mi in ,.mr,nimin nnom inMMMuu!T-cjdi Saturday. AuKHsttl4th, ,1S7'2; National Republican Platform. The Republican partjjofbtkc United States, assembled iaNatiftal Conven tion ia the city of JPhiladelphia, on the uli and 6th days of. June, , 1872; again declares itMth; appeals to Its history, and announces ritif position upon I the inestions before the t country : 1. Daring eleven years' of supremacy it has accepted with" grand courage the solemn duties r of the times. It sun pressed V gigantic-rebellion, emanci pated 4,000,000 "of alavcs, decided the equal cftfxenship of arl, and Vstablislied universal 'sjiffrige, Exhibiting unpar alleled magnanimity, it criminally juii isbed no man for political olfensee, and i.rinly welcomed all who proved their loyalty by obeying the laws and dealing jt;stly with their neighbors, it Lus teadily decreased, with a hrm iii.nd, i he resultant disorders 'of a great war, nnd initiated a wise 'and humane pol icy toward the Indians. Trie l';u:.!ic railroad and similar eutcrpris- a hnc been generally aidedi:and successfully conducted, the -public lands freely ivexitO; ctitai settlers, am migration protected 'di encouraged and a fail acknowledgment - of 1-the i naturalized citizens' rights, secured from Europe;. w i'owers. A uniform national currency lias beet provided, repudiation frowned lown, tlie nationatscieelit tiistaincd un der . most extraordinary .burdens, .u;i r.ew bonds negotiated at louver rales. The re?enue6vh,av6 becu carefully col lected and honestly .applied. Despite annuatlarge reductions oi the u'u ol taxation, the gublio , debt has" been re duced durinGricral Grant's PrcshU-a cy at the rate Toi one hundrcd million; a year. Great hnancial crisis have been avoided and peace and plenty prevail ihroughontUhe land. .Menacing foreign tliniculties sMaYeTbeen peacefully and "honorably composed, and the honor and power of the nation kept in high re spect throughout the world. This glorious record of the pjist i.-: the party's best pledge lor the futue. We believe the people will'not intrust the Government to any party-or combi nation ot men compoiicd chiiily of these who resisted every step of this beneii cial progress. J. Complete liberty and ex ict tp;.i! ity iu the enjoyment of all civil, politi cal and public rights should bo cstab lished aud effectually maintained throughout the Union by clhcient and appropriate State and r eacra. legisla tion. Neither the law nor the Admin istration should admit of any disclaim -mtion in respect of citizens by re at-o-i A race, creed, c616ror previous con ii tion of servitude. ., c o. The3 -;xi'eent1amament3'-ttb t he Constitution should ba cordially sus tained, beoausetbefare right not mere ly tolerated because they are iaw, arid should be carried out according to their spirit by appropriate legislation, thj enforcement of which can safely be. in trusted only to the party that secured those amendments. e 4. The National Government should seek to maintain honorable peace with all nations, protecting its citizens every where and sympathizing with a' I peo ple who strive for greater liberty. 5. Any system ot the civil scr;ce under which the subordinate positions of the Government are considered re wards lor mere party zeal is fatally de moralizing, and wc therefore favor a re form of patronage and make honesty, efficiency, and fidelity the essentia'; qual ifications for publid position, with prac tically creating a life tenure of Uikv. G. Wcare opposed to iuuio,gr.;n;t of the public 'lands to corporations and mouopolics and demand that the na tional domain be set apart for luc homes for the people. 7. The annual revenue, ulur ;m l:- the current debt, should luraioh a in-.ui-cratc balance for the reduction of tnc principal, and the revenue, except so much as. may be derived from a tax on tobacco arret liquors, be raised by duties upon importation ; the duties of which; should be so adjusted as to aid in se curing 'remunerative wages to labor, arid promote the growth, inda'sliWd, and properi ty of the whole country. 8. Wc hold in undyiDg honor (he soldiers and sailors whose valor aarved the Union. .Their pensions are asacred tlebtof the "nation, and the "widows, and v orphans of those who died tor their country. are entitled to the care of an additional legislation as will extend the bounty oi the government to all cur soldiers and sailors who were 'honor .iMy di&cbarged, and who, iu the line of duty, became disabled,1 without 'regard to the length ot service or the cau?e of such discharge.- J .i)rThe doctrine of .Great iiiitain aDd ofjier European Powers conccriuog al legiance, "Once a-.sobj:t always a eub iect," havjngat'lathrough tac effuft'a the . Republican ptirty,. been sbau doncdi;anji hejAmerirn ideA ot. the rfSht to transfer allegncc haVingWn accepted by European nations, it is the duty of our Government to. guard with jealous care the right of adopted citi zens against the assumption of unau liioi claijws by their former Gov ernments, jind wc urge continual careful encouragement and protection jof volun tary immigration. 10. The franking privilege ought to be abolished and the way prepared for a speedy reduction in the rate of post age. 11. Among the questions which press lor att nti u is that which concerns the relations of capital and labor, and the Republican party recognize the duty ot ?o shaping legislation as to secure full protection and the amplest for capital and f or labor the creator of capital, the largest opportunities and a just Bhare ; of the mutual proiit3 of these two great servants of civilization. 10. We hold that Congress and the ii evident have only fulfilled an imper ative duty in their measures for the suppression of violent and treasonable I organizations in certain lately rebellious regii)H3, and for the protection ot the b dlot-box, aud therefore they arc en titled to the thanks of the nation. lH. Wc denounce the repudiation of the public debt in any form or disguise : ;.s a national crime. We witness with pride the reduction of the principal of the deb! and ot the rates of interest i ( upL,u the balance, and confidently ex ' pe!,that our excellent national curren j cy . will be pei tec ted by a speedy re ( bunipdon ot specie payments. 11. Tii.; i: -'publican party is mindful ui obligations to the loyal women of ; America tor their noble donation to the ' cauic v i lreedom, their admission to the i wider fields of usefulness is viewed with saiiiacliorj, aud the honest de m an-!.: of uny class of citizens lor addi tional rights should be treated with r e? pec 1 1 u 1 c o u i d e r a t i on . 10. Vire heartily approve the action ot C. ;n-r; a in extending amnesty to i t'losc lately in rebellion, and rejoice in hc growth of peace aud fraternal leel- ' i; ' throuiihout the laud. i ! K'. The Republican party propose to i re -peel the rights reserved by the peo ple to themselves as carelully as the p-. j -.vers delegated by them to the State j and to tiie Federal Government. It i disapproves of the resort to unconstitu ti ::;d laws for the purpose of removing e vihs by interference with rights not I . lu rendered by the people to either the : state or national Govcrnmcut. j 17. It i3 the duty ot the General Government to adopt such measures as J will tend to encourage American com ! merce : n-i ship-buileliDg. j IS. We leiieve that the modest patri : - liui, the earnest purpose, the sound judgment, the practical wisdom, the ineun uptible integrity aud the lllustri i us services ot Uiysses tJ. Grant, haye : l omm-nded him to the heart of the ! American people, and with him at our ! head we stand -o day upou anew march I to victor.'. j What H. G. Knows about JSeecs- j i si on. i - u I (I, ,n(Kl is proof thai the "ufu , ; rc'ilrj 'isirc separation from the Fi . N' .. ii7 ncucr "wired :hol zu.-h ' f Hal irish, I SHALL .iDYFll.li" CO-OPERATE WITH THEM TO SEC L'RE THE END THEY tSEKK. Thus far, I have had evidence of not hi: g i a purpose to bully and eoeivo th-: Mo: tii. Many of the Seces sion (.'-.:. i - a: ies to the Border Slave States ted th:- people thev adelress that thev M j d i :-. t really mean to dissolve the j Uai ,:!, hu-t only to secure what they j term their rights in the Union. Now, ; as nearly ail the people of the Slave ; States .it her a re, or have to seem to be, : in i t v ; r ot this, the present menacing front of Recession proves nothing to the purpose. Maryland and Virginia have had no idea of breaking up the Union ; i but. they would both eleariy like to bully i the North into a ' compromise." Their i btce-pior; d.Lmonstrationsprove just this, and nothing more."" Tribune, January 01, 1SGI. 4 Rut ne i : iiieiess we mean to cdnepuer them not mereiy to defeat, but to con i'avr, ti- subjugate them and we shall (io this the mot mercifully the more speedily v.c do it. Rut when the.rebel- j lions traitors are overwhelmed in the I iieM a: d e e.ttered like leaves before an ! angry wind, it must not be to return to pencetnl and coateuteel homes. They must lir.d poverty at their firesides, and see ptivation in the anxious eyes of mo'durs- and the rags of children."- Tribune, M-iy 1, 1801. We utterly eteuy, repudiate, and condemn t!ic pretended Right of Seces sion. Mo such light is kuown to our Federal C -nstiiution, nor, in fact, to anj civil:, d trainework ot government. Mro such rix'ht. w as reserved, or supposed i to uc reserve.!, when the States ratified ; or adapted the Federal Constitution. We do no: believe that a mere majority i t a c mmi'.rd'y inry, in disregard of all existing i. rms, upset aa existing gov-crn-rct and put one of their choice in its place. We .do not believe the whole pevvaiahin we will say of Nantucket t r Stiten Island have a right, moved by a prospect of .unlimited gains by smuggling to the nain land, to break oil iroia the Union and annex their island- to Great Britain or set up for themstdve.-1. Wc e'.o not believe a nation is, like a' mob or mass-meeting, to be dispersed by a thunder shower or a steam lire-engine' playing upon it." Tribune. June 3, 1803; re s. rrHE BEST STQCt OTJ rrTCf I Hosiery. Haaekisj Gl3, ZZz2?zll.ZJ wear at lowest prlzX iW : i , f If II JXareV ctrest. If 17 Maries. stxteL . AT bff-tt t Oprcotra vvv 1$. 1;" i& '.hs-pi- Para sola and: lirjdidb EVERY QTJAIJTT AKD tTTtuA ilAltdf 1 a s from me cheapest to ti Cr - !.t7. uauooes. i,- 1000 WECES PRINTS i AfrnSfill ttttot , Qlothins. rTH E LARGEST 8TOGS OT 13SJXV7 Clothing. In thm cltr mml Y ord ft mh oi in wesi bcjIMm TV I PC wholesale price.- ' - ' THE PUBLIC ARE INVITfiDT(b QITH Vn a call. We offer the laif f t tck f DnT vjvaio m tne eur, at New xaricri nr receire weekly Additions to make every effort to pleaao. ."VULL aprU7 1- J. S. T0PHA1! I CO.. Nof 8 South Front MANUFACTURERS AKDt Wholesale and Befall Dnm b SADDLES, HARNESS, trunks &,TRVABima cicS Collars, names, Traco ChaiM, Wklpt, Spurs, Dog Collarsr8ddIt Clotia , Woolen & Linen Horse CeTtn Fly Nets, Feather Dusters, Axle Grease, Bridles,'' ' of all kinds, Sad- -dlery HaH- ware,&c. i -A. Xj O SECOND HANI EtniTES3r s a d d l eViie iMAztk CHEAP FOn CAfifl. . june 7 - l.ly THOMAS CONNOR, BAR ROO.iE N.'E. corner of Mulberry, aa Always on hand the beet quality ofearm, dec 14 m.lj CLIFFORD HOUSE ? NORTH. FRON T 8TR2ET, wiiau27crroK, jr. "cf-i t 1 Ii J- WILL REMEMBER THAT I AM a constantly supplied with Liquors, Otpinra- huu. looacop, oi ino very oesu untaea rooms are also kept for the oi ine traveling puDlle. : J. A. CLIFFORD, Proprtets UOT 9 4 WM. McXiATJRIN, T HAVE MOVED MY PLACB OF 2TJSI 1 NESS in the corner of Eirkfth and CtetTa Btreets. My friends will pi take aotie mar i AN and after June 1st, 1J72,, the fbllewlr v Quarantine Regulations will ee enXereeo: All vessels from ports south of dps) Fear will stop for inspectlOB at the Qaaraatlaa Station. - ' " i-f r, r : All vessels having sickness arrival, or having hadsiekneasntcr4dar ing the passage, will atop for Inspection at the Quarantine Station. Vessels not Included aa above, may pro ceed to Wilmington without detention. Pilots and Masters of vessels will please take notice. r F.WOTTEIM M , . , Quarantine Fkyrtelai. may 28 - t, fwoTAFx: Morrill's RestatUTantL THE GEK, No. 16SOUT WATER STREET, wiiMiNGToir, irl'c : Meals at all Hours. Tke 1ssJblPBilaJ Lisnon null ffiMrtf tmi nM Haad The PiMlc sire invited tevllv v 1 le20 , aly TWEtlTY c.ciyi3aC3CT r A $25 8E WINd UACHI!Cj 1 SUBSCRIBE KOlf FOR A flraVclassv twnxty-cdlnmm, itterary 7a iiy Paper. t)kblished every Citardy, at Charlotte, N. C, at the low prietef ONE DOI.L All iLcnAli f ' Each numWOTUina aif lKT2E3TIrO STORY, worth at least the sahserivUea price r enough: FUN to keep yea lsrrM,T Everysubacriber - gets a chaaee at a Tjh vxsLn Pbxxtcic, and one cst ef every flra wui Burcibo gci a rreaiaa,-werin xrexa 25 cents to S2SlDJL 1 V ; f'W' r ourCAflHFiiziinnr .rfn.T.-f at t f r $2, $5, $10 and 920, with from tw td ten premiums of each denonxiaatlom. : Oar other premiums contltt ?f asefal articles, such as BewmxlIactlacJEicitd Denes tic, tc, Ac, ranging ia Taiaairoa tweatj n?e ceaU ,Iq $25wO0OT. v . . , 4 . Delaya are dans:eroaa.T lSabscrlba Ian mediately, aad get a chaaeer ai tka lairs premiums." - - 4 .. TO AGENT8.v7e are bfirenaartisTa nV SSJfl?,lcffiSnlif3' C13 thaatsT Puhusher, Tonrar neary -It vaaslng for OUil MZILZ. i For speciBieni copy oil pzrer. rrcl-U Last a?d terms to Agents, fsetJS-ceataUaa to 4m O. H. NUffALL, . . iolytt 4 Ule T :' -.rf fa!JrtjTaartj8, STOATtT DXDCTJTBD - I S. G. HALL, t2AC7tOAL job yicimxiSR, ICAXLT engaged Msiacf tor Bemriy twenty lest ef Bis attilty io please - . sVrtteular afteutloB grres to COanfiltiDIAL PRIHTIHO, CAOD9, fiOHThl.T BTATEnEJITS, LETTCanCADB, ncccirTs, Ac, .1 ' " " V v - RAIL ROAD -PRINTING is steet of tts braBdhoft ia eAee fa nrppfled wrth E&tlraly w Materia f tka very Lttnt Slyln ail Fukim. And kt QUAItAKTm 0A7XS7ACT1ON fatA taTltBtlaat Ac., Ae. W tba Latest Styles. TERM MODERATE. OSct n tV.2rra forest bctwata Froat aad Ij i V- f it' Ml I 95 1 if jrwrBj igjr cesina TOG I&XOHMrJES. A pnT.wmfo., i.TPTytv AND MIHCKLANEOUS NEWSPAPER. CAMPAIGN -BDITI09Vr ; Dnrinf ihe ci- jir j Presidential Canvass, we shall publish a drsciii WrziLT ni tiom for the convenience of those who de sire the latest and most trustworthy politi cal lBtelUgeaeJV-,st..vi.jf ki 1 Having made ample arrangements for se curing the earliest reports oi meetings, con ventions, and other occurrences of political interest, we shaLL throughout the Presiden tial canvass, publish filler information re lating to tne progress of the campaign than any other Mew-York paper. We aim only at supol jiog the pabhc with the most com plete inloruiatlou on ail currtnt affairs ' Subscribers to our Cam'paiga Edition will therefore secure an exhaustive summary of thCF3tical oews of tts'dstl besides receive lathftseneral news from ill parts ot the World, obtained irom the best sources, and rearranged and prepared specially lor this edition. The Nbw-Yobk Timxs is a Republican newspaper, and will, duiinjrthe cany ass, now, filriy commenced; steadTastlj .main taittit establiahed prlnciplts of thai i'artj, It will support the regular nominees of the rfciladelphta. Convention, aud do tits share n securing their triumphant v election in November. It regaids the' success oi the Republican- aityaa an object pt the very first importance, and wlll give ho support to lrregulaxy or fe". bolting ' nominations, which can only resnlt in the return of the Democrats to power, 'there are projects of all kinds on foot for dissolving tue Kepub lican Farty, and theTiKS Will oppose mem all. Its course in reference to tke Tamma ny Ring, at a tame when all the other daily papers in Kew-YorK obstructed and discou raged its efforts, attests its sincerity in the cause oi Retorui. The Tmis stood a.one in demanding Reform from 186V to the close of 1871 now other journals are attempting to make political capital out of. the mere repetition pi the crsr, There is bo -sincere and honest proposal for "relOfm, In any branch of the Government, which will not be heartily supported by the Tinas. But it will. .fiat conspire in assisting ambitious politicians or demagogues to reach power under false pretenses. It will not encour age defection from the party. It regards the Philadelphia Convention as the only body authorised tospeak and act for the Republican Party. TERMS : The Cawpaxoa Editiow of the Nxw YoitK Timbs will be tarnished to mail subscri bers for the six months next ensuing, lor the sum of FIFTY CENTS. All copies sent to the same Post-office to be mailed to one address. THE NEW YORK TIMES, As a Republican journal, will be devoted, as in the past, to an intelligent and hrm support of the Republican I'arty. it will sustain, with all the force and in fluence at its command, the principles and policy which have rendered that Party so Justly famous in our history. It w ill aelvo cate those measured by which the honor, the peace, and the prosperity of the nation can be best conserved and promoted: Started in beptember, 1651, The Times has tor many years been -recognized as among the most successful' popular, and Influential newspapers in the country. Two of iti original proprietors ' still direct its policy; and, with greatly-increased re sources and experience, will spare no pains to extend and strengthen its claims upon the confidence and support of the public. Its RniTOKLai DkPAJiTMENT will be con ducted in a spirit ot fairness and impartial ity, free alike from self-interested aims, political jobberv, or undue lavoritism. It will represent the great body of the public rather than any clique of professional "pol iticians." It has no one connected with it who seeks office, or who will become a can didate for office. Its Cokbbspondencb will be full and timely, and its Reports will be prepared with the utmost care. The Lit aaaaT Dbpabtmbkt will be in. thoroughly capable hands, and will present full re view of the literature, the fine arts, the music, and the drama of the day. As a lamily paper, free from all appeals to vulgar and impure tastes, the Timbs will continue unexceptionable, and may be safe ly admitted to every domestic circle. The Sunday edition of the Timbs in cludes, In adrition to all the news, selected and original literary matter of the most varied and agreeable character. Special arrangements have, been made to impart new attractions to this feature of the paper. The Wbbkxt and Semi Weekly editions of the Tules are com piled with the greatest eare, and will contain selections irom the most important contents of the Daily issue, besides matters of interest to the sgricul tarai sections of the country. All who prefer a newspaper but onee of twice a week will find these editions admirably suited to their requirements. A special edition of the Times lor Elko pmas circulation is published every Wednes day and Saturday, in time for the European malls, and will be valuable and we'eome to our friends abroad whether Americans or of any other nationality than our own. All these editions ot the Tinas are of the. very largest sue; on large quarto sheets, each containing fifty-six columns, printed in clear and legible type, at the following rates: WilL SUBSCRIBERS. The Dxn.r Tntas per annum, including the Sunday Edition. f 12 The Duly Timxs, per annum, exclu sive of thq Snsday Edition... . .. 10 The Sunday Edit ioa per annum . . f , . . . 2 The European Edition, per annum j postage extra. . . .. . .v. 4 SJtCI Al BATES j rOK THE WEEKLY AKD EMl-WBKltLY TOTES FOB 1 872.; - Xhe"WisxiT TiBLBs, per annum j. . . . r 00 The Sbmi-Wkzjlly Timxs, per annum . 2 50 4 Subscription' to' cither of onr editions,, except the Weekly, 'received for a less length of time than one year at the yearly rate. - !"!r These prices are invariable. Remit in drafts on NewiYork or Post. Office Money Orders, if possible,' and Where neither of these caa. be procured, send the money in a registered letter. All Postmasters are obliged to register letters Whea requested to do ao, and the system is an absolute pro tection against losses by malL 4 ' THwrTaw York Timjes. New York City. FROM m DiOiity n rA Unfa new wheat offered in the Kiel ond market, America, and aa good as can be ground t Proprietor. Br outbidding the ircw yobk anq JUehmond Mills, I am prepare to supply Bar cturtomem with nw Fkmx from the nrst n. n." n. ' RADVAT'3 READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS la 'from4 One1 to Twfntr JHiitntes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need aify ONE SUFFER WITH PAIN. RAD WAT'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY'PAIN. It was the first and is The Only Pain mcdy that instantly stops the most excruciatUg pains, allays Inflammations, and cures' Congestions, whether ol the , Langs S!on.ach, Bowels, or other glshds or organs by one application IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. no matter how violent or excrueiatinir the palnne RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, In firm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, oi prostrated with disease may sutler, RAD WAY'S READY It IS LI ii! WILL AFFORD INaTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF. THE KIDEYt t INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE 1HROAT.DIFFCULT BKEA'IHING PALPITATION OF '1 HE HEAK'l . HY8TEKICS, CROUP, DIPTHERIA, ' CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, ur'r,A NEUKALOIA, RHEUM ATIfiM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS ' The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or diffi culty exists wUI afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps. Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic. Wind in . the Bowels, and all Interna! Pains. Travelers' should always carry a bot tle ot Radway's Ready Relief with them. A lew drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FJEVERAJVD AUJK. Fever and Ague ; cured for fifty cents S2reJinot rem,edial in this world that will cure Fever and Aeue. and al other Malarious, Bilious, Scajift.l'Tphoii wayS Sf t 2?er revere aidei byPRAi REAl)y RFnS Uck RADWAY'S ajADx RELIEF. I ilty centsper bottle. HEALTH IBEADTYI! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOT INCREASE OF FLKm AND WEWHt" CLEAKSE1N AND BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. M DB, HADHAVs SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HA8 MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDER GOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDI CINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the 8ar?aparillian Resol- -u?JL cTTnmunicatC8l through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and iuicee of the system the vigor of life, forit re pairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilla Con sumption, Glandular diBcase, Uicen in fh throat, Mouth. Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts oUhe system? SoS Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms ot Skin diseases Eruptions, Fever Sores .Scald Head RiDir Worm, SaltRheum, ErysiDelS i aS Black Spots Worm6in TbTel hi Tumps' Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painiul discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes ol the life princlSe are within the curaUve range of this won der of Modern Chemistry, and a few Jays' "X WlU rprve to ay l,er6n using it lor either of these forms of disease ite patent power to cure them. ieni. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in arrest ing these wastes, and repairs thasame with new ranalomade from Wealthy blood and this the Sarsaparilliau will and does secure a cure is certain ; for when once this remedy commences Its work of puri fication, and succeeds in .diminishing the lossol wastes, its repairs will be rinid and every day the patient win r utll 1 growing better and stronger, the food dl- 5owuS ucitcr, appeiiie improvinir and esh aud weight increasing. gt nd Not only does the 8ar-!aparillian Resol vent excel all known rcmi the cure olChronic, Scrofulous, Conititn lional, and Skin diseases ; but it is the only positive cure for f ' Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary, antVVomb diseases, Gravel, Dia betes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water. In. continence oi Urine, Bright's Disease, Al buminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-uust deposits, or the wator u ts-i, ftTlfl V iniTPrl 1. I t ft r 1 4 . a r i V white ol an egg, or threads like white silk J .wv. nun ouustautt; llKe i or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits! anrt when there is a pricking, burning sensa- - J W ,7 . .u81 water, and pain In the Small ol the Back and along the Loins. RAD W A Y'S PERFECT PURQATIVE PILL0 perlectly tasteless , elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse. aLd strengthen. Radraj's Hlls, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Headache, Constipation, Costive ness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia Biliousness Bilious Fever, Inflammation ol the Bowels' Piles, and ll derangementsof the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive onre. Purely Vegetable, cWSaffJ : no mercury, minerahi, or deleterous druirs Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Dhreativ Organs : H5uva Constipation, Inward Piles Pnii--.. of the Blood in the Head, Acidity "f the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn DlseuVt Food, Fullness or Weight 1 "the sSoaUch flour Eructations, Sinking or FlnVtT atthePitol the Stom1ich7R Mattering A few doses of RADWAY'8 PIl in vtii free the system from all the abot ,S disorders. Price ? cenufperox by Druggists. - t 1 ..P-01- Bold, UL iP ."FALSE ANEW5RUE." Send t - - - -ww wrDer.m(jHiMh X f . June a mi9