i i VOL "VI kT0. :50 THE EVEOTIGPOST. Pubiebed crery afleraoca CZC:pi Cundaj. WM. T. 'CANADAT . . .Bttlat XIa2er JAMES C. HAKK Idltor , Sabscnptioa J v Une year, in adranee.......... .v;! 9 Six months, In advance. . . .j . . . . . W Three months, in advance . '. 1 50 One month, in adrance. W -All busincsi letters Bhonld be M dre&Bed to the Business . lUnaer, wul Ml communications or matters relating to ft editorial department to the Editor. - -G Correspondence solicited from onr friends in all parts of the BUtc, on topics of gns rsl interest Political news sad reports ol crops aro etipeciallj desirable. w-r iot oraciieiBiiitioiis. Post OrricB, VfiiMUuytou. N. C, J. March SI, 187 f roui this date the mails will ciose as follows: ' ' ; Northern (morning) mail f . ..... ... . .5 a. m. Northern (night) mail. ............ .8 p." ffl, Southern mail 8 p ia Ed.' R. Bbihs:, F. M. Hours of opening and closing Reading Room of Wilmiugton Library Association : Open at Si A. close at 1 o'clock P. If. " M 3i P. M., " 1 P. M. 8 P.M., 10 14 P. M LOCAL ITEI.IS. All sorts ol blanks printed and for silt bj 8. Hall. Office on Princess st. If Wilmington Rifle Guards; will meet to-morrow night at the Armory. By command of Capt. J. S. W. JiEi EPTioh. On Thursday noon from 12 to 1::J0 Senators Wilton and Pooj will hold a public reception at the City Hall, to which all are invited. After the reception, the procession will be form sd and proceed to Hilton, where an opportunity will be offered to hear our speakers. SABBATB SCHOOL CoNCEKT. "We understand that the Superintendent and managers of Christian Cbspel Sunday School, have in projection a concert for the benefit of the Church. It will pre sent the same features of Isst year's exhibition, but will, we trust, be a great er success, as Abe children have advanc cd considerably in their musical educa tion since that lme. . -- -rtt-M Caud. In our local columns appears a card signed by W. U. Gerkek, to which wc invite attention. We hope the balance of that ticket will set the error of their ways, and likewise. with draw. It is due to Mr. Gerken as well as ourself to say that he has not been connected with the Post since' the reg ular Republican convention was held, and while we do not endorse all the seb timents expressed in br "card," we hope the importance of the present ekctiou will induce the other persons on that ticket, as it has bim, to with draw while there is yet time. A Card. Wilmington, M. C.t July 16th, 1872. Jo the Rcpv.bliom voters of New Uanster Count i ; Alter mature deliberation of the mat ter, I take this method of requesting my friends in the Republican party not to vote for me as a candidate lor the Legislature at the coming election. True, after repeated declinations, I at last allowed my name to be placed upon the Peoples Ticket, but after due con sideration, I have arrived at the conclu sion that the questions at issue are of too great importance to the Republican party to admit of a division . in , eur ranks. While I do not or cannot endorse the action of the Rocky Point Convention as a whole, still the important questions which will be brought before the next Legislature, are, in my opinion, of such a character si will need eveiy Republican vote in that body &o aB to insure defeat, and in view of the fact, that ray name might be the cause of loosing one of the mem bers from this Countj, and assist in the defeat of our candidate for Congress, I hereby inform my friends that I am no candidate, and cannot at this time serve them in that capacity. Thanking my friends for this manifestatation of their appreciation of rry past course, I sincerely trust that my future fictions will meet with their approval. , W. H. UVBKEX, Trouble is anticipated between the Empire of Brazil and the Argentine Republic. ill t 1 i 1 frrm T T t.1IML!t TaDay! si r-REaiaTEn!r; ; , f Hswoililesiatcrcd? ? , 'j', Be sure you are Registered ! Why doVt .you" attend to your Regis tration? , j e 111 McKay, JrM Eq., Republican candidate for Congrctw, will addrits tho people of the Third Con gressional District at the following tim us and places; ' " Whiteville; July 10th. Smithvillc, July 30th. At which places he. will be happy to meet Col. Waddell, and will give him an equal division of time. - Mayor's Court. Hir Honor James Wilson, Mayor, pre siding. Tub Docket in the Mayor's Court this morning presented eight cases. Sit for the too common offense of dis orderly conduct, which some iuehklcd the usual demonstrations of kicking, abuse muscular and verbal, ami general rows. " Mary Cummimus, disordeily conduct, $2 25 costs. 3 Betsy Ellkuam, disorderly, dismii-s etl. i Piii lit Newman, Retailing liquors without license, discharged. J. N. Moore, selling spirituous liq .uors without license, paymcutof V 0C Cuiustofher HiciuiNS, disorderly, dismissed on pa j men t of costs 3 00. Julia Sueaths, disorderly conduct, $2 70. Joun Sco'rr, disorderly, dismissed. CORRESPONDENCE. The IaIUw of (his tajter is in ao vyj KpoMsibleJ'or the vi&ns or statements of Corrts potidetitis; no communications of an anonymous character will be jnibliahed; the real name vf the writer tnust accompany all communications. Any one toto may feci agrieoed at stateminU mude by corrcsjxmdcnt can vbtain the name on application, to the Editor. For the Evening Post. Discussion at" Goldahoro Carrol llutts BeckCliiiginan Meets his old Brigade St ato Issues all Ig noredGrant's llorsrs and Cigars The Main lisoi of the Campairn. Cantwell recounts tbe triumph ot the last seven years and the prorei-s under Republican rule ! ! ! Goldsboro, N. C, July lo, 1872. Dear Post : Gen. Clingman com menced his State appointments by a speech at our Court House to day, and was replied to by Judge Cantwell, lorm erly an aidede camp on his staff. There were not many persons present, and they were all principally ot tbe Demo cratic stripe. We noticed, however, Sheriff Rhodes, Messrs. Paircloth and Sberard, Maj. Graham, and Mr. Ezell of our party ; also Gen. Cos, ol Raleigh; Marslial Sam. Carrow and other digni taries of the State. The-speaking commenced at fifteen minutes past twelve, Gen. Cliugman opened with a faerce onslaught upon Grant's pet dogs, brother in-laws and hcraes. lie also made Mrs. Grant a party defendant to the bill of complaint against the Republican party, and the administration, lie complained that the White House was full of military characters and the country was full ol tax 'gatherers, who were growiusc rich on the plunder of the people, and who were contributing vast sums ot money to make up the corrup tion fund to be lavished by thousands. Our people, he hoped, were too honest to be bought as -the wretches proposed. At thit point Marshal Carrow rose, and said he had seen a letter from a man named James B. Beck to Gen. Clingman, dated at Washington City, charging him (Marshal Carrow) with having re ceived over a quarter of a million of dollars for electioneering purposes in North Carolina. He asked leave to interrupt the speaker just here, as he bad to leave for Raleigh., He only wanted to say, that he had not been absent from the State in several months. Mr, Beck had not. stated tbe truth, either Jn regird to his (Carrow's) visit to Washington, d.ibcf receipt ot any money for that purpose by him. Under an act of Congress, he was required to make his return every quarter, for costs and fees of the National Court in this district. These returns are made on oath, and are subjeqt to the inspection and approval ol District Judge Brooks The three last terms had cost the people w ,mv vuulu ui.iw -n.j uiu owiog to the Ku KuX arrests and raid, and the vio!ationif the Itcvenuc Law and internal ta& t' 'bat this sum had been expended la North CaVolina, and gone to enrich and not5 Impoverish tbe people. His accounts bad been inspect ed and approved ; b Judge i Brooks Vouchers to the amount? ud! over two! hundred thousand dollars fiteti Titrtbe usual way, posaed upon by tho pllicers of the Treasury, and hcwas'liaxipy to say paid and settled up in full. If any gentleman wished to see the ccouutsv in lull, ' fee could call at his office. It was.ndf true asllr. Beck said that l.c had received money from Wash ington for any oilier purpose or for any other account. Gen. Clingman resumed, next expatiating upon the presents Grant had received from his admirers. Iu old times rive thousand dollars was cuough to run the Federal Courts, now it takes a quarter of a million. The lax on whiskey and tobacco was a nuisance, and ought to be abolished, it provoked people to violate the laws. There were thirteen unlawful stills in his own neighborhood. He asked one ot these men why they were not broken up, and was told the officers had been there, but baa been driven off. A good many snug white houses had been built lately iu the mountains. Every now aud theu you mct;t the owners of them, slick; fit, overdressed officials. He wanted their bills sharpened so that like the Irishman's duck, they should get only their share of the corn. Mr. Greeley was an bonest man and an oiigiual secessionist, he would sweep the couutry like a tornado.. JL'DOB CANTWELL said in reply, he was happy to meet his old commander here to-day, they bad j both changed grounds considerably since the brigade was last at Goldsboro. Hj Judge C. bad immediately after hostilities ceased taken the oath of al legiance to the United States, aud been rcidmitted a citizen, aud had ever since supported the government as ? his oath required, und in; gWMl faith.- The time had not yet come to discuss the claims of Grant and Greeley, he would see Gen. Clingman about that sometime h between i ovv aud November. The present Republican State Adm'nistra tiou claims ic ejection and endorsement and the question is on their fitness fcr office.jn tbe State, and that question demanded immediate attcution. The election took place in a few days. He could not tell whether Gen. C. wae for Merrimon or not. All he could get out of him was for Greeley, and that Grant had been complimented by his couLtry mcD, in various ways. Well, Grant had succeeded alter others had failed. Had it not been for Graut Gen. C. had marched his victorious brgade into Washington city, and the conflict be tween them would not be for the Presi dency but for tbe removal of Grant's dis abilities. Had these presents been made to General C.'s friends the General yas too generous himself to make any ob jection. Grant hid saved the country from perpetual war and the Union from disolution. Wc he (Judge C.) a north crn man, he would refuse him nothing. He could ?raokc and drink, and enjoy himself for life at the expense of the couutry he had saved tbe people be grudged him no proper enjojment suit ed to his taste and exalted merits. The tatc was thriving under Repub lican rule, slavery bad been abolished free labor introduced, the experiment was succeeding admirably. Go,, said he, to the people, and tell them what things ye see and hear; The blind that i?, the ignorant, receive theii sight! j the lam?, that is, the poor and the opj pressed J walk; the lepers, that is, the degraded and the oppressed are clean and elevated. The deaf, that is, the Democracy, hear; an&r the poor have the gospel . of peace tnd reconciliation preached unto them. He entered into various statistics de tailing tc material progress of the peo ple in the reduction of their taxes. Ex emption of Imprisonment for debt, the abolition of the ca srt law. Mechanics lein and homestead, eligibility for office and the administration or justice, the happy riddance from the County Court system, no justice tor life. No imposi tion of taxes without the consent of the people, owing to the Republican party. In all of which we were threatened with Toss if the reactionists under Merri mon should succeed in the State elec tion. The people should throw off their prejudice, ana iciuargy, anuuxusiaip iiic ! in political party Which has shown itlf political party to be in accord with their intcrcsT?', lo sympathy Tf i tli ; their go vero men U and fullv up to the demands of jheag'j ,.. croc HEETiKo vt .-1 i itd: passed off satisfactorily ttf our side, and ybtt' may restassufct! Ibai bidWaynei wiii yinuicaicj ncrseiiv vu.j mo tsv or IiATCZ?, :WT XHLE GRAPH. 't WASHIGTOV D. CJuli: l.f l The iTesldcntvhas" not 'arrived. Vlitrge number of Visiters are disappolnlc" - ? -if f tHiA ti . , , . .! roiu. Canada. v -:r .. .. ,ty ; ' V ' , OKTABibJiily.l6,.; Trc cae" of Dr.'llufus Brattbh', abducted from Canada.on thc .ith: of June, and taken; to South Carolina, cam ur on fcioand to day. . Brat ton arrived here on fcJaturda y, but kept concealed until ! after the opening of the court, when he made his appearance ' to tlc great surprise of the 4 defendants. His testi mony shows' that Cornwall, the, prisoner, laid violent hands upon him upon AVaterloo street, hindcuffed him and with the assis tance of the cab driver thrust him into the cars lie" protested to the last' and only, yielded because he relied on British justice to sustain htm in the end. The ease was fur- thcr remanded. ; . -, - .-. ' - - From -New Y'ork. ' ' ! Kkw York, July 10. lilt believed that Stokes will be refused bail. Ills next trial will probably be In Bar atoga county. - A Iiong Branch letter says, a party of mls sionaries, whose names arc not reported, called at the Presidential cottage yesterday. - Gen. Porter is shortly to make a "public list of Democrats who arc going to stump for Grant. .. .. , . -r The Herald's Boston fecial intimates that Gen. Banks has espoused Greeley. 1 Tho yacht Josephine was capsized in a gale ylcstcrday evening, off Bcdloc's Island, and sunk. Iter crew and passengers were res cued by the police boat. A' party of ladies and aud gentlemen, while bathing at Coney Island, yesterday, were robbed of nearly ' $8,000 worth of jewelry, money and bonds.; . . a - j ;;? - A' ;Froin Xouiviana. , t , , -yA -v': r. Yoipi'tnilf : (attained, M S iptZ 73 forppauc, ; ; J m-.i.-CH w itVr.7 X and'M 50 for pale, aniTXi' 2-1 for "window pEV i luraiUUo bates CmtOuT2S5 bdshe . Pinchbaek, who, heretofore, f 51 empty ale kegs, 3 packages! licut. Gov has farored Grant, madc? a Greeley speech at a Republican uiceting in St, James par ish. From California. 1 Wan l?'K.NtiJ9Co, JmIj; lti. Two Irishmen demanded work on u farm near1 Ban las, Alameda county, last night, and were- told by the larmc.r that he had a sufficient number of Chinamen , engaged to harvest his crop, this morning .they M ere detected firing the grain stack., aud were captured. The prisoners were tried by the ncigboring farmers aud hahgeU. BY CABLE. London, July J. The Alexandria and Egypt military com mission arc now siting to inquire into the affair between Consul General Butler and the Khedives ofllcers. Qcns. Ixri ng, Rey nolds and Maj. Campbell testify to the cir cumstances which, in their jHdgnicn, cleitr ly show an affray premeditated byi Butler and his friends; their purpose being to take tho life of Major Campbell. The latter is dangerously wounded. Butler JeftAlexan dria in the ' mal packet steatiirr thi fore noon. Wew York Markets. Nw Yock, J uly hi. Slocks dull. Gold firm at Ill;'. 31on- ey easy at 3 per cent. Exchange long lOPg. short 110)2. Government bonds dull but steady. State bonds'quict. Cotton quiet,4 Uplands 21?,, cents, Or leans 24 cents. Wales of. 197 bales. Flour quiet but firm. "Wheat dull and heavy. Corn dull and Unchanged. Pork steady mess 13 80. Lard quiet steam new old s'fOH. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 17t;.j cents. Rosin quiet at 53 Wts,$o 03 lor strained Freights firm. s Foreisn Markets, "Iawdok, July hi Moon . Consols Oa'; Bonds 9P 4'. Weather favorable. ' ' PAKIS, July 10 Noon. Rentes 54 francs arid 30 centime?. - : LiVEKPOoi, July 10 'oon. ' Cotton it opened dull. Unlands 1011 Orleans Hll.i i r n k Ax4 , - . - JATEIl. t Cotton heavy. Uplands 10lOJi;; Ui leans llll)i, Sales of 8,000 bales to speculators and to exporters 2,000 bales. Breadstuff dull. Red Whiter WheatV 12s. Id; Corn LT. m?t- - " ' ESTABLISHED 1SS. SUCCESSOKTO ' . BROWN & ANNDERS0N, ' " DEALER tS r !' I Jewelry Silyey Ware, rJSCY GMpODd. HPECXACLES TO StTIT ALL AG EH. Itfo. 37 Market Street, ... WILMINGTON, N. C. Watchai, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired, nova U6-tf vwAimmfcvi - f , WltMIIfUTOn SfaRKCT.n . - 'fuj.- II "a. I g -fr-f. KTI " ------ -", -J, INI K ! : j3 TU jSDAT, July 1G-1 Mt : , Ckudb .TuRrrsTiKE.T-fiales of TOO bales at 73 for, Virgin, $350foryeilowJ'dlp, and 52 50 for hard per bsciW," T.1 SwaiTsTuBTOif istK Silcs" of '.lt casks at 4) cents per gallon fof'Sduthernl psek- Truss; H53TfiJ-4Sales cf 100 bbls. 1 lotf XJOliblf. hroujjht Wfc SJuLonc-lot at 494blshar niXoi at $3 50 a decline, of 40 cts.'Troiri previous qnolatiou.' ' , . ; ' tt J Cotton. Sales of .60 bales at, yi cents, Innalitv frood ordinarv. MARINE.-4 ; 13- Stinr 11 E Lee, Skinner, Xrom Fatette- villci to T V Love & Co. - "- V" M ..tftmr Cumberland, .PhiUipst from Fay ettcviile to L II Dctlogset. v ( Stmr Caswdll, Paddison,- from "Point Caswell, to F. W. Kerchner. -j 1 t.i Ltx Stmr Gov Worth, .Worth, from Fay ettevillo, to Worth Si Worth. "T ; ; , . -. l Stmr lLittlo Sam, Dicksey, from" Banner mau's Bridge Jo AH VanBokkelcn.f,,.,, , , - , : : CLEARED. , , . , .15-Stmr R EJ Lee, Skinricis lor Fayette VUlc, by T D Love & Co.' " .-"-' i . Stmr Cumberland, runups, . ior;yctie Ville, byL lI DcRosset. " v Stmr 'Caswell, Faddison, ror Foiht ' Caa well, by.F. W, Kerchner i ' '..,... StmriGov Worth "Worth, for ayctle viUc; by Worth & Worth. ".!t Stmr Little 8am, Picksey, for, : Banner man'tt Briage, byA EL VauBokkcicn". : :. Brig Shanghai, tVanSehalz,' for Cork; per order of Wlllard; & Bos.,. x ; tt a RECEIPTS. tr, iu 1 ' s . PEl RIVER STEAMERS, iVC Stmr R. E. Lce,84 bbls. Spirits ,Turpcu- tine, 150 do Rosin, 79 doCrudeTurpentiae: Stmr Cumberland. SiO bbla Rosin,. 53 do Spirits Turpentine. 37 do Crude Turpentine 15 bales ' sheetirig -r 1 ' Stmr Caswell, U9 bbls. CrudeTurpentlnc, ' Stmr Gov. Worth, 110 bbls. 8pirits Tur pentine, 191 do Rosin, 11 do Crude lurpeni tine. jsj-T- -i? tt t. . ?. . '-.- Stmr Litile Sahi. 3 bbls. Crude Tnrpen- tine. i - Jt EXPORTS. ; COASTWISE, 'f: 5.. .51 Baltimore Steamship, Lucille. I.inti- bbl. Rosin, 135 do SpiriU Turpcntli- 7. dfc is; ana ii.oou fset ot lumber. tfBrlg Shanghai, cleared sever vlous, but. went ashore ouFryi W 8hoals and lost a portion of her cargo, oi, bbls. Rosin: which was itaken ta nil previ - oils, ear go. ill iasT ei Vessels iu the i'ort of Wil 1 mingtorit Ni C.; Jnlrl3vi72. ; -I' , BARQUES t n tier SbaDghai, Hausehullz, rpg, f . - - , , Willard Bros Gcr Frederick Sealla, Waack, Idg Euroie, - ; -..itit WillardtBros Nor Eldorado, Thomasscn, dis, i - i Williams A; Murehlson Nor St Oriaf, UassU, dis( OeRosset S, Co . r , BRIGS.-' Mcebanie, Gbutd,'dist ' ' " : v; : J ,t ni; i- -5 n?M Northrop Cumiiiing SCHOONERS, t,..t , Tarry Not, 'flnimbhsldg Bo6toit,i,J"iji' 3 I s -i - i Harries i&UoweJL Sarah Bruen, Fisher, ldg Phil, . do Mary A Holt, Higgins, ldg, , t j H Chadboorn Co Light of -the East, Harper, dis , . J H Chadbotirn & Co L,ist of Vessels Sailed lor thlsll'ortr1 PHILADELPHIA.' ''" Ger Brig Leopoldine, Hacsloof, f . e j , '. - . eld Juue.l ' BOSTON. 1 w Ger Barque Wega, BranshoflV - s eld June I Ger Brig Juno, Suerken.. eld June 2J Brig Nellie Mitchclj Cody, f "4 ,- eld J une 31 Brig Ann Elizabeth', 'Havlin, eld Junq,2(i Sehr Mary Baker; Thompson; eld June 20 Schr Jos riegar Ellis,, -. eld June 28 -'FALTJ RtVERr Sehr Light ol the Eastr Hanger,-eld June 20 NEW YORK. I Schr J F Coniegys,' Huhbard, eld June 27 Ger Brig Condor, BrOrsou f j eld Jane 89 Sehr John, Williams, . i , ... keld July.4 ' NEWPORT. Br Barque Fair & Easyr .Taylort eld May 31 BALTIMORE. Ger Barque Adonis, Brecki veldt, eld July 3 Br Barque Lone Star, Kenealy,- eld July 11 Tlie People's KciMiblicaii lickel. SENATOK, HUN. UEO. W. VliWk, Jr.' KJU'KES3TAIlVKg, A LITI (El) LLOYD. ' s ...' l'iJ' ' ' :f.yctii i SHERIFF,'- - r 9 Uhm. S; If. MANNING; COKONEtt, uai GEOnfJOPKIt; iLAs-Minti ; A. sK. BLACK, ' AARON KETJLOUG,t? DAN'L C. DAVJ8. jaly 12 47-te l?Ui THE TOWNSIIIPf1 WILillaTUN. Ortlce at the CourtJlouse. ... Oflicc hours from H to 1 IV M.vid fixu o l UP. M. - fcl'JS-Im di roccrics and Xiiquor, Itiipoflersl GefntSrilnl ffaTafTa3 fW is, " 4 W 3as"lt J 1 s irj 3 T tf f 1 laving, thl Iargtt alati h&ftmottUi'Hu may 17-tC. wXWt i4 Jrm iscHENCiqar. coy -x- juenerdi(?,commissioniUuerciiaiu,!5, . Commercial Agehtsi. ; - - CORNER DOClCWArku iSl REET., WjJxk6Ti&vSsC.J SOT WILL GlVK.rROMFr AU rl'KIO ,l. attelntiuu to tlici saie,ot;, UTpii'ven tjj$t fi.t' n and Kaval J Stores- Jatotper. laHA nntt 4 1 1 kindiiof Country prodWef& Ac-. l Orders for 'safobf! Prod nee Or? pn ref 1 a , t GoodSTwl II he iro4Ptiy ktkddlb.rttisd'hj the best advantage to our customers, ' ' We urolulio-reseivnglaie :e6ns'uiueul .5 of all srausof I4h30?4iyiMch (pajpr pared to sell at wholesale, at the lowcfjt eyh rloi'H ; - f . lf!n K com nissio ti1, r.iEuc mm, AND IXUA1.KK IN Groceries 1 i A V ' f No. Consignments and" Cash Orders WolieiteO , l.".i-iy New Store IjOld. Gpodri I GREEHEWALD &: CO, Xext .-doortib Wiliard I5ro WHOLES ALU DBALEllS lX LIQUORS, WINES, ;; URANniFH wniaiciF.s a '"GINS c "h-. nndail kinds F.u-r l.iqnors, v hi, i, . - vtjj. oiler to the tnuleeMi.M mui.aOJe. .rmpr o we 'are1 rcMx'rvhijr hifg'in"iyu- - njeiits of the bot ood.s-ju: tw eounirvl' S3rPI case call bclbre making ycuir pun liux .Commission ANDJDEALEIUN FLO UK, 0 RAtSyt; XfnXW MILL FEED, CUUNT16Y rftODlt L. , Baltimore mh lliv 4 ; , i j j ',. i erdei from iortlf Carolina f61iei(w. leb 11 . i i - I7J-H V. II. 'DART, ? SOUTH FRONT ST., wii Anxoxox, isr. Plnmir., Steai: aJ, Gas,, filter and dealer in Wrought and Galvanized Iron Iiix Bra Cocks, Vnlres, (Jas Fixture, and" all dese'riptioh'.s of S f-'t I ft U FITTINGS FOR; STEAM, WATER c I COTTON ilLLS withitcani, ta and V"alcr. - BMlSBY'iMil'CFfitIQp: , 1 Nlarliot J5ti M-t; ' 1 1 -i;lKAtERIIT ; FRKNC41 , -VN 13 A M KJUCAN . C UN Ii,W-, TIONKRV, FOREIGN 1 MJMElsiTIC, JIUMi j f WtdtUusr? and parlie? kiipplielM't,tHijU hoUce.'wlih all thcklrjjr.'acles ol'.uie m.-iu npviarlii -f . : ;-,vd l.i'H- j,JlMr-Jyi 3rn'"4 i-; wtiitlv' i' f ' tV -1?' f f " tiXT '-'. iFreiicliCalfSkiii STRAP SHOES; ind 4 f i - GEKMAN GLOVE, . 4&i 4 KIDiGAlTElW, Cj( hoTouud, sit nKAitol'LH prices, atvi-: GEO. R. FRENCH & SON, 23 North Front street. JeH 1 21- of Giotcries and, iyiouorii in A r i '4 ty,J vn U 1 will find it to thir interest ftfve"t AeTri beforcwusinc etsewncrefvi zpms A r k