at the lowest cash prices. ( i dec21 y .t, i0o if DEALER IN ' Fancy ana Staple JDry Goods. ; Carpets, Mattings,. c. - :?1 North Fkoxt Snutiii , Wilmington, N. C. HIS.;II. MANNING, COMMaSSION MERCHANT, l y "- ' ' ' i ; P ? J., . " '- i . j i AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods J MVI UVIj No. 22 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Coubiguinents and Cash Orders Solicited' nov 23 m-ly RICHARD N. MOON. Conunission Merchant, I AND DEALER IN, 4 MILL FEED, . . v AND v :? COUNTRY PRODUCE. Oor. Camden&Pacii St OrdereftoOTjforttfH PARKER &.TAYL01v H Successors to. A. H. NEFF, . , Manufacturers and dealers in MOUXE FURNISHING GQODX, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, KeroseneL Oil Tin ? and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice. Agents for Fairbank's Scales . -Jlo. 19 Front Sttrttt- IV II. JttINGTO?t, N . C . nov 19 . lVM.v New Store ! Old Ooods ! in- GREEKEWALD & GO. 32 NORTH WATEK STRKKT, Next door to Willard Bro's wholesale healers in liquors, Wines, BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, &c , &c. , and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which w; will offer to the" trade on the most reasonable terms, as we arc receiving large consign ments of the bent grtods in the eountrv. 3Pleasecall before milking your purchases. H. DART, SOUTH FRONT ST., wilmiistgtoist, n;. c, Plipnlie Steaiii and Gas Fitter 1 ft and dealer in Wrought and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks; Valves, Gas Fixtures, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER V AND GAS. larticulHr attention paid to fitting up or COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water, nov ii . HH-tf DiKERY and CONFJECTIONER Y 3 OVTarUet St FRENCH ? u AND AMERICAN TIONERY, ;onfec- FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. ' We4dingH and parties supplied at short mlce, with all the delicacies of the season mm ieet, X :r- liC-ly V,

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