.--1; I t liL, 1 I I ti ft If THE EVENING POSf ! Tuesday, July 23rd. 1872. " DR. CARPENTER, .7 ney'auk, n, j Is now treating successfully Consumption, Bronchitis, ami all diseases of tlicTbroat and Liiug!!, with bis 1 COMPOUND MEDIOAT Ei LNUALA- , l lOJiS, CONCEiiTBATKD, f A F FOOb,AD COUGH SYRUP. - During the past ten years Tr. Carpenter bas treated ana cured thousands of cases of the above named diseases and has npw in his possssion certificates 'of ;cures i from '-ervpartot the country. The Inhalation is breathed directly into the lungs, soothing and healing over all inflamed surfaces, en tering into the blood It imparts vitality as It permeates to every part of. the system. The sensation is not unpleasant, and . the , first Inhalation often gives verydecidedTe lief particularly when there is much diffi culty of breathing. Under the influence of my remedies, the cough soon grows easier, the night sweats cease the hectic flush van ishes, and with improving digestion the patient rapidly gains strength, and health Is ajaln within his grasp. he Concentrated food ; rapidly builds f up the most debilitated, .patient, presenting to the stomach food, all ready to be assimilated aiwl made into good, rich, healthy blood. The Cough Syrup' i& to be taken at night to alleviate llieeoufh and enable the patient to obtain lfiep. Full directions accompany caii bot'tjl'iuy rrmotlies, which t-onsst of One Inhuifcr t One Bottle ot Alterative lm balanlT One Bottle of toothing Febri- ; fue Inhalant ; Une Buttle? 01 Anti Uaeniorrbagie Inha'ant ; One Bottle Coueeutrated Food ; One Bot tle of Cough Syrup. , . ; . ; rric of Box containing remedies to last one month, WK two month, US; three, month, 2T. Smt to any address C. O. D.'Pamphlets rontalnlng large list of patient cured sent frc. jitters of inquiry' must -contain one I dollar to Insure answer. Auuress, 1 A. 1 1. CAIl I'KNTEH, M.D., Newark, X . J. I lr Oakwsntees CATA1UIU REMEDY ... . !......Ivili'ntn ifnUf onl will fftWt. II 1 permanent cure in from one to three f months. Price of remedy to last one month, .v two months, SS; three months, 10. i I'AXCErt in all its forms successfully I treated. Bend for list of ptiUentj cured, to , a!a. CAUW5NTKU, M.D., NewarkLN. J. I july i-' : ....'"ly The Best Ha ir Dressing and Restorer Millions say " -BURNETT'S COCOAINE: Yonr Druggist has it. runmm5 and $100. GOOD DURABLE AND CHEAP I j Ship-ped- Ready ior Use. MAHUrACTUBED BY J . . CHAPMAN & CO., Madison, Ini. STSEND FORIRCULAR-I BELT'S PATENT SHEET IRON Li O O F I N G . Cheapest aud Btst Iron Hooting imalc For circulars, references or other inlVnma tiou, address AV. f?. BELT, Lineinnati, O. BUILDING FELTMS Wui:n thk Blood Rushes with rocket like violence to the head, causing hot flushes, vertigo and dimness of sight, it is a certain Kiyu that a mild, salubrious, cooling and on ualizing laxative is required, and Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient should beat ohcc resorted to. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CURE THAT COLD. noi. Miiflrr vtnr liiinsrs to become dis ased bv allowing aCl LD to become seated, i Thousands have died Premature Deaths t The Victims of Consumption by neglecting a Cold. DR. WM. HALL'S I BALSAM S LUNGS Will cure Coughs Colds and Consumption I or outsido work and inside, instead of plas ter. Felt Carpetinps etc. Send 2 stamps for lrCllla. illivi ot.A v. y .. J. ' Jj 5i 3 J It acts like magic. For sale by all Druggists V and Medicine Dealers everywhere. $1,000 REWARD For any case of Blind, T Meed ing, Itehin or Ulcer ated Piles that De Bing's i Pll Itpmpdv fails ti cure. I It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles and 1 nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, I ji.oo. ; : J Agents TVanted., j I'arlies investing from $13to$i5 can make 1 from $150 to 5200 a month and expenses. Ad- dress, with stamp, UNION SHUTTLE SEW- I0 MAC1HJSK, W, iniiaaeipaia, , AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more monev at work for us than at anything else, Business light aud permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art Publishers. Portland, Maine. Uo PIANO CO., N. Y. Price. 0 Q ft No Agents. Circulars free. (J)v RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS ! Agents, we will pay you $40 per' week, in cash, if vou will engage with us at once. Evervthing furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLIS & CO., Charlotte, Mich. GREAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful knowl edge to all. Sent fTee for two stamps. Address Dr. Boxatakte & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. t "THOMAS CONNOR, B JTEl R O Q,M ' N. E. corner of Mulberry and ftutt Sts. Always on hand the best quality of Segars. dec 14 157-ly arm. -Foreclosure of Mortgages. To Alexander Phennel and Wife Beti sy Ann; : and 'llozs Colllhsarid Wife Sylvia Grc etingt WHEREAS default has been made by, the "mortgagors respectively i named in the A mortgage executed by.;' Alex Phennet and wife Betsy Ann, bearing date the 9th day of August, 1871, and registered in the Register's oihce of New Hanover county in book C. C. C, page 315 Ami avmortgagejexecnted by Ross Collins and wife Sylv ngiaie ti he-fithday of .unusc, mil, couvi itgioiicu t5 muicemu. 111 book C C. page 344. ." '1 - - : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the powers of sale respectively contained in said several mortgages, regis tered as aforesaid, the said mortgages will be foreclose by a sale of the premises there in respectively described, at public auction at the court house door in the city of Wilming ton on Thursday the 25th day of July, 1872, at 11 o'clock. A. M. The said premises are respec tively described as follows, viz:- Alex. Phennel'slot begins on western line' of Ninth street, 145 feet, Southwardly from southern line of Nixon street, and runs southwardly along Ninth street, 25 feet by 80 feet deep part of lot a block 327. tltoss Coflinsllot lies north of and adjoining to Alex. Phenncl's tot above described, and is the same size, 25 feet by 90 part of lots -and 3, block 327J Terms cash. 1 DuBRUTZ CTJTLAR, Att'y C. F. Build'g Ass'n, - 1 July 5 , H. 41-5th. 12th. lUthdlth " " -' v-- - - - . - THIRD WARD. THE TOLLING PLACE in the T111KU WARD will be at Neel Gerken's Storey corner of Sixth and Mulberry streets, instead of Canaday's Cart House, as at first advertised. . 13y order Board County Commissioners. W. J. IJI V EN, Register -Ter AVrm. M. Harriss, Deputy. julyi!U 51-lawlc THE BEST Gaiters to be found in the City DUDLEY & ELLIt?, ign of the Big Boot. 51 july jt 1 EDWARDS & HALL, Wholesale Grioeexs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. june s 20-ym pilE DWELLING OVKK OUK LPHOL I X stcry aud Paper llaugintf Store, eon t taiuiu six rooui i ottered for rent. Po6sessiou fiveu iuiuiediately. Apply to ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. . july 10 . 145-tf FOR CITY TRADE. -:o:- rrIE BEST STOCK UF MEDIUM AND low priced DRESS OODs -in the city. Hosiery. Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boys wear at lowest prices. H. WEILL, No J7 Market street. Oorsetfci. I AAA 'LADiEfcJ CORSETS T cents to I vvv b. WEILL. ltii'usolrt uiil -LLn.lies5T Um'bi'eliafc?. fjVEUV UUALOV .AND STYLE RANG- ing from the cheapest to the linest quality. B. "WEffLIi Oaliooet-. PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from 0 1-1 cents to best quality. B. WEILL 1000 Ol o tliin:. rrllE LARGEST STOCK Ol GENTS' i CI i of the latest styles. .Will be sold at retail for wholesale prices. li3aiiLiiiiirs fliHE TLTU.1C ARE INVITED TO GIVE US a a call. We offer the largest stock of DRY GOODS in tiro city, at New York prices. We receive weekly additions to our Stock, and make every effort to please. B. WEILL, april 7 190-tf JR. Li. HARRISS, Undertaker and Cabinet Maker Furniture AND VARNISHED, CHAIRS Reseated, Pituros Framed, S:c. Store on Second between Market and Prin cess streets. july 1) 1 o0-ly i , . . 1 !PitrcelI tlonse, .1, li, DAVIS, Proprietor. FBOM AND AFTER THIS DATE the rates for Transient Boarders are S2 i), $y W a no $i 1XJ per day, according to location and rooms.! ' m ' . ' J Day Roarders SS OOper week. . July 15 - - w-if REOISTRATlbN. THE REGISTRATION BOOKS FOR Third Ward Sre noxpen at my office ou corner o&Dock and Water stretfts. E. S..WOODFQRD, Register. july 10 145-tf rnftft Agents wanted to sell the beautiful OuUu Photograph Marriage Certineatcs and Photograph Family Records. For terms send stamp to Ckidek & Bko Publishers, York, Pa. julyti R-ft QUARANTINE NOTICE. ON and after June 1st, 1ST2, the following Quarantine Regulations Avill be enforced: All vessels from ports south of Capo-Fear will stop for inspection at the quarantine Station. ........ . .. . . AU vessels having sickness on board, on arrival, or having had sickness on board dur ing the passage, will stop for inspection at the Quarantine Station. i Vessels not included as above, may pro ceed to Wilmington without detention. Pilots and Masters of vessels will please take notice. ; , F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician. 9-2taw.tlNov TuAFr may 28 V Ci ! j jiLiJLe.-jaiiNii.iii .a i ItVIUU ; WIVtV) .. HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF' THE 4 largest Spring and Summer Slocks ever of- - -.-i, t . ;. , r,'- it? h i :'. 1 ni l'?i -nt 3 7 ? 1 , -ferea to the. public In this cjty at reduced ricc3 cpnsistliJ,? of. . LiisrKisr suits: And Clothing of every description. - " t 1 - PHILADELPHIA .READY, HADE GOODS. 5 si and the finest assortment of LADIES GAITERS AND CHILDRENS' . SHOES .... IN THE CITV . J; C3-0 013S. . 100 PIKCJS FIGURE, 500 " PRINTS, 50 : " CAhJSIAIEKKSB, W " LINEN SHEETING, : AKJ DOZEN TOWELS' . "4 AND, ALisO, The Largest and best assortment of .1 AND Hiilclrens' Wcur, All oi whidi vc offer at reduced prices. SOLxVR & JiROS. may8 i . lJ-tf. FOR THE LADIES. rpHE L AUG EST ASSORTMENT OF MIL- LlNEliY and Miilinery Goods in the City at A. D. BROWN'S, ; 'HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF RIB BONS and Flowers in the city at A. D. BROWN S. 1HE UA'DSOMKST ASSORTMENT OF Parasols in the cily at ; . A.IX BRONVN'S. 'HK HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENT OF White Goods in the eit at A. D. BROWN 'w. HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF COR SETS in tlic city at A. D. BROWN'S rpHL LARGEST STOCK OF KID GLOVES in the city at . D. BROWN'S. ipiE LARGEST AfSSOltTMENT OF LA- D1K.S Undergarments and II001 id tloop SKirts A. D. BROWN'S Skirls in the city at 'THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF LA DIES Hair Fixiugs in tlic city at A. D. BROWN'S. rpHE E,sT ASSORTMENT OF WHITE Trimmings, Hosiery and Notions In the city. One Price ! Terms Cash ! A. L). BROWN, Exchange Corner, april 7 . 190- CLIFFORD HOUSE, NORTn FRONT STREET, wiiiJi'iNaToy, n. c. ALL WILT, KKMKMBKU THAT I AM constantly supplied Avith Liquors, Cigars and Tol.acco, of the very best. Furnished rooms are also kept for the accommodafi of the traveling public. J. A. CLIFFORD, Propria to UOA' 9 - $75.00 AND UP W-ARDS. gUlLDING LOTS FAVORABLY LOCATED at SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS and up Avards. Plenty , of time given for payment. No excuse for paying jpent also a small house for reuff Apply to JAMS WILSON. 171-tf febl ! JT. A. SHUTTE, No. AMD 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in . 4 ii-.4i.ii. FURNITURE, MATTRESSES,: s; WIND0WS1LAJ)ES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE -i FRAMES, CORDS. I TASSELS, FRINGES, fc., &c. Having just received a supply Of l-'urniture, lam prepared to give the publio as good bargains as can be bad In tli city. - - ' 5 -. 4 ; t please call and examine. r? mavl5 M7-)y'iT t JJISCELLMEQUS. AND LAND3 ADJA(NT.THEREtVl- "Suberii r Ctottrt'OfJ thiseonntT'. -th7Hndersiwnetr:t j Commissioners appointed. bysaidConrU wil t tproceea vo seu Dy puDUcaaedon, at the court I Jiousera HmithTiiie.'N; CV on '-Tntrrsday, Angastiffia. 1572. at 12 o'clock fiLi all Ihat -Adjacent JtJxeretcv ty ins let the jeount' of ! BmnsTrickwell and favoraoly known to all-! thlsUowlityas:,, V-HO: "i: T ' f "1 1 5LWIA'. .IJJi-TJU'f.l' .'iVT 'iii1::37- If Containing, by actual surrey; 9.0-fAeret Kiver.Wmiles below .thlsi, hclty; (within 6 miles of the 'Ocean) and has a ironi 01, over, iwo (zmiies trpon tjape i'eai mor itiee liana,- -i, lZiSfiiU tCl i i. Of which 225 Acres har produced 81600 bushels,? (these lands ; unsurpassed for, SMALL GRAINS ami Git SSES) With ; " 8,J00 1 Acres 01 ? Pine, i -. ....... . AND ..A IjARQE AMOUNTOt LIVE-OAK TIMBER, - AN"' IMMENSE WATER - POWElt; from a Pond 7: miles, in length, 12 feet bead of water.. (UNFAILING). witp many J desirable sites for' 7 4' Saw Millsj "Cotton and' Other Mau u f - , ' tillerics; 1 The lauds abound in Deerandbtber game, the Pond is well stocked with. Fish" of the finest varieties, and it is opposite and acces sible to the New Inlet Fisheries. ' j .The improvements consist of a TWO STORY DWELLIHtf HOUSE, ' CONTAIUmO 10 UOOM8, rjricK uasenicnt, wim au ue3C&axy j Out-Ho uses, , Extensiyp Barns, St a With houses 'detached for Two Hundred Hands. This extensive plantation, the late palatial residence of Dr. F. 1. Hill, deceased, vaiuea prior to ibui at , , 1 . . - - Must be thoroughly viewed tmd examined in person to realize its value of the Agricultur ist orCapitalistas it will ; be sold a great sacrifice (not onethird, probably of its origi nal cost) to satisfy the demands of creditors. 'TERMS 03' J " Onc-thii purehasij money in cash, the residuq in six and twelve months with in ter,-, est from day of sale. " ' " For furtherparticulars ad'tress the under signed, or Cronly & Morris, Auctioneers. DuBRUTZ CUTLA1V J CVM STKDMAN, Comm i ssioners. Wilmington, N. C, June'2, im-, je22,jy aug 12. 19&21. j" S: TOPHAM &C0.. " No. 8 South Front Street, . - . -f - ' tt,33Li N$$Q N , V., : MANUFAOTUHKim AJSD Wholesale and Relail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & TRVAteLlMt BAGS. Collars, Uauiea, Tracu CHalu8, 'Whips, Spurs, Dog Oollars, Saddle (Jlotbs, Woolen Linen Horso Coyers Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles, of all kiodF, Sad- r dlcry ilard waret&c. SKCONU HANI IIAItNKSS, SA D DLE S, IX E t N S, & c, CHEAP FOR CASH. ; june 7 ' ' - l-ly 1 CTOR, k mmm. S; f-r' c - "' -- . - . BY OUTBIDDING THE NEW YOllK AND Richmond Mills, I am prepare to supply lity customers, with newFlour from the first new wheat offeraHn the Richmond market, and as good as can he ground in America.- f ALEX. OLDHAM. Proprietor, June 23 BrAcfcrSMCpUElM t ?i TJ J fi-Ij, , - KEG L"LAR FltJCIGHT TRAINS., . I" ..fc3-.-iT j?;: , 9 rl-J'fC 'PABSEtlEBiD EXPRESS rilEIHT ?M oupe j i I1AIL.R01DS7 - , ' VUnlcgton, Cliarlotloi; U. U. j i jaiA-Kjjiss; I'OmcE CHrEsotDasOis,i. Sup,T4 T lllf DWW 1. I i35 - hleEBgineer todririnttiideit !. t 1 - ... - ,. 'V v au & asrjinicE PBSBsteusd !RJ Ri Cck V ?m $y&$ Qjg3 tali lo-itiarrlaAjr t : -r....TW a 4- SU1 f. 1 ,V"I -u Express Mall .one 70 D. net IjKA V K FlrKItSBliKt!' I fMftll 6i30 a. nu Express. .to. - Mail , ' , . , ' ;u" fcKla. mv Express J'i;r,: Vjt. ,V$$9p.m. Leave Petersburg 3 1 as v?i!itii0oai m. Leave Weldon rjia Arrive at WeldoiA , Arrive at Petersburg 1 -f f f r f t j 00 p. m. i:00 p. m . i l A.MV c. in LeavtfPetersburjr Leave Gaston? , . " Arrive at Gaston 11 - 6rtW a. m. 1:15 p. ini 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg a:W p. in. No trjainswUl run on Sunday except Ex- press trams , ., . ? ... u, t t ";, . ,;i r freights roruastoniirancnwiirnereeeivea bt the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and-THVRSDAYS., j r t. f -- The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. ixC So gooas wm oe recaivea auer uiav iiour jm , jeoj-tf ' Engineer and General Manager: ' 3 WiIndngtonviolunftiafiAti ; nvtLMi; 0.1872. 1: CIIAUOE OF. SCUEDULE. i jftll lilt, n?-';"! iJn! ff? ;rrt ti" UrUlK FOLLOWING SCHEDULE JL;q int0feffects1atvS;2A.i,Mtllg rivLLL Sonday. lth inst. . . . DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) ;Leavc Wilmington S:2o A. M Arrive at Florence ............ .1 . 9: 13 A. M Arrire at Cbrumbia. .V. V ;-'.w. V. .vf 1:85 P. I1 1 OKatc' ColtrmhlaVJ .v.iilftW P. M ' Arrireat Florence. 4v;.v;Vi.i..v.V4l:10l'iMr( r Arrive at WilmUgton. i .30? Pj jM; NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINED AILY (SUN-K DAYS-EXCEPTEDOJ tUc i Tnati. Wlim!ln!i:t:'.;.:..l';.:' ft r 1' rM Arrive at Florence Hi&P. M ( Arrive at Columbia, ........... 3;45 Ai M i Leave Columbia, .j.,; ....... ... 10:35 P, M Arrive at Florence .............. 2:09 A. M Arrive at (Wilmiugton.. 8:00 A. M JNO. C. WINDER, ' Gen'I Sup't. junc b . 19 tf Wilmington & WeWon R. R. Company. OfFlCK GEMEBAL SCPKBISTEKDJENT, ) ' WilmimotonV N. Ci, Jane 8, 1872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th-INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Wcldon RailrQad yvill ran follows ; , . MAIL TRAIN. ' Leave Union Depot', daily (S un - dave excepted). .". ; . . . . At o:w a.m 4 .. . JnUi.fM ' ' - '' "19. il2:ll P. M ilHIIC At UVlUOUVIVtaai Rocky Mount VVeldon Leave .Wcldon daily (Sundays excepted). . . ,f. . ........ .At Arrive at Rocky Mount . . . :. '' Goldboro Union Depot...... 2:11 ', M 3:5a M 9:15 A: M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN. .: Leavxj Uniori Depot daUy . . . At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 8:00 A. M ' Rocky .Mount. 4:56 A. M Wcldon....; 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon daily. . . . . . . . ; 7:10 P. M -Arrive at Rocky Mount. k 1 8:58 P. M " J Goldsboro ...u, s, ,10:58 P. M , Union Depot. . , 3:10 A. M Mall Train makes close connection at Weldon ior all .points North via Bay Line and Acquia Greek routes. . , ;. - Express Train conaects only With Accmia Creek , "route. PULLMAN'S "PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly At 6.00 A. M., and arrive at '$.40 PM. : U 'fade I . EXPRESS FJSEIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily Sandays excepted) at & P. M., and arrive at 11 A. J4. . . .. JOHN T. DIVINE, General 8upcrintendeat. ' Junes 5 ;T. aV gbaugkk, 10-tf Late of Richmond. a GRAiraER'S E D RO P-E A H H0TEL; GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors, VET ,CENTEE STREET, '3 G O I I B QUO, T, C . Mail Train - i t Hjtrr itrrt i o:23p. m. v SAILING :, TUESDATSND FR1DA STMSWOTCmSrAD WEDGES DAYS "AND"flATTJRt)Alf S FROM mm nv tirit.ltif nutos. No passengers taken.' For Freight PPy : i BARBT BROTHERS'AgptS may 36 .1' I17 BALTIMORE AND WILHIHGTON STEAMSOIP XMJKi D3ticji-4X4 -i.Lt;f-f.'i'?' H iin.J :- -ft composed of tne jirsvciass Bteamsuius Rebecca Clyde t Capt.' D CCliild Lucille Capt. l J. Prlrr Will hereafter sail froni Baltimore as d Wll mingtpn , . . t EYERV FIVE DAYj. 1. I The-': steamship. LUCISLE will sail from , wharf, foot of Chesuut street. WEDNESDAY, ' jtffy..24.-' ID ;.-u! I For Freight engagements, apply to !. . , , i 5 " A. D. CAZATJX. PWlatfelpliia i.auuiuernjMail U -v MteamSnip LiinO. ; a ; 1 . 1 T r 1 " "J-'-t'-'jr'iii M'-wpj- ; : ... . "r.c- ;j X4j .. o, 1 . ' .. - --Zii V ' w v WMlP- U - pi - J j xjUjj HiuUy-g- ;i f. Slit r.it$s!gi COMPOSED QF " FIRST GLAS STEA M BHIPS ' ' -'-"i i' - . :-- ... .... ' ' ! J PI ON EE R,8 2i5 ..TONS, 1 J Captain JOHN WAKELEV, u . TOiNAWANDA, 850 TONS Capfcnin WILTBANKS, Will kervifter sail from Phlladelph in s i I Wnmlnton, every AVUDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to Worth jc worth, Agent. . ' Wilmington, N. C. ': . IZ' JAMES, General Agent, South TlnrdjStrcct, Fklladelphia. V J ; June la 5-tl STREET UAIIiWAT i -iia.r3 i-J Hlio? N AND AFTER XI S 4ATJB. tbe ifwliuw- V.J nsi schedule i will. be run on the Street Hallway. , : ., ., . t" OirV VI11 lojvvr -onir M1 Rwl I'rrms :n..l p Front street, for the Union.. Depots at 10 A . M. uaiiy, to meet the .southern trui n, stop ping at the various' Hotels and lltitnUi)x House!! on the mute, '. leaving the depot on the -aiTivat of the Northern train. 1 Will leave corner orFroiit and Ited Crossfrf.'ts at T.-yj A. M.; for Union Depot, in ordm- f connect with the. Northern bound train, makms: the usual, stonnascs at'lhe Ilo- ftels and Hoarding Houses, leaving Union. uepot. on tne arrival 01 tne Koutnern trani. In the evening will leave corner of Front and. lied Cross streets' nt 5 I. M.; mukinir the usual stoppages, lravinitho L'n ion Do pot on the arrival of t-uo Northern t rain. Will leave the corner-of Red Cios ail Front at ltfcuu P. 31., to meet the Southern train. w ' REGur.AU SciiKnccK During the day tu? cars will run from WMi A. M. until 8 P. M.. allowing 15 mi nutes betweeh caeh turnout, and .for the further accommodation! of tli public, one car will be run until ll::t0 P. 31. each day DANIEL KLEIN. Junes 146-tf The best noAv made," and superior to any in elegance of touc,1 touch, finish atd durability. Sold at Factory Prices only by Prof. - J. F. RUECKERT, P i a n o Organ Sales Rooms, Ma sonic Hall, 57 and 5'l Market St., Wilmington, N. C. may 23 5-U '. PIANOS, AND : on; is. SPRING & SUMMER ILL THE LATEtiT NOVELTIES AT, THE lowest prices , Bargain Wa.j'SttiiiK I j 31. TL JvATZ . I ;j3Iarket street . i - a-tf ' At may 2a Morrill's Rrestauraiit, THE GEM, No. 10 SOUTH WATER STKKirr, , WILMINGTON, NC. ' Meal at all Honrs. The bet Wiuex, Liquors and Cigars alwdy on -Hand. The Public are . 1 invited to call ;--rj-ly-... j as. a: low::pvY t CORNER THIRD AP PRINU$3 ST8., i i - Opposildty JDAll. ii " fiAilRlAOn 3IAKIXG; J PAINTING, AN D repwiriui neatly done,' at short notice. After Thirty Yeans of exiwrience at tne ousi- ofexin;ri nens. I am prepared to do the finest and best work In the City.- - ' , ! m mm mm m 11 ' i:- - -1 , v , ' . . t "

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