. . . m. iViiiK.:!- n m m. 7avi li 'rt ' .111! ' t's ii ,fl 'I I .,. - . i'.j j n r; i 1. ,JUii.JW'iiii fiewuwvi T-IHAHD 1 iciaa - : t i ; 'rkh Jyi III, v'-v - jr - r- -'0,J , x 7 vi i i v x ; a i v i i i -'rrt n i i X. ... j. V, .... . ft.. 5. THE EVENING- Pubiaiied every afternoon except 8tm&ay. R CANADAr.r.Btalness Manager JAMES CiMANNlJ;i.!.A Edto Snhanrinfinn -. vi- ',1 f Qie ".yearj in adf ance . X ihH Six months, In advance. . . . . . 3Q0 Three months, in?adyance. .... ... .... I 60 One month, In advance. : . 9 lyAll business letters shonld he ad dressed to the Business Manager, and all communications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. : Correspondence solicited from our friends in all parts of the 8tate, on topics of gene ral Interest. Political news and reports ol rops arc especially desirable. ! ' , i Post Office Regulations. Post Orrics, iLattKOTO,- N;. C, ) From this date the mails-Win ciose as. follows: . . . : Northern (morning) mail 4. i5 a. m. Northern (night)- msftl..LU7.U.:8Tp. m Southern mail.. i ... 8 p. m Ed. R. Bbink, P. M. Honrs of opening and. closing Reading Room of Wilmington Library Association: Open at 81 A. M., close at;l oclock P. M. 81 P. MM; " 7,; " P.'M. " 8 P. M., 10 P. M. LOCAL ZXSMa i i Just received at Vandraieil'smotherlot of those Beautiful Walnnt Mouidings.' Republican ! J ubilee sygust 14 ! All Sorts of blanksprrntcd and for sale by S. G. Hall. Office on Princess at. 1 tf PlektyoI shrimps and lish ia inar- ket. ' CanteIjOPES Tare .becoming scarce land not very good. T Henuy Andeusok was committed to the guard house for contempt of court. There was a meeting of the Cape Fear Building Association to-day. Mr. W. H. Uerken, who has been Seri ously ill for the pa&t four days, i re-; covering. Hon. Silas N. Mar'tin has returned from Maine and wilf rrmjlln in town for a tew days. m- The grand Republican jubilee will take place on Wednesday. We must have a successful celebration. All the printers have bbflght tickets in the Chanty Hospital Lottery. jWe hope to see big puzes drawn in our office. We hope hat the trouble between the questionable women has at last .sejttled down. Both parties have been held in bond for the Superior Couit. W. Cowan Green has just. received a new invoice of drugs and toilet arti cles. He has also on hand a fresh lot oi the incomparable ink erasor. ' A slight difficulty occurred on Front street this morning caused by the resis tencc of a colored man to the proper authorities. Tbe disturbance created quite an excitement. The sale of , lottery tickets, to-day, has been very brisk. Dr. Norcum re ports that his sales to day have amount ed to $8G 00. We wish that every sel ler could be as successful. Rem ark ale. Dr. H: E.Scotr, while repairing a fence on his grounds recent ly, stepped accidentally into au old well and fell a disrance of twenty feet, and escaped uninjured." Rev. J. C. Hid en, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, leaves to-day for White Sulphur Springs. He will bo absent about two months. His family accom pany him. We would call attention to the filthy condition of Market street on Sunday morning. Tbe sidewalks are covered with melon rind3 and other debris and seriously discommodes the church goers. George W. Price, Jr.. has been re moved from his position in the Custom House in this city. Mr. Price followed his own .judgment in the election mat ter, and has no one to censuro; fot his misfortune. vi : ' i l J :i Major J. Oi Mann, the ; managing Editor of the Post was suddenly called to New York'bn Saturday. " HVwatbe absent a week of tendajsr V;' .t?u If any one feels riled at the ccccntrlc lties of the junior he can be found where the woodbine twineth?a m I '-v Sultry. i aoici4i5. - Repair ihe streets. , ..Lottery drawing to-morrDw. ---Figs' twenty-five cents a peck. Why can't printers keep sober. Another drunken man in town. More, tronble among the demi mondes'. ' A i The Republican Jubilee comes off Wednesday, We are not carrying water so much as wje used to. t Thermometer at Mebane & James Drugstore 13 ;M.. 85. '-'JTWrfnl m kpetffionTdr less rain but soe that it has been disregarded. If our senior devil keeps on grow ing we shall have to re model cur office. To-morrow even ins the drawing tor the Charity Hc&pital scheme will come off. The tickets have been selling preUy Xejl ior the past four days, but we would impress an all who intend to purchase & buy early. The drawing will take place surely on the day adver tised. Mayor's Court. His Honor James Wilson, Moyor, pre siding. Sunday as usual was an oracrly day. Four cases in Court of new date and one very old. Fannie Turner for assault was bound in the sum oi $200 to appear at the Superior Court. G. Hall, d'.sordeviy conduct, $2 23. J. P. Brown, disorder, $2 25. s George Davi3, disorderly conduct, f2 23, ..; t r Jssbie KiKq, for in&ulliDg a policc mnn had his case continued. 4 One of tho morning pape s made oc casion to notice the disgraceful row that occuueu on Front street oa Saturday evening last, in term? not at all coipli mectary Vo .the police iice. We can say in regard to tbi, that the police man on that lieat were promptly on the spot, but the biids had flown. The loudlking in rwbich the pa.ies in dulged previous to the muss was prob ably m'SUkcn for brawheg. Medical College: .for Women. We have received the tenth annual an nouncement of the New York Medical College ior women. Though not in the slightest degree favoring the education of women to the medical profession, we cannot but favorably notice the good work which this college has done, and is doing. It educates women to be nurses and it' educates women to be physicians, but we are happy to note that the classes for nurses appear be the most complete. The college is under the management of several of the most noted liberal med ical men, and the various committees are composed of ladies of excellent rep utation Illegal Registration. The Jour nal of Sunday morning contained a card, published in the Post, Aug. 1st., signed by Col. Brink, which was w.itten in reply to an article in the Star of July 31st. We republish the Star article, and jiecard of Col. Brink, and leave the public to judge of the amount of fraud intended in the advice given to the reg istrar. 5 ' ' 'Ahotiier NVw Dodqe. We have it on the best of authority that the two Registrars of the First 'Ward were or dered yesterday evening, by Marshal Canada and Alderman Brink, to keep the books open until 9 o'clock at night." ' J August 1, 1872. A new Dodge." Marshall Canada and'myself did not advise the Regis trars' to' keep the books open until 8 o'clock, i This was for tbe purpose of giving opportunity to those who had not registered to do so. ' This the Star called' Manother new dodge." But it is simply a matter 'of business, a matter of right and justice within the law." If tho Star wants to find a new dodge, let him refer to the pasting process." E R. Brink. t Bv reference to the law it will be seen .... that, Reqbtrarsj are: not fo.biddtn to keep the books of registration open 8ifr'ierlainlIours J but it docs comjd tLefat keep1 tiem open M it ecu certain isours. 1 The advice given! by Col, Urink could certainly give no undueVadvan tage to either party, and waa intended simply to give the laboring class ol men an opportunity to register and vo'e, re gardless of politics. It there is. any thing wrong in this we fail to see It." Southern Claims Commission. The folio wins are the names Of - the! special commissioners ot the Southern Claims Commission in North and South Caro lina. These commissioneis ' ar i au-' thorized to take the testimony of claim ants and witnesses- in support, of .any claim not exceeding five thousand dol lars in amount, on direct application made to themselves ; but; where testi mony is to be taken in any case over five thousand dollars, in all, it is necessary to apply first to the commissioners at Washington. These special commitf sioners are the only persons "authorized to take testimony for the Claims Com mission in their respective States, but in Florida and Texas, and other States where they have no sub-commissioners of their own, the commissioners at Washington permit the' commissioners oi the United States circuit courts to officiate, provided they follow the rules laid down for the regular sub-commissioners. Where claimants who have filed claims exceeding $10,00 in amount desire to re duce them below that sum, in order to escape the requirement of tbe late act of Congress that all claims above $10,000 should be heard orally before the Com missioners, and not otherwise, they .are to be permitted to file an amended ac count of items to effect the desired re duction, accompanying it by an express relinquishment of so much of the origi nal account as exceeds $10,000. This amendment to the original claim is to be personally subscribed and verified by the claimant in every case, and not by the attorney. North Carolina John Minor, Fayette ville, Cumberland county; Joseph Dixon, Hookerton, Greene county ; Elmore W. Woods, Chapel Hill, Orange county ;K. R. Pendleton, Woodville, Perquimans county ; E. R. Hampton, Webster, Jack son county ; W. B. Glenn, Red Plains Yadkiu county ; . H. Wiley Salisbury, Rowan county; J. N. Snelson, Asbe ville, Buncombe county. South Carolina Theodore W. Par mele, Columbia, Richland county. STATE ITEMS. Mors brick buildings in Charlotte. . Fayettevjlle expects to have a new 8quiit engine in about two weeks. Last Friday was the day appointed for the hanging of Newton Chandler in Charlotte, fer the crime of rape. TnE Newberne Times brings but lis big eagle and shield again, talks latin and hurrahs for Grant and Wilson. William Russell committed suicide at Stokes Ferry last week by shooting himself through the head with a rifle. The Newberne Courier has a com plete pieture gallery in its issue of the 10th and all owing to its joyousness over the election. A frail creature fell into an old well in Raleigh the other night, and the News says fortunately for her, but not so ior the community, she escaped unin jured. At Clinton Millst Frankly n county, on the day ol the late election, just as Hal Young, was leaving the polls, hav iug deposited his ballot. Tom. Spiney plunged a pitch-fork through bis body, killing him instantly. The parties are colored people, and the culprit is now in the County jail at Louisburg. On Everybody's Tongue. Eulogi urns of the great National Begenerator of Health, Plantation Bittxbs, are on every body's lonzue. This gratuitous viva we advertising is better than all the paid for puS..ng to which the owners of bogus bit ters are obliged to resort. It has a spon taneous heartiness about it which carries conviction to the mind of the auditor. But it is a veil known fact that the proprietors of the Plantation Bittxbs have never re lied upon newspaper bolstering to establish the success of a preparation whlcluowes Its astonishing popularity mainly to the oral testimony of the thousands have either ex perienced or been the eye witness ot the immense physical stood it has wrought throughout the length and breadth of the land. - . DQN'T HAWK, HAWK, SPIT, . SPIT, BLOW, BLOW,and disgust everybody with your Catarrh and its bhensive odor, wuen Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will speedily destoy all odor, arrest the discharge arM i xtrreyou. ml: ) hi ii! rf 5 i 'mPPX. August ifc ,!Tbe, democtic State Oenteal Cominlttee ipected fromChleriustice Chujch.. as 'to whether sire will .permit his erner. g of the Italians, last .evehlnsrl wpiwd u DiawgaM-ntoscowvo issue a 1 An' answer is e it. waa 'decided to celebrae'aafirvfeftpac TaStorf eThoWtno- vi xwuiui wuijDy a piciuc ; ana no proces- Bionrj? mmi mn 10 v;.q It is intensely hot this-morntn- ti ? Jvi.vi t 'a Uuim -rdcrKrn 10 Mr. Alexander, chant was assassinated forty miles sassinated forir i miles above here on the Kio Grande. r The Pconer3'ver diet was Uiat AIebaiidier was klfled by fen missionejs were all present at Ujei inquest, Strong feelings Were inaiilfe toWani : tfoh temitz -Ma m- :trrKfftK h-A'iiq ton-am .9e V There was an unprecedentedthunderistorm - - - m-t - wiin lignteninsr. whlchlasUd four. hoixTs: tbe n sweets are baoi washed, -r tdm : ... . . . .. i . i. ' . juu i m ft p From JUissejaxn mv. SrLotis,. August 12, Irregularly stamped tnalfchehavel been seized) here , Then seizure of ? a J factory tat Oeyeland has beeaj ordered .J0i ! ita Mr HTTr t, " iii) i o ,11. ir.y, vtali ,f, owcas wj ffeajt. -cnnu nnu at xf I 20 ba$ 'flour ! i i Money easy at 9 pfUbfnt." BicfealSiitearaeVCf wiif5bTsissf hiii t Cotton quiet. -Uplands 21&ct;Oriearis better, iWh.aolft-cenathisher; iQoinf one cent. better. Por Kteadyrrme Spirits Turpeiatinedull, and iieyytrSlfe5i4 cents.' ,3sin, ; steady;. ail.a) .Jor - 1 ' . - ' . Consols 82j Bonds D2. n,. iru i icseL, 4W Dee ipe&nnmso juj IiivBPOOi. ' August JilpJIcjop. CJottorr opened, quiet aftd steady, Uplands . readStuflti active. uKed tiutc whq 1211 d.uPlour2Ss.,Corrifd.ORlucJl Cotton easier. Uplands 9jd Orleani oa. Balds oflOJOO TalesrpMJs'fhiJftUffecuiiLOis aad, exporters fq,QQ9.; aof. jQgrAber. land CutSs. .7 - THE CHASM. t 1 The chivalrous; Arkihiiah pi chfpiks his 'enerny across the blOoyfch'asmJ ; tU i T ' i U i I ilia I'j x t i (ii j ? Will yon shaki across the bloody ?" is the I5t4 Louij invitation to' drink, j Dan. Yob'riieesJ.js snakinwiiiiS ague, a 6,rueu;iy;rj3s jthe bloody; chism., f?f T.mq j . Gcomo Wj Julian stretches his lOng? bony fingers across rtfae - bJooby chstPr waitinsr for a clasoT:? i.n-:ii if vs 0 A i T if Yetger, the murderer of Cranejputnp handles his Liberal, Republican trjends across the. bloody chasm. ' Lyman TrumbulUs hand, extended across the bloody, chasm, looks lik.tbat of an Egyptian mummy. - , The Hon.. James C. Robinson, ot IlH- nois, is, reaching put -ver , the bloody "chazzum,", trying to find somebody to shake with. y I The sheei-u'bn . cot , was invented : i a iiiusviite, ra., anu paienieu in uiem land.' The inventor,tWilrv 'shake ion diinks.'but depses the'; bloody voh b sm. Nathaniel P. Banks is ahaking liands with Dick Taylor across i the bloddy chasm.' Dick Is one orfeanksliowers, He followed him right ''shafrv-i-frbm Grand Ecore'Co the Mississippi.' : : j ' Henry Clay Warrooth extends the lips of his dainty fingers across the ' bloody chasm, and 13 anxious to shake,,lJenry; Clay is good on the , shake. He shook Louisiana for' half a million. , Colonel TVahl H. 'Lamdn, of Mattins burg, West Vai, is reaching; , across1, the bloody chasm for a seat in Congress. If Colonel Ward; writes another book... like the w Life of .Lincoln,'! someoocly will cowhide the son ot Jerrys Black within an inch of his life, or ) ,BipoitDj;Row..&vcp.,; ; IN TO ARRIVE, -1, 1,000 Barrels fflbnrifciJ: riom , i - rtsr lOO Bags 'Cifeertdiii bet i n 50 Barrels 8osafH fi-:' .v iOOBarreWTdrk; m W.000 ilnaneirCoTn, 1 a- rock iCff Whicli they ofTtr a Idwia3 the lowest. t t to 10IVJEI.XIK ACAIXU A u'J Country, orders given special nttention o jane M1 rfA H 7r- 2i-U . ,:.,ArWMi width nUBlKO jny absence myrtasnes3iWUI ber condilrtel as nsnaJ hv aomoeteu'tArtist' wno win ttse every. errort ia give sausiacuon ry efl&rt to d patrons to my fricnd.'r&n fUlJ VMS, Ui ii Wilmington, N. C, July 23. 56-U ,lijmciAi.J 1 .marketif tea4y;Onlyr53!btils & ihangctl !8S3a ff9rmf-.Tellow P Haua f 4. JOjr, nans pe Jh- . . r I SPiaiTS TcRPEJiTiSE No transactions re- 1bbrt'ed-15'cents?ber eildtt ? rvir 'PftthArn 1 iUc uum-Ti-. I. A 5 1 mr j, ... . . I 4 15 A. S4 for Tlf .on1 J. 9K 1 p 10 Barqne Howland, .Tucker, fm Uiston, - toaQ.PaiBleJ$t'tq f :i.jteamshis konper. Jvakeler .from rh!al 0rsjieaiitloi 2lliniSf5BtiT?i? irom Philadelnhia. Jto.Yick fe MfehAri Fayettivi' mm i m tmzMrmrv r ri. r rwtmr mm iii s i c x mr Vine, uy r iiiiams ou xuui cuisuu. , t Stmr Gov Worth,. Bnllth, for Fayette- L- m t J rm tin! fc billteimframvelb M 7 J t . i B I W I mu mM- " m- m. m t n I V 1 1" t-ne 'Ocadorosmill do crudettmpejin, H to6 l?!. Pan rv.iiaq j Mas , 34j Wit3 ' 5-aiw.ai'ni:ni ' ' OiAtwirr in ,1n i BAi-TiiioBE st- amsbiBfanJ f. sip .ffirJWW W ' VM Ro:t!We6, MI ia Ger Wega, BrandhoflF, ldghloVeV ' 5 - Willard Bros Br Amazon, McDonald, dis, - , . Swed. 'Ulrica", Badenhurg, dis, Heide Eros. Br IvanhoeFincKney. ldg Europe, ( Bry Topek Harrlngrtbn, di,' tVilta rd Bros, . BARQUE ANTINE !(Br) Georgef Bobth,' Duncan, dis, jt i,B'. ug H io -m Vick& Mebane Nor Meteor, Hoist, ldg Europe, Heide Bros Br Fair & Kasyt Taylor, dis, ., r '. n "- iAnMdei3on&Co Br Lone Star Kenealv. Ida Eurote. i " Ison Ger Conddrl iirOrsori.'ld Eu"rboe.J" i '.'t;iji i3i? t a' CWil WlMafd Bros Tanlo Snnwtn a r 1rr TlActnn v. S - .'fj-xl d Qjpsi- i-GGBarker & Co .NorXeargeNeergfrd, ldg Europe, tiJ v . . . Hejde Bros Frontier, MorganvMis, 5 Ilattiss-A-Hbwcll Ger Fortuna, Spdeman. dis, DeKofc6ct& Co Br. Marylda, Crosby, dis. Master Wrigtil, Elzcj;, ' ldirN'Y,1' '.v f.-i A Williams fc Murchison- J M Morales, Eldridge, dis, , O Gar6ley John A Gilffln,1 Foster, ldg Phil; ' ':- S ' ?m ? -. sr.J-jii .Harries & Howell Dion, McDonald, dis, J H Chadbourn& Co. Mary Clark, Ferry, dis, Worth & Worh. liist'of Vessels Sailed lor this Port NF.Wi YORK".. . A Schr Johii Komhiell, 'Jr. Hillard. .tn :r joj k1 iaefsi.' . ?ji j: eld July 23 PHIL ADELPHIAO t uv.v Br Barque Brilliant Siar, Seaman, Ii nit oinoT-i '.f:iPid Anguftl. Sr Knife M ESeeiJ Hopkins. Cid June 25 8rNellksSto,ohauQVa notlejd,Aug5 . The Election Excitementi s HAVING passed oyer.X beg leave to le attentSL&Alii p6ixo to the drawin call the the drawing of o Charity Hospital-hftn. iju tfitatij " ms iiri s union". . , on the 13th of this mouth.Citlzensat-eiyarn- kOhaHiyi?Plari;luSuppryi ,yoTlrsiTeVwith tickets at once. . j i turns py tne morning orme in. 4Q t jt aug6 i .ttfe- U33-i3V sseeda o v,? awour i '- COMMISSION MEIpteH1. irtWi?I iavit ii-w e .i ioH miff vS93EMi?Seffw o) 1 f 1 rpHMAGaaXBAXSt SDj'CmiBU f 'Jt COdiity' ofiicersare tequesred to call hafitla! I'OfficaJ fetodi i9r6nrtf -tneTTdlw'i of lyWM lieyarcJntnr3inMa3 loraiis By July 29 . Steainer Gov Worth, t SmithfM FaVTtt8- SOftibbla ttfr;kntirjKTia?de t&S'DU&ls elk? Iestly requested to lend4 their-asMsuinco to 61-te HISCELLiNEOUS. Importers orOerman and Havana Cigars, . S0tlEAST CRiI)cacandFBOirr ; vyiNQTON,y. a d.tlassorted Stoak ies anaxdouors in the aty, Dealers It to their interest, tq give us a call will find it to tfc before buying elsewher "V-U -,jrtr iMrJI i fiSaU Copmission Merchants & cr-rttlmls 'of nnhnfrv nnrchaso of Hhiprprnptaaended io, and to bMrSaiWcnstotoer . we.are also .receiving lArr qf ajf sradep'qjwlilcm pre- parea w sen at wholesale, at the .lowest cash prices x .., Tdec24 H - vu in. tM t' lfin.tf gommissiq ritciwriT, . AND, DEALER IN. ,., i N?-i23 andi sKorih Water Street, r.f g jcuWINGTCNi M.-aii,i ' aaCXjnslgnmenii atid Gash Orders olicitedj 3STq Store ! Old. Groods ! Ml f.ri )"T-nfTTf TirVrtiiln'! .1 I - ''fl j - : NextdoeW Wlllx;d?Bro,s j LIQU0BJB,'jWINE3' ?",t !' , .'BRANDIES, WHISKIES ' . - J'GINS. &c., ifcc, . prid j all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which wo will offer to the trade on the most reasonable terms, as we are receiving large consign-' riients of the best - goods in the country. ' -e-PI ease call before making your purcnases. J-m1 ' : y. xm-tt iicaiiviip isr. moojst. - Commission Merchant, : V" AliD DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIH, . 11ILL FEED, Oi . . ' AND ! COUNTRY PRODUCE. . . i . . . . Goi Oaiiide2i; & Paca Sts , -Baltimo'Md; ' j iff 1" t'9idr? froj Notfih Carolina Solicited. febll" iA 1 SOUTH FilOltT ST.,v Pinner, steam :ana;.Gas; Fitter and dealer In ' . . . . . I. ,.4 U 1 H roosht and Galvanized Iron, Pi pes i Brass Cocks, Valves, Gas Fixtures, ' and all descriptions of - FITTINGS - FOR TMM,V VTATER rarticular attention paid to fitting up of , COTTON MILLS, - with Steam Gas and Water. . . 'V, , . ,148-ti . BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY -i -. y.-.' .-.,iv ;f,!3iii - 34 Market Street, w FRENCH AND AMER1CAK CONFEC 19 TlONEinr ' " FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FBUITS. Weddings and . parties supplied' at f short notice, with all. tbe delicacies of the season , uot5 146-ly AxEtKERv & TAYLOR 4-.v ,h. 'tw SneeessorstdM Manufacturers and dealers in tt HO USE JfUBJlflSHmCh O OODS. G unsA Stoves. .Lanterns, . JCerosene, Oil Tin - - u - 1 and Sheet Iron Ware. : tf ttoonng aone at5 snort notice; , u Agents, for Faijrbank'p Scales. v -A 9 No. 19 Front Street. - novr , m.. o 150-iy ESTABLIbUKD 123, dlf BR0WNd& f ANNDERSON." 1 tipilCa'ACLES TO SUIT ALL AGKS. LiNo-iST Market Street, tobtIm Of! ni!tWILMJGTX) C . tmhh&o&vnill Jtiitcltyf carefully repairoU: nov 5 146-U -1 1

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