. ' - Y Hi ' .v.- Y v : " '. . . , . ; 1 MISCELLANEOUS; -, if WOIIIII CAIlOLhVA INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICERS: ,B'T H. COWAN. ............President. mtfN W. ATKINSON Vicx. rresiuenu H A TA iJ v ........... - j J)g. -A- a.'i'""'3""- DIRECTORS: vV. Atkinson, General Insurance J. MeU.V .iviwu PreniilftTlt RATlk of New 1 D. vt rvrti.'"""i - ?tr" L'ffL'rnvirn UriMinr and Commift- . ivxiiii""" " - - ion Merchant oto,mo t H. McKov, of W. A. Whitehead & Co Fayetteville. . K. H. Co wats, President, u b Eiusas, Commission Merchant. a A Willahd, of Willard Brothers. W A. Gumming, of Northrop & Cum EU MUB'-tAY, Ul - Jiu iaj vu. A J DbRossbt, of DeKosset Jb Co. Kobt Hbnning, of Dawson, Teel & Hen- irunt '& Hinson. p Mubphi, Attorney at Law. j ' d Williams, of J. D. Williams & o ' Fajetteville. Jas. 0. McIUb, Attorney at Law, Fayette iUe. , . rr I B. Kelly, wercuam, rvenansviue. j T. Popk, Merchant. L.umberton. VECIAU FEATURES AND AD. VANTAGES. 1st, No restriction on Residence or Travel. Jd. No extra charge on the lives of Fe- 5d. Policies IucoiiteiULle alter five l ears. 4th. '1 he rates of interest on the Funds ot he Company mgner tnau tnose on ine nnds of the Companies located in other tates, thus insuring larger Dividends to olicy Holders. 5th. ine Anreciors ana wiucers oi me Company arttprooiineni aukiu laku LINIA.Nd, who ar KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WOKI'H. 6th. The Company is ettab.ished on a solid and permanent basis, steps naving been taken to increase the Capital Stock to $300,000. 7th. All the runus oi me company are Invested in this State and Cu mulated among our own 1'eonie. mis lact6hould commend the Company, above 'all others, to North Carolinians. It isweil fknown that hundreds of thousands of dol lars in Life Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Northern Capitalists, inus continually draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground the friends oi this Company confidently appal to every son of the Old North State, and asK. tneir support ior mis Home Institution, which, white it offers substantially all the advantages ol North ern Companies, helps to build up iiome Interests JAMES D. BROOKS, General Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THUS. GRAEME, Aent at Wilmington, aoril? " 190-6m ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects ut Errors and Abuses in early lile. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies, liook and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION , No. 2 aouiu iNintn St., inuaueipma., x-. 72-3m "6 v DK. UAKPEJNTEii, 136 MULHERRY ST3 tEET, NEWARK, N. J., Is now treating successfully Consumption. Bronchitis and all diseases of the Throt and Lungs with hia WMPOUND MEDICATED INHALA TIONS, CONCENTRATED FOOD, AND COUGH SYRUP. has treated and cured thousands of cases of !hP lntA .i. .wl .l;..nni'nn tlilC llHV 1,1 hi possession certificates of cures from every part ot tie country, me mnaiauon a breathed directly Into the lungs, soothing and healing over all inflamed surfaces, en- wnng into the blood, it imparts vitality as tt permeates to every part of the system.- sensauon is not unpleasant, anu iuc nt inhalation often gives very decided re lief. Tn.rHnlu.rlv tl-1 1 1. tl,nr is mno.h difri- colty of breathing. Under the influence of rcmeoies, tne cougn soon grows easier, Joe night sweats cease, the hectic flush van ishes o k r TiV. i flttroctlnn t.lio Mielit rapidly gains strength, and health is Heroin lit -6iu wumn nis grasp, fhe Concentrated Food rapidly builds up the stomach food, all ready to be assimilated art A . i r . . . . ... ii 1 iutwie mio gooa, ricu, neaxmy uiow. The Cough Syrup is to be taken at night J "Uleyiate the cough and enable the patient fch v ox of my remedies, which consists of uciu-aier: une tsottie oi Aiierauvc iu- balan. One Bottle of Soothing Febri fuge inhalant ; One Bottle of Anti Hemorrhagic Inha'ant ; One Bottle Concentrated Food; One Bot- ue oi i;ougn oyrup. "ice of Box containing remedies to last one uiouui, $ir, two monu, exo, uiico months, 825. 3nuiining large list of patients cured sent Letters of itinnirv must contain one oollar to insure answer. Address, A. H. CARPENTER, M.D.. Newark, N. J. Dr. Carowk'o niTiUBH RKMKDY give immediate relief, and will eflecta wrniaiiejji. curein from one to three JSonths. Price of remedy to last one month, w; two months,- fSt three months. 810. CER in7 wfil its forms successfully seated, send for list of natients cured, to A. u. CARPENTER, ALD., Newark N. J WANTRT)..-1wxjo PEJRSIMMON last sm Xl-U BLOCKS, in quanUUes of ,uuu d upwards. Address KEY? ADYERTiSEilENTS i XX ATJiOWCATES!! ir o isr incn per MontDVevwliniaBerr tementin 28 ItSlaipaier8ln:r Y 4- ;, .".f''Li cc uo., Aavertlslne CAlIPAiBH GOODS :P0R"1872. time, bend at once for descriptive circulars and price llsU of our fine s teel en graving of all the candidates, campalen biotrraDnie. per day easily mae, Bamples sent for SPEED,; 87 Park itow. New York. A SURE CURE for this distressing coitfi plaint is now made known in a treatise (of 48 octavo pages) on the Foreign and : Native Herbal Preparations, published by Dr. O. Phelps Brown. The prescription was dis covered by him in such a providential man ner that he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known, as it has cured everybody who has used it for Fits, never having failed in a single case. The ingredient may be obtained from any druggist. A copy sent free to all applicants by mail. Address Dr. O Phelps Beown, 21JrandSt, Jersy City.N J NOTHING LIKE it In 'medicine. A luxu ury to the palate, a painless evacuant, a gen tle stimulant to the circulation, a perspira tory preparation, an anti-billious medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic and an admirable general alterativive. Such are the acknowl edged and daily proven properties of Tar rant s Eelfervescent Seltzec Aperient. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. &1.000 REWARD For any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcer ated Piles that De Bung's Pile Remedy falls to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, 81.00. 1 GENTS WANTED. Agents make more a money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art Publishers. Portland, Maine. "t - - . 00 t o per Month. Agent want- Vuy A w VOO ed. Address ERiE SEW ING MACHINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y., or Chi cago 111. INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE J effected at the lowest current rates in the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to,to J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., Office North front street, Wilmington, N. C. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COM PAN Y, Assetts 820,000,000 IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN Y, of London, Assetts 80,000,000, Gold GREAT WESTERN FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPAN Y, New Orleans, Assetts. 8226,014 FARMV1LLE KIRE INSURANCE AND RAAKING COMPANY ol Va., assets $.300,000. auglG 77-ly G. ii. W, RUME, GROCERIES, 44 South Side Market St., A MATCHLESS SELF SEALING IFV-urt Jar, WILMINGTON, N . C. June 4 15-ly ANDiUPWARDS. gUILDING LOTS FAVORABLY LOCATED at SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS and up wards. Plenty of time given for payment. No excuse for paying rent also a small house for rent. Apply to JAMES WILSON. 171-tf febl NOTICE.. HOLDERS of Street Railway Tickets are notified that in cutting their tickets they must leave a part of the stamp on each piece. Hereafter no fraction of a ticket, with out a part of the stamp on its back will be recognized by the Conductors. D. KLEIN, Proprietor. June 27 26-tf TAXEST OWNERS OF LOTS OR LAND, sold at Sheriifs sale for Taxes, in 1671. to the State or private parties, can have the same redeemed for a moderate fee, by the under signed. Time for redeeming will soon ex pire. F. C BURNETT, Court House. July 15 4'J-tf A. SHUTTE, No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer, in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, , PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. Having just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be had in the city, please call and examine. , mavlo H 1 ; t 117-ly SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. ILL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AT THE a. lowest prices. Barscairie, ! At f maySO M. M. KATZ'S, 86 Market street. ' III I T ' f-t -' DXVOTKD TO TRJB nmnnrc n. REPUBL IG AN PARTY -'Ml?;- it. wy- If i I t: : -t-; -... ,. 1 fublihed every afternoon at the astonish inglj low rate of TOL.jMS PerAnnum It will be Tlao Official Organ of the City and County, and will devote par ticular attention to local affairs and the pros perity of the Cape Fear region THE EVENINGr POST will contain full and complete MARKET RBORXS. Summary of State News, Political .Ai-tioles, Oriainal Foems, Huirior, News, Kto, SWe hope to make our paper A WELCOME GUEST, at every Fire-Ride, and to aU classes of pebple. It will be useful to Trae Merchant , . The Meehanic, The Professional, ; The Farmer, The Family and 'The Children.. We offer our columns to our business men, believing that as an Advektisino Medium, they are f ' ' ' KQTJVIL. TO THEBEST, Dealers, by consulting their own Interests will advertise to reach those whose trade they wish to obtain, and as THE EVENING-POST will have a large circulation among laboring men and others who do not read the Local Democratic papers, we believe it a paying investment for liberal dealers to advertise with us. mm All business letters should be addressed to ne Business Manager, and all, communica tions or letters ln relation to the editorial department, to the Editor. wm. p. can ad at, Business maiiaokb.hj james c mann, EorroB. , maylS-tf. Retail Store, ; i' SO Market 3 treqt, HAVE JUST . 'OPJ5NJ5IX, ..0NJ5' OF ' THE f " ' -, ' 5 '."..-- a k, y. t it , 2X&& flpdnjr and Sonimfe Stock ever of- fered to the public in fhls"clty 1 at reduced CASBKIECEj SUITS; ; i?.!.rrif sic" bas 'tfOiaCF drft";o-:i.' LINEN-SUITS, ' i f 1 -S And Clothing of every description. PHILADELPHIA READY MADE and the finest assortment of t 7- ( LADIES GAITERS AND . . CHILDRENS' SHOES a, i ' i '.5; J-.':;t t;,;it IN THE CITY. DRY C3-OOIDS. 100 PIECES FIGURE, 50V 60 85? 't: -1 4CASSIMERES, LINEN SHEETING,, 300 DOZEN TOWELS , AND, ALSO, : ' "The Largest and best assortment of JfMEJ9S TMZIjT MI. ITS AND OhLildreiis "VVoar, All of which we offer at reduced prices. SOL BEAR & BROS. may 8 198-tf. Richmond and J)anville Rail Road. North Carol ih a V'V1"00 ' TV Coideiisfejtois; Table;; In qffeel on and tfUSiMdix June 9th, 1872. GOING rN0RTfii i't-A STATIONS-. " bxt&bss. ; 10. i 9 Hi 10 as ' 1 Leave Charlotte.".-; : 8:40 p. U Salisbury: ;vv.ho.47; " Lexinrtdn.vllt5d' Arrive at GreensboTOT 1,09 t Leave GreenTiMro,?ll 1. 50-- t4 r--.' OVnkWi"i It HIIhi'TinrA?! Ralefe!j:rfi?.ivs . . Arrive at Goldibdro'i OINGOVUTH.l; KTATIOVS. BXFBB8S Leave Goldsborb' . . . ; I4' Rleighr..:;'..T. : Hill8b6roi.?; CorSuob.. Arrive at Greensboro Leave Greens bo ro'vy; ; Higif Point " ! Lcxlogtoh.vr. . ? Salisbury; v.. . 4.00 P. H 7.15 V ' 9.31 u 1 10.10 P. m L10 " ''a-AC'"' '. "i. 15 p. M. 3.80 . 4.C0 4.40-'' 6V13 '7.15 ' 3.S3 Arrive atXarfotie-V. S.10 p- M. r Passenffer.train leaiinff RaleicrU at 7.15 P M, connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train, making the quickest time to all Northern cities; Price of ticket 6me as via oUfeffottfeS v f ' Mall train uaily, botaways, overmen tire length- of Road. -: Express - daily between Company Shop and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted.) . , All Passenger trains connect at Greensbo ro with trains to and from Richmond. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (without change.)' -f ' " :u S. E.1 ALLEN, t General Ticket Agent. W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation. May 22d.lS73 - 4 Richmond and Danville Rail Road. i Condensed Time Table. In ejfect on and after Sunday, April 21, 1872 " ' v GOING NORTH. ... JL f ' STATI098 KXPBES8 Leave Greensboro f.U . 12. 45 a m 10.10 a m ; Danville. . . A . .'. 3.24 12.47 p u 1 BrrkvUle.... 8.45 5.50 Amelia C. H. .. .. 9.45 " 6.41" Coalfield . IL04 44 7.55 4 4 Arrive at Richmond.. 13.03 pm 8.47 44 GOING 80UTH. STATIONS. MAIL. BXPBBSS Leave Richmond ....... 2 85pm 3.5 am " Coalfield. v.. ... 3.3U 44 4 35 44 44 Amelia.CH..... 4.50 44 5.49 44 44 Burkville .i.V.... COS 44 7.02 44 Danville iVH.i.;; 1L00 44 11.45 44 Arrive at Grechsooro..J 1 S5 a m 2.15 p m Trains leaving Richmond at 2:35 P M, and at 3:36 A connect at Greensboro with trains on North Carolina Division, for all points South. ' Passengers leaving Richmohd at 2:35 P M, connent at Greensboro with train lor all points East ot Greensboro'. Passenger trains leaving Raleigh at 7:15 P M, connects at.Gre;enSboro with North ern bound Mall train, arriving in Richmond at 12:03 P MB H: ' '. . ' JNO. R. MACMURDO, ; '- Genl Freight Ticket Agent. T. M. B.' TALCOTT, - 1 - 1 t Engr. A.Genl 8upt . . . " V,: HAVE MOVED -MTf4PtACB OP BUSI i 1 NSS tf the eorner of Elrhth and Castle i -mmrim. tit nUua lMm -Untied WitstiarCn'arloltc&Ri Bi Ofticx Chist. Enorszir& Geh'l Sup't., ) WrLMTKQTOJI MTKQTO; NC-V June 27, 1872 ) : nfiA'rinc-iiErPuirii'irc''i CIlAflGE OF CHEDUtE. JNTIL EliRTIIER NOTlCE,.the regular trains will run over this Read as follows: REGULAR FREIGHT TRAINS. , Leave Wilmington daily at 6 A. M.. and arrive at 5:30 P. iL . PA8SENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT " ' .; . STRAINS !r-"- -v-i-;; Leave Wilmington daily at 7 A; M.. and arriveat &S0P.ll.( : ' 4 . Leave Lilesville daily at 6:15 A M., and arrive at 4:15 P. M. I3?Two 8peclal Freight Trains for TON LUMBER run Irregularly ' ,'; ' ! ld"No trains on Sundajs. s ' . 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent June 27 ' 35-tf Omat Petebsbxtro R. R. Co.1 May, 31st, 1872. f i fl T ! 17'i t V.: f.- ft: ' -T-Wi -v AN AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains v will run a$ follows: . LEAVE WELD ON. Express Train 7:30 p. m. Mall Train 3:25 p: m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p.m. Mall 4 7:00 p.m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. f Mail 6:30 a. m. Express 3:50 p. in. ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail , 9:40 a.m. Express 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 8:00 a. m. Leave Weldon 8:00 p. m Arrive at Weldon 3:00 p. m Arrive at Petersburg 2:20 a. in. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at'Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p.m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be received after that hour. J. C. SPRIG G, je 5-tf Engineer and General Manager. Wilmington, Columbia & Au r usta R. R. Company. Gbn. Superintendent's Office, W.hkngton, N. C, June 7, 1872. ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. fpHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL X fcointo efiect at 3:25 A. M., Sunday, 9th inst. . , I' DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally ). Leave; Wilmington ; . 3:25 A . M Arrive at Florence. 9: 13 A. M Arrive at Columbia..... 1:35 P. M Leave Columbia 12:15 P. M Arrive at Florence 4:10 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 10:25 P. Al NIGQT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILiT (SUN f DATS EXCEPTED. ) Leave Wilmington 5 45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:38 P. M Arrive at Columbia 8.45 A. M Leave . Columbia. 10:35 P. M Arrive at Florence 2.09 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JNO. C. WINDER, vV Gen'l Sup't. 19 tf iune 8 VTiimingt n & Weldon 11. Company. . Officb Genkbal Supbuintesdkjmt, Wilmington, N. C, June 8, 1872 0 a CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run ar follows: MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted) i ..... . At 8:05 A. M Arrive at Goldsboro ......... -! 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount ..... 2:11 J'. M Weldon...... 3:50 -M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) . .At ihlSAiM Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A M Goldsboro 1:16 P. M Union Depot. j 5:30 P M EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At 10:40 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro 3:00 A M Rocky Mount 4:56 A. M Weldon 6:50 AM Leave Weldon daily 7:10 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount ' 8:58 P. M Goldsboro, 10:58 P. M Union Depot...... 3:10 A. M Mail Tram makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. - Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. PULLMAN'd PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A.M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. , ; s EXP RES 8 FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A M. Y ; . ' JOHN F. DIVINE, ' General Superiu'endent. . JuneS i ' 19-tf - THOMAS GGNNOR, X. Ei corner of Mulberry and Nutt Sta, - Always on hand the best quality of Segars. decH .-vr.,;; ist-It 5 ?" jj bEassybasj jT-T;W n ti ISCELXANECFS. d. lORmiJARlD'S S.TE 1H18D 1 PVii'I N E1 - lV-1"'V';T-,-;v'? - j. Tag-1 TF r-i . jv-?l2 t v - -J: . i r .r m-th- SAILING , TUESDAYS AND r FRIDA , DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM , WILMINGTON. ; TJIUOUGII CONNECTIONS WIT ? ALL RAILROADS I.EADING ; OIJT.OF TTIltSIINCirTON No passengers taken. For Freignt apply t BARRY BROTHERS, Agents. may 28 ! If7- BALTIMORE LM WILMINGTON , STEAMSHIP IjIXE. 1 4 Composed of the first-class stamshlris Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. CZ Childs Lucille, Capt. D. J. Price Will hereafter sail from Baltimore and Wil mington , i , EVERY FIVE DAYS. The Steamship LUCILLE will Rail from wharf, foot of Chesnut street, SATURDAY. September 2?. ' , For Freight engagements, apply to A D. CAZAUX. I May 25th, 1872 6 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship. Line. COMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM SHIPS , j .. , . " PIONEER, 82 5 TONS, Captain JOHN WAKELEY, ' TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, f Captain WILTBANKS Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH fe WORTH, Agents, j Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street, Philadelphia. June 15 25-tf " v-1 EW SCHEDULE. .N AND AFTER THIS DATE, the follow v ing schedule will be run on the Street Railway. , Cars will leave corner of Red Cross and Front streets, for the Union Depot, at 2:40 A. M., daily, to meet the Southern train, stop ping at the various Hotels and Boarding Houses on the route, leaving the depot on tho arrival of the Northern train. Will leave corner of Front and Bed Cross streets at 7:30 A. M., for Union Depot, in order t to connect with the Northern bound train, making the usual stoppages at the Ho-' tels and Boarding Houses, leaving Union Depot on the arrival of the Southern train. " In the evening will leave corner of Front ' and Red Cross streets at 5 P. M., making the usual stoppages, leaving the Union De pot on the arrival of the Northern train. Will leave the corner of Red Cross and Front at 10:00 P. M to meet the Southern train. .' Regular Schedule During the day tnei cars will run from 6:30 A. M.. until 8 1 M.. allowing 15 minutes between each turnout, and for the further accommodation of the"" public, one car will be run until 11:30 P.M. each day DANIEL KLEIN. Junef i 146-tf A. Family Paper Which can be trusted and which is always full of interest, is a necessity of the timesj Such a one is the CHRISTIAN -UNION, ' . . i The Untscctarian, Religious, Literary Family Newspaper, whose Editor ;ia HENRY WARD BEECHER ' It has something for Eveky Member of tiik Household, in matters of Religion, Morals. Politics. Literature, Art, Science,' Agriculture, Poetry, News, Fiction lor Young . and Old, Truth for Everybody. ' Mb. Beecheb's vigorous pen, in his Edito rials and Star Papers, and Mr. Ellinwood'g famed verbatim reports of the helpful Leo " ture Room Talks in Plymouth Church, are r-eat attractions. Mr. Beecher Is assisted by large and able editorial staff. THE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION auk as follows : Ono Year Only S3.00 Send money by Tostal Orders, Drafts, or Registered Letters. 4-FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED.-Jr mayS 187-tf SAVE wi i ! O V It m MONEY, , You can save money and( buy a good artl cle besides) by purcasing your ? ' BOOTS AND SHOES at 1 ; J 29 Nurth Front Street., . We offer the best stock-, greatest variet ' and lowest prices In the City. H, t ; , . , . . COME ASD SEK US." ; 0. R. FRENCH & SON,;; j f4 Front street' aug21 mm " ' - ' i ' ""'j - AiMim - -' - " 1. - --r i. . . T "' : , . i- i IV! i 1! ; i i 1 i' I; I i . Last manufacturers, Hpt 24-uo.tf., Albany, N Y hi rl ' 4'-' M x -

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