1. & THE EViENIlSrO POST. Pabisbed oveirj aacrnQoa oxcepi ounaay. j VM P. CANADAT....BnsInc8t Manager; jAViS3 0. MANN Editor ! Sabscriptioa. : i Oue yr. ia alaacev W iii months, In advance .... 8 00 Three montha, in advance 1 50 One month. In adrance 50 !A11 basincaa letters -aliould be ad dressed to the Business. Manager, and all communications or matters relating to the editorial department to the Editor: Correspondence solicited from onr friend in all parts of the State, on topics of gene ral interest. Political news and reports ol crops ara especially desirable. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS OPENINCt Ts'OW at M. M. KATZ', :j6 M arkel Stree t, A COMPLETE ASfeJORTilENT OF ladies' mm ..GOODS, In every variety, quality and Btyle SHAWLS, SCARFri, CLOAKS ; . MEN'S AT1D BOYS' WEAR, - -HO V BE FURNISHING - ' AND WHITE GOODS, 4 &CM In bhortv everything that can , be called for in Stcpld and Fan-jy Dry- Goods, and Notion?. &c, ' Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. OUR MOTTO . K SALES aM SMALL PROFITS? Strictly adhered to. j l. M.'KATZi G8 Market Street. 1U5 tf oct 2J. SOL.OMOIV LEVI, - Dealer in Dry Good?, Clothing, Boote, Shoes, Hats, Notions,- Fur?, Trunks, Valises and Jewe! ry. A Lare Stock of Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods Kept Constantly on Hand. Southeast Corner Front & Market St. Tlie Old Stand. WILMINGTON, X. C. oct 23 Kj Ipi BUY UMBRELLAS OF M n ia o n Sc Co., S3 MAKET HTItEET. Where all kinds of Gents Olotliing may bo bought at reasonablo prices. . CHILDREN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, BRACES, SUSPENDERS And a great variety of BOWS, TIES AND SCARES, nov 2 National Hotel. TII13 POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN completely repaired aud renovated for the Fall trade. Extensive additions bave been made to tho buUdlngs, and the traveljug lublie may be assured ot eom'ortable rooms, a good table apd attentive assist ant. REUBEN J ON E8, Proprietor. oct t t INSURANCE. I IFE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE 1 effected at the lowest current rates In the following responsible Companies, on ap plication to, to . N EW YORK LIFE l SU RAN CE COMPANY, Assett? ?J0,000,X)0 J. A. BYRNE. GeiVl Ins. Agt., IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Assetts - $9,000,000, Gold GREAT WESTERN FIRE -INSURANCE COMPANY", New Orleans, Assetts. gja,l-i4 FARMVILLE FIRE INSURANCE AND BAAKINQ COMPANY of Va., absets BYRNE A KEEN AN, Gen" I Insurance Agents. OQicc Chamber of (,'ommerco, P stali. Wilmington, N. C. aug 16 T7'l7 Notice. lPPLICVTIQN WILT, BE MADETtl THE Bext General Afwejnbly.for the paag ot an Act to be entitled "An Act cwnoeruln the City of Wilmington, and for other purpose.' uov8lm . ' RelaQ Store, 20 Market Street, HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall suid Winter Stock ever of- ered to the public in this e3ty at redneed 'prices, conElftttn of ' DLOTH I 1ST O- ! " , .Ot very desefiptio. PHILADELPHIA READY HADE GOODS. aud tlie riueKt assortment of ! " LADIES GAITERS ' : .AND CHHiDMNS' SHOES IN THE Cm drV goods. t 100 PIECES JKtGUBE, V ' ' " 500 " PRINTS, o0 " CASSIMERES, 85 ' ' LINEN SHEETING,' 2D0 DOZEN TOWELS. AND, ALSO, The Largest and best assortment ol MJ2J3S JFMMjT MEATS ' """ nd All of whleh we offer at reduced prices. SOL -BEAR & BROS. oet 10 M4RRIAHE GtfID EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR. Be ing a private instructor for married person? or those about to he married,' Bothmate and female ln.LVtything concerning the physiology and relations of our sexual sys tem, and tho production and prevention o! offaprHg, including all the new discoveries neverT:efore given in tho English language by WM. "YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting ork. It Is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous- Engravings All young married people, or those contemplating-marriage, and having the least impediment to married lfe, should read thi3 .book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house. It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG. No, 410 Spruce street, above Fourth. Philadelphia. $3f AFFLICTED AND UNFORTU NATE. No matter what may be y onr di easo, before you place yourself UBder the care of n'ny of the QTJACE8 native and foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a cpy of Dr. Young's Book and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life.- Dr Young can be con sulted on any of the diseases described In bis publications by mail or at his office .No 41ft Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadel phia. sept 18 103-Sm OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR s IS STILL ahead of any other on the market Our Pearl Hominy cannot be surpassed Always on hand at the MlH and Deposltcpy Cracked Corn, Corn'. Bolted Meal, . Peas and Pea Meal, Oats, Shorts and Bran. Ail goods sold drajed free.x All4 bags returned In" good order will be credited at cost on next bill. , . ALFTT. OLDHAM, Proprietor. ept27 ur' Try The English Ties. T IS STONG, Ills high laceO, It la warranted. DUDLEY & ELLIS, 81yn cf the Big BogL nov 29 flBJH I K ii li n w eiler (Late Green Va4d & Co.l) . 3 m - W t : ' fc?f, ,3.--. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Winc, Brandies, . Gins, Whiskjk .land Segars. V i . , NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST., ': Respeetfullr inlorms his nnmerous custom ers that he has opened the largest and best' stock of Pure Liquors In the Utate at prices to compete with any Northern house. I shall keep, constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Corn Whis kies, Imported Brandies, Wines and Sesars. Purchasers will do well to examine my stoclc before buying elsewhere. B" SEGARS A oct i SPECIALITT 121-1 tv Old Clarelidon Bar. - THIS old and well known place, near the foot of Market street, South side, has been refitted and recently opened by the under feigned, and be invites his old friends to call on him. At all times there can be obtained the best of LIQUOR S , W IX E S j & C, Either by the drink, or in larger quantities. A Ills Restaurantls always supplied with tne best OYSTERS the market aflbrdp, which will be served In any style desired. MEALS furnished at all hours. 3Don't lftlll to call on ROB SCARBOROUGH, At th0ld Clarendon Bar. JNoyJU 187J 151 to Whom it may concern! THE Agency for the sale of the FLORENCE Sewing Machines In the State of North Carolina is now in the bands of ashu ell & 31a cumber, OF WILMINGTON, N. 0. ' ' , Alt unsettled accounts of former agents are in their hands, and they alone aie au thorized to solicit and receipt for al moneys due. THoS. HALL, Special Agent. FlorencoHScwing Machine Ot nov 23 183 it Scribncr's Won hly. " A serial story by Dr. Holland. New story by Saxe Holm. A lona: story froa Bret Harte. Brilliant array of contributors. Clarence Cook on lurnlture, and dccoratlCft. . H. .Stoddard n nuthorS.- : T:$&: EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS; -J 500 Pages for $1.00! &c, &c. . ' The publishers of 8ciB!fEn'8 Monthlt, lathe Prospectus just issued, promise for Uie ensuing year a ujorovniuaui, wrrajr vi contributors, and an increase In the varietv and beauty of its illustrations, already eon-t ceded by the critics to be4,ttner tban any which have hitherto appeared in any Atacrn." IcanViiasBzlno." &ei Holland, the Editor, will write tho serialtory of the year, which will be auto biographical in form, and will beir.ustri.ted hy Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bonnieastle, andwrlll deal with some of tlie m$s.t.V&iQt problems of American life. It wlf bcom menaced In the November numhert . ' - Therein he new story by Saxe Holm, The One tjjfed.Daccers. BreV Hartethe beat writer of short sto rles now living, will contribute ebsrae ter ietic story, entit led The Epic ot Flddlttowa, which will be illustrated by. Shppard. R. H. Stoddard will write a surios of en tertaining papers about Authors, their per son's! characteristics, home life, ialliiU-s, friends, whiins, and ways. A series ot por traits ol living A met lean writers. Is alo promised. ClareDce Cook will write about farniture and the decoration of homes These papers will be eminently practical ai well as artis tic, and will be i lastrated with designs and sketches by numerous arlieta in addition to those which tho writer him6e f wi'l furnish. Amonjr those who will contribute art: Uans Anderson, Bryant. Bushnell, Egglts ton, Froude, Ulgginaon, Bishop Huuting ton, Bret H-rtr, John Hay, H. H. Ma -Donald, Mi chel!,-Miss Phelps, Madmen, Stocktan. Stoddard, Celia Tnaxtcr, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of others. The editorial control anl direction of the Magazine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write "The Topicsof the Time," which the N. Y. In dependent says "are more widely quoted tan any similar pipers in any American maezine. Watson Gilder will write 4,Tbe Old Cabi net;" as hitherto. Prof. John C. Draper conducts the department ot "Nature and Science " The departments of "Home and Societv" and "Culture and Progress," will enzag'e the contributions of more than a score of pens on both sides of the Atlan tic. The '-Watchnan and Reflector" says: 'Scribncr's Monthly lor September is bet ter than usual, which Indicates a needless waste of editorial brains and publisher's money, tor the Magazine was good enough beiore!" And yet the publishers promise to make it still better for the coming year! ! ' The Subscription price is C4 00 a year, with special rates to Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters. The fallowing EXTRAORDINARY J.NDUCEMENT8 are offered to new subscribers : . For 5 50 the publishers will send, or any Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply, the Magazine for one year, and the twelve numbers of Vols HI. and IV., containing the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant'.s Serial, 'AtHis Gates;, lor $7 50. the Magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers from, the beginning; for $10 50, the Magazi' : for one year, and the 24 back numbers ft ' -ad (4 vols.), charges on bound vola paid. This will give nearly 5 0J0 page of the choicest reading, with the fluent illustra tions, for$i0 50, or nearly 500 pages tor a dollar and will enable every subscriber to obtain the series from the first. Special terms to Dealers, Clergymen and Teachers. 8CRIBNER A CO. f 654 Broad wny, N. T. d-tf. iiiii OLD 6001) p - V 1BAIL UOADN. I7Haiiton. Tolacinia & Au- IL R. Voapany. i t -- :. -, CllATIGE OF SCHEDULE. rpU& TOlLdWlNO SCHEDULE WILL X fcolnto efiect at&25 A. M., Menday, TthTnst. V ' - DAYJCXPRESS TKAlN, (Dally.) LeaTe , . . i:25 a. ArrlTO at Florence. 0:5-5 A Arrive at CkOnmbia . 2:40 P. Arrive at Augusta.,. . , 7 4 - P LeaTjetiga;. . . ..Gss A rrtte at Colum bia 11 25 A M4 m M M M ArrlTeatFlorenee..i... 4:15 P. M ArrlTe at'WUmlmgton -. 10:23 P. M NIGHT EXPSKS3 TRAIN DAILY (SUN D.,Y8 EXCIPTISI. ) Leave Wilmington. 5.45 P. M Arrive at Florence .. 11:35 P M Arrive at Columbia 3:40 A. M Arrive at Augusta 8:20 A. M Leave Augusta 5:5') P. M Arrive at Columbia 10:20 P V Arrive at Florence 2 12 A. M Arrive at Wilmington 8:00 A. M JAMES ANDERSON, On'lSup't. oct 9 N 123 tf Wilmington, Charlotte & K. K. R. Company Offict Chjsf Engtvbzr & Ges'l. Sup't , 1 - MVn-iiXGTOif, N. C, June 27, 1872. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. j T JNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, tbc regular trains will run over this Rsad as follows i REGULAR FREIGHT TRAINS. ., Leave Wilmington daily at 6 A. AI., iid arrive at 5:80 P. M. PASSENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. it Leave Wllmingtoai daily at 7 Ai M. and' arrive at 8:30 P M. Leavo Lilesville daily arrive at 4:15 P. M. at G;lc A. M., and JBTwo Special Freight Troius ior TON LUMBER run' irregularly. pSZTlio trains on Sundays. ,r, g4 l. FREAIONT, OraB PJorHrssnxnao'lt. It. Co, imcKSBUKO'Ii. K. Co, . , May, Si st; 672. f . ri Ak-AND AFTEK JUNE 3RD, THE trains I mn an ftnllrvfira y LEAVE WELD ON. i t r Express Train 7:o0 p. in. 3:25 p. in. AT PETERSBURG. 10:50 p. in. 7.-00 p. m Mail Train ARRIVE Enpresa Mall , , . " LEAVE Mall . PETERSBURG. 6:30 y.. m. .Express &P0 p. TU ARRIVE AT WELDON Mail Express I FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg Leave Weldon . Arrive at Weldn ' ., Arrive at Peterebor ft) a 3:00 p.lA' 2:20 a.m. GASTON TR VINS. Iieave Petersbuig fJ;00 a', m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:50 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains Freights for Gaston Branch will ho received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed Rt 5:00 p. m. o coods will be received after that hour. J. C. SPRIGO, Je 5-tf Engineer and Gejieral Manage Wilmingtrn & Wcldoa R. I?. Company. OFriCHajrEJfEBAIj SUPEBIK T EN 1) E N T, WiLMrsGTOK, N. C, June S, 1S72 ) CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th 1NSTAN f, I PASSENGER TRAINS on the Wil raington and Weldon Railroad will run a; follows : MAIL TRAIN. Ieave Union Depot daily (8u:i davs excepted) At S:05 L M M M M Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot EXPRES8 TP.AIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . . At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot. . . . ... 12:11 T. 2:U f 3:5C ? 9:15 A. M 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M 5:30 P. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P. M 8:53 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A M Mall Train manea ciose connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquis Creek routes. Express Train consectionly with Acqnia. Creek route, PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at 6.00 A. M., antTarrive at 1.40 P.M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN8 will leave Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. ., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. . June 8 19-tf i i -rt "-t j j EW:. A T P O F U L A 1 fc W . I H. & B. EMANUEL, - 45 MARKET STREET, AKE- now opening, at very LOW PRICES, their new and well selected 'stock Of DRESS GOOIS, Cousislit!: partly of SILKS, POPLINS, ALPACCAS, REPS. EMPRRss CLOTHS, fcc. S:c. Also, at prices Shawls, Scar&, CloaU,- Cloakios, &c. . i Keep constantly on hand a lull line of SATINS, VALOURS, VELVETEENS and DUKS TKIMMING, in latest stylfs, and of every description ajs,jmib, ami FUHNWHINO GOODSCES' UDEKWEAR HoOP 6KT8, CORSETS, and UdIES' Parilculsr attention is ealkd to their complete, aesortment of Ladics and Children's Philadelphia maae SHOES, at prices to suli. . " Youih7s and Children's Clothin Gent's, Voiith's and Children's Mats and Caps With a lii6t. class itock'of Gent's FURNISHING GOODS. I)0 NOT 'FORGET THE PLACEJ H. & B. EMANUEL, ' I October 23d ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects of Errors nd Abuses in eurly life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book and Circulars sent tree, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth st., Philadelphia, Pa. anglO 72-3m FOR "CITY TRADE." -:o:- TpHE liEST STOCK OF MEDIUM AND 1 low priced DRESS GOODS iu the city. Hosiery; Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boys w&tat lowest prices. , V B. WEILL, '. --- " No 17 Market street. l AAft UVDiES CORSETS AT 50 cents to ivvv B. WEILL. Parasols '"andr'v-Xiddios -l Umbrellas."' i L A'EIIY QUALITY: 'AND fiTYTE I In? fmtit thfr'hfn.npKttrt,hflnsf.Yii!i.l1tv. T.. - - ; li, WEILLL. Oulieoes. ES PRINTS A8S PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from V V V 1)1-4 cents to best quality. B. WEILL Clothing LAliGEST STOCK OF GENTS' THE 1 rir, Clothlii": in the city made to order all of the latest styles. Will b-o woia -cttn wholesale prices. Bar, BargL ins THE PUBLIC ARE INVITKD 'IU vilV Li5 A r revll. We offer the lareest stock of DRY GOiDS in the city, at New York prices. We receive weekly additions to our Stock, and make every effort to please B. WEILL. apri!7 lflO-tf TWENTY 00LIARS FOR ONE A -J5 SEWING MACllINEFREE I SUBSCRICE NOAV FOR WEIEKIjY, A lirst-clrtss, twenty-column, Literary Fam iiy Paper, published every Saturday, at Charlotte, N. C, at tho low price of ONfi DOLL Alt JL YEAR ! Each number contains an' INTERESTING STORY, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep you laughing: a wetfc; and a general collection of the LATEST NEWS. Every euuscri'-jer gets chance at a Val uable Pkemjcm, and one out of every live will be sur to tret a Prcaiiuro, worth from 25 cents to 00. t Our CASH PREMIUMS arc in sums of $1, ?2, 5, $10 and $20, with from two to ten premiums of each denomination. Our other premiums" consist of useful articles, such as Sewinp Machines, Bleached Domes tic, c, S:c., ranging in value Irom twenty live cents to $25.00. 44 Delaj are dangerous. " Subscribe im mt diately, and get a chance at the large premiums. TO AGENTS. We arc offering more lib eral indncemeutP fur Clubs than any other Publisher. You can make money by n vassing for OUR WEEKLY. For specimen copy of paper, Premium List ard terms to Agents, send 3-cent stanu to J. O. II. NUTALL, - Piiblishtr of Our Weekly, Charlotte, N. C. in y 2 : fW T f F. A. SHUTTE No. 3 AlD 5 GRANITE RbV, Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, i i' PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, rri A CCT7T C rDUTHrO X, Sm Having just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public as good bargains as can be bad in the city. please call and examine. mavis K P R T P, E S net to bo; beat, v lo iTIARKT STREET. , 135 3m , MISCKLLANEGIX BALTIMORE ASfl WILMINGTON STEAMLSHIP -LINE. Composed of the flrstrlasa Steamships Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childs Lucille, t'apt. D. J,, Prion Will hereafter sail from Baltlniofeand Wil" -i - j mlmjton c EVERY JJ'IYS. DAYS.jf t - Tho . Steamship ItFBECCA CLTDD will satl from wharf, footW ChesnUtatreet,SAT-.VRDAY-October 13.?. a,v m via? - ' For reurht eneatrements. apnlv to S TBI SI SUIT : LI N H WOIZ NEW YORIt, SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNES DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. ; TIIIIOUOII CONNECTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT VT WILMINGTON No passengers taken; For Freignt applj BARRY BROTHERS, Agents may 20 117- Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. I: x (JOMPOSED OF FIRST CLASS STEAM PIONEER, 825 TON & Captain JOHN WAKELEY, TONAWANDA, 850 TONS, Captain WILTBANKS Will hercaner sail from Philadelphia ami Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTH & WORTTI, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street, Philadelphia. June 15 25-tf T. A. GRAJfGKK, Jf. C. W. II. CHILES, Late of Richmond, va NEW H OXE.L, GRANGER & CHILES, Eroprictora WEST CENTRE 6TBJEET1 -- . . . . -." GOLD8BORO. K. CT Convenient tor the Train leavin? or th North, tioutb, East and "W Cft L ans 29 .- a; , . . xjs3r-2sa " . M THOMAS CONNOR b A. rt e. b b.'ivi N. E. corner of Mulberry and Nutt fits. Always ; on band the best quality of Sega i 4m11 ' 137-ly is rr t 1 i it- I' I V. sjs:- ; . ,i . i '' I '' r