7 5ifcAIJiJIAIfi TO . V ft T ir tiaiqtrd iv-y " ... ... - .... J. 1 -,. ? t"wSR nwi s. ' " i A. I i f . ' - f: 9 ill i f V .V,'SstlTf t i:i.Y'JI -JUIjA .caOIill flaDiJudJi ,iddiiiAJ I'l''.' - VOB fflSllBBTMO S1O0B32 V "IX .O Jss-jcoitirrA'xno'H j W.ql Hlf M3fw3TO iJUTXJ V1 W'f ;.POn I I IB I I I III If A 1 I II awss t w W. i V Wr I r il 11 m m ... m 1 1 M m,. a I-' III I I . . I I - f i : ": M T Jr ' , . I ff 111 It. JTMK I v i i i v -i i f i y i r i : ftf V .1 vr i ,L Tit A r?. . 1 ! i- -i .ill r ,HfTO rs.fflf I 1 . ' V.i'C f t I TlB its , -4 1 l. j wvsm 4..Jr' W rti rabuneaereryftiiernoon exc?p J A iS MANN .lf t1 One maalb, In adrance idraoce.. .......... .. 5j1 ''L!15rhYPo,nTiart dreaftl communications pmiUlaiDg to the ral iotcmtair PohUcal.neTra janircpotla., 0 I , Post From tbis date tne mans win close as 01 rtfiri ;tfoT rTr toft e. Northfoimoraine)inail.iU tv. . . .& ArJO. t s , r ; t , Noftirn1 Pent) tiiKff!?! 'Vfti&Jgi Souiaern mail n-. . op. m U. if. AORLCULTUR AL AtSOCIATIOSv - J, Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 12, 1872. Oar General ..PrenxiuidX! st will be out io a fewdaysanu.we immediately 9 ny ifea2 fent ijitns joa desl r to ofler. Send i d tc M)J?rs tor rae an d they will he atten 3t W"-f 1 j Our frieuiMJaplrJrMrIcGowan has left up ifriql Farraa Efectncrid AgtfeUnreJ eifish him Jevery success. The Captain ot the Norwegian Brie ryf, litd ont ')f L13 men committed to jail toiWrfit'liia sailing Pear of de- sertJOBr was tb& reason. - .1 . ' Wk have learned of a riot at Fayette-, ville, but have cot as yet -heard thenar ticularg. ,We shall pubt'stf the partfes who wcretd'bla;-;'- ,t on the hea bjj Pty&J11' the iiaeds of Charles lirqicnjluU morn- parts unknown. ! . . "hi' Our local Greeley a od-Brown jneef-rv ingVari) the best splqJmbf c6,n(pl0n extant. The Democratic a ttchdants meaA it sLujIL-.o M 4 to 11 IS .it A A iV 1 'His HonytJ WWf$?A Mayor; pre 1 u 1. ; tiding. One casein Ootart this mofnipg; n U Ben Williams, .ateahngi pork,-was became boisterous, and started a riiutiBy ter,' assisted by the officers pfhe; Iey cnue Steamer' Seward, soon brought them to rlghtf, 4c tpef Werf success fully placed on board their ship last The driwb&itjthe Theatre last night wosVelt aWnofeof, though the cjcpitemen fioing . on -about the Hall made1 it somewhat difficult for he cali- rs?oa tOiDeuefti(U i,ti !.? xmttiMi , Lone huary !kticjrritjfrptfie wertf TAJ nieTpr pnd federal for'M2?rndW TTiend?iWlng will beWontlaM on FridaMghtt l 3340. ii02S!M&m. .1199 .. 4(5f ;2i7 8729j.61424.fllG5,w 835.... 5393.... 146s -S93WI .87501 tfiMPi&h.-l . . . .3988. . . .4085 2749.mWl: . .'.5S9.V. .1T25 .... 454. . . .5437 4S20!45i iv.l897..WZl.. u44S5. 339 3963i . .3023;44:j3 4;343&. . .4033.uiS949 4148. ..2328. . . .1816. . . . 83J. . . .3S75. . 975 'If 47.TJ847 J X J4323; .2581 2.'. .1223.x . t55Sff 3144... 518....EG03.... 210:iiil805iAi234S i:iS::ifc8:::r 511$;: j9$Mr.27S6. . .2791. .. .1998,t;k.116l 3a73r.. 642.... 3663.... 3550.... aC40if(E, 281 . . .4567. . . .2620. . . .5083. . . 4.. . 796. . .2753. . . .169. . . .1188arfS3f ra T5 2184 . . .2445. . . .2501 . . . .SOOl! , ft&K "Vtia H3L...5448....307A.231Hr3S3.... 11 374 . . .2994 . . . .5f .V. 5-H "-312 ; . . .426( 286..,1351 ... .5651 . . . .4746. ... 68. . . .592J 1690. . . 964... .275S. . . .4269. . . .2546.! ..ICC ' 50741 ! .4043. 6CO..T.t243. . . .2643. . .5224 shouldjypir tUejdo agalberon't Betkr Ail 'sallork irho were about be iog tftke.naboaixb the Seward yesterday. li93mS6W.rr(37Q.f 5418. ., .3792, .468& 3696.. -2919.. .. 513.... 229a.... 20:.!.13a2 til? i .fi'1?. yst'.wiTfi jhllfflit rrocesaion. : IHEOHX NORTH STATE 0. K. (IX tit . 401)1 Republican principles that took Ace last mg!. JioiJHio' crecated-ia and narouad .tbe. City Hall seven thousand duskcy deicnders torches cast ist their lurid clarc on faces whose every lineament bespoke joy and hiawmnTMi. ............ rfln-'! I w jAJi jiaji'Uass eiui iue-process ioit ue bfgiilVtar - WrlTs,! "Waving torchesV Judge-Cantwell addressed thcra in one brthels eloauent sneeches we have eftr: mpoti&d&fchjy9 ..shall publish in fall in to-morrrow, issue, t I The procession coUsUtea of Hbe gete rat wkrd'lodb'f Mhdf ofmujic. ; The route was made to include all of out1 prihef pk streets, and the endeavor vfas made to pass and salute every house occupied by pla&i'jof note. It wakfestimated thit serett thottsand people-sverein-th procession. Not all waJfcfJower (li tT s fefl l , f At one time the head of- the proces sion waa' at Harket street and tbe rear torches were illuminating the bouses at the corner of Seventh and-Custle streets I After occupying seVerarnours in par- adiagrthe streets, the band, returned to taabOyiHl, phcrq tejrf were ad dressed by Hon. James Heaton, Messrs. old. roiongea applause, it was men uis anded and the meifitilrB' formed them- ewe, lotiumti arjnaj:? 'b! streets mi a laie uour, giugiug uuiuu pngawand iWfaJsllo their joyous feelings in other harmless ways. , The only drawback on the compJete Success of the jubilee was the demon strations of some of the Rrscally( boys and ruffians wlid tolloned the proces- sion. ,?f jfni ?'i 1 : Their acts meet with our scorn and jcondemna(o1b, n3 we can assure our jclflie&rjttlio: were annoyed, that prompt action is being taken to bring these con ! temptable sconndrtlapto-jutice. ' Mr. Geo. IJabsop haa. been sent to Mr. Schriver Jwtth orders to promptly remunerate him for, tho ; destruction perpetrated on bis premises. We carliafeiy say in I closing that the demonstration , was f one of the most successMllnarouity has ever wit- Conors a shsLnieeting of the Sherifls ot thej t copnies composing the Third C'o'ngression.alPistrict 6l the State of North Carolina, with5esse 3. Cassi dey the Magistrate Vrid Ihe YenJElectors of this county as roTed for : by law, QourCHonse in this city at noon to-day. JSThe meeting was organized by call ing Sheriff V. -Vrtichardson of Colum bus to the; chair, and on calling the roll the followfng 'coSlnties f responded by their relpecre tf M f u 'I Onslow. E. Marrell; DnplinjB. Yal lace; Sampson, J. M. Robinsoti4f-Colnm-bus, V. V. Rir4&n4BJiswick, S P. Swain ; ew Hanover, J. W. Schenc CaHefela. W. Moore. ( ' IJJfollowing counties did not rc- Schenck, the meeting adjourned till four o'clocSrr WClSI.. 1 v JPfmFm9i Icn that the rttldence of Duncan M. Bryant, Esq., on Masonboro' Sound, was destroyed by b3'clcCI tlU(Tfc!irsday larger portion oi the tnnitnre was saved jtffWraiiai anout i3 'VH fflOTOItlK 4 1 ff 4-,, If. if BorraBUROt TheltepiiWicajtiaOf?AbBtC., l ownsnJp met in AbbotUburgf onilon- day f evening " and Ibrmcd-f a uGrant andsWilsJn dlub." t hcr'followmrel WB piacersa x;siaenjE, i onn y . vv ai lace i iiVico , Presidents, .Wm, jH.il liamrafad W.? U: Fond ville; Secretary,, Alex Pbn , Smoke. At about half-past tweye o'dlock last night, policeman Dayis, .fipecial health officer, was aroused from his bed by a' Call from; FanDy Turner, keeper of a house of ill fame in the east ern part of the city, who reporHtycVthat her house was in flames, and that she i(?sircd hfs assistance. Mr.' Davis Venf promptly to the spot, and there. discov ered, in a room at the back part of the house over the piazza, a mattress and pillow, which had evidently becn'igni- ted, and was producing a heavy smoke. .Near the bed was lound a handfull of' matches, which had evidently been used to kindle the5 fire. The contents of the room wereimmcdia'ely rendered inuox ious. No traces could be discovered that would "go to prove that tbe fire had beejiist from the outside. The wholcH matter ; looks very susijicious, and we hope that an investigation will be 1 ad that wil1 throw the blame ou the guilty party. County Commissioners. The bond of Sh iff Schenrk was presented, but as the tax books were not ready for delive ry it was voted to let it remain . over till' tbe fist Monday in September. Mrs. Eliz ibtth Fails of HaiUctt town ship was allowed $6 dollars per month for her supp jrt. Mm. Wm. T. Hockley and Mrs. Eliza beth Wilson, wore allowed four dollars each. John D. Dasher and S. F. Fotts were grantud .license to. retail liquor iu city "mits. Ordered. That the tax lists of real and personal property for the different town ships of this county, be accepted, aud that the Clerk of this Board give notice in the newspapers of the city, that this Board will attend at the Court House orl Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 19th, 20th and 21st days of August, for the purpose of hearing complaints and revision of lists. Ordered. That Conmisioutrs John C. Ileyer, E. M. Shoemaker and James A Lowery constitute a committee to have the tax lists for the different town ships prepared and placed in the hands of this Board at tte earliest possible date. The meeting adjourned, subject to the call ot the Chairman. STATE ITEMS. The Era dubs Judge Mcrrimou "The great Defeated." Mr. John Jame3 of the Journal staff is rusticating in Wake county. Newrkrn authorities pay fifty cent each for dogs delivered to them. Fast Time. Our Fayette ville Eagle oi the 10th, reached us on the night.ol the 14 th. The escaped penitentiary convicts have been heard of lrom Johnson county. The Northern wing oi the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Raleigh will soon be completed. The fair of the Carolinas will orSen in Charlotte October 22nd and continue for five days. Vandemhre has been decided on as the location for the Court House and county town of the new county of! Pamlico. Ralsigu thinKs forty cents too much for a peck of peaches, and Wilmingtop is glad to pay that price for half the! quantity. Rockingham had a free fight last! week between the humbug Indian show-, men, who were committing depreda-f tions, and the citizens who were proJ tecting their property. j Lumcerton luxuriates in street fight in which Justice's of the JPeace get roughly nan'dlccf, stall" tb teace andj dignity ol the State gets violently shocked, and they also indulge in in timidating voters, and Justice Sinclair binds sundry of the intimidationist overt to the Superior Cpurt,f Gbakt rAND Wilson CEtfrj AT Ab- et Treasurer. James Read's m.f LLC"-ZlLz.iTT?""- . xieariy one uunareu enronca tueir lkT 1 mi . k i T names. i ' r ' rTicn has ;bt? been mpncj cjooughl recei'Tctl in the city ZreasuryTff. New .Jrbfiayatlie Tima t for couple of. imontha babk i o buy an eld, fashioned baby 4reas, and u0? rAoSpect of their be- my 5'J"1 1o twm ffyvs trc' t aii&miitXAi& brass of the eldest capl out. Mr. and Mrs. Williams was '-id lOirears, while hia wife is in the 9Qth yefcofihetiag&D vl ba TNEBSuiiB,a tiegib' , li?inpt Pl&ahtHin"iiear Weldotir fcilied bi ib'i iHt&k?hd0rif few dayagdilFor some- siigbtcauso he was whipping hii sonra wifeWhen he 1 woniansi husBand i nt tTfered; and1 was struck with a? hoe by thecnragedlnah; killing Ihita in stantly. He then finished whipping the woman, went to his house and brutally beat his wife' and child, and then made hi$ escape. He has not yet been cap LATEST BY TTTTiEGRAgH :c ; From Ken tuckyW : , L 'r,K 'c-''" - tMaoirisYiiiiA, Aucuttl4. M Td-day an enormous ; business failure waa developed herein vol yins pao, of Jkhe most prominent business men in the city Robt.1 Atw6'dda leading insurance aeht and a memir of the -porlc packing firmj? fwho as been heavily speculating in .potion, and stocks and became involved to tne'extent of a quarter to half million of dcdlarat. He left on the Indianadoiis train, this evening, but was arrested by telegraph at Seymour, In diana, and brought back at 11 O'clock to n ight and was bailed in the sum of 950,000 ta appear at tho police court to-morrow ? is , charged that he has obtained large amounts' from the hank's on fraudulent 'drafts and on paper to which' he forged the name ofDr. " Lewis Ilogers, hia jCaither-in-law and,other prominent persons. t and business men. 2carl y every bank in the city ' is k loser.' Atwood was motet highly connected and the affair is creating-'profound sensation in From Ncw iTork. New York, August 15. The North German Brig John Frederick KaVanCfromliimarlbir fetetttn, put in here: in' distress,j having flost six to en by yeUow fever. The -BrUish ship ... Cathedral, from Pennsacola for Liverpool,' put in hefet 'leas ing very badly,: there ras 9 feet of watr in: the hold 'tehe Will toe repaired here J u , A terflQo fron1 Widnfght to daylight extended throughput tho State, Che trains TV V uvi vv '(,lt 'Mii lf 1 u LdNDONj August 15.! i, The' daif Newil 1 has o 'special dispatch, from Florence stating that it was rumored there, that Cardinal AhtonelH bai quarreled with the Tope aililieifsJfefiesign should the latter persevere in the,policy of hositlity to the ltftljair Qovcrnnjcnt and; iU that, An- cjerical journals refrain froin 'publishing-! theLeechbsofMlloirWhcr.n llf1 i!-. ' i : f .t H f I U III IIIlUViBt '. 'iU . J ' : '.'CAaoi'AgttstlSi-1" Blaiton liuncan sties tU6 Ch'fcatgb Tribtrne for $100,000 libel, for an artiele'piiblisheoriOth instf'5 '' ' . ; Myiiib:,.,. IHewYora; Markets if tii )J 8t6cks firm. G ol d qui e t at ,110.; Exchange , dull. GovernnientJbididut i find steacy StAtbonddu)ll)ut!nrm.''o'! j I in i . Cotton quiet. Uplands 21?i cts; prleans2, cents. Sales 532 bales; Flour dull.; SVheat quiet. Corn steady. Pork duUr-rmess $lf 62 S13 75. Lard steady steam 89J cents. Spirits Turpentine steady at 51M52 eals. ltosin qufet at sa 005 for-stBined, Freights ( quiet, vs tf ' I ' ConsoU; Bondal(. W fcJ , i : i i'lVKBTOOtUgmlloiOa,,, ; Cotton opened firm.? X tJpin4s f9d gLi OrleanslOaiiiilfi ?Muitu Cotton flrml .Uplands . PJcL; Orleans WA & lOd.. Sales of 15,009jbaless, pf,wlci spec ulators and exporters took 3,000". Breadstuffs easier. U vir :-J IM4 i? Gfik EteVib4drft1foans of the great National 'Regenerator el health, PjLAATioBiTiag are on every body'a, iifi adyertialng; i iehfa; all the paid tor paQiagfloi ffKich4hQ Awnera of )guf bit ters are .obliged) to jresori. Xt haa f pon taneous heatU&esarabout4lt . which carries onyhitiQnalhe mind pf.theanptorut! it is a t-ell known fact, that the proprietors f6t'itaei9irid6orltlEB telieverT-j lledtipon newspaper DOlsterloff to esUblUh the-atiecess otpreparatiotk irhich $ its stomslimr f popularity nlaisJyitodhal ora teiantony Uul tHoltsanil&cavfi; eft&trx 'nerfeneelPr fbctnn ttit Itewl&esarotthi 'immense 1 1 . ........ . ' V j. i K nf r,7n n7 T?r ir;niaIZ iswn TiStW'rt lid? ft I oil ri!iif id ''.biajd -s, ,COLHJIIHCTAT,v 1fi I Tirj3lrTGTOn nAllIIET r I Sales dltbblatlS5fdf littii;4$3'83t for yellow dip, a&dl t3 COicx lardV per 22 lbs.' j, n Spikxts TuamrrisE No .traoaaclioos itosor Alter closing yesterdays there wWsaleal6iX31f bblsVat WVtk& SO for strained, $3 S5 a $3 371 for Ko. a&d $5 75; ior extra : Pale, This morning, the sales are 905 bbls at $3 SO for strained, $3 40 for iNot i fbr NS?1,4 i f4 IS for tat traNo. 1. S4 50 for'ldw ate-and, S5 for -'TAii--anl3r4abhls received and sold at !iCfOTT0K One small lot (9 bales) sod at ?w cents lor.miaanng. i -4-4 ;,' . T.i ,.j I C 'ifi .... I AKK1VED. "15 Steamer Caswell, Paddison, fm Poirif jaweivt9 A tti YaaBokkelen. ., i, i i , , ? u Bchr, Lucretia, 8mith, fin Hyde county, to DeBosset&Co. '.'J tUu ' w. sifto CLEARED. I e"aJfio f 15 Brig Frontier, Morgan, for Boston, byiHarriss & Howell." . Barque G S Hunt 'Gray, for Amsterdam, by 31osson k Evans. f . , , , 4 r , Steamship Benefactor, Jones, lor4 New York, by Barry Bros. k a-- i Steamer Caswell, ,, Paddison, for Point Caswell, by A H VanBokkelen. 9 .-JtECJEIPTS.-; s,y m i PVEJi STEAMERS, Ac. T f teamer Caswell J30 bbls crude turpen- i Schr Lucretia -1,145 bush corn. -i ""1 - iairoiiTs. 'i il.i COA8TWIS1V t ; Boston Brig Frontier 141,000 lect lum Dcr , .i.iuMO ,i: FOREIGN5 i,aim'!'' 1 ' Atetdaniajue ViJlbttnl,1 casks spirits turpentine 838 bbls rosbu tn List ol Vessels mllie Port' of Wil mington, :nTC.. Angnsf 14, t8T;' ' i j i !.' STEAMSHIP Benefactor, ones jdis, , parry Bros . , .. . , BARQUES -Geo Sunt"ray. ldg Europe, 'i''" ? u ft ,J! f-Jtlt Blossom ifc Evans Br Amazon, McDonald., ldg Europe, ' ' JK Blossom '& Evans Swed. Ulrica, Badenburg, dls, . Heide Bros. Br Ivanhoe, Pincjkney. ldg Europe, ' Jas Andersorii& Co ( Br) Topeka, Harringtoni ldg Europe i u . . !s. . ... , Willard Bros (Br) Ella moreShaw, ' ' " " , 1 'ufo- u bflf-l fiarriss HoweU Howland, Tucker, ldg O Q Parsley Br Eureka; HoUtrway; ois,,A Jli "Willard Bros ( mu.;.i ' BARQUE ANTINB3 i ii-. (Br) George Bo9th Duncan, dhi,, , : . ,., Vickfe Mebane or oruiiKni. oiar, oeaman, lag xaverpooi, . or Meteor; HolsWlderKurone. Heide Bros ur r air & aasy, xayior, dis, . . .Wl - m J Anderson & Co Nor Vearge, .Neergard, ldg, Europe,. . , j j L ... f J Heide Bros Frontier, Mofm?tgy Hkrriss & HOWen I ry i-SCHOpNERS v. ;,H M Morales, Eldridge, dis, O G Parsley DiOnf, McDonald, dis, J H Chadbotira &Co Begu4aRogeyf,.ldR -f,dom: .,s List or Vessels Sailed lor' this Port. fir ' 'NEWlTORKi - Bear J ohn Rommell, r, Hillard. it.,,, f tun t. , - - cld July SS ! PHILADELPHIA. ' Bchr Sidney C Tyler. Barrett, - eld Aug BrBqueM EBed J Hopkins, eld Jane 25 I ! A K 111 ITIT I Br Barque Mien, Jtey, cid July 33 Mg Nteptune 'ffuar.ruu,i ': 'CiawuJvlB ! -nil vutf J RTXANP. ; Schr NeM Starr, Poland, ' eld Aag5 - II.1 CROHIiYy Anctioneeiv r By CRQKLX &3IORBIS. inci.;i .7 OK.TO-MOItROW! f Friday) at 10 oVlockv A. we fwiUseU,.iri front of our Sales Rooms,1 lnflots toisklf, T ui j Tu.,t : F ly damaered. I an9.ia k -u -jf fis bu .t.ii liu. .a,i 74t u ,,,nalHis;,ttitay,,, of eJf:4Ilyilf l.l. vjLl COMMISSION, ..MESCJBMte, 6 'BINFORD'CIWWCaf e .i,uuu uarreis X'loor. tji-mi nt-y; )dS T4cfaMWrf;f,4,,n',f',,.' . UkdMluflof XI -na-iilrfon-jil 31eWMeslj55a5anUcM I .MmmMf jtywf b?ijk atli tLf,tt ro Alfcorti dl fapHnted id-for isle y 97cn uain' Oacsrtm ncCMctb si s?-tli j ? fl"i tril w$liiifj; iiti q& cs ! icf-q f!Jir-! NT .11 a.aig 1 1 ( 'ADRIAN, r a XLTOLLESCl jus. All IU All Ft vnTT.T n - I" "if , W WSSWSlft v . TOOJ Importers of Gerriza aadHaixi Oxrs, SouTH-Easr Ooxh&M Docs and Fxoirr i.'jij wiLTpa; lai rei.L ! twort mmi xi ofGrooeries and Llqaors la ttaa citr, riMiim wuinndlttothelr Interest toxlrsks a call before buying elsewhere. General tOorSc3VircxtSsato. & CQRNR)(DOCK TTAtel BIRESTB, K makoToirr. attention to the sals or shinixwni of an4 Naval etoxssv Juniper Ctates and . all sands of Cbuntry prtfelUoS, tfac Ac. Orders Baleof laceW purchsM of oc,wUTie:ra to, and to Hhe beat advantage to mi mfr : We are also welving larso, eensirnmefiU or ail grades of Liquors which ws are pre pared to sen at wholesale; at the lowest cash prices. ' ui ' v - 'r r dec 21 - ' - - lO-tf "STHTMANNiNO; 'cobaiooiba rjBDcminT, AJTD mULLXB rw Groceries, Prorislons, J Dry Gc23s No. 33 and W Korth Water Street, v WILMINGTON, N. C. . Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited! X nov23 15I-ly NewStorelOldGroods ! . 6REENEWALD & CO., ' , 32 WORTH WATER STEErr, 1 " Next dbok- to Willard Bro's ' 5 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUOR; WINES, ' BRANDIES, WHISKIES ! ' GINS, &cM Ac, andttllkinds of Fancy Liquors, which we will oner to the trade on the most reasonabls terms, as we are receiving large consign mente of the best goods in the country. -Flease call before making your purchases. Jan 14 , t 160-tf RIOHAitI 1ST. MOON. Commission Merchant, AND DEALER III imoTjRGRAjriiv j Oor.Cauiden &Paca Sis i ialtincro, 111 vrdWm KorOi Carolina Solicited. Jersfrom': xeD ir" " - j . i i74.r 1 ;:?fbti Fnoirr ot., Flnleiv K scl Gas fitter i5. v and dealer ha Wrought and Galvanised Xroa Pipes. Brass Cocks Valves, Ccs Flgteres, u r ! and all descriptions of PITTINGShFOR. GTEAH, V7ATEB Particular attention , paid . to fitting op of is'toiT. ' , cotxoii. hills, , witn meam, uas and water. nov: 14S-tf R. MAYER, and coic7EC!n;rnz5 C 3-4, Market Otreot, FRENCH AND AlfEttlCAN CONrEC- n V w -TIONEUY, - - -r , ; HFooEiair dojustio murrs. Weddings and parties supplied at short notice, with , aU the delicacies of the season . . pot 6 -s . ? lUjr PAEKEE & TAYLOR i , r.'t ' 1.8RCCCSsow to - 'Vo, A H. .1? F P - . " Manufacturers and dealers In OUBE FUmiBUINQ QOODSs Guns, stoves, Lanterns,' Kerosenev Oil Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Roofing: rici3, at chert notice. , . . . , Agents for Falrbanks Scales. , - .Jflfai 1 Front Ctrcet,., - j ffiLainoTon, n. c. nor It ' : ' 'iSlyf y i , , aTABLiailD ISA : - ,r i it?. 'iirtiii , il StXCCESSOB TO ; fir! BEOWlf AiniDEH0Nf i'ji! i.t ij -j-y ft DEALEHIN iiiq !nWatphes, Clocks, Jewelry,' Gilver "Wai, . , Watchar,. Clocks and Jewelry, carefully repaired nov 9 ; 113-tf afj.ltihtiM bos tuiiu;.t.; .jFANCY OOODSi '7 ' iwrAcLnj To butt all ages.

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