"jfMFfe.;--,-w-g -'- ? i . 4 VOL VI. T 1 " i-IGTOII, IT. 0, TIIU?.GDAr,: G3ZE2B3IL .1872. :l:;'''V'r'.4 ; ' " ' i - , v THE EVENING- POST. t'ubUUed every a'ternooa except Bunfiiy. W'M. 1- CAJfADAY ....Business Manager j a vi ;J. MAN N ............ . . . . .E4itor Subscription. 1 One year, In advance.. . $5 00 Six inon'hs. inadvance. .............. '3 00 Three months, in advance............ 1 50 One laontti, in adtance.. i 60 Al I business letters should be ad- cire&sed to the Business j Manager, and all eoiiimuuications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor.Xy I''-v. Correspondence solicited from our friends jii all parts of ihe State on topics pf gene ral intern it. ; Political news and reports bl rooi ens .specially desirable.' f I M W rr , . . '" - ir 'rrinto tbeirr.new' baiIdiocr on Princesa FTonrs Or -otenln? and' rfrtsfws-He.Arnr-h-. , , . . .u"-.-,,.uls Room of Wilmington Library Association; Open at 81 A.M., close, at 1 o'clock P. ,M. 4t Si P. 'f. 7 " ' 8 P. M., 10 " V ' p1:M lct UfHcc Jlcgalations Post Orr :cs, Wilminoton. N. C ; I March 31, ( . rroia thii date the mails will close aa; toll jws: Nonhcrn (morniDg) mail ,....5a. m. Northern (fcight) mail.,.. ...... .8 p. jm , SDnthern mail .; '. V! .8 p. ia Ed. H. Bbink, P M. LOCAIi ITEMS. VOTE FOR GRANT. Just received at VanOrsdell'a another lot t iue Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. All sort oi -Malik's printedand ffr sale ly 8. a. HaH. O Illce on-Princess St." tl CiiATTKit Mortgage Deeds ' for sale 1-v 8. G Hall. Wanted A lacl aVut fifteen years : h;'i, who is active, intelligent and iiesirons ot loarntng the Dry Goods hu:incs8. Athhcs3, Clerk at this office. in own Iwnd writiuir, until 20th inst. t The wate r in the Cpe Ftar continues I)iV. Fl.IEs c )iitiri Uf the) attentions.-. Kice BiuiJ? are becoming plentiful. The dusl is rapily uccumulating in the streets. Tjje watermelon stock is becoming vcrv "ihiu." I'm, " ' ' 1 It is quite sickly on the plantations about now. Elections are "red botM in the Northern States. TnE weatlier i gradually becoming .v iruit r, and whn it gets hot Again, look out. lor fevers. ; U li I ' i Second "Ward Grant and Wilson Club to-uigat at the Armory Room. A lull attendance is desired.' The Black fish party bad a gal-orious time yest-rday. aud captured many fisb. This wholesale sport. f Gu AN3 and howls in a blacksmith s!iop aroused the neighborhood to-day, but no o'jc was hurt, which was bad for the locals. - - Tub y.elrcioui scuppernong grpes are fairly in market. You can always eat just one more, and it is as good as the balance' of the peck. "r: "' Caxxot the society tor the prevention of crueity to animals provide umbrel las for the poor bare-headed birds now languishing under a burning sun? f '! - ......t;. . ,. , m. 0 , , Coual. We saw in Mr. Hall's print ing rooms to-day," a beautiful branch of coral, larger, than a dear's .antlers, and white as its native sea foam. Truly the toilers of the, sea are wonderful.! f v Tuinos h ive corat to a funny pasi and get more amusing every Aay Dem ocratic Editorsiof -Greeley -papers 'are denouncing straight out Democrats and advocating an old line abolitionist." t Greeley papers are abusing 1 Jlrick iPjjmeroy" i He . Is.as gobd Ji Democrat, as cvcrLbujt we knew they would get .sick of him after awhile. Ilis dirt eVtlcg'for the ISouthern cause, .TXZ3. rCT7I7: CT ' Warm.' - ) t ; I .... - - ' . - It'a duller than a hoe. - 1 Bad weather for young ducks. ' I Mebane & James say the therciom .eteris79.' U;' "v. ' ' 1 Evens' building near the Post. i rapmiy appToacning completion. ; knocking (xpenments with a gal vanic battery at the College of Physi- clans amj "Surgeons, s artled the recipl- ents yesterday. tl r Messrs Taylor & Gifes have moved eircti, wucru iuey rq vpiinng. xo msnre " fun mnrn !l)Sonnin).ta - V' i !-' ' " 't-I.-. V f1 OukFrt 7is :a ;,t eautifut kittle montbjyj jpublisbfed t Charlotte, by Mrs. Addfe .ulat;$ij00.per annum. It is well woTth the price, - some of its articles actually being, better than those in the Post 1 What more. can we say ? Paintkbs, w h l te Wast ers carpenters, etc., are all busi ly engaged now beauti fy ing the houses ' of t heir Tpatrons. To our New- York friends- we f would say our Way 1st comes on the first of Octo ber. fiJIayor Court, v ' His Honor Jahes Wilson, Mayor, pre- ' " siding 1 The charge against John Speight for selling without a license was duc'harged for want of sufficient evidence,' Fuascis Holmes, Heby Pavnb, and Harry Tho m a s Th ree 1 jy u t h 8 "o f tender years, bm depraved babits were before Hi3 Honor, on a ch a rgeTpt! disor derly conduct, and in default of the coots they wcruvinuarcr rated in the jvg for the space olten hours each. County Commissiojjkks. Board mtt pursuant to adjournment, ail the mem bers being present. : Ordered that the tax books for the ileal aqd personal and other taxes listed tor tne year 1872, be and by this order are accepted, and "the Cierk ot this Board is directed to siu Ihe same and affix the seal of the CouLty Commis sioners thereto. . It is further ordeit-d that the Clerk reJtainHhe ; custody of said tax books until the Tax Collector hall come lor ward and quaUtys;xetuiredtby law. The following report ,was adopted. The (Committee otf Poor House to .it' 1 whom was referred, the petition ot H. B." Scott? uTp'erintenUeDt, beg leave to recommend .that the .pnrcuase of the articles . called for be allowed, also that the "whitewashing 'bf t4e rooms ot. ""the main buildieg, out bouses and .fences be done. . . ? Mr. O'Connor fiU-d hia boad as Stand aru Keeper; and was duly qualified. Magnolia has a laughing man. Chablotta baa t pottery where jars, jugs &c, are manufactured. f The mascxueradfi !mll at'Beaufori' last Thursday night was a success " G RKENSBQRO is iog naii ye eoapstone in the 1 construction , of the' fireplaces of its new building., u v i s WiLLiig nnkMqW iiromi- nent tx-merchant pf .; XTev Berne,, died in that city on iie 3d lnst f i f l New; 3bIr rji a has a pear "tree" in Dlobm; azain, alter "Having-already produced one crop of Irmt this season Magnolia claims that, there, ia more freight snipped to and trom tbat point than any other between Goldsboro and Wilmington." ' ' ..fVjjU:,-; ? One phy sictaV 'i tftfew Sera e. cl ai naV one huutlred.fnr twelye-pajtients in. one weetejr&4iliia4 jbetier ?give it up and move to Wilmington;Mnfn A daughter waa bdra on the 30th ulL, in riuplin county " to MrJobi .afl Mrs. PljCEe toeirr.aged itiespt;ctfntly seventy two and tiit v years. " B6eehatn2,nrce. CirejeTey fuaa. been invited to deliver theJ' aTdciressat the FaiHol tbVdafoli'na;whlch'"xcb"c- "s bii in October at Gimlotte, and. If thought haj bei wjlaccept ti& intitatpp. tf . .Tif e Hobesonianssijs : -Tne argument ot Solicitor CantWeU before Jury: in the trial ot ?' JohuiJicowo: lor rape we nave heard descrlhecfby, thoss' who. had the Hon cut P. XI iRatt, ibe originator 'of L tha tamnos braod vt Durham f'aokta" pc?l dcmcnttratlonr tere over the tAh. f. , , , , 1 aanivemry of the declaration cf flits Xle- tobacas dietl suddenfj ef iprxy at public. Tt9 troops kept under anna east Durham, N. C, on the 3 J lest. precautionary measure. , Tns&B Is a young man In thla ptace who sent to a New York firm, t oclnaing one dollar for the recipe, now .to ret ' ' ., . , j. . O. , Rich," which he saw advertised In a Xiortbern paper, icceived in return, upon a small slip of paper, 'Gull d n fooU as we dr He has grown considerably wiser. JfiwwKci Jlonittr." lT , ... . " Horrible Accident. We learn that a man named Jim Boone, living near Jr.1nn NortliAmnf i.nnn. . lr'.ifi himself on Thursday mbrnng Having occasion to use his gun; which was kipt under hu bed, befattemptedl??4V?,.rA,: f1; -.staadymest . . i , . . - tOtakf.lt ont when thfi hMmmr afrtirk something causing it to fire, the load entering his head, tearing off the' upper - : xiu wuiiucui as io me careless uanoung j a.vm.. feTATE Fairs. We give belowthe ivairs : : North Carolina Agricultural Societv. UaTeiTh OrtohiV lth to 1Rth v'i t naieigti, UCtODer 13 ID to 18tn. j Jk ti i'air of the Carolina, Charlotte, yN. C, October 22nd to 25tb. 1 Farmers and Mechanics Association of N. C, Goldsboro, October 22nd to 25th. r ' i Koaiioke and Tar River Agricultural ' ' Society, Weldon, October 29th to No- November l6t. fM Cape Fear Agricultural Association Wilmington, Novendnr 12th to 15th. . mnrm ir mill f-i-. j. wirr axioa jox AUiCiV7Uurxi Prom New Vork. SYKAcraE, September 5. The Committee of Convention adjourned at midnight, without reachlugany definite will be Governor, and the Liberals wm name a Congressman at Urge. No detlnite arrangement yet about the ui- Vision OI candidates. The World s fecial soya to-day's pro- place, and nominate Lyous, of Edgerton, for Vice President. i vm.m, , r A special states, the Chief Engineer of Erie, Pennsylvania, Uleraphs that a flra therc, threatens to sweep the entire city. The principal buildings are already eon TturTa.lo sent two flrn enrins thfr nt 1311 this morning. The Mayor of Erie, telegraphs for aid for houseless people. mr . I t r- t . R The positive refusal of O'Connor to accent the nomination created profound sensation but was applauded behind the ropes. A motion to clear tho gallery was hissed and withdrawn. The President restored order by rcfusiffg to recognize any specaker until all the Dele- gates resumed tneir seats. 1 Thn PnnvenHon ndloiirnprt withrtnf nnml. I natine any one in O'Connor's stead. -- . .... The current talk is, if O'Connor persists,' Adams takes ftrst place. The squabble is Kelly, of Loufsana. read a communication justifying the withdrawal of the Louisiana delegation from the Convention. I Goodlett, of Kentucky, offered a resolu- rrom Japan. vi auabki, Augusi oi. The Pacific Mail steamship America ar- rived here the morning of the 2lth instant, and at 11 o'clock the same nig it the freight deck took fire and immediately the whole T efforti to extinguish I them. The vessel together with the Hong Kong malls, freight, I rapid progre. of the fire forced all the bands to Jump into the water, there not being time I even to lower the boats. Six Chinamen were burned or drowned, and ten Chinamen, j the engineer, storekeeper, steerage watcn- manaua coon, are missing, a ue irewuro will bo recovered. The cause of the fire is unknown. r rum C a -kt a wnTarn filAnr I , - l.J I "w f oihtflrt The precious stones recently exhibited J nere, nave oeenseut wuuuuuu iw tuvuuu- caUon. The disbelief of finding them In . . . '! ' - I . . . i- r'- i.7-trt i Arizona is increasing. ' From Pf nnsylvania.' li ml- r-a- i "...II'"'-- Erie, September 6. The Iteed House was destroyed by the ex plosion of a kerosene lamp. ' ' r - . .-f,j s From Ohio. r ' CIS C1NK ATI, Sept. . A. T. Gosher formally opened the Exposi tion yesterday. ' i- ' --' . From Tennessee, f Nashviiak, September - --z, . .f-. ' ' . 1 ' ' . ' pTCaDle. - . i . , tVhT rreva, The Telegraph b advice, that tueOencva 1 Paxxs, SepusuLer 8. flr,! I Tke CarlUU are laavlng hra forSwlUer- ad Korth Franbe.' , I . au . . . - 1 tV T;iM !!tsol:Ins j rrom the rarU Bankert. - r , ;-r r C'Ir"C" "JI''s"' t I New York UarkeU tl: - - - - VKaw To ax. September 5. I 5iocit ami oui stcaay. uoiusieaayatii34 Money "easy "at 4 percent : Exchancelons I I08Jahort lWJ. - Government bonds. weak. 1 ww,oonoi Bteaay'. art A . 510 cents better tWheat 1Q2 cents better. uxviAru quieniean 5?i3i.centa. I v. ;.. ?. . . '-T T w -r-jx-. -rr.iJspiriM Aiupenune simot at ai ts. Kosin I firm at H 25 for strain td. : jrebibta steady. I . &.mss.v&xx 'uwy ' i i i iTww i t xr ; Consols 92; new 5'a WAt . . . . idTKKrvoL, sepiemDer o JNooa. I Coton opened; strong; piahdi i0l0 i : i Cotton opened aetiva' and firm. TJDlanda 10Hlt Orlaans lfjd. JCom 2Sa.?ld. A Brdtttfl buoyant. vRed WlnUr Wheat J to-. i0nr ja-T beef 02.' 1 b ' Mi'iWith ths simple remark that, while I no member ot a partnership can of his j own mere motion bresk up the concern, I takiog so much of its property as he I . . - : . i I considers his share, I would cheerful- LT HAVE co -operated with you in de 1 vising and promoting' peaceful means of ratmg th Cotton States from a hated. nt m ewr thev could lav their li&nrlfi on. '' T 1 - . - I remain yours Horace Greeley inci ter to S. M. Hawkins, Grenada, Miss. Trilune, March 20, 1851. I 44 Bat nevert bcies( we mean to cocqner them not merelv to defeat, but to con quer, to suujugue imm ana e suai. I do this the most mercifully the more gneedllv we do it. But when the rebel I li,n- trait.tra r AirliimMl in th. field and scattered like It aves before an anrr wind , mllftt nnt h , r,.tllrn to 1 K ,.. , t , ti fl j J, m , - . v0.v.te. see privauon m uie anxious eyes ot J il; .V , c"" "t -y iow. When the D.-ra cric orator ttik of I 0 . 4; M, i wicm, ir iorj4i veeas ia i ui-tuiy anJH Christian duty ; but when they ask us to forget, thev tnMkd a demaotl to which. without eradication our manhood, v s impossible to accedes there :yf hSn to be ashamed of m ' the struggles f the Republic to govern ltSall tUat' t. e citizens ot the llepublic elw.u d.bdt.i them from recolkctloo T Was it atfood deal to rebel ? Was it a bad one t? en I cunter ahd ' suppress rebellion t I Trihun March 3. Ii4(l8-i,.t-i,l!'! " i ; - ' . 1 . mmm'j. n , . . ir ... Alt- - las uspm-nw ",, ",U J -CBk,,J I that there was AN OltOANlZED AND AHMED COFSPIRACY,' Wherebv they "wwpwwij u I from Voting that' offering to Vote would have 'cost them the'r lives tbat be -jji.f. determined to carry tho State lor Seymour, and i uia car rv it ov SYSTEMATIC TERRORISM. ntTainst which the boor and humble durflt.not contend. ; s,Now. the ku Kiux oilranizUioniinav be active in Ujia ityfand dormant in that-way &ay-AND BE REVIVED xtnn ttf v v hitt TH u ITIT ITT TTV atTfe'SAB - vtTW vrrt h..wuv podu --77 .t- M' We clip the ioliowlne: from Ltbe Trey-(N. Tr) Whig : 'nt: "- - ' ' ?Some three: months since Dr. R. Y.. pierce, jof Buffalo, N. Y. commenced ad- -.-tuinff in the Whfc an article called ! Dr. aoM,.r.t..h RpmpH .WhHPil ttht time it was one of the menta to swindle people out of their money, ... , . i . " i WMV M -v ' " ' convinced to thef contrary. ? Wb know of ..... . , . ... a- severar prmninent rcitlxena who have suf- ? ; , . f.;. .L.rJlk ierea 'irois ivmluvuwuvujbvmc -t , . , - . tarrh," and they: pronounce DrW Ssge a ill ' .iJ.- 1 1 t . 1 l Remedy; no huin bag, and-in several in stances have been entirely cured. We de-. sire to give Dr. Pierce the benefit of the same. . Beauty's Dest Auxiliary. -Ak tke belle of the season what appointment of her toilet .table holds the highest place in her esteem, and she .Will rreply' without Vm menVa . refIection,t.j HAojufa Maoxoua Balm, nothing, she U thoroughly aware, j contributes of powerfoiiyj to enhance ber: charms and render her irresi table as; tbat 4 1 loc after they have passed the meridian Of nftsjtopreierrebyo parity "ol taeir ; complexions, and where "ure h denied that superlative :attrae , . , , ..f s ?. , ...., corjxrnciAii. 'i TMUKmAT, fir;t 6 l:3if.3I. ; Cbcd ItKi sr e TLe rtcelp's and Cd s re tm bht at f3 15 to 145 lor virgin. t3 t3 for yellow dip. cd i SO for hard, per JJSJlbstf msi..fci i l jannrtsluarssiisE After, ctoiln yes terday'a report the price, adranccd. and CTJ casks . ebansred , hands at fi J centa. 1 bis morning tire market is firm at an 'd vance of 2 cents, with anitrpward tendency ; The sales reported are 225 caks at &2 cents per gtUon forfbuiheni fackages.' . r .Al : ,; ; .RosiHr-Alter: clcsin; yesterday's,1 rer'oct tbere were sales oiOM) bblsl at $0 &j lcr ktnedfG' foretrar1rale7a d 7 foV;win-' dew Klass.Tuis jlblornin the" Ja ayke tf for the lower Irades'rs' 11 mcK and ihe t rice has aaranccdV a'es (r ti 60 a f3 eS forUtSTBea.Trjorlow No. 1, $4 55 for No. y, $S0 al ?.Vfor extra No. lff f5ffbr PaleV an $ft for extra Pale Tab-Has declined in pi Ice, and 1S4 bbls. sdld at $3 55 i?cr jbbU: - - ,. V;, 4 ;Cottok;-No eales reported. MARINE. , ' K Schr Ben, pav'is, from New York; to Willisms fc Marcbison. . rs ' 4 !' ' Brig Black ' S WAn, Wirislade, trO m . New York, to Kidder & Sons. , , , . . 1 4 8teamhlp Uebecca Clyde," Child?, lor Baltimore, by ATJ.CsziuxL " r 8chr Nellie Starr, Polind, for Boston, by J H. Chadbam & Co ' I ScbrMary A Hoit, Biggins, for Boston, by J H Chabourn fc Co. , 5 Steamship Benefactor Jonesj for New x ors,' ny jjarrv uros. r. !-'. , EXi4uiiTr, n't- ' '. :'4Ji"' COASTWISE.. j; jV ! BALTi5i0RKSteamshlp Rebecca Clyde I 215casks spirit terpentine. Cul bblr-iu. 152 do tar, $0 do pteui 1 bale' totton, G bush pepuio, 1 ptvia m .se, 400 ca epnits iurueutine. - i . " ' " J" - ; B 8TO& 3chr Heuie Starr-rlS3,iK' ftctt lumber. BbsroK ichr. Mary A li&l 104,50 fBCf -i Inmoer. ,. -....ht , : lfi.t t l Vesseisj in the Jort of -Wll.. ' mingtou, JT.c.V epi; 5, i72. ; '''?-r.vBiRQajLa::-' ' , 3wed XJirica(BaduUurg, di, , ;IIeide Brcs. Br iSurcka, tloilow ay, ld Europe, : J r-; - - ? t vvlllard Bros Suauish Uli. GatlU, dis.-- . WlUwd Bros Br Tiideute, Bilson, disr SpruLt tfe ilureon Br ai is peeu; tiopKins, utSj vicks Mebshe Black Swan, Wiusiaae, die, ; Ji. Kiider & Sous '-KIGS. .... Br Joseph Ili-we, Lutien, dis,. - . iiiirri-s i Ilow.-n Nor Diana. Junnaou, di, -. ileidc lirs Ida C, vVilliams, du, iiurrisa A 11 wcd Br Medusa, vVilkieiii , piuutjc tlinsou Br ieptuueV CarPlke, cif do " ' ' aOiiooiVLKS 1 M A Holt HigjrmJdKi O O Barker & Co F C Muldeu. .crrH dis, j . . Alasier &ianey C iler. Ba.rtii, dis, .j-,. iiarrics & Howell Schr Tlioa Booz, Caato. , dis, d ' Nelne ai'rr, foia.d, dis, ' i : : , - I J il Chadbourn fe Go U G Haiid, Uillxhi.2if tiatru 4 Row ell Jos oeivr, Eifi , ui H CLaJbourn & Co A.UOI& MuirCi.lsOD, ; jOoes " idj r X 3i ' ' f " t: M "WillUBJs & ....Mai chison JasP Eaton, Pool, dw, tuO Parnfey S6jL'o Ben s Davis, dis-T v lli.f m A. M nrciiisou Br Caneton, Abreydis J' Kiddtr &,o6o6l JList of Vessels aiietf'ibrtbis Ibrt Br, Barque Cariiy, Jane: eld Au? 22 Brig burr, . Duke, j-' , eld Aug SO tenr Ben, uuyis,. . i 'Cid-augirj Brig Black Swann, - -v, eld Aux L'4 -,f Cardiff: Br Barque Modeli; Key, ' eld Jty 22 m MTtTSIQ BOXeIS , i ,f)U, .ffl 1 j; ? I. desire to call, that special attention of the musical cPQhlic to thesg ;charming jnsija- ments. 'sThere are m(anyv?ladic?s and gentles men who listen with, delight to thd musit-hl- perfomanees of others,; but who. unfortun- ai,cjy,uu uvLfperiom on any musical insiru- roent. lo muclx persons, the lusical Box? sapplles a great want, and to invalids, espc? cially1, it is "light in the household." Mahr; instrument will last as long as ia good watch, with equal amoum of care,' and an oceasion- al cleaning and Tenalrintt. . li f 0 ...ro. , For sale t-' "t f, -a n rniLLIP JIEINSBERCiER Live Hook and "Music Store.. ept i Ss- V-!s4-7-"? '85- Moixnl's Itestauraixtv No. 10 JSOUTHtyATERSTlEET, . ; , wiLahwKTojrv;N c. ,, - Meals' at all Hours.' The beat WnesJ . ' - ' -v - " . . r- Liquors and Cigurs always on V v i .-' Uuadi iThe PablieareX' ; --: j i .i's-.',,t"t"";it -'" i'f " ''invited' to call. , . . , 1: . , CLIFFORD HOUSE, j K O R X n;.F I Q N T 8 T BE E T - -; i' : - wxtMiarcxos, w. c - alD-WlLIi REJIE5IBBII' TnATT iAM : constantly supplied with Liquors, Cigars and Tobaoco. of the very best.", Furntshe t persons are under the erroneouiimpression that Musical IxtSTire VoVdUrabtc.' A-eood XVow Storo j Old Goodo! GREEHEYALD .S? C0.f; ' K2 Koam WATxa RTarsT, . f 2Ccttoor:tonn.-TTra, T ' WltOLti&dLti DL'AfjtillX J2T L1QC0R3, VINES,T?r' . BRADlEOYniaslBS , . ' GlN8,e&r., anll, a,X klnU - o Pncy' lauors, wniA we win oilt r to the trade on the most reasonable terms, as we are receiving . large coRsigB- - menta of the best goods Jn the country. "1 leju call before makjngrouxpurchaiies. Jan H 8''Vj v k -'4l-lw-tr -- K 4sojcf. !-; .KM'.wtvsT ;. ni3iitiX20DNTIlYiPnODUC3. . . . . lon i to f if, a ; i re- t v . ' . .r HO vi y.itT ;iiioi;i N - r . . (uTjunooueiieou ;.s ,i ; ;fcb u r r... -v;, ,r. ..'i74-tf f, v t, , ; Successors to vt 4 , . :.t'rv?,'t A.H.;eN.EFJ,,; .-d - , , , t , j. Manufacturers and dealers Li !. a ' Ouna,-Stoves, Ouanterns, Kerosene, OU .1 Roofing done at short notice ' . , t Agen ts for Falrbank'a Scales.' -" ' . . ... Ao. 10 Front street. . .'. WIL iHlMGTOll, N . C;J , t Fine. . Watches, Clock, MVrfewelr,lsaverWareiUi . ; iipiic'rACLEs to suit all, aoes. .f TH ft , (i-i.fi l'it : : yj' j i; j ' : 37 Market Street, 'r 5 'f : ; Wn.MINOTON, Wei Wntchea, Clocks and Jewelry carefully r repaired. nvs 1-4a.tr ; C. .It. IVI A; YER,, . BlEERY and COAFEtTlONEftY 3t Tvlarltet Street, DEALIBIK ; . i .W " .-- c . ' ' . FRENCH AND AMERICAN ; OONFKC ! ,, v TIONEItY, 4 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. Weddings and parties supplied at short notice, with all vthe delicacies of the seasoa QOV O iUly , The Only Pleasant r.o.; And cool place in the city tor : Citizens; and t Strangers to visit is the ..;.",;,'a .. 'GALERYDF AiUSigD 7 , '.FJ-N"A:R'T.&: at the : LIVI3 iBOOKiSTORB, where.aiwaya can ibefoutyi a full , assortment of all , the jatest publieationjs bf the yfvT sA". IPIANOS from tin; most celebrated manu facturers, Organs And. Melodeons of the verjr best mikeand a full assortment oX Masleag Instruments of all kinds, Sheet Musle, Musle Books, 4tc.t &c' , , south ritoNT, ; Timber. ; Steam Mi, Gas .Fitter ' ;4 . . j . w ' ana dewier la tn . t ,; f , , Wrought and Galvanised Iron Pipes, - Brass Cocks, Varea Gat Fixtarr ' , . '.'a :v "and all description of , ."-i FITTINGS FOR : STEAII, WATEi : : -.AND GAS.-M - ' ' Particular attention paid '-touting' up of ' r v CTTON iilLL8,t , : mU.A wHh Steam, Gas and Water.' -r' ' S. H.: MANNING-' -, Groceries; ; . Prdyislons ,Drj.vGc:lJ sii Xo::ZZ aid 2 Voith'Ywster Streeii ' .?or'n; WILMINGTON N: a . ic i - 7ConElgnmnts and Cash Orders SoVleltadS i5i-iy A. 'ADRI AS. ; "; -;.. . r 1L TOLLCZtS "V4 'it - wirotESAi.15 teax.ers rsr J " Tf Groecriesi and; fjiquortf; importers or uerman and Havana dtarm, ,' GpmjiiissionMrcliaxit J Sotrhi-EAST Corstkb Does and FaoaxAi ?r' j : 'WirIINUTON, ;; z 7,' i s ' nftvinr the largest and best axserted 45t9t of Groceries and Lianors In the City, Dealers r mttfljWni-:a stench lu ttie "nostfils pleastfrejQivfieaHD'lit'ss.a.- most able of honest men, years ago.

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