v "" -f V , ... ' v - " , .. i ,ih a .a rf;nq J -v. 2! 3f 4i 7 f - XO J S31T Of - it An h ife 11?pt5 f3 2 : f "J 1 vol. yi. WniMNQTON, N. C, FRIDAY; HO; M 1 V ffiit i) j J - - - Uj I ft .A' s f ' i - i i jt. ?u 1 ClftlCI I: TH.Vr.ftenioon except Snndaj. pCANADAT'r . ,;BnslneB8 Manager uivn.: Editor isntMcriDtton -r in advance,. ? !!? 'Doe . w .:-mOIllUB ' . -rt III biiBtoeft. letter, ftxouia. p? wj to the Baal was Manager nd all rnUons or matters' relating to the department to the Editor., ' :;; , DondenceoJlcitedfromourmenda Kto ofe State, on topics of gene iSt political newt and reports M are eapeciagyjleeb . YEW ADVEBTlSEMENlfc jjjTlND WINTER (JOODS i. M. KATZ 36 Market Street A COMPLETE .SSORTMEJIT OF 1 LADIES' DRESS GOODS In evcrv fariety, quality and, style SHAWLS, SCARFS, CLOCKS;, MEN'S AHD BOYS' WEAR U0U8E FURNISHING AND WHITE GOODS, &a, In short, everything that can be called tor in Stapje and Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions. &a, Liberal 1 Discounts ' TO , . ' WHOLESALE BUYERS. OUR MOTTO : 6UICUALES and SMALL PROFITS, Strictly adhered- to. M. M. KATZ, 38 Market tftreet, 135 tf- oct23 SOLOMON ' IiEVY, Dealer la Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Kotiotw, Fars, TruDka, Vali3C8 and Jewekry. A Large Stock of Ladles' & Gents' Furnishing Goods Kept Constantly on Hand. t Corner Front & Market St The Old Stand. WILMINGTON, N. V. 1S5 Ini BUY UMBRELLAS OF Muusoii So (Jo. M AIARET STRKirr, licre a! I kinds of Gents Olo-tliing to' be bought at.reasonable prices. CHILDREN AD BOYS' CLOTHING, BRACES, SUSPENDERS Aud a great variety of BOWS, TIES AND SCARFS. -nov 2 114 National Hotel. THIS POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN completely repaired and renovated for the hll trade. Extensive additions have been ade to the buildings, and the traveling Public may be assured of conit or table roams, a good table and attentive assist ants. ' REUBEN JONES, Proprietor. 120-tt LNSUMNC oct a & AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE CllPOtarl a V.O 1 A. A A A A w f, , "- hatj tuwcaii current ruves m lau iiPANY. ABsettH Stan nno nno UrppoTA BYRNE, Cten'l Ins. Agt., mxfW,. FIRE WSURANCE . . i , ox ijonaon, Assetts . avX WESTERN FIRE INSURE wjaipany, New Orleans, RXU FIRE INSURANCE AND u ju mp AJi x of V4 assets ' $509,000 BYRNE & KEEN AN, Offi.n , Gen'i Insurance Agents, ce Chamber of Commerce, np stairs. tint n -vt r 77-ly Late of Richmond. ad. va GRANGER'S N E W W fT E li GRANGER & CHILES, Proprietors VEST CENTRE STREET, ' Coati lKr!niv,?r'th. Tralhs leavlhe forth ing 2 orth Swth, East and West. SOL. BEAR S BROS:. Retail itore. ! - -v ...... f . . ; : - Market Street. JiiVVE JUST ; OPENED ,ONK OF: THE largest; JTall and fVinter Stocks ever of- ered to the public In this cilyl at reduced prices, consisting of. OX, O THE I 1ST O- it? f " t? t vcrydescri ptioD. PHILADELPHIA READY HADE .GOODS.. vt; and the finest assortment of LADIES GAITERS AJUD i GUILDEENS' - SHOES IK THE CTTl. , 100 PIECES; FIGURE, 500 " PRINTS, -1 f 50 M CASSlMERES, 35 " LINEN SHEETING, 200 DOZEN TOWELS AND, ALSO, i ; ; , . . The Largest and best assortment oi AND Childiens' Wear, All of which we offer at reduced prices. . ' ' ; SOL BEARBROS. OCtl6 , V ,v.'j98;tt MARRIAGE -CjiEIIpf;.,' EVERY ONE HIS OVVOtnfOR.Be-' ing a private instructorforimarleliersons or those about to be married, bpthnjale and female? in everything "--concerning- the physiology ind relations of our sexual sys tem, and the production and prevention of offspring?, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, IA04 ) Thiols teally a valuable and interesting if ork. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous' Engravings- All young married people, or those con-, tempiSXing marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read thU toJc. It discloses secrets thatr every onersliQttld he acquainted with ; still it Is a bookithgi must be locked up and not let lie about the house. It will be sent to any ad dress oti" receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. W YOTJNG, No. 416 Spruce street, above fourth Philadelohla. K3g?r AFlTXilCTED AND UNFORTU NATE, Jo matter what may be your dlv ease, before you plaee yourself under the care of any of the QUACKB native and foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a cepy Of Dr. Young's Book and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many & dollar," your health, and possibly your life. Drv Yonng can be cdn sttlted on any of the diseases; described in his publications by mail or at his office. No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Phlladel- 18 . 105-Sm 0UB EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR PSTiL'L ahead of any other on the market Our Pearl Horminy cannot be snflpaseed Always on hand at the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, Corav Bolted Meal, Peas and Pea Meal, . Oats, Shorts and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. f All bags returned in good order will be credited at cost on next bUL V , . . ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. sept27 . m 3Try The Engllsu ;Ties. T IS STONG, " Itis high laced, It ia warranted. , DHDIXY.TXLIS OLD FIRM- GOODS. I; K a. Ii n we 'lie x (Late Green wald & Uo.0 J , WHOLESALE DEALER IN wines, ranoies, bins. wnisKies V and Segars. Jlespectfuliy informs his numerous cubIoot ere mat he baa opened the largest smdnest stock of Pure tlquors In the fllata at price IshkU keep constantly qnliAnd old Kfen- bUUkJ IVY C UMU Ul kU wuinuiavwu WM- v " . . a ' . Kies, import ea 5ranaies, wines ana oegon. Purchasers will do well to examine my stock before buying elsewhere, j SEGARS A SPtilM? 'A oct v i tli J 1 f Old Clarendon Bar. "xflSold and well known pWce, near the foot of Market street , soutn siae, nas oeen refitted and recently opened by the under signed, and he Invites his old friends to call on him. At all times there can be obtained the best of j I LIQUORS, WINES), &c, T?m,i,i. WHia.lrlnl: nr ill laTMf OUantltieS. His Restatirantis. altvays supplied with the best OYSTERS the market affords, which will be servad in any style desireo, MEALS fut-nished at all hours. 4-Don?t faill to call on n J.,,-, BOB SCARBOROUGH, At the Old Clarendon Bar. W 11. 1872 151 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEllN ! THE Agency lot the sale of the FLORENCE Sewing Machines in the State of North Carolina is now in the hands of Cash well & Jttacumber, OF WILMINGTON, N. C. All unsettled accounts of Xormer agents are in their hands, and they alone are? au thorized to solicit and receipt for al moneys due. THUS. HAili, special Agen j. Florence Sewing Machine Co nov 25 leSU Scribner's Iflonthly. A serial story by Dr. Holland. New story by Saxe Holm. A long story from Bret Harte. Brilliant array of contributors. Clarence Cook on lurniture, and decoration. R. H. Stoddard on authors EXTRA&RDJJfARY INDUCEMENTS TO NEW' SUBSCRIBERS; 500 Pages for $1.00! &c, &c. ' The Trablishers of Schibneb's Monthly, In the:Prospectus just Issued, promise for the ensuing year a more Druuani i array ui contributors, and an Increase io the variety and beauty of Its Illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any Amer ican magazine." DrJ Holland, the Editor, will write the serial story of the year, which will be auto biographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. It Is entitled Arthur Bonnicastle, and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of American life. It will be commenced in the November number. - . ' , There will be a new story by Saxe Hoim, The One Legged Dancers. Bret Harte, the oest. writer oi snon sto ries now livine. will contribute a character istic story, entitled The Epic of Flddlttown, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. Stoddard will write a series of en. tertaining papers about Authors, their per sonal characteristics, home life, families, friends, whims, and ways. A series oi por traits of living American writers, is also promised. Clarence uook. win wnto wwui uiimuuc and th decoration of homes. These papers will be eminently practical as well as artis tic, and will be illustrated with designs and eketches by numerous artists in addition to . T A .IT 2 1 1 M mmrn t m V those wbich the writer nimseu win iurou. Among those who will contribute are: Hans Anderson, Bryant. Bushnell, Eggles ton, Froude, Hlgginson, Bishop Hunting ton, Bret Harte, John Hay, H. H. Mac Donald, Mitchell, Miss Phelps; btftdman, Stocktan, Stoddard, Cclia Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of others. The editorial control and direction of the Magazine will remain in the hands Of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write ,The Topics of the Time," which the N. Y. In dependent says 'are more widely quoted tban any similar papers in any American magzine." Watson Gilder will write "Thedd Cabi net;" as- hitherto. Prof. John .CTDraper conducts the department of" "Nature and L Science The departments oi "home ana Societv" and "Culture and progress, wm engage' the contributions of more than a score of pens on both sides of the Atlan tic The "Watchman and Reflector" says: "Sfiribner's Monthly for September is bet ter than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial brains and publisher's money, lor the Magazine was good enough before !" And yet the publishers promise to make it still better for the coming year ! ! The Subscription price is $4:00 a year, with special rates to Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters. The following . EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS are offered to new subscribers : yor $60.the publishers will send, or any Bookseller or Newsdealer will supply the Magazine for one year; and the twelTja numbers of Vols. IIL and IV., containing thC beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's 8enal, "At His Gates;" for $7 50, the Magazine for one ytar, and tte 24 back numbers from the beginning; for MO 50. the Magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers bound f4 vols.), charges on bound yols. paid. This will give nearly 5,000 pages of the choicest reading, with the finest Illustra tions, for $10 50, or nearly 500 pages for a dollar I aad wiU enable every subscriber to obtain the series from the first. Special terms to Dealers, Clergymen and Teachers. SCRIBNKR CO., 054 Broadway, N. T.. d-tf. Wlkiington, ColntilSfif An- rwmz FOLLOWINa SCHJEDULE WTl X go into effect at 3:25 A. MM Monday, ixn ml LaYe,Wlli4lMton.L 3:25 A. M juxiyzaz Florence a. m Arrive at Oolumbia............ 2:40PII1 AixiOciJnunxaU:..M..4i..i2 TA'lfLGS iLemiAlmi:. " ' 6.S5 AIM f Attite at Columbia 11 35 A. M 1 mmrt at Florence.. .......... 4:15 ArnTe'at vunungion w.to r, NlaHT EXPBESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN- f DAYS EXCErTED.) Leave WUmingnL:.. ......... 6:45 P. M Arrive at ColpJ4hla..i...v,...,-5:40 A.J Leave August w . ....... .. 5:5P. II Arrive at Gordmhla. . . . t. .". .... 10?2ffP,'M Arrive at Florence . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.12 A. M Arrive . at Wllmlneton . ; . .. . .-8;00 A. U ? JAMES ANDERSON, ' ; Gen'lSnp't oct 9 . 123-tf Wilmington, thcrlotte & R. B R. C6c(dan? Omw CHfB waw & &W 1 . Tifek'jfeHJf s p - n rt CUAriQE OF SCHEDULE. -QTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the regular trains wlU run oyer this Road as follows : J reguXa rreight' .trains. . Leave Wilnnigtnldaiiy- at 6 A. M., and arnve at o:ap Pw!.--- - r ADacxUiStt ,AU j&iPKJ&BB fTKElGxlT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington ' daily at 7 A. M., and arrive at iS0PJM. J-.t" ' Leave Lilesjille dally aj TftlS A. M., and arriveat4iliP.:M.r;.3 4 i-ii'vi .. v jTwo Special OTreigliti Trains for TON LUMBER rhn irregnilarij . . 3F"No trains on Sundays.? - -: ; ; S. L.' FREMONT; , Chief Engineer aid Superintendent luhe 27 ' v ... S5rtt orrnar FEmBSMxata1 kv fivi Wl! AN AND AFTER JUNK 3RD, THE trains " will run aa follower . .TiTCAVTC WTT.TinV - i Hi r. -.. , 1 . . . ' Express Train ; 7UJ0p. m. Mall Train 3:25 p.m. ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express 10:50 p. m. Mall ' 7Kp. m. LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail 6:30 a. m. Express 3:50 P. m. ARRIVE AT WELD ON. Mail 9:40 a. m. K-vin m Express 6:50 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg! . Leave Weldon " 8:00 a. m, 8:00 p. m. A'Cm n. ml Arrive at Weldn Arrive at Petersburg 2:20a.m. GASTON TRAINS. Leave Petersbwg; 6:00 a, m. Leave Gaston 1:15 p. m Arrive at Gaston 12:60 p. m. Arrive atPetersburg 8:10 p. m. No trains will run on Sunday except Ex press trains at thePeterebunr depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. . The depot will be closed at 5:00 p. m. No sods will be recalved after that hour- goods J. C. SPRIGlGr je5-tf Eneineer and General Manager. Wilmington & Weldon R. R, Company. OF7ICE GENBBAI SrFBKXNTJINDaNT, ' WrLMrkoTOw, N. CM June 8, 1873 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , .Tnn TiTn.inii. twoTvT mingtonana weiaon-.xwuroaa win ruu MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sun days excepted... ..At Arrive at Goldsboro . Rocky Mount Weldon.......... Leave Weldon dally: (Sundays 8:05 A. Ml 12: 11 P. M I a:il . s. I m. 3:50 . M excepted).... ........ Arriye at Rocky Mount ..... Goldsboro......... Union Depot EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily... At Arrive at Goldsboro. Rocky Mount Weldon..... Leave Weldon datly ....... Arrive at RockyMotmt r. . . . Goldsboro......... lLOtrfSM 1:16 P. M 5:50 P. M 10:40 P. M 3:00 A. M 4:56 A. M 6:50 A. M 7:10 P; M 88 P. M 10:58 P. M 3:10 A. M Union Depot.... Mail TriRn makes ciose connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Lino and Acquis Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquis Creek route. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON THIS TRAIN. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-weekly at flLOO A. M., and arrive at 1.40 P. M. vw, EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN r: DIVINE, Genaral Superintendent JonaS l-tf TJ. " ' r " AT P OP U LA ? H.' & B. EMANtjELi 45 ii n01 Wl8& a vert LOW PRICES, hcir new and n ell selected stock of of SILKS, JPOFXWIt A LPACCA 5 r REVS, EMPRESS i a uof C. AIOst1Hcts . : : a - ' 1 ? , jBlinnla Stffw ""r""?) "v, vvWO, v. I IT A, 11 1 " 1 t . HtVVM - . . i I fc;CJMnu un a&no a imi une.oi . BAJLiiMa, VALUUKS, VELVETEENS, and H DRE8dTRlMMINQn litest styTeslaDd of every Ucseripti on.- 1 111111 FURN18HING GOOD8. I Particular, attention is called to their complete assortment of Ladles' and Children's I Philadelphia made SHOES, at prices to snlL . YpUth78 ami ChtldrCHH UlothlUlT UciiVh, VouthS and With a " fiiat class stock of Gent's FURNISHING odoDS.5 . j i "DO NOT FORGET THE PLACE. ; . H. , October a3d t " ; '.'4 '.'4' :'; I Nir ; MARRI AGKE. ' HaPDV llelief for Yoiinir meri from th ef- 1 iecw pt' JTors ana Anuses : in early lire. Manhood reptored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book and Circulars sent free, i n sealed envelopes. ; Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Nn. 2 South Ninth sU, Philadelphia, Pa, FOR CITY TRADE. 4 -v -:o:- rrHK best, stoc low-priced DRI OF MEDIUM tANH ooor in tne city. Hosierjr, Housekeeping Goods. Men and Boys wear ataowesL prices. - & . M ' B; WEILL, No 17 Market street. ; Corsets. lAAfl LADlES CORSETS "AT 50 cents to Br WEILL. Parasols and, Xiadis ; ; TJiixbrellas, j ; QUALITY AND $T YLE RAN G Ing from the cheapest to the finest quality, . Calicoes. I t AftA PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from v VII q 1 cenU to best quality. , I , ' E. WEILL Clothing. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS' Clothlnr In tne cltv- in the city made to order all of the latest styles. Will be sold at retail for wnoiesaie prices. Bargains I JBavixv ins I THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED To GIVE US I X a I'm. W offfer the larsrest Sioek Of DR Y. GOODS in the city, at New York prices We receive weeKiy additions to our Btocic.ana make every enort to please. B. WEILL. april 7 ' . .. 180-tf TVirriTY nniiAnr, for nnp wm mm . saw w w mm mm A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE ! SUBSCRIBE NOW POB OUR WEEKIilf, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary Fam I Uy Paper, published -every oaturoay, at j Charlotte, N. C.,, at the low price of. I ONE DOLLAR A. YEABI Each number contains an INTERESTING STORY, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep jou laughing a week ; and a general collection of the LATEST NEWS. Every subscriber, gets, a chance at a Yxv uablk Pamirtm, and one out of every five will be sure to get a Piemluin; worth from 25 cents to $25.00. . ...... . Our CASH PREMIUMS arc in sums of $1, $3, $5, $10 and $20, with from two to ten premiums of each denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes- .SarBjaK" " " " " 7' Ita .frt MnrrifiMfn vs no f rnm nvpnfw. Delays are oangerous. ouoscnuo im- - jO AGENTS. Wc are offering more lib eral inducements for Clubs than any other Publisher. Yon can make money by san-visainc- for O UK WEEKLY. For sDecimen cbnr dfs taner. Premium Liit and terms to Aeents. send 3-cent stamp L . to J. O. H. NUTALL, PiMWur cf Our Wecldy, Charlotte, N. C. 56 tf inly 23 F.A.SHUTTE No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, ...... - ; PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE . ' FRAinlfiS, CORDS, TASSELS, PRLNGES,'' &c &c. - - .-.. . ... .. J ' r , ' ''- Having Just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared, to give the; public as good bargain as can be had In the city". please rail and eTamin may 15 ' 1 ' PRICES.- MARKET STREET, " list lobe beat, - , j rinnl;iiifru Jtr Children Hats and Cam & B. EMANUEL, 45 IUARKET STREET. . 135 3m MISCELLANEOUS. BALTIMORE AMWllIIIHGTOH SEMliWEEKLY STEAMSHIP LINE. Composed of the first-class Steamships I. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Price . Lucille, Capt. I, s. Donuetl Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childs Will hereafter sail from Baltlmoro evry Tuesday and Friday and from Wllmlngto eyerv Wednesday andSaturday, connectiuc "' at Wilmlneton wiUi the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta, Wilmington, and Wel don. and the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford railroads; also the several llucii of steamers to Faycteville, : , , Giving Through Bills of Laafrj To all points irr North 'and South Carolina, . Georgia nd Alabama; conhccllncr at BaltU ' ' more with the Baltimore, and Ohio and tho . -Nortnerrr Central raiiniaui hrn the. Vest and jKorthweNt, and with steamerxv ?,uV, HroJ,as ror -uosten, Tew York and . Philadelphia. -1 --i-i A. D. CAZAUX. ..' . Agents Wilmington, N. C- -, , AgenlfS, Baltimoroi , AS n Res t Co, deo3l LORILLAEDS ...... S T E A M S H I P L I ff E ,7 f T FOR NEW YOUK. SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNES DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTIONS WIT ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON No passengers taken. For Freight apply : BARRY BROTHERS, Agents ' may 26 147 Philadelphia and Southern Maft iSteamshlp Line. COMPOSED OF FIRST CLASH HTEA31 PI0.NEER, 82 5 TONS 1 Captain JOHN WARI5LEYV TONA WANDA, H50 TONS, Captain WILTR ANKS. Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. , . .. For Freight engagements, apply to WORTll WORTH, Agents, . ' Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JA3LES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street, Phlladelphial' J June 15 . : 2$-tf THOMAS CONTsTOR . M . 4 B -A. lt R Q:QW: ' N.JS. corner of Mulberry and NuttSt, Always on hand the best qhaTIly of Sega i ' ' vf 4eeli 157-ly r :".w": :,r. .' !'t'. 4 A.. t f ! . '.. i'l' V ,4 V 1 S it 1 .t tt - '. " T r : vf -f r 4 i- J . ' . ' ; . ... rtt ','-7 '! . '-' 7 ' " Itt - . ' . ' I .' - . r .- ...... . .. . .-. X t . 1 4 ... Att. 0 V 1 n SMf .1. .... J '. :; Vj- :,,((-.- v "- ;

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