V AX. VOL VI. WILMINGTON, N: C, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1872. 170. 62 J h f ! - hi' . i, t' Pi- .(iV- lues" I reel, THE EVENING POST, j Pubishcd every afternoon except Sunday. WM. P. CAN ADA Y ... .Business Manager JAMES K. MANN Editor Snbscription. One year, iu advance : 00 Six months, in advance a 00 Three months, in advance 1 50 One uioutb, in adtanee 50 13-AH business letters should be ad dressed to the Business Manager, and all communications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. Correspondence solicited from our friends in all parts ol the 8tatc, on topics ot genc ralinterest. Political news and reports ot rops are especially desirable. - l8t Office Regulations. Post Office, Wilmihoton. N. C, March 31, J rom this date the mails will ciose as follows: Northern (morning) mail 5 a. m. Northern (night) mail. 8 p. m Southern mail 8 p. m Ed. R. Brink, P. M. LOCAL ITEMS. All sorts ot blanks printed and lor sale by 8. G. Hall. Office on Princess st. tf The Election takes place on Thursday the first day of August. I. O. of M. A meeting of North Carolina Lodge-' No. 1, will !e held this evening t 8 o'clock. The ba'lot box-", are all ready, and all rse have t ! m to till thcru with straight Keputl i vie. SjCKNt:?s.-Wc liain wihrrgntof the qiiU; sorious iilne' ol Cut. Fitz gerald ot I he Cii v Police. Hurry up and get well Opt., we can't do without Public Sfeakihg. Hon. F. L. Cor dova, Secretary of t tate, from South Carolina, will address the voters trom the steps of the City Hall to morrow (Wednesday) night at 8 o'clock. WisnART and McKay, the uieu who killed Tom Lowery, were in town last evening audett on the seven o'clock train for Lumberton this morning. They are tine specimens ol our country yeo manry. TnE Election takes place ou Tbuisclav the first day ot August. '"Watch Thbxi. One vile scheme ol the Democrats, is to steal the registra tion books in precincts where the Re publicans have large majorities, think ing thus to defeat voting. In such cases it is the duty of the poll holders to proceed without registration books. Judge Cam well brings us cheering news from Bladen County, and assures us that the Republicans are confident of success, aud that everything looks promising lor an overwhelming victory. He reports that the Republican major ity will be greater than ever before. We hope so, but in Che meantime don't stop working. Finl Grapes. We have received from the vineyard ol J. li. btauley, Esq., some tine specimens ol a grape canea ih- H. Stanlev Hybred," which haa been developed by the proprietor after several years ot difficult labor. It ripens by the first ol July, is of exqui site flavor, large size and commends itself to the attention of all lovers ol this most delightful fruit. No Disorder. Wc would entreat our colored citizens who are to partici pate in the election on Thursday, to do till in their power to prevent disorder beforehand upon that day. The eyes of your Democratic opponents are upon you, and any breach of decoum will be seised on by them as grrit political capital. Let us show them that we can bav a quiet election. ONLTONE DATS RESIDENCE IN A PRECINCT IS REQUIRED ! Rfmemuek a vote for Merrimon is a rote against the Constitution. It is knurfD to every one that the Democratic Legislature attempted to call a Uonven tionand the pcoplcrepudiated it. They are now trying the same dodge again. Do we need our Constitution ehanged bow any more than wc did a lew months ago? All persons iu favor ol stability and good government, will vote for the Republican nominations and save the Homestead au I Mechanics Lien Law. A vote for Democracy if a vo'e against them. THE TOWN CRIER Uold 114f. 1 T4ierm jinetcr 90. Carriage business biisk. Two runaways yesterday. More people leaving town. f Town full of country people. Registering begins to look up. Every onelat the barbecue to day. The Souuds are the coolest place during this weathen All whiskey mills to b.e closed on the dpvol election. IIIH i : YOU 'CANNOT REGISTER ON ELECTION VAT! To the Voters of New Hanover County. The apparent dissatisiaction existing among the people to the candidates now appealing for the suffrages of the voters ot New Hanover county, for the office ot Register ot Deeds, and the earnest solicitation ot, numerous lriends induce me to announce myself as a candidate lor that office. My long experience in the duties of the office will be a sufficient guar au tee of my capacity. I give the assurance of a faithful dis charge of duty of au office that in my opiutou should know no party. july 29-tf Wm. M. Harriss. UK VOTE TUESDAY, WEDNES DAY AND THURSDA Y TO YOUR COUNTRY. m r - Register ! Register ! ! Tiie attention ot voters is again called to the fact, that an entire new registra tion is required fn said Ward, in con sequence ol its huvinn been divided into two ekctiou precincts. All persons living north ot centre of Bladen and Moore streets will tegister and vote at Thuniton's carl house. Ah South of Bladen and Moore streets will register aud vote at Brook lyn Engine house. Every one is required to legister be fore election day, as there can ke no registering done on that day. LET EVERY REPUBLICAN DO HIS DUTY. Do not be intimidated. Stand up for your lull rights. The PU-mocrats are trjiug all sorts ol devices to prevent a full Republican vote. Be sure and register properly and then be sure aud vote the Republican ticket. If we can have a lair election, we can carry the State. Shall we do it ? Do not engage in riotous conduct. Be cool and use temperate language, but stand up for your just rights. It you are cutitled to vote, do so, and vote iu accordance with your conscience. II you will consult that, jou will be sure to vote the regular Republican ticket without a scratch or mark. Mutilated tickets annoy the judges of election, and if you have any regard for them you will vote a clean ticket. .1 VOTE FOr'cALDWELL IS A VOTE FOR GRANT. Enthusicastic Meetings. We have received from Harnett and Federal Point Townships the most cheering news, Both! meetings were largely at tened and remarkably orderly. It the tenets set fort iu the following resolu tions are strictly carried out we need have' no fear of defeat. From Federal Point we have the following resolutions, Revolted, That we, the Republicans ol Federal Point township, believe in- ad hering strictly to the nominees of our partyTand that we cheerfully and will ingly pledge ourselves to ttnd by and support the nominations made at the Rocky. Point convention on the tf'Jth of June last. Resolved, That we iguore. aud dis countenance the action of all men who are trying to split the Republican party and that we deprecate the aPtions of all men who attempt to run as indepen dent candidates. J. R. Sneeden, Cbtn'n. W. H. Montgomery, Sec'y. From Harnett the following was sent: Resolved, That we, the Republican voters of Harnett township earnestly believe in adhering strictly to the nom inations of our party and that we pledge ourselvea to a man to stand by the regular Republican ticket as nomi ted at Rocky Point on the 29th of June last. .i , . - Resolved, TKat we ignore aud dis countenance the action of all men who are striving to cause discord and disaf fection in the ranks of the Republican party. Edward McCabe, Chm'n. Hbnut Nixoj, Secy. - Watch Tiiem Again. There is a plot ou the part ol the Democrats to challenge voters in all the places where the Republicans have large majorities, and thus prevent a luU vote. Every man who 'enters into this coaspiracj must be spotted, and at once anfted and brought before -ike '''IjtftetfTtes Court. Iok out for the Scoundrels and get their names? The Election takes place on Thursday the first day ot August. Didn't Scare. Many threats ol vio lence were made in Onslow county to our Republican speakers, but they per sisted in speaking and have done much. good. Onslow is a Democratic strong hold, and tbey have had their own way there so lug, they think they own every oxs; tT hut we are happy to state tbaTwj-b?r reader a mistake. Clubs, kuives and similar argument, may quiet, but they donTt convince. This time, they didn't eveu silence the Republicans who went there to speak and spoke. Mayor's Court. His Honor James Wilson, Mayor, pre siding. There was two cases on the Mayor's Court Docket this morning. One for disorder and one lor fast riding. Benjamin Lipscomb, disorderly con duct was bound over to the Superioi Court in the sum of $200. Thomas Jones for fast riding bad hi6 case continued. Too much care cannot be taken to avoio frightening children aud ladiea who art parsing the streets by driving' or riding at a pace uuusual. There is a city ordinance to prevent this nuisance ami it should be rigidly en forced. ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TO REGISTER! mm Assault. A murderous assault was made on Efhraim Howe, one of the Township Board of Caswell Township, by a party ol democrats last Monday, while on the Board attending to his official duties. His head and arms are badly bruised, so that he carries one arm iu a sling and was covered with blood. . He took out a warrant before Wm. McLsurin, Esq , and we expect the parties will be arrested and brought down for trial when all the facts will be developed. It seems there is a discuislofi as "to the dividing line of the Township, aud the Democrats had challenged many of the colored men living along the line. Howe believing it to be his duty, as a member of the Board and a .citizen, challenged the balauce ot the residents along the Hue, comprising three white and two colored voters. For this he was assaulted. The parties will be arrested aud if found guilty will be punished. This kind of argument has got to cease. YOU MUST REGISTER BEFORE THURSDAY Notice. Iu addition to the canvassers already appointed, the following Republicans are appointed to be ou duty on the day of election. Tickets can be procured on election day from the Chairman of the various wards : First District First Ward. G. II. Adams, Chairman; Samuel Norton, 3 os. Whitney, DeLalayette Turner, W. H. Howe, E. H. 8hoemaker, J: 8. W. Eagles. Second Distbict--First Wabd. Kobt. Sweat, Chairman; W. H. Meriick, Jtfo. Lewis, G. P. Rourke, Jno. Brown, Dan'l Chadwick, Isham Sweat, Wm. Tur ner, Nick Carr, Josh Holland. Second Wahd. E. S. Woodford, Chairman; Thos. Gwinn, James A. Lowery, Abraham McKinzie, 8. W. Nesh, G. W. Jackson, Caleb Hardie, Capt. B. G. Bates, Jos. H. Neff. ' Third Ward, Jas. Hostler, Chairman ; E. F. Martin, A. J. Denton, Richard Fitzgerald, Elija Lewis. Sandy Steward, Fred. Andrews, York Wig gins, A. II. Morris, L. E. Rice. Fourtd Ward. Perry M. Kice, Chairman ; James Rich ardson, James K. Cutler, Sandy Camdell, James Shaw, Stacy VanAmringe, J. 8. Willis, J. U. Smith. " Fifth Ward. Wm. H. Thurher, Chairman; Jas. R. Russ, Simon Richrdson, Henry Green, Henry Hill, James Mitchell, Ed. Bird, 8. Capp?, Alfred Jordan. Steamer Hurt having been repaired at Fayetteville, is again ready to taka her place ou the regularNine. joiin CoLey, Esq., a valuable and in fluential citizen, died at his residence in Wayne county on 8unday last. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Synopsis of Last Night's Dispatches. From the Journal. BY CABLE. Geneva, July .-' The Swiss Times in giving further particu lars of the proceedings of the Board of Ar bitration, says: '"fhe Board has disallowed tbe claim of the American government arisiKg out of the depredations of the Bos ton, Jeff Davis, Music and several other smaller confederate cruisers." The reasons leading to this action of the Board are that the charges Of negligence on the part of the British government so far as theseessels are concerned, have not been proven. , Bkussels, July 2t. The Indepenccnce Beige states that the awards of the Geneva tribunal of arbitra tion in the cases of the privateers Florida and Alabatak, will together amount. to 1,500 000 pounds sterling. ;. ItoiK, July -jy. The Poc will shortly issue an encyclical letttiL declaring the Society of American Catholics to be separated fromrthe Church of Home, aud placing them under the ban of Major Ex communication. Madkid, July 'JS. The statement that the Government in tends selling ' the property which it has seized belonging to persons engaged im the Cuban insurrection, is to-day denied. Another band of Carlists insurgents have been defeated with a loss of 8 killed and 30 wounded. NOON DISPATCHES. I TO THE POST. I By Cable. LosrnoN, July 0. GEisEVA ARBITARTIO Tiie reported Geneva Board of Arbitration have adopted the following method of dis posing business : Each ship is examined separately, the Arbitrators next decide what principles arc applicable to the case, by which it stands or falls, no definite amount of damages is then fixed upon, but when an examination of all the cases is completed, the Tribunal will review its separate con clusions and agreeupon the total sum dam ages. Weather favorable. Queeen Victoria has written a touching letter of condolence to Due De Aumale, over the death of his son. Duke of Guize Rome, July 30. The Pope has preconized the Archbishop of Baltimore, and the Bishop of Richmond. From New York. New Yokk, J ul y 80. The loss of the burned sugar refinery, on Leonard street is $350,000. Two liquor dealers were sent to jail '20 days, for keeping open on Sunday. William S. Groesbeck, writes a letter giv ing his adhesion to Greeley, and says : " 1 differ in politics with Greeley, who was not my choice, bnt ho has been chosen with ex traordinary unanimity and is now before us as the oniyTrii.tiv of reeonella tion." From Washington. Washington, D. C. July 30. The meeting in Charlotte, N. C, w as very large. During the meeting a house wa burned. Incendiarism. Attributed to a ne gro who asserted he would break up the meeting. No other violence reported, but the fire interrupted Schurz speech. From New Jersey. t' Port Jervis, July 30. The bridge over Paussack river on Hones dale Branch, Eric Railroad, near Hawley, Pennsylvania, hich was burned, will inter rupt the coal traffic for several days. From Mexico. Matamoras, July 30. Rocha proclaims in favor of peace and amnesty. Many revolutionists rclugecing iu Texas are invited to return. Stage coaehes and mails will soon be re sumed. From Maasachu!ett. Boston, July 30. The tannery of Chester, Guild & Son, has been burned lss ?3,000. Two firemen were badly injured. From Misseuri. Brockville, July 30. An accident on the Kansas and Pacific Railroad, killed five immigrants and injured many. New York Markets. New York, July 30. Stocks dull and heavy. Gold firm at 114. Money easy at 3 per cent. Exchange long 109?& short lto;. , Government bonds very ktrong. State bonds dull butstrong. Cotton quiet and rather weak. Middling uplands "11 ets; Orleans 215 cents. Sales of 76 bales. Flour quiet quiet nd steady. Wheat dull, but without decided change. Corn a shade firmer. Pork steady mess f 1370r$?13 73 Lard dull-i-new.steam,S,Ui cents; old steam 99J. cents. Spirits Turpentine quiet anjl Tveak at 56 cents. Rosin quletat S3 30 3 33 for strained. Freights steady. Foreign Markets. lx)N won,! July 3") Noun Consols 2rli ; Bonds 91 . Liverpool., July 30 Noon. Cotton opened quiet and steady. Uplands Od; Orteans lOJ&lO. LATER. Opened quiet and steady. Sales of 10,000 bales to speculators and exporters, 2,000 bales JtJST received at VanOwdelTs another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. ICTATi W 1 JLMINGTON HAHUET. I TUESDAY. July 30-L30 P. mT Ckudb TuarsNTiNK. Market steady at former prices. 8alea of 645 bbla at $4 25 for virgin, $3 75 for yellow dip, and $2 50 for hard, per 280 lbs. Spirits Tubpzntink. ftales after yeeter d a y' report ot 100 casks at 40 cents. This morning we hear of sales of 109 casks at 45 cents,, and 47 casks selected at 46 cents per gallon for Southern packages. Rosin. Nothing reported in strained. In other grades the sales are only 6 li bbls at $2 90 for extra No. 2, $3 50 a $3 "75 tor No. 1, $4 a $4 25 for Pale, and $5 25 for ex tra Pale. Tar - Has advanced 10 a 15 cents, and the sales are 82 bblb at $2 85 a 2 90 per bbl. 8ale also of 75 bbls, in orderat $3. Cotton. 8ales of 15 bales at 19 cents, 5 do. at 20 cents, and 3 do. at 20i cts. per lb. MARINE. AKK1VED. 29 Br Brig Mary Ida, Crosby, from Bal timore, to Master. Brig Frontier. Morgan, from Boston, to Harriss & Howell. Br Brig Fair and Easy, Taylor from New port, England, to J Anderson & Co : with iron for W C & A R R. Steamship Lucille, Price, from Baltimore, to A D Cazaux. ' Steamship Benefactor, Jones, from New York, to Barry Bros. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth.from Fayetteville, to Worth & Worth., 8tmr Cumberland,5 Phillips, trom Fayette viHeHo L H DeRosset, Stmr R E Lee, Skinner, from Fayette ville, to T D Love & Co. 26 Stmr Little Sam, Dieksey, fin Bauner man'B Bridge to A H VanBokkelen. CLEARED. t 29 Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, ior.Foyette ville. by L H DeRosset. Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, fur Fayette ville, by L H DeRosset. Stmr R E Lee, Skinner, tor Fayette ville, by T D Love & Co. 29 Stmr Little Sam, Dicksey. tor Banner man's Bridge,, by A fl VanBokkelen. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, Ac. Steamer A P Hurt 233 bbls spirits tur pentine, 30 do crude turpentine. Steamer Cumberland 38 bbls spirits tur peutlheV 9T do- crude turpentine, 161 do rosin, 7 do tar. Steamer R E Lee 88 bbls spirits turpen tine, 45 do crude turpentine, 208 do rosin. 8teamer Little Sam 190 bbls crude tur pentine, 10 do spitits turpentine, 110 do rosin. List ot Vessels in the Port Jot Wil mington, N. C, July 30, 1872. STEAMSHIPS Pioneer, Wakeley, Idg Phil, Worth & Worth Benefactor, Jodcs, dis, Barry Bros Lucille, price, ldg Bait, A D Cazaux BARQUES Ger Wega, Braudhoff, ldg Europe, WillardBros Co s nut. Gjadie. JHNeff Br Amazon, McDonald,' aw, J R Blossom & Evans Swed. Ulrica, Badehburg, dis, J Anderson fc Co BRIGS. Br lvauhoe, Piuckney. ldg Europe, Jas Anderson & Co Nor Meteor, llolet, ldg Europe, Heide Bros Ger Condor, Brorson, ldg Europe, WillardBros Ambrose Light, Uiggius, Ids: Manzanilla, , E Kidder & Sons Isola, Snowman, dis, G G Barker & Co. Nellie Mitchell, Cody, dis, J HChadbourn & Co. Fair & Easy, Taylor, dis, J Anderson & Co Nor Vearge, Neergard, dis, Heide Bros Frontier, Morgan, dis, Harriss & Howell Ger Fortuna, Sodeman, dis, DeRosset & Co Br Mary Ida, Crosby, dis. Master Br Rio, McDonald, dig, Harriss & Howell SCHOONERS J P Cormegys, Hubbard,, dis, Moffitt & Co Lucy Wright, Elzey, ldg N Y, Williams & Murehison Porto Plata, Porter, dis, E Kidder & Sons J M Morales, Eldridge, dis, O G Parsley Luola Murchison, Jones, ldg N Y, Williams & Murchison An Essential of Loveliness. To be entirely beautiful the hair should be abun flant aud lustrous.' This is absolutely es sential to complete loveliness. The most regular features, the most brilliant com plexion and pearliest teeth fail of tbeir due eflectif the hair be thin, dry, or harsh. On the contrary the plainest face, if it be but surmounted by luxuriant and silken tresses, is apt to impress the beholder with a' sense of actual beauty. That crowning ornament of her sex is, happily, within the reach ot lovely woman, and being as discriminating as she is lovely, she long ago discovered that Lton's.Kathairok was the 6ure means of securing its popularity, and no wonder, since it produces such gratifying result. Applied to the waste and barren places oj the scalp, It fructifies and enriches them with a new and ample growth. It is not, of course, pretended that it will do this if the capacity for reproduction is extinct, but so loDg as it remaius tbat wonderful rehabilitant will assuredly propagate the germ ot the hair into lite and activity. R. V. PltBCE, M. D.. ol Buffalo, N. Y., will send his book on Chkohic Diseases free to any address. -ntitr M Ai:taTRATE AND OTHER r County oflicers are requested to call at this office ana procmre umo ui lSTl-r'TJ, as they are in my hands for dis- tribution. W -J. BIVINS. Register of Deeds. By Wfc. M. Hajieiss. inly 2? 61-te co: DCCELLiirflCOPS. A. ADRIAN. H. VOLLERS ; ADRIAN & V0LLERS. Groceries and liiqaors, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, AND Commission Merchant South-East Corne Dock and Frokt Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. Having the largest and best assorted Stock -in'ifl?? fiquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their Interest to give us a call belorc buying elsewhere. may 17-tf J. W. SCHENCK, Jr., & CO., General Commission Merchants & Commercial Agents. CORNER DOCK & WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. WILL GIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton and Naval Stores, Juniper Staves and jail kinds orctmn try produce, Ac., Ac. Order for sale of Produce or purchasejoi Goods will be promptly attended to, andf to the best advantage to our customers. We are also receiving largo consignments of all grades of Liquors which we are pre pared to sell at wholesale, at the lowest cash prices. I dec 24 j 160-tl S. H. MANNING, conniccion merchant, AND DEALER IN Groceries, ProTisions, Dry Geods Clothing, &c, r No. 2 and 24 North- Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. v Consignments and Cash Orders bolicited nov 33 lol-ly New Store ! Old P oods ! GREEHEWALD & CO,, 32 NORTH WATER STREET, Next door to Willard Bro's WHOLESALE DEALERS IN L1QUOR8, WINE8, , BRANDIES, WHISKIES , GINS, Ac., c, ) an a,i. kinds of Fancy Liquors, which we" will ofler to the trade on the most reasonable terms, as we nrn rrnpi vin cr 1 o riYo v.,i.. 1 - .ments ot the best goods in the coumtry. -Please call before making your purchases. Jan 14 166. tf RlCfiARIJ N. MOON? Commission Elerchant, AND DEALER IN ,f FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca !St Baltimore, Md. Orders from No: ren n ttouiiciica. 174-tI W.H.DART, LIPPITT' BUlIiDIiVO, SOUTH FRONTJHT..I WlJliMINGrTOlsff 1sl. C. Plnmlier, Steam anil Gas Fitter and dealer in Wrought and Galvanized Iron Pipe, Brass Cocks, Valves, Gas Fixtures, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to fitting up of COTTON HILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water.' nov12 ' 14-tf C. K. MAYER, BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY 34 Market Street, DEALER IN 1 FRENCH A;NJJ AMERICAN jtONFLC TIONERY, IORE1UN & DOMESTIC FUL'ITci. Weddings and parties supplied at thbrt notiee, with all the delicacies of the season novo ' Itt-ly PARKER 6c TAYLOR Successors to A. H. NEFF, Manufacturers and dealers in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, btoves. Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and bheet Iron Ware. Roofing: done at short notice. Aeents for Fairbanks Scales. No. 19 Front Street, XV ILlllINGTOlT, N. C. novl Ia0-ly EiSTAliHSHED T . W. 331? OWN, SUCC3tOR TO BROWN & ANNDERS0N, DEALER IN ; Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver "Ware, FANCY GOODS. fcFEC.rACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES. No. 37 Market Street, WILMINGTOK, N. C. Watch, Clocks and Jewelry carefully i its-tr a '1 1 lit ( ( i ft

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