'ill iohm iww wi ii ii irtwju inn i m- y l X . - . -. .X x. - X 1 1 VOL. VI. . r no. 117 4- r , - EVENING- POT. - .Vitr -t- If...... icvf r. UAiaux .... . c,-. " ...a n tf ANN ...... ..Editor SHUICuyilWB . " I in aaywicq.. .............. w .irmonths, inadTance............... 3 W k - ; go I -Aii Da5ioes5:iewer uui edtotna casmeM:flimn5cr,uu u commuoi . ; ,..nnndence solicited from onrfrieads j miTl parts of the State, on topics of gene , interest. Political news and reports of crops are especially desirable;: "post office Itegnlatioti,! VoST Ofticb, Wilmikotok. N. C, I March 81, 1875S. Fr0m this date the malls will . close as follows: Northern (morning) mail ....5 a. m. . .i r.torht mail ' 8 T). m. noruici" v"-fc ' I ii ft t n Soutnern mau - Hars of opening and closing Reading bpenat 8 A. m., ciose at iociuch xr. au !( ii 3i P. M., 8 P. M., P.M. P.M. VOTE FOR GRANT. fiEf . P. Riwsll' & Co., are the ar borized agents for the P8T in New Fork. Griffin & Hoffman, Baltimore, Md. reauthorized agents for the Post. LOCAL ITEMS. All sorts ot blanks printed and for sale by .G. Hall. Office on Princess st. tt What has become of the park move- bent? If you want to get Bargains, go to Hasstein &Co.15 Market St. t The County Commissioners meet this tternoon. . - - - Let us f have the market house rc- boved. It is a dire necessity. MMA mm . , . . Rcsy cheeked girls begin to trudge onir tue sirecrs wiiu ineir scuoi uoujw. iL.! I 11 1 . jTis a pleasant sight. The cheapest lot of Hats and Caps i be sold at S. Hanstein & Co., 15 arket street. t Mosquitoes stay as long as grapes are Le fashion. More grapes and -less mos uitoes would make us happier.. - - A very pleasant crowd went down Le river on the Waccamaw this morn g. We hope they will have a good me. -:7-v The largest aod best stock of Cloth S and Dry-Goods to be bad at S. axstein & Co., 15 Market St. t Nothikg strange occurred at the prd house last night, and the single ia! at tut Mayor's court went on as as milk and water. But your Boots, Shoes, Blankets, iaw!s, Furs, &c, &c, at S. Hanstein Co., 15 Market St. t Mayor's Court. fa Honor James Wilson, Mayor, pre siding. Nelson Pepper, charged with dis- e'rly conduct was charged $ 3 00 and sts, jpUXGE8 'Squire Woodford is to ppy the office opposite the Court fuse, now occupied by Capt. J. M. lse. The Captain removes to the pr of South Water and Dock, and open a Cigar Manufactory and Pt-H. C. Brock will occupy the office pted by 'Squire Woodford. Inhere will be a grand Mass Meeting tae Republicans of Union Township Saturday, October 5th, 1672, at the jadley Pi g ford place. F Peeches by the Hon. Win. McLau- wd Joseph C. Hill, Esq. ptte one and all. order of Township Committee. Elijah Pate, Chairman. ApK Fear Agricultural Associ- E0. The Executive Committee, all e Presidents and Associates included requested to meet each Friday night 0 cock at the office of the Presi- ait for the tranaction ot such busi ly tstnov nn,. U Sm. 28,1873. President. THC TOV7irc?aEIt CnrT v ytii;, x luermomctcr atrooon 4: Tw.. 1 tJ bat quite feeble. wen. iwDi. Kansom passed through the C tT xesterdar - It is ffetUD? cold and , our rdn should get their cellars cooZai likewise. ia fortunate as 'twere is not ao lmmtnae supply op hand. ' J nJge Cant weir, Solicitorr' uisinct nas removed, office to a ro xn in the Court House. . 1 i , Decayed apples are barf thini to throw. We saw two locals hit by. one yesterday, and it scattered worse than a shot gun. Princess Street is becoming city- fie J udge Cant well's old office is to lawyers and printers we presume The tintinnabulation of the bells, bells, bells, heard about the Court House, comes from the brazen boxes suspended from bovine necks and is not conducive to happiness. jr- The Raleigh News puts its of fish al j seal upon its whal-ing 'propensities: That local spouts well as a jfn-ished If he would come out of his jtteK;and not be so. crab bed he might show his muscles &nd not flounder j sj when he sails into sea terms. I Attention R eptibtto ans nv Ttttuti Wabd. There will be a meetinc at the - - s I Armory ICoom, at Ulty, lialroa Monday I evening next at 8 o'clock, for the pur- pose of organizing a Grant and Wilson Club. It is hoped that every Republi- can in Third Ward will turn out. Let every Republican attend, and see that bis neighbor does likewise. j v" .bw A. J. Denton, J. N. Hostler. ' : Goats. A cumposition by little Char ley: 'Goats are a nuisance. They open front gates and walk into the yard with out permission, and are a nuisance. I mean William goats. When they get into the front yard they eat the rose bushes, for they are a nuisance. 7il 11am goats are a no account sort of ani- mal, because they are a nuieauc ! They won't stay out of our yard, for they are such a nuisance. I wish my pa would kill him, he is such an awful nuisance. They are no use and smell badly, and commit trespass, iortbey area nuisance. I shouldn't like to be a goat and be ha ted by everybody. We may be happy yet. Charley." Our CotempoRart don't like it be cause our President is not an orator. We presume he likes Andy Johnson, Oreeiey, Wendel Phillips and sich. GeD. Grant made one speech which should forever endear him to the Southerner?" but they seem to have forgotten it. He said to the Confederate soldiers after their capitulation, "go home and take your horses with you ana make a crop." And again be said that if Generals Lee and Johnson were to; be. arrested for treason after le had parolled them, he would resign bis commission as General of the United States Army. Theee i golden words were of more practical bemfit than all the Sage of Chapp&qoa ever uttered. Our County Commissioners with the good of the peop'e at heart, have erect ed a bridge as we had occasion to re mark yesterday, called "lilack's Bridge." Now let our city fathers have some con sideration for the inhabitants of the citv onrl ort o rUoonf onrl oofo hrirUa nrnr v . 6- I the railroad on Fourth street. The present crszy structure is a disgrace to the city, and a very dangerous thorough fare indeed. One of these days we ihall have to pay more damages than a respectable bridge would cost, for some serious accident. The cit? "over the railroad" is rapidly growing, and the constant travel over this bridge, espe cially now that all the transportation to the depot goes this . route, demands some speedy action. The present struct- : 1..,on. T.x,f . a new bridge I - Acting Secretary Richardson has directed the Assistant Treasurer at New York to purchase one million of bonds . , ii - on eaca t? wuj,auu wrti uuf uit.v lion of gold on each Thursday during the month of October. . ' no BSerilf of Robeson county will attend at the following limes and places foribe purpose of collecting the balance j ' - - . . dae of he State and county taxes for the year 1872 r iBmberbridgc' October 7tb, 1872 8tb : 9th 10th 11th 1 12rh Smith's. : T( , 7 . . : : White House. -rjl,-14th. :' ' tV ' 17th M " ' 18th ty 19th i Dteriing 'a alius, Wish art's, ?Tlllc f Uaiofblp f amocrton, K. M oMillan Bheriif. VQi. James. Sinclair. -and Nat McLean s 4 . . - ... ... .... will address their fellow citiicens in favor f Grant and Wilson, at each of the Sherifi's appointments. All are in viced. : ';- : ; ; " " ' ' STATE ITEMS. - Tiiere are from 5 to 10 beeves sold in the Favctteville market daily. The price of gas m Fayettcville has been reduced to $7 00 per 1,000 feet, but there is an extra charge lor rent of metre to all persons who don't burn cs much as 100 feet during a month. 'Tni!.A8bevilie" Citizen says a true bill has been found in Macon Co untv.s gainst Bay less Henderson, for the murder of Cap t. Nimrod S. Jarrett and the case will be tried at th e next term of the nAnrf v " There will Le in the next Lrgisla-1 tuire, . VlV colored members-4 in the " . . oeoais auu m u e uouse. xuiaisai gam of one ln .tiie Senate and a less ot some toor ia tbe House. . Tue local of the Ashevi:ie Citizen I offers a premium of two dollars each for every apple weighing twenty-six I ounces and oue dollar for those weigh- I 6 I n ttvn v.tivp niinprfl "'. .;, The Raleigb says: Applica- tiou has been made to the Executive , n t . . , Committee of the State Agricultural Society by the Star Bape Bail Club of this city, aod the U. S. C ub, composed of soldiers at ihe garrison, to play a I match game on each day of the first three days of the ensuiogFair. The Fayetteville Eagle teHs of a man ln Moore County, carrying a barrel of turpentiue a distance of two miles to a isiincry, on a cart drawn Dy mmseir, which, when he had disposed of the same, was seen going home from the sun tic ii iiijc jje&sciivi ituu a 551 t;e wi bacon aboard. The Rileigh Neics complains loudly nf th "hp ,n !.nfr nnican wl.inh seems to bean epidemic with the boys J in that city. Saturday last a small negro ..... .. ... I Doy was suot in tne eye oy a small wuite b0y aj jn play, but it resulted in the I n033 0f tnc bov's eye. The boys have I destroyed with their shooters over f 50 worth of window lights of the Baptist Church : tbjT gas lamps of the city have been almost riddled with them, and the practice is fast becoming an intolerable nuisance. Notes From the Capital. From the Chronicle The stamp duty upon all lega' in struments expired yesterdav. Bank checks, drafts or orders will still require to be stamped. Durintr the mon'h of ScDtember I . &, , . J Ml service has been extended over two j mat hundred and exighty five and a quarter miles cl railroad. In tl?e announcement ot xlonda clans and Surgeons, on Third street, oppo appointments and removals 'in yester- 8ite GityiHall, terday's Chronicle the names became PATENT MEDICINES, transposed. Thev should read: F. B. I . . " . - Bassnctt has been appointed United States District Attorney for the North- ern District of Florida, vice H. H. Bis- bee, Jr., removed; and Charles Cowan United States Marshal for the Northern District of Florida, vice Sherman Co- nant, removed. LATEST From Ohio. CtXClSJTATI, Oct- 2 Tho cotton departments of the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition will remain open for eninesuiiuixonuwiw, premiums wmw A. I . At "T l 1 V 9 . X IV m awarded November 13. The Commissioners offer silver medals for the best bales from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Al- abama. and Tennessee, and sweepstake for the best bale from the seven states. . In ad- J dmo tese, large offeredby themerchanUoftheclty, AppUr caUons already made, indicate iadisptey -fUn atCeeding that ofariy previous exposition in J tbisline. ' , rrFron TSshinrton. - vl- V 't Washikotos, Oct. 2 Cbar!f 'f1 plains n&t the present reactionists move- ment ipJapea:by saying that it is an effort of the older men in public life, to counteract the progressive movement ; of the young men, -who hare obtained virtual controllof affairs. More hopes' the building of the two Japanese vessels In New Yorkj will not long w ucuueu on tLncmn n i. . or innns. . .- From Kentucky. - Lotjisvxuub, October 1. : A Ctonvention.of the Superintendents of - umj, wwiu xtAUAwu. uici, nere tms atiernoon to rearrange the time tables of the AVestern and Southern Rail road The Association also met this evening. '' .' IrrixB Rock, OctTi A full liberal ticket is nominated: three i - I Republicans, and, the balance Democrats. Andrew Hunter, Democrat, nomind for V V CI UUa From California'. ; r : - San Fbanctsco; Oct, 2. The Great Republic took toreeuarter of , a million treasure to Yokohama. The. newspapers denounce ; the acnuital of jurs. jfair as a niocftery of j ustice. There was a three-Becond earthquake here this morning. . , From NcwYork ' a ' . NawjroBKOc2. " The refonn organization nominated "WVF. Havemeyer for Mayor.' . . ' ; , Two thousand dollars worth of diamonds have been seized. They were smuggled from Havana.' By;Cable London, October' 2. Lord Hatherly has resigned the chancel- 1 lorship. The Solicitor, General in address- I ing his constituents congratulated, them I upon securing the ballot and Ensrlands peace with all nations. : He declared the award of tfie'GeneVa Tribunal could be paid I Regalator, Freemanldg New York, I without infrpAsJnf-h tnTPB .;fc.-j.-,A.-Jl3?.-- w-r- tv : - .parry , . ; Heir York-' HI rkt' V-;- nkw York, October 2 Stocks steady. GoldflM; Money tktrj-g Gvm steady. v 841168 of futures, last evening were 2,600 bales, as follows? l (Vffthfr Ifiilfil. NTvm I. "" berl8g; February 19M619; May2sets. '1,vHlTT , .J?,.'. MkT0'" leans 19 cents. Sales of 688 bales. Flour dulland heavy: Wheat dull and drooping. Corn qiiet and nrm. Pork steady mess S14 15S14Z0. Lard dull steam 8Ji85 cts. Spirits Turpentine 64 ets.f Rosin dull at W go for strained. Freights firm. . Foreign Markets. 1 London, October 2 Noon. Consols 92 ; new 5's LivebpooTj, October 2-Noon. Cotton opened quiet ; aplands 0d; Or eans LATEB. Cotton closed firmer; uplands 9K9d.; Orleans 9j10d. Sales of 18,000 bales to spec- n n i r r . r h r. n aa Notice. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist- ing between the undersigned, under the firm and style of Brock & Webb, was dissolved - 1 A AT 1(V11. ,1 ex I mufcUB1 w"" U1 p- i temDer 1872 All debts of the co-partnership j wi I be pald Dy Mr WeDD and ne alone is a"11101 to sisn in liquidation, H. c. BROCK, oct 1 116-lw A CARD. JJAVING purchased the Interest of Mr. Brock, I will continue to conduct the busi ness at the old stand, No. 1 Granite Row where I will be happy to see my old friends and customers, octl 116-lw. II. WEBB. NEW DRUG STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED has opened a largo A and varied assortment of FRESH DRUGS AND CHEMICALS I A V4o nan fifsvra rti f Vi a tfVkll aero nf "PVivcf TnxTmMvr)ri?a 4 : Uiiifc7, s In great variety INDIA RUBBER GOODS, 5 TOILET ARTICLES, etc. , StOXO Open at all ROUTS, day and night. W. COWAN GREEN, Licensed Dispensing Chemist. Proprietor. 66-1f July 23 BINFORD CROW & CO.. jJAVE IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, 1,000 Barrels Floor - lOO Bags Coffee, AO Barrels Sugar, i 100 Barrels Pork, iV1 20 ,OOQ Bushels Corn, And a full Una of RE S? Which they offer as low as the lowest. I; ;:OIVE US A -CALL. . , ; , $ countrv orders given special attention. junell . 24-tf COMMEIlCIA5Lr f - WJCDNESDAY, Oct. 2-l:S0 P. If. ; .Cbudb TTuBPEmss-Is : without change In priced and the sales this'inornlne are 185 j hbls. at $5 69 for virgin and yellow dip and f 3 50 lor hard, per 2S0 fts, .. , I Spibits TTOKrararB The market to-day i rniPR mnr nntof - an4 v.& .t i lower. Sales reported of 813 casks at cents per gallon for Southern packages. . Rosra Sales of 869 bbla. at tl for strain- ed, 4 25 for extra No. 2. $4 50 for Nvl, o ior extra xxo. l, and $o for low Fale. 1 t5q kki- MMt. ..u .. M TabS bbls. receiyed and sold at C3 perhbi. - f, ; -v--; vf7r -i-TTTTrrf Z "TVvr CoTTos-Theaaies this morning;areC2 GOIDin 1011 "TTowTlOTlf'" -bles, as follows : 3 at Itf at ICt, 37 at ,WU1"WblUll JLieX CilCUlt. marine: - ... - ... ... - -... r ,, r ,- (. . .i -1 i 'n ARRIVED. ,-i';v-,v . 6 Steamship Regnlator,-"Freeman,s from New York, to Barry Bros. . - - - j -. 8tmr R Jfi Lee, Skinner, from FaycttevUIe, , cleared:, - , ,:, 2 Schr Ben Borland, Blaisdell, , for Dani riscotta, Me, by O Q Parsley. - j s Br Barque Barnia, Pellow, for Antwerp, by G G Barker & Co. - - - , . V; Br Barque Mystic Tie, Coffill; lor Rotter dam, by G G Barker fc Co.r , ; 8teamship Tocawanda,. Wiltbanks. for Philadelphia,' by Worth & Worth. ' ; ' ; EXPORTS. ' : - COASTWISE. ; , . . Damriscotta. . Mp afhr Rpn . Rrvrloi 1 110,000 feet lumber, 1 V . " , FOREIGN. : Antwerp Br Barque Sarnia--3,903 bbls rosin. Rotterdam-.Br Barqe MysUc Tic-i75 bbls spirits turpentine, 3,105 do rosin. li8t'rt - Vessels xn the Port of Wil mingto n i N C.V Oct. I, 1872. steamships: Bros i jaeoecca yiyaet v;mias, lug jjait, A D Cazaux .:; J ; r -.r -fBAROUES Br Sarnia, Pellow," ldg'Europe. si-v -- :;-;v5v v-f .w u uarker &.uo MMS I Br Ansdell, Key, dis, DeRosset & Co I ter Claudia, Dmse, dis, VVillard Bros I BARQOEANTINE Pn.et Vic. VMnnJ 1.. c BSB"' -"t :'4g.- Br Leonora, Edmondson, dis. C r0 Vick MebanC . ' - Marv E Dana. Lathamrdk :r ft P.r.1 j Br Maud, Pritchard, diB, DeKoseet&Co SUUOONER eu Borland, Blaisdell, dis, 0 G Parsley n P. Rcarsc Und frrlnn lrlcr Hnitnn O G Parsley unas xennis, joeDson, a u uazicx List of Vessels Sailed tor this Port. , - NEW YORK. ' Br Barque Oarily, Jayne, eld Aug 22 Schr John, .Williams, eld fcept21 BUSTON. Ger Barque Claudia, Dioee, eld Sept 5 CARDIFF. Cormorant, Hansen, eld Aug 12 MUSICAL. PIANOS of the best Manufacturers! ORGANS of a world wide reputation. MEroDEOV8 ' GUITARS VIOLINS Barj s, lambunnes AccordeoLs, Flutes, Fifes, Fingeoletres, Hai monicas, &c. Sacred, Operatic and Sheet music of all kinds. Ladies and lovers of music will be waited on by Prof. Jas. Paradis, who will be pleased to play and select pieces according to grac and taste of scholar, at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book Store. oct 2 117 J. D. Love's Bookstore. It E HI O V-A L . HE undersigned has removed his Book store to ,No. 27 orth Front street, two doors above the Hotels, where his old patrons and the public generally will find a good stock I to select from. Reasonable prices and prompt polite attention J. D. LQVE, No. 27 North Front street. 116-2t oct 1 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. I LX. the latest novelties at the LM. lowest prices. Bargains ! At may 20 Sa.rsa.ixis ! M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market street. 2-tf Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, i Sept. 30th, 1872. THE ORDINANCE concernlne Cows will be strictly enforced on and after the 10th of October, 1872. By order of the Mayor. W. P. CAN ADA Y, City Marshal, sept 39-3t Journal and Star copy 3t IPnrcell House, J, Ii. D."VriS, I?roprietor. i FBOM AND AFTER THIS DATE the rates for Transient Boarders are 12 50, $3 00 anu H 00 per , day, . according to location and rooms. Day Boarders $S 00 per week. Julv 49-tf ! Old Goods! GBEE1IWALD- B CO., 22 KOSm WATZ2 amnr. f 'NeTtifAnvfA.'nntT.-j ... - I XIQTJOES WINES i -1 . . - . . ' . ' 50 ; :. ! foiNa L' r I 25?, Afln4l of Fancy Uquom. whlei wl I termv aaearSU5eMt MTOnbl 5Lr bestSodrintll SSnS I Jan 11 7 7-M" juurpurcnaseB. SO I 'RICTH A IV I nvr iA- 1 - : : . 'MILL FEED. '-'. . AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.' ; Cor Camden tePaca S ts Baltimore. lid. ' icp1Ij ' lyw A. ADRIAN. iV h. VOLLERB , ADKIAN & V0LLERS. 7. WHOT.ICSAT.K "'"."I ik ;. - . .. , .,. rCrroccrica and ILiIquoro, ; Importers of German and Havana Cigar. - . T . -AND : : - ' - ' OomxnissionMerobxmi'' SouthEast Gornkr Dock and F&obt -Streets. - - WILMINGTON, N. CL . . rf2SSfW-' Stock of GrrieaimdLiquhT &rci7D53S I And it to their Interest to give uijkcSl before b elsewhere. ; - mav 17 ' - .Mauufacturers and dealers in - n souisis fuhniuhinS o ob&s. Guns, Btoves,Lanterns, Kerosene. OU Tin " Sheet Iron Ware. 2 : Roofing done at short noticed ' Agents for Fairbank's Scales, -o J Front Street, W. EL DART lilPFITT'S DIJILDIXO SOUTH FRONT ST., WIIMIlSTGrTON, 3ST. O. Plnmlier, Steam ani Gss Fitter and dealer In Wroyght and Galvanized Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks, Valves, Gas Fixtures, and all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. Particular attention paid to fitting' op of COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water, pot 12 148-tf ..' S. H. MANNWGr,- COMMISGIOn UEQCIlAtlT. AKOSXALIRni Groceries, Promois, Dry Coots ClotMm, k k, No. 22 and 24 North Water StreeK WILMINGTON, N. a . Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited nov23 151-ir Mferrill's Restaurant, THEaEM, No. 10 SOUTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. Meals at all Hoars. Tke best Wines Liquors and Cigars always oa Hand. The Public arc invited to call, t2P S3.l7 CLIFFORD HOUSE, NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ILL WILL REMEMBER THAT I All a constantly supplied with Liquors, ClKars and Tobacco, of the err best. PurnUbe4 rooms are aisoaept for the lommmnHmt of the traveling pnbe. vj-aj jfvitp, rTopnetoif nov F. A. 8HUTTE, No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, ... PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, , TASSELS, FRINGES, &c.t &c. Having just received a supply of Furniture, lam prepared to glvje the public as good bargains as can be had in the city. please call and examine.1 mavis: V U7-lr The best now made. . and superior to any in PIANOS AND eiegance or tone, touch, finish aud durability. Sold at Factory Prices kmly.by FroX J. F. RUECKERT, Piano-; Organ Bales Rooms. lis-. sonic HalL 67 and 9, Market st. Wilmington. mav 23 5-tV V- -