lit .1. t i i - f V :-i 1 - - -- ' - " W r -- - At VOL VI. THE EVENING- POST. Pa bi shed erery afternoon except Sunday. WM. P. CAN AD AY .... Business Manager JAME3 C. MANN Editor Subscription. One jear, in advance .$5 00 Six monihsv in advance 3 00 Three months, in advance 1 0 One month, in advance 50 gJ-AU -business letters should be ad dressed to the Business Manager, and all communications or matters - relating to the editorial department to the" Editor. Correspondence solicited from our friends in all parts of the 8tate, on topics of gene ral interest Political news and reports ol crops are cspcdajjyesiibre,. nr Griffin & Hoffman, Baltimore, Mdv are anthoriztd agents for the P08T. Just received at VanOrsdell's another lot of those Beautiful Walnut Mouldings. Arrests tor .tb&.wetk ibj the poUce 15. The trains are all ruoning regularlj again. ..i;-- Hon. Geo. Davis lias a far ri cTe"red as' to walk out;- FivKDersons were sent to theliopifW.f - - j, during the past week. Notice the advertisement of the last excursion of the season. Thkse oersons sent to the Work House by the city authorities. The jail is to have a new cook stove anrt, is to be warmed this winter. Kefp the prupe sKins off the p-tve ments. They nto. very danger -us. There is every prospect if a lair day to morrow, so that we can all 9 to church. Let us have the Market street side walkes cleaned to night after the crowd has gone. The city fathers-wont let us tie our horses to shade trees and donjt put up posts. What shall we do? " " Goak F. W. Foster, at a temperance meeting in Robeson county. That's g-vidfora champan m tnutHCtnrer. Now is the time to be careful about drftsa and exix sure. Ciiills and liver lurk in the air. Beware. Take care. Maruiage Licences. The Krgister Jias issued 7 licenses during the past week. Six tor colored coup'es and one tor white. All persons dealing with the coun tj must produce orders for woik or ma terial, in order to secure a speedy settle ment. Market Reports. Number of carts in market .for the week, 227; Beeves slaughtered, 82 : Hygf, 6 ; Sheep 35 ; Calves, 4. Saturday has come and to-night will witneKR crowded streets, armies of r.arta nr1 nn nnd of funnv times. It IS & great institution here. Rice birda continue to come to mar ket aud coots bave put in an appear ance at 75 cents per dozen, which gives thereto a taste of greenbacks. Mayor's Court. His Honor James Wilson, Mayor, pre- - siding. John Feiiris and Lizzie Sampson for disorderly conduct were fined $3 00 and costs each. The summer is ended. Now, before cold weather and rain comis, is tbe time to get a supply of Coal and Wood. Don't put it off until tbe first cold, wet day when the carts and drays are all busy. The recent marriage certificates fur nished the county, printed by Mr. S. G. Hall, are very nice. Young men anal maidens have only to make up their amda and the mnial Register will fill tip the blanks. Leap year is fast flying away. - "; -"-.--- Public Speaking. Mr. Jas. Heaton and others will address the voters of New Hanover County as follows : Time will,, be divided with Democratic speakers. , - - . Rocky Points- Monday, Union, 'Tuesday, Borga w, ; ; ; Wed n esday Columbia, Thursday, Lillingtoni' Friday,'-" ; Point Caswell Saturday, Cpe Fear, Monday, Sept. 30 October -1 3 5 7 ; rWILIIINGTOW, NV C.DATIJRDiiTL THE tovth cm EL- Delightful day. . Fay day to.night I Gold in New York U8f. The thermometer stood at noon to day at 76. . t And now tfie delicious little chin- quepms come to gladden us. 1 -uon. Joseph C. Abbott passed hrongh this city yesterdav. . f- Flarlf'tmaforo Mr. Flack'a monsters turn out to be a pair of "sea horses." They arefor- eigncrs.;. rrrr Vv ; .lr . Crabs,' shrimps oysters .and mul lets. WhaV more djes a. man wa,nt to make him haunt f r.Jf -. We advise thev Wilmington and Weldon road trf ntfarh sPr,' eiuon roaa to atiacu oeryots patent filflon rn(1 tW ntfnrtl brake to their cars to avoid recur- . .u - . , i icucu u. .iioTOump;! luursciay nignt. - JuUo Waddeiljcfat Jim Betts with a razor last night. Tic up those naughty loys anil lnforn Jim that it is ungentle manly to carry razors for offense and do teice.i H1l hot make a .good barber. A PiiiLosojraER.of the olden time. S? HUC" 118 10 cue oest means or civilizmg Upbeat lien remarked "eend n,a .a : I. m ; cm ouu masiers.: The pardon was broughtlrom Harl Lodge; has lost one of. its most esteemed - H Vl, -These great means of civilization are risburir by 1 Lee TnriSSrV 'mbett-'- ! ' . ... Br Sarnia,,Pellowt ldg Europe, u , II ?!. . . . P4va ; Secretary: .-of I .vjw, That we tender the famllv of our " " ' : ' GO Barker Co wuu auiCu lu our, gooa ci.j 01 wil- pearance in Wilmington for some time. We want 9ouu4 teu, ere vonnf meu-frora 20 to 50 vearaof ae can go end Ienrn to dance We " "T'. would like to see just such a dancing school as we use to bave here twenty five years ago with a weekly enter tiiinment or quiet bait Who will start it ? ' ' Attention Republicans of Third Wako. There will be a metting at the Armory Room, at City Hall on Monday " " k U: , , t ,. ,, evening nrxt at 8 o clock, lor the pur poje ol organizing h Grant and VV)lsii C)!ub. It is hoped that every Republi can in Third Ward will turn out. Let i very Republican attend, and see that his neighbor le likewise.; :'- NiG. I Sampson, ' A. J. Penton, J. N. II08TLEH. Movino Day. To many bappy farni lies the day that ushers iu the new rental year is the great affliction with which they have in this i life to deal. For a day, at least, , perhaps for a week, they are literally homeless and houseless. We feel for them. We know their trials aud t'fBVctions. Ben Franklin remarked in Poor Richard " that three removes are equal to one fire. It is as true as many other wise sayings-oi that pbilos opber. October first, (when it don't come on Sunday,) those Who have bo .homes of their own are mostly compelled to - . I iijuvr. nam v u4uv,:u I Furniture, : cherished by ; associations with the past and loved friends, is taken by the remorseless drayman with as lit- tie svmnithv for its history and value aq with a load oi wood Little souve- as with a loaa 01 wooa. l,i it le souve nirs of birth, youth, young married life he little household divinities at which the sternest and most cold blooded bow down are thrown around with as little Consideration as bits of wood or stone. Knowing and leeling all the evils which attach to a hired house, Vfe won der why everybody does not make the first object ol Hie to secure a home. The Constitution of the State guarantees its possession to tbe head ot the family, J and after his death to the widow and orphan children. It Secures an inde v pendence which nothing but voluntary surrender can deprive the owner. In our good city there are plenty of vacant lots cheap within the reach of the . . .. . . . I poorest man. .Utile t,, imie, mm savings wntcn can uaruiy ue iejrtl xne I Jl L. f: Ii l. . I house can be built; growing with . the crrcwing family, it will have a charm as the creation of one's own brain, and perhaps, hands. It is a place wheie no landlord can raise annually thereof, nor threaten in sickness and disaster, to 4- j nrive the occopanL, To sav "I am a ,wustuu,ul" ...u.v?wmiu success has attended your efforts. It is I a gauge of thrift, i In the hour of .pov- j 7 4 mingtoo., vVVrfreIv find a good: cook number of the fiends of the prisoners were j knowing that J their loss Is indeed : lrrepara-1 T x T. - ,1G Barker Co Ivn,, K'-ri:,- WS.Lt s i atthe Penitentiary when the pardon arrived. blej but at the Same time reminding them, ger Juno: Lindt, dis, ; Moffit&Co -""vrUw.MPjc, iU Auicnua. jx to the pardon there is a condiUon which that heir earthly loss is his eternal gain. r Ansaeii, 1 . ;;;eifist'q dancing master has not put in an. ap- states that if there is any money Ipaid for V -R&ctvecr, That a blan page in theRtcord u9 Uf iiV3 E erty and distress it is like an anchor to oovemmem Donas anu dui sienay. 011 the troubled-soul to know that there is ,t sady. s Uplands 185 cents Or- one place k From storms a shelter, and from heat a shade." - ' " Otto. P. aiwitu-fe fJn ir h n- 4. t j- . ' tbonzed.asents for the Post in New Yorif. -. " 'ijaaidTf "La fust- --sf itAXiinon boasts of the best band o masic in the State. i1. ; Swket potatoes are selling at fifty ccnts per bushel in Wilson. '".'7' Thk Ualeigh Kcvcs learns' that there wil1 be on txhibitioo, At the State FAirftoVopenedqulatplamds qie a. number of opecimens of sand I r . v ... .... f "w lu most of them tnoKht to be equal if not superior to any of a similar kind in the United States. The Battlebord Adcqncemj :-While : . 1 bunting in the neighborhood of AtcoIeV on Thursday, 19, instant, a y6ung!;man named Conn, son of Andrew Conn, wag accidentlv shut nnd icill 1 at,pH con AKton Tlw The- nartip, ,ro nr I I I . . , ? hunting and Mr. AUtnn dimm YOunr Conn throiicrh thp hiiai,, JoaDs uonn tbrough the bushes and mistook him for a deer and fired with I theabove sad result. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH From Pennsylvania, k . PniLADELptiiA, September 28. ? This evening ex city Treasurer Marcer and and sentenced to the Eastern PenitenUarv last, winter, for embezzlins the city funds.! were released uDon bardon from th trvl governor, ana teener Bwope. A I seFflces in connection with the receiving Of void. "These conditions were accented W the prisoners. iiiRAiiirniAn.AVpirMi mnin. affidavit denying the charges made; against nj.; tt x . wil, jxHriramt anu tnetantnenticity of papers wnicn nave, been issued as evidence against liim, and alleged to have been signed by Yerkes. He adds that It is base forgery. The release of the prisoners created great excitement in the city. Lancaster, Sept. 28. Senator Wilson addressed a large meeting. - He was glad to speak here because it was the home ' of Thad Stevens. ; He said tnis flht is not betweed Grant and Greeley, it is the issue of principles: oh one hand, tnc pany of nhcHyf h; ; great Repub lican party; on the other, the - Dcmoij crats a party whose records are too black to gaze upon. By Cable. Paris, September 28. The International Peace Congress has been in session at Switzerland this week, and ad journ eu 10-aay. , r LeFrancais publishes a letter in which xniers ana nis policy towards Italy, are dc- mi h. a,.' I nouncedin terms of great severity. The Chambers of Commerce, of Bordeaux, Nantes and other cities insist on being con sulted in any revision of the custom tariff. Count Von Arnim, German Ambassador, wili soon go to Germany again, on lea e of absence. -"V.. . Gambetta in his speech atGrerable, se- vereiy criuciseu tnc conduct of Tillers In j irnru nfthpfir.n,nhiu From Missouri. . . . ' I ST. LOUIS, Sept. 28 .i v,..wo . x u-mci. J A grand conference was held at Bossy f - 1 uepui, ifsiciuuj ujr iciJiesuuiuuvtBui m I vanous tr brought from their prl8on Texas" whero theyhavebeen incarcerated for tho past year.; The object of the conference was to have afu11 interchange of views about the:pres- ent Indian troublcSf this delegation g0es to Washington to arrange for an aintea- ble settlement. From New York. t New Yoek, Sept. 25. -Colonel Thomas A. Scott, to day, comple ted a contract for transporting supplies, provisions and laborers, and 25,000 tons iron to be used in building a trans-continental railway, which begins at the end of the Miami, Kansas and Texas railway. From California. sax Francisco, Sept. 28. The Fair trial has been concluded. ; An immense crowd assembled to hear' the closing argument. The jury are out. From Washington. vWashinotokd, a. Sept, 28. flon dm n t i li pre , "Wreument throughout Cec itrai pa., has been greatly alayed. From Illinois. Chicago, September a. paraded here to-day. , ; ! a heavy frost is reported in the North west. , Vottir-KeiTtMnberaS. st0cks firm. Gold steady at 114. Money per cent, JSxchange long 107?& short 108. leans 10 cents. ' Sales of 1,094 bales. Flour dull and heavy. . Wheat dull and 006111, Corn quiet audi nrm. r jtotk. steady mess 1 00S14 15. JLard dull-steam. CM. Splrite Tujnpentlnefflrm at SSi4 a."64 eta. J , JJ steadTatt 50a Si 60 foJ strainWb FreighUflrm,; 1 3H 28, --v : j DaTRorr, Sept 23. The stral-bt-outs nonilnated Hill ticket for the State offices: ForeI;n Zlarkets. XostsokJ September SS-Noonl; Consols KP ; new 5's 895, ; Livkkpooi SepUmber 2S Noon. I.-TrT-W".; . I i.TP!ff . cottoncWflrmTpiaT Orleans 99Jd. Sales of M.O0QbaIes te Peculator. I nd exporters J.000 bale. Breadstuffs quiet and steady. Corn 30s. 2d. Lard 40s. 6d. Tal- Vr t i - Tribute' of Ilespect. -1 ' r QBEM1.HI1. LoDoa ffov 4 K. M P. "WttkuraTo, N, a Sept. 25th, 1873. f VnBKBi.s, It has pleased Almighty God, in the intricate workings of a Divine Provi- den th int7 t r. T.V fthomable--to remove from, our midst in owe-io remoTe itooi our miasi m I Pnme oi uie, urother raat Chancellor I UenrrHur. Jr.i mmhi r thu th- 40(1 ' ' I ,wnRBAs. While vieldin? in all dnnh. hnissiouand humility to thS dtcreeof Him ! . .... who is Lord alike of Life and Death, it ctill Denooves us to tesury our appreciative ot beL 'oik t u Vil r tt liesolvtd, That in the death of Henry Haar this Lodge has lost one of its most zealous uiv-u,.uu luowjus mwcuuitc one ot its nrst and most energetic members: u"m?u.U3 xixcuuo iu? uccewcawuo were ri j jm 1 I throWh.Ufebf ' ift ith;;.; serve to ennoble the character of man. do I mourn his earlv death, feelinir that this I deceased brother onr dene8t Bvmr,Rthv. name, aire and death ot our brother, and these resolutions be entered in the minutesi '"ZZr. Z?. rJTr-T . t,.m.mftL VT!. aa .fVi our : badge oir mourning "for the" space of ! 4.t..nji-..A . . -' . 1 , J lJ uj B( liewlved. 'That at copy of these resolutious he sent to the family of the deceased; and a copi to the Sprig of Myrtle, published- at published at Goldeboro. N. 0., and the city. papers wita a request 10 puoiisn. - F. W. OKTMAN, A. Wbssell, Committee Y. J: BUHMANN, j What Unspeaknble Relief is afforded sto thet burntag, and. throbbing, flesh by a ngleSapplication of that unequaled bal- sam for human or brute sufferiDg, Mexican Mustang .Liniment. The tormenting and sleep-destroy iDg pains of rheumatism, gout, and neuralria, are banished by its use; stiffDess ol the joints and painful swellings, quicKiy yieiu 10 us emouieni, auuuence ; neajs u; uises, cuts, scaia, tic, witu usion iebing rapidity. For straine, spring halt, scratches, saddle, collar and htirnoes Kails, as well as the mo6t serious external mala- Iku of the horse, it is a riit and thorouffh remedy. , . Symptoms ol Liver Complaint and of Some ol the Diseases Produced by it. . . A sallow or yellow color ol kin, or yd lowUh brown spots on the face and other parts of the body ; dullness tnd drowsiness with freauent headache : dizziness. bitter nr I bad taste in mouth, dryness ot throat and internal neai : paipuanon. in many cases a steady appetite, a raising of food, and a CUU&1UK psusauuu iu luiutt) uiciiicss, lit ay- iness, or bloated or lull lecliDg about stom- ach and sides, pain in sides, back or breast, A aknnt thAn Mdk (nll xain aA - I 1 uu.u..-v...... ZZl JiT 1 ness through bowels, with heal ; constipa-1 . tiOH-4 alternatinwith frequent attacks of diarrhosai' piles, vfldtoience, . nervouenese. .nHnwn of extremities : rush of MnnA in mm , . . - ueau, wiiu Bjuipwuia ui j;ici.j, nunio- Xfca and S!!S!!T gh . rew Qt the above spmptoms are Jikelv to e present in any case at one time. Ail who use Djv Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery for Liver Complaint and iUTOmpll- cations are loud In lt?s praise. Sold by all druggists everywhere. f; ? .. u. , " Wilmington lodge U. D. DEaULAR MEETING. MONDAY NltiJlT at 7XA o.cloek. THOS. B. CAR II, Sec'y. . . 114-lt sept 23 :'!Family Excursion, THE LASTl OF: THE SEASON TTHE WACCAM AW WILL IiEA VE HER wharf, near Market xxck, vyednesaay "1S8tiS board. --A good i string band engaged. Intox- icatea ana otnerwise oDjecuonaoie persons excluded. Fare one dollar for round trip. Children half price. This railroads will fur nish excursion tickets to Wilmington' ana return for one fare. THOS. B. CARR. 114 2t 28 NOTICE. IV TL!L EE SOLD at auction, In Fayeiteville North Carolina, on the l5tnor October, about fifty pounds of manu&ctured tobacco. By ? order ofth District Court for, the Cape Fear District of North Carolina. - AML. T7, CAKHUW, U, S. M. per D. G. MacRAE, D. M. spt?8 . ' ?;" p H2-2t ? PurceU House, J, ' I. 30-A."VIS, Proprietor. . IJBOM AND" AFTER THIS DATE the rates for Transient Boarders are ft2 60, 83 60 anu f4 00 per day, according to location and rooms. ' ! " . - . . Day Boarders S CO per week, July 15 t r; .: ; ; , 4 " UVtf The beat now made. and superior, to an j in : PIANOS elegance ox tone, uuen, finish asd durability cold at Factory Trices only by : Prct F. BUCXEIVrf i Flan o Orpan 'Sales Rooms, Ma sonic Hall, 5T- and. 19 llarfcet St., Wilmington, N. C s ' cy23 5-U AND rt I UUUrV Ui LUIS ijIlllVrl I1K ' 1 U B C 1 1 UCU ii W 1 LU LILK I T w w v " 1872. coi.njnr.ciAii. WII,SIII?GTaN ElaRKET. . 8ATCRDAY, Bept S3. 1.80 Crcds TcbpesttiheIs la 'demand, and the market is firm. Sales of 460 bbls at f5 EO for virgin arid yellow dip, and p$ 50 for hard, per 280 lbs.,; , , 1 : ; SpiBrra.TuBrENTnas No sales reported. The market is firm at 0 cents, but . buyers are Unwilling tn nrtArafA at (Mi ftimr 1 . " ' . B-Aftcr yesterday port the sales were V50 bbls at ,10 for cxtraNo 2, and , 50 for Pale This moinibg we have nothing new to notice, ancthe sales "rooort- ed are ronly, S47 bbls. at f 4.50 for extra 3?o; -X-fHas advanced in pricejand the sales this morning, are 73 bbls at to 25 per bbJ. Cotton -The sales this morning are only "ieB' 1 7 at 1 t 161, and 7 at 17 cents perlb. 9 MARETIL ARRIVED. I vital iva 'WVUWM WVUOUU U VtU I New. York. toAD. Cazaux. , , . I Br Brig Maud, Fritchard, from Richmond, Steamship LuciUe, Price from Baltimore, to A D Cazaux. . - . t . . Ger Barque Claridia, DinsV from Boston. I ui vYiiiara ros. I . minsrtnn. V. n..fiPnt. 'J-W I- ' STEAMSHIPS I Benefactor, Jones; Idglf Y, Barry Bros I Lucille, Price, ldg Bait, v ADCrzaux r Mystic Tie, Cofflll, ldg Europe, Heide Bros BRIGS. Br Mcdnsa. Wilkie. Idr Cork- I ' 1 - - Suit Snrunt & Hinson 1 K?6 V?min&1di" t Aiarv Kj liana. ijHtr Kidder & 80ns Mary Dana. Latham, dis. - 0 a Parslev I Sr Mud ?rilc5lrJ?!Aii.'PR'(B8et & Co X-5 ' , "..V-tB " ' 'i , fn E"?T11lsd?1.1 13 O.G Parsley (W iiliams ts M urchison CCUcarsc, llodgdon,. ldg Boston, 1 0 G Parslev John A Griffin, Foster, ldg Phil, . - r- - llarnss & Howell Chas Dennis, BeDson. 3is, A D Oaziux NRW TOR IT I Br JJftroueCflrilv. .Tn vnp ' Viri ao Schr ohu, Williams, eld tewt SI BOSTON - 4 Ger Barque Claudia, Dinse eld Sept 5 .nARniVF Cormorant, 'Hansen, cfd Autr 12 I , Liverpool fir Barqueantlne, Leonora Edmondson l sjj Ausrust 31 McliAE & TURRENTLNE JoHN AICAE, John R. Tukrkntine. FALL TRADE, 1872, We will open on MONDAY, 23d iDst., I a handsome stock of tbe best I STAPLE ArD FANCY T V ii f 1 o U I I VIA; U 1J . . r. . . . .. ( tu Vulu puuuc aueniion is respectiuily j mvirea. ' t WoflTr i w wuv. .v. uu UVMCII lUlllb C mu Jltin 1 tbe most desirable and substantial Goods, ami call especial attention1 to our 33reSS GrOOds 5 vwj which are all of the choicest fabrics and comprise every thine in the wav ol new colors and stvles tyl We effer, also the best selected and handsomest assortment of CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS AND MATS Iu the city, and will sell this stock at the YER TL0 WEST PRICES. iiitruua nuu ? iue puuuc generally are respcctlully invited to call and ex- our stock. We will sell at the lowest cash prices. McRAE ec TURRENTINE, sepi 23 :t loa iw BMttlHK WITHIN, .AT THE LIVE BOOK S T0;R;E; Where not only all questions you may ask will be answered, but you will find a com plete and full line of the.most elegant Oods, Books, Chrotmos and Musical Instruments tbe public has ever had presented to their . Works of every variety'of design and Yiew, upon any subject. : You are invited to call andeaminent '..., -HElIiBUlSllGJSli'S Live Book Store. sept 27: 114 CnATTBI Mortgage ?.Dceds. for B&M ut'-i -rr V 4 ft "J r .?: ,'.- o. U. 11AII. All sorts nl htankTrintul and lorsalahv I 8. U. Hall. ' Ofilce on Priccess st. tl I r . - m - ... - m w c , " -. iiiMiiia- a ; LlJ2'' ' 1 ' . - , ,. . HO, 114 New Store! Old Goods ! : GBEEHEyALD -a: CO.. - ... S2 KOBTH WATEB 8TKKXT, ' i I 1 Ttr'T,5fxdoor o Willard Bro : J WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' iUUUiUi.' WINES. .vr . - w BRANDIES, WDf 3KIES . GINS. An - An w" lSk?tdtlifac3r which Ve tlr,n trade the most reasonable r Ce "lvlnir ilarre consign-. pf,j?v.b?st goods in vtHe conn&y. JPicalVbefore making yourput Phases. RICHARD JN; MOON: Commission Hercuarit, t , AUD DEALER III ' htwh FLOUR, GRAIN, 4 H-r r IIILPEED, - - country pu6duge:X Cor. Camden &Paca Sts Baltimore,. Hd. ' " prdffs from North Carolina Solicited. - feb 11 174-tf a. AuxuAiN, . ; - - II. VOLLERS - ADRIAN & VOLLERS. . , - - , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries and liquors. Importers of German and Havana Ciffarr, i AND-. jt - " - Commission Merchant a South-east Corner Dock and Front - Streets. ; . . , i : : J WlIiMlNQTON, N. C ; ' ; JIaying the largest and best anTorted Stock of Groceries and I, nnnni in mtv ti Will find lt1 their lntrpKt . TZX before buying elsewheii rC w" Buccessors to V ;:A. ,H. NlFE, Manufacturers and'dealers In HOUSE FURNISHING GOO nx G ans, : Stoves, Lanterns, Kerosene, Oil Tl n , m ouwuron are. Roofing: done at short notice. Agents for Fairbanks Scales, lYo. 10 Front Street. WILJUIKGTON, N. C, nov 19 150-ly ESTABLISHED 1821. T. W. BROWN, SUCCESSOR TO BROWN & ANNDERSON, DEALER IN -Fine Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silver Ware, KlWTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES, 37 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Watcb3, aocks and Jewelry carefully repaired. nov 5 148-tf G. Irt. MAYER, BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY 34 Market Street,'' 2 DKAI-KRIJT . , Kicn and American confec- s: XiONIfiltY, j FOREIGN & IX)MESTIC FRUITS. fed rtt.: !l,rr tog? and parties supp notice, with all the delicacies delicacies of the season . nv 5 14My W. II. DART LIPPITT'S BUILDING SOUTH FJIONT.ST.. ! WILMINOTON, N: C. PWer, Steam' and Gas Fitter;: . and dealer in ' Wrought and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks, Valves. Gas Fixtures, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. , . Particular attention paid, to fitting up of W HUK MILLS. - with Steam, Gas and Water. noYl2 ; i48-ti S. MANNING; couuiGcion nEnctiAriT, Groceries, Prorisiom, Dry- Goois. . UIULIUJlg, &C. SC.,-. V No. 22 and 24 North Water 8trcet, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. . , . Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited nov 23 i . ::' I51ly ' Mon'ill's iRestaixrant, : s' THE G-'EM, ; U No. 16 BOUTH WATER STREET, "WILMINGTON, If. C. Meals at all Ilonrs. The best AVines, , . Liquors and Clears always on I Uaud. The Public are invited to call.' O-lf.'J CLIFFORD HOUSE, NORTH. FRONT STREET, j 7 ! ALL WILL REaiOIBER THAT I AM, ' censtanUy supplied wlUiLiqaors. Cigar ? ,t And JTobacco, of the very best. Fnrnislied. rooms are also kept for- the accommodalirn also Kept ror- tne accommoaatict reline public. J. A. CXJFFORP, Froprtelo:! um mhybuhk yww. :. , - --: , uov 5 . r 1 .;,! it 'r. 1

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