THEkEVENING - POST: ; CillAtAirt -? Business Manager Ii0.MANN, - Managing Editor. Monday. September 23ncL 1872. , CO iJ...V IIC.- v'i'. REPDBLffiAMJiOMINiTIONS. , ,;mi)B ;HSUBinV ICfSSBS Si'GBANT Of Illinois. Jt)BV VICE-PRESIDENT, .: . HENST" WILSON, 01 Massachusetts. " ' JSiECTOIt AI. TICKET. FOB THfi :fiTATB AT LABGB : JiilAio8iEBWINi -of Bancbmbc. dAllUEIr P. PHILLIPS, of Wake. YOU THB COlfOBESSIOKAI DISTRICTS: I. Edward nansoia,' At Tyrell. a, tYHHan Ft. Loltia, of Lenoir, j4 Tncsiai CI Arso. of Orange. 3. Ilenry Walser, or Davidson. 0TUlianrS. Dynnm, of Lincoln. T James G. Ramsey, ot Rowan. 8 James H. Justice, ol Rniheriord. ifTnyp BEFOBE THE PEOPLE ! It ii urged by the Democratic organs that tbe Jaw is to be enforced in State 'and municipal elections. This is done to make it more -obnoxious, it that be possible, to their party. But, unfortu- , stately, this is an error. The law applies only to .Presidential and Congressional elections .though wis heaktlly wish it COULD SB MADE TO APPLY TO ALL otii eiu. N. Y. Tribune. f Wbefithe rebellious Traitors are over-, whelmed in the Field, and scattered like lea-res before an angry wind, it most now oe to return to .reaceiui auu Contented Homes. They must find potebty at their firesides, and see pbiy axiom i jjj tthe anxious eyes 0p Mothers and the Rags of Children. Horace Greeley, Tribune, May 1st, 1801. j -i - - 1 sr. ' '. " .From the Tribune 1371. I hold our Government bound by its duty of pr6teeHrW bur citizens in their fundamental uiAi, to pass and enforce laws for the extiipation of the execrable ku klux conspiracy ; and lif it has not the power to do it, then I say our Gov ernment is no Government, but a sham. therefore on every proper occasion advo cated and justified the kuHux act. 1 hold it especially desirable for the South ; and ifjt does not prove strong enough to effect itvurpose;l hope it will be made stronger ana stronger,''1, ,. Work. An infamous article, with the above title appeared in, the Raleigh Standard, in 1868, which waa , immediately repu diated bj , the proprietors oi the paper, anff the Writer discharged. Although this was dono immediately and the ar ticle denounced by ' every Republican paper in the State, several Democratic nanera Jceen . extracts pi' this arti-?le standing Bt the 'heatTof their editorial ,pcrj52aa tyj$ZT 'reliable ? informed that thV writer of this article is one ol thseditlhlTewiYork Tribune, Unitld S16131 -Preeley organ of the i flha)veisd th'junm&ed horror to tome of the testimony tch'cli has been brought before Hjofilv "The outrages proved are 'sJcJfingia-iurnanity ; they admit of neither excuse or justification j they vio- ' late 'every' dbtigdtion' tohich law and na ture imposes1 upon men ; they sliow that . the vHxHiengagtd tcere' brutes, insensible to the obligations , of : humanity and reli- , a ion, tcw, ,towrf i it hfo neA 'alrciwy they will deeply lam 9 &eh :if. justice shall v not overtake tiiem, there is one tribunal ' ft om which there, is no hope. , It is their gijjuu tchich sits t itetMlreast of eieryi living r man that small, still voice that thrills through the 7teart--th6 souii pfytheindy and us. it ialSf gives 'happiness Vr : torture the toict of ccnCtcierkstKe ioic of God. If it has not already spofien to them in tones tchiehhavetartled them to ihe-eiiormity of ihcirxoMdvctj & fttLSt, in the mercy of ILeaven, that Uiat voice wiU speak before tJiey shdlbe caUed above to account for 'thi transactions of this world. ' That it kiiU'Sd spcak tomaJce them penitent, and that-V4rUlixg nn tluiditpensatioJis of 1 Heaven whose justice is dispensed with Wyiff&rf tfU brought before tfyforJif; their great trpwnal, so to speale, that'incomprehsible tribunal, there will Mei found in fe, their penitence, in, thrretou'UvestK6ome grounds upon which Cktd may, say PARD ON." Speech of Soru Jerdy Johnson, in Ku . KlxtxtraUJJecernber th. Mr. Greeley: finance, : ' Mr. Greeley, in his swing around the circle, spoke an editorial at Cincinnati on Saturday; sit was all about finance and; epecie.; payments, but he gave no remedy for the evils complained of. He : .t.?t 14. l 1 4. . . -I mentnoXjdoes he is, better to go on as we are. In short, he expresses no opinion on any of the great financial problems before the people. Ho rc - lerredrto the: stock tr amblers in New York,'awii(ri? geberai;fear of a disaster, sd4said ( -tAiid iben 'appears' the Sec- .1 ji r . t jreorj,oi xao .Areasury.witn ms norn oi tadtfe lets loose ; somsthing or noot&e;'?hsithCT he sells 'goldi epb 085 totbi? and lie puts us at eisa for a little time acraini I am5 nnt ' ere ta decide that that is not the best he can do : I don't know aoout tliit ; I do not insist that the business of the country oughtj not 16 be in condition 'refiuire 'ttiis co'ntinual ? application, of kametbiniirrtificiaf, something let tJown jrom aove, that there should De a. state of things wherein business men and bu siness interests should take care of them selves, and " not ' require the continual , interruption of Mmepabueaalnlo in r such dictatorial form ; some men arc swamped when he appears; other men are!Teiiefed, - perhaps: ; 'The : greaest good to the greatest 'number is' accom plished, for anght I know, but I wani to see a stated things when the govern ment is not Continually called upon to keep us out It reminds me of a state of thlogs that existed in my earlier day, when every once in a while Nicholas Biddle was called to Wall street in about the same capacity that the Secretary oi the Treasury is now, to put his shoulder to the wheel and lift us out of some ca -tastrophe ; lift us out of some mire, or ward ell some catastrophe. I think we ought to be able, that you, gentlemen, ought to be able, to devise the ways and means, not only of getting us out of one particular earner but preventing corners in future, rendering them impossible, or, at all events disastrous, to their con trivers." So we see even by Mr. Greeley's own showing, that tbe action of the Secreta ry ot the Treasury is in exact accord with the old fashioned way of saving the country from ruin. He wieely makes no charge against the Administration in this matter, for he knows that the care fully matured plans of the Secretary ol the Treasury have saved us lrom great financial distress, if not utter ruin. Mr. Greeley speaks of our financial disorders as a disease, and appeals to the business men of the country to cure it. 7e hope they will succeed in doc toring our National symptoms, and pre vent anv more panics. Those who have guided their fortunes through 1837, '47, and '57, are no doubt glad of the bal ancing process of the government, with its millions oi gold, ana a currency which is a par all over the Union. i The Journalis becoming "convicted." We begin to have laith in its eventual conversion. It accepted Greeley and "biled crow," not for any love tor him, but to beat Grant. But now, having reflected upon the magnanimity and honesty of the philosopher, it begins to admire his noble person. Good for the Journal. As Greeley constantly says to the Northerners, that he is as much Re publican as he ever was, even when he talked of "privation in the anxious eyes of mothers," etc., the Journal will in a short time stand a chance of being converted to Republicanism and we will all be a happy family I Won't it be nice ? After Grant has served the peo ple four years more, and we are select ion candidates for the campaign of 1876, we fear the Journal will claim to be a "dyed in the wool" Republican and taunt the Post with being a "Con servative." This would not be as as tounding as to read puffs of Greeley in that old staunch Democratic organ of a few months ago, when tvery article in its columns abused Republicanism and its vials of wrath, hurled upon tbe defenseless head of Mr. Charles Sum ner and his civil rights bill were ap palling to contemplate. It is a long time since anything has been said of their modest and retiring candidate for the Vice Presidency. What has become ot Bratz Grown 2 Don't be so crabbed about him. He should be spirit ually present part of the time, and we are .anxious to know if our old time Democratic neighbor admires him also. How hard it is to please our Greeley- crat friends. Now here is the Greens boro lttriot complaining because a "negro boy" voted the Democratic ticket and was afterwards punished for stealing. We see nothing remarkable in the transaction. If a "negro boy" wa9 base enough to vote the Democratic ticket, he would natu: ally be base enough to steal. So, in the case in point, as the "boy" sto'e the article two yeais ago, it merely proves that as he would steal, he was knave enough to vote The Democratic ticket. The Raleigh Ifcics ot the 21st says the poet Longfellow has "declared lor Greeley.1' This is a mibtake of yours Iro. News, Mr. Longfellow has repudia ted fhat charge and declared for Grant. The Partisan Ball of Scurrility -Still rt i- ,i . . : Rolling on. , ? , ' The Evening Mail administers a well merited reproof to the partisan organs that go out of their path to lliDg offen sive expletives upon their opponents. It calls for a week's truce, " so .that hot blood can cool-and muddied brains get; ciear anu aoimosiues jsuusiue a mtie." Auother evening contemporary also re prehends f the prevailing grossnessi of pat tisan inYectiyeut being a partisan print itself it see's, only one side of the question ana wouia taice me mote out of its brother's eye before taking heed of tue beanvan 4ts t qtto iAgain, intone short aragrapnHn the f columns ; of a I monain&t)artisantcoutenoo"TYwo Cnd such -ungentlsmanly fet Oi uiy aurnallijic 'expressions! as 'untruth,? 4,landeicis,n caiuuiuy," 7 sneas ; ; ,ju uooiaer," luh " wanton 4ibeIIeirt?lin another, and ap parently: the leading editorial, a neigh borins journalist is characterized las having; grown old and vicious in the. other prorninentjournal is classified among -'H whole constellation of elegant English is sublimated . under t thejmqdest .heading of " Slander as a tiradejf ;5 In- the irbrds ot a Newark contemporary, this is truly he. campaigniscaidU)1' tnd, it mignc nave aaaep, oi scurrility auu vul garity and needless personality. JV1 T, Herald. u r ' i'i-?-'J- EDITOB T A Ti BTJTJGET. 1 - The U. S. Army consists of 2406 officers and28,91t mea-r ? ri r1Yi 1 The internalibnar cricket match has come to its conclusion, the English beatin the American club "all to. 'a 17 The scull race between . Wardj of Beylin of New, York foV $000 a side and. the championshipOflAmtrica, came off on tbe Hudson Thursday. The dis tance round was five miles and won jby Beylin by four lengths in 3& uainutes and22 seconds b iUkilllU .j The arrest of Edmond About had become thesullject' of diplomatic cor respondence between Germany and France! The French auhor7 ilseemes, to be tried by court-martial for having published articles inimical 'to Germany in German territory iti 1871.- About has addressed President Thiers , a note en treat icg him to do nothing that would imperil' France. To impartial persons everywhere the charge is an'absurb. and silly one. , Gerniany can gain no credit from the transaction excepting by al lowing About to go quit, and free. TANBARK., ,n BucKalew, the coalition candidate or Governor in Pennsylvania, is described as "one who despises in private ' and ignores in public the CLappaqua Sage." An elderly lady out in Michigan says she like3 to attend Greeley meetings, "becausp there is always so much room in the house, and no one disturbs her nerves by shouting." Benp Parke, formerly of Harrisburg, Pa., and at one time editor of the Key stone, the democratic central organ pub lished there, has declared himself for wen. uranc ana tne wnoie itepuoncan Mr. William Downing, a leading La bor Reformer, hes written a letter to the Elmira Advertiser, advising' the laboring men to vote for Crant and Wilson rath er than Greeley and Brqwne.., I A prominent Saca Demqcrat, got enough of the coaTitiotf Monday, and says he will do nothing for Mr. Greeley in November. The woods are full of this kind of democrats. Portland (Me.) Press. " ' ' ' Senator Cookling'd new" name for Liberal Republicanism is "Assistant Democrats." But it ispamiul to add that the way they "assisted" tbe democ racy in Vermont and Maine, wasyery much like the way the Old Man of the Sea assisted Sinbad the Sailor. .The Chicago Inter-Ocean predicts that "the time will most certainly come indeed it is not far 7away when the statesmanship-of general Grant will be even more loudly extolled -than his gen 4- Senator Trumbull is stumping Illinois.' kji a irtceui, cuor-t one oi nis - aamirers writST "There; was scarcely a dry eye .rMtr,; - v: amon uisauuiiorst v wnicu i moves tne Stdtt ' Jmrhdl n to i remark: ? "Likely enough t bey - had heard of the news from Maine.". v , The Tribune seemes to think that SenJ ator Wilson and 6 tberpromihent Repub licans have '.nothing; tp dq, during the present campaign but write denials of remember in its own' daily utterances it has answered in the negative, its query "is there a limit to lying." Ax Indiana editor lays ;;down ibis shears for a few - minutes Vto write a double leaded editorial,; inV which !be plaintively reirraTks'r We are the reci pient of half a peck' of, nice pmonp, two watermelons and a bottler of "ginger occi nuiu uic ui our euosciioers. ine gifts were like the. shadow jot a rock in a weary land. We: are -glad some one remembered us in the midst of our labors and, cares, and evinced that remembrance in'sq " delicate a man nr; We dote on onions and love melons dearly asd sd.lqrjg as the fragrance of the former and tne gripe's Tbf the latter linger about us we shall hold the kind donor in aff-ctionale rememberance. Of ging?r: betr we have jnever - been'able to speak enthusiaStfcalfVj but say that our children cniyldT iC'greatly;. while the empty 66itle,addad iioia little to the eitecti ve iQrce .of jouroffice armoiy. Those little acts inspires' as to renewed exertions, but'bur 'subscription price wiirbe thetsameOrLVc"" ,C!t; ? & CoH2TjldI I NevarlaalifeloDg democrat, has joined I twit iiijiuuuwau jJV.. m ' - BgainsUcaintliticalpphe.3tsuAn f it--- f . ft f t i VP I j j t ,rr A r' ct," I' Guaranteed to excel all others, toth In xnape'i - ? ana materia i- jue sure vo ass ror i - THBWCOBI AXE, T AND ACCEPT NO OTHER. T For you wil i then be certain you are gettinc me oesj iur juur iuuutty. EVERY AXE WARRAKTED - j Market street. And Dealers throughout the State. IX HARDWARE. rx IMPLEMENTS. CUT lerv. Iron. steeL Nails. Guns. Pistols. & Mwvt'Mrfvn Art - We would respectfully call th e attention of WHOLESALE BUYERd to our full and complete assortment, em-j bracing all and every description or uooas in the Trade, and to the superior advantages we can offer fi om having the agency to sev eral leading factories in the trade. - . f s i r it. . Always on nana ooie ana narness JLieamer, Kip and Caif Skins.- ' Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Boors and Blinds, &c , - Please call and examine, belore purchas ing, the stock at NATH'LJACX3B1'S , Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market SU nov 9 147-lv HOMES FOR EVERYBODY. 100 Building! Lots for Sale at Auc tion, by BUNTING & McQIGG. AT. EXCHANGE jCORNER. to-morrow, Tuesday morning, September 21th, 1873, at 11 e'clock, A. M., our sale of VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, Between Front, Thirteenth, AVoostcr and Marstella streets, will be continued. Tho cheapest property ever sold in Wil mington, sept 24-109-lt Ransom Boots. CINGLE AND DOUBLE SOLE these Boots were tried the past Winter and gave uni versal satisfaction. We are sole agents. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Boot, sept 23 . 109 For Sale or Rent. A ROOMY and comfortable dwel ling on Third street, pleasantly located and convenient to the busi ness portion of the city. For particulars, apply to JAMES & MEAKlS?, Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers, sept 23 10y-3t INFORMATION FOR ALL rjlHE CHOICEST BRA.ND OF NEW J- YORK STATE FLOUR, fc6 EMPIK E," The demand for this Double Extra family Flour, is increasing continually, and only sold by us. Received from the Mills. Also, GILT EDOEj NEW YORK CENTRAL, ASHLAND, They are the leading brands oi New York Flour, and At lower Price than others can Buy. GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. 1W sept 17 DO NOT FORGET TO TRY . ' s - - t - .' INFIELD'S CONDENSED MILK, Try I-t, For sale at Factory prices. Fresh Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Brandy! Peaches and C h e rries, For sale by GEO. MYERS. 11 and 13 Front street i 1M- .. sept 17 AN ATTRACTIVE STOCK OP CLOTHING i AND ,:. , '" FURNISHING GOODS t Now i opening aV the , . i 1 - L Cty jpidthing- Store of MUNSONf & CO4 ! jftv-.i 38 Market st sept 21 A i08. f OBI For sale, wholesale and retail, at NATH'li JACOBf'S Hardware Depot. No. 9 ill ;T ill L lieWJlcigton eetattt" P" rednesd. at ,5 13 x jmvi- ill t II J 1 o'clock, P. M.;sc 1 I i J . I . 1 ; A V. A. I -i ri I . -' A M w UVIV. rresiaeni. sept23-3t UENOAIiFBOOTS-A; fine; supply, just Teceived at -- T- ' ! . i -2 L-JL citta TtT.Ea A. PRICE'S. f- f r 7 1 TIT . Live Bool ana onoe owi e. Live Boot ana noe owiv. .fnrmsd a no-nartnershiD under the name and style of eVXKSTS VoNGLiLHN. for the purpose of carrying on a general Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Tbuslness, and will on the 1st day? tf October knext open, with a larper-mnd tBntirclTnw stocfc. In one of the new.fetorea in. Evai Block, onTrmcess st. r i V .v - . - : . HENRY C. EVANS, aept an-lOT-tol HENRYVosjSLAHN. til TO THE LADIES. NOW OPENING, A large and handsome assortment of MilUneiyGoodsa vancyi Goods, Notions, &c, &c. Having just returned from London and Paris, I can offer extraordinary in ducements as to prices, styles and quali ties. ' . CALL AND SEE THE IjJITESTjyQ VEMj ties. Something new and very stilish, ii THE SATCHEL BELT." A. D. BROWf , Exchange Corner sept 19 106-tf THE 1 , NEW PRINCESS STIIEET GONFE'CT IO NE R 11 AND CROCKERY STORE, Is now open, and all ai'c invited to call and taste- t WM. M. STEVENSON. J-sepI7i J'- V - ' h IW-tf WELL:KNOWN AND DESERVEDLY POPULAR OUR FAVORITE " FLOUR. More generally used among families than - . .,-. any brand of. Flour sold in the city. : -jr . a J - 4 Vsf ; Always true, .s Always sweety - Always white. IOO Barrels, 65 Half Barrels, . Or in Bags of any desired quantity. Give the Eavorite Flour a triaL You will find it te be all that, we claim for it. 'OVER 2500 Barrels AND HALF BARRELS Soid by us since we? introduced the Favorite Flour. Bold only by ; . .. . . .. f CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 7 ortb Front st, SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. LL THE TE8T NOVEXTIES AT THE lowest prices, v .... Jo Bargains ! M.M. KATZ'S. '88 Market street. 2-tf At may20 Undertaker and Cabinet Maker 1 AND ISHE D .' r Store on Second between Harketand Prin cess streets. ' .iy -.July 15, ' '.' .'. ; , , efcliy- . THB STOCT I' Printing t r of theEVENi: HISCELfcANECUS. i This -Is- to give -Notice 1 f. THAT a petition has ? been filed In the m0 trict Court of the United States for: ilaoe Fear District of the Eastern DfotH.i'i North Caro Gardner Shepard. in District, dulynaeclared a bankrupt under tht Act of Cortgress Of March 2t iW7t for charge and certificate j thereof from all ht debts and other claims provable under saY.? H that. t.h 10th dav of fWK,! .Sall ttoviU the same, wnen ana jynpre i in interest, may attend and show ra,.c A feuuont?r t-nwixi tL , Jt ; i aua that hjec)fta pA thi;dft4eeftn 4 fciedK qfBeptember, day Sent -12; 1872 REGISTER'S' OFFICE: -. .... . . . irul,i ins r 1 1,... NEW HANOVER COUNTY Wilmington, N G. Sept. 10, 1872. Tax Bill passed at the Session of General As sembly 1871 and.ltfTi- The penalty for , failing to register is The fee forregistration is 25 cents. All those v ho apply for License -will pw take notice, as the law : will be rigidly enfor. - ' Register of Deeds. Sept 9th v- -- '.'5-r -M.'r7-i-law3w BiMORFoRpw & co.r JJAVE IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, 1,000 Barrels Flour, j IOO Bags Coflee 50 Barrels Sugar,' 100 Barrels Pork 20,000 Bushels Corn, ' f And a full line of .. - G- K- O Q, EI K X S , Which they offer as Iqw as the lowest. , GIVE US A CALL.' Country orders given special attention. jnne 14 ?, 24-tf DR. CARPENTER, 136 MULBERRY ' ST tEET NEWARK, N. J., Is now treating successfully . .T ; . Consumption, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Throat: and Lunes with his . 6 COMPOUND DEDICATED INHALA TIONS, CONCENTRATED FOOD, AND COUGH SYRUP. ; During the past ten years Dr. Carpenter has treat ed and cured thousands of j cases or the above named diseases, acid has now in his possession certificates v of cures from every part ot the country. The Inhalation is breathed directly into the lungs, soothing and healing over all inflamed surfaces, en tering into the blood, it imparts vitality as it permeates to every part of the system. The sensation -is not-unpleasant, and tbe first inhalation often gives very decided re lief, particularly , when there is much diffi culty Of breathing. Under the Influence of my remedies, the cough soon grows easier, the night sweats cease, the hectic flush van ishes, and with improving digestion the patient rapidly gains strength, and health is again within his grasp. The Concentrated Food rapidly builds up the most debilitated patient, presenting to the stomach food, all ready to be assimilated and made into good, rich, healthy blood. The Cough Syrup is to 1 be taken at night k alleviate the cough and enable the patient to obtain sleep. Full directions accompany each 1. ox of my remedies, which consists of Onelalcr ; One Bottle of Alterative In halant One Bottle of Soothing Febri fuge inhalant ; One Bottle of Ant! Hemorrhagic Inhalant ; One Bottle Concentrated Food; One Bot tle of Cough Syrup. ,f. Price of Box containing remedies to last one month, S10; two mouth, $1S; three months, $25. Sent to any address C O. D. Pamphlets containing large list of patients cured sent free. Letters of inquiry must contain one dollar to insure- answer. Address, . 1 , A. H. CARPENTER. M . D. , N e wark, N. J. Dr. Carpenter's CATARRH REMEDY will give immediate relief, and will effect a permanent' cure in from one to three months. Price of remedy to last one month, $0; two months, $S; three months, $10. r CANCER in air its forms successfully treated. Send for list of patients cured, to A. Ii. CARPENTER, M.D.; Newark: N. J July 22 55-ly FOR CITY TRADE. -:o:- St. rrilE BEST STOCK OF MEDIUM AND low priced DRESS GOODS in' the city. Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Men aud Boys wear at lowest prices. - i , x B. WEILL, No 17 Market street. Corsets. ,1 Ann LADiBS CORSETS AT 50 cents to 1UUU $5. , ,1 f. B. WEILL. Parasol and'1 Xjadies' - TJrobrellas: Ci VERY QUALITY AND STYLE BANG " ing from the cheapest to the finest quality. B. WEILLL :; '' i f Oalicoesi 1 ft Aft PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from A V v V e 1.4 cents tp best quality. , t B . WEILL ' - - t Clotliiii. . : THE LARGEST STOCK OF -GENTS' x Clothing in the city made to order all of the latest styles.. Will be sold atj, retail for wholesale prices. ' - w -,r i$ ,e- Bargains ! Baiains ! rPHE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO OI VETS x a call. We oli'erthe largest stock of IR GOODS in the city, at New York prices. We receive weekly additions to our Stock, ana make every effort to please. , ,B. WEILL, april 7 r 190-tf NOTICE TO Office of Tax ColWctor ' ' NEW HANOVER COUKTVi No. 12 Slarket St., WUmingrtotti Ni C. 1 Scptemtoen 12th, 187. The tax Books, for State and County, for Uio yeax I872,having been placed in my pos session, tax payers are requested to makfl prompt5 paymeiit i may be found at my office every ,day (SundayB excepted) dur ing the presentment!-.- - :-,: f, ,V it iDAVID PiqOXT, Tax Collector NeIIanover Couuty. , sept 11 - ' '"'' 102-tf t For sale by the City pP Wpmington, a pair of farge'fine 'HORSES, snitable for light or neavy oriiught; ThcwiiiVcto'tfetniror separately. Apply at los , : ... x : ' . - - ST lUP " - - MAYOR'S OFFICE; uatea at "v umiusw. v., vu uie 10th ALL persons doing business, requiring a 11 censef from the Sheriff, are hereby jotifled that, p.verv license iiiusw ue regisiereti in ffeptM 105-lTf

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