THE EVENiNi- Fubisbed every afternoon, except Stmdav. WJI. P. CANADAT ....BMincM luatger JAMES C. MANN ............ .....Xfltor - Subscription. ? One year, in advice,1. . :I . . . . i ...00 Six months, in advance. ; - 3 00 Tkreejaoiiths, In advance : . V . i . '.V. 1 50 One month. In adrance '; 50 : gTVM? business SetteshO bjk- communications or matters ; relating to the editorial department to the Editor, i Correspondence solicited from Our friend in all parts of the State, on topics of , gene ral interest. Political news and reports ol rops are especially desirable, j . . :. ' ,, Iloors of openine' anA-clGshiglReadlfik Koom of lYilmiogton LlbrVrj.AssoCiition; 1 Open at 61 A. M., close at 1 o'clock; P. JL " 31 P. Mf., , :7rF:M. Tost Office Regulations. Post, Office, !WLMiioTo1i C., ) March 187 f From this date the malls "wilt close as follows: 1 1 .j Northern (morning) mail...... 5'arjn.j Northern (night) mail. 2 8 p. m) Southern mail; . . .-.8 p. m Ed. R. Brink, P. If. . 4 . Z, . i A I . t i - i . i I j . 1 .1 I JusTrecelved at Van Ors dell's another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings.' ; All sorts ot blanks printed and for sale by; 8. (i. Hall. Office on Princess at. tl IiOCAIjjCTEMS. Thk lottery -will be drawn again to night. Jtcket not all solrViret. Of alltbe benanigaiifwtf : ever wit-' nessed, ttie proceedings' of the Demo-; cratic Sheriffs at'tbe Court House; yes-i terday, beats all. We publish elsewhere the proceedings. Harris News Stand, supplied with every variety of reading matter that can, be desired. AH periodicals can be pro cured there, as ell as the Northern Pa pers. We call attention to the filthy con dition of the street Booth of Mar ket. There is a hole there deep enough and dirty enough to bury Horace Gree ley, hat and all. More Vandalism. A school house used by colored children, and sit dated j in Township No. 1, Robeson County, Bear the South Carolina line, was burned night before last by a pertj f raenwho were not identified. . : , ' AOKNO WLKDO EM EST. We baTO j T8- j ceived one of the first copies pf a Ms-i tory of 1 be German Settlements and of the Lutheran ' Cbuich in North and South Carolina, J y G. Di BernbeinJ, Paatsr ot SuPauPa Church in this citj. We shrll notice tt length in a few daysJ 1 1 . j. .1 U i' Mayor's Court. - ,v His Honor James Wilson. Mayor,! pre-' u - i. -sdinff. '- - Five cases in court this morning. -Charles Howard, disorderly con duct, $2 25. C. Cowan, disorder, $2 25. : j Jo8Ern Clifford, selling liquor on! Sunday. Dismissed. '"' . : Daniel Cline, same. 'Dismissed -' Polly Ross, Disorder) J conduct, $3 25. I Ed. Post: My vessel, the barque Geo. S. Hunt, "would have been detained I twenty-four Hours in this harbor hact it not been tor the kindness of Captain parson ana toe omcers ot the Kerenue steamer Sctcard, whose prompt assist ance in bringing to ray vessel my crew. I wish to acknowledge. n j '.:::':' " " ., .: .Mark Obay.X',! i Master Barque Geo. 8. Hunt.' t : The above proves the. usefulness of tbc reyenue service, whose officers and crew arej always prepared to assist the merchant marine in every similar case, when not engaged in special service. More democratic fraud The Dem ocratic Commissioners ot Brunswick county wicn they .counted the.Tote.and. foihd ti'at McSay and Caldwell tad a majonty, immediately threw ouf bdft the largest Republican townships, Aere-j by. givJnx .their Democrltlc'frlendsj Waddell arid Merrimon mjorUTtm Not being satisfied with thtehey make out the returns forth? their County, in4e4? Ejfejs . Col McKaj's name as it was on the ticket! -Keill HcHay, thij m itAiXmSi VflJ McKay. r.. ! Now, tbig Democratic trick is too plain, we kdbVfChAt'vihe'ticknhiC went i to 'BruDa wick County were tha same as tboeept the otber districtf. The Sheriff himself informed njrtrJat;he was confident that it was wrong. 1 Bellanyitaid.thatrbe could swear that th tickeU Toted were for Neil! Mc Kay. It it rcxy plain that these men thought that McKay might have a ma jority, so that tbia party, that hare all the honesty and intelligence, first ap point poll holders that will make their returns to suit the Democratic masses, so that they can throw the rotes of one of the largest Republican townships out. Not being r satisfied they make their returns so that the-balance oi Col. Mc Kay's vote in the county will not counted.' i ' j;( ho ideai that the- Denocrats talk about fraud, when they will deceive the will of the people in this manner out of their choice, and the man that has been qafetifanoTiegailyebcted. In Sampson county, they threw out a Urge number ot Votes, because they were vprinteel or written N. McKay, instead of :NeiH-McKay.- The law .does not require the full name to b$ on the, ticket, but this very honest set of delrauders wished to have all Jthejotes thrown out thai they could, and toeing Democrats, and knowing that whatever they did would be all right, anct ijliat the -Democratic Ku Kl ux pa pers would defend1 them. ; Taking all: this . into consideration their honesty would not allow them to count- the votes that were cast, and lawfully belonged to Col. McKay. But this is all O.'K. for these com missioners belong to the party that has 'l the reipectility'and : ihte'Illgence. All we ask is to be saved from all such subteluge, fehatae; and trickery. We are yery certain thai jf Col McKay contests the seat that is claimed by his opponent, he will be able to show the Qongress of the United Satcs the.ay in which the Democrats carry election in North Caro- 1 CORRBSFOISrbsNCi:. tpoiutbUfor the view or ttatemenU of Corres pondent; no communication of an cmonymotts eharaeier-ivtill be published; th real name of the writer must accompany aU commun iceti ion. Any one teho may feel agtieved at statements made by correspondents can obtain the name on T Dear Vost. I see this morning's Star lamlsiTnjf E'big' lusa about noth ing. It says the Rcpubican procession on the night of the 14th wai yery dis orderly. Now this is a fH- ahd is rnly done for the purpose, of having this report go out to the world. We have never seen a more Orderly, and well be haved procession If the Star's Local .dpjjgtrj will only refer back to two years ago, 'Wkea the Democrats bad their processionajolifieation in th's city, he will remember if his prejudiced heart isnot too much stamed,tbat we had halt a dozen riots and came very near having blood-shed. The Democrats (one of thepi told me, a day or two ago) were all drunk, they carried liquor with them, cursedoSnd fought one another, a great many of them were arrested for their! disorderly fconduct, no w let us compare the two,, gentlemen, and see which was the mosLdibgraccful. I can tell you Dear Post, what is the matter, they are mad, and dicl not Want to hear the Republicanff.Krejoicinff' over' their Tictory. They wished ' a tow;! but the men. that tufne4 put, dicl not intend that any one.emocrats or Republicans should beftnsulteJ and they were not , now will the Star refer back to '70 when the Democrats passed some of our Re publicans houses, ney gite them fgroans in the' moit.insutUcimanQer. right in presence of their families, (the Republi cans). All we asK is a cartful compari son ot the one!jjl$70 byhVjDemocrats and the ope by. Republicans on Wednes day nigj)i. iMltil Republican. ered brucfgts Cantwell befJre t lie seyen Jubilee of Ahgust f4th. Want ot space preTeitKHta'kpaesterVliy. ; .Ka jluSIjCtotweirs Speech, tf ttiWacimir 'of the Janicplum inihe Vcsidit ot ancient Rome, " bear wberetbeiiTOsrlrrre-inauurated statua ehdc!ioiil2)m5lJcl itie tu tejcityoh28SlOTTow abore the Imralificej-jat its feet ' ic to tbeCast and to the West; at time past and the time to ccme, and the sooth sayers of the city pretended that from its expression the fortunes of the State could be foretold. Happily in America, we my friends, are impatient alike, of civil or eccle siastical assumption. We bow our selves down to no graven image nor ecnlptured stone. Tn this place where our city sovereigns are ac customed to assemble, and the gorge ous flag of the Republic delights to float, we are met to-night to celebrate a double victory. One is already achieved in th's place and the other is foreshadowed in Novem Tember. Two years ago the Republi can party was defeated in NorthjCaip 'na by nearly five thousand votes. On the first clay ofeAugust, we carried the election by morean fifteen hundred ; a gain of ajt leasf six thousand five hun dred votes in two years. Last year the anti-Republican majority in the Legis ture, was sixty on jointballot. This year we have reduced that majorit ' to nine teen, and gained one member nnd per haps two in Congress. In 1870 we lost through our 'dissensions one half the County ticket. This year we had the most formidable bolt we have yet encountered, and elect our en tire County ticket in both branches ot the General Assembly. In 1870 the Republican candidate for Attorney Gen eral received in this city only sixteen hundred and twenty votes, this year we give Col. Hargrove two thousand one hundred aud thirty in the city. They say the new Legislature will oppose the popular verdict, and unseat Gov. Caldwell. The bare announcement ot this pur pose eusures the electoral vote of North Carolina, and other States to General Grant and by a large majority. The same threat made in 1861 in regard to Lincoln, led to civil war, and is the cause of the civil wars which desolate Mexico. There arc 15,0t)0 voters in North Carolina, belonging to neither party,"who are resolved tat this coun try shall not be Mexicanized. They hold sentiments which aro prevalent in the Union, and hence we anticipate the election of Gen. Grant by a larger ma jority than he received in 1868. Standing where we stand to night, my friends, and looking one way upon our four years of supremacy in the State, broken only by a single trinsient de feat, and another vray upon onr future prospect?, well may our enthusiasm be enkindled. Oar feelings resemble those of the mariner who approaches at last the haven of a long-deferred hope, and hela beneath him gliding with an almost bnman joy a staunch and state ly ship, under full sail, and bound upon a sure and homeward track. Across the waters in her wake he sees a zodiac ot1 constellated lifo and light. Beforo him as the dawn advances and the moon grows pale, the obscene birds of night retire, and the whole horizon glows with shad owy outlines. The very hills he climbed with childhood's weary feet appear, clothed in the roseate hues of the morn ing. We have passed the white hitted waves that fume and fret themselves to death around the entrance to our har bor, and now, rate in port, can look back with no unkind feeliug on our former foes, and those who were defeat ed in the recent contest. Let us rejoice without insulting their natural disap pointment and their just despair. Let ns look upward, my friends. A curdle binds the constellations, and conceals the great celestial signs through which the sun must pass in his appointed jour ney. Beneath that glorious canopy there is no prouder land than this of onrs. The stars that deck yon deep un fathomable abyss do not behold, in all their course, a happier spectacle than these enfranchised men and women. Every sod we tread upon to-night is a soldier's sepulchre. Ia yonder cemetery repose the collected bones of thousands who died that we might have the priv ileges of the free. Let us flicg again their scarred and blood-stained banners to the breeze. Let our torchlights coun terfeit the blazing stars among which they shine. Their sacrifices have not been in vain. Our voices, ringing through the welkin, rise jap to thenVon viewleW wings and courr era. No sweeter music penetrates the spheres than these grate ful acclaims that com " Not from kings aud lords, but nations, Not throats and crowns, but men." U .'f;K STATE ITELIS.1 None of the persons poisoned by eat ing ice cream in Reidsville have died from its effects. ; : ; 1 Johh A. Hekdbik, of Colombia, S. C, aged seventeen years, died suddenly at Hickory Tarem, Jast Sunday. The New Bern Jourazl of r&,.ntnerce of the 0th, 1 10th and 15th reached us all together by last night's mail. The wife' oi Ruben T. Perry, c )m u itted suicide at Boon Hill on Wednes day. She had been married but A shcrt time. :;... -V'- " - . Fayetteville complaina of the flock ot geese that occupy their market place, Uo scandal of all good citizens. The feathered geese arc' the ones complained o. in the Eagle, Young Leach who was so badly in jured by being thrown i rbm hi;iUigy some days ago, is imroli'with a piospcct of his entire rtcvery.- Hickory Tavern bosts of a growing trade in dried apples,-blackberries and, melons, and some wheat and rye. Tell its brother Pitt, how about the rye juice T x It amuses us to notice the space oc cujied every week in our several '' ex changes, in returning thanks fot melons and other ten cent ruck sent lo the impecunious and hungry editors. Sad accident. Clara, a little daugh ter of John B. Blackwell of Caswell county, aged three or four years, was accidentally run over by a loaded wagon on fast Saturday, killing her almost in stantly. The work of widening the guage of the N. C. R. it., between Greensboro and Cbailotte will be completted some time this Fall, when trains will rcn through, instead ot breaking bulk and Changing passengers as is now the case. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH From Newj York. New York, August 16. The debate between Saunders and Garrett both color: d, advocating, respectively, Gree ley and Grant, took place at Cooper Insti tute last night. There wasa large mixed audience, and much confusion and ill feel ing was manifested toward the champion of Greeley. The meeting broke up almost in a row. i u The State's Attorney General denies the; report that civil and criminal suits against Tweed aad Sweeney have been abandoned! The brig Sea Gufl. from Maracalbo arrived ' with yellow fever. L ah tne xiumancia crew but twOii)ecofiyaiescent, i . A Washington dispatch states that claims aggregating one hundred arid seventeen million five hundred thousand dollars have been filed before the mixed American and English Commission, from British sources, for damajes sustained by the ' seizure andj confiscation of blockade runners ana tneir cargoes during the rebellion, by the Ameri can government. ; ,,r Secretary Boutwell will deliver several political addresses1 In1 'Pennsylvania' next, month. '! fi- . Secretary Fish is i repo. ed too unwell to return to Washington at present. From Ken tnckv, ' LorisviiM?, August 16. Rev. G. H. Robertson, was received in this city to-day, by the members of his church, Efforts a;e being made to reinstate him. The Democrats of the third district in this State.nomlnated C.W. Mtlllken for Congress. ,.; From Ida ine. ;.. Augusta, August 16. Mr. Greeley is Portsmouth, and leaves tb is afternoon for Rye Branch. . ' - -i . i i f " - From Maryland. T ... BALTIMORE, August 1C. Joe Jeflerson is here, and his sight is en tirely restored. From Washinstoa. Wasiiisgtos, D. C. August W It is raining heavily here to-day. Severe storms were reported in the North yesterday. New York Markets. ' KEW York, August' 16. Stocks; dull. Gold steady afc 115. Money easy at 2 per cent. Exchange long 108 short 109. Government bonds firm. State bonds dull but steady, " , ' . " , . Cotton quiet Uplands 21 cts; Orleans 2 cents. Sales 280 bales. j Flour dull. Wheat qnlet and nominally unchanged. Corn dull and unchanged. Pork ' dull mess f 13 60& flS7&' iAfd -dallfiteam 89 cente. Spirit Turpentine hevy t 51al M cents. Rrisiii' quiet at $5S9 W toi strained. Freights (pdet,i f i r? T v v, rMiUn-J :-lt ih'i ii ljftAtt ion p.t:i 'o - ' -!JJjoncV;Augtistl6KboDU ; - xjbhsoUte; dstt: r'Tr! rrf0 : ' 1 rrVKKTOOL.' August W-iiboni r Cotton opened flnfl.' Uplands tp 10d.; Orleans lOdi'S 1 J nL ,f Ji J ; , Cotton flrm , Uplands OtIccum 00 OJdU , Sales I5,000;ba4t o whicb P- rnptors and exporter foqk afeiBreadstufi rI " fs !rimif ! T''mh ?,A'ntlo EICTAT. WILMINGTON M AJRKETi i FRIDAY, Aug. 16-1;S0 P: M. Ckudb Tear anTrrnt Receipts light, and market stead r- Bales of 2S5 bbls at?4 25 for virgin, $3 85 for yellow dip, and $2 SO for hard, per 2S0 lbs. SpiJtmjTcBJiWTnrkAfter closing. yea terdaj's report, 50 casks ( changed hands at 46 cents. , This morning the price has de clined, 'and the 'sales are 863 casks at 45 cents per gallon fnr 8outherri packages. ' . Bosrjr Sales yesterday afternoon of 1,030 bbls. at $3 30 for strained, $3 40 for No, 2, and $5 73 for extra Pale. To-dy the sales are 543 bbls.' at $3 30 for strained, $3 35 a $3 40 for No. 1, $3 50 f6r low No. 1, f 4 for No. 1, and 4 50 a 4 75 for low Pale, No sales repotted in Tab and Cottoh. 4 MARINE. , Br Brig Joseph llowe, Gotten, fin Aspin wall, to Harris8 & Howell Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Child, from Baltimore, to A D Cazanx. 8tmr A P Hurt, Worth, from Pay ettevllle, to Worth & Worth. CLEARED. 15 Schr Henriett; more, from E Kidde ill, Hill, for Balti- -.don. Br Brig Ivanhoe, Pinckney, for, Amster dam, by James Anderson & Co. 16 Schr Dione, McDonald, lor Boston, by J H Chadbourn & Co. , , Stmr A. P4Hurt, Worth, for Fayetteville, by Worth & Worth. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS. &c! Steamer A P Hurt 26 bbls spirits turpen tine. 28 do crude turpentine, 154 do rosin. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Naw York Steamship Benefactor 551 bbls spirits turpentine, 53 bales cotton, 3C3 bdls snooks, 145 bbls turpentine, 50 ' bbls pitch, ICO bbls tar, '5 bale 3 sheeting, bbls rosiu;725'bush peanuts Baltimore Schr Henrietta Hill 54,236 feet lumber. Boston Schr Dione 173,205 ft lumber. FOREIGN.:. Amsterdam Br Brig, Ivanhoe 2,193 casks spirits turpentine. last of Vessels mhe Port of Wil mington, N. C, August 14, 1872. STEAMSHIP Benefactor,' Jones, dis, Barry Bros BARQUES Geo S Hunt, Gray, ldtr Europe, J R Blossom & Evans Br Amazon, McDonald, Idg Europe, J K Blossom & Evans Swed. Ulrica, Badenbttrg,dis, Heide Bros. Br Ivanhoe, Pinckney. Idg Europe, Jas Anderson & Co Br) Topeka, HarriDgton, Idg Europe, Willard Bros (Br) Ella Moore, Shaw, dis, Harriss fc nowell Howland, Tucker, Idg , O G farsley Br Eureka, Holloway, dis, Willard Bros BARQUEANTINE (Br) George Booth, Duncan, d!st Vick&Mebane Br Brilliant Star, Seaman, Idg Liverpool, . Vick & Jdebane BRIGS. Nor Meteor, Hoist; Idg Enrope,' Helde Bros Br Fair A Jtasy, Taylor, dis, , n ( . ,.f , j, J Anderson & Co Br Lone Star,' Kenealy, Idg Europe; !fJf !'4' Williams &.Mnrchison Nor Vearge, Neergard, Idg Europe, ' - Heide Bros Frontier, Morgan, wtg, Harriss & Hwwell SCHOONERS J M Morales, fiidridge, dis, O G Parsley Dion, McDonald, dis, J H Chadbourn & Co geguin, Rogers, Idg, . ; do . On Everybody's Tonngc Enloginms of the great National, Regenerator of Health, Plantation Bittbbs, are on eyery body's tongue. This gratuitous viva' voce advertising is better than air the paid ior puffing to which the owners of bogus bit ters are obliged to resort. It has a spon taneous heartiness about it which carries conviction to the mind of the auditor., Bat it is a veil known fact that the proprietors of the Pjlannation Bittbbs have never re lied upon newspaper bolstering to establish the success ot a preparation.which owes its astonishing popularity mainly to the oral testimony of the thousands have either ex perienced or been the eye witness Of the immense physical good it lias wrought throughout the length and breadth of the buid. : .. DON'THAWK, HAWK, SPIT, SPIT, BLOW, BLOW,and disgust everybody with your Catarrh and its offensive odbr, When Dr. - Sage's Catarrh Remedy Will speedily destoy all odorj arrest the discharge and enre you , .'. . , - ; . EDWARDS & HALL, Wholesale Q-roeers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMINaTON, c. June 8 20-sm Hi Tt BINF0RD. CROW & CO:,1 rjAVEON STORE AND TOI ARKIVB, v . 'S J lVObo-BarreIFIoni- a . . . . . t'") . n IUU MlaW vOUCCf i ' 'nil ,j - .; . ,&Q Darrela Sng nr -' : ipOIIarrebj.Porl;.1 t ky 20,000 Bushels Corn. ' ifWlllneof u 'ni, i,lru f J 1 Which the; offer a lowa,the lowest A - ; GIVE US A CALL. ft Cb'untrv orders given special attention; LMEJ A. ADRIAN. - , H. VOLLEBfil ? ,1 ADRIA11.6 VOLLEIia; , Groceries nnd ;ILiqubro - ImrxrtercGennjma3idIljivanaarra, " 14 ;-rJUrx-r-i -. 'V ' CoirLmissioiiMerchaiit: South-east Cornx Dock and Fbost . ' r WyLMIMqTON,lT. a y . , Jif22L the ue?t d best aborted 8toik of Groceries and Liquors in the ntT riMi. will And it to their Interest to veJulcan before buying elsewhere. mavl7tf ' "V J W. , SCHENCK, Jrn & C0 General Coianissioa Ilerctants Comereial Age CORNER DO( & WATEtt SlRiETS, . i ,.WttMijroToir,N.Cl -WILL JIVBPBOMPT AHD PERSONAL attention; to the sal or Khlpwentofi Cotton andaraT tora,vJufa4r KUraaud all kihds of Country produce, tc,Ae r.Orderafor aae of Produceor. porchase o f Goods will be promptly attended to,' and to the best advantage to our ctutomtra. . We are also receiving large consignments of all grades of Liquors which wear pre pared to sell at wholesale, at the lowest cash prices. M lOQ-tf S. H. MANNING, conniooion UEnciiAnT, ATO DKALKR IN Groceries, , froTMons, Dry Goods Clouting, k k, No. 23 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited I nov 23 151-ly New Store! Old Groods ! GREENEWALD & CO., 32 NOKTH WATKK STRKKT, Next door to Willard Bra's WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, ' BRANDIES, WHISKIES GINS, &c etc., and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which we will offer to the trade on the most reasonable terms, as we are receiving large consign ments of the best goods in the couutry. 4STFlease call before making your purchases. RICHARD N. MOOiC Comniijssion Merchant, AND DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, AND - COUHTRY PRODUCE. Cor. Camden &Paca Sts , , . i Baltimore, lid. Orders from. North Carolina Solicited. r feb 11- - W. H. DART, LIFFITT'S DUIIiDIfCr, ' SO VTU FRONT ST., W;3n3VONGhTON, N. C. . ' . , ,i . t and dealer in : Wrought and tSaiTanized Iron Pipes, ! Urass Cocks, Valves, (jas Fixtarcs, -; ' - and. all. descriptions of . FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER . V , AND OAS. v ... Particular attention paid to fitting up, of , COTTON HILLS, with Steam, Gas and Wter. J nov 12 i v- ; 148-tl' V C. R. MAYER, BAKERY and CONCECTIONEBT 34 RXarket Street. . ' rjf - 4j FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONFEC TIONERY, ; j - FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS. Weddings and-parties applied at short, notice, with all the delicacies of the season j nov 5 PARKER & TAYLOR successors to a. h. nefp: 7,' lanu&tctarers and dealers In UOUHE FUBNIUHINQ GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin and Hheet Iron Ware. Roofing done at short notice. Agents for Fairbank's Scales. If 19 Front Street W I L n I N G T If If . C. nov 10 150-ly " ESTABLISHED 1823. T., ?W . BPON,, . 8X70CE890B TO v; :r: BB0WN & ANnDEBSm DEALER IN l " " fiae Ici Watches, Clocks, JflT&elvym Silver Ware, I ANcrsr ooous. ; SFECXACLES TO SUIT ALL AOES. i'S Li No. 37 Market Streot, - f , WILMINGTON, N.a Watches, . Clocks and! Jewelry carefully repaired. . i .. . V -of I t ' s - v A' r f M'lW OqriUlt 9ft fn."3 1 901 I r A.

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