f I ' . I 1.1." V I .. T I '. . I I J 1 -' - I V. .1 A - A. - , . ' --.-' " i , t ... I 1.1'. 1 i '..' i til ' I J 1 ' 1 It I T f f . . s I f 1 i r . j. . . . ! , "L a ii ., . , . . . s , . THKEVBN1NG-PGST. PubUhed crery ftfternoos . except Sunday. WC F. CAliADAT ....Business mger JAK3 C UANN 7... Editor Subscription On jesx, in advance $5 00 Six months, in advance . . . . .' 3 00 Three oonths, in advance 1 60 One month. U advance 50 J'All basiness letters snould be ad dressed to the Basiness Msnager, and all commanicatiODs or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. - v (Xirespondence solicited from our friends m all parts of the 8Ute, on topics of gene ral intereit Folitical news and reports "ol rope are especlallrdesirable. ':. Honrs of opening .end doting Reading Room of Wilmington JUlbrary Association: Open at 8i A. M., "close at 1' o'clock P. M. Si P. M., . "7 " P. M. " 8 P. M.. ' " 10 " P. M. Post OGce Regulations. Post Omc, Wilmikoton. N. C, I March 31. 1872. f jrrom this date the mails will ciose as follows: Northern (morning) mail 5 a. m. Northern (night) mail 8 p. m Southern mail .8 p. m Ed. R. Brikk, P. M. VOTE FOR GRANT. GRiFriKJb Hoffman, Baliimore, Md., are authorized agpnts for the Post. Qko. P. Rowkll & Co., are the au thorized agents for the. Post in New York. LOCAL ITEMS. Just received at VnnOrsdeirs another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. Chattel Mortgage Doeds for sale by 8. G. Hall. All sorts ot blanke printed and for sale by 8. G. Hall. Office on Princess st. tl The City has some horses for sale. As the time for moving approaches, lookout for thieves. We have had our share of these visitors and know how it is ourself. Benjamin Soott and Auttumy M.ult -by have gotten up an excursion to Nor folk md return for $5.00, to corue off Oct. 7th, prox. A. D. Brown speakes to his old friends to-day. Husbands always hate to see Mr. Brown's new Ads for the wives ail flock to bis establishment for those delightful bewildering articles ot apparel only sold by him. He mak8 it a point to have the finest white goods in the city. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Henry Haak, Jr., who died yester day evening at about half past seven o'clock. Mr. Haar was a young man of good habit and highly esteemed by all who knew him. But a few months ago, he was united in marriage to a young lady ot this city, who is now broken hearted oyer his untimely death. The funeral was to take place thia afternoon at 3:30. ., The steamer Waccamaw is to go on another Excursion to morrow. How many poor little innocent black fisbare frisking their tails in the deep blue sea, whose destiny it is to die to morrow on the decks of the Waccamaw. Go out to sea little fish, among the big sharks and don't cat any dinner ! They wont heed however, and the passengers will come gaily home to morrow night tired, hungry and loaded with fish ! Kot satisfied vjth abusing the wife and;c1iildreA of" the , President, the or gtfns"of the Sage" are now taking a a turn at his brothers-in-law. In this world it is generally considered enough for a man to be responsible for his own conduct if we are' all to be held re sponsible for our fathers-in-law or brothers in law a pretty time we shall biTt." ThC Commercial Advertiter puts the point Tery well to the editor of the TFW-Zi'w1b V has k fancy for . attacking other people's ' kinsfolk. One - of the eitlo of - tht' Worlds says the Commer has habit of mistaking his friend's goods for his own, and pocketing them accordingly.:; Is, then, the chief editor ef the TVbrWo b deDoanced si a re- ciir ipf; tiolen gpodilThisUs the argumentm a$ homincm, and it ought to be taovgttr pr th World.-Kev) Yrk TiQts. . . ..f THE TOV7U The. warm daysare ret urnin, ; Gold. qaMedtin Mfeort tV day at li3f. .. Watermelons are amall ami grow ing beautifuHylessv . v ; The Termotneter stood at noon todayat Bitiegrees; ijjl i., To-day, Friday and Saturday Tare Ember Days" in the church. l ' , Bobberies lire1 becoming fashiona ble again. Two on Princess, street can . . rr Tbe. delightfully ; sun-shtney . days iug..e ladies out jhwarmalike tl'iney bets, and everyaexiBel! The Sew ARD came;tip? this morn ing, but brings no start bog news, from the tv Side. Smithville is still thrrr. The Senior and his assistant are both ill and the tPost is now running itself. This accounts jTpr Us lack of scintilated scintillations. " Dr. Scott kills coach!-whip snaiz at the poor house. We "suppose any respectable snaik would get as lean as a whip lash hanging about there. The Robeqnian wants Judge Rus sell to withdraw r his proclamation of outlawry against a party b young men charged with the murder of Ben. Bethea, i n Robeson cou n ty;f - .: r x The Fayetterille EagU comes to U9 as a 8e mi-weekly instead of a daily. The editor finds a daily " too much work" but promises to go back to a daily when they get telegraphic and other communication . MrjE. H. McQuigo the President of the Greeley club, and go between from the Democrats to the colored m? n, informs tlie Journal that be will baye a ppeaker here. The A. T. B. Grant party is a funny thing ; calling northern men carpet -bafrgnrs" and then placing a northern man at the head of their or ganization. Thin very thin. : " STATE ITEMS. Nrw corn is appearing in the Ruther ford Market. Six cases for murder to be investi gated by the Rntbertord Court next weeK. Two hundred' thousand dollars are annually sent oat of North Carolina for Insurance. Old John Robinson, the greatest of living showmen is billed for Raieigh October 24th. Tub Sampson County Fair is to be held on the 4tb5'b, 6ib snd 7th ot De cember next . We learn that a new masonic lodge has been established,' under dispeasa tion, at Lumberton in Robson county. Seven cents a pound lor dried peach es is the 1 price paid by merchants of Rutherfordton, when they can't get them for less. .Prof-. Wm. VajiSteihuan, ef Louis iana, has beer placed at the head ot the musical department of the Goldsboro Female. Col lege. The Rowan County Fair commences on the 8th of October. The premium lists are very creditable to those who have the inatterinharge. - The Salisbury Fair 'commerTces on the 8th of October. We understand that great preparations are being made to make the affair even more attractive than last year. Wb learn that the young manr Gil christ, reported last week as mortally wounded in the'affray.'in which jW.lB. McClellan was killed, is still living, and it is now thought he will recover. The amount of fruit allowed 'r: to rot and waste in' the orchards of many of the farmers, of Rutherford county would psy their taxes eacuVeaM'tal,cre of and made'intbrciaer mnd vinegarm The Statesville American of Saturday says : 'Oo Friday , morning ai;personal difficulty occurred in front flhw Sired ton IIous?vin Ibis phes between Mr. F. Brevard'xrcpoTrcU asti TB. Wake, ed itor'ef 'the AfericeuCf xi tl? H'tl'S- ' It is amatterof soae interest Iq ? our mercantile comnunitv to kopw.tbaVall revenue atampisbni band October Ist, may.beTedeemed by check stampti rorwain of Internal BTennet Washington citj. Sirs the IUIefl-f ;br a Tate llurpby; the able Sampson county Sena tor.' witb Wladj.lirnTed in thacity I ... . ' -W . ! 1 , ' , 11 " I. , ..i u. ., i I ,. - .-- , ,. .... - I, 1 ' yesterday morning from Catawba Springs. Though not entirely recovered from his recent attack, the Dr. is look ing much improved in health. Thb Charlotte Democrat is assured that a sister ol i&ujiel Bone, th pio neer settler of the West is stilt living in Westrn North barohna, in Caldwell County. Daniel. Boone left Norih Caro lina for Kentucky in 1767, a little over a century ago, being the first white man to settle in the latter State. Vi TANBARK. The Worcester Gazette sajs : "For a good, round, fully developed straw1 commend us to the vote taken at the reunion of the Tiurty-sixth Masasch'u setts regiment : Grant, 225; Greeley,, 2. Gov. Pilmer is sick Maine and Ver mont did it andNnow he seems to have deserted the sinking Greeley tub, and retU3es to fulfill aoy more speaking ap pointments during the campaign. For a dead party the straight outs are doing very well. They have called State conventions iu Iowa, Illinois, Indi ana and Pennsylvania to nominate elec toral tickets. Iq Kentucky three Demo cratic newspapers fly the O'Conor and Adams Aug Adnrew Johnson said the other day : "The election of Mr. Greeley means b$ continued lite of the Democratic party. The election of Geo. Grant meaDS its death." All right. Fetch along your funeral. Everybody but the corpse will take pleasure in attending it. . . r i Brown allows himself " an interval" ot one week between speeches. lie was at Springfield, III., on the 4th instant, anl speakes at Indianapolis on the 11th. This gives him one day of repose-ou rot ten apples, and six (lays lor sod and recuperation. Misso uri Dcmocra t. The anti -Greeley boll ju' Georgia fieeuijj to be growing in force and obsti nacy. A late letter says that clubs pledged to oppose the Chappaqua phili-sopber are quite uunierou, aud that the disff ct;on throughout the State is incurable. Wm. Searcy, an old Kansas soldier, of this county, says it the Greeley party would take the ounce ball from his bead, where it lodged at P.aiiic Grove, he might be induced to vote for the Chap- paqua fanner ; but s it i, hj will mr Qrarit. Ttius it is with "thode whot stood the "rough", "band box soldiers to the contrary notwithstanding. Troy (Kan) Chief. Col. McClurc, who is engineering Jthe Greeley cause in Penosjl vania, is in a slough of despond. He sajs if Bucka lew is beaten the gnme is up with Gree ley' 'My idea of the canvass," added the Greeley head centre, "lus been that the tide would rie, about this timr; but it doseu't appear to be coming, and blast my eyes it I don't begin to think it won't oome." LATEST BY TELEGRAPH From New York. .NEW Yokk, Sept. 18. President Grant will visit the New Jersey State Fair at "VVaverly to-morrow afternoon and the Newark Exposition in the evening at Newark. The different Republican Ward Associations will parade in honor of the President. , This afternoon five hundred and ninety eight!. Mormon emigrants, composed of Scan dinavians, English and Danes, who arrived by the steamer Minnesota on Monday,' left Jersey City for Utah by: the Pennsylvania Railroad. .. - Erik, September 19. Th boiler of a steam dredge in the harbor exploded. John Corneilly, fireman was killed, Thos Golden, laborer, had a leg bro ken and four others on board escaped with slight hurts. New Yokk, September 19. Great commotion exists here in Tammany Hall among the general committee, over the discovery that nearly 100 of its members are In the interest of Grant for President, and of Senator O'Brian for Mayor of New York. An investigating committee of. live met this afternoon and are to submit report tQ the committee on organization to-morrow after noon. The general committee will take ac tion to-morrow. . It was rumored yesterday that the various I organizations had determined to nominate O'Connor, for Mayor, but it is stated on au thority that O'Connor will positively decline to accept. A severe thunder storm with hail, occured here this morning. Wheeler H. Peckman denies an interest in the prosecution of the ring frands which has abated. He has been engaged in this business, without intermission, since the Grand Jury found the indictments, and the trial of Conneliy, Tweed and Sweeney will probably be begun next month1". The Times says that the amount of defal cation, of Jas J, Johnson. the head f the stamp division, in the Assistant Treasurer's office of thia city, though not precisely ascer tained, cannot exeeed f 185,000 and may be oonsiderably;ica.;i$ 1 not fully kftowa bow his fraud was accomplished and concealed, wit! probable that' Johnson xn4e false reports of stamps which were not examined into with, promptitude, to tnat irauu ucwmuo xUniTe,Jlbr' any suspicions .were awakened V Jt.-i'i' iVM; v'-. . ? t.'From 'Peansylvanin. -. ; t stSPyei d Lawisrowjr, Ja-, Sept. 18. A laigc crowd met Mr; Greeley as the Westward, train . passed. Mr, Greeley, after some hesitation, made a, brief unpolitical speech, which was brought to a elose by th screaming of the engine and . the moving of the train. lie was accompanied by 'GoV. Randolph of New Jersey, and Gov. Bhjler of Pennsylvania. '. -;' - . By Cable. , ' s Stockholm, Sept. 19. King Charles, of Sweden, is lying seriously illatMalmoTr - .LATER King Charles la dead. New York Markets. - KKW YoBK,.September 19. Stocks firmer. Gold heavy at 113. Money 7 per centb Exchange long 107; short 109. Government bonds firm and steady. State bonds dull and heavy. UTURES Last evening thirty-six hun dred and fifty bales wer sold, as follows: September, 19 19 5-16; October, 1818 11-16 November, 1818 11-16; December, 18; Peb ruary, 19-, and March. 20 5-16 cents. Cotton irregular and heavy. Uplands 20 cts; Orleahs 20cts. Sales of 312 bales. Flour verf firm.' Wheat a shade firmer. Corn dull and : unchanged Pork steady mess SH 10?11 25. H Lard dullTHSteam 89 cts. Spirits Turpentine flrm"at6363 cents. Rosin quiet at 54 05 for strained. Freights steady. , f. . s .. Foreign Markets. Londok, September 19 Noon. Consols 92 ; new 5's 89, LfiVEKPOoi, September 19-Noon. Cotton opened heavy; uplands 9d; Orl eans J0d. LATER. Cotton closed heavy and unchanged, sales of 8,000 bales to speculators and ' exporters 2,000 bales. Humans share with. Horses the bene fits deri vable from t he world-renowned Mexican AIustano Liniment. The most irrefragabla testimony cgtabtisb.es the lact that this wondrous balm exerts the 6ame soothing and healing influence w hen applied to the human cuticle, that it does in cases of spavin, foufiders, ringbone, poll evil, scratches, wind gall and other ailments of the horse which require outward treatment. It is, in fact, the most effectual ol all exter nal remedies for rheumatism, gout, stiffaess oi the seek, neuralgia, sore throat, swell iugs, cuts and bruises of all kinds. Buffalo, N. Y.. Dec. 13, 1870. Db. H. V. Pierce: For the past six months I have used your Golden Medical Discovery in my practice, aud in that time I have tested its merits in severe coughs, both acute and chronic, in chronic diseases of the throat sev cases of bronchitis, general derange ment of the system, constipited condition of the bowelcs, and t wherever -Ahoriuth Alterative, or blood jVurliler, lias been Indi cated. In all cases I have found it to act gently,' yet thoroughly and effectually in ic movlng the various diseased conditions, and bringing about a healthy action throughout the f ystem Yours fraternally, U. L. HALL, M. I. This medicine is sold by all respectable druggists in all parts of America. MARRIAHE GUIDJS. EVERY ONE H13 OWN DOCTOR. Be ing a private instructor for married personp, or those about to be married, both male and female in everything concerning the physiology and, relations of onr sexual sys tem, and the product! u and prevention of offspring, including air the new discoveries never ceiore given in tne .ng.isu language, by WM. YOUNG, ;M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings All ' young married people., or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married lite, should read thia book j it discloses secrets that e7ery one should be acquainted with; still it Is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house! It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 0 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG. No, 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. - AFFLICTED AND i UNFORTUNATE.- No matter what may be your di -ease, before you place yourself under the care of any of the QUACKS native and foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a cepy of Dr. Young's Book and; read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, aid possibly yourjife. Dr. Young can be con sulted on any ? of .the diseases described in bis publications by mail or at his office. No. 416 pruce street, -above Fourth, Philadel phia. ' ' sept 18-; 105-3m JUST RECEIVED. A taew supply of fine Pearl and other Lard Cases, Cigar Cases, Toy Books Chessmen Dominoes, Playing Cards, Fifes, Banjos, io lins,' Violin Strings, Violin Bridges and Rosln;NHaraonicas, Guitars, Accordeons, Tamborines, Bass Drums, Snare Drums, Steel, pens. Penholders, Ink Stands, Pen Ac, at PHILLIP HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Music Storo. 104 sept 17 i. Purcell.House, ? 'JEti :-3A."viSfc Proprietor. 1JB03I AZI AFTER THIS.DATE thei rate l i for Transient Boarders are 12 50, $3 00 anu U 00 per day, : according W location and Day B oarders tS OO pet week x Julv Id KacKs. rsper rues, ema prciure r"'f Letter alps, Writing Desks, Lead Penclii, Sealing Wax, MucUage, Spauldlng's Glue, co: ICIAIc t:. WII,MfjrGTOlgARKOT; TUUKSDAY,' Sept. 19-1:80 P. M. Crudk TirjtiiTOT--Is without change in price, and market eteady. - Sales of 416 bbls at $5 for virgin and yellow dip,- and $3 10 for hard oer 2S0 lbs. ; Spibits 1 ubfsntinb After closing yes terday's report tiereere6ales of 315 casks at 53 cents -This mofning'the'maiket rales -steady, and 41 casks changed hindsat 58 cents per gallon for 8outhem Jpicksgesv H Rosin T here were' fnrUier sales aller yes terday '8 report of 7S0 bbls. . at $ 65 for strained, f3 p for No2, $5 57 for pale, and $3 50 for extra Pale? This :mornlng the B iles are 1.358 bbls at $365 for'VtfalBed; $3 70 lor low No. 2, $1 ior low N614 25 Tor No. 1, and $5 for loScEahx pier! J Tab The frcceipls arer &toatX03-ban et which told at $3 10 per. btl ' ' - - ' - J-- r -V jottok aaies o a Dales at 16 cents, and 44 do. at m; cents perib: MARINE. 4 AKRIVED. ' ' ' 19 Steamer.- Caswell, Paddlsoh, from Point Caswell, to A H VanBokkelen. Schr Ben 'Borland, Blaisdell, from New York, to O Parsley. ' - x' , , 1 CLEARED. " 19 Steamer Caswell, Paddison, for Point Caswell, by A 11 VanBokkelen.- Steamshipj Lucille, Price, for Baltimore, by AP Cazaux. RECEIPTS. TER RIVER STEAMERS. Ac. . k Steamer Caswell 61 bbls ciude turpen tine, 14 do. tar. List cl Vessels in the Port of YVil- mingtdc, N; C, Sept.' 18, 1872. f BARQUES - " ' Spanish Uli, Gatlia, ldg Hamburg, Wiilard Bros Br Tridcnte,' Bilson, ldg Bristol, ' . : Sprunt & f linson Br Sarnia,-Pillow, dis. Harriss & Howell Br Mystic Tie, CoffiU; dis, G G Barker & Co BAKQUEANTINE Br Elizabeth Taylor, Proctor, dis, Vick fe Mebane (ltustia) Elsa, Ehland.dis ...Olelde Bros Nor Diana, Jonnassoo, ldg Europe,,- . Heide Bros Br Medusa, Wilkie, id? Cork, Sprunt & Hinson Br Neptune's Car, Pike, ldg Europe, Sprunt & Hinson Black Swan, Winslade, dis, E Kidder & Sons Surf, Duke, dis, Master Erie, Fleming, dis, E Kidder & Sons isoia. Snowman, dis, G G Barker & Co Mary E Daria, Latham, dis, O G Parsley SCHOONERS Ben Borland, Blaisdell, dis, O G Parsley Edith May, Gross, dis, Navassa Guano Co JosSeger, El Ha, dis. J H Chad bourn & Co Lucy WrightElay, dis, Willinms & MqrehUon luisi oi Vessels Sailed lor this Fort. NEW YORK. Br Barque Carily, Jayne, eld Aug 23 BOSTON. Brig Mary E Dana, Latham c'd 8ept5 Gcr Barque Claudia, Dinse, eld Sept 5 Ger Barque Juno, Smidt, s Id Sept 9 PHILADELPHIA. SchrJohu A Griffin, Foster, eld Sept 10 CARDIFF. " ' n Br Barque Modell, Key, . eld July' 22 LIVERPOOL Br Bar queau tine, Leonora Edmondson, . . . s1! August 81 NEW DRUG 1H . . . THE UNDERSIGNED has opened a larg and varied assortment of ' FRESH DRUGS sAND CHEMICALS; At his new Store under the College at Physi cians and Surgeons, on Third streetoppo-f site CityUall, -. PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES ' '' In great variety INDIA UUUIJEU GOODS, :" ' " : TOILET ARTICLES, etc. , Storo open at all hours, day and ni?ht Wl COWAN REEN. Licenced Dispensins ChemisU. '" Proprietor.' " .-' - r. . , 1 v 4 't J 66-tf July 21 IVOTXOE. UEEb JiEEF, V4 BEEF. rpliE FINEST WESTERN BEEF In NortU Curoliua can be bought- from: us, at .our old fetaud, . , V7ASIIINGTON MARKET; For the next FIFTEEN' DA Y8 at '121 cents per pound. FOR CHOICE! CUTS. iire ua a call at once. f CAPPS & DOUGLASS, sept Id --'. 10-lvr " EDWARDS HALL,- Wliolesale C3-r6cors J s C0MMISSM pmiANTS,; WlL3kirNQTQN, K, C. . - June R - j- :f 20-m The besfuowiiiaae, an&.scperior.' to anj rla elegance of t?ne, touch apish aid durability. . Bold at Factory Priced ohljr br4 ProC J. Fi RUICCKEI1T7 PT n OrgtJalei Bbot3?f 11 sonic $ Hailf 57 Jmd M. M&rkei st IVilmington,' if. V. ; . .. v ' -i -; . . I and .- BUT W '? 6-U IIICCELLAKECUQ; - 'j K ' ... New. Store I Old. Goods ! BBEEiuWALDi' CO.; ; S3 KOBTS WATKM I Next dnet t' TinfTaWf WH0LE8AZJS DEALERS IN- LIQUORS, WINES,4 BRANDIES, WHISXIKS ire GIKS. &c . Ac: : Jm kinll 'Fancy Uquora, which we wiUofler to the trade on the most reasonable &"k receiving lareeonslsn- wSl I1 Le country. -aPl ease call befora making yourpurchaaei. v - jani , ifM.tr. . itlCHARD N. MO ON7 Conmiission Ufirnh ANDDEAIXR Kt FLOUR, GRArK. - - i r t ,X 1' tCOUNTBV produce: - Cor;;Oamden.&Pacct ts Orders from North Carolina Boliclted. ' feb11 f . , 174U' . PARKER 6c TAYLOR successors to a. e. nef.f, . ; : : Manutacturera and dealers in MOUiSE FURNISHING GOODS, . Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin .. . . - and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing: done at short notice. f , , AgenU for Falrbank's Scales, s ; No. 10 Front Street, , W ILHINGTOlf, M . C. ' - ESTABLISHED UtZsF; SUOCXSSOK TO JBBOWN & ANNDERS0N, 1 DEALER IN Pino Watches, Clocks, ' Jewelry, Silver Ware, i -h -'1 FANCY GOODS. SPECTACLES TQ SUIT ALL AGES. 1ST-. 37 Market Street, ? WILMINGTON, N. C. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully . rcpirCa C. K. MAYER, BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY 34t Marlcet Street, DEAIaKB XX ; FRENCH AD . AMKIUCAN CONFEC- Weddings and parties supplied at short notice, with all the delicacies of the season. nov5 U6-1T W. H. DART J . SOUTH FROHT ITm I WlLMIlSriGhT C. i Plniep," Steai aii' Gas Fitter' ; ; - ; '''ry and dealer in : " ' 1 Wrougnt and GalraQizcd Iron riot's. Brass Cocks, Valres, Gas FIxinrrs, 1 , ' . . and all descriptions or ' FITTINQS FOR STEAII, WATER r .i. AND GAS. ,VV'. . . Particular attention paid to fitting up o COTTON AULL8, . with Steam, Qas and Water, r noy 12 , - . .- 14S-t . S. it" SLA.N N1NGK '" j ' counioGion LiEocuAriT.J Groceries; ProTisicis, Brj Goods' ' . ' " ClOtlilnff, &C. &C., ; . J j; No. 23 and 24 North'- Water Street ; r WILMINGTON. N. Ca i - , 'fYmKlfentnantai an4 roV. cti-.ii " . : ,r Bu.v. v luiu ou Si UC1 9 OOllCJUXiS 1 ! - nor 23 - ku; . ' ,A. ADRIAN. - "lL VOLLERS? 1 ADRIAN & ROLLERS. H ; :: t ' - ' WHOUESAUC HEALJCRA iw ' Groccricn n hd IT.f i Importers of German and Havana Cigars, ComnussionMerchant r" ' Soutu-Exst Cobneb Dock and Froct - ?V . Streets. - - VVILMINOTON.N.C. . Having the larrest and best assorted Stock of Uroceries and Liquors in the City, Dealers will find it to their interest to give us a call before buying elsewhere. ' " v . . ? ; may!7-tf . . . . - , Morrill's Kestaurant. ' THE GEM. No.; 10 SOUTH WATEK STREET .'.m ; WILniNTOPf, N. C. ; ileal at all Hours. The best Wine, Liquors and Cigars always on ; . '.-"f-f Hand. To Public are L , 7 4j i 5 te20 ; Jnriled to call. , . . t if,'?4 ft 7'..;,', . ;:Q-lj;:' v. VMM A. J JbMAJ XAVf W kUJ ' N O It T il F B O NTS T R E E T. V. a i n tj ' mar vzt reii ttf at t I a r conianuy s nppueu wru Liquors, cigars anU Tobacco, cf the very best. Furnhihe'l ! rooms are also kept for the accommodatl ox the traveling pu&ur. j , v si'i '..;;i.,jJ,.A CLIFFORD, ProprietV' OUT ' 4 'i- ' . 1 ... . .. ' " ' '

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