. . - - ' !- -..j, -.1. ' . - - - t - is-.v w-:. - r - r - '-- " WILMINGTON, N. 0., felDAX JANItMy-10, 1873 NO. 201 1 1 rrvEisriisrGh post HvTryttSoon except Sunday, Flbf CAnIdaY.... Business Manager JA subscription. inadrance.. 0M r h,.indranc. ..$3 00 3 00, lie,otto.taaTine.......... 5.eontb.iaUr.........;;i ... be ftdl to the Butiuess Manager, and all flSm1 JcaUons or matters relaUng totbe C riepartmeut to the Editor. -editorial "P8 BOiiclted from our friends ff5!Kof eA?Btt2Sopl. of gene; 'Vntfr t. PoliUcal news and reports oi jlNDWlNTER GOODS nPRNINQ NOW AT M. M. KATZV Market Street 36 v r OMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS In every variety, quality and style SUAWLS, SCARFS, CLOAKS ; HEH'S AND BOYS' VEAB, HOUSE FURNISHING AND WHITE GOODS, &C, &C., lo short, cverytbing that can be called tor in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions. &cM Liberal Discounts TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS, Oiricw, 217M. KATZ, SO Market Stret. "Merchandise Brokerage, Office. i .nnatantlv nn faand Northern market. orders Merchandise bought and M Jn JW. tenuon. . Time as well as cash purchases goUated, whether you wish to buy or soil, ro cnted freely, aud oaen with your iocu Broker. PETTEWAY, , Merchandise and Produce feroker. dec20 " Ic"embeF2d2 Christmas VOW is the time to send in youF Order8 for i that Good Old Scuppernong Wine Let s drink and be merry to-day, ic-mor row we die. . . , Clubs of 20 drink a good deal. Clubs of 30 drink more. Uubs of rSNvk.tev.nejN C uec 1 BUY UMBRELLAS OF M Vinson fc Oo. 33 MARET STREET, Whore all kinds of Gents Olotliing may besought at reasonable Prtces. CHILDREN AND UUia BR.VCE9, SUSPENDERS And a great variety of BOWS, TIES AND SCARFS. nov 2 J - IVational Hotel. T11I3 POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN rpairedand Tenovated for the Fall trade. Extensive additions have been made to the buildings, and the traveling public may be assured of comiortable rooms, a good table and attentive assist ants. REUBEN J ONES, Proprietor. INSURANCE. I IKE AND FIRE INSURANCE CAN BE Xt effected at the lowest current raUa i In tne following responsible Companies, on. ap- S ! EV? YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. AssetU AVt! J. A. BYRNE, Gen 1 InaAgt., IMPERIAL FIRE aNSURANCE . COMPANY, of London. AssetU Qol(j GREAT WESTERN FIRE 7UR ANCE COMPANY, New Orleans, m FARM VILLE KIRE NStTRANCBJ KIRE INSURANCE rtxitfvf Vo.. assets BAA KIN U UUilTAn i t qqq byrne & ltrv-tVr!: omce Chamber of Comm.P aug16- 77 T, A. QRAOKR, fcS3ffe GRANGERS NEW HO TEX., GRANGER & CHILES. Prpprietors WEST CENTRE STREET, GOLD8BORO, C SOL. BEAR & BROS.. Retail Store, 20 Market Street. HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OF THE largest Fall and Winter Stocks over of ered to the pubMo In this city at reduced priees, consisUn of O I-i O mi I 1ST C3M Of tvery description. PHILADELPHIA READY MADE GOODS. ' and the finest assortment of LADIES GAITERS AND CHILDEENS' SHOES IN THE CITY. GrOODS, 100 PIECES FIGURE, I 500 " PRINTS, 50 CASSIMERES, 35 UNEN SHEETING, 200 DOZEN TOWELS AND, ALSO, The Largest and best assortment 01 AND Childrens Wear All of which we offer at reduced prices. SOL BEAR & BROS. 115-tf oct 1G jttRRIAE GUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR.-Be-ing a private instructor for married person j othSse about.to be married, both male and female In everytning w nhvsioloev ana reiaiions 01 uui -j - Fem and the production and prevention of icui, auu v k HiRPoveries XlJIS; and interesting work. It is written jn TViainlaneTiaee for the general reaaer, auu is" iZSrttelth numerous Engravings fAXM wmp.M5 -r-:?-- . w read impeaimeuw .-"..""". " "V- , err this book. At uibwuowb . - one should be acquainted with x still it Is a r . . - inlrM Tinand not let lie w-.v it iiap nftPH Hcacio hau about the house. It will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM? YOUNG. No. 410 Spruce street, above r IV. Tk1a41-nVltsi. i OUTlUt uimuv. vim . . - . tT.TT7-k'rTTT - n mrvvr n v 1 1 i rvni in. i NATE. No matter what may be your dl 25? bdbre you pace youf jdr Jhe rare of any of the; QUACKS native anu Srdjm-who advertise in this or any other ioreigu r,, Vftnntr'a Book and FfUii ft will be the means of nuvv.,. -r hPAlth. and iSud&unj of the diseases describedln Ki.nhMcAtlons by mail or at his office No OUR EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, a httt t. ahead of any other on the market I Srl Hominy cannot besurpawed -Aiwv.blandat the Mill and Depository Cracked Corn, 1 nn Un)tid Mea . Peas1 and Pea Meal, Oats, Sborta and Bran. All goods sold drayed free. ... . stnrrx, in Brood order will be credited at cost on next bill. rtetor. . - I lirfc 11 sept 27 . i . Try The English Ties. T IS ST0NO, tls high laceu. It Is warranted. n"?ore CglvTn"irthe ESish"iangnage? ny Miss Halloed xx "2- 5!7.f vnffvn f. D. This is really a Bonnicastle -1.-A f Ar.rican life. ESTABLISHED 1843. FIRM I. ahnweile (Late Greenwald & Co.O WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies and Sesars. NO. 10 SOUTH WATER ST Respectfully informs his numerous eustom ers ihat he has opened the largest wd bert stock of Pure Liquors In the State at prices I shall keep constantly on hand old Ken tucky Rye and North Carolina Cora Whis- Purchasers will do well to examine my stpcK befo buying elsewhere. SEGARS A SPECIALITY r 121-iy Old Clarendon JJar. THIS old arid well known place, near the foot of Market street, South de has been refitted-and recently opened by te under- sisrnea. ana ne invite " v-" i.rrv3 on him. At all times there can be obtained the best of LIQUORS, WINES, &c.? Either by the arms:, or m w e uj , C His Restaurantis always supplied with the wiU be sertrad in any style desired. MEALS irnished at all hours. Don'tfai11 SCARBOROUGH, At the Old Clarendon Bar. 11 1 oro . -' 151 X U V Jl, ioiu iTWHOM IT MAY COJNUHiKJNI THE Agency tor the sale of the FLORENCE Sewing Machines in the State of North Carolina is now in the hands of Cashwcll & Macumber, OF WILMINGTON, N. C. ah nncAftied accounts of former ascents . ; 1 . 1 4I,bv olnnA ftlfl (ID- nov25 . ' Scribner's JHon.lily. A serial story by Dr. Holland. New storv bv Saxe Holm. A long story from BrHarVe Brilliant array of.contnbu. Clsrence Cook on lurnuurc, uu . K H. Stoddard on authors Extraordinary inducements to i new subscribers; 500 Pages for $1.00! &c, &c. . 1 r anvrnwnfl MONTHLY. In the Prospectus just issued, promise for Ke ensuing year a more brilliant array of contributors, andan Increase in nc yanctj aSS "eauty of its illustrations, already con ceded by the critics to be "finer than any S?lch have hitherto appeared in anyAmer- ica? n?1'" Editor, will write the serial .to V of the year which will be auto serial 101 3 " ' jni i,A u natrated 1 iii r most a.mcuiw J-. t November . . T . 4- A ... rtrinun 1 1 i M. n nurn. r 6tory by Saxe HoIm TheOneLeggedpancers jjret Uarws, i r;K;VT.h.io.ter. ries now living, ww tuu.. uuv"- -- istic story, entmea iu wt 1 which Will be lliusirai-cu uj ri; 4-t u 1 J n mJ TIT 1 I I IV Vl I.tT n. HCl AlV V w - ... Xnm r an. tertalning papers about ,0 the per sonal characteristics, home Me, lam ill iea, friend, whims, and ways. A series oi por traUs ot living American writers, is also Prcmrendce Cook will write about furniture anVfK deccVatlon of homes. Theserpapers will Ee eminently practical as well asartis Wi nS will be i lustrated with designs and "ketcbt by numerous artists iu addition to hSfe wbich the writer hlmrt wiUfuraish. Among those wbowil con tribu e . -e, Higginson, Bishop TiretH'rte, John Hay, H. Hans Anamtwnjysna Frouae, n.gsiu". ir Mae. fetadman. bll'CUeil, i""o frr Stocktan. Stoddard, ceua Wilkinson. Mrs. wmtucj, . - The editorial control and direction of the Mae z'ne will remain in the bands of Dr. Hogland, who will continue to write Ihe Topics of the Time." whu h the N. Y. . in dependent says ",are mote widely ggd t an any similar papers in any American -ScribDer'B Monthly lor September 1. bet terthaS usual, wbich ipdieate. . needss waste of editorial maiuo r - h moneey! tor the Magazine J Sg before And yet tnepnousucio f-t, to make It still better for the coming year H rf snbcrintlon price is f4 00 a year, with e.p?Sal to Clergymen, Teachers, and rosimasiciD. KXTOBDINAEY INDUCEMENTS. are offered to new. ubscribew: the Magazme iui Jar,Iv containing pumbers f1 of Mr OlipnVnr? Serial. H?t mf Gate!- ioVT? S), the Magazine a vols.), charges on dJejlJe This will give nearly 5W0 PJg dollar I ana ww ,CMU'U''V'J. obUin the series rom cierffvmen and Special terms to Dealers, Ciergjmeu OLD 01D GOODS. TcRIBNER&C.,654Broadway,N.Y. d-tf. v bahroads; Wilmington, CMrlottD & Bntnerfora Hail Road Line. Eastorn Division : Now Schedule. Going West. STXTIOFS. , PJLSSBSOBB FBKIGHT. Leave Wilminjrton . . . 8.00 am 00am v Abbottsburg.-, 11 16 ll2 ... v Xumberton.-rl 12 30 2.05 p M Shoe Heel..... 154 pal Laurinburg... 2.9 " 6 00am Rockingham... 4 03am " Arrive at Lilefville... 45 10 00 " Going East. STATIONS. PAS8KSGBB FREIGHT. Leave Lileeville 7.40 am 12 00 m " Rockingham... 8.6' Laurinburg.... 10.80 41 5 00 am Shoe Heel. 10 55 ' 5 55" " Lumberton 12'0pm 9 50 " ' Abbottsburg... 126" 12.5 pm Arrive at Wilmington. 4.35 " 5.00 " nfr Rut. tag- No Trains on Sunday. Two Special Freight Trains for Ton timber, run irreg ularly. Western Division. F: STATIONS PASSENGER FREIGHT. Leave Charlotte 8,00 a m " Lincolnton 10,03 " ' Arrive at Buflfalo 11 30 44 ! RETURNING. Leave Buffalo 1 33 p m " Lincolnton... Arrive at Charlotte V. Q. JOHNSON, Assistant Supt. jau9 - 3!l5 " 5 30 S. L. FREMONTj i Gen. Snpt. Wilmington. ColqmDia & Au gusta K It. iompany. G. 8 UPBBTJf TBNDBN T S OFFICE, ) WrrimioTON. N. C. Oct. 7, 1872. f V m CIlAtlQE OF SCHEDULE. rniiE FOLLOWING4 SCHEDULE WILL 7th inst. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN. (Daily.) TI7nrIr,rtnn 3:25 A. M .ueave jimiu6u Arrive at Florence - " Arrive at Columbia 2:40 P. M Arrive at Augusta. 7 4 , F. N eave a ukub - OE. . M Arnvcsi vuiumi ..ep fuf of TPlrki-finpft. 4.10 r. i" trir WUminerton 10:25 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUN mW DAYS EXCEPTED.) t TT:lMnv4Ti 5.45 P. M Arrive at xioreuw q in I m Arrive at e.n m : f A n (TTiata o.&J J. on Leave Augusta 5 50 P. M Arrive at vuii""" o.ioa m I -4. TH.nnn(l ...... l J" : .4- wnmiTKrtnn . 8:00 A. M " TAvrw ANDERSON. , w.- e 123 tf Wilmington & Weldon R. B. Company. Officb Gbksiux. Supbbintsndent, 1 N. C. June 8. 1872. ) 1IUMUnuvi - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, mincton and Weldon Railroad will run af I " - - MAIL TRAIN. Leave Unlou Depot dally Sun- days excepted) At Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount - Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays A-vAanfAill ............ .At 8:05 A. M 12-11 P. M 2:11 '. M 3:50 ? M 9:15 A: M Arrive at Rocky MounV 11:07 A. M 1:16 P. M ioiaDoru Union Depot TP.YPRTCSS TRAIN. 5:30 P. M Leave Union Depot daily.. .At Arrive at Goldsboro. 10:40 P. M 3:00 A." M 4:56 A. M Kocay JM-Ouuii Weldon 6:50 A. M Leave Weldon dally 7:10 P. M 8:58 P. M Arrive at Kocay uuu a V L 10:58 P. M iaSDoru 3:10 A M UU1UU lciwm . .. - map connection ai wX. to np35t. Nortb via Bay Llue anu XWUiUC V - Express Train connects on v 4- rccfl. rpTiia TRATM .nnm nro . TVTQ IpflVe WliminCT a 'Tr.ooViv at 6.00 A M.. ana arrive at IAJA1 Wl wv . 1 W Jt iA OT.w.-naa urDrTflUT TRAINS Will leave -JSf?52?i-r,. ra;xceTted) at 5 r fi T ea " M TAtniT nnnNE. nan omi ftrmerintendent. v, ,o.tf nne o Coal! wooai -OAL WELL 8CREENED AND DEL1V V ' erea prompuj. WOOD OF ALL QUALITIES. Pricea as low as the lowest. Wharf o Hasand HowelL 8TANALANt). NEW; AT POPULAR PRICES. H. & B. EMANUEL, . 45 MARKET STREET, 4 - j, i - , . - - ABE now opening, at very LOW FIIIC$ their new ssd well selected stock of Consisting partly of SILKS, POPLINS AlPACCAS, REPS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, &c. &c. Also, at prices netto be beat, Shawls, Scarls, Cloaks, loaiiijDgs, ccv. - Keep constantly on hand a full line of SATINS, VALOURS, VELVETEENS, and DRESS TRIMMING, in latrat styles, and of every description. wtm i? arrnna LACES. UNDERWEAR. HOOP SKIRTS. CORSETS, and LADIES V til a im -' ' J 9 FURNISHING GOODS. Particular attention is caiiea 10 tueir complete asBuriuieub ui i-uies iuu aiiurva Philadelphia made SHOES, at prices to suil. Youti's and Children's Clothing ' Gent's, Youth's and With a first class stock of Gent's FURNKHING GOODS. . H. ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young men from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in eany nie. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Book and Circulars sent free, In sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth st., Philadelphia; Pa. - ' uug i . . . FOR CITY TRADE. PHE BEST STOCK OF MEDIUM Afv low pricea utviiMsa uwuo j Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Men and Boys No 17 Market street. Corsets. i aaa LADIES CORSETS AT 50 cents to IWUU $5. B. WEILL. Parasols and. Ladies umbreuas. itVERY tiTJALIXy" AND STYLEtLN5 C intr fvnfii t,hecheaDesttothefinestfua"ty. o - Tl WETLLL. Calicoes. 1 AAA PIECES PRINTS ASSORTED from lUUU 61-4 cents to best quality. WEILL Clothing. largest; stock of gents' liner in the city made to order an of the latest styles. Will be sold at retail ror wnoiesaie prices. Bargains! Bargains! ffHE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO GIVE US 1 a call. We otler the largest stock of DM receive weekly additions to our Stock, and make every enon lj pieww. iyo-tf apni TWENTY DOLLARS FOR DUE A $25 SEWING MACHINE, FREE I SUBSCRIBE NOW FOB OUR WEEKLY, A first-class, twenty-column, Literary Fam iiv Paper, .puoiisnea every oi.uj, Charlotte, N. c, ai me iow v ONE DOLLAR A YEAR t Each number contains an INTERESTING STUKY, worth at least the suDscripuuu price; enough FUN to keep you laughing : a . 1 ..oi niipr.tion of the Wet K : uuu a LATEST NEWS. . a Every subscriber gets " uable Premium, and one out of every five will be 6ure to get a Premium, worth from 25 cents to $25 00. o . 4. Our CA8U PREMIUMS reiuuiuD .) f2. 5. $ 10 and 120. with from two to ten iiri'ffiiums oi eacn ueuumnmv."". y 1 1 f ifapfnl Rrticles. otner premiums tuucni ----- . I K Sewing Machines, Bleached Domes . o. Mrrnfr in value from twenty- I1C, OCC, ivv. , ""'fi'ub ' I five cents to $25.00. npiava are daneerous." Subscribe im mediately, and get a chance at the large PS.11 -i rjvTTa Wa oro rvffp.rlnc more lib eral Inducements for Clubs than any other . .. i V-r. nan malfA TTlOneV DV vassing for OUR WEEKLY. List a?d terms to Agents, send 3-cent stamp j Charlotte, N. C. inly 23 ! F. A. SHUTTE , No. 3 AND 5 GRANITE ROW, Dealer In FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, FRINGES, &c., &c. it vMrMi a ktititjIv of FoTixlture, tarn prepared to give the public aa good bargains as can be had in the city. please call and examine. maylS v v , Children's Hats and Caps & B. EMANUEL, 45 MARKET STREET. "I On. MISCELLANEOrs. BALTIMORE LB WILMINGTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMSHIP LINE. Composed of the first-class Steamship' L. J. Foley, Capt. D. J. Prlro Lucille, Capt. ! S. Dantiett Rebecca Clyde, Capt. D. C. Childs Will hereafter sail from Baltimore evry Tuesday and Friday -d from Wllmlnrion every Wednesday andPalu-Hay, ennnecllnc 1 at wiiminatonwitn tne wiimioiwu. w ert. lumblaand Augunts, Wilmington, and Wel TtV I don, arid the Vilmlngton, Charlotte and r y" 3 Rntherford railrrtad; slro the several lines Giving Through Bills of Lading, To all points in North and Pouth Carolina, Geonrland Alabama; connecting atBaitt more with the Kaltlmore and Ohio and the Northern Central railroads for all point. In the Vest and Northwest, and with steamers andmilro ds for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. A, D. CAZAUX. Agents, Wilmington, N. C AndRes fc Co, Agents, Baltimore, dec 31 -W- LOJbtlJLJL.ArtirS STEAM SHIP LI NE FOR irKW YORK, SAILING TUE8DAY8 AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNE8 DAYS ND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUfJII CONNiiCTIONH WIT ALL RAILROAI1S LKAUinu OUT OF WILMINGTON No passengers Uken. For Freignt apply BARRY BROTHERS, Agents may 26 H7 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. iHOMPOSED OF FnWT. CLASS STEAM v SHIPS . ' , 'PIONEER, 825 TONS Captain JOIIN.WAKELEY TONAWANDA, 850 TONp, Captain WJLTDANKS. Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilmington, every WEDNESDAY. For Freight engagement, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agenta, Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 Couth 'Third Street, Philadelphia. - - June 15 - - - y . THOMAS CONNOR B .A. R OO Ivl . N. E. corner of Mnlberry and Nutt Bta. v Alwayrn hand tha best quality of Sega i. 40 11 157-ly4 i ! 7. V i Conventont lortbe TmlM S2L ' North. 8outh, EaU and West nov 29 . i . . a.ng29 r ( -