7 XVTiatJIorjG We hare tddght; ancLbeeo. beaten, ClAd forrriTe oar fillers that this is to lat it is true, and cannot be disguised. Toe Cablsefc rccentlf ; expressipg; in rhetoric better adapted to a lore letter,1 -a fear oi bdcf drowssd , la Jit$s own; jioney, is fcotr ccarly drowBed in core, white oi hoacr'on tbebis2 bas nlj been caved by one daring and des- - erate nero, and be belongfn jT to tbe merchant manned The I sacred soil of . Virginia-is crimson' and wet with the bloodl 4antls1bf Northern men ljeedlessly bed. .Thert and univer sal questicui ; jberTading i.Iie public rnind is; snail mis condition oiuping? cod tine?'" ViHlf we irc ever to put down the re U:HionwBf steiU ido rit within a few n atbs.i ,ye ,ba.vc caoreimen and more means wherewith to attack and over laetbQ rebel armies than . we shall have a j'car hcace, shoull the wir cod JiinisjEii, lcnI Ifsve beat'tbem, we i jtrhsvo ttn s "J errb uh ; i f th L-y beat H,; the same. . One way or another, we !hiiJl;haTa ip?ace.f betore the v close of 'Hjgndif wV1 cannot wbif "thein vUb-tl3.rmBl we now have, we never sliaH. And since we need every dollar we have cjETOan raiae for "present press ing use, wc protest, against spending -one.dolla for armlXtbat are ; not to be in ibc hands ot bur soldiers before the 1st of May -If. we should, want more urms &ttsx the rebellion is pat down, let b3 bs f rovidsd'tor tor the present, fet vitj CTsry dollar where it will tell in the present confiict," Tr&uni, Jan- ,was fame of s .alhekiansColpntl NimrOd ViIdfire, " 1 1 ! ('"irepreebtative.before t !c footlights, Ving represenUd aa. so spuiii for a , Jiih-t, having been inhumauc'ty . tlpived v oi f hat luxury tor the iutiraiediate space ! ten days, that he wouh.l tjfiVt? to 'kiv r himseil ip.a salt barrel to ic,op,-Ltb;it 'we hare been wtndt-Kl-nj how racy ;jjradirg rebels would.-: bo.reiulred to hImjw a front, in that 8tatu;for the space f ten days, hare cone? uded that noth ing; less than one hundred thousand would answer. "When John Morgan made his horse stealing raidacross the State last sum iner, meeting very little resistance, we explained the matter by considering that he traveled so fast always taking fresh hor cs to repl; ce those that from ,tiraej to time' greVv weary that the hunters i foresaid could not overtake him. Bat this? famous parade of Kir by Smith throughout the fsmous 'Blue Grass region docs not abide that solu tion. Here svuae tweuty or thirty thousand rcbcs who have advanced through the very heart of the State from Tennessee to the banks of the Ohio, routing the only Union force gathered to detend the Capital (which contained, we believe, just one Kentucky regiment) and pushing on to threaten Cincinnati Had Louisville without serious opposi tion. Perhaps the interruption oi tbe mails and telegraph has left us in tbe , dark as to what is going on in that quarter. The facts will doubtless soon shine forth in all their glory and shall We be very glad to hear of the prompt and enthusiastic rally of the aforesaid hunt ers to drive rebellion and disunion into sea." Tribune, September 30, 1862. "It has pleased Congress to "decree Kr iippaintifapnt.of a TputauanL-Gcnc-ralandthe President, with the entire assent of both Houses, has selected Ulysses S. Grant ior the most responsi ble position. To had nothing to say, pro' or: con, fwhile this matter was iu progress; weneither urged the creation of a Lieutenant-Generalship, nor recom mended" Geort jGrant for the position. Bat now that ?the work ,is done, v umst,rspqcUully suggest .that thu con 4 d jet of ttto .war, under the Pnmdenf, be : VmmittLlab3olutely to ..the Lieutcnact Genera V and that . we al lt Con g ret s, ,0net'i;Vd,'tc Press,' ; JRepubHcau e, Democrats, Couservalives, and Kadicals --take hojd bnfl strengthen his hands ' ibitbe .ineae' resnsibiii tj. devolved ! bimvLet-him not be impeded or L i brrasiekV n li i s" wot k ' ei t h cr by fetjechei"6r artlcki:, advice or criticism, iiatU we shall hyp given, him a fair trialTiet-hit hJotbe Condemned lor one tnisenrriagc, if there shall be one, tut ! generally trusted and sustained until he , shall have, decisively shown that he can o a anndt put down the Rebellion .J Thin let us .act aathe good of. the Nation shall dictate ; but, until t hci; let inhts behalf 'Stonewall Jack s'. us message to lits superior: Send aynie.rje iUieuj jiudfewer orders.' " noune, March 5, 1SG4. k'v ?r.&- Uvipiatctl , uud iiiiligoaiif people ' wiV cltn?anf tne Immt'ctiatu ii'tin nu nt ' .Atll'P5'-"'' PW-t Irom the high i i.C'.js ci .powpr, w hicU for ouo rcu?ou OjTli ily "have pwn themselves .-? j m'OtfiptMeii t.. 4o iiU; , Give us lor the !; S iVsft?ent-Cii) iblo, advisuis. who conjpro . n; nil the rwcpiuvnu'tits or the, ciiai., and f irw.lUaVto 'I ; aud, ir t he Anny, uMtU'Vs wortyf thcruuk and file, and , iv ba'nutf now (trooping, w i LI soon ..... .JPvt qpee . more in triumph jvef tne iv nole land. Will the right men to .l. Atl, our people - will show themselves l- u6copquer.ib!c." Inbune, Jult23t18Gl. What H. G. Knovs about Democ - v racy. - : ino utter impotcccc ana paralysis into which the; once proud and power- m yr-k. - " a . iui iemocraiic party, ;nas,iauen is evinced in many ways but in none - more strikingly than in the character o( its lies and liars. How its orators and journals .used absolutely to ruin calumnies oh Adams and Clay and Harrison, and in . later days , on Seward j and FjemontJ none of your little, con- leopuoie, picayune, raisenoods, Dut ' Create faL black Mos. thut hrl wmnnm and sting in ; them lies that evinced onginaUty, audacity, and.cven genius." ' Tr&mriA .TvJ.tr ft 1 RAO " h-: '?To Liu -Gen. Grant the Nation's , oye snd gratjtndp will be ferrcat and J unmeasured The Amy of tbe Pctom ac hardly knew bin a cctith io ; it 1 knows bixa now and 'ever nibro. Had be abarsdi tbe' current, estimate oi - its capacities bis misconception would, bare been? natural ; but he knew its worth instinctiyely and trusted implic itly to its valor , and devotion. .-: The result proves that be was right, and that that Army bas at last found Uts tree leader. Let us barbor. no shadow of doubt that tinder bis guidance that Army will ' promptly and thoroughly complete the work to which it has-been called, and to which it has Jidw proved itself so t nobly, adapted," 2mtw, May 14, 1854 - "The election of Grant seeures the as tendency, of Libebtt, Justice, and Peace. It is the Appomattox of our civil conflict.- It insures that ours shal 1 be henceforth a land of equal rights and equal laws. It makes our recent history coherent and logical. It de monstrates that the discomfiture of ths -Rebellion was no blunder and no accident, but the triumph of princi ple and an added proof that Go J reigns." Tr$uner August 15, 18G8. The world will be moved to mirth if it reads the manifests ot the National Democratic Executive Committee dis owning the Democratic paternity ot the pamphlet. 'Concession or how the Lost Cause nay be Regained, and the Inde- Eendence ot the South Secured.' Ko ody supposed that tbe National Dem ocratic Committee bad . authorized tbe issue of tbe pamphlet ; but it is Demo cratic in tone and temper, for all that, and it speaks the honest sentiments, do doubt, of thousands ot Southern Dem ocrats, who will, in defiance of repeated winks and nods ot disapproval from the Managers, persists in talking about the possibilities of the Lost Cause at the most unseemly tiwes. But the sugges tion that the Radicals have concocted this precious farrago of nonsense and treason for electioneering purposes is quite as ludicrous as the vaunt tnat the Democracy is tbe only party that cau bring about return to honesty and con stitutional laws. This last phrase is exquisite tooling." Tribune, September G, 1871. "To 'Love rum and hate niggers' ha so long been the essence oi the Demo cratic faith that the cooler, wiser heads ot the party vainly spend their strength in efforts to lift it out ot the rutin which they plainly see that it can only run to perdition. While slavery en dured, negro hate was an element of positive strength in our political con tests, so that the Constitutional Con ventions of. this and other free States were usually carried by the Democrats on tbe strength of appeals to the coarser and baser whites to Let the nigger know bis place.' " Tribune, April 7, 1871. " The Democratic party ot to-day is simpLy the Rebellion seeking to achieve its , essential purposes within and through the Union. A victory which does not enable it to put its tect on the necks of the black race seems to the bulk of its adherents not worth having. Its heart is just where it was when it re garded Slavery and the Constitution as two names for'one thing. It hates the Generals who led the Union . Armies to Victory, and rarely misses a chance to cilpparage tnem. It clings to that ex aggerated notion of State Rights which niikcs them the shield of all mannurtoi wrongs and abuses. It takes counsels of its hates even more than of its aspi rations and will be satisfied with no tri umph that does not result iu the e im pulsion oi all active, earnest Republi-. cans from the South. Tribune, March 2a, 1871. "The great Gorilla of the Democracy is tilling the air with his demoniacal liowlir.j:, and beating Lis breast like a tremendous drum, to express his saeagu joy over the first full meal he has had alter years of enforced abstinence. Eat your till uow, Gorilla,! tor you will uever have another chance 1" Tribune, No vember 11, 18G7. What H. G. Knows about sion. Seecs- What 1 demand is proof that the Southern people really desire separation from the Free States. Wheneuer assured that such is their settled tcishv I SHALL JOYFULLY CO-OPERATE WITH THEM TO SECURE THE END THEY SEKK. Thus far, I have had evidence of nothing but a purpose to "bully and oercc the North. Many of the Seces sion emissaries to the Border Slave States 'e!l tbe people they address that they do net really mean to dissolve the Union, but only to secure what they term their rights m the Union. Now, j nearly all the people of the Slavt? I States either are, or have to seem to be, in iavor oi tnis, tne present mtnaciDir front of Secession proves nothing to the purpose. Maryland and Virgiuia have had no idea of breaking up the Union ; but they would both dearly like to bully the North ; into a compromise. Their Secession demonstrations prove just this, and nothing . more." Tribune, January 21,1801. 1 ,"We utterly aeny, repudiate, and condenn the pretended Right of Seces sion. No such right is known to our Federal Constitution, nor, in fact, to an j ciTllized framework ol government. No eucb rischt was reserved, or supposed to be reserred. when the States ratified or adopted the Federal Constitution. We do not beliere that a mere majority ot a community may, in disregard of all existing forms, upset an r existing gov ernment andput one of their choice in its place. We do not beliere tbe whole population we will say of- Nantucket or Staten Island hare a right, moved by a prospect qx unlimited cams by smuggling to tbe main land, to break,, olt from the ' union and annex . tbeir ielaod to Great Britain or tat up for tbemselyes.jWe do notbelieve a nation is, Ukei'obfo?rJa-meetingi Jb .be dispersed (by oa ibpuder-shOjwen or a steaM lf-nneipyir upbt.?T . - I T- , v - $ The advocates of Disunion, we meap those whop (?.utiousIy" hint, but who do obstreperously halloo howl their nonsense, Jhich : is " not i respectable enough to be called treasonons? are usu ally? ha1fwiftedHmbei: of Congress, and juagey)Witditoxa.t Ifc isnverj easy f&r-T&wfieTr riewapsperr manwho Mhejatft Murray's grummari auoVjvbo considers VtefWpeio-book to be a vile- in- cspair. Wrth wiilsivy Hi:d tobacco arc wonder- fuljixpivi arcliitcctf arc ba?c!c?. n'nltv1hrs- n tr.ev racte away tliev Icav :ave r a.i .i vvrtck, Lnc only a heari- ache h J. I. TOBHAM-ifGO:,; N04 8 Suuiii Front Street ! fAND . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES, HARNES3lHlif TRUNKS & TRVAKLING BAGS. Collars, Hames, Trace Cnams, Whips, Spurs, Dog Co'naTSatfdle, Cloths,' j Woii'.cu & LInea: Horse Covers i Fly Nets, Feather , Dusters,' ; Axle Grease, Bridles, ' - of all kinds, Sad- ; dlery Uar,rl , ' . . ' varc,&c. ;: ' yjGCOND IIANi HAJftNESS, S ADD LI3 S, REINS, & C, CUEAP juuc 7 - ' FOR CASH. .. 1-ly Beware of Counterfeits If JOBHOSK'aS art extensively cottntbrteitsd. Diihonut Druf gUtw endeavor to sell the counterfeit tomaJe greater profits. The genuine have the name of Job Blow oneachpaekag-e. All others are worthies imitation. Th okkcihh PiUs are unfailing in th cure of aU those painful and dangerooa dieeaea to wMca th female constitution is subject. They moderate all excesses and remoTe all obstructions, from what erer catue. - - --' TO MARRIED T.ADTE9 they arc particularly suited. They wUl in a snort time brins on the monthly period with regularity ; and althoug-h Tery powerful, contain nothing' hurt ful to the constitution ? In all cases of Nervous and 5 phial Affections, PainS in th Back and Limbs, Fatigue, on elieht exertion Palpitation of the Heart, li y&t erics and Whites, they will effect a cure when M other mean? h-ivo failed. The circulars around caciL packago giro full directions and advice, or will be Eent freo to all writing for them, sealed fronvobser vat I on. N. B. In all caes -where the gnots cannot be obtain-!, One Dollar enclosed to the Sole Proprie in?uro n Lottie oi the genuine, containing tor, JOU raO-SiiS, 18 uortianac at., JNer xorK, wiu lb, TT HI riftj Pilla. hrtTftnrn mail, securely sealed Irom any knowlcfca of its c outentg. fiELTtfF m TEN (VHNUTES, BRYAN'S piriiinoiiric TSTFERS , Onro Cotfju.-', Cot,V8T4AsTH.A; BbOhohitis, Sokb Throat, JToaksbss, Diffiocl BrBlAthiho, I cirisxT C'oxuMPTiox axo Leap Dishasks. They have no t.tstx- or mniicino, and any child will take them. Thousands' Lavn ben restomlto health that had inefor deotnirHU Tfrtinwnr irlrort lniradr4a f feffsc. Afk J4r BRYAN'S PCTLMONIO WAFEBS. Price 35 ceatM jpor box. J OB MUaJfia, rroprxe- tor; 1 ? i .THE CH EI AT F R ZNCH REMEDY. IATLiiS'3 SPECIFIC 3 r?I?ECTFIC PIL.IiS.T l'lidiv.- J. CARANCIEI Na. Zl4 Lombard. Parisi Thrift r;7!J fvro hirz'l.iv it commended brthe ntiM TIcwicalFiCvfitr of ?:irQ !.i the Tery best remedy m all ct' 3 vol is,f'rtnu'L ..:r,hoea, or bemanai weaic nors: NSzhrK-. D d'.v o;- Trcsunture Emissiona : Sex- iiut Veues Gcliiicttitr.y; WeaShcss arising from 8f "rotII"bi -.innA vV.-l EvrcPis -.Relaxation of the 4.enital Ori r.e.; Weakivuine : Deposits in th Urine, aod- ail tb 4' '.lastly tr..in 0 Diseases arising from Ovortir-sr Ejtccj'se'i VhtYcvre when all otherrem clics fall- Jtturph io t o i Attvieo in box, or will he p-3ht Pro t.isny addrc. ' Prieo Si per Box. bent bvTnn.rU usau rlu sen led from all observation, on r jceint oi price. 00 AT? O. HOSES, IS Cortlahpt i:T., Kew Y he,. Sola G eneral Agent for America. 10-ly AX nudtdfrcr IxdS j&V, 1S7 the following viuai-amms icsuiatis wiu pe enrorcea: All VekspT.s froih lxrts isbuth of Garifi Fear will stop for inspection:-at Hlie QiiaraHtlue All vesscLs haviug sickaess oii board, on arrival, or haviug had sickness on board dur ing the passage, will stop for inspection at uio.Haardnuiie istauon. - ' Vessels not included as above, may pro- ccu uuuug wit wnaoat aeienvion. rilols and 'rasters' of. vessel .will nleaae i:ir: '? 1 POTTER, Qtiirantihe Physician. may TWEflTY. DOLLARS FOR OHE I A 625 SEWING MACHINE, FKEE ! . S Uii CiilBS NOW FOlt A ih; 1 xl: 53, twenty-column, Literary Fam ny raiter, pDirshed every?1 riatnrday, at narioucrtt-. u., at U10 law price of OMi DOI.IiA.lt A. . YEAR I Kach number contains an INTERESTING STORY, worth at leaBt ' the snbscrintion price; cnongh FUN to keep you laughing a news. -iTf'siu . Every subscriber gets a chance at a Val- uabljj riiKMiuu, ana one out or everv five wiii ucemc iu cl a rrcnuum, worth from Our CASH PREMIUMS are in anm's nf at $2, 10 and $20, with from two to ten premiums oi eaca aenomlnatlon. Our uiuv r premiums consist or usexul articles r. --""'j uicwura iumes- tic, &c, &c, ranffingln Value from twentv five cents tb 12500. tUt r i ielays actlaner6u3, SubBcribe im- lucuiatcij, uutt g-bt a cnanco at the laree premiums..- t t ri u " . 1 S'-fvw,Srr"A5l-,T ore offering more lib I? Fublisher.lkron ciinhtfakemonevi hvicfln- era! luuawBieBis.wrTUtlbStt in onv y for epeciaicn copy oi papr. Preminm tutijOn qip'cihe IJnron, and, anhiliate New 1. orlc "and- Jit atboV make en occi Oentaiti&aHT arlst6n;fbufld up anjmpcnal mirscle. of, a State; which slMjcisJ ) ticTasclVt'j? idio oblivion and 'drtVeIHhTr fifo.ffls ltd despair. job h-mTKpcnia 4.-.- - -yi-T -.. V' -I. . f k in Iliti branches, - f. 1 T h , i a iy n a a j NBATLY EXECUTED i rf i r j t ? r' " t X lit, ri f i' - S. G. HALL. PRACTICAL JOB PRINTER, EAVINO HiiEN FRACTIGAIiLY engaged la the printing business for nearly twenty years, feels confident of his ability to please his customers. Particular attention given to COMMERCIAL PRINTING, such as Bla.1. HEADS. CARDS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, CHECKS, LETTER DTEAD8, RECEIPTS, Ac, RAIL ROAD I'HMIV. In most of its branches. Ilis office is supplied with Entirely Now (Materi of the, very Latest Styles and Fashions, And he GUARANTEES SATISFACTION" in all cases. Wedding Cards, Inyitations, dec. &c. Of the Latest Styles. TERMS MODERATE: Office on rttneess Street between Fr ttsd -v jr:iiic7,yoRn;TinEs.. ,A POLmOALTITIBAEY AM). CAMPAIGN CDITION - I 'During the ensuicT Presidential CanvasB, A Rhall nnbllah ft LrSClAI. 5 WJEEKLY ... JiDI tiok fbr the conTenience of those .who 'de sire the latest and most irnsiworiny puiiu. cal intelligence-, rr r. .7 n, - a TTavfmy mid enmiTile arranirements fox se- cunng the earliest reports ot meetings, con TenUons, and other occurrences of political interest, we snail, uurougnout vno rrceiutu tialcanTas8,TptiDUsbi fuller informatiou refc lating. to the progress of the campaign than anv other New-York oaDer. We aim only t snpplylnite;.jpubirltiier most cp Hnbaeribei-s tninnr Catnbahm Edition Will thvrelore secure an exbiustive summary of the olltical news of the day. besides receiv ing the general: news from,i all parts ot the World! obtained from the best sources,' and nrfearrauged and 'prepared specially for" this t edition. -"-'v - - The New-Yobk Teibs is a Kepuulican newspaper, and , will, -auiing me canyast, now fairly commenced, steadfastly main. tain the established principles of that Farty. It. will support the regular nominees of the rhiladelpiua Convenubn, and do its chare n secuiiug their triumphant election, in November. It regaidathe success oi the Kepublican Faity as an object of the very first importance, and will ..give no support to irregular or "bojting' nominations, which can only, result in the return of the Democrats to power. There are projects of all kinds onrfoot for dissolving the Kepub lican Party, and the Times will oppose tiiem all. Its course in reference to the Tamma ny Ring, at a tsme when all the otber daily papers in .New-York obstiucted and discou raged its efforts, atteits its sincerity in the cause oi Keiorm. ' The TiMESstood aono in demanding Reform from 1869 to tbe close of 1S71 now other Journals are attempting to make political capital out of the mere repetition bt the cry. v There is no sincere and honest proposal for reloim, in any branch of the Government, which will hot be heartily supported by the Times. But it will not ; conspire s in- assisting ambitious politicians or demagogues to reach power under false pretenses, s It. will not encour-, age defection from the party. It regards the Philadelphia Convention as the only body authorized to 6peak and act for the Republican Party." TERMS : ' The Cami'ajign Edition of the Kew Yokk Times will be furnished to mail subscri bers for the six months next eusuing, for the sum of HIFTY CENTS. All copies sent to the same Pcst-office to be mailed to one address. THE NEW YORK TIMES, As a Republican journal, will be devoted, as in the past, to an intelligent and hrm support of the Republican Party. It will sustain, with all the force and in fluence at its command, the principles and policy which' have rendered tbat Party so justly famous in our history. It will aavo cate those measures by which the honor, the peace, and the prosperity Of the nation can be best conserved and promoted: 8tartediu September, 1851 ; The Times baa lor many years been recognized as auiouir the . most successiul, popular, and influential newspapers in the country. Two of iti original proprietors still direct its policy; and, with .greatly-increa&ed re sources aud experience, will spare no paint to extend and strengthen its claims upou the confidence and support of the public. Its Editorial Department will be con ducted in a spirit ot fairness and impartial ity, iree alike from self-intere&ted aims, political jobberv, or undue. favoritism. It will represent tbe great body of thi public rather than auy clique of professional "pol iticians." it has no one connected with it who seeks office, or who will become a can didate for ohice. Its Cobbespondekce will be full and timely, and its Reports will be prepared with the utmost care. The Lit SttAitx Dbpabtmekt will be in thoroughly capable hands, and will present a lull re views of the literature, the fine arts, tbe music, and the drama of the day. As a family paper, free from all appeals to vulgar and impure tastes, the Times will continue unexceptionable, aud may be safe ly admitted to every domestic circle. The Sunday edition of the Times in cludes, in adc ition to all the news, selected and original! literary matter of the most varied and agreeable character. Special arrangunents have been made to impart new attractions to this feature of the paper. The Weekxx and 0emi Weekly editions of the Times are compiled with the greatest care, and will contain selections Irom the most important contents of the Daily i.ssue, bebides matters of interest to the agricul tural sections of the i country. Ail who prefer a newspaper hut . once or . twice a wetk will iind these editions admirably suited to their requirements, v - A special edition of the Times lor Euko i'kaN circulation is published.every Wednes day, and Saturday, ia fimefbr,the European mails, and will be valuable and we'eome to our friepds abroad, whether Americans or of auy other nationality than our own. v All thete editions of the TImes are of tLe very largest size, on large quarto sheets, each containing fifty-six columns, printed in clear and legible type, at the fojjowiug rates : '- mail subscribers. , The Daily Times, per annum, the Sunday Edition. . . . . . . ; . . , The Daily Times, per annum, ! ..r v-' 0. . j nj!i lncludiug :. $13 exciu- bive ui iuc ouuuay n.aiuon. The Sunday Edition per annum . . .. 10 The European Edition, per annum. .... postage extra...'. .'. .... 4 BECI AL RATES FOB THE WEEKLY AED S EMI-WEEKLY TIME8 FOB 1872. The 'Veeely Times, per annum .$ 1 CO The Sbmi-Weekly Times, per annum. 2 50 . Subscriptions to either of our editions except the ; Weekly, received for a less length of. time than one year at the yearly rate.. . ! . ;. , . . These prices are invariable. . Remit in drafts on New York or Post Office Money Orders, if possible, and where neither of these can be procured, send the money in a registered letter. All Postmasters are obliged to register fletters when requested to do so, and the system is an absolute nrr tection against Tosses by mail. Address : - ........ .. .. ' The New York Times r New York Citr. ana wMvri ' ' 1 ,r room r -, , -v . , , nY orrraroDrNG the neV York and Richmond Mi II 8, 1 amjprepar to supnlv my customers -with new Flour from the flrst new- wheat offered to the Richmond market ' and as good as can be ground in America, Aurntt QTiPTTAM, Proprietor. 1 - one 23 P. RADyAr VaEADY RELIEF !v CURES THE .'WORST, PA1N&; it Infroni Une;tp Twenty' Jttioate . - r f I ''1 I " NOT ONE HOUIl after reading this advertisement need my ONE SUFFER WITH PAIN. K AD WAY'S KEaVy1bEUEFJs! CijKi, FOR EVERY PAIN. -, , , It was ihe first and Is I , Ttoo Only Paiu eiucdy that instantly stops the, mot excruciatit, iritis, allays Inflammations, and cure! Congestions, whether; of the LuJ con ach, Bowels, or pthergiands ororeI by one application, ; . . IN FROM ONE T0;Tjmniji no matter how violent or ' excruciating ti, pain tne KUEUAlATIUi Bed-ridden in. prostrated iXh disease may sufTen e may suffer r 1 T A IT' IN BLAUnhu irjjiutiinjj.' v-ffjuij jau Wx,L8 BORE 1HE HRkT HI'S TEKiCrf, -CROUP, DIPTHERIA ' OAlARRU, INFLUENZA ieadactii, toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism cold chilli, agueohills, ' The application' oi the Heady 'Relief to tbe part Or parts where the pain or diffi culty exists will efford ?ease and comfort. Tw enty drops, ; in h&lf a tumbler of water will in - a lew A moments" wcnre Cramps Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, , Dysentery. Colic Wind in the Bowels, fab allInteraS Travelers shouldalwayii carry a bot tie 'of 'Had way's Ready .Relief with them. A tew drops in water will prevent sickuess or pains irom change of water it is better than French Brandy or Bitten as a stimulant. Fever and Aue cnredi fornfty .f cento There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever aud Ague, and al other Malarious, Bilious, Scailfct, Typhoid a enow, ana otner Fevers (aided bv Raty WAY'S PILLS) so quick as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, i'ilty centsper bottll heaMibeIuiy!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE OF FLESH AND VVEWrlT CLEAKteKiN AND BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXIU, fc&cUKED TO ALL M 1M HABIVAY'S SAKSAPARILLIAN RESnT.vrn HAS ATADE THE MOST ASTONISHLNG CUREd; fcO QUICK SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDER GOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF xiiio iiiULl WONDERFUL CINE, THAT MEDJ. Every inj an ia crease in Mesh aiid: Weight is Meea and Felt. I TIIEtKEAT BLOOD ruRTFIEIl. yery urop of the iiarpaparilliaa Resol vent commumcateB through the i Blood towcat, Urine, aud other fluids and iuS oi the system the vigor of life, for it rt pairs the wastes ol tne body with new tad sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Con gumption Glandular disease,? Ulcersin the throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes i in the uu paria 01 tne sy6teni;8oro Eyes, fctrumorous discharges y from the iLars. anrl thr worst inrr... r cu. - "i o&in uiseasea. Eruptions, f ever Sores, Scald Head, Blue Worm, SaitRheum, Erysipelas. Acne Black epots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Canqfrsin the vVomb, and; all Weakening and painiul discharges, Night Sweats, Loi ot fcperm and all wastes of the life priiciplei are within the curative range of this won der ol Modern Chemistry, and a few dm' use will prove to any person using it tor either oi thes? forms of disease its potent power to cure them. , If the .patient, daily becoming reduced bi the wtes aud decomposition that i CO lit 1 Mil 111 V' nrilirri.oiiinn -.. . .h 7 ' 1 " & ft outcoeuB in arresi uig ineso wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood and this the Saresparillian '-will and does secure-a cure ;i3 certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purl licauou, and succeeds iu j diminishing the , oss ol wastes, its repairs . will" be rapid, uu every oay tne patient will feel himseli geeting better, appetite improving, and " "ig" iii'-ruaBing." Not onJv does does the Saivanarillinn KaahI. viii- uxcei an tnown remedial agents in iiio.vure oiunrome, Scrofulous, Constltu- uuuu,,ttua.jSKiu diseases ; but it is the only buminuria, and in ail cases where' thers are brick-fiust deposits, or the water is thick,' cloudy, mixed with substance' like 'the white oi an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appeir ance, and .white bone-dust "deposits, and when there is a cricking, burning ienss tion when parsing water, and pain In the Small ol the Back and along the Loins. x DK. UAD WAT'S PcflFEGT PURGATIVE PIIL8 nertep.tlv tAKtoicca 1 i......!!- j with . j vw , .itjgn.i!ijjr vuntcu sweet gum, purge regulate, purify, cleawe, v nwmmtu. aa?aj.s iiiis, ior u cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, j uoweis, ivinneys, i5iadder. Nervous ins Cases. Ileadachft. ?(VtTraf!nof1nn f!rtt1Vft ness, Indiges tion, Uyfepeysia. Biliousness, - mous ievftr, inflammation of the Bowels. Files, and all derangementeaf the Internal Viscera. Warranted to , effect a poeitiTi ....... I J . i vr - - . uuil'.! r iru v vonmtaKio nnntiiininfr Tin mercury, minerals, or deleterous druge. i S3T"Obscr?e the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the DigestiTS Organs: ,. .Mlmu u constipation, , Inward Tiles, rullness f Of the BlOOfl in fhu XtoaA titA'tirr nfthfl'; Stomaclf,lSansear,Mc8hnrn? ol Ood, Fullness or Weight in the 8tomsclt ?p ELructaU!ns; : Sinking or Flntterittf at theTit of the Stomach. M A few doss ; of ItAD WAY'S FILLS w& free the system from all the' above named disorders. ? Price 25 cents -per !Box. Bo ' - BEAD "FALSE 'AND TRUE." fiend one Tetter-stamp td BAD WAY A CO o3WarreuJBtreet, corner of Church Street, - f oxkv Infbrmatloni worth thontsaw will be sent yott.fc - v ' WILL A F F O liD 1 N ST A NT E A E: FLAM M A TlON OF THE KlDNEYy I N FLAM.IA TTONvOF THE T-H RO AT,TIFFC tILT BREA1 H 1 ? PALPITATION OF: 'Jfidiiey aadliiaddcr Complaintsi " Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Di- ueies, urop&y, stoppage of Water, In continence vi Urine. rfrrhf' n:aoo0 2 it to-, i -I i ( i

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