' ' i - ( i A. r.v VOL VI. WILE NGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEUBER 6, 1872. NO. 172 THE EVKISTIG- POST. ! FubisUed every afternoon except Sunday. VM. P. CANADAY .... Business Manager . jAMEd 'J. MANN Editor j Subscription, j Oue vear, u advance '. . ; .$5 00 ' gis montb.3, Id advance 3 00 Tbreti raonthn, in advance 1 50 One month, in advance 50 jf" All business letters suould be ad dressed to the Business Manager, and all communications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor. Correspondence solicited from onr friends in all parts of the State, on topies of gene ral interest. Political news and reports oi crops are especially desirable. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL AND- WINTER GOODS orrma now at M, M. X A. T Z 36 .Market Street, ; A COMIM-UTE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, la every variety, quality und style SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS ; mm urn boys wear, UOtJSE FURNISHING AND WHITE GOODS, &.C., &C., lu short, everything that can be called tor in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Motions. &c Liberal Discounts WHOLESALE BUYERS. ! TO- OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS, T J oct 'J5 .Stricter adliered to. - if. KATX- GG Market Street. ias tf- Dealer in Goud?, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Llats, Notione, Furs, Drv Trunks, Valisea and Jewc-kry. A Large Stock of Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods lCvpt Constantly on Hand. Soaltet Corner; Front & Market St, Tlie Old Stand. WILMINGTON, N. C. oct Si lWlm BUY UMBRELLAS or JSI n ii s o ii & Co S MAIIET STREET, Where nii Jciuds ol" Gouts Olo-tliing may be bought at reasonable pric. TlilLDHEN AND BOA'S' CLOTHING. BRACES, SUSPENDERS , A rid a f,reat variety of BOWS, TIES AND SCARPS, iiov 2 HI NalBGiital Hotel. THIS VoPCLAi; HOTEL HAS BEEN completely repaired und renovated lor the Fail trade. Extensive additions have been made to the buddings, and the traveling public may be assured of comfortable rooms, a irood table and attentive assist auts. REUBEN J ONES, Proprietor. (Oct 120 tt INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE J efi'ected at the lowest current rates lu the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to.to NEW YORK L1PE INSURANCE COMPANY, Assetts Sl'JOO.OOO J. A. BYRNE, Gen'l Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts I S9.000.00L. Gold GREAT "WESTERN FIRE INSUR- t ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, ) Assetts. S22fi,014 j FARMVILLE FIRE INSURANCE AND j BAAKING COMPANY of Va., assets i fcX),000 BYINE fc KEEN AN, finTl Insurance Auents. OfflM Chamber of Commerce, up stairs. AViimington, N. C. . aug 16 77-ly Notice. 1PPL1CATION WILD BE MADE TO 1HE a next General Assembly for the passage ot an Act to bo entitled "An Act conoerulng the City of Wilmington, and for other purposes nov61s SOL. BEAR & BROS.. ii Retail Store, Market Stxeet. tlAVH JUHT OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall and Winter Stocks ever of tred to the publlo In this city at reduced prlcos, consisting of CLOTHING . Of every description. PHILADELPHIA READY MADE GOOES. and the finest assortment of LADIES GAITERS AND CHILDRENS' SHOES IN THE CITY. IDRY G-OODS, 100 T1ECES FIGURE, 500 " PRINTS, 60 " CAS3IMERES, LINEN SHEETING, 200 DOZEN TO WES AND, ALSO, The EarycsL aud best assortment ol AND Oliiltlreiis Woar, All of which vrc ofler at reduced prices. SOL BE.H & BROS. 198-tf OL'l K JI,IRUIAE GUIDE. EVERT ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR. Be ing a private inutructortor married persons, or those abont to be married, both male and female iD everything concerning the pbyaiology aud relations of our sexual eys leTQ, and the production and prevention ot offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable aBd interesting work. It is written in piain language for the general reador, and ! its illustrated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or those con templating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It dlEcloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that muBt be locked up and not let lie about the house It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. W.M. YOUNG. No. 41G Spruce ttreet, above Fourth, rhiladelohia. - gr AFFLICTED AND UNFORTU NATE. No matter what may be your dis ease, before yon place yourself under the care of any of the QUACKS native and foieigu who advertise in this or any other paper, get a cyy of Dr. Young's Book and read it carefully. It will be tbe means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr Young can be con sulted on any of the diseases described in his publications by mail orat-his office No 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadel phia. sept IS l05-3m OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR IS STILL ahead of any other on the market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Corn, Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. ' AH bags returned in good order will be credited at cost on next bill. ALEX. :. OLDJ )HAM, Proprietor. ept27 113 Try The Englisli Tics. I it is stong; It is high laced, It is warranted" DUDLEY & ELLIS j Sign of the Bi lioot. nor 2$ 1 F:STA.TJL,I6IIEX 18iO. 010 FIRM- OLD GOODS. r . Kahnwoiler, (Late Greenwald & Co..) WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Segars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER BT., ltcifpectfully informs his numerous custom ers that he has opened the largest and best stock of Pure Liquors In the State at prices to compete with any Nortb.enib.ouse. . I shall keew constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my Btoct before buying elsewhere. SEGAR8 A SPECIALITY oct 121-1 y Old Clarendon Bar. THIS old and well known place, near the foot of Market street, South side, hs been refitted and recently opened by the under signed, and ho invites his old friends to call on him. At all times there can be obtained the best of , "(Either by the drink, or in larger; quantities, i lll&Tlestaurantis always supplied with the hoaf nVSTVUS fhn tnorlrot n tfvr, a tvhinli J M -J UJLWJ - V. M & W W V V 'J y 1 W ' will he servad in any style desired. MEALs furnished at all hours. ; tfi7-Dou!tfaill to call on At the Old Clarendon Bar. . Nov 11. 1872 j -151 TO 1VH0M IT MAY CONCERN! THE Agency for the sale of the FLORENCE Sewing Machines in the State of North Carolina is now in tba hands of Cash well 32acumber, OF WILMINGTON, N. C. AJl unsettled accounts of former agents tffein their hands, and theyalono aie au tnoTt2ed to solicit and receipt for al moneys due. THoS. HALL, Special Agent. Florence Sewing Machine Co nov 2.3 163 tf Scribner's Moil lily. A serial story by Dr. , Holland. New story by Saxe Holm. A long5 story from Bret Harte Brilliant array of contributors. Clarence Cook on Jureitureand decoration. K. U. Stoddard cn authors. EStKAORDJNEY INDUCEMENTS TO , NEW SUBSCRIBERS; 600 Pages for $1.00! Ac, etc. The publishers of Scvibner's Monthly, in the Prospectus just issued, promise for the ensuing year a more brilliant array of contributors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "liner than any which have hUberto appeared in any Amer ican magazine" Dr. Holland, the Editor, will write the serial Ktory of the year, which will be auto biographical in form, and will bell utftrated hy Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bounica&tle, aud wi'l deal with some of the most difficult problems of American life. It will be commenced in the November number. There will be a new story by Saxe IToIm, The One Legged Dancers. Bret Harte, the best writer of short eto ries now living, will conrribute a character istic story, entitled The Epic ol Fiddlttown, which will be illustrated by Shppard. It. H. Stoddard will write a series of en tertaining papers about Authors, their per sonal characteristic, home life, lamilies, friends, whims, and ways. A series ol por traits ol living American writers, i al&o promised. ?v Clareuce Cook will write about farmttrre and the decoration of homes Thesepapers will bu eminently practical as well as artis tic, and wid be i lustrated with deslerns and sketches by nutuerous artists in addition to those which the writer himee f wi'l furnish. Among those who will contribute are: Uans Andersou, Bryant. Bu&hneil, Eggls ton, Froude, Higginson, Bishon Huuung ton, Bret li rtu, John Hay, Jl. U. Mi Donald. Mi chell, Miss- Phelps, fctmin, Stocktan, Stoddard, Celia Tbaxter, Warmer, Wilkinson, Mis. Whitney, besides a hist of others :' ' : f The editorial control and direction of the Mar.izine will remain in ! the band of Dr. Ho land, who will continue to wrifef lhe Topics of the Tiaae7 which the N.;Y.J vIn dependent says ?'afe more widely, quoted t- an any similar papers in any American magzine " V--X r :v , Watson Gilder will write "The Old Cabi net;" as hitherto.: Prof. John C Draper conducts the department of "Katare; and Science ' The departments of tEome and Society" and "t?aiture and 'Prafresst' will enirago the contributions ? of Jore " than a score of pens on both rides of i the Atlan tic. The ''Waichaan and ReHsr fcays: 'Scribner's M6nthly for September is bet ter than usual, Thich Indicates a needjess waste of editorial brains and publisher's money, tor the Magazine was' trood enough betore!" Abd jet the pnblishers. proniit e to make it still better for the cominjrjtear ! I The Subscription price i4 00 year, with special rates to Clergymfcn, sTechers, and Postmasters. . V C" 'iff Thetoliqwing i : K i ? - 1 extraOrdinabx inducements are offered' to new sttbcribe& : ? W ?j 1 For 5 60 the publishers will send, or any Bookseller or newsdealer wilt supply1, tbe Magazine for one year, and ?th twelye uumbef of Vols. III. and IV. antainlne the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's Serial, 'At His Gatesi'! for $7 50. ,lheMtSazine for one yeari and 1 1 2-1 biek nambera from the beginnings tcr 413 5?, the Maeaztne for one year, an4 th -:-5,4rSt!tk nntjibera bound (4 toIs.), 4lrg.z inrond yol8.i; paid. TbU' will giru :;oj?? JUO pages of tbe choieest recdir.'., -in? fLv&t illustra-tic-s, f;rU te cV -500 pages lor a doiiar ! tnprxll ccaito very subsefiber to obtain tbe terica frois-he first.:, epecia terUa Dealers Clergymen and TeachcVs." : ' UIBSmi t C0..6M Broadway, N. T. RAIL U0ADN. Wilmington. Colombia & Aa asla II R. Conpanj. Gra. 8urzBniTZ3iDS3iTs Orrica, i VZUO2l0T0S( N. C, OCt. 7, 1872. f CIIAHQE OF SCHEDULE. TI1E FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL JL kointo efieet t3:S5A. U., Mondtj. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) kieave Wilmington 4.. 3:35 A. M Arrive at Florence 0:55 A. M Arrite at Columbia. 2:40 P. M Arrive at Atuzusta 7 4 P. ii Leave Augusta 6.5 A. M Arrive at Columbia.. .11 25 A. M Arrtvet Fldfeijcei.;... .. 4:15 Pi Arrive i wumiBjrton 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILT (SUN DAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave WilminKtW..; 5 45 P. M Arrive at Florence 11:35 P. M Arrive at Columbia. 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:50 P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P W Arrive at Florence 2: 13 A. M Arrive at WilminjrtoB ; 8:00 A. M JAME3 ANDERSON, Gen'l Sup'L oct 9 123 tf Wilmington, Charlotte & K. K. R. Company. Officp Onrav Ekothssb & Gbs'i 8cp't., V lu'Qtosi, N. C, June 27, 1872. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. J TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the regular trains will run over this Road as follows : REGULAR FREIGHT TRAIN8. Leave Wilmington daily at 0 A. M., and arrive at 5:30 P. M. PASSENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily at 7 A. M., and arrive at 3:30 P M. Leave Lilesville daily at 6:15 A. M.. and arrive at 4:15 P. M. "Two Special Freight Trains lor TON LUU BER run irreprulariy. No trains on Sundays. B. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and ttupeiiutendent iune 27 35 tt Omcs Pstsbsbitbo It. R. Co. May, 31st, 1872. ON AND AFTElii JUNE 3RD, THE trains will run as follows: LEAVE WELDON. Express Train 7:30 P. m. Mall 1 Train 3:25 n. m. . . ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG Express 10:50 p, m. Mall 7K p. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:50 a. in. Express 8;e0 p. K... ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail Express 9:40 a. m. 6:50 p. in. S:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m 2:20 a.m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon Arrive at Weldan Arrive at Petersburg GASTON TR ilNS. Leave Petersburg &00 a. m. Leavo Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:60 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No goods will be received after that hour. J. C. SPRIGG, '1-t.f ' Engineer and npncrol Manaevr. Company. OVViCTl ClTNEBAL SUPBEINTEHDUNT, 1 Wilmington, N. C, June S, 18713. 2MSEB1 Mm, St i CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th IN8TANT, PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad will run ar follows: . . , . f:-;"f' MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun- f days excepted). At Af riTe at G oldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. 8:05 A. M 12: 9:15 Ai M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M .1:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 0:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A. M Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goidsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro . ; .. .... Union Depot Mail Tram makes ciose connection at Weldon lor all points North via Bay LI fie and Acqnia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquis Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE 8 LEE PING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. Junes IS-tf X2X3 r-Ki" t4?-i 11 P. M 2:11 1'. M S:50 . M NEW AT POPULAR P HI C ES. H. & B. 45 MARKET STREET, ARE now opening, at very tow PRICES, their new and well selected stock of JSt2e JPartl? SILKS, POPLINS, ALP ACCAS, REPS. EMPTf r CLOTHS, dec. &c. Also, at prices net to bo beat, 5rj stTRESH ' ' . " ' ' , Shawls, Scarfs, Cloaks, Cloaking, &c. I F'DE & 8 CORSETS, d LAD. PhttiS r0" 0f ' and CWldren. louthysand ChildrejV8 Wothing Gcnl, Youth's and Children's Oats and Capa With a first class stock of Gent's FURNI8HING GOODS v E"I0 NOT FORGET THE PLA-CE. H." & B. EMANUEL, October 23d ON iMARRUGE. Happy Relief for Toting men from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book and Circulars sent free Jn sealed envelopes. Address. HOWARD ASRQCIATIOK n . South Ninth st, Philadelphia. Pa . ... . . 72-am FOft CITY TRADE. XHE BEST STOCK OF MEDIUM AND Hosiery. Housekeeping Goods. Men aad Boys wear at lowest prices. B.7EILL, No 17 Market street. Corsets. 1ft flrt LADiES CORSETS AT 60 cents to Parasols and Ladies Umbrellas. . i - - i RVERY QUALITY, AND STYLE RANG- ing from the cheapest to the finest quality. Calicoes. 1A Of) PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from I V WW 61-4 cents to bt. nnnlltv B. WEILL Clothing. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS' Clothing in the city made to order all of the latest styles. Will be sold at retail for wholesale prices. Bargains ! i Bargains ! THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED lu GIVE US M ra 1 1 Wfl Atfpr t hfl lmvpst ntnct nf T1R V GOODS in the city, at New York prices. We receive weekly additions to our stock, and make every effort to please. B. WEILL, april 7 lftO-tf TWENTY DOLLARS FOR ONE A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE ! SUBSCIilBK NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, A liret-clags, twenty-column, Literary Fam iiy Paper, published every Saturday, at Cnarlotte, N. C, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! Each number contains an INTERESTING STORY, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep you laughing a week; and a general collection of the LATEST NEWtt. Every subscriber gets chance at a Vai UA.BLB Ph&mium, and one out of every five win oe suiv io eet a rremium, worta from 25 cents to oo. Our CASH PREMIUMS are in sums of $1, 82, 15, 510 and $20, with from two to ten premiums of each denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes tic, c, &c, ranging in value from twenty- tint lunta tA ftOA Ml Delays are daneerous." Subscribe im mediately, and get a chance at the large premiums. TO AGENTS. We arc offering: more lib eral inducement fur Clubs than any other ruDiisner, x on can make money by fen vassing for OUR WEEKLY. For specimen copy oi 'paper, Premium Liit a?d terms to Agents, send 3-cent stamp to J. O. H. NUTALL, Publisher of Our Weeldy, Charlotte, N. C. Iulv2 5fl t f F. A. SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, ' TASSELS, FRINGES, &c- &c. Having Just received a supply of Furniture, I am' prepared to give the publlo as good bargains as can be had lu the dty. Please call and examine. xna7l5 GhOQIDS .1 EMANUEL, o TJAKliET STREET. ", - 1S5 Sm BALTIMORE ASD WILHIHfiTOH TEASIH1P IIME. c u Composed of the i Will hereafter sail from Baltimor and Wil mington EVERY FTVB 'DATS. '!';'r '' " ' The Steamship RFBEOCA CLYDD - will - For Freight engagements; apply to Maygth.iwa . f-? ' . ... '. u.' " . . '".v j; ': . T E A II S D I. P L I fi B SAILING TUFbATS:' ANT FRIDAT B FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNE8 DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM -WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON No passengers taken. For Freigm apply BARRY BROTHERS. Agents may 23 147- Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship , Line. , Cshifed op first claj?3 steam PIONEER, 82 5 TONS Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Capxaln WILTB ANKS Will hereafter sail Jrom Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. -For Freight engagements, apply to 1 WORTH & WORTH, AgenU, Wilmington, N. C W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street, Philadelphia. ' June 15 25-tf T. A. GEANOEB, W. H. CKX&ZS. a. c LAte of TMwMmil Va GRANGER & CBIUBS, Proprietora WEST CENTRS STREET, GOLDSBORO, 'JT. C. Convenient lor the Tralna leaving for th &UC29 w. oouvfl, nasi ana west. SMSn THOMAS CONNOR OOM N. . corner of Mnlbcrrj and Nutt 8tc s i V Alwaya on hand the best Quality of Bejai i . 1 - :i -