; v ; k if j A xLL ' llf TS c IJOl.fJ A JT li! "4 X&tf ;f fM Ptl fl r.jrj?o j -vv ty j - -ri ; bo) if IjTif j I.Kf r-tl?rnr,K. . . r- - -- . -j- f 1 - THE PabUbed eterj sltenioo except flMdsj JAMES X liAWK wwlitor , Subscription. , , , . . ! One yearioadTsnce.. irv.-vf5 00 . Six monlbs, inadTsnce. . 'm f 00 Taree nontha itt ad ranee 1 50 On month. la adTance. . . . .J. .i ;r ,f r i-Tw-Aii hnsinesi letters ftbosld.be lad dressed to me loftiness ' omnittiiicatfonB or matters tela tbf editorial department to tne imor. in all parts of the State,tn;ti of gene- f ral interest. Political newa and reports ol rotn - t Houwof openine and clmbijc Rcailug Kwm.f WitmiMgtoo UiiUWlMipa : . j P. 31., p. m:, ;fr , : 71 il PJ M. rost Office JtegulotionSft "Post Officb, W iLMrif otoh. N. C.,?J iMarch 3i, 18W. Frotn tliis difc the mails ""will close as follow: ! - j Nortbsrn '(morning) mail ....... . .5 a. m.- Northem (night) mall....'; .;v.,... Sfem Southern mail ..'..S'pJm I Kd. R. Brisk. P. M. Just recelred at VanOradelralaaVtJSr lot or those Beantirui warasiMonrcangs. " .r . j, i:i f All sorts ot blank printed and for sale by laOCAI ITEMS. ALithe ioemben of the WilmicglOa itine unarua are ocrepyionueu W y.l4it-nd Mr. R. P. Howell as Cashier. at tbe Armory RKm at chck PjMi,Jrlnew Bank mptt proTe a snccess Monday the 19tb ofAaSs8j, 1872, With great benefit to the merchants arms.and cqaipraeot brt hey will be dropped rrota tperoU.; J. S. 'WTEaqles, Captain. No Mayor's Court was held to day. The Guard House is empty, the sailor Henry Johnson baring been sent to Jail- TAR present police force will prrlorm th.ir rfntiesnntil SfDtember lst.when'l k n.-iv nnnnintd members will tske a hand f Matkimont. Two white , f nd, , four colored couples took out license for the State of misery at the Registers office this week. Market reports for the week ending Auffust 17tb. Carts in market 357 Beeycs slaughtered 46. Hogs 3. Sheep 00. Calves 5. When the tug ooat -uraaat -naa four fans to her propeller she was MMrwc1a night.'1 TSo far 633 prixcibave fled to tow only one vessel. . one , now .1 tdws as many as sue has Jans. f ; i.I . - - - : J u . Ttt whole nnmhpr nf .dfrt? badtres ... vr . . ' r ,r.t. sold thia season is xzi, several oi.wuicu htvebttn re-issue! to take the place! of MoitTUAnY. Tht re were six deaths, nri rwrrpnnndinr number' Of inter- and a corresponqmg numoer oi mir menlsatthe Oakdale Cemetery. One .till born inf.nt, one d.l( wo- men. ' m Custom House. There was entered . . tra f Witminrrfn at the Custom House of Wilmington durinir the past week six coast wisa I a i.roT nr Vessels and one Foreign, cleared coast- wise four. Foreign seven. ' P mim- , t w fiiif H.'i'ttfttrd nf We are rejoiced that the Board ot Aldermen have finished their appbint- m,nt. TUe l, H..1 will now be free from the hungry hordes' of position . , . , - . , ' seekers. The daily conferencean the front steosbad bee.o'm a comnlete nui- ..nrp - I books of the City Treasurer and Oollec- tor's office. The receipts for the week were : Real and personal taxes, $1,153 73 ; special license, $1,034 60 ; dray and dog tax, $17 75 ; making a total of $2,- 208 08. ., j u Jjj O On the same davs the decree was nmwd d sicrned naminff the Ritrht Rev. James Gibbons now Vicar Apos i folic of North Carolina, to be bishop ot Richmond, Va as the-successor ;of Biahop McGill, deceased,-' Journal. We' clip the above ff om 1 tne xtew York SeraU of 15 th.' By tliia it; VUl N seen that we ahalUose Bishop Gibbons, sweepers, foreman ana j saj-wjno-by his'transler to Riclmoni j "Wfi? ,w? We learn of Bishop Gibbooa, deper. scholar and eminent dl vine ho-Kaa endeared himicir.td. at tbt feopU jot North Carolina, where most ot bis time kfnl flt IW M chtrreh and those Who ki have n eases been the rtciplcnta of Wi:Ji. roijiCTv.t WJV M and bite Witnessed bit oany 1 rr Christian Gold 115i. Thermometer 83. Oar sefitmnRill stays awsj. It hw stopped raining at last. Fears from jellow Jack below iM-Vnretlrta?fht Uvinar In rom1 stock while thej last. We drew a prize last night, it was as small as thej xom. Look at Water street between Prinwnid ilijkcn'llllmell. Pan sraolcioff George lljers new Thb sturm yesterday at the m.utb cl the rirer was Terr severe, and was badl felt, bj Tej8 joadiDg off the bar. The ;Prymg Pan Shoals offered a good he, and Xkpi 8frJpa i9oidet.t.nccarre(i- To- warcu.eyeninxrtue German Carae Wecri hot itsteclU signal Vf distress, 'wnich was imote(jjate1V answered Wtlie Rarenne Ufparni., o Kn.t;n. i,-V - .isL'. i ' vbhob-wudu- wb vapiaiDin great tlarm at theswpposcd danger of his po- siiion. uvwas-assarea oi ine gaiety or bli dcborage, and the Seward returned ; V . . . . Tn Bank'of Tew HanbVer, la , about establrsbinff bcneh at Goldiboro itr B.-B.Btndttr has been elected PnR; people wf Goldsboro1. The officers chosen are both . gentlemen of high sending m cbmmeroial circles, and are jrcli - Known tbrougbout tbe State. In order to allow the people of Golds- borQ, to personallf interested m the Bank, ' thej w to be allowed the prTf i suoscrioing to zo,yuy wortu P stock. We sincerely trust that this Uodable enterprise will succeed, and I fVint if will ImiiIsI .nn.. mnwmm I U m wy-tv j u-n o trade between oar cttraou Uoidsboro'. - , : - A w. W f t - iShiwiso at City Hall. Tbe draw- rng of the jotterj. scheme for the benefit of be Chanty Hospital was continued n!g-f ' i n afv r j. ffT iv T . f ri'Ha v.wu tLC gbelt being for foOa.lbe lucky nam ber was 2117; The L0i 000 prize is still The drawinff wilt be continued on Deen drawn, UJ'- S97...272S ...5261. ...2101.... 173.. ..1029 4 148 . 0,1211 r.J&? JkSWl .'. .wS81 6 . . . . 9 213JL. B81.T.. 961. ...5361. ... 952.... 932 4878... i80i... 2310.. ..4867.. ..6189.. ..4207 l93, 2670.... 4223,... 342fl.... 50.... 84 -?i--v-J8 445. . .3302. . . .4183. . . .5047. . ,1215,. . .5542 ma.k join eict no in .? ', S53...4223 2635.... 8032.... 658 8247 4214... 253. ... 1826.... 4124. ..v4890.... 3846 195a... i6.... 5553.... 8194.... 2361.... 5140 5i08...43?9j:a842.Ja541....5631....5115 iM.,.. 1656. ..1850. ...8244. ...3385. ...2541... .4629 2710. .)fW9'tuWI.... 4340.... 1039.... 896 1971... 424.... 280 5144.,... 8970 2874 t 8.. .1778.. 5545. .. .2998.L ..3471 ... 2150 :53g5 ...8839..., .721... ,2499. ...20 0 2414... 1443.... 3811. ...8S74.... 520....4a38 61... 4346, SSSat .2181.... 5868.... 5146 2344... 5874.... 2614....-104.... 471i.... 1649 S513... 750i. ..5630 j.. j.4645.... 140.... 4455 536... 4250;..". 4913.... 819.... 1870.... 419 5668.. . 5502... .1058.. ..3il2.:.. 868....2158 4143 M47.... 4R121S6. tai629.ikC211S 2440.. ..4518. ...5221. ...4933 1 8371 v. 4918.,,. 1230. ...4259.. ..4915.. ..5046 J430A .2555i ll .1097 769. . . .1785. . . .2117 -.5057.... 912.... 431.... 2009.... 2187 4185. . .8486. . . .3074.. . .1550. . . .4787. . . .2245 2691... 2525 ,.1932,. 3043.... 4770T.. 1407 4259.., 1339 Board Iff 3HTdersIe3J. Tbe ad- iourned meetins ot the Board of Alder- men' was beld Lastjcvenlog, his Honor Mayor Wilson Tesfdrn :'1 SK'J Several important1 matters were acted apn among,hicU iM election Thb folio wing Information was re ported' oy the Mayor regarding the 8trect departcn5ntTbe present force 1. GT tf 5Muxj vjrts?ivx r-' qdd ; foreman and 7 menjatrwt aecompnslUHy wiapiraaent, is ui 3!ifl J 01 aucncs .,n wopperpaiot wbcuj. itSia are girca the following comri: wIflfcc-'Sia - - laACiaf tLM, a per aay , 41 ' 25 per day. The remainder r rf ! tin bands are paid $1 12 per dayi- JTh power of discharging any tricmbir1 tpf .the street force is n sted ixthcJIarshaL . The names of thirty applicants fr! do sitionson the street force wererecto mended by the-Ccnnmittee on 8 triced and Whanres, and the following resolu tion was psssed : . . wived. That the parties named In the reoort of tbe Committee on Streets and W barrel, constitute tbe street force of tbe city from and afur Monday, tbt i;u msr. j - Tbe present appropriation , of $160 ... '. - . ', I - i. permontn, to each ot tbe steaornrtea gines was ordered to be continued. . In the matter of the appropriation tor tht haod, roge; rpJynVther time was askedby ihj committee, and Was granted. Allen J. Deuton (col.) was elected Superintendent ot tbe street force on the tenth ballot. The Board then passed the following orders : fitsolced, That tha maximum rate of wages to be paid the street bands ex cept the foremen of the different tqbads, who shall receive $1 37 per diem shall be $1 2o per day for the best bands, and for others tbe compensation to be fixed by the Committe: on Streets and Wharves at such rates as shall be equit able and just, to take effect on and after Monday, tbe 19th inst. Reiolved) That the Mayor shall bare the power to discbarge any ot the po licemen or street bands for cause and fill the vacancies and report the same to the next tweeting ot tbe Board for eon- firmation or rejection. 4 We give below the names of the newly elected police force. Cajdaim John Fitzgerald and Lewis Nixon. j Sergeants Henry Kuhl, John W Nash and Jack Davie. Privates James H Harris?, Richard Sherwood, R H Brown, Joseph KCutlar, S F Walcott, R J Jones, W H Howe, Rlt McKenzie, J D Orrell, Josh Green, Geo W Gretn, Lawrence Allen, Danl Haines, BeYerlyScott, J N VanSoulen, Wm II Harrison, Geo W Sealey, Lewis Bryant, Edward Lucas, P H Leek. , A lamp, was or Iced to be plaeed corner of Filth and Campbell streats. Adjourned to meet first Mondayj in September. 3 STATIj items. Ralkiqh has a Dateeon street. Twelve new brick stores in Golde boro. ' - Magnolia is to have a new carriage manufactory. George M. Arnold will address tbe people of Greensboro' to night. Hicks; the victim of tbe RtleigU out rage, is lying in a very precarious con dition. TniitTY brandy distilleries are run ning in ChatliHtn and -Orange counties, with a prospect for many more. New Berne arrests her lively auc tioneers and sends them to jail on the charge ot "lunacy" wben they don't behave. Bewatel Jerry Lassiter, colored, who beat a boy to beath about two years sgo in Lenoir county, and made his escape, was arrested and committed to jail in Kinston last Sunday. Durham complains that tobacco chewing and spitting in cjiurch tbas been (he ruination of the dresses ol sev eral ladies recently, and calls for better manners among the men. Tub buldings and machinery for a manufactory of spokes, handles Ac, at Greensboro has been erected,. and the work of manufacturing those articles will commence immediately. Near Enfield, on Wednesday last, Mr. R. Neville was trying the experi ment ot standing on the railroad track at the time of passing train wanted to use the same position. Result: No dam ¬ age to tbe train, but man very badly hurt - The parties concerned in the Hicki outrage near Raleigh, have been ferret ed out and have bad a preliminary ex amlnation, when there were some start ling developments made, of such a aa tuie that bail was refused and tb are now in jail awaiting tbelr tnaL The promptness and energy dbrplayeI j by the police is commendable.' ' V 5 The Republicans of eppcrHast nessee are moving on bravely-to tbi work. Clubs ere beings orgisixed, and oTk: Club, are fff orgaai an4. TOATfc I , cinsatre to be held aioost ftf,: .fiif 1 beftf.j., ,1 .,ififf -Mii.rf .17 'onfjraeiaja t&t.tfafu ejqaiti1 where. -XaA?Iw7a' BTV TIILEQnAPS 1 Police officer Lewis H. Lare was shot after "aupelnttmdantof Warne's aheotlng feallery. 1 m suppeeed the wound will jHrovf jfcohal. warne naa Deen arrested. From Ifevr York. ( '- '' "lti u '1' KsfVoBk. Angust p. AinemajiaqraJcetiianand basACeniasteT werseereljjureidby tha wrecking of I sefera'eseapad;' & n :l f' : irt'-hci ' ' -? t J ; .'"', : i From New Hampshire. ,,t Portsmouth,: August 17. , At the ,ltye Beach clam bake yesterday, -Mr. Oreele mada a few humorous, remarks on the subject of elamS,a anct- s41d notbing pollUooI.M ecretay; Bobesoji was alsoprea entt.be spoke briefly, , likewise avoid'ingi politics. Mrl fJreefey starts 'this nioriilng dlrejtlyforNewvY6A,vlA1Bost6n: From Alabama .. ... Montgomery, August 17 The Repnblleans of -thi Second TMstrlct nomlnatted J. P. Ropierj colored, for Congress on the first ballot, OYerC. W. Buckley, late member of Congress; : i ' '. ' ''-1 "Mi "n v .J. : v 1 i From Utah. : ' Salt XjAkk, August 17. The Indiana of San, Pete County are still on the war path. Infanty and cavalry will be Immediately sent in their pursuit. ' ' By Cable , s , !;;:!:; JLozoKjsr, August 17. Advices' from Belfast confirm the serious nature ofthe riots there. 6n Thursday there were several collisions between the mobs, Protestant and Catholic processions, during which a large' number of persons received injuries of a more or ' less serious nature. f-The entire city is in an uproar of excite ment, and the disturbances . can only be quelled by the most active exertions of the police. Many of the rioters have been ar rested'" iin-" . ' The Daily New discredits the Standard's report that the meeting of the Emperors of Germany Russia and Austria, at Berlin, Is for the purpose of settling the pending ques tions in European relations. , t .i.,,,, ;,4xxpow,:AugustM'--2P.M. , A dispatch j st received, from Belfast states that riots have broken out afresh, severe"' fighting is "now going on. The bar tacks of tbe police and several houses have oeen wrecKea oy tne moD. '. spedal dlspateb to tho Standard from Paris, ays that at the meeting of the Empe rors In Berlin, a propoHitin,Vr11I be inadc for a Congress of the European5 'powenr ib sanc tion territorial modblbatLons of .France, tha occupation; .of Itome, and .a revision of the treaty of Paris of 185?. ; -"r - :Qj!cieneva : ' 4 fjENEVA, AUJUfet I?:. The supplementary, t Arguments the American Consul before the Board has been published in pamphlet torm. The argtn'nents ofEyarls cover one hundred ptge-nihjose of Cashing and Waite are less extended! I ? . -1 i! - ' 1 l I if Hew York Markets. KbwTokk, August 17. Stocks, dull, qold firm; at1 113. Money easy "at' i per cent. v Rxcha'tige Ibng 108-X short ilOSJ lOovernmeht bonds dull but steady. Stata bonds quiet. ' . "Cotton- quiet and ' unchanged: l Uplands 21 cts; ;OrIeans 2Z4 cents. Flour steady . Wheat dull and heavy: ; irjorh dulln Pork steadymesa: S43 7o13 SO. ,u Lard quiet steam 1-16 cents. Spirits Turpen tine dull at 51 eenta. Rosin heavy at 0 03 K for strained. Freights quiet Cotton, SS4eS ' of future delivery last even ing, for September, W&!2S cents ; for Oc tober, lfljcenta ; fori Jfovember, W. 13-16 fori December, 1818. 1M& Total amount lTOO bales. . . I ' .s ' ;: t ForelsB Haiiceta toxndM, August 17 Noon. ' Consols 2i - Bmds ifyS. ' Consols arid American securities closed unchanged. " ' i - ' lavBBroou August 17-Noon. Cotton opened quletr Uplands 9d hkl. ; Orleans lfd - ' s 1 , Cotton shipments Jfrotn Bombay , Jo the 16th, since last report 800 bales. t . , -. ;A-rAATEB . .:i t t Cotton dulL Uplands 9d.; Orleans 10 lOJd. sales of 8,000 bales, of which spec- ulatora and exporters took 1500. Breadstuff easier. The Cleans by whjcii the Democrats have been able to make so large an ex position of strength In North Carolina were accurately described by Horace Greeley ina speech" made a year ago. Horace then said u I am moved with profound discustwben I think of these men coverios themselves upxwith second rate calico, masking their faces, aTming 4hem selves to the teeth, andf riding around to the cabins of poor harmless; negraSf .dragging them lrom their beds, and whipping and maimioc them till tbev are whnfJeTled to swear tbeyiw ill never ajrainvota toe itepuoucan iicaewr. j QAVE Hf STQBJi AJfPJTm ABU! VE; 1,000 Darre Is Floor, -jinau swAauecf3ir. .its. ? auii unetn l . - - a - 3 r- p i i - - - y COT.TT.TFiHCn'ATBtl v j i.airitGTOri n Aixirzrr. i m t.t , ; rf. i f. -f t - Unn'l , ... . SaTODAY Aug,17.r-Ua(?.,II.a , v-nuus AuitrjTta ine , receipts 1 are only jWDbls.; which soWat $4 85 for vb? Sin, 13 85 for yellow dip, and 1 5Q for 'JnnrdVijBr2801ba. ,2 tn A rreTiBlXa TRPSOTiWE--"lfarkct:-tlulet!bnt iJPa oftmlyj tskkaj USeents I 1 1 r o . 1 1 - 1 '. x.usiJ4 oaicayestcraay, aiiemopn ox, ov bblH atld this morntng'&i Ulsat 3 J5 a t3:T6Fafen$8l,lboi $3 WfqrlovrKo.a,' '75ror extralNdilJ $4 for low Pale, $4 50 for Pale, and Zlbr win dow , glass-T-belpg a dcclioa b the -jprice of ihe loweV'grades. f , ,.t ,;T ,.ff TAR--fjnlv one' small lot m bblsV recelv ed mud sold5 at ti perbbf . . i o-XTox-On0 ; bale- or new erors first of tbe, season, coldly esterdavt 25 eta per lb. 1 MARINB. in AKJRtVKD. : . 1 . I79tmr Little 8am,. Dicksey from 6aa - berman Bridge; to A tt VauBokkereuI 1 Stutr -.Caswell, ,4 PaddiaOa . fron:Pohxt v;aswen. 10 a jjl YanuoKiteien. f,. ; , . j Stmr North1 East, Potter, from Chlnqae-. T IT .- A. t ' 8tmr D Murchison, Garrison, JcTay- etteville, to Williams & Murchison. 7? ' Schr Ann & 8usan, Podger, from Marti nique, to E Kidder & Sons.' ' ' ' ' CLEARED; . 17 Stmr Little Sam, Dlcksey, for Banner man's Bridge, by A H VanBokkelen.' ' , s Steamer Caswell, Paddison, for "Point Caswell, by A H VanBokkelen. . . ; . .1 Steamer North East, Potter, for CMnque pin, by LH DeRosset. . ' Stmr D Murchison, Garrison; for Fay etteville, by Williams & Murchison. Nor Brig Meteor, Hoist, for London, by Williams & Murchison. . ... . u Br Brig Lone Star, Kene'alj, for London, I by Jas Anderson fc Co. ' - ' , A Br tfarqaeanane Brilliant Star, Leaman, for Liverpool, by Vick & Mebane r - ' " RECEIPTS. - PER RIVER STEAMERS, dct Steamer D Murchison 10 bbla pirts tur pentine 5 do crude turpentine, 345 do rosin, 14 bales batting. . EXPORTS. . COASTWISE. i 'J;;' FOREIGN. ' London Nor Brig , Meteor 2.4GI bbla rosin. Br'Brig Lone Star 1,650 bbla spirits turpentine. ' - Liverpool Br Barqbeantine Brilliant SUr 250 bbls spirits turpentine' 1,497 do rosin. . .., ; i-. n .. : Liist ol Vessels in? the. Port of Wil j, mmgtou, NC., Ajagnst 17, 1872. , Vi ftTEAMflUIP .M Rebecca Clvde. ChUds. ldir Bait. a v vazaux BAnOTTES !! Br Amizonl'MfcDdnatd, Idg Europe,1 " ; r 1 Tit " 1 T5i Swed. U!rica4Badenburgdi8, lleide Bros. i vajff i Willard Bros (Br) Ella Moore, Shaw, dis , ' v ' .fxr.. 11. & Howell Uowland. Tucker, ldff- --i O G farslev I ,Br Eureka, liollqway, dis, Willard Bros BAK(4VJiCA4 11iMJ& , -j (Br) Geo Booth, Duncan ldg Liverpool, ,fn(f 1 t o ? . ;: Vicklfeilebane DDtna : Br Joseph Ho Wfc, Cto ten, dis, ' j " i Vt 1 . . UarrissA Howell Br Fair & Easy, Taylor, dls, , J Anderson & Co N or Ves me. Nccrca rd. ldir Eurooe- - iieide Bros, JTronuer, Aiorganwtg, lJarnsas UOwvll , SCHOUXEKfl "; J M Morales, Eldridge, dis, O G Parsley Scguin, Rogers, ldg; J" H ChadboorS&Co Abu ds Susan, Podger, dis, EK.lddcr$ floss mm List or vessels sailed tor tn is Fort. NEW YOREi ai ' 7 8chr John Rommellw Jr. Hillard.' t u dd July 2$ - ''pniUADEIiPHti:'' j V Schr Sidney C Tyler. Barrett,. eld Aur Scbr 11 G liand, Hand, , ?v . cld AuaflO Schr Sarah Bruen. Hattrick, eld Aug 13 Scbr The Boos, Haley, eld Aug 19 LIVERPOOL., BrBque M E Seed, Hopkins, eld JoneSt ' CARDIFF Sr BsraueJWpdelUBy . eld July 23 BriK Ntptunc's CarrpikeT eld July 13 T'T-i ) n tJ BPORXEANDX I O i- Schr Nellie Starr, Poland, eld Aug 5 On Every body's Tonuce.rrEnJoslums of the .great National, , Regenerator I ef Health, Plaiitatior BiTTKKS?sare on eyerf body's tongue. This gratuitous Wp earr advertising is : better than all the paid for puffing to which the owners; of bogus Ut ters are obliged to resort. It . has a f pon taueous heartiuesa about X. whlebarrlea conviction to the mind of the udltpr. Bat it Is a rell known fact that the proprietors ot the PiASSAtroH Bittxbs have 'neveV re lied upon newspaper bolstering to establish tbe success of a preparation which amen its astonishing popularity, alnjjrto the oral testimony of the tliousandV nave, either ex perienced or been1 'tie m3 Vlfncss ol lh Immense physics? $6od It' f bis' 'wrought throughout the lergth-and brea'dth vjf the land.;- flf r qiitol blow, BiXJW,ana aiigusteyeryooey sriui tour C starr h"1 and lls offensive 6dor, wneW DrT Sage's - CsUrVmedwni spiidn .j Lriidestoy airbdoriutresITthdIscbiirge rand cure you. jwf r irfugu i gA s j Jiw noieaaie vxxccr -v ' r' .. . f . . t . i L 1 ' f..!ii jjt.irfi 3fctrixxiiiroToit tn ciai - v ADJIIATT. i t - ILVOIXERSl Comm igaionMorchant &rtfWlliCbwlandrOKT f.rPcr?? and.Llquoxa la the City, Deal era, 7YJ? XQZHTrASm JSadlfAi,'.-1 i.TXJoir f x ialcr CUvii and all 1 7VS1 f 1 rd l???dJ umaoassa)rmaacwpnreaM of Foods WUI ba Mtmotlv attMiitMt ..w , ' tast kHaau to TJJT T h hi TTrara also receiving lairs eomugBments 91 au grauesor uquors Waleaweara pre- praa laseii as wiuia4, M the lowest cash 1 prices, ,AtMi7.iuto tiX i,t:ii if.vty--: xdeea 4rV ' iiyf iugt rff': '-'l0-tf Gc:iblCDl6tir.jl'inT, i HcvSaahdtfortaWwreet. i- wiimKOToii, to. c. Conslgninen ja an d Caah Orders Sol lei ted ? i.-ne8'- ",l -ii'i ' ; - Hl-ly iovraropeMjia woas ! GREBMAU it CO.. . , wATm snnr, Next door tWllIarrBroB r -! WU0LE8AUS DEALERS 11? 3 ;i , BRAKb TBInKIE5 : - ;".. , ; L7 i)( . QiHAcac., 22 U Mn4i f 'a3r Liquora. which we will offer to the trade on themoet reasonable , wmv ae w are Teeetvlaa large eooalrn- U. best goodain the eouatry. ePlease call before making your purchases. '. ' tan i " . . -. RICHARD N. MOONT : 1 uonuiiiitacii Hercnant, iTLOUB, GIlAXKruj 1 1 ! hsjrjOJpotrcB. .JL vjv.4"i tviv'-'iV. -V ' Tfrousht am,eG41?ani3ea ros F1bs9 nmss tctr, TfllVCS, Cns FJitares, 2lv "aii4allleartptlensor.v'; Particular attention paid to fit tm tip of wlthBteani,3aad tVater. boy IS 148-tr f ot r vvt.w 1. C3 , 34. axawls fltreert. FBEJfCH AND AJtntlCAN , CONFEO XIONEUY, ' s FOREtqif , A VOUE&nc FRUIT8. Weddlnta and partle atrpptled at short notice, wltn aU the delicaeiea Toe tba asaaon PJlRJKR TAYXiOR ,7.t ouccsssara w. - V IfannlaetarsTs and dealers tn r. HOUXE FURNlttWNQ GOODS, Guns, gtovea, Lanterna, Kerosene, Oil Tin ' and Sheet Iron Ware. i Eoossgc dcrd tit short ccucn. ,i-x. Ag-enta rbrFalrbank's Scales,. ffo. 10 Front Street. r J TTixxxi n ot o n, rw crf , nor IS - . ' . . . -13-ly tbJ'vViiiB EO'VVN'. r Tr'i. ,?! I jO'ewlrsreilYisap TVurev s 8 ,ppTpfJT No, STMa o':jb;tt:'t:.ieci tntriLsanGlx2r, tt; a HrayijdoVjIni'and1 Imirearefullj res cm.' !5 n - 4