: , , - v, - - -i.v . I . . . ... . t'SJ l" m4 J-wf VI Wf4ni,..,- ,S .4., .r-w----,,. 4 , tJ ' , . it THE EVENING- POST. PabUhed every afternoon except Sunday. nri '(I nlWirttV Unatniua awo JAMES C. MANN Edltori.JK.W'1 Subscription. 8ix rnomns, m MTance " w Tliree months, in advance 1 aw One month, in adrance ' 5 ETAU business letters should be ad- I dressea to iae xu8iue ""s't !itrUl deoartment to the Editor. I Correspondence solicited from onr friends m all parts of tne atate, on topics oi gene- ral interest. Political news and reports oi ropa are especially desirable Honrs of opening and closing Reading Boom of Wilmington Library Association: Open at 81 A. M., close at 1 o'clock P. M. tt si p. m.. 1 P. a4: 8 P. M., " 10 P. M. Griffin & Hoffm.yjx, Baltimore, Md. are authorized ag nts lor the Post. LOCAL ITEMS. Just received at VanOrsdcll's another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. All 6orta ot blanks printed and for sale by 8. G. Hall. Office on Princess st. tl One person sent to the poor house to-day. Mil. T. C. Servoss, City Cleik and . i . . i r Tn.nrr. is nmtc pipk. and liaR been for J I " Again. Messrs. J. & T. Johnson, Sewing machine" agents, lost another valuable horge this morning. They are certainly unlucky iu horse fljsh though they sell many sewing machines. : Bio s'e of Third street property to morrow, at Exchange Coiner. As this street is to be the Boulevard of our city, speculators are more than usual interest ed. ; Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Mayor's Court. His Honor James Wilson, Mayor, pre siding. uuiy one casts utiuic ui uuuwi m- day. Joseph Fowle, charged with disor- i r tt : tt , I derly conduct, was discharged upon payment of costs. Wht don't we hear more of that movement for a park in the lowef part of the citv. It Is indeed a matter ol great public inteeesr, aud the muuifi cent offers from property holders in that vicinity shoukl be accepted and the movement started. What shali be done? The Colored People's Cemetery, The Jadies of the several congrega- tions in the City, will bold a Festival in the City Hall, on Wednesday and Thurs- I da, evening, lor the purpose of r.i8.ng means to improve the condition ot Pine Forrest Cemeterv. We hope that both i -I.;.- ii! r-.ni,,, th;. uuiuiciA omu nimuo watt vi ouu vui i laudable'enterprlse. Admission at tue door for all, 10 cents. Turn out, turn out and make their Festival a grand success. 2t. The advertisement of Messrs Turren tine & McRae deserves more than a passing notice. They are young men who haye lived here for many years and orrnw n 1 nn i n onr nil riRt. having been in f, , . , . . . . -t the latest dry goods establishments ot . . .t . i ti thp. ritv ever Rince the war. Ihev are . . , s.l rhurotnra norfeoMv pnnVPNfttlt With t ni l T i i w , linsiniua anil mhiit 10 hotter hflVP o I , , V . a-;,- goods most acceptable to the Wilming- ..J5 , rpu,.,. k,;m nOM.f- 0 I ana naDits are oi a nign oracr, ana we ..... i , ... . I sincerely hope to chronicle their success. They are every way worthy ot patron- o I D.a - . TV.k.f. PruL-D Wiuwb4i,-.i5uW .v.v. iucuunary, m ub piesem, buapc, T:.I ' u. a. - V . Z . I Improvement over all previous ediUons and all similar works. In the first place it is neatly printea, and bound in morocco, with gilt edrres. Then it contains 200 pictorial illuBtration which give a much clearer idea of fhomponinanr words than could 1 be conJed b, the a.u.1 deflnl- linn Tl,. Hlo va nmo whi1i hflnc na tion. The little volume, while being no larger than an ordinary pocket-book em- w.uvO JU 1W) . J ..w of over 13.000 of the most important words of the language, with definitions sufiiciently clftar thnntrh npppskanlv brief, to meet the I of ordinary wants of any one requiring Its use ; rrcfixed to the work are tames oi money, ho -- f -r aad phrases from foreign languages, rules lor spelUn. eiplanaUons, etc It Is Infect a most ost valuable litUe book, and is doubly worth the doUar it costs. .- It is very beauti fully and substantially bound, with tucks and gilt edges. The . Publishers, Ivison, Biakeman, Taylor & Co., 138 and 140 Grand Street, New York, will forward it by mall on receipt of Qns Dollar, or it can be bought almost anywhere. THE TOWIT CXUEHi ff - Gold i qdo(edir New York to-day I Thi. th.rmA-.; l o'j. j grees to-day at noon. 'bqaire Caasidey has not sent any uub io io-raay. RlCC blr(ls are 8"d to W plentiful, we baye not wen many. ( aifiator Uade iS icoinin,, poor. There. are but few coming to market. We do. with onieboHy i' would in vent a method ot taking the bark out of dogs. Their infernal bowla and cries " kc uiguviurpugn arc icmnci' If te'liVer gtsmuch - lower, "We will have to take up some; water- for the benefit of "the fisti and other, varmints which thrive Jbestiin thedamp. It really seems as though we were to have an addition to the Court House at last. The Register's office is alto gether too small and we are glad it is to be improved. Free Schools -Rev. Henry B. Blake, t. uiuicc jiuui ii iiuiiu"iuu x own Sill p. uou, writna from thu Nirl Ii that tia nrnrnli . l t ixt:i: . buuu iu uc iu it imjiogiou, preparea 10 open the Hathe way School on, Seventh Street, by the 7th of 'Octbberand prob ably, all the other free colored schools shortly thereafter. The importance of the continuance o! these schools cannot be overestimated The evidences of their need and of ex tended privileges waik about our streets. A greater interest should be awakened. The colored -people; liave. a most incal eatable interest at "stake. The white people also haye an interest. It costs tax pavers less to educate the children rban to keep up the Courts, prisons and i - . jjoiicu ncesfary to punibn tue crime en gendered by ignorance. Statistics show this. ' It is lime tbejeify took the matter in band. By the amended charter, it has the authority to establish City Schools aud levy a tax for their support.1 There are nearly live thousand chil dren of the school aj:e in Wilmiogtrn. The attendance on the public and pay cm"is m odi over uh.ihow utnuer. nS more would attend it we UaJ the means to keep the free schools up. By the preseut law, the greater part of the school support roust come lrom the pa- t rents and guardians" of the children. , The colored people who need education, .... I are not .uffioent., well off m worl.ll, goods to contribute mucb. As both races are benefitted by the education of U w,n(.,J.nnl it am. trt n. tUt t, v v wv I establishment oi Lity ocnoois oy tue levy ot a city tar would bring forth re- ward sufficient to compensate. Thft Townsliin has two Rr.linolhmi4fa and nearly $3,000 cash with which to build two more. -Rev. H. B. Blake's schoolhouse on Seventh street, and the schoolhouse on the old colored cem - etery lot. are occupied for colored schools, and will probably be at the m 1 i nr service ui kuj iui a iuus iiuie. ? c J may say then that we have the use of J J the following buildings for free schoo s CJ o tor Whites. Union free schoo1. capaciiy mming way .cnooiaouseon.n street capacity 230. For the colored, rfr TT - JUT. OiaKeS KUUUU1UUU3C- ow. bcuooi- I - AA uuuvu.u.cuwui.;,.., making accommodations only tor 450 whitaa and 500 colored children Two ti . i ii i now HPiifinnuiiiwH 111 hiiis.ii hi.p - nr imp lorrro nna fnnA hto ISnilt fnr f ha PnlnrcH I .6, v . cniiaren wun iue iunas in nana, aaaing . . 1 . I a 1 . . . jjfj I to tne rocm Jor them en0Ugtt to ticcom- .... a,rv i mnnoTR : 1 1 1 niiiiiia . , j j . 1 u" wuwiuuuwa a.ica..j pruriucu, si least,' ought to r be Hilled. xh0olafor SSO niinila with 15 teachers, ronld be 1 kept op ,or ,ontb.. itlSVi jSJoI 30QO - ....... . . , of which the bUt- aRd pefUDd would contri5ft balrfleavingo U - . a . ."a. Aa. I ralsea DJ'l or aDottt - Wjxee cents on the Real ?dI?fJpperly I the citv. ! We ibrow out these SQgg&tfbutora e draw out fulfil ffiewl of others Or be. acteOs Upon . by-those in . - i v . W ..- . .v Charge oi our cuy anaira, v i oe mate fund could be expended in the city schools; as welL as -r to -oe used lor the To ti ' nsbipv ' " -It "wonld be Te Hi to h are but . onei; system"' bf schools under. , one I mabement. .aV tax of tenants on . . V1 l, -'Ji'l-- property Would yield 'ralheUatt2$t yery excellent choola. 'ttvlcj; Toe peace, order a every city and county Spends mainly upon the education (and, intelligence its people. With ignorance, . vice and disorder are sure to prevail. We dly need schools and Teachers to instruct, not alone booklearning but, to teach mbrals and lay the foundation Of charac ter that will gi ve a name and reputation to our city. . . c fj Through the effects of MIjW Amy M' Bradley there has sprung up here, f a temple dedicated to learning, wtiich, bye and bye, many a friendless child will look upon, with greatful a ffeCUoo'-toj wonder, as the' source - whence; light out of darknesa. r Wt?'want cam more oi such blessings. : STATE ITEMS. Frost in Statesville last Friday. The Statesville Ihtclhgencerl-man wants to say something about "tbeaear and yellow leaf," but don't know ; what to say.' - - - v '-i.--. . ; Mr. F. M. Piver, of Craven ' cojanty, was bit by a rattlesnake on Wednesday last. j "Mr. C. Bcchtler, once prominent in the Western poition of tills State: as a money coiner, has taken up his residence in Shelby. . j j ti;j With the last issue of the Hickory Tavern Eagle, Mr. J. B. Hussey is an nounced as editor and proprietor, Messrs Pitt and Ellis retiring. LATEST BY . TELEGRAPH From Ohio. ' Cl.KVEL.ANDi Septi 25. ! In his speech Greeley denied that he said at Vicksburg, a year a go, as had been falsely charged, "that the time would come when the soldiers that fought with Lee and Johnston would occupy as proud a position in the hearts of the American people as the sol diers who fought with Grant and Sherman. Ko such words aslheso ever escaped my lips; no such thoughts as that ever entered my heart. What he did say, speaking of that war wasted, heartbroken people was, ''that he trusted the- day would come when the soldierly qualities and military genius of Lee and Stonewall Jackson would be regard ed as apart of tho heritage of the American people. That they would be spoken of as A.mericau soldiers in a causer which, though a bad cause, illustrated the military capaci ty, genius and energy of the American' peo ple." 1 At a steamboat convention a large dele gation from the seaboard and Western riv ers were present, representing the steam vessel property to the amount of $600,000,000. tl From Kcw York. New York, Sept. 25. The editor of the Coonesta published here and a Cuban have gone to Niagara to fight a duel. A London special says Johannes King of Abeysinia, has applied to civilized persons ffri mmfonfiAn ! rro intt Virvnf lone i" Snr lt aSents. The proceedings are mostly private, The Erie Railroad Co., has sued for the re covery of the grand Opera House, from J. Gould and Mrs Kisk The Licenses of the Capt First and second pilots of the Metis have been revoked Mr. A. P Edgerton declines the straight out Indiana and gubernatorial nomination. From Genera. 1 Geneva, Sept. 25,' Thp o-ovprnment has removed the Catholic priest. The Bishop resists, claiming that the power to remove lies with the Pope. There is some excitements From Maine. Pobixakd, Bept. 25. The vote for Senator stands as follows Senate Mitchell, 8 ; Whittaker, 5 ; Corbett, 3 : Nesmith, 3. TTnusp. Mrtchcll. 23 : Corbett. 7: Xesmith. 5 . Slater 3; Whittaker, 3. -w Sajs Francisco, Sept. 25. consul at Cattas reports small-pox an epidemic in many; sea port towns between Valparaiso and Panama, and veryvirulent ew 1 or" JIir.0S. Kw-YoRK-ftantemberZL " Rtnr.ts ftotive. Gold steadvatll3T. Money 6 per cent. Exchange long 107; short 109. nnvpmmpnt bonds dull but steady.: State bonds quiet. -ww - . . - The substitute following for , Cotton pre- viously sent. Cotton steady sales 983 bales. Uplands Orleans Ii ; w1""'!"- . . . . daUandheavy. ; Wheat Ckioulet and firm. i dull and drooping, Pork dull mess SI AK4i9i. IU. XJBbXU lla V J OKOUI 07y VM HniHtjj Tnroen tine firm at 63 a 63 cents. heavy steam 89 eta. Rosin steady at 54 35 for strained. Freights Foreign Markets. -r '"H Loxiy, CSeptember 2& Noon. Consols 5$i ; "new 5?s 80 a SOfa 1 lrjpoo4 September 25-rKoon. Cotoh opened quiet; aplands 9a9)d; Or- cans 9d. ;-H? TaVlfi Cotton closed steady; Uplands Sid Orleans StfQVK Sale8 of-iaoabales to speculators S1 TV for November at 'DKd. ; Middling nplands forctobeVal; Middling uplands for No- vember at Bradlstuirs quiet and steady' tfd lbroiDcntT of I U wiofl feel da 1, drowsy, debilitated. frequent headjtch,TH0utli tastes badly, poor appetite and toogme coated, you are suf- xering iroia Torpid Urn r "Bimbusneaa" and uctMng will cure jom speedily ana peraamently a Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery. - jbOTeumes mn the Iaerease. A marked increase el female loveliness is the eye delighting reamlt of the immense popn- lartty which Uagaji's If aoxolia Balm has obtained mongJ the1 ladies of America. Complexions radiant with snowy purity and tinged with the reseat hue tf health are commonly met with, whenever it ia used. Fpr the sallow and unwholesome appear fnce of the, face and nizk, which utterly counterbalances the effect of any personal attraction the owner may possess, it sub stitute' that clear, pearl like complexion whlca la . each a : transcendant charm in woman, -jmd 4Tnders-the roughest skin as soft as Genoa velvet No one is more as tonished then the. person using it at'the marvelous transformation which it effects in these particular. M ARRIAE GUIDJS. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR.R ing a private Instructor for married Denon. or those! about to be married, both male and female in everything concerning the physiology and relations of onr sexual svs- - , J - M. .a em, iuu tae proaucuou sna prevention oi onupnng, including an tne new discoveries never before given in the English lanaruace. by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable aad interesting work. It is written in plain lamruaze for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young, married people, or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married lire, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house. It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 60 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No?416 Spruce street, above Fourth Philadelphia. ' I3f AFFLICTED AND UNFORTU NATE. No mutter what may be your dis ease, before, yon place yourself under the care of any of the QUACKS native and foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a cepy of Dr. Young's Book and read it carefully, it will be the means of saving jou many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. Young can be con sulted On any of the diseases described in his publications by mail or at his office. No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Fhiladel- Sept 18 - . iQ5-3m SIcRiE & TDRRENTINE tfoHJllIcIlAEa Jon R. TCRItENTINE. FALL TRADE, 1872, We will open on MONDAY, 23d inst, A handsome stock of tbe best ... tfA STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, to which public attention is respectfully I invited. Weoffr in each department a full line of the most desirable and substantial Ooods, and call especial attentfos to our stoock of : ' " ! IDress O-oods, which are all of the choicest fabrics and comprise everything In the way of new colors and styles. ' v We offer, also the fceat lelrcted and handsomest assortment of OIL - CLOTHS, RUGS AND MATS In the city, and will sell this stock at the t VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our friends and the public generally are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. We will sell at the lowest (cash prices. lIcRAE & TURRENTINE. sept 23 . 109 lw : A JE SUPPLY. JUST received at the LIVE BOOKSTORE : ' Blank Books, tc, Medium, Demy, Crown, CapJ Quarto, or any size that may be called for. j "; -; - " if Letter Presses Letter Copying Books, of all kinds and sizes. L-gal Cap Paper, Foolscap, Bill Cap, Let ter, SermonTPacket Note, Commercial Note Octavo, BlUeV&c. ENXOPESp-Offlcial, Letter, Wedding and Note. ' ' : ''r - - ' ' Also, a large stock of INKS Carter's, Da- vids, Arnold's. Bartlett's, c 110 WANTmsT!wmSSwolc me uuseisss wm raj - l from M to $3 per lar, ean be porsnedln your own, neighborhood, and .Is strictly honor able.' ParticuUra fr-w, or ample that will enable y;on to go to wotk. at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. .: ' Bept,Z ""-Ui-dst;: v : -WJCDNESDAy Bept. 25-1:30 P.M. zzb iTopHTiaHsAt advanced 15 cents for soft, and the sales are S4S bbls. at 5 15 for.vIrgin and yellow dip, and 13 25 tdrh-idy2801ts. 1 8riBrrs TOTPSHTijr--Market steady, and aies or 1Z3 casks at 58 cents per gallon for southern packages. i Rosin The sales this morning are 088 DDIs, at $3 .80 for strained. SI for low No. 1 . H 25 for No. . $4 50forxtra No, 1, $5 for low Pale, $5 50 a $6 lor Pale, and $ 6 50 for extra Pale.- - " Tab 48 bbls. changed liands at f3 10 per DDL j .law -W:,JiJ 7c Cotton Ifasales reportejrL t . TVTAT?TNaSI ARRIVED. ' i? r5 Stnrr North 8tate Grten, fm Fayette ville, to LII DeRcasft. . ?f tf. CLEARED. 25 Br Barqueantlne Elizabeth Taylor, Proctor, for Liverpool, by Vick & Mebane. steamer JNortn tjiate, Ureen, :for Fayette ville, by L H DeRoeset , - 8teamshlp Pioneer, Wakeley, for Phila delnhia. bv Worth A Worth J Br Brig Neptune's Car, Pike, lor Livcr Lpool, by J R Blossom & Evans. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER 8TEAMER8. &c. Steamer North State 143 bbls snirits tnr pentine, 51 do crude turpentine, 185 do rosin, L nates sneeung. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Philadelphia Steamship PioneerlS5 bbls spirits turpentine. 329 do rosin. 114 do tar, 10 do pltch,.254 bales!cotton. 2.600 bn&h feanuts, 38 empty ale bbls, 15 tons old iron,1 pkgs mdse. ... FOREIGN. I fLiVBKPOOL Br Brig Neptune's Car-l,5S7 uuia rosin, ouo ao.iar. f :, ,. . Livernool Br Bafaaeantine Eli Taylor 470 easks spirits turpentine," -1,823 ddis rosin.n i- - i.. - .,,....-.- List ol " Vessels in the Port of Wil mington, W. C, Sept. 25,1872. BARQUES ' 'H i Br Sarnia, Pellow, ldg Europe, ' G G Barker & Co Br Mystic Tie, Coffill, ldg Europe, . , GG Barker & Co BAKQUEANTINE (Russia) Elsa, Ehland, ldff Europe, Heide Brus BK1GS. BrMedusa, Wilkie,Jd Cork, . Sprunt & Ilinson Br Neptune's Car, Pike, ld Europe, I Snrunt & Hinson 8urf, Duke, dis, . f Master Erie, Fleming, dis, 'v E Kidder & Sons Isola, Snowmanv ldg"Boston, v - - G G Barker & Co Mary E Dana, Latham, dis, O G Parsley SCHOONERS Ben Borland. Blaisdell. dis. ' O G Parslev Lucy Wright, Elzy, ldg Boston, Williams & Murchiaon O C Bearse, Hodgdon, ldg Boston. . ' O G Parsley John A Griffin, Foster, ldg Phil, i rts Ban iss & Howell List ol Vessels Sailed lor this Tort. NEW YORK. Br Barque Carily, Jayne, eld Aug 22 Schr Cbaa Dennis, McCormick, eld Sept 1 Schr John, Williams, cJdSept21 BOSTON. Ger Barque Claudia, Dinse, eld Sept 5 Ger Barqne Juno, Smidt, eld 8ept . j CARDIFF. Cormorant, Hansen, eld Aug 12 LIVERPOOL Br Barqueantlne, Leonora Edmondson, : ' ' - 1 ' ' sld August 31 NEW DRUG STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED has opened a larga and varied aKsnrtTinTtt f .1 FRESH DRUGS AND CHEMICALS At his new Store under the College of Physi cians and Surgeons, on Third street, oppo site CityiHall, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES, In great variety INDIA RUBBER GOODS. TOILET. ARTICLES, etc. Store open at all hours, day and night. ,W. COWAN GREEN, Licensed Dispensing Chemist. Proprietor. 56-tf July2? I? urc ell liorise, J, DAVIS, Troprietor. . l?BOM AND AFTER THIS DATE the rates for Transient Boarders are $2 60, S3 00 anu St 00 per day, according , to location and rooms. Day , Boarders 88 00 per week. Jnlv 15 . j : , . 40-tf The best now made,' and superior, to any in elegance of tone; touch, finish and durability. - . Hold at Jfactory Prices only by Prot' . J. F. AND lOrean Salei Rooms. Ma- teenhs i HaJl67 ; and JW Market St., vjllminston, N C. : , , t -. -mavsa 1,1 5-tf .' 1 ? ' J'1!" 'if M ' ! II. CRONLYi Aflcti incftr; By CRONMiioiims,. . A VAX UBg BUILDING LOT A T l3$rh mHj AUCTION i:r , THURSDAY, at io. o'ciock at Exchange Corner, we will sell a valuable building Lot, Bltaated on Third street near o ranee, on the corner of th thorough Care known .as Nor throp Alley ;Tenii--One-nalf cash. , a(jiATOiii(Mortga5e iDecIsfioraIe by ;r: a-GHAtL? IlISCELUMEOUS. w Store ! OIcl Ghoods I GREEHEI7ALD-i,C0.. S2 KOKTH WATITVSTHKET, : TirVr?tdwrBrb'Sl WHOLESALE lUJALERS W LIQUORS, WINES, , BRANDIES, WflISKIE? " ,n(U11,:J ! f I ;iGiNsi)tc.&c., HAne trado on mst reasonable meS ?fr 7 large conslgn- afipfJfKA ooda in the country. ill iF eaU berore uaaklng your purchased RICHARD JSrHOON: ; ; - w mt Va VIMIIIi COUNTRY PRODUCE. Gor. Camden Paca Sts Baltinlore, lTd.c,i l- r WUaUXUXlUIIIIII'llini .41 Orders fiiim North rVmtln. ceYii. 174-tf PAEKER T I YLOR Successors to . - ? . , A. H. NEF?; .rLJ,d!aetniwsadd6siIeniln , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tin . and Sheet Iron ware. Roofing done at short notice. Agents for Falrbank's Scales. ESTABLISHED IfiSJ. ? ST70CKSSOK TO ,liVtu BROWN 6 AERSON DEALEJt IN Fine Watches, Oloekt? Jewelry, Silver Ware FjCTV GrOOTJS; , ' SrECCACLES TO SUIT ALL AQEsL' , .r 37 Market Street, ! WILMIN; QTON", N. C, repaireST3' Clocks and Jecy sarefully nov 5 14A-tf C.lt.lUYER,.;:, BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY 3L larlcet Street; Vj FRENCH ANT - AJIERlCANt CONFEC TIONERY, - w ) . FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. . ' . . . . i.! .. i . . W eddines and mHtM mnniiiwi i . notice, with all tlk-dellcif , nov 5 1'148-Iy r7 W. H. 'I)A;: ,Tffv IFPIXT?8: BUIIiDIMO. SOUTH mollT Plnmler. Stem and Oasv ' Fitter Wrought and Gal vanized Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks, Talves Gas riAtures, . and all descriptions of y FITTINGS FOR STEA1I, - WATER , 'AND.0AS.J";';;V't; Particular attention paid to fitting up of COTTON MILLS, ; -"; 5" ' nHth atcam D a. a Jl -nr! t '" 1 nov 12 kV- . .. h. jvijusrisriisrer. cor.iniGciorj EnciiAfiT. Groceries Provlsioiis, :Di7: Goods ; t " ClfltMnir,&c.&c.,' . , ; : No. 23 and 24 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. " . Consignments and Cash Orders SollQited nov23 , t ' 151-ly: A. ADRIAN. . , , IL VOLLERS ADRIAN & VOLLERS. S WHOT.lWST.KltKAT.aTRS I3C v - Groceries and Iiiqnor, Importers of German and Havana Cigars, ' " Commission -VEex'cliant South-east Cornks Dock and Frokt Streets. ' . - - WILMINGTON, N.q .' ' Having the largest and best asiOTted Stock Sf.MT a?d Liojiors in the City, Dealers . w. uuu n mj miw luwresi, ui give us a call mav - ; Morrill's Restaurant, S THE G-EM, f ..; , No.. 16 SOUTH , VYATEU 8TRE15T,. SI eats at all Honrs. The best Wines, Liaaorsand Ci?a.rs altr&r oa ?r ..- f. -;Iand. The Pablicare ,; e 80 g-J ' ' v fe.HT -3:.: i - frr.Tt?irnnn anncr . i ...a a. wa.M aiV W UUf . , NCTRTir FRONT STREET,' 1 wmcxjfGTOir, jr. cs. ;!. u rooms are also kept for, the accomm ' A!i n of the traveling poblle. . j. a (jiauriruiw, rropnetci not ALL WILL REMESIBER 'THAT- I AM constantly supplied with Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, of the verr best- : Furr.lsha.1