v - . - - - t- 'f n,r yy ' V1 t T -1 t VOL. VL f- --'.J ym ilfeK; fei 1 1 -,--- .. ... f , ' f ''"''If' - j . - I x ra r. UAli-"- a KiC. MANN... ....Editor n-e Tetr, in whuvb, 0 In Tftnee... 8 00 ijX du,u" : TJiree oiontas, m aarance 1 50 50 j-All business letters atxouldrbek ad ,ed to the Business Manager, and . all muutui . communication or matters relating to the itorial department to the Editor.y: 1 ; rorrespondenee sonciiea irom onrinenas l ',fa nf the State, on topics of eene- 1D u rB1 ' . ,.'" intcreit. roliticai news ana reports di crops are eapeclally desiraMe. ' ' ": ' :afl5nal Kepublican Platform. Tbt? Il'uub icao party if tht; Uuiietl ,j03 in tbe c'vy t Iclplrin, on the 5th aDd 6th days ot Juue, 1872, again declares its faith appeals to its history. aDd announces in p;iti'.)n upon the qQp8tio!is before the couutry : 1. During eleven years oi supremacy . i -.i. ,i i. it lias ACCC'pie'l wnu gr4ini u ur5i iuc solemn tluties of the times. It snpv prcsl gigantic rebellion, ematci ptei 4,000,000 ol ?Uve-, decided the equal citizunsmp oi an, aim esiaonsueu universal suflrage. hxhibitiDg hnpar- a.'ieJed inaguanimityt it criminally, pun ished do man for political offenses, and v.:rmly welcomed all who proved their iojf-ity by obt yiug the laws and dealing jsritlj w'th tbir neighbor. It has itendiSy ci tor cased, with a firm h nd,' tbe nsuliaut disorders of a reat war, and initiated a wise and humane pol icy toward the Indi n. Tne Pacific railrond ami similar enterprises have 1'ixD generally aided and successfully conducted, tie public lands ireely tMvea to ictuai settlers, immigration protected ami eucouragt-d, and a full ucknowlertguieut of tUe naturalized citueus' lights, secured from European I'owers. A uoitorm national currency has been provided, repudiation frowned iiowni, tbe natioual credit sustained un der most extraordinary burdens, and tew bouds negotiated at lower rates. Tiie revenues have been carelully col lected and honeatly applied. Despite annual iarge inductions ot life late-S ol taxation, the public debt has beeu re iuct.'d during General Grant's Presideu cyat the rate oi one hundred millions a year. Great tiuaDcial crisis have been avwided and peace aud pltuty prevail tarouhout the land. Menaciug foreign difficulties have been peacefully and honorably composed, and the honor and power of the nation kept in high re spect throughout the world. This glorious record ol the past is the party's best pledge tor the tutue. We believe the people will not intrust the Government to any party or combi nation oi men composed chiefly oi those who resisted every step of this benefi cial progress. 3. Complete liberty and exact equal ity iu the eujoymeut of all civil, politi co! and public rights should be estab fished and. effectually maintained throughout the Union by efficient and appropriate State and Feudal legisla tion. Neither the law nor the Admin istration should admit of any discrimi natitu in respect of citizens by reason ot race, creed, color, or previous condi tion ol servitude. 3. The recent amendments to the Constitution should bd cordially sus tained, because they are right, not mere ly tolerated because they are iaw, and should be carried out according to their spirit by appropriate , legislation, the enforcement of which can safely be in trusted only to the party thar secured the amendments. 4. The National Government should seek to maintain honorable peace with all nations, protecting ifs citizens every where and sympathizing with a' I peo ple who strive for greater liberty. o. A.ny system ot the civil service under which the subordinate positions of the Government are considered re wards lor mere party zeal is fatally de moralizing, and we therelore favor a re form ot patronage and make honesty, efficiency, and fidelity the essential qual ifications for public position, with prac tically creating a life tenure of office. 6. We are opposed to further grants of tbe puMic lands to corporations and monopolies and ..demand that the ra tional domain be set apart for iree homes for the people. 7. The anDuaf revenue after paying the currentdebt, gbonld fornish a mod? erte balance or the reduction of the Principal, and the revenue, except so tauch as may be derived from a tax on t?br and Uquoray b raised by duties upon importation SutfeV.of ntcr hnnlt K an mAlnr.t-'A iV'''-:' curing remunerative iet&Ubor nd promote tbegrlfldgtrleand prosperity of, the wholoVTOunlfyV"- o. We hold m un Donor tbe soldiers and. sailors trbos? vrajor sated ire a'sied: the natlan the' .widows and jiptiBnV blxl who-died tor; their country are eu titled to the care of .'addUiobalJeftlatipn "as swiU extend the bounty ot the government to al 1 ou r soldiers and sailors who were honorably di?cbarged, and who, in the line of dutyi became disabledVwithout regard to the liengtfe 4& service -i or tlTe. 'caftse o f uch ' discharge. ' - v. . 9. Tbe doctrrae of tJreat Britain and .thcr Euiopraa Pcjwera cpncerningal teglaace, uOqce a subject always a sub lect, having at last, through tiie efforts of the pulicab partjy. Rsbao toncd, jindlie; Atae.Hcan idea ot the right to transfer allegiance having been accepted by-Eurojan naUbos, it is the duty of our Government to guard with jealous rare the rigbt of adopted citi zens against the assumption of unau thorized claims by their former Gov ernments, and we urge continual careful encouragement and protection of volun tary immigration.. . - 10. The franking privilege ought to be abolished, and tbe way prepared for a speedy reduction in tbe rate of post age. -. : .- j : 11. Among the questions which press for attention is that which concerns the relations of capital and labor, and the Republican party 'recognize tWduty of so shaping legislation as to secure full protection and the amplest for capital and for labor the creator of capital, the largest opportunities and a just share of the mutual profits of these two great servants of civilization. 12. We hold that. Congress and the Piesident have only fulfilled an imper ative duty in their measures for the suppression of violent and treasonable organizations in certain lately rebellious rtins, and for the pro-ection of the ballot-box, and therefore they are en titled to the thanks of the natiou. 13. We denounce the repudiation ot the public debt in any form or disguise hs a natiouHl crimt." We witness with pride the reduction of the principal of the debt and ot the rates of interest upon the balance, and confidently ex pect that our excellent national curren cy will be perfected by a speedy re sumption of specie payments. 14. Th i Republican party is mindful ol its obligations to-the loyal women of America for their noble donation to the cause ol freedom, their admission, to the widrr fields of usefulness is viewed with satisfaction, and tbe honest de mands' of finy class of citizens for addi tioual rights should be treat d with respectful consideration. 15. We heartily . approve the action ot Congress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion and rejoice in the growth of peace and fraternal leel ing throughout the land. 16. The Republican party piopose to respect the rights reserved by the peo. pie to themselves as carefully as the powers delegated by them to the State and to tbe Federal Government. It disapproves of tho resort to unconstitu tional laws for the purpose of removing evils by interference with rights net surrendered by tbe people to either the State or National Government. 17. It is the duty of the General GovernmeDt to adopt aucb' measures as will tend to encourage American com merce and ship-building. 18. We believe that the modest patri otism, the earnest purpose, the sound judgment, the practical wisdom, the incorruptible integrity and the lllustii ous services ot Ulysses 8. Grant,' have commended him to the heart ol the American people, and with bim at our head we stand o day upon a new march to victorv. .. . '."r Ti6 election of Chrant cures the as cendency of Liberty, Justice, and Peace. It is tbe Appomattox of our civil conflict.! It insures that ours shal 1 be henceforth a land of equal rights and equal laws. It makes our recent history coherent and . logical It de monstrates that the discomfiture of the Rebellion was no blunder and no accident, but1 the triumph of princi ple and an added proof that .Gol reigns." -rTri& AhquU 15; 1868. r RE YOU- GOING TO PAINT ? the v ; AVEEILL. CHEMICAL PAINT I v : has proved Itself to be the HANDSOMEST AND MORK DtTR- V ABLE EXTERlOIl 1'AIJIT -. . . k-.n o v n . . -Sample card of heant iful ?olorsand recom mendations from owners of the finest resi dences In the country furnished free by all dealers and by - . ' AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT CO., 32 Barling Slip New York, . .. or Cleveland, Ohio. ; NOTHING LIKE It In medicine. A luxu ury to the palate, a painless evacuant, a gen tle stimulant to the circulation, a perspira tory preparation; an anti-billious medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic and an admirable general alterativive. Such are the acknowl edged and daily, proven .properties of Tar rant's KfTervescerit SeltzerAperient. v , :sf BOLD BY ALL. UBUiiaitSTS. CAMPAIGN iGOODS FOR 1812.; Agents wanted for our Campaign goods. Sell at sight. Pay 100 per cent, profit. Now is the time, bend at once for descriptive circulars and price lists of our flue steel engravings of all the .candidates, campaign" biographies, charts, photographs, badges, pins, flags and everything suited to the times. Ten dollars per day easily made, Knit samples sent for 3. Address MOORE & UOOJUSPEED, 37 Park Bow, New York. With Foster's Patent Kid Glove Pre "' "r-"' server. You can keepVour kid gloves from milldew ing, spotting or .soiling all seasons and in all climates. Convenient, light, and will last your lifetime. Free to any address for 25 cents. Addres, A L FOSTER, Kay ville, Suffolk county. N ew York. I SfflmmPrino Ir- White, 102 East 25th st, OldlUlllCIlll0 New York. Best references from clergymen and others. No pay until cured. JSend Tor circular. ff A Art AGENTS WANTED Samples sent ww" free by mail, Avith terms to clear from $5 to $10 per day. Two entirely new articles, saleable as flour Address N II WHITE, Newark, New Jersey. AGENTS WANTED. Agents make more money at work lor us than at anything else, Rusiness light and permanent. Par ticulars free. G. Stinsosi fc Co., Fine Art Publishers. Portland, Maine. 500,000 IN BANK. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Postponed to December 7,v1872. ., WILE SECOND Grand Gilt Concert in aidof a the Public Library oi Kentucky, an nounced for September lis, has been post poned to December 7, 1872, because the accu mulation of orders tho few days before the drawing made it physically impossible to All them without a lew days' deiay, and as a short postponement was inevitable, it was determined to defer it to a time that would make a full drawing sure by the sale of all the tickets. The money necessary to pay in full all the offered gifts is now upon deposit in the Far mers' aud Drovers' Rank, as will be seen by the following certificate of the Cashier: Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, .Louisville, Ky, Sept 20, 1872 J This is to certify that theie is now on de posit in this bank over half a million of dol lars to the credit of the Gift Concert fund, SoOO.OOU of which is held by this bank as Treasurer of the Public Library of Kentucky to pay oil' all gi'ts to be awarded at the draw ing R s VEACD, Cashier 1,000 Piiz.s amouuiiug 10 & 5 O O , OOO IN C -A. S H -. will be awarded, the highest prizes being $ 00,000,, S50.0.X), zo,000, and down in regular graduation to $90u, which is the lowest. The drawing .will positive and unequivo cally take place December 7. Agents are peremptorily required.. to close sales and make returns Noveu.ber 25. in order to giye -ample time for the rinal. arrangements. Or ders for tlCKets or applications 101 circulars thould be addressed to , Gov. THOS E BRAMLETTE, AgentlPublic Libra y of Kentucky, ; Louisvliie, Ky Administrator's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED having qualifi-d as Administrator upon the estate ol Wm. T. fluggins, deceased, in the Probate Court of New Hanover County, this is to give notice that all claims against said estate mu.t be filed with said Administrator withn two ye&'s from this date, or this notice will be pleaded against them Al! persons indebted to eaid estate are hereby notified to settle the fame. F. II. MITCHELL AdiaicUtrator. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 6, 1872 oct 7 12Maw6w OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOOR IS STILL ahead of any other on tho market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be! surpassed Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Com, Corn, Bolted Meal, t Pea and Pea Mea1, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free All hags returned in good order will be credited at cost on next bill. ALEX. OLDUAM. Proprietor. -pt27 ; U?- NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS, Richmond and "Danville iRail 5Rbad. -1 North Carolina ri vision Condensed :Time Table.1 f ' w"? i!ty ' -f ;:"'" - :- In t&ccl on and after Sunday; Sytt. &d tSTi. - ' 1 . -... - GOING NORTH. statioks.; J . xaii. BXPKBSS. ; Leave Charlotte...... 7.10 p. m 080 a. m. Concord.V..... 8 21 7.30 41 44 1 Salisbury 8 37 44 44 Lexington.... 10.2S 44 9.27 44 High Point.... 11.17 a4 10.17 4' Arrive at Greensboro 12.03 a. it 11.00 44 Leave Greensboro,... 12.50, 44. 11.10 4- Co. Bhopa . 2.S5 44 I2.a0 p. st. 44 Hillsboro,.i... 8.45 44 ' 44 Raleigh..,... 6.35 ; Arrive at Goldsboro'. 910 jl. m - GOING 8QUTH. .- - STATIONS. 2CA.H EXPRESS. Leaye Goldsboro'.... 5.20 f. m 44 Kaleigh 8 37 44 4' Hlllsboro' .... 10.51 44 4f Co. Shops .... 12.28 A. M 2.15 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro' L40 4 3.30 4 Leave Greensboro'... 2.25 14 4.LO i ' 44 High Point.... 3.11 4.39 44 Lexington 4 08 5.27 44 44 Salisbury 5.03 44 6.13 44 44 Concord 6.16 44 7.13 44 Arrive at Charlotte .. 7.25 a. m 8.10 p. m'. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of Kpad. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte, (Sundays excepted.) ' Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (without change.) S. E. ALLEN, General Ticket Agent. W. II. GREEN, Master Transportation. Oct 9, 123 Richmond and Danville Rail Road. Condensed Time Table. In. effect on and after Sunday Sept 22, 1872 GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. I BXPRXSS Leave Charlotte. 7.10 8.21 9 34 10.23 11.17 12.02 12 tO 2.S5 3 45 635 9 lvl p M 9.30 A M 8,30 41 8.37 44 9.27 44 10. 17 44 : 11.00 44 11.10 12.20 p M it i it Concord Salisbury Lexington High Point 41 n tt tt Arrive at Greensboro' . . Leave Greensboro' lt Co. 8hops 44 Hlllsboro' 44 Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro' . . . A M tt tt tt tt A M GOIMG SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. express Leave Goldsboro' 44 Raleigh 44 Hlllsboro' CO. 8h,0D6.., Arrive at Green--'. . Leave Greensboro' 44 High Poi-t 44 Lexington 44 Salisbury... 44 CoBcord Arrive at Charlotte 5 20fm 8.37 44 10.51 44 12.2 A M 1.40 44 2 25 44 9 11 it 2.15 P M 3 30 44 4.00 44 1 4.39. 44 ! 5. ii 44 I fi 13 44 i 7 13 44 4.08 44 503 44 .1 44 7.25 A Ml 8.10 p M Mail trains daily, both wRys, ow- entire length ol road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte (Sundays excepted ) Pulhnan Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte aud Richmond, (with out charge.) 8. K. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Aeent. W. H GREEN, Master Transportation, oct v 123 Beware of Counterfeits ! JOB HOSES' 81 MNByftftS? are extensively CQVSTXTrrm. Dishonttt Drug' TH oaauiin jrm axe mnuniin ids c"?iu ' tho painful and dangerous dise&M to walcu the femal constitution is subject. They moderate all excesses and remove all obstructions, from what ever esast MAimiE1 SADIES, v they are particularly suited. They will In a short time brin on the 'monthly period with regularity; ad although, very txrwerfuL contain nothing hurt ful to the constitution. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatijme on slhrht exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics andwnites, they win effect a cure when . - r n. . - . . 1 1 1 each package give fall directions and advice, or will be sent free to all writinT tot them, sealed from observation. . . N. B. In all casea where the otirmri cannot be obtained. One Dollat enclosed, to the Sole Proprie tor, JOB MOSES. 18 Cortlandt SU New Yorkvwlll insure a bottle of the jwnun. containing Fifty Pills, by return mall, eeeurtijf ecaled from any knowledge of its contents. BELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PTJIjHfONXC WAFERS (luxe Cocoas, Colds, Asthma, BaosoHiTis, Son THBOAT, HOAKSBHBSS. DlFCW.T BaaATHWOIa- oimit CosuMrno akd Lco Disiasks. They have no taste of medicine and any child will take them. Thousands have been restored to health that had before despaired. Testimony irfven Inhundreds of cases. Ask lorBRTAN'S PUMONIO WAFEBS. Prir 35 cent per box. JOB M03KS, Propne tor, 13 Oortfandt 8 tree t. New York. THE GREAT FREHCH REMEDY. DELA CARRE'S HPECTFTC! PILLS. 'Prepared by J. GABANCIERE. Na ii PnTrfmhftrrt. -Pans. These pills are hlgbly recommended by the fntire Medical faculty oi. Ity of. Prance as the very best remeay in. all mhi of BperiBatorrhosa, or Seminal Weak ness : Nijrhtly. Dally or Premmrwe Emissions ; Bex- Secret Habits and 8exual Exeespes ; Reiaxationoiyh.fi Genital Organs; WeakSptoe;DerKwiUintheUrme, and all the ghastly twin of Diseases arising from Overuse or Excesses. They cure when all otherrem eiies fail. Pamphlet of Advice In each box. or will be sent Free to any address. Price Ol per Box. ml (7Ut tun VI i LASPT America. augS 10-ly WANTED. WnffiSntic men Business tliat will Pay from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued In your own neighborhood, and is strictly honor able. Particulars free, or wimples that will enable yon to goto vrork.at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. Address Jr LATH A it ,4s CO.. 232 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Sept. 25 v- rl ' .r iH-dCU THOMAS CONNOR, B JL lEi Tt 0 O lyi N. E, corner of Mulberrj and Nntt Sta. Always on hand the best quality of Sesars. guts enmemvor to ten ie coumtrjew lommtt rrtuter vtqAu. Thm genuine hmve the name of Job nlmmen All atherm are worthiet imitation. Sw-nt. h, ma.li. mAcurerv eteiJTtrrr it narta uo.mOSES. 18 Cokt St, Naw St is. Sole General Agent for :: RAirrROADs; Wilmingtoii. folambiaA In : Ruifa R. U: Company , : Gar. B upsbixtb oeh t's 0 ryica. WrutrHQTOx,N. 3 iOct. 7,872. f . CHANQE 0FSCI1EDU LE i v npilE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL JJL to into effect at 3:25 A. M. Monday. 7th inst. i .' :.,., DAY EXPRESS TSAlN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington 3:25 A. M Arrive at Florence ;-.v 9:55 A. M Arrive at Colombia .... ... . 2:40 P. M Arrive at Angnsta....... ....... 74,' P. M Leave August a 6.35 A. M Arnve at Colnnibia..... ........ 11 25-A M Arrive at Florence .4:15 P. M Arrive jat Wilmiagton . . . ........10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmingtonj . 5 45 P. M 11:35 P M 3:40 A. M : 8:20 A. M 5:50 P. M 10:20 P. M 2:12 A. M Arrive at Jnoreuce.. Arrive at Columbia Arrive, at Augusts . . Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia. Arrive at Florence ....... Arrive at Wilmington.. ' , JAMES 8:00 A. M ANDERSON,: v Gen'l Sup't. . 123 tf oct 9 Wilmington, Charlotte k ft R. R. Company. Office Chief ExGiNEEit & Gen'l Scp't , ) r - - , y Wilmington, N. C, June 27, 1S72. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULEa TJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the regular trains will run over this Road as follows : REGULAR FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily at 6 A. M., and arrive at 5:30 P. M. PA88ENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT . TRAINS. ' ! . . Leave Wilmington, daily at 7 A. M., and arrive at 3:30 P. AL Leave LiJes ville daily at 6:15 A. M., and arrive at 4:15 P. M. . 1-Two Special Freight Trains lor TON LUMBER run irregularly. 13fNo trains on Sundays. 8. L. FREMONT, Chiei Engineer and Supei iutendent june 27 35-tl Office Petersburg R. R. Co. ) May, Slst, 1872. aN AND AFTER JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train Mail Train 7:30 p. m. 3:25 r. m. AHIilVE AT PETEKSBUJtU. Express 10:30 p m. Mail 7:00 p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a. m. Express &50 p. m. ARRIVE AT "WELDON. Mail 3:40 a. m. Express 6:30 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS.- Leave Petersburg 8:00 a m. Leave Weldon . , 8:00 p. ru. Arrive at Weldon - 8:00 p. m Arrive at Petersburg , . 2:20 a. m. CrASTON TRAINS. Lea ve Petersburg 6:00 a. m. Lave Gaston 1:J5 p. m I Arrive at Gaston - . ' 12:50 p.' mJ Arrive at Petei-sburg fc:10 p.- ni. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains " ' "i Freights for Gaton Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot, only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. . . ' -' The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m; No goods will be received after that hour. : J. C. SPRIGG. , , .te5-t.f Engineer and General Manager.' Wiliaiiigt n & V eldda R. tp, Company. - v 0FFCB GSXEKAI. SCPKBI5TEMIB5T, I Wilmington, N. C., June 8, 1S72 j rest CHANGS OF' SCHEDULE. ; . ON AND AFTEU JUNE 10th INSTANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run tr follows: MAIL TRAIN. . '.. j Leave Uniou Deptit daily (San- d&yt excepted) xt ' 8:05 A . M Arrive at Goldsboro .... 12:11 P. M Rocky Mount ti: 5 T 1 '. M Weldon 3:5CV M Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At 9:15 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A. M Goldshoro 1:16 P., M Union Depot. ..... ; , .5:30 F. M EXfliESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.. . At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount... . . . Goldsboro Union Depot.... .. ' 10:40 P.I 3:00 A, M 4:5d A. M 6:50 A M 7: 10 P. M . 8:58 P. M 10:58 PM 3:10 A M Mall Train makes close ecniicei.dn " at Weldon tor all poiats Nortb via bay Line and Acquia Creek rotitesy. '-fa.r. - 5 ;".! Express Train eonacefs only with Acquia Creek route. - PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weckly at o00 A. M., and arrive at 1,40 P.M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundajs excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrivt: at 11 A M. !. JOHN F. DIVINE, - - ' General Superintendent June 8 W-tf Hi ' Ll 1. I t LORIIliIiAIfcI'S s t.e 1 us n.p;;;;,L,i.N;F.; ;-iy t k SAILING TUESDAYS ANH ! FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORKAND WEDNES ,t DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM r WILMINGTON. v THROUCiU CONNECTIONS ALL RAILROADS LEAOlNii ;.- OITT OF "TIl.SIIIfTOX?.f ;i No passengers taken:. , For Trejgntfeppty t BARRY BROTHERS, AceatS. may 20 147- BALTIHORE AhD TOMHGTON ,1 JsTEAiasmp.ii'ikE.' Composed of the fhrst-class Steamsbipa Rebecca Clyde; Capt. D C Childs Lucille, :f Capt. J),; J, Prlre Will hereafter sail from Baltimore and Wll--v- .. mington" -v. . EVERY FIVE DAYS. " . I ' The Steamship REBECCA CLYDD ?wlll sail from wharf, foot of Chesnut street. SAT URDAY; October 13. For Freight engagements, apply to . . ,r o-ic " A D. CAZAUX.; May 2oth, 1872 . 8- a and Southern Mail Steamship line. , f OMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM v SHIPS PIONEER, 82 5 TONS? CapUin JOHN U AKSLBY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTS ANKS VVill hereafter sail from rhiladelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agenta, WUmlngton, N.jD. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South , Third Street, Philadelphia, June 15 . ' ,. - Off" ' ' tf y -'"- 85-tf V Ing schedule will be run on the Street Railway. . . ... . : . - : . -Cars will leave corner of Red Cross and Front streets, for the Union Depot, at 2:40 A, M daily, to meet the Southern train, stop- Elng at- the- various Hotel and : BoarUinV' ? louses on the route, leaving the depot on th arrival of tha-Northeru train. -Will leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets . at 7:30 A. M.. for Union Depot, in order to , connect with . the j Northern bound train, makpie Uie nuaal stoppages at the IIo- tels and Boardiner HotisesL leovimr Ttntnn . Depot on the arrival of the Southern train. In the eveniner will leavn vrnr nf Vmnt. and -Red Cross street at 5 P. Al., maklns the usual stoppages, leaving the Union De- poi on me arrival or tne Northern train Ccl 1 WiU leave the corner of Red Cross and ; J y' r Front at 10rf p. M to meet. the. Southern j,', rt m train -- , - " - n.- RegttcIab 8cHin)irLK During the day tue ' -l i ' cars wilt run from 6:30 A. AIn unUl 8 P. M.. 1 .2 ."- allowing 15 minutes between each turnoutrr ; J and for; the further accommodation of the "" " ' public, one car will be run until 11:30 P. M.' ' "' . ,sa aaiT -; ,yA jc AAJJJA, ULiiulH. June v : : - - " 14A-lf ALFamilyPaper Which can be trusted and 'trhich la always . full of Interest, is a necessity of the times ;;,.CHKg3pHsf The Unsectarlan, Reiigious, Literary Family iicneavi, huum uiun is :":'---, -TT HAS SOKETnUfQ FOn EVI1T Membeb " or the Household, in matters of Religion, Morals., Politics, Literature, - Art, Science, Agriculture, Poetry, News, Fiction lor Young and Old, Truth for Everybody. , Mb. Beechxb's vigorous pen, Jn his Edito rials and Star Papers, and Mr. Ellin wood's famed -verbatim" reports of the helpful Leo- ' ture Room TalXs in Plymouth Church, are ' great attractions. Mr. Beecher Is assisted bv . a large and able editorial staiL . . .. . - THE TERMS OF HTlisCUll'TlC) V 1 . - ; ABB AS FOIJWS: v - I, One Yeai Only S3.00 : - Send money by i Postal Orders, Drafts, or Registered Letters, y; "- - ; -S-FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED mAy2 .uty&m'lK-tX - . WANTPTI.. 1J0,000 PERSIMMON LAST 4 If All lid1"- BLOCKS, in quantities of : 5,000 and upwards. Address y . : t . ' GRAVES, BALL A C6.. i f ail , i n nfilnirt ;." !.' spt 21-110-U" Albany, WXc't I 4 , J -y-f - 4 . 1 d .' . ... . 'tf ' i 41 - 4 t . - ' ' iu . i-,. .i..Mty,. ! . V. c - f" it. u ft I;.' ... . v - i 4 if. - y