1 I - rrrjfm r i i fit 4 t n r "It. " TT . " sir r VOL VI. ill Zllt i r f ! :oi. hqrji j 1 I Ll II ra.nff V. i f in i nr . 1 ri v - - - e ft kit. V niE EVENING- POST. rubhbcd c?ery afternoon except Sunday. VM. P- C ANAD AY . . . . Btuines Manager A.MK3 J. MANN Editor 8nb$cription. ii months, in adTtnce. S 00 hrt-c months. In ad ranee 1 60 nc month, in adrance 50 t-AU iboslaeMi itttert edould be pd- rcsscd to iiJQftjncsa, aianager, anaiv LmmaDications or masters relating to the llitorial department to the Editor. :,,rrtnDondDCc solicited from oar friends all parts of the State, on topics of gene- ll iutereat. Politicnl news and reports oi ps are especially desirable. Huuriof optuioiiand closing Reading om of Witmlriglih JAbrary Association ; ,m at M:t close at 1 o'clock P. M. Si AI " " 7 " .tr. M. P.M., " "10 ' P.M.. Post Office Herniations. I'OST OFFiCK, WJLklKDTOH, N. C, March'81, l&TA. I From this date the mailt will ciose as Illow: rlhvrn (moniing) mail 5 a.m. rtbern (i.ight) mail 8 p. m $ithern mail 8 p. m '! Ed. K. Bbimk,P. M. lst received at.VanOrdelPs aoother lot thot-e Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. All sorts ot blanks printed and for sale by ';. Hall. Office on Princess st. tl locaii rrrrsvTft, the members of tbe WiliniDgton lie uuanis are ncreuy nouneaiDe the Armory ltcMm at b o'clock V ImUy the 19tU of August, 1873, ;tk his nixl t ur)iiirit8r they wilt Jte bpped from the r6ll." f ; ; J. S. W. Eaglks, Captain. Ko one in the Guard House. ji.s plenty cheap. .'antelopes are rapidly playing out. pi n ScLior will return the last ot the Piie Churches were very well aUejj(i-. yesterday, notwithstanding the heat. Excellent order prevailed ycsteiday ou:hcut tbe city. We learn ot but ; slight distuibancc. Fevekal four and six icet sharks of man-tating species have been cap ed at Sniiihville this Bcason. The sick looking aspirants for police iiors have not all yet vanished. We surae that some ot them will bang on 1 run for Mayor next term. 'lenty of fine fish are daily brought this market, and the price is so jsonable that they find ready pur- "ers. fi ND going parties were unpleasant-J nterrupted yt sterd.iy jnorning by the den lain stoim, and la;st driving tot f t cover was the order of the day." iuiTE an excitement was created this Irning, caused by two colored boys itiiig. One ot tbe young deperadoes la razor quite freely, but neither Ire cut. he United States light house tender buoy setter Alanthus" came into k this morning. Wc belieYe that will attend to the raising of the ken light ship 44 Frying Pan Shoals" 29. he recent wet weather has proved ty disastrous to the early grape crop. eral of our largest raisers report that j are heavy losers. Scuppernongs . soon come in, and we shall then e no cause for regret. Ye w ere rejoiced to notice that early piay morning, Market and Front C'ls were as clean and clear from cn rinds and trash asould be de i This is quite an improvement on o d style, and the city authorities erre credit lor the relorm. lYe imblish elsewhere the financial )"t of the city for a period of several itijs. It will there be seen that our rs were never in a more healthy fttioD. People pay their taxes optly and everything goes on excel M H-ell. -: . . 'Yahave received a communication P lev. George W. Pnce relatirr to net?ly founded. Church and Sabbath fool at Shoe Heel. This we publish. that his appeal to the charitable Pie of both- elasses will meet with a ! :i ,2 i Hot. . Gold 1144.'. ; -J Thermometer at ilebln1 Jamea Drug store SHOUa&A .T nevenue officer hkfcib stay ashore 1 0 b8 M" etatbergers. HIt-4 john.ob.insona .Circus is coining io uymiDgton. r .aa '-r loe G left rt - dotr'HTer-wpncvnt whether he has a mu-scittcjs bar nest, mit" the thousand dblfar priic in the fiDaK drawing of the Lottery which tak place to-morrow nigut. ,v John Mosely "dliat". StuCtcrtng John was brought- before Jhstice J. J. Ca sidey this morning, charged with an as sault on two white menTon, Thursday nig hi lastt j. full' and impartial 1 heaf ing was giren and the prisoner was dis charged. There is t videnttjr'ffome mis take as to the identity of the i assailant. Dn. J. F. Kino while visitingf the house of a patient this orningwas seized, with a severe attack of sicKness. of wh it nature wc have notlbeen able ta ascertain, j- -'t ,?&itnr3x The illne83;wasso sudden that be was obliged to remain where he then was. Wc hope that nothing serious will re sult from this misfortune., J A great many ofheUiaOrderl.'tbt' are so prevalent among us, are caused by the immoderate use of frui crabs and shrimp. The3e delicacies though pleasant and nutritiodVyare stilt hUrtlul at times, and too muoJcare ennnot be taken io order to prevent unpleasant re sults. iivMii Blayor's Court. ( His Honor: jAatB"lYftsolf, Mayor, prc a siding. Three casts before the Court this morning. Nicholas Deb uaux Disorderly conduct, had his case continued. Chable8 Mallet Disorder, 25, Uoork V&& iiisorSerf $2 25.; Literary. Scribners Monthly, for Septemberyis oti'tjur: table, ylt. contains the usual budget of lively and enter taining articles. The -etchings this month are particularly good. !- Publish ed by Scribner & Co.tew York : $4, Harper9 - Weekly s an d Frank Leslie's Illustrated, are at hand. ' ' Jjippincott's Magazine for beptember, contains a jSplendid assortment of select reading "nTatter, Its illustrations are al so very fine. X B. X4ippincott & Co., Philadelphia; $4. City Finances Quarterly Statement. Account of Receipts r and Disburse mtnt8 of the city of Wilnnugton, from May 1 3 tli, to Atrgu st Olb, 1872, inclu sive : Merchants' License... 6,01 00 Bar Rooms...;........ 2,670 W ! Real tad Personal tax. 2,257 00 Market Rents 574 & Dray and Dog badges. ' 574'60 Court Fines and costs. 65 85 . : Market Clerk Fees .... :399 80 : Pound Fees....,..;... 56 05 Loans and Discounts.. 26,941 45 Total receipts.. .. tS9.756 54 ! : T" DISBUHSEME'NTS. Balance due Treaeurcr by former Board $J,850 04 Street Department.... 15,281 74 Police...... 4,016 83 Hospital and Poor 2,244 20 8alaries 1,314 98 Fire Department i . ? 1,7V5 bo -Public BuildlngMA . . : 299 75 Prisoners 240 00 Printing.. 295 80 Light Department 1,855 83 Mayor's Conrt 282 60 Miscellaneous 1,709 28 $ 18.TO5 79 Total ordinary expenso f for 3 months.... .. $HtT 79 Interest paid 13,379 72 Loans and Discounts.. 4 , 935 33 ; A $35,68$ rS8 Bilancc0n hind, Aug. ti.. . . $ 3,870 06 $39,756 54 James Wilson, Mayor. The Democratic papers are very com mendably quiet ouHhettbjectbfrt3raSz Brown's drinking propensities. They can afford to be s6, and the least said In defence of it the betteri tit won't even' do to say that he takes uthe creature" fol medicinal pfPAi .Ailf Dispatcher Trom5 Maine iay that very actita canVassing is going on on both WeT throughoutje a4 Doolittle is working very nard onlehalf ei'itif Greeley tifektti" GovKoyeisjf Ohio, ha arriredanilbi attdmsing Re publican mlat feWteif Tflrson is abort! exptea there. - i tui .CORHE3PONDENCI1? 3H . .The. Editor nf ihi x. sS . - . Jp&nxbl4for the. view ; ur, xtaLiwnt f. GrmiJ lc7iirmrijir mill 7u m.Ktt.r i. l... -vv yjwn wn lio I tut 7CUte tf uie writer must aewnipauTj alt communication. Ann ode co may i'eH airieved at rlutcnnU made hy corrttndtiWi can tUain the nHnxk SwC application tojhs hdlUir. ' 8,f Editor Post r I am happy to inform you tlilvt the church wlncb wc yfj been struggling so hard aid so iong iQ buildjat this place, is at last completed, and although for tbjpart ot the comj- tvjh building ista, vcrj(irge onit i fltlybi small for the congregation at this"place in fact tbe building will not Comfortably hold inore than twrt thirds of the congregation which is increas ing all tho time. The location ia . a splendid one f ir a church and school bouse. The building is 44 X 24 feet ami 10 tea pitch, aud will seat about 400 persons. We commenced our Sab bath School : lat . SabbiUh and had a large attendaifcc, but owing to the very limit d fcupply or book and the poverty otour people we. arc unable to supply Ih'c scholars. Could net sr me charitable institution or some huuiauitation in Wi'mington donate a few books for this school? , I Respectfally, y ?- Geo. W. Price. STATS ITEMS. ! I The Methodist church in FayctteviPe was.stiuck by iiglitnlng on Weilnesday last. An empiovev (,1 theW. & W. It. died ) sudden'y nl lla'ilax on4Thursday last of cougcstivechill, i A4 Halifax wants ;v bank, and they gay they to ill have our, find arc going to ask the next L 'gisluturc for a charter for-one. ; Louc keki'kks in mercantile ho urea' in Nevs beru wear gloves durisg l;usiu ss hours as ;i protection against the Neuse Uivci "MoEuit s. Rev. C. F. Deems D. D. of .North (yifM.4u'd--CU)rneliua Yanderinlt arej 8-iftf 'to be bosom fiienda and compan ions u Saratoga Sprksgs.' '. Ii TiiENewbern Times r-nya that there has been a superabundance of rain in portions ot Craven county, aud tlje cot ton is shedding badly. The Times also says that the bears are destroying much of tbe youug corn A Western paper, in acknowledging the receipt frm the i4 National Liberal Republican Committee" at New York, ot a lithi -graph portrait of Horace Gree ley, with " comp'.imcnt8," says : u We? accept the compliments, but as lor Grce leyr darn his picturV " ' . ill That cheerful rebel sheet, the New York Day Book, is now support i5g ,Grceley. The Day Book is the paper whose misc-iou it was to prove that a negro was not a bumau being. Horace is getting all of them. 44 A 8 to Secession, I have said repeatedly, and here rejtcut, thai, if tub People of the Slave States, on of tiie Cotton States alone, really wish to get out of the Union, I AM IN FAVOR OF LETTING TIIFM OUT, a soon as that result can be peacef ully and consti tut tonally attained. But thtir case'ean not be so urgent as to require thai the President and lm subordinatrs should perjure .themselves in deference to its refrutrfcm nts. It they will only bn pa tietft. not rush to seizing Federnl forrp, arse nits, arms and sub treasuries, but take first deliberately a fair vote by bal lot of their , own citizens,,. pone, being coerced no intimidated, and tfuit vote shall indicate a settled resolze ,TQjOtV.x. out of the Usion, I AVIDTlDd 'ALL I CAN TO HELP THEM;j0UT at an early day." Tribune January 14, 1861 jltijon desire rosy cheeks and a'complexr, Ion Yalr and lree from Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions, purify .your blood b tat-, irig Dr. Pieice's Golden Medical Discoverj Yeas and Jfeighs. If horses could make themselves understood in human language, they would signify by a universal 44Yea," their assent to the statement that the Mcstjtng Liniment is the best remedy extant for all these, ailments, and by a cdost emphatic 4Keigh!" show their displeasure at every attempt to uao any other prepira tion in Jts stead. , Ever since, 1U introdnc- f li6n!at St. Louis, at the close, of the Mexi can ..warj in 1810, it ha proved signal blessing to horse and man curing with ab- solute certainty and,, wonderful dispatch, such equine dUiascs cs spavin ringbone, rnii P.vil 'ecratehes. hoofale. Act. and rc- fections which atiackthe muscles' sinews' l&d external gtinds cf 1 a fact beyond coritradictioi 'jhfif or complaints towhich an external. the Mqstako LuuHisr exery btier . oi man or uadrl retnedU applicable, Zxfcd8 V v: rWicK arid 1 leclrv rpfnllv- ' 9 CE31 llOrnc' Greeley svedn'mW'Vfcif niiiv iinilngfrolm Boston, VT: t je!omFa, returns from .81 counties in North Carolina, fflves Caldwell 273 ma Jorltyi ..j:, ' - t -t? tolice raided on' the pamblerC at'Co ney Island yeC3vfVwwn,,s.A;v- rr.iF?1 monte tables Onto the surf ,an scattering the thieves. ! ; t ipA of yellow leerin.Batrbr 1 Mnce yesjMBOayH'r J iH5saK -afl fit ASi iJne ti!ea fsen coal to tbe poor at cost price. The; attendance was thin. - ' - , ; ' i y Utica,.' Y., Aug. 18. The five thousand dollar race yesterday wis won by American Girl, who beat Palmer in 2.21, 2.22, arid 2.19. v " " The Saratoga Itaccs.V V aratooa,T4.'Y.. Augiistl9. The .weather Is fine. . Track heavy from rains last night Betting in the steeple chase averages-: Lochiel 100, Tammany.and Blind Tom together 80, Vesuvius 50, lobelia 40. From Washinstbnl .WAaniKGT02T D. C.. August 19. v A- cofored man, named. Edwards, .last night shot and instantly killed ftobt. Humburt, also colored. "The cause alleged by tbe crim inal, was Intimacy of. the latter with tbe former's .wife " Ut From Maryland. n te i BAliTIMOEE, AugUSt 19. The Tb.ird National Bank, onfcouth;street, between Second and Leonard street, was en tered by burglars last night, and robbed", it is though of 100,000, the footing xip is now going on. The entrance was effected by cut ting through the wall of an adjoining builds Ing wlich was occupied by a man giving his name as. Stabler who professed to be a cont- niigslon merchant. , t z4 ' From Massachusetts. V " Boston, AuSust 19. James McElheny, yesterday,' shot bis wife in the temple,, causing death in fifteen min utes, and then shot himself, inllicting severe but not dangerous wounds. . ' NeW tr'orlr Markets . w !Nw Yoak, August 19. Stock, steady. Gold weak at li1. Alony easy 'at 3 per cent. Exchange long 10&X; shqrtTl09&' Qoverrimerit bonds fettody. State Donas qaiew . v!"vi ' i fuf- Cotjton quiet. Uplands; .a.cts: Orleau 22 cent tfalcs of 1.004 bales. , Fbour dull arid heavy.' beat' quiet ' kn& unchanged5 Corn dull arid fceavjr Bdrk ; teteady" mens d $13 85U (HJLartl ateaUj-Hteam SUH cent; SpiriU Turpentine steady at i cU, W'.fil!' i w -iLJ.. . .'n-J t ... -n J.UJ91M uuii at, 40 ior sirainea. Freights steady. -. Uit : niv -rr, t h '..'$ ' ,9a "ill .. LqvoM Autfust,; i' The riot at Belfast has not j-et been sun. pressed. TWeMayof and Magistrates' have issued pmlauiatNis )wjarninj,jLbe rioter to disperse, Uhcier the severest penalties for the con ftfa bailee-"6flke f xlfsori'ers The nghting.coAtinnetfiSjit nlglii, tho atoltes fcill ing like Ualb , ... . . : Dispatches1 just reccivel gives later news 1 Four pbrscnxs Were killed in 'the slreets thTs' mornidg. Mucli, complain jujade byjthe peaceable citizens agalnstthc authorities for want of vigor IwRUpptssfghc riots.' ' '" Ituffianswitfr'pteti inr their ham!yfalk through the cjty, and whole sections are giv en up to the rioters, it. Tbe popnfac aedfvldcd Info hoitTle Cath olic -and ; iMotteslan mob and , hcrieVcr they m ijEr contact tbx?re is Rgixti i Troops with .fixed bayprietsrandthapQlice, in endeavoring 'io stop ulie disturbances, liave been oblige! to flre'lritd tfie rioters on both sides, and numbers were wounded. - The Steamships, Adriatic, Holland and ida- lio, frcon New York for tJverpooi, "and Thu- ringiv from New TTork for Hamburg, have arrived oat. ThB Holland brCng 4,071 baks of cotton, apde Adriatic 1,11 balcfM - 1 9't1 ir "'"'4? fUl ht.1 ,nt l'! MJUBiiMjrt, VUgUSI IJ iUOIJ. 1 ..- rie nZnA'hA' " - ' 1t: -4 XATKR.J Consols,Money fjAccouat.j lU Vi Livkbpool, August 19-Noop. Cotton opened qhletj tTplarids OltOef. ; Orleans lOKa. Sales estimatetl at !,- (WB bales. Flour J52SsWn7K,d. Z i ATPit.. . i ,i!lJA!r? AH Y? A T Cotton dull. Uplanos 6jp?fTJflcairs 10 I Kid. Sales of 10,000 balesrorwhich spec- nlatora and expoctera took 2.U0O. Ibcndstuin p . .CTreKv Bitters " is the. name otthe, latest bowel d turber. Only four drinks are neceasafy.to wueJbejQai 4 panl toclimb into bis boots, white six make make bis neck tie alfWrbSiiftl 'Ktl his left' ear, and Jiataeslimeabe jeal 1 CrM.li.ii .haiu. . hcv.i.i ! . . f lOO Baa ColTee, I IOO Dagi Coffee' 1 tacelttg& -. I p prrvl rWirLMl rnn- : ... . 4 ifAVE IMrTQItBU2I TO -aatatT3Sirr& tmman beings; Is f inT WPfntf) ,ts! O VY llOleaiC tjrX?OCOr f r'.r' , y - ' f - ' I - . l " . ' . I - ... . vi ..--.-J- I 1 1' f'J'lftTfCl fHTk QITTH ATT.. AStt-XJ i .. i . '.; i that iotirw:7-4tim 'S STMctrket Stroot,' 1 U. preferable oir .ntfMM Wtlfen 41ntfMU4:' J -,1?.. l,,'-!!, jriirl jJpa. ,0..; i.i!.lo.l V' ': : IV iLSlINdTON 'MARKET. . M f MONDAY. AngaOLSO P, M... , . Ckuoe TvBrsNTisE--Market steady, and sales of 193 btls at 4 5 ; for 'virgin, $3 S5 fori yellow "dip; and f 3 50 for hard, pet 2S01bs.V 1 griaiTs; TuRF3iTiEThere Las existed fair fenqairy, this .morning; and the sales are 850 caeks at 45 cents per gallon for. Son. hern Tirl.-so-f . - '''ii-- :-: ' Bosn- The lower grades have further de- "vi,ju pii. xuv tans repoctcq arc onjy 3 90 for fTrtm 1 . TAROniy 25 bb!s' received and 5o!d, at 4 perf bbl " ' -- - ' ' ' - r2 f .COTidiiKo sales reported. " 17 Btcamshijl Tonawanda, Wiltbauks, fm Philadelphia, 10 Worth & Worth: Slmr Gov -Worth, Smith, 'from laf ctteviilc, to Yrh & Wortli. . - , , lt Stuir, Wave, Skinner, fin Fay cite ville, to VVilliams MnrcMson. i' ' Steamer Nor tb State, Green, .fm Favctte ville, to L II DcRosset. , Steataship Lneillc, Price, from Baltimore, to A D Cazaux. 1 - . ? I, ; .CLEARED.., ' 17-Steamer Go v. Worth, 'smith, lor Fayctteville, by Worth & Worth; - 17-Steamship Kebecca Clyde, GLilds, lor J3altimore, by A D Caziux. 19 Steamer Wave, Skinner, for Fayette Tllle, by Williams & Murchison. , Steamer North State, Green, for Fayette ville, by L II DeKoeset. v . V f ' PER K1VEU STEAMERSTXc. Steamer Gov Worth bbl fpirits tnr peritiue, CG do crude turpentine, 50 do ros in, 5 do tar. Steamer Wave-" 10 ' bbls pirit. ' tnrpleri1 tine, do crude turpentine, tiiG do rosju.- -MtUuier North State 2Ct bblg spirits lur peutine, aiOdo rrisin. . EXTORTS. COASTWISE. Baltimore Steamship Kebecca' Clyde 405 bbl spirits turpentine, bOl do rbsin, 85 do tar,; 7a do pitch, 108 bushels peanuts, S bales cotton, 48,000 Feet lumber, 06 pkgs mdze. t . 'i , List' ol Vessels in the I'ort or Wili million, c, August 19, 1372. , STEAMSUIP3 ToH4Tvcdi W-dbanka, -ldg mil, ' ' ' y VrortU Worth rLuciHo, Prfct-yidg Ealt, A D Cszaux BARQUES -'BFAriHazon, McDonald, ldg Europe, luj ' r J I Blossom & Evans Swed. Uinoa; Badenburg, iis, lieide Bros. (Br)"f Opeka, Harrington, Idg Europe, . , ; "Willard Bros 0r) Lifa MoorM,' Shiiw, IJg Europe ' 1 '.r ; ..jirrisa b Howell .llowlaod,' TucKtr, Idg , O G i araiey Br iLurekt, llolloway, ldg liuropc, Wi 'ard Brcs - j BAI.QUExVNTINE l(BrJ Geo Bocth Duncan, ldr Liverpool, 1 T - Ct Br Joeei'h Hove, Gotten, dis, M Uaniss & Howell Br Fair & La.y, Taylor, dis, J Anderson & Co Nor V;re, Neerghrd, 1JC '-Europe, - . i ileide Bros Fronticsr, Morgan, wt, llarriss tfe Uowel! CiGUOUiSEKS . J ii Morales, Eldrit'ge, dis, O G Parsley' SbgaihJ Koers, Idg, J 11 Chadbourn fc Co Auw & cuftau, Pocger, (lis, E Kidder t Soup BUNTING d feOTlGG, Auctioneers. F6reclosuT6 of Morteaffes. ToN. Cf. AVilliams, C. G. Hyatt and WifolUmma A.', Udwartl joiner and AlcxAbtder Eamsey Greeting:: 1 WirEREAS dcfarilt IjaW been made by " the mortgngors retfiiectively named in the mortgages following, executed to the Cape 1 ear. ii uiiding Association, viz: A mortgage executed by N. C. Williams, bearing date tbe 12th April lsTl.nnd regist ered iu the Register's oilice of 2s" ew Hanover county in book R. R. B., page 470. A.nU a mortgage executed by C. G. Hyatt Arid Emma K., his wife, bearing date the lltii May, 187 L; and. regjsttired as aforesuid, in book R.;R. B., pnge 017. ; A mortgage; executed by Edward Joiner, dated the 11th May, 1871. and registered as aforesaid, in booJc if. B. B., pnge tEiT. ' r 1 . A niortyage executed by Alexander Raix- say. bearin date'the 12th April 1S71, and re-' 40 i. tered ivs aforesaid, the said uortgagcs,wm Be rorecosca uy n saio ox me premises niere- in respectively deM.rihed,atPUbiiauctionat at ixenange corner in inc city 01, v n- mlntrtnn on TiiPSfliivthfc&l itavofKentefnhW 172, at 11 o'clock, A. M: The gaid premises are respectively described in feaid sniortages Vf h,. ,ot bo-ins m tbA Whrfnern line oj "ixua. sroct,o0 leet easUvardbv from J uortneast comer ot r 1x011 ana Ji,igtn streets and runs east wardly along Nixon Street CO j. . j I - r 1 i. .1 1 1 C G. Hyatt'a lot begins at a pOfrit Iri the T III! H.V It-C'I I11'IJI1 southern line or Lauren street, I0u feet west WardiT from the southwest corner bf Clmrcb and Uixtb streets, and runs thence westward-. feet by su leej uet-p. - ;js.t . ! ys line of Queen stree t, feet, eastwardly from tbe noruieasi corner ox uw.-caAJiu xenin Sreets, and runs eastwardly along. Qneen m ! 04 ..fTt-t ,'1 f'"H i i 1 Now, thereforc.Tiotice is hereby gtveh XXA v r . y by virtue of thejowers of sale respectiycly W'edxlings'and parties suppircd rt Vhort eoritained in suld several mortgaires. regis- notice: with-vaii Uia if.iini r fu with the JieeitAry. J- ' v --v?a j ' ' 'I e Mtfy C.F.i5uiidg Afn. ' f " ".'I . . . HISCEtLANEOUS." ' ; adkianV vo&sy . " Grbce&i&i' aim , S,Iq'uor. Vi ; Importers of German and Havana Cigars, " . -ASD- , " ' r .. . C9mmission;Merchant ! ,j3csR1?1?IEAr CF Dock alfdTRdt 11 1 ' I i . Streets.4' ,- ;vr' Mavlngie largest and best assorted .stock 1 ' ofwpgrtes andliqfiorsin.Cib dtyftiSSri ?M & will find it to Uieirterest.togi General Commission Merchants & v".l- ' COKNER DOCi WATifiTlETipw WILL GlVEfl'SOMPT'U.XD. mTWOA rf tr' attenUon ttniecsb'fpcof3otiif andNava feifoev kinds pf 06miri w ' ; Oooas willW promptly attended to, and to the best advantage to our enstomeirs. " ; .f wcsu xwciviug largo consignments of all grades Of LIcpiors whlcri' wo are4 pre pared to sell at wholeaale,'at the lowcsl cash ' prices. dec 2i S. H; MANNING;" C0B1MISSI0H lilERCHAfiTi AND DEALER IX .'ics, ProyMoiisy Dry Gcods No. 22 and 24 North Water tn,i? ' ' Consignments and .Cash Orders Sol icitedj TM-ly jSTew tpxQ l Old goods ! . 6REENEWALD & CO, , 32 tfORTJ WATfia SSTltECT, : Next door to Villard Bro's WHOLESALE DEALKliS IN LIQUOKS, WINES, BBANDiES, WHISKIES GINS, Ac , Ae., andall kinda ofFandy Liquors, which w will oaer to the trade on the most reasoiiAblu terms, iis wo are rccolvinc lrm (vik!i.. ments of the best goods in the eouutrv Commissioit Mercliant AND DEALER IN. a i J FLOUR, GRAIN, . MILL FEED,h ' . : cQUTiy i'nuDuck Cor. pamilexi Scacu tfi , Baltimore," JUrl. .it Orders from North, Carol ina-'Soliolted. " Jbbll 17i-tf . V W. IL.DART, : . , : SUUtll FROST ST.r ' , PMer,' Steam M "Gas Filler . ; ,o y "kritieoler,lriA Wronght aud tiajvanized Iron I'iotfc, Brass Cot-ks, Valves, Gas" Fixtures, 1 . ' - and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to fitting up of COTTON MILLS, . with .Steam, Gas and Water, nov ,12 . Jix-if ' "7- " C. 1. MAXia 7 BAKERY and eOFBirTlONBRY , 34, IVIarlcet Street, FRENCH ANI AMERICAN CONFEC TIONERY, V IMIV ..iM-lr - A- - -v successors to A. H. NEPF, uy.- . KU11EIGN & DOMESTIf! VrtTtTV! !d Manufacturers and dealers tn c I Guns, .Stoves, Tjanterns Kcroiscnc, Oil Tin - and Sheet Iron Ware. I Hoofing done at short notice. ' Agents for Falrbank's Scales.- ?, -r.utn So. 1U Front Street, . vusiwii fl i n t 0 if ;'?rv cy : :'v; nov 19 - t -;.yy f.iawiyV 4v T".j W.RQ WN1, FA3TCY GOODS. f I w IS! Ar A NN IIH KXlIM . .' I , u-rc 1 , . - :y ' , f ' V ' -v. t -v - " 1 - .. ...... r? ' ' '" " -.J"